Data Collection

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Data Collection Methodology Template

I. Data Collection Plan [Chart]

Here, you will include each source of data that you plan to collect and
indicate a timeline for data collection. You will identify why you have
selected this particular source of data to collect. This table as well as
descriptions of each data source will be added to your Weebly site after
peer-editing. In addition to the professional literature as data source, you
may also be collecting the following forms of data: observations,
surveys/questionnaires, interviews, focus group interviews,
student work samples or other artifacts [lesson plans, etc], audio
or video observations, a researchers journal, or other. You will have
a minimum of three sources of data in addition to your professional

Research Question/Topic:



Data Collection Plan

Timeline/Plan for

The literature text

taken affect
throughout the
semester due to
finding the right text
for the sub-topics of
the study.

October 31st to
November 11th the

made during Data
Collection Period

The purpose of the

articles and books to get
a more of an in-depth
idea of a half-day versus
full-day kindergarten
classrooms. The
literature shows the
statistics of changing
the process of half-day
to full-day in the next
few years.

The scholarly literature

from the articles and
book shined throughout
the observations of the
for classrooms. I could
compare the literature to
data for similarities and
differences in the fullday kindergarten and
half-day classroom from
the schedule to the
teacher different
teaching skills of each of
the teachers and cocoaches.

The information

The teacher interview


ns in the


interview process
will consist of both
face to face
interview along with
via email interview.
The interview
questions will vary
with the veteran
teachers and the
first/second year

gathered will help have

a better understanding
the teachers
perspective and how
they feel with a full day
kindergarten classroom
or a half day. The data
collected will show the
pros and cons of having
a full day or half day

consisted of informal and

formal interviews. If they
didnt have time, I sent
them an email for them
to answer the questions
at their earliest
convenience. The formal
interviews I was able to
sit down with the
teachers in their
classroom. I could pick
up their attitude and the
changes of their tone of
voices depending on the

The observations
will be conducted
throughout the day
in the classroom
setting, lunch time,
snack time, outside
play, and after care.
The process will
take place over the
next three weeks.

The purpose of the

observations of the four
classrooms is to see the
different teaching
techniques and
management skills.
The observations in the
classrooms we can learn
things we couldnt see
when were in the
teachers shoes.

The classroom
observations varied with
the teachers schedule
and lesson of that day. I
observed days in the
beginning, middle, and
the end of the week to
see if the students act
the same or differently
on a certain day. The
observations also
occurred in the morning
and afternoon.

November 16th to
November 22 to fill
out about time in a

The information
gathered gives me a
clearer understanding of
how 2 hours can go
by in a half-day
kindergarten classroom.

The survey was given to

the principal to be sent
out to all teachers and
enrichment coaches. I
only received one

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