Civics 12

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Liberal Party

Liberal Party History

Current Leader: Justin Trudeau

The Liberals are descended from the mid-19th century Reformers who agitated for responsible
government throughout British North America. These included George Brown, Robert Baldwin,
William Lyon Mackenzie and the Clear Grits in Upper Canada, Joseph Howe in Nova Scotia, and
the Patriotes and Rogues in Lower Canada led by figures such as Louis-Joseph Papineau. The
Clear Grits and Parti rouge sometimes functioned as a united bloc in the legislature of the
Province of Canada beginning in 1854, and a united Liberal Party combining both English and
French Canadian members was formed in 1861.


8 Key Facts About Justin Trudeau

Key Facts about Justin Trudeau

1. Justin is set to be the first prime minister born in Ottawa.
2. Justin was born on Christmas Day in 1971 (his brother Alexandre was born on Christmas Day in 1973). Justin was only the
second child in Canadian history to be born to a serving prime minister. The first was John A. Macdonalds daughter Margaret
Mary Macdonald.
3. Justin will be the first offspring of a former prime minister to be elected prime minister.
4. Justin won the election one day after what would have been his fathers 96th birthday.
5. Justins wife Sophie was a classmate and friend of his youngest brother Michel, who died in 1998. She spent a lot of time in the
Trudeau home in Montreal.
6. Justin proposed to Sophie in the royal suite at the posh St. James Hotel in Old Montreal after a couples massage with
champagne and oysters. They held their wedding reception in the same hotel.
7. When he becomes prime minister, Justin will be the eighth person to do so while in his 40s more than any other decade. But
he wont be the youngest: Joe Clark was one day shy of his 40th birthday when he took office.
8. The Sinclair Centre in downtown Vancouver is named after Justins maternal grandfather James Sinclair, a B.C. MP from 1940
to 1958.

5 Issues that Liberal takes action

5 Issues that Liberal takes action

1. Environmental and Natural Resources

-We will make it easier and more financially rewarding for Canadian businesses to invest in
creating clean jobs. We will protect our freshwater and oceans.We will expand export
opportunities that benefit Canada.

2. Children and Child Care

-We will develop a child care framework that meets the needs of Canadian families, wherever
they live. -We will do our part to help Canadian children live healthier lives, with less exposure
to known health risks. To help families make better food choices, we will: introduce new
restrictions on the commercial marketing of unhealthy food and beverages to children, similar
to those now in place in Quebec;bring in tougher regulations to eliminate trans fats, similar to
those in the U.S., and to reduce salt in processed foods; and improve food labels to give more
information on added sugars and artificial dyes in processed foods.

3. Economy (taxes, national debt, trade)

-We will give middle class Canadians a tax break, by making taxes more fair. -We will provide
better oversight of taxpayer dollars. -We will expand export opportunities that benefit Canada.
-We will invest now in the projects our country needs and the people who can build them. -We
will fix Employment Insurance to better serve Canadians now, and help boost Canadas
economic growth now and in the long-term.

4. National Defense
-We will deliver stronger national security oversight. -We will renew Canadas commitment to
peacekeeping operations. -We will provide Canadians with a more secure retirement. -We will
maintain current National Defence spending levels, including current planned increases.

5. Multiculturalism, citizenship and/or immigration

-We will establish new performance standards for federal services. -We will give international
students and temporary residents credit for time already spent in Canada. -We will make it
more affordable for Canadian workers to send money overseas.

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