The Problem and Its Scope Rationale of The Study

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Rationale of the Study
The capability of pregnant employees in the workplace is an issue that is
widely investigated in the field of management. As a result, the study has been
linked to productivity, motivation, health and safety, and absenteeism or
Capability is the extent power or ability of a person to achieve certain
actions or outcomes in performing specified tasks. Capability varies according to
the employees mental and physical health. Health can affect the capability of a
person whether it is good or bad and according to the condition of their body.
This study was conducted to understand the capabilities of pregnant
employees in the workplace. From a managerial perspective which includes the
organizational goals, outputs of production and work conditions.
As mentioned above, capabilities of pregnant women in the workplace has
been linked to productivity, motivation, absenteeism/tardiness,healthand safety.
These factors are very essential to the success of the companys goals which is
one of the primary reasons why the researchers venture in this study. It was
believed that by putting efforts and time in this study, the researchers would be
able to come up with findings and eventually recommend possible improvement.

This study is anchored on the Capability Theory in Business
Administration and Human Resource Management proposed by Elliott Jaques,
(1996). Requisite organization: A total system for effective managerial
organization and managerial leadership for 21st century.
Capability theorists have linked an individuals innate traits and qualities
with the level of complexity associated with specific tasks.This approach asserts
that the more capable an individual is, then the more complex are the
responsibilities and the tasks they are able to undertake.
The method proposed by Jaques describes capability as a combination of
Potentials () and Applied Capability (A).
= () and = (, ,, )
The ability to processing complex information () is a function of an individuals
potential capability. Whereas applied capability is a function of an individuals
personal values and interests with respect to the task (), their knowledge/skill
attainment for the task (), and their dysfunctional or temperamental traits ().
The in this model has psychoanalytical qualities and describes a negative effect
on the individuals applied capability. Applied capability creates evidence,
observable behavior, goals that are achieved.
Capability theorists emphasize that the ability to process complex information is
not sensitive to factors associated with the working environment (internal or

external). But the application of ones potential capability is influenced by

personal traits and values as well as knowledge and skills. In the context of
quantitative measurements, the experimental design used in this research puts
this theory to test and concludes that not all the criteria suggested by the
Capability Theory are adequate predictors of an individuals Applied Capability.


The research flow chart is a useful tool in the study. It shows the various
steps which serve as a guide to the researcher on how the study was conducted.
It is consists of three parts. These are the input, the process, and the output as
shown in Figure 1.
The input shows that the researcher would like to determine the
capabilities of pregnant employees towards their job specifically organizational
goals; outputs of production; and work conditions to supervisors.
The second part is the process that involves the formulation, dry-run, distribution
and retrieval of questionnaires. The gathered data will be tabulated, presented,
analyzed, and interpreted.
The last part is the output, which is the outcome after the study is
completed. It contains the recommendations for improvement.

This page is reserved for Figure 1. Research Flowchart.

Statement of the problem
This study aimed to assess the capability of pregnant women in the
workplace in order to recommend possible improvements.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
1. What is the level of capability of a pregnant employee in the workplace
in terms of the following:
1.1 Organizational goals;
1.2 Outputs of production; and
1.3 Work Conditions
2. Based on the findings of the study, what proposal can be


This study is beneficial to the following entities: the company, the human
resource manager, the clients, researchers and future researchers
The Company
This research is significant to the company since this study is to address
the current issue of the company when it comes to productivity, absenteeism,
tardiness and health and safety of pregnant employees.
The Human Resource Manager
This will help to know pregnant employees working conditions thus,
keeping them from away from danger, tardiness, poor performance, and avoid
The Clients
This will ensure the clients will get good accommodation while receiving
the service. This will also prevent resignation and avoid hiring new employees
since staffing is the most expensive cost in the company.
The Researcher
This will give the researcher a chance to give aid to the company in
determining factors affecting performance and productivity of pregnant
employees especially in terms of their health and safety.

The Future Researcher

This will serve as a good study for any related studies since this includes
theories, application, and proposal.

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