Springfield College - Daily Lesson Plan

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Springfield College Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Morgan Martucci

Date: 1/7/16
Time: 8:53-10:19 am
School: East Longmeadow High School
Lesson #: 1/4
Facilities: Main Gym
Class Size: 24
Grade: 11
Unit/Theme: Volleyball
Generic Level: Control/Utilization
Equipment: 12 Volleyballs, 4 volleyball courts (4 nets), beats pill, music selection, exit
slips, visuals
Focus of Lesson: Passing to a teammate in a game-like situation.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

(P) Demonstrates 5 successful bump and set passes to a partner during the game-like
activities by angling their body towards their target. (National # S1. H2. L2; MACF #
2.17; activities 2,3,4)
(C) Lists how to accurately pass the ball to a teammate during a game-like situation by
by writing them down on the exit slip. (National # S2. H1. L1; MACF # 2.19; Closure)
(A) Communicate with teammates to identify who is going to receive a serve or pass
during game play by saying I got it. (National # S4.H3.L1; MACF # 2.26; Activity 2)
Check each objective is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally
Teacher Performance Objectives During the lesson the teacher will:
1. Demonstrate using a loud PE voice throughout the entire lesson to get the
attention of every student during instruction.
2. Identify at least 5 student names by the end of the lesson.
3. Perform demonstrations for each skill and activity by using teacher and
student demos.
Special Considerations What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the
students in this class?
1. Since the students are used to having a substitute, I have to be firm that
they are going to have different rules with me.
2. Make sure that everyone is well spread out when doing the activities so
noone gets hit with a volleyball.


Courtier, L., Chepko, S., Holt/Hale, S., National Standards and Grade Level
Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. Human Kinetics, Champaign, Il. 2014
(pg. 23)
Pangrazi, Robert P., and Paul W. Darst. Dynamic Physical Education for
Secondary School Students: Curriculum and Instruction. 8th ed. New York:
Macmillan, 2015. 446-449. Print.





Locker Rooms: Ss will come into the gym to

from their locker rooms and sit in a semicircle
in front of the white board.

Introduction: Introduce self to class. Focus of

the Day: Passing to teammates in a modified
game setting.
-Start and Stop Signals: Start: Ready Go,
Stop: Music stops, whistle; freeze, eyes on
teacher, place equipment down.
-Safety: Be aware of people around you when
you are striking the volleyball. Keep an eye
out for volleyballs being hit towards you. No
kicking the volleyballs, always roll the ball
back under the net.
-Review/Refining: Techniques for passing
Forearm Pass - (Pangrazi, 446)
-Feet are shoulder width apart with dominant
foot slightly in front of the other. -Forearms
are stretched outward in a flat position.
-Back of dominant hand is placed on the palm
of the other hand.
-Raise arms slightly to pass the ball towards
your target.
-Angle your body to where you want to pass
-This pass is usually the first pass used off
the serve/spike.
Set Pass - (Pangrazi, 446)
- Get under the ball so that it is above your
- Make a triangle window with your hands.
-Bend your knees and move your arms and



knees at the same time when passing the

- Give with the ball, use soft hands.
-Try not to have any spin towards the ball
-This pass is usually used as the second
pass after the ball is hit over the net.
Transition: Ss will get into groups of 6 and go
to one side of a court. 1 team member will get
a volleyball.


Warm Up: Ss will be into pairs. The student

who is the receiver will be facing the net, the
tosser will face the student with the ball. The
receiver must pass the ball back to the tosser
using either the forearm pass or set pass
depending on where the ball is placed. After 3
minutes, instruct the students to switch roles
Ss will say got it every time they are going
to receive a pass.
Transition: Music stops, whistle blows.
Students will place the volleyballs at their feet
and walk to the center court.

Informing: T will explain and demonstrate
leader ball.
Transition: Ss will go back to their courts.
They will place extra volleyballs back in the
equipment bag off to the side of the gym.

Activity 1: Leader Ball

Rules of Activity: One student the leader will
stand up next to the net facing the other Ss
who are standing in a single filed line. The
leader is to start the activity by tossing the
ball to the first student who will then pass the
ball back to the leader. The student who just


passed will then run to the end of the line.

The goal is to see how many passes each
team can get in a row without the ball being
caught or hitting the floor.
Transition: Music stops/whistle blows Ss
place the volleyballs at their feet and come to
the center of the gym.


Activity 2: Rotation Volleyball

Rules of Activity: Ss will get into teams of 3,
there will be 4 teams on two courts. One
student from the last team in line will be the
tosser. They toss the ball on either side of the
net, 3 hits per side, no spiking allowed. The
winning team stays on the court, and the
losing team rotates to the back of the line and
one person steps up as the tosser. The next
team in line rotates onto the court and the
tosser quickly tosses the ball back into play.
This is a fast paced game and the tosser
should not wait until everyone is set and
-Extension Down: Have the tosser wait until
the team is set to put the ball into play.
-Extension Up: Have the tosser go faster.
Transition: Whistle blows/music stops. Ss will
place the volleyballs at their feet and walk
over to the court that they were on for the first
activity with their original team of 6.

Activity 3: Modified Volleyball

Activity Rules: Game of volleyball is played
with the teams tossing the ball over the net. 3
hits per side, no spiking, rally scoring. Games
will be timed for 5 minutes.
Transition: Once 5 minutes is up, T will blow
whistle/stop music. Teams in the middle of

the gym will rotate one court clockwise.

Extension Down: Let the students hit the ball
more than three times per side.

Extension Up: Have the students attempt the

overhand serve.
Transition: Whistle blows/music stops. Ss will
bring volleyballs back over to meeting place
and sit in a semicircle.
Closure: Ts will hand out exit slips and
students will complete them.
Question: What can we do to pass more
accurately to a teammate?
Answer: Angle your body, dont have spin
during a set pass.
Question: Why is communication important in
Answer: To let your teammates know who is
going to hit the ball.
Transition: Ss place their exit slips in a pile
and go back to their locker rooms.


Volleyball Passing Exit Slip
List two things that we have to remember to accurately pass the volleyball
to our teammates.
Forearm Pass:

Set Pass:

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