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Springfield College Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Morgan Martucci

Date: 11/21/16
Time: 8:53-10:19
School: East Longmeadow High School
Lesson #:3/4
Facilities: Big Gym
Class Size: 24
Grade: 11
Unit/Theme: Volleyball
Generic Level: Control/Utilization
Equipment: 12 volleyballs, 12 hula hoops, 2 nets (2 courts), beats pill, music selection
on iPhone, whistle, whiteboard
Focus of Lesson: Attacking and blocking in a game-like situation
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

(P) Demonstrates accuracy when attacking and blocking by either striking the ball so
that it avoids a block or blocking the ball towards the middle of the court during a gamelike situation at least 3 times. (National # S1. H1. L2; MACF # 2.17; Activities 2,3.)
(C) Explain how to position the ball away from blockers when attacking during closure
one time (National # S2. H1. L1; MACF # 2.19; Closure)
(A) Communicate with teammates to determine who is going to receive a ball by yelling
I got it during game-play (National # S4.H3.L1; MACF # 2.26; Activity 3)
Teacher Performance Objectives During the lesson the teacher will:
1. Emphasize the focus of my lesson throughout all of my activities and
demonstrations by fully explaining them and checking for understanding.
2. Identify at least 5 student names by the end of the lesson.
3. Demonstrate enthusiasm during all of my activities by giving a lot of
feedback; corrective and positive.
Special Considerations What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the
students in this class?
1. Since the students are used to having a substitute, I have to be firm that
they are going to have different rules with me.
2. Make sure that everyone is well spread out when doing the activities so no
one gets hit with a volleyball.
3. Use a loud voice because I am in a big gymnasium.


Courtier, L., Chepko, S., Holt/Hale, S., National Standards and Grade Level
Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. Human Kinetics, Champaign, Il. 2014
(pg. 23)
Pangrazi, Robert P., and Paul W. Darst. Dynamic Physical Education for
Secondary School Students: Curriculum and Instruction. 8th ed. New York:
Macmillan, 2015. 446-449. Print.





Locker Rooms: Ss will come into the gym to

from their locker rooms and sit in a semicircle
in front of the white board.

Introduction: Introduce self to class. Focus of

the Day: Attacking and Blocking in a gamelike situation
-Start and Stop Signals: Start: Ready Go,
Stop: Music stops, whistle;, place equipment
-Safety: Be aware of people around you when
you are striking the volleyball. Keep an eye
out for volleyballs being hit towards you. No
kicking the volleyballs, always roll the ball
back under the net.
-Review/Refining: Techniques for Attacking
and blocking
Transition: Ss will get into pairs with someone
they work well with and go to one side of a


Warm Up: Ss will practice passing to each

other for 5 minutes. Start with trying to get 10
consecutive hits, and then go up to 20...
Transition: Music stops, whistle blows.
Students will place all volleyballs except 4
into the equipment bag on the far corner of
the gym. They will then meet in the center of
the gym.
Attacking - (Pangrazi, 447)



-Used only after a good set is made to you,

do not try and attack if you dont receive a
good pass.
-Approach consists of a small step with your
opposite foot, than a large step with the other
foot and a quick little step with the other foot
to enable you to jump off of both feet.
-Swing your arms back when you take off.
-Make contact with the ball with your palm.
-Strike downwards as hard as you can.
-If someone is up to block you, direct your
shot away from them by angling your body
away from the blockers and following through
away from them as well.
Blocking - (Pangrazi, 447)
- Can be done by any three of the players in
the front line.
-Take off slightly after the attacker and
position your body to where the attacker is
-Take off on both feet and bring your arms as
high as you can with your fingers spread.
-Position your hands so the ball will bounce
off and hit back into the middle of the court,
and not out of bounds.
-When you land, bring your arms back down
and let your legs absorb the landing.
-If you tip the ball and it comes on your side,
it does not count as a hit.

Informing: T will explain and demonstrate

attacking drill.
Transition: Ss will line up in height order and
teacher will count off teams of four to make
them more fair, half on each side of the net
across from each other. The attacking side
will be the side facing the wall. There will be
two groups per net.
Activity 1: Setting to the Attacker


Rules of Activity: Each student will rotate

positions so that everyone has the chance to
be an attacker and setter. On the side facing
the wall, there will be one setter in the middle
and an attacking line out to the side (left or
right depending on what side they are on).
The attacker tosses the ball slightly above the
setters head with no rotation. The setter than
sets the ball back to the attacker and they
attack. The Ss on the other side of the net will
be in a line and will catch the ball. Setter goes
to the other side of the net, attacker goes to
setter, catchers to attacker line.
After 5 minutes, have the groups switch sides
of the court so they can work both left and
right sides.
After 5 more minutes, add blockers. There Ss
who were in the catcher line are now
Extension Down: Setter tosses the attacker
the ball.
Extension Up: Attacker has to bump the
setter the ball.
Transition: Music stops/whistle blows Ss
place the volleyballs at their feet and come to
the center of the gym.
Activity 2. Plus-Volleyball
Rules of Activity:
-6v6 game of volleyball.
-All regular rules of volleyball apply, (serve
behind the line, if the ball hits into the net or it
out of bounds, it is a point, rally scoring)
-Serving team serves, the receiving team
must then pass the ball three times before
they hit it over
-Once they hit it over, it adds another hit to
the other team (they have to pass it 4 times

before it goes over the net) and so on. The

number of hits keeps rising each time the ball
goes over the net.
-If a team hits the ball over the net before
they pass the amount of times that they are
supposed to, it is a point to the other team.
-Rotate after you get the serve back.

Games are to 5 minutes, after 5 minutes is

up, teams switch who they are playing. There
will be 4 games played so every team gets to
play the other.
Extension Down: Let the ball bounce once
before the ball is passed
Extension Up: Have the number of hits go up
by two.

Activity 3: Modified Volleyball

Activity Rules: Game of volleyball is played 6
v 6. Scoring is different, if an attacker has an
ace, it is worth 2 points, if a blocker blocks a
shot and it falls, it is worth 3 points. Cannot
spike on the serve.
-Can serve either underhand or overhand,
has to be behind the service line.
-Really have the Ss focus on attacking away
from the blockers and the blockers getting the
ball to go back to the center of the court.
-Also, emphasize communication throughout
the game.
Transition: Once 5 minutes is up, T will blow
whistle/stop music. Winning teams will play
each other while the losing teams play each
Extension Down: Have the Ss hit more than
three times per side.


Extension Up: Have the only way that an

attacker can score if it comes from a bump
then a set.
Transition: Whistle blows/music stops. Ss will
place volleyballs in equipment bag in the
center of the gym and gather in a semi circle
in the center.
Great job today everyone, I really liked how
well everyone listened today.
Question: How can an attacker avoid a
Answer: Angle your body away from the
blocker, follow through away from blocker.
Question: Where should the blocker try to
block the ball back to?
Answer: To the center of the court.
Assessment: Have the teams pick one writer
for the team. They have to come up with one
strategy to either attack or block the ball and
write it on the board.
Transition: Ss are dismissed and go change
in their respective locker rooms.


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