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Running Head: Work Life Balance Impacts

Opal Ruiz
Seminar on Organizational Behavior and Development
International College of the Cayman Islands
Instructor Dr. David Marshall
December 15 2016

Running Head: Work Life Balance Impacts

This research paper outlines the concept of work-life balance and its associated effects on the
organization and the employees. Additionally, this research paper will explore the concept of
work-life balance and its associated benefits, advantages, and disadvantages to both the
organization and its employees. Questions that will be answered throughout this research paper
include; what is the meaning of the concept of work-life balance, what are the implications and
impacts of work-life balance policies on the organization, and what are the implications and
impacts of work-life balance on employees. Methodologies used for this research paper include
a literature review of scholarly journal articles, interviews with industry experts, and materials
from online resources as well as my personal reflection and implications based on the topic of
work-life balance.
Keywords: work-life balance, work roles, family roles, employee productivity, employee
engagement, employee satisfaction, turnover, retention, motivation, and flextime

Running Head: Work Life Balance Impacts

The Impact of Work-Life Balance on the Organization its Employees

This research paper will explore the concept of work-life balance and its associated
impacts, benefits, advantages, and disadvantages to both the organization and its employees. The
organizational behavior topic of work-life balance was chosen as it is important for me as an HR
professional to have a solid understanding of work-life balance policies as well as how such
policies impact the work environment, employees and the functioning of the organization on a
whole. Additionally, not only is the concept of work-life balance is important to me as an HR
professional, it is also important to me as an employee, mother, and wife as it is essential for me
to be able to obtain and sustain a satisfactory balance between my work and family roles.
Furthermore, everyday businesses demand higher levels of productivity from employees; and as
this upward trend continues there is a vital need for employees to be able to find a reasonable
balance between work and family roles.
Consequently, the need for a balance between family responsibilities and work
responsibilities is the reason why the notion of work-life balance was born and is also the reason
why this is such an important topic for employees and organizations all over the world. Hence,
organizations must be able to adapt accordingly in order to balance both the business needs as
well as the needs of their employees. It is important because without employees there would be
no business as employees are an essential resource that is available to an organization.
Furthermore, this is also important as while the primary objective of a business is profit
maximization and ultimately maximization of shareholder wealth, the maximization of profits is
heavily dependent on the productivity of employees. As such work-life balance programs are
important and beneficial in maintaining a high level of employee retention, productivity and
satisfaction and ultimately a successful and productive organization. Therefore, this paper will

Running Head: Work Life Balance Impacts

discuss the importance of work- life balance programs and the impact of such programs in
relation to the organization and in terms of employee productivity, satisfaction, motivation,
development, and retention; as well as how work-life balance programs impact the organization
on a whole.
Literature Review Article 1 - 2
Work-life balance is an important concept which enables benefits to both employees and
employers. According to Kaliannan, Perumal, and Doraramy (2016) human resource
professionals consider work-life balance as in essential concept in supporting job engagement
and employee satisfaction. According to Doyle (2016) employee engagement is defined as the
measure of an employees attachment to colleagues, job duties and the organization on a whole.
Additionally, engaged employees are more likely to contribute in a positive manner to the
organization (Doyle, 2016). kaliannan et al., (2016) states that in drawing a line between work
roles and family roles there is a separation between the employees, profession, career, family
roles as well as other domains of the employees life. Organizations have started to realize that
work-life balance enables a competitive advantage in retaining talented employees (Kaliannan et
al., 2016). This view is also supported by Carless and Wintle (2007) who states that many
businesses are implementing work-life balance policies to enable employees to cope with lifes
demands and also to heighten the organizations efforts in recruiting, motivating, and retaining
employees. As mentioned by Heathfield, S. (2016) employee motivation is an intrinsic
enthusiasm which drives the employee to accomplish work related activities as tasks. Hence,
work-life balance facilitates benefits such as improved employee motivation and productivity.

Running Head: Work Life Balance Impacts

Literature review Article 3

Work-life balance is an important concept which has been defined in marginally different
variations by various scholars and other experts. (Greenhaus et al., 2003) explains work-life
balance as the degree in which employees are equally involved and equally satisfied in their
family and work roles (Greenhaus et al., 2003). Moreover, Clark (2001) has described work-life
balance as the satisfactory balance at home and at work with a minimum conflict between the
two roles. By the same token, Kirchmeyer (2000) states his perception of work-life balance as a
method of having a satisfying experience in the various domains of life. Work-life balance,
therefore, requires an equal use of resources such as energy, commitment and time across all
domains (Kirchmeyer, 2000). According to Asiedu-Appiah, Mehmood, and Bamfo (2015) the
work life balance model is in relation to organizations assisting employees to sustain healthy,
fulfilling lifestyles which are likely to result in enhancements in performance and productivity
(Asiedu-Appiah, Mehmood, & Bamfo, 2015). Furthermore, the theory of work-life balance was
initiated to create a healthy and supportive work environment thereby enabling employees to be
able to balance their careers and personal / family responsibilities (Asiedu-Appiah et al., 2015).
Work-life balance is an important concept which impacts the organization in various
aspects. According to Asiedu-Appiah, Mehmood, and Bamfo (2015) organizations with policies
that support work-life balance have a competitive advantage over businesses that do not provide
such benefits. Work life balance is the concept of employees having the ability to sustain a
sufficient and satisfactory balance between their paid career responsibilities and family related
responsibilities which are likely to result in enhancement (Asiedu-Appiah et al., 2015). Due to
the continuous upsurge in demand for work and productivity, the issue of work-life balance is
becoming increasingly pertinent around the word (Asiedu-Appiah et al., 2015). As such,

Running Head: Work Life Balance Impacts

organizations are making a conscientious effort to create work- life balance in an effort to
improve productivity and decrease attrition (Asiedu-Appiah et al., 2015). Furthermore, Pronk,
(2005) states that the conflict between work life responsibilities is a serious issue which
negatively impacts employees, organizations, and society in general. Therefore, organizations
can utilize work-life balance policies to attain significant psychological, social and economic
advantages (Asiedu-Appiah et al., 2015).
The accessibility of work-life balance policies results in significant impacts to the
organization its employees. Changes to work life balance trends are as a consequence of changes
in available technologies, social needs, as well as individual expectations (Asiedu-Appiah el al.,
2015). As indicated by Asiedu-Appiah el al. (2015) it is dependent upon organizations and
employees to determine suitable approaches to enhance productivity without sacrificing the
security, and welfare of employees. According to Yasbeck (2004) work- life balance programs
refer to procedures created by businesses, as a component of their HR or management strategies.
As indicated by Asiedu-Appiah el al. (2015) such policies includes employees entitlement to take
time off from work including paternal leave, time off to take care of children, annual leave,
maternity leave extensions, paternity leave, and adoption leave, and also involves the right of
parents to seek flexible work arrangements of part-time work. Furthermore, additional work- life
balance programs include monetary support for childcare, maternity care, and elder care (Dex &
Smith, 2002).
According to Asiedu-Appiah el al. (2015) the advancement of organizations can only be
obtained from meeting the needs of the employees' interest; hence the importance of work-life
balance should not be disregarded. Furthermore, when employees are not able to effectually
sustain a balance among the demands of work and personal responsibilities this can result in a

Running Head: Work Life Balance Impacts

reduction in productivity, commitment, and morale, as well as increase absenteeism, (AsieduAppiah el al., 2015). According to Asiedu-Appiah el al. (2015), work-life balance programs
increases employee commitment and loyalty which eventually translates to higher employee
productivity. It is important to note that this view is also supported by Dr. Kevin Lo, Associate
Professor and Department Chair in the Department of Organization, Leadership and
Communication at the University of San Francisco as well as Mr. Mario Ebanks, MBA,
Founding Member of the Cayman Islands Human Resource Society, previous Director of the
Department of Labor and Pension, and current Chief Human Resource Officer at the Cayman
Islands Airport Authority; both Dr. Lo and Mr. Ebanks support the notion that work-life balance
policies translate to an increase in employee commitment and loyalty. As a result, it is safe to say
that there is a strong relationship among work life balance programs and increased employee
loyalty and commitment.
Literature review Article 4
According to Abendrotj and Den Dulk (2011), work-life-balance refers to the harmonious
correlation between the various domains of life including one's personal life and work life.
Further to this Koubova and Buchko (2013) states that work-life-balance is a very important and
complex concept when taking into consideration employees limited resources as it relates to
time, energy, and money. Work life balance is importance as it encompasses one's personal life
which subsequently has an impact on job performance in various workplace settings (Koubova &
Buchko, 2016). Additionally, in accordance with research by Koubova and Buchko (2013) when
organizations take into consideration family commitments such as parental and marital roles it
results in a constructive impact on work productivity thereby improving career prospects and
general life fulfillment. Furthermore, it is important for organizations to create a healthy

Running Head: Work Life Balance Impacts

environment for their employees and this includes enabling employees to maintain a good worklife balance (Koubova & Buchko, 2016). Koubova and Buchko (2013) hypothesis that when one
is able to perform well in the family and personal scope of life, this leads to a higher level of
personal satisfaction, which equates to improved work performance with increased opportunities
for promotion and career development. Furthermore, Rego and Pina Cunha's (2009) supports
that the perception of the availability of opportunities for learning and for work-family balance is
associated with a higher level of affective well-being.
Research by Netemyer el al. (2005) believes that managers should receive training to take
ownership of issues affecting employees which origin from work-family conflicts, and
organizations should create a culture that empowers employees with the opportunity to balance
family and role responsibilities. Accordingly, there are various methods in which organizations
can go about decreasing conflicts between work and family conflicts, thereby improving
employee productivity (Netemeyer et al., 2005). Such methods include providing employees
with non-financial benefits such as child care, family leave, mentoring, telecommuting,
maternity or paternity leave as well as psychotherapy for work-life issues (Netemeyer et al.,
2005). Additionally, Koubova and Buchko (2013) believes that despite employees resources
being limited in terms of time, money and energy employees can succeed in having a satisfactory
social life while being able to perform by delivering superior performance and results. As such,
organizations striving for a happier work- force should provide employees with not only
opportunities for learning and individual growth, but also with the ability to obtain equilibrium
between work and family responsibilities. Accordingly, to Ford el al. (2007) meta-analysis,
organizations are unable to optimize employee satisfaction without taking into consideration
non-work influences.

Running Head: Work Life Balance Impacts

Literature review Article 5

Downes and Koekemoer (2011) states that it is a business imperative for organizations to
provide employees with access to work-life balance programs as such programs enables
employees to balance both family and work commitments. The organizational benefits of worklife balance are extensive (Downes & Koekemoer 2011). Whilst programs for maintaining worklife balance such as flextime can be beneficial to the organization and its employees
implementing such a policy can prove to be quite challenging (Downes & Koekemoer 2011).
Changes to the traditional work environment including the introduction of new technology such
as smartphones, e-mail and other forms of digital communication have resulted in employees not
being able to balance their personal lives and work responsibility (Hayman, 2009; Hobsor,
Delunas & Kelsic, 2001).In addition, human resource professionals are now starting to see worklife balance programs as a business matter that is beneficial to the organization as well as its
employees (Clutterbuck, 2003). As a consequence, organizations their staffs are progressively
aware of the prospective advantages of work-life balance and related work life balance programs
(Downes & Koekemoer 2011).
It has been reported by Michie and Williams, (2003) & Morgan (2009) that work-life
balance programs result in an indirect positive impact on organizational profits. Furthermore,
some advantages of work-life balance such as improved employee contentment and well-being,
decreased turnover and absenteeism, increased retention and recruitment, as well as increased
customer satisfaction and employee productivity (Mayberry, 2006; Morgan, 2009; White, Hill,
McGovern, Mills & Smeaton, 2003). In support of this Mayberry (2006) indicates that
organizations that focus heavily on wok life balance initiatives report increased retention rates
and lower employee turnover rates.

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There are different variations on work-life balance programs which one such program is a
flextime policy. Flextime which is also known as flexible work hours considered to be one of the
most universally utilzied work-life balance policies and this trend continues to increase (Lewis
and Cooper, 2005). According to Hayman (2009), flextime enables considerably advanced levels
of work-life balance in comparison to traditional fixed-hour work schedules. The Families and
Work Institute advises that employees who have more autonomy over setting their work hours
are more likely to exhibit increased job satisfaction, engagement, retention as well as overall
employee welfare (Powers, 2004). Moreover, organizational benefits of implementing a flextime
policy include savings on overtime payments, improved response time to clients and work
responsibilities, increased employee motivation, and reduced absenteeism and tardiness
(Horwitz, Kieswetter, King & Solai, 2000).
As a result of probable challenges and obstacles which are typically faced when
implementing a work-life balance program, organizations should consider flextime programs
contentiously (Downes & Koekemoer 2011). The success of work- life balance policies depends
heavily on the way in which the policy is implemented (Mageni & Slabbert, 2005). Hence,
organizations need to ensure that work-life balance programs are effectively implemented and
frequently monitored (Clutterbuck, 2003; Dancaster, 2006; Duxbury & Higgins, 2003; Horwitz
et al., 2000). HR professionals must understand and investigate the perceptions and experiences
of stakeholders such as employees in relation to obstacles and benefits of flextime and its
implementation. Furthermore, information relating to potential benefits and challenges of
implementing work-life balance program is of significant importance to organizations (Downes
& Koekemoer 2011). According to Downes and Koekemoer (2011) without such information
organizations are more probable to develop work-life balance programs which do not cater to the

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requirements and needs of employees. Consequently, organizations may not succeed in achieving
the intended benefits (Clutterbuck, 2003; Mageni & Slabbert, 2005; Mayberry, 2006).
According to Felstead, Jewson, Phizacklea & Walters, (2002) work-life balance policies
enable employees with a sense of autonomy as it allows them to coordinate and integrate work
and non-work areas of their life. There are over 100 different variations in work-life balance
programs (Mayberry, 2006). Amongst those available organizations offer on-site or subsidized
child and elder care, flexible work hours, and job sharing programs (Dalcos & Daley, 2009;
Hobsor et al., 2001). According to Dex (2004), although work-life balance programs vary, most
fall into the following five categories; flextime work schedules, job sharing, telecommuting,
sabbaticals or career breaks, and part-time flexiplace. As mentioned by Hill et al. (2010) flextime
empowers employees to balance their career and personal responsibilities by enabling employees
to decrease conflict between family-work thereby improving performance and functioning at
work and work. Flextime permits employees to utilize a variety of work schedules (Downes &
Koekemoer 2011). As indicated by Downes and Koekemoer (2011) flextime allows employees to
choose an appropriate time to start and end work hours. Additionally, employees must work a set
number of hour's weekly or monthly basis, however, employees are able to diverge work hours
within restrictions (Robbins, Ordendaal & Roodt, 2004).
Implementing Flextime
In spite of the potential benefits of flextime programs, there can be various challenges as
a result of its implementation (Clutterbuck, 2003; Mayberry, 2006; Powers, 2004). Challenges
resulting from the implementation of flextime programs include; the different methods in which
organizations manage flextime, challenges arising from implementing flextime in teams and

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groups, lack of proper communication, education, and awareness of flextime policies, potential
stigma or career disadvantages from participating in flextime (Akyeampong, 1993; CIPD
Research Report, 2000; McDonald, Bradley & Brown, 2008). Moreover, managers may not
favor flextime explicitly or implicitly because of their unwillingness to surrender control over
employees (Dancaster, 2006). Furthermore, another challenge is being able to control and
measure flextime, as it is essential to carefully record and schedule employees who participate in
flextime programs (Downes & Koekemoer 2011). Research by Downes and Koekemoer (2011)
indicates that another challenge of implementing a work-life balance program is the potential
lack of infrastructure in off-site work locations as well as the struggle of disengaging from work
activities. Furthermore, managers and supervisors also raised concerns about flextime policies as
they are unable to determine if employees are actually working or assisting customers when
being unsupervised in the workplace (Downes & Koekemoer 2011). Therefore, while flextime
policies can be beneficial to both the employee and the organization, flextime presents various
challenges hence organizations need to carefully analyze its advantages and disadvantages in
order to effectively utilize and implement flextime policies.
Summary and Compare & Contrast of Literature review
Based on review of the above article Koubova and Buchko (2013) believes that work life
balance is an important concept which encompasses emphasizes on the need for organizations to
enable employees with the opportunity to sustain a acceptable balance between work and family
roles. Koubova and Buchko (2013) also believes that when employees are able to successfully
balance work and family commitments this equates to a positive impact on the employee which
leads to career development and increased productivity. Moreover, Koubova and Buchko (2013)
also believes that despite individual resources being limited in terms of money, energy, and time

Running Head: Work Life Balance Impacts


employees can manage to have a balance between family and life responsibilities whilst
delivering a high level of productivity and results. This may be the case in some work
environments however it depends heavily on the industry, nature of the business, organizational
culture, individual department, individual employee or business season or cycle.
The determination of an acceptable balance between work and family is determined at
an individual level hence what might be considered as acceptable for one employee may not
necessarily be the same for another. When at all possible; this is why it is important for
employers to offer a wide range of incentives and programs geared towards reducing conflict
between work and family responsibility. In order, to ensure that employees are actually provided
with benefits to support work life balance which are deemed as beneficial it might be useful for
employers to conduct a survey to gather important feedback from their employees. Employees
should also carefully measure and continuously monitor the pros as well as the cons of
implementing programs such as flextime, and telecommuting. This articles included in the
literature review also suggest that employees personal lives and family lives are intertwined in
that what happens in one aspect of an employees life will likely have an impact on the other
(Koubova & Buchko 2013). Furthermore, it makes sense that managers should encourage a
culture that empowers employees with the ability to manage both work and personal life as this
will be of benefit to the organization. This also demonstrates that the manager and the
organization truly cares about the employee as well as his or her family and this will ultimately
result in the employee feeling a sense of commitment and loyalty to the organization (AsieduAppiah el al., 2015).
According to Johnson (2015) work-life balance creates and maintains a healthy work
environment which allows employees to have a balance between work roles thereby improving

Running Head: Work Life Balance Impacts


employee productivity. Additionally, comparing the three journal articles from the literature
review there were various similarities which were identified from all three articles. All three
articles indicate that there is a strong connection between work-life balance programs and
employee productivity. Based on the literature the correlation between the availability of policies
and programs that suggest work life balance is positive in that such programs result in increased
employee performance and productivity. In support of this Asiedu-Apiah, Mehmood, and Bamfo
(2015) states that that work life balance programs are likely to result in creased performance and
productivity. Likewise, Koubova and Buchko (2013) also mentions that when organizations
consider family roles it results it a positive a positive impact on employee performance.
Furthermore, Mayberry (2006), also supports this this view as she states that there are various
advantages to work life balance programs which include improved levels of employee
productivity. As a result of this more organization as making a conscious effort to adopt work-life
balance polices (Asiedu-Appiah et al., 2015). Therefore, all three literate support that notion that
work-life balance programs equates to improved employee performance and productivity.
There are various elements of the literature review which suggest that there is a link
between the availability of work-life balance programs improved both personal and employee
satisfaction. According to Healthfield (2016) employee satisfaction is a term used to describe
weather employees is satisfied and happy with their needs as desires at work. Additionally,
factors which contribute to employee satisfaction include proving employee recognition
practices, treating employees fairly, and providing employees generous benefit packages. Of the
literature reviewed three journals cited increased satisfaction as a benefit of having work-life
balance programs. Koubova and Buchko (2013) states that when employees are able to balance
work and family roles it results in increased levels of personal satisfaction. In a similar manner,

Running Head: Work Life Balance Impacts


the Families and Work Institute advises that employees who have more autonomy in setting their
work hours are likely to exhibit improved job satisfaction in comparison to employees who do
not have such rights (Powers, 2004). Also in support of this concept Asiedu-Appiah, Mehmood,
& Bamfo (2015) mentions that the concept of work-life balance is geared towards assisting
employees to sustain healthy and satisfying lifestyles in balancing both personal responsibilities
and work responsibilities. As mentioned, all three articles confirm that there is a likely
connection between improved job satisfaction and personal satisfaction hence it is safe today that
there is a relationship between the two.
Organizational Behavior Topic Exploration
As mentioned, during the introduction, the organizational behavior topic chosen for
exploration is the importance of work-life balance programs. Specifically, the area of
concentration is in relation to work like balance programs and its impact on the organization and
as well the employees. The concept of work-life balance is important to organizational behavior
and development as it is the employer's responsibility to ensure that the needs of its employees
are being met. This topic is important as without having work-life balance considerations it
would hardship and disadvantages to the employee and their families. Additionally, if employees
are unable to balance the needs of their families it could result in a stain and eventually a
breakdown of the family unit. Furthermore, if this occurs on a large scale it would have a
negative effect on the organization and ultimately on the society at large.
According to Stephen Robbins and Timothy Judge authors of Essentials of
Organizational Behavior in the 1960s and 1970s employees were expected to work at a specified
location from Monday to Friday for clearly defined number hours per day (Judge & Robbins,
2014). However, today this is no longer the case with a large segment of the workforce.

Running Head: Work Life Balance Impacts


According to Judge and Robbins (2014) employees are increasingly expressing their concerns
that the boundaries between personal time and work time have become blurred, creating personal
conflicts and stress. However, organizations are now presenting opportunities for employees to
develop and structure their own roles (Judge & Robbins, 2014). As mentioned by Judge and
Robbins (2014) research suggests that employees want to work for organizations that can provide
them with some level of flexibility in their work schedules so that they are able to better manage
work-life conflicts. According to Judge and Robbins (2014) balancing job demands now exceeds
job security as an employee priority. As mentioned by Judge and Robbins (2014) organizations
that do not help employees achieve work-life balance will find it increasingly problematic to
draw the interest of and retain talented and motivated employees.
There are various implications that result in conflict between work and family roles.
According to Robbins and Judge (2014) firstly, the development and expansion of globalization
and global organizations mean that the business demands never cease. This is because many
employees who are employed by global organizations are on call twenty-four hours per day as a
result of needing to consult with clients or other employees who are in different time zones
(Robbins and Judge, 2014). Secondly, advancement in technology means that employees can to
their from home, in their cars, or from anywhere in the world, however, the disadvantage to this
is the many employees feel as if they never actually get away from work (Robbins and Judge,
2014). As mentioned by Robbins and Judge (2014) the third aspect that creates conflict between
work and family roles is that organizations are expanding employees to work longer hours. As an
example, over a period of 10 years, the typical work week in the U.S increased from 43 47
hours. Additionally, numerous single-parent households experience even more significant issues
balancing work and family demands (Robbins and Judge, 2014).

Running Head: Work Life Balance Impacts


As a result of conducting a literature review on the organization behavior topic work-life

balance, I have greatly improved my knowledge and understanding of this important concept. I
have learned that there is unquestionably a link between work life balance programs and an
increase in employee satisfaction, morale, motivation, engagement, attrition, retention,
productivity, performance, and overall employee well-being. Similarly, the literature review also
indicates that then is a connection between the availability of work-life balance programs and a
decrease in employee turnover and absenteeism. Likewise, the literature review also indicates
that the provision of work-life balance also enables significant business benefits to the
organization as well. Furthermore, as a result of this academic review of scholarly journal
articles, I also learned that while work life balances enable various benefits to both the employee
and the organization these benefits can only be realized if the implantation of such policies is
strategically planned.

San Francisco Experience

During the seminar on Organizational Behavior and Development which was held in San
Francisco, California I was able to learn more about the area of organizational behavior. Whilst
did not learn a great deal about my chosen topic of work-life balance, I was able to learn some
valuable information relating to other areas of organization behavior and development. For
example, one area of organizational behavior that was discussed during the seminar is the
importance of diversity within the organization. Overall I found the San Francisco Seminar to be
a good experience. As mentioned, my experience was closely related to the importance of
corporate social responsibility and diversity.

Running Head: Work Life Balance Impacts


My fellow students and I had the opportunity to attend the University of San Francisco.
Whilst at the University of San Francisco attended a lecture on Organizational Behavior by Dr.
Kevin Lo, Associate Professor and Department Chair in the Department of Organization,
Leadership and Communication at the University of San Francisco. As mentioned by Dr. Lo,
common topics related to organizational behavior include; group and team dynamics,
communication interpersonal and organizational, negotiation, personality, decision, making,
leadership, values, attribution theory, trust, cultural intelligence, organizational cultural,
emotional intelligence, self-awareness and mindfulness, resilience, as well as organizational
development (K. Lo, personal communication, December 4, 2016).
According to Dr. Lo having a good understanding of organizational behavior is extremely
valuable. As mentioned by Dr. Lo, understanding organizational behavior and development is
valuable in understanding people's thinking and behavior (K. Lo, personal communication,
December 4, 2016). Additionally, Organizational behavior is also valuable in improving
decision- making skills, conflict resolution skills, and negotiation skills behavior (K. Lo,
personal communication, December 4, 2016). Furthermore, having a good understanding of
organizational behavior is also beneficial in understanding workplace diversity, communicating
more effectively, becoming a better manager or leader, controlling emotions, as well as
increasing self-awareness(K. Lo, personal communication, December 4, 2016).
Application of the Learning
As a result of completing this seminar on Organizational Behavior and Development and
having the opportunity to travel to San Francisco, I have greatly increased by knowledge on my
chosen topic of the impacts of organizational behavior and development. Additionally, as a result

Running Head: Work Life Balance Impacts


of this experience, I am able to confidently speak on this topic and share the information I have
acquired with other like-minded professionals. Especially, in my position and Human Resource
Officer I can bring this knowledge back to the organization I am employed with assertively say
that based on my research there is a correlation between provisions for enabling employees to
balance family and work roles and increased productivity and employee engagement.
It is important to note that while policies supporting work-life balance can enable
advantages to the organization and its employees the policy must be properly planned in order to
achieve the desired benefits. This is information that I can also bring to my organization to
improve our current flextime policy. Hence, the quality of knowledge that I have acquired as a
report of this course will certainly aid me in my professional develop in the field of human
resources. Prior to conducting this research I've always thought as work-life balance programs as
such as great benefit to employees based on my personal experience in participating in such
programs. While I still hold work life balance programs in a high regard as a result of conducting
the literature review I have come to realize that such programs can also cause certain drawbacks,
and challenges to the organization. Therefore, I am now more objective in relation to the actual
benefits that work-life balance programs can enable. What I have found most surprising is that
prior to conducting this research I've always viewed work life balance as an advantage, however,
I now understand that work- life balance programs can result in negative impacts the program is
not properly implemented. Therefore, I have changed as a result of this experience as I am more
open minded in the sense that while implementing a policy might have good intentions to bring
about positive impacts the actual results may be the opposite if the policy is not strategically
carried out.

Running Head: Work Life Balance Impacts


Interview with Dr. Kevin Low

Dr. Kevin Lo of the University of San Francisco believes that whilst it does not have to
be a formal policy, work-life integration increases employee productivity (K. Lo, personal
communication, December 4, 2016). Dr. Lo also believes that among other factors, work-life
integration can help employees feel happier and more supported by the organization (K. Lo,
personal communication, December 4, 2016). Furthermore, work-life integration sends a signal
to the employee that the organization trusts him/her and is willing to let them be more
autonomous in their work (K. Lo, personal communication, December 4, 2016).
While it's difficult to determine if work-life balance policies increase employee retention
in the workplace; a work-life integration policy may reduce burnout and attrition (K. Lo,
personal communication, December 4, 2016). However, there are many factors that lead
employees to leave an organization (K. Lo, personal communication, December 4, 2016). Dr. Lo
states that he would not necessarily cite a work-life integration policy as a necessarily component
to increasing retention (K. Lo, personal communication, December 4, 2016). As mentioned by
Dr. Lo there are many policies or characteristics of an organizational culture which might
increase retention or, conversely, increase attrition. According to Kokemuller (n.d.) in human
resources attrition refers to the gradual loss of employees over a period of time.
Furthermore, according to Dr. Lo, there is a relationship between the use of work-life
balance programs and the organizational culture (K. Lo, personal communication, December 4,
2016). He states that the relationship between the two is highly mechanistic and that a formal
organization might not lend itself as well to a formal work-life integration policy (K. Lo,
personal communication, December 4, 2016). Furthermore, Dr. Lo believes that more organic,

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information organizations would be more inclined to adopt work-life integration policies (K. Lo,
personal communication, December 4, 2016).
Interview with Mr. Mario Ebanks, MBA
According to Mario Ebanks MBA, founding member of the Cayman Islands Society of
HR Professionals, previous Director of the Department of Labor and Pensions and current Chief
Human Resource Officer at the Cayman Islands work life balance programs especially if actively
promoted by the organization, can be a powerful catalyst for propelling an organization towards
being more effective and successful (M. Ebanks, personal communication, December 6, 2016).
As mentioned by Mr. Ebanks the key driver for this to occur is as a result of employees feeling
that the organization has their best interest at heart, this is also a sentiment that was shared by Dr.
Kevin Low of the University of San Francisco. Mr. Ebanks advised that when employees feel
that the organization has their best interest at heart this often express their gratitude by being
more committed and productive successful (M. Ebanks, personal communication, December 6,
As stated by Mr. Ebanks there are various reasons why an organization would want to
implement a work-life balance policy (M. Ebanks, personal communication, December 6, 2016).
Additionally, some organizations may have a written policy or it may be enshrined within their
core values or strategy (M. Ebanks, personal communication, December 6, 2016). According to
Mr. Ebanks, some organizations may feel that such a policy will translate into greater
productivity thereby enabling greater profits (M. Ebanks, personal communication, December 6,
2016). Additionally, some organizations may feel that providing work- life balance programs in
the right thing to do in order to build a better community of social and or family fabric (M.

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Ebanks, personal communication, December 6, 2016). In some cases, organizations may

implement work-life balance programs in order to effective utilize their facilities, equipment, or
other resources (M. Ebanks, personal communication, December 6, 2016). As an illustration,
organizations can effectively use resources such as office space, office equipment by having
work-life balance programs such as flextime or telecommuting (M. Ebanks, personal
communication, December 6, 2016).
Mr. Ebanks believes that there is evidence that work-life balance programs help
employees to be more motived and productive in the organization. He has said that throughout
the years there have been studies that show a direct correlation between such policies and the
engagement of employees (M. Ebanks, personal communication, December 6, 2016). As
mentioned by Mr. Ebanks if employee engagement increases likewise employee productivity will
also increase (M. Ebanks, personal communication, December 6, 2016). Furthermore, if an
employee is happy and his / her human factors are being addressed in a sensitive way,
productivity will also increase (M. Ebanks, personal communication, December 6, 2016). Mr.
Ebanks stated that there is great potential for work-life balance programs increasing employee
retention and that he is certain that there have been tracer studies and other empirical evidence of
this relationship (M. Ebanks, personal communication, December 6, 2016). According to Mr.
Ebanks, these types of non-monetary benefits can be significant motivators for the longevity of
the workforce (M. Ebanks, personal communication, December 6, 2016).
Similarly to Dr. Kevin Lo Mr. Ebanks also believes that there is a connection between the use of
work-life balance programs and the organizational culture. As indicated by Mr. Ebanks, in order
for an organization to have an effective work-life balance policy, the policy cannot be introduced
or sustain in a vacuum, or simply for financial or public relations purposes only (M. Ebanks,

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personal communication, December 6, 2016).Additionally, the organization has to be authentic in

introduction work life balance programs (M. Ebanks, personal communication, December 6,
2016). According to Mr. Ebanks, work-life balance programs must be intertwined with the
overall strategy and objectives of the organization (M. Ebanks, personal communication,
December 6, 2016). Additionally, work-life balance programs must be well thought-out and
holistic programs, otherwise, it will become obvious that the program is not authentic its purpose
organization (M. Ebanks, personal communication, December 6, 2016). Furthermore, work-life
balance programs must coincide with the mission, vision, and core values of the organization (M.
Ebanks, personal communication, December 6, 2016).
As indicated by Mr. Ebanks there are tracer studies and empirical evidence which
supports that work-life balance programs and satisfied employees translate to a return on
investment for the organization. (M. Ebanks, personal communication, December 6, 2016).
According to Mr. Ebanks, one such evidence is a study which was conducted by the Investors In
People Program, where the adoption of a suite if benefits and programs, such as work-life
balance resulted in positive financial gains for the organization (M. Ebanks, personal
communication, December 6, 2016). As mentioned by Mr. Ebanks there are various challenges
posed when implementing work-life balance programs as some of the tasks require some level of
sacrifice to work seamlessly and to not be disruptive to the organization (M. Ebanks, personal
communication, December 6, 2016).
However, Mr. Ebanks states that if there is a commitment to such programs from the top
of the organization, for example, the Chief Executive Officer is seen as the "champion" of the
program. Therefore, if the program is properly planned and implemented; it can be implemented
smoothly and can achieve the desired results (M. Ebanks, personal communication, December 6,

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2016). Business demands, lack of resources and the often-clarion call of "doing more with less",
these pressures can pose a challenge for implementing work-life balance and similar programs
(M. Ebanks, personal communication, December 6, 2016). However, Mr. Ebanks believes that if
the long-term mutual benefits are considered, then the challenge or resistance to such programs
will become less of a hurdle (M. Ebanks, personal communication, December 6, 2016).
I was not able to accomplish a great deal of learning new information about
organizational behavior or my chosen topic of work-life balance during the seminar on
Organizational Behavior. Whilst, the seminar was an absolutely amazing and once and a life time
experience it is not fulfill my learning goals as it relates to improving my knowledge and
understand of the core areas of organizational behavior. I was able to accomplish some of these
unfulfilled goals by conducting a very thorough and in-depth literature review of work life
balance. By conducting the literature review on work-life balance I've greatly improved by
overall knowledge on this important subject area. I've always viewed work life balance programs
as be advantageous to the organization as well as the employee. While this may be true I have
learned that in order for the program to be successful it must be implemented corrected and
continuously monitored, evaluated, and revised and revisited.
Additionally, I've also come to understand that in certain scenarios work-life balance
programs can have a undesired effect on the organizations if the program is not properly
implemented. Although, I have significantly improved by overall knowledge and understanding
of work life balance via conducting research and a literature review it would have been
beneficial to learn more about this topic and heats the perspective of HR professional on how
organizations can assist employees in maintaining a good work-life balance. I am very keen on

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expanding my knowledge on this topic and I am also very passionate about it, therefore, I extend
to fulfill my goal of learning more about work-life balance and organizational learning my selflearning, research as well as sharing views and opinions with other students and HR
Summary and Conclusion

In, conclusion programs and policies which support work-life balance enable significant
benefits to organizations as well as their employee. Benefits to organizations to implement worklife balance programs are said to have a competitive advantage in attracting, motivating, and
retaining employees. Additionally, the literature review supports that there are significant
advantages of implementing a policy or program to better allow employee to balance both family
and work roles. However, in order to be successful it is imperative for policies supporting work
life balance to be properly implemented and continuously monitored and evaluated for efficacy.
Advantages of work life balance programs include increased employee morale, increased job
satisfaction, increase employee motivation, increased employee productivity, increase employee
retention, and reduced absenteeism and turnover. While, work life balance is important and
enables many business benefits there are also challenges and potential disadvantages of
implementing such policies. Therefore, would life-balance programs should be strategically
planned in order for the desired benefit to be achieved.

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