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Brandi Nero

Classroom observations should be for at least one hour. Report on required observations using
the guidelines below. Points can be earned, depending on the thoroughness of your responses for
each section of your report. See practicum assignments sheets for specific observation details.
Classroom observed should not be your current practicum classroom. It can however be in the
same building.
Identifying information
1. Type of classroom (1 pt)
- I did my observation in a classroom at Keller I was in a normal 4th grade classroom.
2. Teacher-student ratio for lessons observed (1pt)
- While I was in the call room there were 18 students, one teacher and a para.
3. Grade and/or age level of children observed (1pt)
-4th grade
4. Classroom physical layout (1pt)
- The teacher had just rearranged the class room that morning she had a rectangle
carpet in the middle of the room she lined up the students desks around the carpet. There was
a chalk board in the front of the room on one side was a book shelf full of books and the
other side was the teachers area. There was also a projector in the room that they could use.
Activities Observed (Subject/activity)
1. Materials used (teacher-made, published) (1pt)
-The teacher used a smaller marker board one that can be rolled around maybe 3x1.5
feel. She used this to clip things to so show the students what they should be doing.
2. Purpose (what is being taught)
-I was in the class when they were doing writing. The teacher had them fold a piece
of paper into to squares. Each square had a different purpose. She called it four
square paper.
3. Procedure (brief-general description) (1pt)
-The four square paper was meant to help the students write their papers. Three
squares were used for reasons the other for the hook and conclusion.
4. Input/Output channel(s) used (1pt)
(What channel is being used: auditory, visual, kinesthetic/tactile, multi-sensory)
-auditory was being used when the teacher told them what they had to do before they
even started there writing. She also used a visual of her own four square paper before
the students started their own.
5. Students reactions (1pt)

Brandi Nero
-The students really like the four square paper. It helped them keep track of what
they still needed. If they need more help the teacher and para was there to help
answer any questions.
Personal Reaction (4pt)
Your reaction- how did the lesson go?
I felt that the lesson went well. Most of the students when write to work the
teacher was there to help with any questions. Most of the students understood what to do
but couldnt think of three reason.
Behavior Management Techniques (1pt)
How did the teacher control, reward and/or motivate the class?
-The teacher went around answering any questions that the students had.
Miscellaneous Observations (1pt)
Interesting materials, strategies, ideas, programs used
-Using the four square paper was an interesting strategy. I have never seen it
before. I always hated writing papers because I didnt know where to start. This helps
them start their papers and gives them good ideas to off of.
14-15 = A
13 = B
12 = C
11 = D

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