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Do you think that NATO intervention in Kosovo was justified from a just war theory

perspective, specifically, from the perspective of just war theorys jus ad bellum
Why or why not?
I believe that the NATO intervention in Kosovo, in the perspective of just war
theorys jus ad bellum criteria, I believe that the intervention was not justified. That
their proportion of success was higher than the Kosovo ethnic cleansing. However,
their probability of success was false, that there were even more civillians killed in
Serbia by NATO.
Just Authority
Just Cause
Just Right Intention
Probability of Success
Last Resort
Comparative Justice
Hehir, Natos intervention in the Kosovo conflict justified because
The claims of sovereignty are weighed more heavily at times by some than the
horrors of ethnic cleansing. Kosovo is an internal issue, struggle for self
determination within a sovereign state.
NATO is the wrong agency to respond to Kosovo
US Foreign Policy kind of war is a diversion from the necessary tasks the one
superpower of the world should take on
Noncombatant Immunity
Objective is now to win, to defend the just cause one must defeat the enemy with
My support of Kosovo as just cause is part of a larger argument which calls
recasting the moral legal political calculus of policy in the direction of
justifying some interventions for humanitarian reasons
To address NATO policy in Kosovo limited means faces two different kinds of
challenges. It implies the objectives of just cause might ultimately require that limits
be set aside as an encumbrance.

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