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National flower : Jasmine

National Bird: Chakor

TAPI Gas line couuntries : India
Switzerland of Pakistan: SWAT
Famous boxer died recently : M. Ali
Vitamin in sunlight: Vitamin D
Capital of China: Bejing
Bric countries: (canada not included)
Afghan-Pakistab joined by: Khyber Pass
Pak China- Korakorum Highway
2nd higheat peak in pakistan: Nanga Parbat
Second Largest Ocean: atlantic
Olympics 2016: Rio
Jf-17 parnter: China
Largest Export Partner Pakistan: USA
28 may: youm e takbeer
Gdp stands for: gross domestic product
LSE KSE ISE combined to form: Pakistan Stock Exchange
Pakistan came into being: Ramzan
Maths was very easy. Almost 5 questions were from BDMAS rule. 2 from average of these
One question was wrong (prime number)
Find Lcm
Comprehension very very easy. Just fill in the blanks
5 synonyms
5 antonyms (transparent, courageous)
5 idioms (to weather a storm, above board, ball in the court etc)

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