Metal Max Returns Walkthrough

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Developer: Crea-Tech
Console: SNES
Released: 1995
Written by threetimes
June 4th 2008
Version 1.00

o o ===[ _ ]

Updated May 18th 2011
Donations news!
Version 1.00 Updated to include more maps, Strawberry Lipstick, more on
Mini-Games, Baddie Promos and all things not found now found!
In writing this FAQ I have received help from many people who generously gave
me information that I might not otherwise have discovered. Even so, without a
published guide or being able to translate information from Japanese Metal Max
websites, there were still a handful of items I had not been able to track
down. Of these the most significant was the enticing sounding "Strawberry
Lipstick". I knew it was found in Il Migra, except I had not yet discovered
the precise conditions for getting hold of it.
I can now announce that the Lipstick has been found! Thanks to the help
of a number of people, so has everything else, and it is now possible to get
the elusive title: Item Collector (Gather all human items: TOOLS)
Special thanks go to kiryen, who explained the conditions for obtaining the
Lipstick, hergman, MAV, and UltimateCalibur who pursued the missing items to
the furthest ends of the Metal Max Universe, and to lianaleslie from Aeon
Genesis who translated the whole thing for our gaming delight. Thanks to you
all, and Happy Tanking!
And in the words of Rodriguez (wonderfully translated by lianaleslie ^_^)
"Let's have a mano-a-mano, balls-to-the-wall, old school showdown!."

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Table of Contents

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please use the search codes to find the location or section you want. Press
Control + F and then type in the code in the box that appears. Then press
Enter. If you are using a Mac it is either Apple command button at the side of
the space bar, + F, then type in the code in the "Find" box and select "Next".
Tanks are indicated with a capital T, and wanted monsters with a capital W.
They appear in the order listed in the Game Basics, sections 5 and 6.
A. GAME BASICS .......................................................*BASICS

The Characters
The Menus
Game Over
Tips and Tricks

B. THE WALKTHROUGH ...................................................*WALK

1. Leorad..........................................................*LEO
i. Southern Cave ...............................................*T1
ii. Northern Cave................................................*W1
iii. Northern Barrier
2. Negi............................................................*NEGI *W2
i. Beach Supply Depot and Trader's Camp
3. Pobre Obre......................................................*PO
i. Old Man Ulie's house
ii. Hidden Cottage
iii. Life Sciences Laboratory
iv. Shoreside Factory............................................*T2 *W3
v. Big Cannon
vi. Old Couple's House and Isaac's Spring
4. Audrey Town.....................................................*AUD
i. Port Slum....................................................*T6
5. Rocco...........................................................*ROC
i. Peerless Hospital............................................*T3 *W4
ii. Jizo's Passageway
iii. East-West Subway Ruins
6. Freeza..........................................................*FREE *W5
i. Supply Shed..................................................*W6
ii. Beach Cave...................................................*T5
iii. Corona Building..............................................*W7
7. Il Migra.......................................................*MIG
i. Tank Modification (Iron Den)
8. Yuge...........................................................*YUGE
i. Tank Ferry North
ii. Tank Ferry South............................................*W9

iii. Secret Waterfall Base.......................................*T7 *W11

9. Sol............................................................*SOL
i. Sol Sewers..................................................*T4
ii. East-West Subway
iii. Devil's Tower...............................................*W8
10. Eden...........................................................*EDEN
i. North-South Subway Ruins....................................*W10
11. Broadcast Tower................................................*BT
i. The Sewers
12. Santa Poco....................................................*SPOCO
i. Life Sciences Laboratory/Revivification Capsule
ii. Organic Waste Landfill......................................*W12
iii. Run-Down Oasis..............................................*W14
13. Canabelle.....................................................*CANA
i. Ghost Base..................................................*T8
ii. Scorched Factory............................................*W13
iii. Shopping!
14. Hells Gate West...............................................*HELL
i Hell's Gate West Trader Camp
ii. Hell's Gate.................................................*W15
15. Beyond Hell's Gate.............................................*BHG
i. Hound Cavern................................................*W16
ii. Global Relief Centre
iii. End Game
C. LISTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION...................................*LISTS

Tanks and Modification..........................................*TMOD

Best Tank Parts.................................................*BEST
Tools (Items)...................................................*TOOLS
Arms (Equipment)................................................*ARMS
Tank Equipment..................................................*TANKEQ
Metal Detector Items............................................*METAL
Mini-Games and Bars.............................................*MINI
The Fast Track..................................................*FAST

D. CREDITS AND OTHER STUFF............................................*CREDITS


Draft Details
Things not found now found!
Credits and Acknowledgements
Legal Bit






The Characters
The Menus
Game Over
Tips and Tricks

1. Introduction
Last year I fell in love...with a sweet tank game called Metal Saga, which
also was developed by Crea-Tech, and published in North America by Atlus, the
gods of quirky Japanese RPGs. I knew nothing of the earlier Metal Max games at
the time, but since then have discovered the delights of Metal Max Returns. It
is very similar to Metal Saga, or rather, Metal Saga is based on the same
principles as MMR. Both are free-roaming, turn-based RPGs, where you acquire
tanks and hunt down outlaws for rewards. They share a similar sense of fun in
the dialogue and in the design of the enemies. I wrote a walkthrough for Metal
Saga, and so it seemed only natural to attempt the same for Metal Max Returns.
However, I have only been able to play this text-rich game thanks to the
sterling work of Aeon Genesis, who recently completed a translation, into
English, of the original Japanese SNES game, and made it accessible to western
players for the very first time.

2. The Characters
Although you can choose a name for Hunter, the mechanic and soldier have
randomly determined names so I refer to them simply as Mechanic and Soldier.
Hunter. Default Title: Disowned Son
You start the game with one character, and his class is Hunter, so that is what
I call him throughout the FAQ. His key skill is driving, and that means
that he is at his best when driving a tank, so it makes sense to give him the

most powerful tank. Hunter's Driver level, which is shown on the stat screen,
is double that of the other two party members, and this level will increase by
two for each level.
Mechanic. Default Title: Tank Lover
Once you reach Pobre Obre you are able to recruit a second team member whose
key skill is as a mechanic. This means that he can repair any damaged tank
parts so long as you have the item, Repair Kit. He can increase his mechanical
skills by going to Hunter's Dad at Leorad, each time he increases a level, and
getting some training. This will increase his Repair skill level by two each
time, and when that reaches level 50, he can repair parts that are completely
broken. He is best used as a back-up fighter and healer, especially when
fighting on foot, as his driving and combat skills levels are the lowest, and
he cannot equip some of the strongest weapons, although he does have his own
special "Wrench" weapons which are useful against tank type enemies.
He joins you at level 1.
Soldier. Default Title: Bomb Girl
You will find the female soldier in the bar at Audrey, and you can only
recruit her if you are strong enough, as she will not talk to you at all if
you are too weak. She is your strongest on foot fighter, and her Combat level
is double that of the other two: this will increase by two for each new level.
She can equip the best weapons, as well as having the highest HP.
The precise conditions for her responding to you are unclear. At first I
thought it was dependent on Hunter being level 15, (in one game I had to level
up to this before she would even pass the time of day!), but in fact you can
recruit her at lower levels than this. One other idea is that her response
depends on Hunter's current attack power. See the section on Audrey for more
details about this.
She joins you at level 5.
All characters can get new titles during the course of the game, and they have
to fulfill certain predetermined tasks or meet various conditions to get
these. Some are based simply on their level, or the number of Wanted monsters
defeated, but others are more complex to obtain. The full list of titles is
in the lists section.
However, there is a tiny problem about the titles. If you want to gain all
titles for all characters then the "Wanted" enemy based ones will only be added
to the Soldier's and Mechanic's list of titles IF you avoid killing any Wanted
Outlaws until they have both joined your team. That means either avoiding
combat altogether, or running away if you bump into any of them before having
your full party.

3. The Menus

It is worth taking a little time to get used to the controls, although
fighting is intuitive, but there is the added bonus, or complication, of
having tanks and the BSCon, and knowing where to find the information you want
will help you in playing the game. Basically there are two separate sources
of information: the main menu screen and the BSCon menu, and in addition the
menus you see when in a battle. Actually the menus are very well organised
and easy to navigate, as well as being nicely presented. Each tank even has
its own unique colour code, for example, the Mosquito tank menu screens are
edged with bright green, and another tank's screens are outlined in yellow.

The Main Menu Screen
This is what you will see when you press the action button.
| Speak Party |
| Check Tanks |
| BSCon Drive |
o this option to talk to anyone
o Check...use this to open chests, look at posters, inspect plant pots and
fridges, (favourite hiding places for items), and anything that is
not a person. You also use this command when driving a tank, if you
wish to tow another tank.
o BSCon...this needs a whole section of explanation! See section 3.
o Party...this takes you to a list of party members, and then when you select
one, you get a new menu.
o Tanks...this takes you to the tank commands and equipment menu.
o Drive...allows you to do just that, to get in and out of your tanks.
-------------The Party Menu
| NAME Lv 1 |
| Item Stat |
| Arms Tank |
o Items...this takes you to your inventory and you can have a maximum of 12
items, or tools, as they are usually called. With three party

members that is a total of 36 items, which might sound enough, but

it is easy to fill up this space. To find out more about a
particular tool, just select it, and you have three options: can get more infomation about items and whether or not
you can use them, or perform a special action with one..
Trade....this option allows you to give an item to another party
member this option to throw the item away, but first there
will be another small screen asking you to decide if this is
okay: yes or no.
o Arms....this command shows your equipment. You can carry up to 8 different
items of equipment.
Weapon....some weapons can only be equipped by certain party members
Head......head gear
Body......body armour
Arms......hand armour, or gloves
Prtct.....this is an additional piece of protective armour which will
stop an initial attack from harming the character. It can be broken
by a strong attack and then you will need to replace it with another
protector. The broken ones can be sold as scrap metal, and when you
collect and sell them in bulk, you will be given new and stronger
o Stat....this command takes you to yet another new screen, where the titles,
levels and HP are displayed, as well as stats for strength, etc.
Class (Hunter/Mechanic/Soldier
Combat Level
Driver Level
Repair Level


Attack ...
Defend ...


There is another screen behind this one, and if you press the action
buttton a small brown panel appears, where you can see Monster
Badges. You receive a nice medal with a ribbon for every Wanted
monster that has been killed.
o Tank....this command will simply allow the character to get out of their
tank. If you are already on foot, there is a message to say that
you don't have a vehicle.
-------------The Tanks Menu

-------------You can only access this menu when at least one of the party is driving a tank.
You will be shown a list of all the tanks you are using: it might be one or
four, if you are towing a tank. Select one and you will see the main menu for
your tank. This is not the battle menu, but the screen where you can see what
is equipped and the status of that specific tank.
There is a choice from four options:
| Mosquito
| Tools | | Status |
| Parts | | C-Unit |
o Tools...this shows a new screen with a list of all tank tools.
o Parts...this option gives you another screen where you can select one of six
new options. Each one shows what parts are carried and equippped to
that tank, and you can install or un-install parts here.
| Cannon
| Autogun
| Special
Armour Tiles |
The Main Gun of the tank. These guns are powerful, but only make
one attack at once, and they use up shells, which have to restocked
at a garage.
These guns have less power than the cannon, but have infinite
These are guns with particular attacks, also called S-E guns. They
usually have only a few shells, but some of them can attack groups
of enemies, or even all enemies at once.
This is the control centre of the tank.
This is what powers the tank and determines the load that can be
Armour Tiles
These are the tank's protection, and can be destroyed when an enemy
attacks, so they have to be replaced. If you need to remove armour
tiles, this is the screen you need. You would need to go through
these menus: TANKS/Name of Tank/PARTS/ARMOUR TILES, to get to the
correct menu option.

o Status..this gives you another new screen with five more options.
Remaining Ammo |
Parts Info
Chassis Info
Carried Load
Shows the full list of tankd equipment and a status report saying
"Functional" if everything is in order.
Remaining Ammo
Shows how much ammo is left for all your guns, and how many shells
are loaded on the chassis.
Parts Info
This is a list of the names of all parts equipped on the tank and
what kind of parts they are: Special, C-Unit, Autogun, Cannon, and
Engine. This is where you can Install and Uninstall parts or
tranfser them to another tank, simply by clicking on the part you
Chassis Info
This gives the name of the chassis and details of Weight, Ammo
Defense and Slot Type:
MA is the Main Cannon
AU is the Autogun or auxilliery gun
SE is the Special gun
Carried Load
You will see a screen with the weight of every part listed
including the chassis and armour tiles, and details of exactly how
much weight the tank is carrying in total, and its maximum capacity
o will see another screen with three options.
Overall Balance
Programme Maintenance |
Dashboard Layout
Overall Balance
Shows a nice picture of the tank chassis with all the weapons
currently equipped. If you uninstall weapons then they will
disappear on this screen.
There are four possible qualities of the currently equipped C-Unit:
Power, Defense, Durability and Mods, and these are marked by a
thick or thin yellow line, so you can easily see the difference.
Program Maintenance
Different C-Units have different pre-set programs that can be used

with the tank. They usually have to be switched ON to use.

Dashboard Layout
This is where you go if you want to change the way the tank commands
are organised for fighting. Select them one by one and they will
show in the new order. The process is called "Reinitializing", and
you can do this for every tank if you want to, so the controls suit
your style of fighting.

4. BS Controller
The whole game revolves around the way you make use of the BSCon button
command on the main menu screen.
So what on earth is BSCon? It is not immediately obvious, until you take a
look. In fact it gives access to the in game computer. (If you have played
Metal Saga this was called the satcom.) This handy device contains every bit
of information that is in the game, well, not exactly everything, but nearly
everything. It is a HUGE resource, and getting a grasp of how it works
and how helpful it can be, will aid your progress and enjoyment.
Believe me, you do not need a manual for the game because you have one with you
every step of the way. I guess that also means you don't really need a
walkthrough either, and to some extent that is true. But there are some
things that you won't find in the BSCon, such as where to go, what to expect,
who to talk to, and the locations of hidden items and enemies. Once you do
find these though, many of the details will appear in the BSCon.
BSCon brings up the Data screen which gives you information about everything,
but only once you have found the places, items, enemies, tanks and so on. It
does not contain data for places or shops, unless they are located in the main
towns. By the end of the game it will contain information about most of the
things that are important in the Metal Max Universe, and all at the press of
one button.
This is what the main BSCon menu screen looks like, although at the start of
the game the BSCon will only show the list on the left side of this screen,
together with the Edit option that allows you to change the order on the list.
| Locales |
| Edit
| Tanks |
| Level
| Items |
| Escape |
| Trunk |
| Signal |
| Wanted |
| Guide
| Hunted |
| Laser

| Chime |--------------------------------| Rental |

| Locales | City and Village Data |
This shows the map, which appears in the centre screen, and your current
location. Press the location button again, (Locales) and it will give you all
the information about Leorad, your home town. Any services that are not
available are shown in grey/blue lettering. Leorad, for instance, does not
have an interior shop, or any tank parts stores, and in fact, no town has all
of these services.
Screen 1
If you select the stores' menus you will be shown the complete inventory for
each one.
Equipment Store
Tools Store
Parts Store
On-Board Tool Shop
Ammo Dealer
Tank Rentals
Others (...lists all the other services in the town on the next screen)
Screen 2
This is just a list, with no other information except for the interior shop,
if there is one. It sells furniture, pictures, and other decorative objects
which can be purchased for Hunter's home. Dr. Mince will revive anyone who
dies in battle and he lives in Leorad.
Memory Centre
Hunter Office
Interior Shop
Dr. Mince
Screen 3
This is another list of services, with no further information, and the Trunk
Room, where Hunter can store things, is only available in Leorad. The
transfer centre is a teleport machine which moves your party from one town to
another, but only when they are on foot.
Refill Station
Parts Modification
Chassis Modification
Auto Repair
Car Wash
Transfer Center
Trunk Room

| Tanks | Tank Data |

The left hand panel on the main screen has the command: See All, and this gives
you a list of all tank related information on the centre screen. Each tank is
numbered, from 1 to 8 and, you can see the information for each stat for any
individual tank, once you have found it. Your first tank, the Mosquito, is
number 1.

Sp. Shells

| Items | Item Data Information |
Data on Current Items, their uses and value. This gives detailed information
on every item that you currently own. If you have something and are not sure
exactly what it is meant to be used for, then this is the place to find out!
Tools...........this includes all the healing items, monster drops that can be
sold at the bar, odd things, and anything that is not
equipment or for tanks.
Equipment.......this includes all weapons, armour and protectors, but nothing
that is for tanks.
On-Board Tools..this includes the things that can be added to make the tank
nicer to use, and to add to comfort in various ways: seat
covers, ventilation, the Dog System, and also all tile packs.
Any negative add-ons such as bird crap are listed here.
Parts...........this includes everything that is needed to make a tank work:
engines, C-Units, and all guns, and has all the stats and
descriptions for the weapons.
| Trunk | Trunk Room Data |
Data on all things currently stored in the trunk room at Leorad. This is just
a list of stuff and does give any details of their purpose. There is a limit
to the storage, but it is generous and set separately for each category, and
despite trying to fill up the space, so far I have only managed to reach full
capacity for the tank parts.
On-board Tools
Parts (limit 32)

| Wanted | Fugitives Eliminated |
This includes all the Outlaws you defeat, but only after they have been
killed. There are 16 Wanted enemies and they are listed in a set order.
1 Name. Your level when you defeated them. Reward received.
| Hunted | Battle Record Data |
The Hunting Data screen gives the raw data of the numbers killed.
There are five classes of enemies.
Press the right directional button (situated on the left side of the screen)
to see the current weekly target. If you kill these specific enemies, you can
collect extra Gold from the Hunters' Office.
| Chime | Chime Settings |
Savings Chime
You can set this to chime when your cash reaches a certain total.
It will also tell you your current savings.
| Edit | Panel Array Settings |
You can change the order in which these headings are listed on the screen.
| Level | Experience Remaining |
This heading is not there at the start of the game. It is an optional extra,
and can be obtained by accessing the machine next to the ladder in the garage.
You can then use this command to check out how much experience is needed
before all characters reach the next level. This is handy if you want to make
the best use of the Weekly Targets.

| Escape | Auto-Escape System |
Found in the East-West Subway Ruins, south of Sol.
| Signal | Signal Coordinates |
You can obtain this function when you buy the receiver at the Hunters
Office in Leorad for 1024 gold. You also need the Signal Transmitter item
which costs 50G from any Hunter's Office, although you will be given the first
one for free. Throw it at a Wanted enemy and you can then track its location,
although you lose the Signal Transmitter item. You can only receive a signal
on the world map.
| Guide | Tank Guide System
This function is obtained once you reach Broadcast Tower.
If you use this when on the world map it will show the location of all your
tanks on the world map. Nice for those who forget where they parked. You can
then "recover" the vehicle so long as it is not in a no-recovery zone.
| Laser | Laser Satellite Strike |
Found at Broadcast Tower 5th floor, and activated when you insert the ID Card
(m) into the computer. To use this, you must be on foot and fighting an enemy
on the world map. You select USE, and then the BSController from your Tools
inventory. After that it will take three or four turns before the Laser
activates and hits an enemy.
| Rental | Rental Centre
You can download this from the garage at Sol, after renting more tanks than
Walgelyo and earning the Rent a Tank people more money than him. Then you can
rent a tank directly from the BSCon. There are 14 tanks to choose from and
they are delivered to wherever you are on the world map. You can only rent
three at one time.

5. Fighting

Most enemies will appear randomly, and the only exception to this is some of
the Wanted enemies whom you meet during an event. The battles are turn-based,
and you can take as long as you like to select your action. If your party are
all inside tanks, then they cannot suffer any damage, as the tank will be the
thing that gets damaged, not the person inside it!
-------In Tanks
-------Generally most fighting is done in tanks, and this is the menu for all tank
battles. You can alter the arrangement of these commands, but this is the
default arrangement. (Go to Tanks/Name of Tank/C-Unit/Dashboard Layout.)
| MAIN | Flee | Detank |
|--------|------- |---------|
| Defend | Protect |
| S-E
| Shells | Tools |
Use this command to fire the main gun. Main guns will only target one enemy
at a time, but they are more powerful than the auxiliary guns. Most of the
time you will only be able to use one main gun. Once you have used up all the
shells for the gun you will have to re-stock at a refill station, and this can
be costly.
These are the auxiliary guns, also called autoguns, although they will not fire
automatically! They are the best guns to use whenever possible because they do
not use up shells, as they have infinite ammo, so firing them costs you
S-E guns are specialist weapons and they often have very limited ammo, and are
expensive to buy and re-fill, however they are very useful, especially against
stronger enemies. Some of them can target a group of enemies, and a few can
target all enemies at once, and they are the only tank weapons which have this
You can run away from nearly every battle, and you can find enemies again,
including the Wanted monsters. There is no penalty for this, except that you
will not gain any experience, even if you have managed to kill some enemies
when, for example, attacking a group.
The Defend command simply means that you guard, and do not make any attacks.
Protect is also a defensive command and one tank will protect another,
shielding it from damage. The tank doing the protecting will not be able to

fire a gun at the same time.

You can select the command to "De-Tank" when in a battle with easy enemies and
just fight on foot if you want, and then after the battle you will be back in
the tank. You can also step in and out of a tank without losing a turn.
However, if you are on foot at the start of a battle, even if you have just
stepped out of your tanks for a moment, you cannot use them.
Shells can be bought from various Ammo Dealers and they do not add any weight
to the tank, although if you increase the number that a tank can carry this
will add a small weight increase. They can be fired during a tank battle,
independently of your other guns, but you must have a main gun equipped to
your tank in order to use them.
Tools refers to on-board tools which have various functions and some of them
can be used during a battle, for example, an Extinguisher will douse flames,
and a Horn will wake up sleeping comrades.
------On Foot
------At various points in the game, you have to fight on foot, for example, inside
some buildings, especially where there are stairs. You might also choose for
one character to "de-tank" and fight on foot, while the other two are still
using their tanks, although this means that the fighter is more vulnerable
without the protection offered by a tank
| Fight
Flee |
| Use
Guard |
| Arms
Drive |
Select this option to use your equipped weapon to make an attack.
Select "Use" and you can use an item, either for healing HP or status
disorders, or to throw at the enemy. This uses up a turn for the character
that performs the action.
When you are fighting on foot you can change weapons during a battle by
selecting "Arms," and you don't lose a turn. You can also replace a broken
Protector during the battle, also without losing a turn.
You can select Flee and run away from most battles. This is especially useful
if you encounter a Wanted enemy and are not strong enough to defeat them.
Just run and you can live to fight another day. This will always work, unlike
those games where running away sometimes fails.

Guard is the defend option, and any damage will be less.

Drive allows you to get back inside a tank, so long as you started the battle
inside one.

6. Tanks
1. Tanks: Ten Questions and Answers
2. Tanks You Can Own
3. Tanks You Can Rent
----------------------------------1. Tanks: Ten Questions and Answers
----------------------------------1. How Many?
There are a total of eight tanks which you can own, and 14 which you can rent.
Of course, you do not have access to them all at once, and have to search for
them, and even fulfil certain conditions to get all the rented tanks.
2. How to Drive?
When selecting to drive the tanks, your group members will get into whichever
tank they are standing on top of: literally! Sometimes this might mean that
Hunter might not be in the tank you want for him. You have to fiddle around a
bit to get this right. You can remove one character from one tank by using
the "Party" command, and then "Tank."
3. How to Tow?
To tow a tank select "Check" when on top of it. At least one person has to be
driving a tank already to tow another one, but it doesn't have to Hunter, who
always leads the party. To stop towing, select the tank you are driving and
then "Detach" on the small window that opens to the right. There is also
another option called "Info Pane". If you select this, it will give you access
to the menu for the towed tank, so you can see what parts it has equipped and
all the same information that you can see for the rest of the tanks that you
are using.
4. What is SP?
All tanks are defended by armour tiles, or plates, and these determine the SP
of the tank. SP stands for SHIELD POINTS, and the more SP a tank has, the
better its defense, although this means it is also heavier, and that could make
it slower to attack.
5. What is the Chassis?
Although you can equip any engine, C-Unit and guns that your tank can carry,
the chassis remains the same. It is this which identifies the particular
vehicle, and the chassis has a set number of gun slots.
6. What are Slots?
The slots are used to enable different guns to be mounted on your chassis.
Each chassis has particular slots that are already open when you first find it,

and some of these can be altered, and additional ones added. This will cost
money and can only be done at a garage where modification is on offer. To see
the slots available go to the tanks menu and select the name of the tank.
7. What is Ammo?
The Ammo listed on the chassis information is for the number of additional
shells that the tank can carry. For some, the number is 0, and this means
that you first have to find a garage which will modify your chassis and enable
the shells. For the Buggy, you can see that is has no ammo capacity at all,
and this is because it comes to you without a Main Gun slot. These extra
shells have to be fired using a main gun, so if you want to use them for the
Buggy you must alter the SE slot to a Main Gun slot, and then install a Main
8. What is Modification?
Modification is a customisation option for all your tanks. You can increase
and decrease many things, for example: the number of ammo shells that the tank
can carry, the ammo for the guns, the defence for tank parts, and the
percentage Hit and Evade for C-Units. The overall load that the tank can carry
can also be increased by boosting the engine. These modifications are not
available at the start of the game and some of them are very expensive. If you
increase something it will add to the weight, and if you decrease something, it
will have the opposite effect.
9. What is Load?
Load is the term used for the weight that the tank can carry. It is dependent
on the engine that is equipped, and the more expensive engines can carry more
weight. This means that the tank can carry heavier weapons and more armour
tiles. You can see the current load carried by a tank if you look at the tank
10. Where are the Tank Menus?
There are two tank menus, one of which you can access from the BSCon, and the
other from the Main Menu screen. The BSCon menu will give you information
about every tank you own, even if you are not currently using one. You must be
driving a tank (or someone in the party must be), to see the information about
it from the main menu.
-------------------2. Tanks You can Own
1. MOSQUITO: Leorad
Find the first tank on the second floor down inside the hole in the ground to
the south of home. You have to survive two rounds fighting the Sniper dog
enemy. Then you will automatically be joined by Red. After he drives off you
can claim the tank.
Chassis - Mosquito
Defence 60
Slot type: MA: Cannon 1 (none of the slots can be changed)
AU: Autogun 1
SE: Special 1 (can be added)

2. BUGGY: Pobre Obre
This is found on the top floor of the Factory, to the east of Pobre Obre. Just
ask the CEO for it, three times, until the flowers agree. To get back down,
just fall off the edge and then through a hole in the floor.
NOTE: You can use on foot weapons while fighting inside the Buggy.
Chassis - Wild
Weight 3.58t
Ammo: 0/0
Defence 58
Slot type: MA:


Autogun 1
Special 1 (can be changed to Cannon)

3. VAN: Rocco
North west of Rocco, inside the Peerless Hospital. You must defeat Mad
Muscle (and his Muscle Car) to get it.
NOTE: You could have 4 SE guns equipped to the Van, or change all slots to
Chassis - Van
Weight 5.12t
Ammo: 10 (shells)
Defence 75
Slot type: MA: Cannon 1 (all slots can be changed)
AU: Autogun 1
SE: Special 2
4. LAV : Sol
In plain view at Sol. You must defeat the Mutant Crocodile in Sol Sewers to
be given the tank.
Chassis - Armoured Vehicle
Weight 7.50t
Ammo: 5 (shells)
Defence 98
Slot type: MA: Cannon 1 (can be changed to SE)
AU: Autogun 1
SE: Special 2
5. TIGER: Freeza
Northeast of Freeza there is a cave at the furthest west of the sand dunes.
Go to the bottom floor and use the Metal Detector to search for it. You can
buy the Metal Detector in Freeza.
Chassis - Tiger
Weight 16.30t

Ammo: 32 (shells)
Defence 100
Slot type: MA: Cannon 1
AU: Autogun 1
SE: Special 1 (can be alterd to Autogun)
6. ABRAMS: Port Slum
South east of Audrey, in the bottom building at the port you will find someone
selling tanks. You have to buy this tank by making him an offer he can't
refuse. Keep trying until he says yes. (May cost around 14,000 gold)
Chassis - Abrams
Weight 11.31t
Ammo: 21 (shells)
Defence 120
Slot type: MA: Cannon 1 (none of the slots can be changed)
AU: Autogun 1
SE: Special 2
7. RED WOLF : Secret Waterfall Base
A long way south from Yuge. Defeat Gomez and his tank to receive this lovely
red tank from Red Wolf.
Chassis - Red Wolf
Weight 13.00t
Ammo: 64 (shells)
Defence 150
Slot type: MA: Cannon 1
AU: Autogun 1 (can be changed to SE)
SE: Special 2
8. WHITEMUU : Ghost Base
At the bottom floor of the Ghost Base. Must have CARD ID (o), obtained from
the locked room at Peerless Hospital. You need the Lock Hacker Tool to open
the door at the Hospital, and this is obtained at Port Slum.
Chassis - White Tiger
Weight 16.00t
Ammo: 0/40 (shells)
Defence 100
Slot type: MA: Cannon 1
AU: Autogun 2
SE: Special 2
--------------------3. Tanks You Can Rent
--------------------Although it costs nothing to rent a tank, it can turn out to be quite costly
since half your winnings from fights will be deducted, and that includes if you
have to leave the tanks and fight on foot. The money is deducted

automatically, so there is no way around this, and the rental tank will stay in
your possession until you return it to the rental garage OR, if it gets too
badly damaged to function.
The SP (Shield Points) listed is the maximum for each tank, and they come to
you with none. This means that you MUST buy some armour tiles for them or they
quickly will suffer damage. If it is too much, the tank will automatically
return to the Rent-a-Tank place, and you will be left without a tank, though
there is no other penalty.
As you can see from the list, the majority of the rental tanks come to you
fully equipped with guns, and ready to roll, (apart from the lack of Sp). The
VIP ones can only be accessed once you have the VIP Rental System on your
BSCon, and they need to have parts added, but make sure you remove anything
before returning a tank, or it will be lost forever! The BSCon states that
four is the maximum number of tanks that can be rented at any one time, but
when I tried to rent lots of tanks at once, using the VIP Rental System, (I
wanted to take a picture of them all together), it would not let me have more
than three.
Leorad, Pobre Obre, Audrey, Freeza
Renter #1: Sp 245
Chassis - Half Truck, 9mm Machine Gun
Audrey, Freeza, Il Migra
Renter #2: Sp 225
Chassis - Sherman, 55mm Gun, 9mm Machine Gun, ATM Missile
Il Migra, Sol
Renter #3 Sp 550
Chassis - Sherman, 95mm Gun, Gatling Gun, Burner Dragon
Il Migra, Sol, Eden
Renter #4 Sp 1515
Chassis - Gepard, 35mm Machine Gun, 25mm Machine Gun
Sol, Eden
Renter #5 Sp 710
Chassis - Hetzer, 125mm Cannon, 11mm Machine Gun, Tomato Typhoon
Eden, Santa Poco
Renter #6 Sp 1535
Chassis - Gepard, 48mm Machine Gun, LI Peanut
Santa Poco
Renter #7 Sp 445
Chassis - Hetzer, 165mm Long Tom, 25mm Machine Gun, LI Peanut
Renter #8 Sp 985
Chassis - Panzer, 175mm Cannon, Flame Thrower, Fiveless 5
Renter #9 Sp 1365
Chassis - Panzer, 195mm Cannon, Thunderstorm, Excalibur
Renter #10 Sp 530
Chassis - Panzer, 180mm Spark, Thunderstorm, Interceptor
VIP Rental (Anywhere on the world map)

Renter #11 Sp 5170

Chassis - Half Truck

Renter #12 Sp 5145

Chassis - Tractor

Renter #13 Sp 4755

Chassis - Half Truck

Renter #14 Sp 3795

Chassis - Gepard, 88mm Machine Gun

7. Wanted Enemies
The Hunters' Office in most towns will give you details of the local fugitives,
or Wanted monsters. You can also see posters of these enemies in some bars and
inns as well as in the Hunter's Office and every Wanted monster will net you a
reward. You can collect this reward at any Hunters' Office after you have
defeated one of them, and you can also defeat them in any order you like.
This list shows the order in which they are listed on the BSCon, but only AFTER
you have defeated them.
Some Wanted enemies can be easy to find, even if their appearance is random,
but others can take a long time before they appear, although this can vary a
lot from game to game, so I guess it is partly dependent on luck. "Event"
simply means that the fugitive will be visible and waiting for you.
Defeating a Wanted enemy does not get you much in the way of gold, but it will
reward you with a lot of experience points, and of course you can then collect
the bounty for killing them. All the details are given in the main text.
Leorad, Canabelle
Found: Northern Cave
Random (easy to find)
Pobre Obre
Found: Negi Bog
Random (variable)
Pobre Obre
Found: Bridge to Factory
Random (variable)
Found: Peerless Hospital
Found: Under Freeza


Found: Sand Dunes

Random (easy)
Freeza, Il Migra
Found: Corona Building
Random (easy)
Il Migra, Sol
Found: Devil's Tower, Sol.
Random (easy)
Found: East of Crack, (West of Sol)
Random (very hard to find)
Found:North-South Subway Ruins
Random/event (only appears after an event)
Santa Poco
Found: Secret Waterfall Base
Santa Poco
Found: Organic Waste Landfill
Random (moderately hard)
Found: Scorched Factory
Random (moderately hard)
Hell's Gate West
Found: Run-Down Oasis

Gate West
Centre Desert


Found: Hound Cavern

8. Game Over

Basically there is no game over, except when you choose, and you can choose to
end the game at any time, even after only playing for a short while! All you
have to do is speak to Hunter's Dad in the garage at Leorad, and agree to come
back home. Keep confirming this again and again, and the game will end, but
you can choose to continue from that point, as Dad will automatically make a
save for you. (He really doesn't believe that you would prefer to be a
There is no permanent state of death though there is only one place where you
can find something to revive a dead party member, and even then, you are only
allowed to have one of these items at a time. It is just available as an
emergency measure, and you are unlikely to need it.
If one of your group dies you will have to drag them around in a coffin, until
you take them back to Leorad and ask Dr. Mince to revive them. There is no
charge for this service and no penalty. If you all die in battle, Dad will
rescue you and your party, and Dr. Mince will revive you all, and you lose
nothing. If you are paralysed and dead, you will be cured, and revived. The
only drawback is that you will be at Leorad, and your tanks may be somewhere

9. Tips and Tricks
1. Modify the C-Unit Dashboard Layout to make the Aux Cannon at the top left
corner. This makes it a little easier for ordinary battles since you will
be using these guns most of the time to save expense. You can change the
tank battle commands in any way that suits you.
2. Don't leave your tanks too long unattended outside, or they will get bird
crap on them which doesn't sound very nice, and although this does not add
to the weight, it cannot be removed until you find a tank wash, and there
is only one in the game. Not only that, but it uses up one of your slots
for Tank On-Board Tools. The same thing is true of the Lead Mushrooms,
which will grow on your tanks if they are left too long in damp caves, and
they have the additional drawback of adding to the weight of the tank.
3. You can sell things for half what you paid for them, though some of the
strange sounding items that are dropped by some enemies can only be sold
at a bar to a bartender.
4. You can go where you like, when you like. The only limit is your ability
to defeat certain enemies that block your path to the next area. This is
not always the case, so have fun exploring wherever you can.
5. Once you reach a town that is listed on the BSCon you can return there
using the Dog System. Buy this handy device as soon as you can. It is an
on-board tool for tanks and can be bought in many places. It is first
available from the on-board tools store in Pobre Obre.
6. When you first arrive at a town, check the BSCon for all the information
about the services and shops there. If there is no sale on, you can leave
and return until there is, and so buy things more cheaply.

7. Always search for items in towns before deciding what to buy. Always buy
shells, Plate Packs and some healing and throwing tools from Vending
Machines as you may get a prize.
8. Once you obtain the Lock Hacker Tool, take it everywhere you go, as it
will enable you to unlock many doors.
9. Tow a tank, once you have one to spare, and you can use it as a back-up in
case of broken parts, and to take any extra tank parts that you might find.
A towed tank can also give extra support in battle if it has the correct
C-Unit and weapons equipped.
10. Dad, at Leorad, will always repair any broken tank parts for free, but
only if you refuse to pay.
11. Keep broken protectors and you can exchange them for cash and new
protectors at Port Slum. This is the only way to get the best protectors
in the game, as they cannot be purchased.
12. Don't worry about running away from battles. You can always find a Wanted
enemy again so long as it has not defeated you.
13. You can find items in the field without using the Metal Detector IF you
know exactly where to look. Use the "Check" command on foot or in tanks.




I have organised this walkthrough based on the main towns as they are listed
in the BSController. Each town has a section on the services, followed by the
walkthrough for that town, including all the items that can be found. When
you arrive at a new town, look at the BSCon to find all the services for that
town, and lists of what is for sale.

1. L E O R A D


At the south of the world map, just west of the centre.
Cannon Hopper, Enormous Ant, Meteor Snail (green), Murderous Amoeba,
Wandering Polytank
Salmonella Clan: 1,000G
Dos Pirhanas: 3,000G

This is your home town, and the only place where you can be revived if dead,
and have your tanks repaired for free. It is is also the only place where you
can store things in the Trunk Room, and you have your very own tank garage
where you can leave any tanks in safety.
-------Equipment Store
Tools Store
Memory Centre
Hunter Office
Refill Station
Auto Repair
Transfer Centre
Trunk Room
Equipment Store
--------------Pingpong Shot...........30G
Bow Gun ................80G
Shotgun ...............180G
Army Greaves ...........10G
Denim Overalls .........40G
Work Clogs .............15G

Tools Store
----------Healing Capsule.........10G
Rocket Firework..........5G
Blaze Bottle............10G
Repair Kit..............80G

NOTE: Don't bother saving to buy the Shotgun as you really don't need it, and
you can find one in the Northern Cave after getting your first tank. The Bow
gun is less expensive and a good buy at this stage of the game. In one of his
emails about the game, MAV suggests that you could sell off everything you
find and afford to buy the Shotgun.
All Tools and Arms items are listed in the lists section of the FAQ, and the
BSCon will give you information about everything in your possession.


Hunter's room: Sister's Towel in chest

Hunter's room: Wooden Box: 7 gold
Parents room: Father's Shirt in chest
Stove: Fire Extinguisher
Sink: Liquid M-Toll


Pine Soap in chest in lower empty upstairs room

M-Toll is in the chest in both ground floor rooms


Fire Extinguisher in sink

Dr. Mince's: Chilly Cells in fridge

Fire Extinguisher in sink
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: I have included a lot of extra detail in this section, intended
especially for those who might not be familiar with the basic principles of a
Metal Max/Saga type game. If you are, then you will already know what to do.
Okay, this is your first town and as is normal in most RPGs, you are a rookie,
but in fact it is worse than that. Take a look at your current status by
looking at the command "Party," Hunter's name, and "Stat", and you can see that
your title is "Disowned Son." Keep an eye on your status and you will find
that your title changes as you accomplish different things in the game. At the
moment the only member of the party is Hunter, but later you will get two
companions, a Mechanic and a Soldier. Their given names are randomly
While you are still at the status screen press A (action button) and it brings
up a new window showing MONSTER BADGES. You won't have any at the moment, but
when you do, each one will show as a winged medal with a striped ribbon. You
will get one for each WANTED monster that you defeat.
| NAME Lv 1 |
| Item Stat |
| Arms Tank |

The left side of the screen will show your current HP

You can also see your current G (gold) which is none.

Look at your items and you have two. Your Hunter's BSCon, which you can access
from the item menu or directly from the main menu, and one Rocket Firework, an
attack item. Take a closer look and you will have three options: Use, Trade or
Toss. Don't choose "Toss" or you will end up throwing it away. The USE
command is needed for healing items and sometimes for making use of a key or
special item. "TRADE" allows you to give an item to another party member.
Arms: You currently have a Pingpong Shot as a weapon and Denim Overalls for
protection. On this screen you can see your status for attack and defend.
You don't yet have a tank, and you also don't have any money.
Dad will always be rude to you, but try to ignore his barbs and make sure you
speak to him when you or a party member (when you get some), increase in level,
and he will teach you the next stage of the mechanic's "repair" skill.
Actually he will do more than that. If you have damaged tanks and ask him to
repair them, and then tell him you can't afford it and not to bother...just
follow the dialogue options to do this...he will do all the repairs for free!

(I am not sure if he always does this, but so far he has, every time.) He is
always found in the same place, standing by the machine to the right of the
doorway. These options are not available until you have found the first tank.
Before you go exploring there are one of two things to bear in mind. You are
restricted to 12 items in your "Tools" (items) inventory, and 8 in your "Arms"
(equipment) inventory. If you find something and don't have room for it, it
will be put back and you once you do have the space, you can pick it up again.
There is also the option to store as much as you want in the garage "Trunk
Room". This is only available at home, at the back of the garage in Leorad.
You can deposit and withdraw anything here, except tanks. There is parking for
those to the right at the back of the garage: where you see the large red
letter P. The only awkward thing about the storage facility is that you have
to select each item or piece of equipment in turn, which is a little
Actually you can't store as much as you want, as there is a limit to the amount
that can be stored, but it seems to be set separately for each category. So
far I have reached the limit with tank parts, and that is 32. Despite never
selling anything and storing every item and piece of equipment, I have not run
out of space yet for the other categories, so I guess it is going to be enough
for most people.
A couple more things. The small computer screen next to the ladder will become
a familiar object as there are a number of these in various places throughout
the game. Check it out, (literally, press the option "CHECK") and you will see
a screen and some numbers and buttons. Most of these machines only need you to
press LOAD, (or sometimes ON), so do this now and a new function will be
uploaded to your BSController. This is the level indicator, which works for
Hunter and his companions. It is quite useful when you start killing target
enemies for extra rewards. More on that later.
Big Sister
Now go up the ladder and you can speak to Big Sister. She is always here,
knitting or washing up or cleaning. By talking to her you automatically rest
in your room and heal all HP. Again, this works for all party members, and you
can do this as often as you like.
Finally, after picking up the Sister's Towel from the chest in your room, and
opening the wooden box to get the princely sum of 7 gold, take Father's Shirt
from the chest in the other bedroom, and then check the stove for Fire
Extinguisher, and the sink for Liquid M-Toll. After getting all the items go
through the door near the ladder and out onto the balcony, and simply...walk
off the edge. You don't do any damage, and this is a useful reminder that you
CAN in fact do this, since it is a handy trick for getting out of some awkward
places later in the game.
Dr. Mince
At the back of the town behind the pond is a large building. If you get into

trouble fighting monsters, this is where you will end up. Go inside and meet
Dr. Mince and his trusty companion, Igor. If anyone dies, return here, and Dr.
Mince will revive them. If everyone dies, Dad will rescue you. There is no
Game Over or permanent state of death. It cost nothing for this service and
Dr. Mince enjoys his work.
Find Chilly Cells in the fridge and Fire Extinguisher in the sink. These are
favourite hiding places wherever you go, so always rummage around in kitchen
appliances. Visit the bedroom and check out the brain. Poor Lola...
Head right and down from the main room at Dr. Mince's and there is a wooden box
in the middle of an open area. Check this and it contains a money eating
creature named "Euro". You can re-name it if you like, and feed it money to
make it grow. You can also make it move different parts of its body by
pressing a few buttons. It is quite sweet, but I am not sure of its ultimate
purpose, if indeed it has one at all.
Transfer Centre
There is another building behind Dr. Mince's house and an old man blocks the
door. This is the Transfer Centre, and you cannot get inside. In fact, even
when you gain access to other Transfer Centres and return here using this
helpful device, you cannot get out of the that door. (Eventually you can get
out of here, when you have an item that unlocks doors.) There is a Transfer
Centre in every town, although sometimes they are hidden away, often down a
ladder or in an out of the way building. You can use them to travel in-between
towns when you are not using tanks. Make sure to use them from time to time
and eventually you may get a transfer malfunction... More on this in a later
location, but nothing to worry about.
Most towns have one of these and it is always a good place to find out new
information. Usually there will be one girl that wants you to buy her a drink.
Always agree (they are cheap enough) and she will give you some hints in
return, sometimes they are useful, sometimes not. You can sell the food type
monster drops to the barman. Chilly Cells from Dr. Mince's place is an example
of the things the barkeeper will buy. You can also find a jukebox which will
play music from the game, and often a mini-games machine. Here you can lose
lots of gold betting on a frog race, or shooting down pedestrians in a
cross-fire shooting game.
In Leorad bar, sell the Chilly Cells you found and receive 35G. Speak to the
man in red who is standing by the bar; his name is Red Wolf and you will meet
him again. You can talk to the other regulars as well, and take the Fire
Extinguisher from the sink behind the bar. (By the way, if you are not in a
chatty mood, you don't have to talk to everyone, in fact even if you don't
talk to Red Wolf, this will not effect subsequent events.)
There is a massage man in this inn, and he will cure you if you have been
paralysed, but this is something you won't need to worry about just yet. Most
inns will allow you into their rooms to steal things without having to pay for

a night's sleep, though sometimes you will have to pay for a room in order to
get access to items. The only downside to staying at an inn is that sometimes
there will be a mosquito in the room and this will deplete your HP by 1 point.
You can avoid this, if it bothers you, by carrying the item, M-Toll, which will
automatically kill any mosquito. There is one M-Toll in the ground floor left
room chest of drawers and another in the right hand room.
For now, take the Pine Soap from the chest in the bottom upstairs room. You
can talk to the two people in the rooms for information on how to tow a tank,
and about the southern cave, which is where you will be going after leaving
Leorad. After being told not to, by the person on the landing, push the flower
pot over the edge and follow it.
Equipment and Tools Store
This is marked with an icon of body armour and easy to spot. If you look at
your current "Arms" you will see that you have a Pingpong Shot weapon. Buy
some additional armour, but obtain the Healing Capsules from the Vending
Machine in the Memory Centre as you might get lucky and receive a free gift.
The "Arms" seller always has a red cap and the "Tools" seller has a blue one.
You need to make sure they are at the counter so you can speak to them. (Just
a minor detail, as sometimes they are distracted.)
Hunter's Office/Memory Centre
These are often in the same building, and close to each other, though not
always. In Leorad they are. Speak to the person behind the counter nearest
the door and you can save your game. (You are given a dire warning if you
choose not to save.) The Hunter's Office is behind this at the back of the
room. You can find out more details about the local bad guys: in this case it
is the Salmonella Clan, and Dos Pirhanas. You can also collect the rewards
after killing one of the enemies on the Wanted list. Take a look at the
posters on the back wall to see pictures of the outlaws.
Target Monsters
The other option is to find out about the current Weekly Target. These are set
randomly, but it will be one of the monsters in the current location. If you
kill some of these Target enemies and return to the Hunter's Office (any office
will do), you can collect the extra cash reward. There is a catch though. The
Target will change when Hunter increases his level. You could find that you
have killed a few, and come back ready to get the gold only to be told, sorry,
the Target has changed and so you will get nothing.
There is another slight snag. Say you kill a few and collect the bounty, and
then your level increases. This may occur because you have found a new area
with stronger enemies or ones that give more experience, but there are none of
the Target enemies any more. No matter how far you go, or how many levels you
increase, the Target will remain the same until you have killed at least ONE
more of them. Then, when you report back to the Office, they will tell you the
Target has changed and a new monster will be waiting for you to kill lots of
them for extra cash.
(I found it hard keeping pace with the Target monsters as I had moved on to
other areas of the world map and was not interested in fighting weaker enemies
just so I could find the Target, and then get them to change it. There is a
more detailed explanation of the Weekly Targets and how you can make the nest

use of it, in the Lists section of the FAQ.)

Signal Transmitter
When you can afford it, agree to have a receiving function added to the
BSController. You have to ask to buy the signal, and it costs 1024G and the
Hunter Office guy will add a signal transmitter for free. This will give
signal coordinates on the world map, but there is no need to worry about this
now, just don't forget about it. (In fact, even when you do have the money to
buy it, it is of very limited use.)
Vending Machine
This is the red machine at the entrance to the Hunter's Office. You will find
these everywhere. There are masses of them, and not just in towns, but also in
dungeons and special out-of-the-way locations between towns. There are three
different kinds. Ones like this, sell Healing and Attack Tools for on foot
fighting, some of them sell things for tanks such as armour plating or Repair
Kits, and the third kind sell different kinds of Shells, also for tanks.
Prize: Baddie Promo (Salmonella Clan)
Healing Capsule
Healing Capsule
Healing Capsule
Healing Capsule
Rocket Firework
Blaze Bottle




It is a good idea to buy these items from a Vending Machine rather than from a
shop. There is a reason for this. Time it so the flashing light stops on the
centre spot and you will receive a free gift! These vary in usefulness, but so
far I have managed to get a few Baddie Promos (pictures of the Bad Guys), a
Lead Mushroom (which adds unwanted weight to a tank) and various On-Board Tank
Tools. This vending machine will give you the Salmonella Clan Baddie Promo as
a prize if you buy any of the items and hit the spot.
Renting a Tank
Rent-a-Truck is in the small tent to the right of the entrance to Leorad. You
may not notice the tent at first, not just because it is cleverly disguised as
the same colour as the sand, but because it only arrives once you have the
first tank, and have left Leorad for wider pastures. (You have to find the
first tank on foot.) If you want to rent the tank it does not cost anything to
get, but it DOES cost half of everything you earn when monsters drop gold.
I was not sure when this rental place appears, as despite killing the
Salmonella Clan and visiting Pobre Obre the traders had still not arrived. In
fact it does not appear until after you have defeated the two Big Cannon, by
which time it is probably not a lot of use to you.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------i. Southern Cave/Mosquito

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: South east of Leorad

Enemies: Enormous Ant, Meteor Snail, Murderous Amoeba, Potato Vulcan, Cannon
Hopper, Bionic Pooch.

Healing Capsule, 57g, Old Coin, 106 gold, Camouflage Fatigues


Mosquito Tank


Old Coin will assist in getting a Sale if you get good luck. Save
before using it (Tip credit to MAV.)

The cave is found nearby to Leorad. Walk south and to the east you will see a
hole. You can enter this hole. However, first of all you might want to fight
a few battles and gain a couple of levels. You can stay close to home and pop
back to heal for free by having a good night's rest at home, and also use the
gold gained from fighting a few battles to buy a better weapon:the Bow Gun, and
some protective equipment and Healing Capsules. If you manage to kill some of
the target monsters you will get the extra reward for these as well. You may
need to store or sell some of the items you have found in order to have enough
space in your inventory for a couple of healing capsules.
Finding Items
These maps are all credit to MAV. Many thanks indeed for sending these to me,
and granting permission to use them.
____________/ \
|_2_________ | ____________________
\ |__|
__________ |
| |
| |
| >>>
| |
|___________ | |
| \
| |___|
\1 |
| 000
| /
| 3 000
| |
|_______| |

1) Empty Box
2) Healing Capsule
3) Empty Box

Walk down the slope and speak to the man there. There is nothing to find if
you explore to the right except an empty wooden box, so walk to the far left of
the cave, and up the narrow passage and then left to find a wooden box
containing a Healing Capsule. Retrace your steps back down the narrow passage

and continue left and down the ramp. (There is another empty box down the
central narrow passage, so no point in going there.)
|_1 |
| ______ |
__| |
| |______| |
__ \
| | | |__ | | | |
| | /WWWW | | | | /
| | | T S | | | | /
| <<<|
| | \
4| |__| | |
| \
|________| |
|___| |____B 3 2


57 Gold
Old Coin
106 Gold
Camouflage Fatigues
Use the switch to open
this wall (WWWW).
Claim the tank here.

From the bottom of the ramp follow the path up the screen and head up along
another narrow passage and left to find a wooden box with 57g. The enemy
Potato Vulcan can hurt you badly while you are on foot and alone, so run away
if need be.
You should be around level 4 by now and have bought the stronger Bow Gun and
some protective equipment, the Work Shoes, and a couple of Healing Capsules.
Now head all the way right, ignoring the two narrow paths that head down the
screen, and the other one that goes up. At the far right wall walk down the
narrow passage and then left. You will see a large dog here. There are two
chests, the first has Old Coin and the second has 106 gold. You can take the
things from the boxes, but you cannot get past the dog. The dog will not
attack until you speak to him, and answer Yes!
Fighting Bionic Pooch
| Bionic Pooch
Southern Cave |
| Drops
| 32 gold (Drop after 4 rounds: Puppy Gourmet)
| Experience | 20
| Attacks
| Launches a Launcher Shell.
All you need to do is to last for two rounds. The launcher shell from the
Bionic Pooch will do around 25 HP damage at level 3/4, if you are defending.
You can select Guard, or use an item to heal and then a red tank will show up,
and Red Wolf will destroy the enemy in one shot! By the way, RED WOLF will
turn up even if you haven't spoken to him in the bar at Leorad.
NOTE: If you are after the Puppy Gourmet drop make sure to defend and heal and
with a bit of luck Red Wolf may take two rounds to kill it. The drop is not
guaranteed since 4th round drops are rare, but MAV obtained this one time.
Save before hand if you want to make sure.

Answer Yes to Red Wolf. After he takes off again, get the Camouflage Fatigues
from the wooden box to the right of the green tank and equip them. Approach
the green tank and select "Check" to claim it. You can rename it if you want,
or keep the default name.
| T A N K | *T1 MOSQUITO |
Tank Controls and Options
To see what the tank has equipped, open the Tank menu, and there are four
options. (You can also view most of this information from the BSCon. Select
SEE ALL to see a summary, and NO.1 to see the details of the Mosquito.)
| Mosquito
| Program | Tools
Status | Hunter |
| _ _ _ | Parts
C-Unit | SP
| SP shows the current amount of SHIELD
| POINTS, and underneath is the maximum
o-------------------------------------o amount possible.
Select STATUS, CHASSIS INFO, and you'll see that you can have up to eight
shells (AMMO), although there are none at the moment. These shells can be
bought at Ammo stores, and are additional to any guns that are equipped. You
have two slot types: One MA, the Main Gun, or Cannon, and one AU, the Autogun
or Auxiliary weapon. There is no SE slot, (for Special guns).
If you check under TOOLS you can see that there are no Tools loaded at present.
You can buy these and find some, and they will generally give the tank
additional defensive abilities.
The PARTS menu shows information for all parts, and this is where you go if you
need to remove ARMOUR TILES.
The C-UNIT gives three options. The "Overall Balance" shows four qualities of
your currently equipped C-Unit. You'll see that it has a thick yellow line
indicating good Durability, and a thin line for Mods. There is nothing against
Power and Defense, so this C-Unit is poor in those areas. Check "Program
Maintenance" and you'll see that the C-Unit has no programs. You cannot change
this, or the Balance of the C-Unit. Better C-Units give better balance and
more programs. Finally look at "Dashboard Layout" and alter this
(REINITIALIZE) in any way that you like. You can do this for each tank.
Driving and Fighting Battles
You will notice that the tank only has one gun equipped, and that is a main
gun, so you might want to use the command DE-TANK and fight the easy battles on
foot, thus saving ammunition. If you do that, you will be back in your tank
after the end of the battle, so you don't have to get back in to drive on.

Leaving the Southern Cave

Select the command DRIVE, and then the option GET IN, to drive the tank. Now
drive up to the small plate on the wall, which is a computer screen. Just
select "OPEN". This will open the Gate: in fact the wall ahead of you. It is
just a short cut. Drive through the gap and then left, and down, and then up
the ramp to the right. From here drive up the screen, and then right to find
the next ramp. You can speak to the man without getting out of the tank if you
--------------------New Options at Leorad
--------------------Return to Leorad and now dad will have new options for you. Speak to Dad and
there is a new menu.
Request Repairs.........Dad will repair any broken tank parts for free.
But only if you refuse to pay!
Ask for Instruction.....When you (and other party members when you have them)
increase a level he will give a lesson in repairing
tanks. Your repair level increases by 1 and you can
use the Repair Kit to mend a broken tank part if it is
partly damaged. (It shows as yellow on a separate
screen when you select to USE the Repair Kit.)
However, Hunter cannot use the skill, so I am not sure
what benefit there is in bothering to train him at all.
Give Money..............Try this to see what reaction you get.
Return Home.............Agree to return home and stop being a Hunter.
Just saying hi..........Try this to see what reaction you get.

Refill Station
Every garage has a man in red who will refill your armour tiles or plates, and
ammo. In Leorad he is standing at the back of the garage next to the Trunk
Room. Armour tiles cost 1 gold for every 10. Ammo for the 37mm Gun, and all
Main Guns costs 5 gold for each piece, and the cost for SE weapons could be 150
or more gold for each piece. (Life's too short to check out them all...)
The left set of options allows you to refill everything for all tanks at one
go, or to just refill all armour plates, or ammo. The right set of options
allows you to add armour plates to one tank only, and to decide exactly how
many to add. You can also buy ammo for each gun on each tank in turn, and
decide how much ammo you want to have restocked.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ii. Northern Cave/Salmonella Clan

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: North east of Leorad
Enemies: Murderous Amoeba, Enormous Ant, Wandering Polytank, Meteor Snail,

Potato Vulcan, Pyro Monkey, Bomb Turtle, Cannon Hopper.


Shotgun, 40-Plate Pack, Machine Gun.


Salmonella Gang

------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: If you want to gain all titles for all party member then don't go after
the Salmonella Caln until after you have recruited them all.
This cave is situated to the north east. Drive west from Leorad and then
north around the rocks to the east until you see a group of dead trees. Then
go west and there is an opening in the mountain to the north. It is worth
while paying a visit here to get the Shotgun and tank weapon, even if you don't
intend to fight the Salmonella Gang just yet.
This cave is situated to the north east. Drive west from Leorad and then
north around the rocks to the east until you see a group of dead trees. Then
go west and there is an opening in the mountain to the north. It is worth
while paying a visit here to get the Shotgun and tank weapon, even if you don't
intend to fight the Salmonella Gang just yet.
Armour Tiles
You can speak to the man near the entrance and he will tell you about removing
armour plates if you overload a tank. If you are unsure about this, look at
your tank menu and then select PARTS. Armour Tiles (or Plates),are listed
here. Check the Armour Tiles screen and it will show you the current SP and
Load. If the Load exceeds the amount of weight the tank can carry then the
figure will show as a minus number.
For Example: SP 418


That would mean that you had to remove 310 tiles in order to get your
overloaded tank to move. Use the directional buttons to scroll through the
numbers on the left of the screen until you see the that there is no longer a
minus number. Of course it is slightly wasteful, if you have to throw away
perfectly good armour tiles, but sometimes it is the only thing to do.
Finding Items
More MAV maps! Thank you again for these.
| ____
| |
/ o\
| |
| o2|####\
| |
| |
######/ 3 |##
## >B /####
| |
__/ ____ \ \

1) 76 Gold
2) Hand Grenade
3) 40 Plate Pack

\ \ |
| |________|
3 | | >C|
|_________________________________________/ |___|

Drive down to the next floor and head down the screen to the right to open the
box with the gold (1). Then drive up and right and down until you have to leave
your tanks where the ground is rocky (C). Walk down to find a rope ladder and
at the next floow walk up and left to find a box with a Shotgun (4). Then
return to your tanks, as there is nothing else to find down here. Once back
inside your tanks drive all the way to the left and down the screen, staying on
the same level, and get out again to open the wooden box. This contains a Hand
Grenade (2)
D>>> |
| <<<A|
/ 4
| >>B|
<C |

4) Shotgun

Now return to the centre and drive down the ramp (A). Go down the screen and
left and up another ramp (B), to find a box with a 40-Plate Pack (3). Drive
back down the ramp and right again and up the screen past the first ramp.
(There is a useful arrow pointing you in the right direction.) Continue until
you find the next ramp down (D).
>>>| To bottom level 4
____/ ___________/
,---. \
\ |
| |
| 5X\_____/ |
\ X
\___ ____/
| |
| |__________/ |

5) 7.7mm Machine Gun

X = Hole will open!

Speak to the man, and now you know you are getting close to the Salmonella
Clan! If you go up to the left following the arrow to get another box, a hole
will open up. You and your tanks will fall down to a lower level. If this
happens just drive up to find the ramp back to the higher level, though with a
bit of luck the Clan will show up!

Rather than do this, head right going away from the arrow and box, and all the
way up and around to reach it from the far side (5). The box contains the
useful Machine Gun, an auxiliary gun. This is why you received
instruction on the armour tiles, as you may have to remove some in order to
carry and equip this weapon. To equip it, go to the Tank menu and the PARTS
and then AUTOGUN. Now you can fight most enemies using this gun and you won't
use any shells, so in effect, the battles cost nothing. (You may find that it
won't be effective on enemies such as the Bomb Turtle)
Finally drive up the narrow path to the top of the screen, and then right, to
find the ramp down to the bottom level, which is just one large room with
nothing to find, except the Clan.
Fighting the Salmonella Clan
They are a random encounter on the bottom floor of the Cave. If they don't
appear immediately just drive around for a bit until they attack.
| W A N T E D | *W1 S A L M O N E L L A C L A N
Reward: 1,000G |
| Attacks: S.C. yells: "Help me, big sister!", "Help me, big brother!" |
| Lashes out...
| Pulls the trigger on the blowtorch (effect: burn)
| Experience | 90 (for two of them
| Drops
| 220 gold (for two) Monkey Nail Dirt (possible)
NOTE: MAV makes the point that the experience and gold varies depending on how
many additional gang members are called. The more you allow to appear, the
greater the rewards, although this does not make any difference to the bounty.
There are two of them to begin with and one of their "attacks" is to call for
help. This will bring out another member of the clan, but only if you have
already defeated one of them. You must use the Main Gun if you are fighting
them alone and at level 5. They waste turns calling for help, and the flames
won't hurt your tank very much, so these monkeys will soon go down.
After beating them you can check on the BSCon/Wanted/Fugitives Eliminated
information and they will be listed under number 1 on the Wanted List Data
screen. Your level when you defeated them is also displayed.
Getting Out
From the lower level go back up the ramp and then drive left until you reach
the narrow passage heading down the screen. Then head right over the bones in
the ground, and then down the screen again to where the man is still standing.
From here head right and up the ramp, and then left, following the cave down
and where you see some sand and an arrow go up the ramp, and straight on up the
next to reach the world map. Or...if you have it already, use the Dog System
to exit in an instant

------------------------------------------------------------------------------iii. Northern Barrier

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: North of Leorad
Enemies: Enormous Ant, Wandering Polytank Potato Vulcan, Meteor Snail (world

Healing Drink, Alkali Spray, Alkali Wax


ID Card (c)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: You will only be allowed through this barrier if you are driving a tank.
After chatting to a few people in Leorad, they will tell you that Red Wolf has
headed north. Follow him by driving west and then north from Leorad. There is
a small square building and this is the checkpoint.
Get out of your tank and enter the building. You can find Healing Drink in the
fridge, Alkali Spray in the sink, and Alkali Wax in the stove. By the way, the
first of these is for healing the status disorder Acid on humans and the second
is for removing Acid on tanks.
Speak to the two people sitting at the right of the room. The one sitting
close to the wall will give you an ID card if you say you want to pass through
the barrier. The other advises you to go east to Pobre Obre. Go into the back
room and listen to gramps if you want.
Leave, and walk around to the right and up the narrow passage, to the back of
the building Go into your items inventory and select to USE the card. Then
the Gate Controller will work. Press "OPEN" on the left of the computer
screen, and then drive your tank through the gate to the north.

2. N E G I


Negi is located to the east of the Barrier.
Drill Worm, Trader Killer, Bomb Turtle, Meteor Snail, (red), Smoke Flower,
Gunbird, Enormous Ant, Hippogun (world map/bog)
Dr. Rafflesia is found in the bog surrounding Negi.
Metal Detector: Once you have this tool, return to Negi and you can find three
things using this, one in Negi and the others in the bog.

You cannot reach Negi in a tank, so get out and walk across the bog. Be
cautious, as you might get attacked by a powerful monster: Dr. Rafflesia. If
you find you are losing the battle, run away, and you can return to fight it
another time. You can find the buried items even without a Detector if you
Check in the right places.
-------Equipment Store
Tools Store
Memory Centre
Transfer Centre
Equipment Store
.44 Magnum.............400G
Baseball Cap............10G
Camouflage Fatigues.....80G

Tools Store
----------Healing Capsule.........10G
Blaze Bottle............10G
Pencil Missile..........20G
Neutralizing Cream......20G
Repair Kit..............80G

You can find a .44 Magnum in Pobre Obre for free, and better arms for Hunter,
so it is not really worth while buying anything here.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------House Behind Field: M-Toll in sink
Fire Extinguisher in stove
7 gold in wooden box
Healing Capsule in wooden box
Para-Non in chest of drawers:
Equipment Shop:

Army Gloves, Work Clogs, Rocket Firework in upstairs boxes.


Puppy Gourmet in the sink in left storeroom

Rivet Gun in basement of right shed using Metal Detector.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------You can stay at the inn, but both rooms have a mosquito! The man in the inn
will tell you how to reach the big city, by going east and then south. (The
city is Pobre Obre.) Visit the house behind the field and the old man will be
worried about his potato field. The woman has lost a ring, so the solution is
obvious, dig in the field and find her ring!.

Finding the Wedding Ring

Walk onto the field and select "CHECK". You will get a message asking if you
will cultivate the field. Choose YES, and you will do some work in the field.
This takes a second, and then another message will appear: either telling you
the drainage is poor, or, if you are lucky, that you have found something.
This is most often just 1 gold, or maybe a Healing Capsule, but in this field
you can find the Wedding Ring.
I found it after three tries in the bottom right corner near the fence. Just
keep trying if you don't find it at first. I think it is fairly easy to find.
Return the Ring to the woman and she will give you Ruby Lens. You can't do
anything with this for quite a while, so when you return home, just put it in
storage for safe keeping.
Digging the Field
You may as well do a bit more potato digging because the rewards can be useful
and save you money. After a few minutes I had found: Healing Capsule, Large
Rock, 1 gold, Army Gloves, Small Rock, Boomerang, Wrench, and Red Peony's
Finding Items
You can stay at at the inn, using either the Plum or Bamboo Room: the first
costs 5 gold for one, and the second is 15 gold, but there are no items. Visit
the shop behind the Inn and house. The man there will tell you about the Big
Cannon, and there is a memory centre. You might need to sell off some Tools
before raiding the rest of the place. Go up the stairs and down into the main
room and talk to the old man to hear about the factory to the east. While you
are on the first floor get the stuff from the three boxes. Rocket Firework,
Work Clogs, and Army Gloves. If you want to sell Arms you need to wait until
the person with the red cap comes to the counter.
To the left of the shop there are two storage sheds. It appears as if there is
nothing in the first one, but once you have the Metal Detector (bought in
Freeza), return here to detect in the basement of this shed. You will find the
weapon: Rivet Gun. Go into the left storeroom to find Puppy Gourmet in the
sink. Check the metal plate in the floor and it will open. Go down and this
is the Transporter for Negi. You could return to Leorad, via this machine, but
there is no point, since the old man will still be blocking the exit door, and
as yet, you don't have a way to unlock the door.
Finding Dr Rafflesia
Twice I found him in the small bog just to the right above Negi Village, and
another time just below the crossroads in the middle of the bog. He might
appear almost immediately, or it could take a while, so make sure you keep the
party healed in case he suddenly appears after you have been fighting other
enemies for a while. He only appears in the bog area so you have no choice
except to fight on foot.
Prepare for this battle by having Sister's Towel and Gas Mask ready. Just use
them at the start of each turn for each member of the party, and you will be
protected from the sleeping gas. At least, that is the theory, though one
time Hunter still fell asleep, despite using Sister's Towel.

| W A N T E D | *W2 D R. R A F F L E S I A
1200 gold
| Snaps a tentacle (all)
| Spreads pollen (sleeping gas, effects all)
| Swings its scalpel(attacks one)
| Uses its drill (one)
| Experience | 56
| Reward
| 122 gold, Confusion-Hi (possible)
Fighting Dr. Rafflesia
Of course it's not exactly a strategy to say find him at level 29 at the end
of the game and you can defeat him in one hit. But I first attempted this at
around level 6 or 7 and he was too strong for me and I had to run away, so it
was just revenge. At least this proves that if you run from a Wanted enemy
you can always go back and find them again.
If you attempt this battle at lower levels you need the items that protect from
the gas attacks. Not much use trying to fight when your party are all asleep.
Sister's Towel, Pine Towel and Gas Mask all have this useful benefit. Make
sure to use them at the start of each turn as you don't know when he might use
the Spreads Pollen attack. You can still make an attack after using one of
these items.
Return with the Mine or Metal Detector and you can find 2000 gold and a useful
weapon in the bog. The weapon W-Chainsaw is found in the centre of the darker
green ground half way between the two bits of broken road to the west of the
The gold is found in the south east corner of the crossroads at the centre of
the bog,.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------i. Beach Supply Depot/Trader's Camp

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: South east of Barrier.
Enemies: Smoke Flower, Trader Killer, Cannon Hopper, Gunbird (world map)

Neutralising Cream, M-Toll, and M-Toll.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you drive east from the barrier and then keep going south until you can go
no further, then look to the right and there is a small building. Drive in
here to find the Beach Supply Depot.
Click on the machine and it is a vending machine! Before going further you

could go back home to get another level of mechanic training, but you can
restock here on ammo and armour tiles/plates, as well as healing capsules, and
you can stay at the inn.
Vending Machines
---------------Plate Prize: Driver Training Sticker

Shells Prize: 80-Plate Pack


Spare Shell x 1 10G

Spare Shell x 7 70G
Blast Shell x 1 25G
Exploding Shell x 1 40G
Hypno-Gas Shell x 1 30G
Acid Shell x 1 30G





Tools Prize: Baddie Promo (Dr. Rafflesia)
Healing Capsule x 1 10G
Healing Capsule x 2 20G
Healing Capsule x 4 40G
Repair Kit x 1 80G
Pencil Missile x 1 20G
Smokescreen x 1 50G
Get out of your tanks and walk inside to find that there is a bar. Chat to the
people and buy the girl a drink to find out about mosquitos in cheap hotel
rooms, and a secret trader camp nearby.
There is a Plum and Bamboo Room. The most expensive, Bamboo, costs 15 gold
each and has a moggy. Plum is 5 gold and, you've guessed...another mosquito.
You can get the stuff in the rooms without staying. Neutralising Cream is in
the left hand drawers, and M-Toll in the right. The smaller room also has
M-Toll in the chest of drawers. There is a poster of Dr Rafflesia on the wall
upstairs if you haven't already met him, and want to know what manner of
monster you will be facing.
------------Trader's Camp
------------Drive west from the supply depot and at the far side of the beach you will
find a group of four sets of two trees circling a bare patch of earth. Get out
of your tanks and walk through the trees. There are two traders and two tents.
Chat to the girl for a nice line in directions.
Equipment Store
--------------Pingpong Shot...........30G
Bow Gun ................80G
Geronimo's Axe.........350G
Army Gloves.............10G
Work Clogs..............15G

Tools Store
----------Healing Capsule.........10G
Rocket Firework..........5G
Red Bandana.............20G
Repair Kit..............80G
Liquid M-Toll...........50G

If you wish, on the way down to the beach you can stop off at the right side
mountain where there are lots of smaller trees. Here you have to go on foot,
but there are Golden Ant enemies and you could accumulate a nice amount of
cash, especially if the Golden Ant is a weekly target enemy. This is an
alternative route to the Hidden Cottage.

3. P O B R E O B R E


Situated due east from Negi Village and then south past two ponds.
AREA ENEMIES: Hippogun, Gunbird, Bomb Turtle, Smoke Flower, One -Hit Wonder,
Drill Worm, Meteor Snail, Empty Tank
Dos Piranhas: 3,00G
Salmonella Clan: 1000G
Dr. Rafflesia: 1200G
Buy the DOG SYSTEM! This is a tank tool which enables you to return to any
town you have visited.
It might be better to recruit your mechanic first, and then you can share all
the items you find in Pobre Obre.
-------Equipment Store
Tools Store
Parts Store
On-Board Tools Shop
Ammo Dealer
Tank Rentals
Memory Centre
Hunter Office
Interior Shop
Refill Station
Auto Repair
Transfer Centre
Equipment Store

Tools Store

.44 Magnum.............400G
Boomerang Wrench.......570G M
Red Peony's Dagger.....740G H & S
Camouflage Beret....... 60G
Leather Gloves..........60G
Camouflage Fatigues.. ..80G
London Boots............80G

Healing Capsule.........10G
Blaze Bottle............10G
Pencil Missile..........20G
Neutralising Cream......20G
Repair Kit..............80G
Alkali Wax..............60G

Tank Parts Shop

--------------45mm Gun...............440G
55mm Gun...............540G
7mm Machine Gun........200G
9mm Machine Gun........380G

On-Board Tools Shop

------------------40-Plate Pack.......... 60G
Dog System.............350G
Extinguisher System....980G

Ammo Dealer (Shells)

-------------------Blast Shell............25G
Piercing Shell.........30G


Tools Shop
---------Alkali Wax............. 60G
Repair Kit............. 80G

Tank Renter
----------Rental Tanks take a percentage of your money earned from fights.
is 50% in case you have forgotten.

In fact it

Renter #1 Sp 245
Buy some Piercing Shells for the Mosquito, and perhaps upgrade the Aux gun.
You will need the shells for the battle with the Cannon. The Wrench may be
more useful that you think since the Mechanic can attack Tank enemies,
including the Big Cannon, using this weapon and may disable them. Red Peony's
Dagger is also handy although lacking in power, as it won't allow enemies to
reflect damage.

Bio sprouts in potted plant in left two rooms of inn

Pine Towel in the chest in room with three beds
Pine Towel is in the chest in same room
School: Repair Kit is in the stove in school back room
Mansion: Healing Drink x 2, M-Toll and Fire Extinguisher in mansion kitchen
Tiger Striped Hat, Army Gloves, London Boots, Neutralising Cream,
.44 Magnum in downstairs bedroom at mansion
Bio Sprouts in potted plant in upstairs corridor.
Repair Kit in box in upstairs room with maid.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a large place with three separate areas. The central drive is where
the garages are situated, and the Memory Centre and Vending machines are inside

the left garage. The essential Tank Tool, the Dog System, can be bought in
the right hand garage that has the blue tank sign outside. The last garage is
the Rental place. To the south side of town is a fenced off area with the Inn,
Bar, Shop, Transfer Centre, and School. The upper fenced off area contains the
Hunter's Office and at the far left, a potato field where you can dig for
random items, and the Interior Shop is in the building with a green and red
striped roof. There is one small house and a another small hut next to a
large mansion that is reached up some steps. There are many items to find
here, as well as some useful information
One nice thing you can do is to donate money to the school. Go inside and
speak to Maria who is standing in the room behind the schoolroom. She will ask
for money, but will not accept a large sum, so offer her money in small
increments until you have given her over 1000 gold. (Three times 400 worked
for me when I had a lot to spare, but earlier in the game she wouldn't take
much more than 30G at a time.) Then, as well as gaining another title for
Hunter, you will get your very own statue! This appears to the right of the
school. Maybe a waste of money, but a nice gesture.
The Inn
Inn: Bio sprouts in potted plant in last two rooms on the left.
Pine Towel is in the chest to the far right of the room with three beds
Pine Soap is in the other chest in the same room
The Bar
The man sitting down will tell you about the Dog System. Make sure to buy this
tool. Frog Race, a betting mini-game is found on the machine at the right back
wall. After speaking to the man, he will leave and so you can get access to it
and win or lose. A woman will sell snacks and if bought a drink, give
information about towing tanks. The man at the bar will tell you about the
chance of getting another tank at the old factory the other side of a long
bridge. There is also a Juke Box and of course you can buy drinks at the bar.
The School
Repair Kit is in the stove in back room. Speak to Maria, and you can give her
money to help the school out, but she won't take much more than 30G at this
stage in the game.
The Mansion
The girl by the well will tell you about the young man from the mansion who is
looking for a partner so this is a good place to investigate. Of course, he
is not at home. But you can speak to the servants and the owners and take
everything that is not nailed down.
Kitchen: Both fridges: Healing Drink
First sink: M-Toll
Stove: Fire Extinguisher
Bedroom: Left most cupboard: Tiger Striped Hat
Middle cupboard:
Leather Gloves
Right cupboard:
London Boots

Cupboard left of bed: Neutralising Cream

Cupboard right of beds: .44 Magnum
Upstairs: First Potted Plant: Bio sprouts
Repair Kit in box in bedroom with the maid and game.
Cross fire game can be found in the bedroom with the Maid. Lose lots of money
if you play this.
Repair and Refill Shop and Memory Centre
The garage has two Vending Machines and if you go right, out to the yard and
someone will tell you that you need a mechanic. Make sure to buy the Dog
System before you leave. This will be equipped to a tank as an On-Board Tool.
You must be in your tank to buy stuff from the garages.
Using the Dog System
To use it, select TANKS, and then the tank name, and then TOOLS. It will be
visible on a new screen showing all the tools for that tank. Select it, and
you can then select to USE IT. This brings up a new screen on the BSCon,
showing all the places you have visited so far. You can then choose one of
these and you will immediately be whisked to that place. Jolly useful device.
It also will take you out of a dungeon, so no tedious back-tracking in this
game, at least, so long as you are in your tanks.
Vending Machines
---------------Shells Prize: 40-Plate Pack

Plate Prize: Alkaline Coat

Spare Shell x 1 10G

Spare Shell x 7 70G
Blast Shell x 1 25G
Blast Shell x 7 175G
Hypno-Gas Shell x 1 30G
Acid Shell x 1 30G






Upgrading Tanks
Buy the auto gun: Machine Gun 9mm, for the Mosquito. You may have already
found the Aux gun in the Northern Cave before crossing the barrier into the
Negi area, and this will do for the time being, especially if you are trying to
save money. You can't mod any tank yet, so forget about this for now, though
you could upgrade the Engine to the Chonov which increases the load to 12t for
the tank. Having an Aux gun means that you do not need to waste ammo on less
powerful enemies.
Note that the Ammo Dealer is situated in the Rental Garage.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------i. Old Man Ulie's House
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: This house is situated by itself just a short drive to the south
west of Pobre Obre.




Fire Extinguisher in the stove, Healing Drink in the fridge, DD

Pineapple in the chest inside the tent


Find your mechanic here.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Random Name" the Mechanic

Pick up the items from the first room: Fire Extinguisher is in the stove, and
Healing Drink in the fridge. Then go through to the back of the house where
there is a tent and someone will run out to see your tank. Ignore this for
the moment and enter the tent. Rifle through the chest to find DD Pineapple
before speaking to Ulie, and say you have come to see "Random Name" (!).
Go back outside to find your tank is moving! Speak to it and "Random Name"
will ask to join you. You are hardly going to refuse! Get in your tank and
"Random Name". who is in fact a Mechanic, will follow you on foot. His
default equipment is Baseball Bat and Denim Overalls, and he has one item, a
Repair Kit. He starts at level one, but will quickly level up after a few
battles. I will refer to him from now on as Mechanic.
NOTE: If you say No, it's not your tank, Random Name will simply carry on
driving it around. If you say Yes and then refuse to let him join you, again
he will carry on driving around with your tank. This means only one thing: if
you don't want to recruit the mechanic you must stay away from Ulie's House.
(At least, you could get the stuff in the kitchen, but avoid going any further
Return to Pobre Obre and rent a tank for him Move, so that he is standing
over the tank and select "Party". Under his name select "Tank" and he will
get in the tank.
Trade and Transfer
By the way, you can transfer stuff from one tank to the other easily, just
select Tanks, then Parts and the kind of part, and you can drop, transfer or
install the new part.
To give something to Mechanic to equip, select the command Trade and transfer
it to him. You can transfer items as well. Once you have Mechanic, if you
have over 12 items, or 8 pieces of equipment in Hunter's inventory, any new
ones will be given to him automatically.
Returning Home when Dead
If Mechanic dies in battle, you can take him back home, both to Ulie's house
and to the mansion in Pobre Obre just to see what people who knew him, have to
say. Speak to all the inhabitants of both places for a range of reactions.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ii. Hidden Cottage

Location: West of Ulie's House


Meteor Snail, Golden Ant, Smoke Flower, Potato Vulcan


Baseball Cap, random potato field items.


Use the Metal Detector to find TWO SMG Uzi.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------To reach this hidden cottage you must drive west from Ulie's house and then get
out of your tanks and walk through the trees and up into the area between
the mountains, going north. There is a single cottage, though in fact this is
a small community with a house, barn and graveyard. (I had completely missed
this location until prompted. Thanks go to red_ice9 who described the precise
location for me. )
Finding Items
The right hand room has a Baseball Cap in the left hand drawer of the chest,
and an Old Coin in the right drawer. Liquid M-Toll is in the sink, and Barrier
Seal (a protector) is in the chest in the left room. Go through the left
opening and across the field to the empty shed or barn and up stairs. You will
find Leather Gloves in the chest of drawers in the bedroom. In fact if you
talk to the old lady, you can rest for free in this barn if you answer Yes to
her question.
There is a field that you can dig and if you speak to the old lady again she
will tell you that the men are out back. Follow the path past the barn, and
you arrive at three graves. If you use the Metal Detector it will indicate a
buried item in front of the right hand grave, but for now, there is a man
standing on the spot. He won't move so, leave and return. To pick up the item
face to the right or left, in front of the grave and use the check command.
You get a SMG Uzi. (This is also credit to red_ice9)
Do some work in the field and you might pick up: Army Gloves, Large Rock, 1
gold and Small Rock and Protector Scrap. Just getting these took a while, so
I think this field may have poorer drainage than the other two.
Another UZI
Leave the village and walk up through the trees to the north east and use the
Metal Detector where the larger trees appear on the left side of the area.
You can find another SMG Uzi weapon here. The Mine Detector can be bought in
Audrey and this will help you find this item, although it's range is not a
great as the Metal Detector.
NOTE: Again all credit to MAV who pointed out that you CAN pick up Detector
items without the use of the Detector. Simply use the command "CHECK" at the
right spot and you will be able to find the item. The only drawback to this
method is that you must be at the exact spot, which is easy enough for the Uzi
at the grave, but not so somple for the one in the trees.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------iii. Life Sciences Laboratory/Revivification Capsule

Location: North east from Pobre Obre

Enemies: Gunbird, Pickaxe Bird, Drill Worm, Trader Killer, Meteor Snail (red)

Revivification Capsule (inside)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Keep going north from Pobre Obre and the long bridge, and then east as far as
you can go, to find this lab next to a southern beach. You can drive all the
way around it, but there is no access.
In fact this is the location of the transporter malfunction, once you trigger
it. Inside you will be able to get the valuable Revivification Capsule.
You are unlikely to be able to get inside here until later in the game.
(Santa Poco was the place where I first got the malfunction.)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------iv. Shoreside Factory
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: East from Pobre Obre, across the bridge.
Enemies: Empty Tank, Octopus Tank, Patrol Punishment, Hippogun, Pickaxe Bird,
Sniper Dog, Meteor Snail, Drill Worm, Smoke Flower (world map)
Surveillance Camera, Bat System, Cannon Hopper(factory)

Mushy Fruit x3


Buggy Tank, Dos Piranhas Wanted

Comment: You might find that Dos Piranhas attacks you when you first cross
the bridge.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Go right (east) from Pobre Obre and across the Bridge and around to the right
to find the Shoreside Factory. There are two entrances. You need to go in
the southern one that is opposite the chap who will demonstrate the conveyor
belt. Once inside get out of your tanks to speak to the man on the right.
If you are running low on supplies there is a handy vending machine at the
right just before the room with the man, though there is nothing of use for
on-foot fighting. The Extinguisher System is a helpful tank tool especially
if you can get it for free, ot at least for the small cost of a few shells.
Vending Machines
---------------Plate Prize: Leather-Covered Seat

Shells Prize: Extinguisher System


Spare Shell x 1
Spare Shell x 2
Spare Shell x 5
Blast Shell x 1
Hypno-Gas Shell
Par-Gas Shell x





x 1 30G
1 35G

Then go up the steps to the right of where the man is now standing, after
demonstrating the conveyor belt, and walk right around to enter the gridded
area. Go through the door and onto the conveyor belt to go all the way around
and you will land on the shore. Then go up the steps and left to enter the
room through the metal door. It opens without a problem. Then climb up the
ladder in the right corner. If you try to speak to the man by the flower bed
outside, you might end up outside the factory again if you are not careful, and
have to go all the way back around. You can approach him if you walk on the
flower-bed. He won't be thrilled, but you might be amused by his comment.
Upstairs, the first flower pot has Mushy Fruit, but the rest have nothing, so
just continue through the door, and you can see there is another security door
This next large room has three conveyor belts. If you want some extra
dialogue, head for the ladder at the far left of the room and talk to the men
guarding the tank, and then return to this room.
Take the ladder at the top of the hall to find yourself in a flowery room. The
blue pot second from the left on the balcony has Mushy Fruit, and the red one
behind the man has Mushy Fruit as well. Speak to the CEO and he refuses to
give you the Buggy because the flowers told him no. Ask him three times and
eventually the flowers will agree. and yes, you acquire a nice new tank
because the flowers said so!
Go back down the ladder and around to the ladder at the left of the large
conveyor room. There are four empty boxes and the Buggy is to the right,
guarded by two white coated and rude flower loving men. It is worthwhile
speaking to them first before getting the OK from the CEO, just for the
There are no enemies here because the security is OFF. If you switch it on at
the computer terminal there will be lots!
| T A N K | *T2 BUGGY
Once you have the Buggy, speak to the white coated guards again to gain
another title for Hunter, and then drive to the end of the room and fall off
the edge. Drive up to the top of the next area and fall through a hole to
find yourself back on the ground floor. Pick up your other tank and away you
go! (Actually, as soon as you get the Buggy, and even without talking to the
men again or checking all the flowers, you will receive the title, Flower
Lover, and even if you trample on the outside flower bed.) If you have used
the Renter take it back fast, as you don't want to lose any more battle money.
Finding Dos Piranhas
If you return to the mainland over the bridge you might run into this fugitive.
If not, then keep driving up and down the bridge until he appears. However,
he can appear the first time you try to cross the bridge, so be careful if
you think you are at a low level and without decent guns. (Ahem...yes, this

happened to me.)
| W A N T E D | *W3 D O S P I R A N H A S
Reward: 3,000G |
| Attacks
| (No special attacks, just fires a gun.)
| Experience | 160
| Drops
| 245
He appears accompanied by two Frogmen, and Dos Piranhas may disappear from the
fight from time to time, if you are at a low level and take too long over this
At level 7 it was nearly impossible to do much damage, with the basic tank
guns. However eventually the two Frogmen were defeated and Dos Pirahnas,
though he kept going off screen, was still in the fight. It took about
5 turns before he re-appeared! I had the 37mm Gun on the Mosquito and the
rental tank with no main gun at all this time since I was not intending to
fight this fugitive just yet. In a previous game it took ages to trigger the
battle and he only appeared long after I had completed the quest for the Buggy.
I would advise waiting until you are at a higher level and have better
equipment before attempting this battle. If you wait until after getting the
Buggy and upgrading its weapons, then the battle will be much faster and
easier to win. If you encounter Dos Piranhas before you are ready to fight
it, then you could run away and return again to the bridge to find him again.
NOTE: If you want to get more titles for your Solider and Mechanic then you
need to avoid fighting any Outlaws until after you have recruited them both.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------v. Big Cannon
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: North east from Negi and then west past the explosions
Enemies: There are no other enemies on the peninsula.

35mm Machine Gun x 2: found using the Metal Detector or "Check"



Metal Detector: use this to find two Aux Guns where the Big Cannon
once stood. 35mm Machine Gun: 45 ATT, 42 DEF, 99 AMMO, 0.85t

------------------------------------------------------------------------------You have to defeat these two Big Cannon in order to progress. Be careful on
the approach as the explosions can remove SP, and you need to carry some armour
plates for repairs if necessary, before facing the Cannon. If you elect to use
a Rental Tank it is likely to lose its SP early on in the battle and then it
will simply remove itself and your mechanic will be left without a tank. You
need the Buggy instead, although it cannot be equipped with a Main Gun and
there is no SE gun to buy at this stage, and you cannot modify anything, so
your options are a bit limited.

In fact, this can be a tricky battle, simply because of the restrictions on

what equipment you can buy and equip. The only good thing is that you can
defeat them one a time and rest and repair in between battles. You need both
characters to be at least level 9 to have any chance of success.
Drive north east from Negi and follow the broken road up and then west. As you
drive further west there will be explosions and then a battle with a Big
Cannon. Default guns only do 15 damage and it can do 40 SP damage for each
tank. It also has two turns to your one. Nothing seemed to do much damage to
it, and after a few rounds my Mosquito was in tatters.
| Big Cannon
North of Negi |
| Drops
| 1 gold
| Experience | 1000
| Attacks
| (Just uses a gun to attack)
Now to prepare for this battle. Make sure Hunter is in the Mosquito as he has
the better attack power and driving skill. Equip the tank with the Chonov
Engine and the 55mm Main Gun, and buy 8 Piercing Shells. These do not add to
the weight, but only this tank can equip them. Give Mechanic the best Autogun
which at this stage is the Gatling Gun. The only drawback with this set up is
that the Main Gun only has 10 shells. Don't waste them on any enemies you
might run into on the way to the Big Cannon! Make sure both tanks are fully
protected with armour tiles, and repair any damage with extra packs of tiles
before facing the first Big Cannon.
Alternative Strategy
Now, I have not yet tested this out, but MAV notes that by using the Boomerang
Wrench with the mechanic in the Buggy (remember you can fight as if on foot,
while still being protected by this tank), you can disable the enemy using the
Wrench. This also means that you could attempt this battle at lower levels.
If you try this out then you might as well leave the Gatling Gun on the
Mosquito, since Hunter has a stronger tank attack and can use this gun if he
runs out of Main Gun shells.
Big Cannon Battle
Use a combination of piercing shells and the Main cannon. The shells will
damage it so sometimes its parts stop working and its attacks fail.
I had run out of both piercing shells and main gun ammo before defeating it,
and then just used the autoguns. Fortunately many of its attacks failed and
second Cannon went down without too much damage to my tanks, although the
Mosquito had lost all its SP and the autogun was damaged though not inoperable.
Since you get 1000 experience points for each of these enemies, go back to
Leorad for repairs and training. Then use the Dog System to return to Negi and
this time you can carry on over the Big Cannon place to the west. Follow the
edge of the mountains heading back east and stop at the first small hut.

Secret Cave
At the area just before the Big Cannons you can use the check command on the
place in between the three rocks. Here there is a conveyor belt and a platform
with three circles on it. You can't do anything here, but it's nice to know
there are secret underground places. You will find more of them later.
Found in the Field
On the grey island where the two Big Cannon were stationed there are two items
that can be found, but only after you have the Mine or Metal Detector. Use the
Detector next to the northern stone and find the 35mm Machine Gun, and then
next to the southern stone and find another 35mm Machine Gun!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------vi. Old Couple's House and Isaac's Spring
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: The house is east of the Big Cannon area on a small island
Isaac's Spring is further east from this.
Enemies: Crabgun, 85 Mobile Artillery, Acid Ant, Burner Hopper, Patrol
Punishment, Hippogun, Pickaxe Bird.

Fire Extinguisher is in the stove, Alkali Wax is in the sink.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Drive through the Big Cannon platform and then head east following the narrow
track that lies between the mountains to the north and the water. The house
is on its own surrounded by water. There are no more explosions and no
enemies for this first part of the journey.
They are not pleased that you destroyed the Big Cannon! But you get a hint
about a "secret portal." If you return to the Big Cannon area, and investigate
the spot in front of the rock, just before the Big Cannon platform, it will
open to reveal an access point to the Subway Ruins, except that there is no
access to anywhere. However, you can take some reassurance from the fact that
there might be other underground places that can be explored.
Keep going south and east until you see another small hut near some broken
road. You will encounter Acid Ants on the way, and the status of "acid" lasts
after a battle. Use Alkali Wax from the items inventory to deal with this.
In fact, the status of acid is a frequent and annoying one, so it is a good
idea to keep a couple of spare Alkali Wax in your inventory at all times.
--------------------------Isaac's Spring: Trader Camp
--------------------------This is the small hut near the broken road. It is the home base of all
traders. You cannot get past the welcoming committee, but they tell you that
Audrey Town is to the north and Port Slum to the east. Return here later...
after you have visited Audrey, and you can get to the shops. From Audrey it
is due south.
Tank Parts Shop

On Board Tool Store

--------------9mm Vulcan............1075G Aux (group)

Flame Thrower.........1000G Aux
Chonov-T..............1210G Engine
800G C-Unit
Interior Shop
------------Persian Carpet
Gold-Eating Insect
Froggy Tactics
Boom! Boom! Tanks!
Bronze Statue

------------------80-Plate Pack..........120G
Dog System.............350G
Alkaline System........500G


The Alkaline System will protect a tank from acid attacks for a certain amount
of time, so you might want to buy a couple of these Tank Tools as it is the
only way to avoid the acid damage to your tanks.
There is an Inn here as well, with three vending machines. Frog Race is at
the right of the counter on the ground floor. I thought that the man behind
the counter was the inn-keeper, but in fact he runs the Interior Shop. To
find the inn just go upstairs using the ladder in the corner, and talk to one
of the traders, and you can have a bed for only 5G. The other two traders
will tell you about Caesar and the Lock Hacker. You can try and win the
Roulette prizes from the Vending Machines.
Vending Machines
---------------Plate Prize: Really, You First!

Shells Prize: Polka-Dot Seat Cover


Spare Shell x 1 10G

Spare Shell x 7 70G
Blast Shell x 1 25G
Rocket Shell x 1 99G
Hypno-Gas Shell x 1 30G
Cement Shell x 1 35G





Tools Prize: Baddie Promo (Trader Killer)

Healing Capsule x 1 10G
Healing Capsule x 2 20G
Healing Capsule x 4 40G
Healing Capsule x 6 60G
Rocket Firework x 1 5G
Blaze Bottle x 1 10G

4. A U D R E Y T O W N



Head due north from Isaac's Spring, following the broken road, and the town is
a collection of buildings interspersed with bits of road.
AREA ENEMIES: Gunboat, Syringe Kiwi, Golden Ant, Sniper Dog, Patrol
Punishment, Hippogun,
Dos Piranhas
Mad Muscle
Find the Soldier: Hunter MUST be at level 15 before you can recruit her
Start Modding your tanks in the garage.
-------Equipment Store
Tools Store
Parts Store
On-Board Tool Shop
Ammo Dealer
Tank Rentals
Others...lists all the other services in the town.
Memory Centre
Hunter Office
Refill Station
Parts Modification
Auto Repair
Transfer Center
Equipment Store
---------------Boomerang Wrench.......570G M
Red Peony's Dagger.....740G H & S
SMG Uzi...............1100G (Group)
Camouflage Beret........60G
Goggle Cap.............180g
Leather Gloves..........60G
Barrier Seal...........160G

Tools Store
----------Healing Capsule.........10G
Pencil Missile..........20G
Hand Grenade............20G
Neutralising Cream......20G
Gas Mask...............110G
Mine Detector..........150G
Alkali Wax..............60G

Tank Parts Shop

--------------75mm Gun...............860G
80mm Spark............1780G
95mm Gun..............2600G
Gatling Gun............550G
ATM Missile............800G

On-Board Tools Shop

------------------40-Plate Pack.............60G
Dog System...............350G
Extinguisher System......980G
Electromagnetic Barrier.4000G
Ventilation System......1075G

Aux (group)

Ammo Dealer
---------Blast Shell...........25G
Hypno-Gas Shell.......30G
Poison Gas Shell......30G
Piercing Shell........30G
Tank Rental
---------Renter #1 Sp 245
Renter #2 Sp 225
Buy the Mine Detector and at least two Barrier Seal protectors. Make sure to
equip these and watch out for them breaking because you should replace them.
Don't throw away the scrap as you can sell these and exchange them for better
protectors at Port Slum. The Ventilation System Tank Tool will protect a
driver from the lasting effects of of a sleep attack, and is a useful item to
buy, but don't bother with the Uzi as you can find two of these weapons at the
Hidden Cottage area.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Garage: Neutralising Cream in the fridge upstairs.
Para-Non in wooden box
Fire Extinguisher in another wooden box
Leather Overalls in cupboard in the right room
Alkali Wax in left hand cupboard in the left room
Repair Kit is in the right cupboard. (All upstairs in the garage)
Para-Non in chest of drawers
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------The town is in three separate parts, with the tanks' area to the right, the
shops in the left building and the Inn and bar in the upper left building.
------------1. Tanks Area
------------Ground Floor
The Memory Centre and Hunters Office are on the ground floor of the garage,
together with the Tools Store and Parts Store. Leave your tanks and walk up
stairs in the garage to speak to two people who will tell you about a bunch of
soldiers who have taken over a building in town.
Check the cupboards for items and then return down the ladder. You will find
Neutralising Cream in the fridge, Para-Non in one wooden box and a Fire
Extinguisher in the other. Walk into the right room to find Leather Overalls
in the cupboard, and then go into the left room and take Alkali Wax from the
left hand cupboard, and Repair Kit from the right hand cupboard.
Buy the Ventilation System for one tank at least, as this helps prevent the
driver from sleeping due to gas attacks, and go to the Tools screen for the

tank to switch it ON. An Extinguisher System is also useful, and this can be
used during a battle to put out flames, whenever you might need it.
Basement 1
The Repair Shop and Ammo Dealer can be found if you drive down the ramp to the
right as you enter the tanks area. There is also a Vending Machine and the
man standing in front of it will tell you about the mod place if you say Yes
to his question.
Vending Machine
--------------Shells Prize: 80-Plate Pack
Spare Shell x 1 10G
Spare Shell x 7 70G
Blast Shell x 1 25G
Blast Shell x 4 100G
Hypno-Gas Shell x 1 30G
Poison Gas Shell x 1 30G
Basement 2
Go down the ramp behind the Vending Machine and there is a Rent-a Tank place
and most importantly you very first chance to do some modding.
Modding Tank Parts An Introduction
You can raise the Chonov's load to 15 tons and its name will change to
Chonov-T. You can also increase its defence. By raising the load of the
engine you will be able to equip heavier weapons, and as you will have
realised, if you have been chatting to the various guys in the garage, heavier
guns are more powerful. Although raising the load cap is very useful, it is
also the most expensive modification, depending on the engine. You can
usually raise the load cap twice on an engine, and it will always change its
There is a limit to any increase and you can raise something twice only, and
some things only once. The more times, the greater the cost, and the heavier
the part. Also, the better the weapon or part, the higher the cost of modding.
You can increase accuracy, evasion, defence on the C-Unit. The guns can have
their attack, ammo cap and defence raised. For example, if you raise the 55mm
Gun's attack it only costs 135 gold. Attack will now be 132 and there is a
corresponding increase in weight to 1.76 tons.
SE guns usually come with very little ammo, so raising their ammo cap is a good
thing, even though this is also expensive. It might cost around 8000 gold to
raise an SE gun's ammo from 2 or 3 to 12. However this is a good increase to
get, and when you have access to better and more powerful weapons, this can
make a lot of sense despite the cost.
Increasing the defense of the chassis is a something to consider, as a tank's
chassis does not change, and so any money spent on defense won't be wasted.

---------------2. Shopping Area

---------------You can't take your tanks inside here. There are
but you can get some information about Caesar and
Make sure to buy the Mine Detector from the tools
from the Equipment shop. This adds another layer

no items on the ground floor,

buy new arms and tools.
shop and the Barrier Seal
of protection to your armour.

In fact, buy one for both of you, and some spares as well. When these are
broken, you need to replace them with another one. Equip them as soon as you
buy them. I found Red Peony's Dagger a very useful weapon for the Soldier,
but you haven't found the third party member yet... However, you could buy the
SMG Uzi and some better body armour, or go back to the Hidden Village and use
the Mine Detector to get two free Uzi weapons!
Go upstairs, and this is the personal villa of Lord calling
himself Casear. Speak to the girl to the right of Caesar and you can "fence"
tools and equipment. You can speak to Caesar who just brags, and chat to his
You can explore the next floor if you like, but there is nothing to find,
though you can practice falling off edges.
-----------------3. The Inn and Bar
-----------------This is the northern building of the town. The inn only offers a Plum Room and
it only costs 10 gold per person. If you need healing, you might as well stay
here, even though there is a mosquito. The massage man is in the Plum Room.
and you can find Para-Non in the first chest of drawers.
Downstairs you can find the bar, with loads of people! The ones who are all
dressed the same are soldiers. They will be rude to you, and everyone else
will be rude about them.
There is a transfer machine down the ladder if you go through the south door.
The bar also has a Jukebox and there is a girl standing at the bar...except
she is a little different from the usual bar girl. She won't talk to you at
all if you are not strong enough. At level 12 all she will say is "Get lost!)
At least she is slightly more polite than the soldiers. I was starting to
worry this second time playing as even at Level 14 she was telling Hunter to
Shoo. However, Hunter must be at level 15 before she will talk to you.
Talk to the girl with flame hair and say Yes, you want a beer. She will give
up her seat to you if you say Yes, and then provokes the soldiers by telling
them that YOU said they look dumber than a "bucket of hammers"!, and adding
another choice insult of her own. They won't let this go uncontested, of
course, and you have to fight six of them, but you have the girl on your side.
| Delinquents
Bar, Audrey |
|--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Drops
| Glittering Silver Earring, 4 gold
| Experience | 4
| Attacks
| They wag a finger, Try to provoke, Escape

Hand Grenades and Flame bottle work well. You cannot target an individual
enemy, and they have protection that has to be broken before they will take
any damage. The soldier has two Blaze Bottles which you can throw at the
collective Delinquents.
They will escape after a short while, (at least they did for me), if you are
not strong enough to defeat all of them quickly. However with the best
equipment, such as the SMG UZi, which targets all six of them at once, you
should be able to defeat them within three or four turns, and then you will
receive the Silver Earring reward. After the battle Red Wolf will appear and
chuck you all out of the bar! You automatically return to the bar where there
is another event. After this talk to the girl and agree to let her join your
happy band. She is a Soldier and a very useful on foot fighter, and joins you
at level 5. Her default equipment is a Bow Gun, Camouflage Fatigues, Leather
Gloves, London Boots and a Barrier Seal.
After the Battle
If you speak to the bar regulars they will have a few more things to say, and
you can return and talk to Caesar who will also mention Red Wolf. Whatever
you do, don't sell the Earring to the girl who fences stuff as she will rip
you off!
You could rent a tank for your soldier before going anywhere else, though you
could keep her on foot if you don't want to lose the rewards for fighting.
You might as well get the better Sherman tank. Also, don't forget to buy her
some head armour and upgrade her weapon, although you might want to wait until
you reach Rocco or the nearby trader camp.
NOTE: In my first game I defeated Mad Muscle at level 14 and I am sure I had
already recruited the soldier. If this is so, (and bear in mind that I am not
100% sure that she was in the party), then that means you don't have to be at
level 15 to recruit her. If so, then there must be some other criteria, but I
don't yet know what. If you do manage to get her to talk to you at a lower
level than 15 please let me know how!)
MAV succeeded in recruiting her at lower levels, and after some discussion we
think that the criteria for joining may be dependent on current attack
strength. If you make sure to buy and equip the best weapon for Hunter then she
might join you more easily. The Laser Rifle, bought in Rocco is the most
powerful weapon you can get at this point in the game: Its attack power is 86,
and the SMG UZI or Red Peony's Dagger is only 48. Anyhow, it's worth a shot
if you are having any difficulties in persuading her to talk.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------i. Port Slum/Tank
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: Drive south from Audrey and then east and you will find an area of
rocks and jetties, that is situated above the water.
Enemies: Sniper Dog, Gunboat, Wandering Polytank, Burner Hopper, Magnetor,
85mm Mobile Artillery, Injection Bird,(world map)

FIND THE LOCK HACKER HERE! Abrams Tank for sale. Re-name your

COMMENT: The Bottom Building is where you can sell off scrap protectors, and
if you sell enough of them you will be rewarded with better protectors. This
is the ONLY place where you can find these, and it is well worth while making
the extra effort to collect and then sell the scrap here.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Port Slum is situated to the south east of Audrey. It is not listed on the
This place is important for a number of reasons. You can buy a tank, you find
the Lock Hacker, you can re-name your tanks, and sell your scrap metal from
broken protectors. You might want to wait until you have your third ally
before going here, but in fact it is a good place to level up if you need to,
and you can manage most of the enemies with just the two of you.
--------------1. Top Building
--------------Enemies: Murderous Amoeba and Sniper Dog and DNA Blob, Empty Tank, Poison
Potato Cannon, Gunbird, Pickaxe bird.

470 gold, London Boots.

Go inside the northern most building on foot and up the stairs to the right.
Carry on up the next stairs at the far left to the next floor. The left room
has a box with gold (470 or so). The one on the right has London Boots.
Carry on climbing up the stairs to the next floor, and you will find a blocked
door into a room, where someone is hiding out. You can't get access here, so
continue again up to the next floor. The right hand room has an opening in the
floor, and a ladder down to the room below. Although there is nothing to find
you can speak to the man and he mentions Yazoo, who you can find in the next
You can climb the next stairs to the roof but there is just one person to
speak to, though you can gaze into the distance and marvel at the view.
-----------------2. Middle Building
-----------------Enemies: Crab Gun, (can't defeat with weak weapons) Wandering Polytank,
Enormous Ant, Sniper Dog.

Apartment Key, Lock Hacker

Nothing to find on first floor, so go straight up the stairs on the right. In

the first room Yazoo tells you about the wardrobe. The middle room is locked.
Check the wardrobe in the end room and a monster will appear. This is
| Tansugon
Port Slum |

| Drops
| 1000 gold
| Experience | 500
| Attacks
| Exhales..sleeping gas, bites, shuts itself in a cupboard |
Fighting Tansugon
Use Sister's Towel to protect from the gas, and Pine Towel has the same useful
effect. Just select the command USE at the start of a turn, and you can still
attack. Continue to attack even when the Tansugon shuts itself in the
cupboard; even though some attacks might miss, at least there is no danger of
falling asleep
After the Battle
Defeat him and return to speak to Yazoo who gives you the key. Go to the items
inventory and click on the Apartment Key and Use, while standing in front of
the locked door. Go through to get the Lock Hacker from the wooden box.
Always carry this item, as it is used in many different places.
-----------------3. Bottom Building
-----------------Buy shells for 5G from the old man. Speak to the white capped man on the
left on the first building and he will split into 4 and let you rename your
tank for the knock down price of 10G per letter!
In the second room you can sell the scrap that you get when a protector breaks.
However, DON'T sell your scrap in ones and twos, but save up a few and then
when you sell them off, he will give you an extra reward of a new, and better
protector. Just store them in the Trunk Room at Leorad until you have a few,
and then withdraw them and make a special trip to Port Slum. You will have to
remove all your arms items from all three party members in order to carry 24
pieces of the scrap, so you don't want to get into any on foot battles.
This is what you need to sell and what you can get in return:
Silicon Pad
(sold 6/10 scrap)




Body Fender
(sold 11/14 scrap)




Sonic Hold
(sold 16 scrap)




Trance Shield
(sold 18/19/20 scrap)




Prism Shaver
(sold 22 scrap)




Absorb Shell
(sold 24 scrap)




There are two tanks in the next room and the trader offers to sell them. One
of them will be claimed while you wait. You need a fair amount of cash to buy
the one that is left. I have heard that people pay a lot for this tank.
Don't. However, I do wonder if the amount might be related to whatever part of
the game you have reached, or maybe your levels, but I have no evidence to
support this. I bought the tank early on, and it only took a few refusals
before he agreed to a reasonable sum. You might not be so lucky, and have to
try again and again before he accepts your offer.
I paid 14,089 gold for it after a few attempts at lower offers. You won't
have that kind of money at the moment, at least, I didn't, so return here when
you do. In another game I couldn't get him to accept such a low sum, and paid
around 20,000. The Abrams is a very good tank so don't forget about it!
| T A N K | *T6 ABRAMS |
There is a ladder in the right corner of the passage leading to the tanks. Go
up here and there is a man selling "Medicines."
Tools Store
----------Healing Capsule......10G
Healing Drink........20G
Doping Tab..........398G
Speed Tab............80G
The Doping and Speed Tabs are only sold here, and they will increase power and
speed for one battle for the person who uses them.
--------------------------Blue building (Bottom left)
--------------------------Enemies: None

609 gold, Fake Tattoo, Flame Gun.

This contains a small puzzle, and you can test out the Lock Hacker for the
first time.
Use the Lock Hacker on the top locked door and push the thing out of the way.
Then push the second one to the left. Go all the way around the tables and
down the ladder in the floor. (If you mess up, you can leave the building to
re-set the puzzle.)
Climb up the middle ladder in the passage and then out the door at the top of
the screen. Stand on the brown square and select "Check." This is a manhole
cover, and it will open. You can now go down here into a new room. Go around

and up the ladder on the far side and then right, and down into the next room.
Here you can open three wooden boxes. One has 609 gold, the middle one has
Fake Tattoo, and the third contains Flame Gun. Leave.

5. R O C C O


Head north from Audrey and although there will be an earthquake on the bridge,
you can just go on.
Syringe Kiwi, Mine Mole, Gunboat, Magnetor, Missile Frog, Crabgun, UFO Scout,
85 mm Mobile Artillery, Poison Potato Cannon.
Mad Muscle
Mammoth Tank
Use the Metal Detector in the group of 3 trees at the far south edge of the
land from Rocco. This location can also be reached from Audrey, going north
and then east. Wozniak SI (C-Unit) 3%
There is a traders' tent at the entrance, where Chassis Modding is available.
-------Equipment Store
Tools Store
Parts Store
On-Board Tool Shop
Ammo Dealer
Others...lists all the other services in the town.
Memory Centre
Hunter Office
Interior Shop
Refill Station
Chassis Modification
Auto Repair
Transfer Center
Equipment Store
---------------Exploding Saw.........1150G S

Tools Store
----------Healing Capsule.........10G

Flame Gun.............1500G
Laser Rifle...........2980G
Mechanic's Gloves......150G
Heavy Leather..........600G
Rivet Cleats...........260G
Barrier Seal...........160G

Hand Grenade............20G
Nitro Beer..............60G
Neutralising Cream......20G
Gas Mask...............110G
Repair Kit..............80G
Delicious Water........200G

Parts Store
----------95mm Gun...........2600G
105mm Cannon.......3200G
9mm Vulcan.........1075G
11mm Machine Gun...1210G
Flame Thrower......1000G
TNT Grenade........1500G
Wozniak II.........2000G

On-Board Tools Shop

------------------40-Plate Pack..............60G
Dog System................350G
Electromagnetic Barrier..4000G
Ventilation System.......1075G

Aux (group)

Ammo Dealer
---------Acid Shell........30G
Piercing Shell....30G
Rocket Shell......99G
Spare Shell.......10G
Interior Shop
-----------English Bureau.........4000G
Stylish Table..........8000G
Buy the Exploding Saw weapon for your soldier, if you haven't got anything
better for her already, and can't afford the stronger weapons, but the Flame
Gun would be a safer bet for defeating Mad Muscle. The Laser Rifle is the most
powerful weapon, but there is a chance it can 'bounce' off enemies.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Inn: Pine Slippers in the left hand drawers, of Pine Room
Pine Towel from the middle one in Pine Room
Pine Soap from the right hand drawers in Pine Room
Bio Sprouts in the plant next to the right bed
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Chassis Modding
The first small building, which looks like a tent, has someone who will offer
advice about chassis modding.
| Customise Slots
| Magazine Capacity |

| Customise Defences |
You can add more slots which enables you to equip different weapon types.
You can increase or decrease the special shells you can have on the chassis.
You can raise your chassis' defence power.
You cannot add a slot to
something else. You CAN
the spare capacity so it
remove some armour tiles

the Buggy, and you cannot change the Aux gun to

add an SE slot to the Mosquito, but only if you have
won't be overloaded. If you want to do this now,
so any additional weight can be accommodated.

The guy to the right will tell you about a medicine building to the west; this
is where you will find Mad Muscle and another tank.
The garage has the Interior Shop as well as the parts and tools for tanks and
Ammo Dealer. Make sure to buy Piercing Shells from him as they are very
useful against all kinds of powerful enemies.
The large garage to the right has a Dispenser in front of it and another one to
the left that can only be reached on foot. You can find the local Hunters
Office here as well as the Memory Centre, where a man will tell you a little
more about Mad Muscle and his tank.
Vending Machines
---------------Shells Prize: 80-Plate Pack

Tools Prize: Baddie Promo (Dos Piranhas)

Spare Shell x 1 10G

Spare Shell x 7 70G
Blast Shell x 1 25G
Blast Shell x 4 100G
Hypno-Gas Shell x 1 30G
Poison Gas Shell x 1 30G

Healing Capsule x 1 10G

Healing Capsule x 2 20G
Healing Capsule x 4 40G
Repair Kit x 1 80G
Hand Grenade x 1 20G
Smokescreen x 1 50G

Other Services
Walk to the left and upgrade at the equipment shop, making sure everyone has
the Barrier Seal Protector equipped, and buy the stronger defensive equipment.
There is a transfer centre behind the Inn.
Visit the bar and Inn. You can only get into the upstairs room if you pay,
and it costs 100G per person. Do this to find Pine Slippers in the left hand
drawers, Pine Towel from the middle one and Pine Soap from the right hand one.
There is Bio Sprouts in the plant next to the right bed, just one of those
items to sell in a bar. You can get some information about a bay to the north
east of town from an old man at the bar and sell your sprouts.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------i. Peerless Hospital/Mad Muscle/Van tank
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: From Rocco, it is west and then at the furthest point to the north.

Enemies: Mad Muscle


Freezer Bottle, Confusion Hi, Oyholo Capsule, Healing Drink, Nitro

Beer, True Blue, ID CARD (o).


Van Tank

Comment: Take the Lock Hacker with you, so you can obtain the ID CARD (o)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Drive West and then North from Rocco. The hospital is the small building just
before the broken bridge to the right. There are no enemies in here, so you
can check all the cupboards and pick up all the items in safety. In fact you
can take as long as you like, and even leave the building altogether if you
want, after getting all the items, and the short series of events chasing Mad
Muscle will simply replay.
The middle room on the ground floor has Freezer Bottle in the sink. Take the
stairs up to the first floor and enter the first room to find Confusion Hi and
Oyholo Capsule in the two chests of drawers.
Go inside the second room and the man will run away. Check the machine near
the bottom exit and it is another cross fire type mini-game which you can play
if you like. Follow the man outside onto the balcony and then back into the
next room. Get Healing Drink from the first box and Nitro Beer from the
second. True Blue (body armour), is in the Wardrobe.
Go out and down the stairs to reach the area on the ground floor where you saw
a skeleton. Push this forwards and follow the Muscle Man down the stairs, for
of course, this is who has been running away from from you. Take a moment
to open the grey door using the Lock Hacker, as there is a wooden box in the
bottom right corner which contains the essential ID CARD (o). You need this
in order to obtain another tank later in the game. (If you have forgotten to
bring the Lock Hacker, you can return here another time.)
Check the open wardrobe and MM will appear and run off again. (Or, if you move
down the passage he will do the same). Head right, into the garage and he
challenges you to a fight.
You need all three allies for this battle, and ensure that they all have the
best equipment you can buy at this stage of the game, including spare
Protectors. Stock up on healing items and throwing tools, such as Hand
Grenades and Flame Bottles, and really, anything you can lay your hands on!
Don't forget to level up your soldier before attempting this fight.
| W A N T E D | *W4 M A D M U S C L E
Reward: 5,000G |
| Attacks
| No name, but he poses and flexes his muscles
| Retreats and re-appears in his Muscle Car
| Experience | 1200
| Drops
| 17 gold

His attacks are very powerful and did around 250 HP damage to my party at
around level 15, and he had two of them each turn. Use the Confusion Hi item
that you found, and Soldier with the Flame gun or the best weapon you have.
Not all attacks will hit, but don't use the wrench with Mechanic as it will
just bounce off him. Keep healed, and replace broken protectors during the
battle; you will hear a louder bang when a protector breaks, but it is best to
keep checking just to make sure.
If you don't destroy him quickly he will go off screen and return with the
Muscle Car!! This is his vehicle, and you might think that this will make him
even more powerful an enemy. However, he doesn't seem to make any attacks with
it, and may then disappear again and return without it. At level 16 for Hunter
and the other two at 15 and 12, I ended the battle with one person dead and it
took at least 7 or 8 rounds. You would do better to level up a bit more if you
can. If you manage to defeat the Car then in effect you defeat Mad Muscle.
| T A N K | *T3 VAN
After the battle, walk onto the tank and "CHECK" to claim and name it. Drive
out of the building and then re-enter to pick up your other tanks.
-----------Trader Camp
-----------West of Rocco, on the way to the Peerless Hospital, there is a group of trees
surrounding a patch of sand, close to the water's edge. This camp is the only
place that sells the Tapdancer SE weapon, which, although not very powerful,
is one of the very few tank guns that attacks all enemies.
Tank Parts
---------92mm Spark............4870G
13mm Machine Gun......1520G
Smash Horn............3200G
Legendary 99..........3600G

S-E (All)

--------Lawn Burner...........POW
Brass Knuckles........DEF

600G (Group)


------------------------------------------------------------------------------ii. Jizo's Passageway/Supply Depot

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: A cave on the beach northeast of Rocco

Enemies: Hard Cannon, Octopus Tank


9mm Machine Gun

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Drive north east from Rocco, and at the far end of the land you will find a
cave on the beach. Go down the ramp and keep going left past various patches
of water and when you see another ramp going up, ignore it for now. Drive down
the narrow passage to find a wooden box. This contains 9mm Machine Gun.
Remove armour tiles if you need to, and if you want to keep this weapon.
Then head up the ramp and you will find a statue blocking the narrow passage.
Simply push this to emerge outside. You can throw some money in the offering
box if you drive around to the other side facing the statue. (Only threw in 1G
Once you are back on the world map go left and stop off at the blue roofed
building just a little way to the west. This is a Supply Depot. From here
just head north to reach Freeza
-----------Win the good luck charm and it is displayed on every subscreen for the tank
you give it to. Speak to the man by the Vending Machine and he will warn you
about the dangers of East-West Subway Ruins. One of the people at the table
will tell you the route to Freeza.
Vending Machines
---------------Plate Prize: Good Luck Charm

Shells Prize: Flowered Seat Cover


Spare Shell x 1 10G

Spare Shell x 7 70G
Blast Shell x 1 25G
Panic Shell x 1 35G
Piercing Shell x 1 30G
Acid Shell x 1 30G





Tools Prize (left): Baddie Promo

(Mad Muscle)

Tools Prize (middle): Baddie Promo

(Mammoth Tank)


Healing Drink x 1 20G

Healing Drink x 2 40G
Para-Non x 130G
Alkali Spray x 1 1000G
Repair Kit x 1 80G
Alkali Wax x 1 60G





Tools (Right): Overstuffed Wallet

Rocket Firework x 1 5G
Pencil Missile x 1 20G
Hand Grenade x 1 20G

DD Pineapple x 1 30G
Blaze Bottle x 1 10G
Smokescreen x 1 50G
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------iii. East-West Subway Ruins (Southwest of Freeza)/Trader Camp
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: West from the exit of Jizo's Passageway.
Enemies: Drill Worm, Enormous Ant, Security Camera, Golden Ant, Acid Ant,
Metal Eater, Meteor Snails x8 on the train. DNA Blob.



Auto-Escape System

Comment: This hole provides a route to Sol and from there, all the way west
to Hell's Gate.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------From Jizo's Passage, travel north and then west a little and you will see a
hole in the ground. Go down here and it is East-West Subway Ruins. There is
nothing to find down here unless you are desperate to kill lots of ants or
snails, but you can follow this track all the way to the far west, to Sol and
You arrive from a ramp to the left, which feels odd, but anyway go down the
screen and turn left and the way is blocked. There is a ladder down to a
platform where there is a small blue switch on the wall to your left, but if
you try to flip it down, you can't...someone has been messing with it! In fact
it is just to turn the lights off and on, so nothing exciting or significant.
Get back in your tanks and drive right a short way, and then down through the
hole in the wall and down the ramp to the left. After a couple of screens of
travelling left along the tracks you get to a doorway but the tanks cannot
enter. That is because this is a train!
EAST-WEST SUBWAY RUINS FROM HOLE (South of Freeza) to HOLE (South of Sol)
This diagram is an attempt to squash a lot into a small space. Be warned as
you will be walking a long way from east to west.
/// = New screens

= Doorway

|---------| Leads to dead end

To Sol
| --------------------- | |
<<< Ramp A |
| | | ------------------------ From
------ ------------------|
|---| |--| Train Carriage /// | Hole
/ Tracks / / Green Room /
--X-----------------X------------------------------------------------------------- / / <<<Ramp
| Ramp<<< |
|----------------------Leave tanks here

Leads to dead end

This is where you will find Meteor Snail in groups of eight. I guess if you
have a Weekly Target for Meteor Snails this is the place to come. Keep going
left, until you can go no further and then leave the train by the southern open
door, and DON"T go down the ramp into a cave. It just leads to a dead end.
And at first it might seem that all you can do is backtrack to your tanks and
get out of the place.
Now, this was my experience the first time I went this way, but in fact this
subway leads to the exit south of Sol. In fact if you go UP the screen, and
not down the ramp, and then left, you can walk past the hole in the tracks and
continue left for one screen, until you reach the green tented hole in the
upper wall, where you can download the Auto-Escape System.
From here, carry on left for a couple of screens until you reach the platform
area. Go up the left ramp (Ramp A), and keep going left to find another ramp
and you will emerge at the hole south of Sol!
In fact, if you continue left at the platform, and follow the tracks for a
further three screens, you can emerge from a hole close to Hell's Gate and
north of Santa Poco. See chapter 9, Sol, East-West Subway Ruins for more
details on this passage.
----------Trader Camp
----------Travel north from the exit of Jizo's Passageway, following the sandy ground and
at the point where you see a double row of four trees head west, and follow the
line of mountains going north west. Keep going west and you will see a small
group of three trees, and if you stop here it is a Trader Camp, though it
doesn't sell anything very useful. It is west of Freeza, and directly west
from the railway track south of Freeza.
On Board Tank Tools
------------------LL-Plate Pack..........300G
Dog System.............350G
Alkaline Coat..........500G

Tools Store
----------Energy Capsule..........50G
Repair Kit..............80G
Panic Bottle...........150G

6. F R E E Z A


This is the blue square lake (as it appears on the world map) to the north.
Metal Eater, Beehive Tank, UFO Scout, Golden Ant, Sleeping Grass, Laser Beetle
Mammoth Tank 10,000 gold


12,000 gold

METAL DETECTOR!!! Buy this from the Tools Store on the shore of the ice lake.
You need this item to help find hidden items more easily than with the Mine
Detector as it has a wider search range.
-------Equipment Store
Tools Store
Parts Store
On-Board Tool Shop
Ammo Dealer
Tank Rentals
Others...lists all the other services in the town.
Memory Centre
Hunter Office
Refill Station
Auto Repair
Transfer Center
Equipment Store
--------------SMG Grenade...........3060G (Group)
Jet Saber.............4000G H & S
Sonic Boom............5500G
Hard Hat...............380G
Heavy Metal Gloves.....680G
Fire Fighter Uniform..1620G
Red Peony's Wrap.......320G

Tools Store
----------Healing Capsule.........10G
Hand Grenade............20G
Nitro Beer..............60G
Metal Detector.........450G
Neutralising Cream......20G
Repair Kit..............80G

Parts Store
----------115mm Long Tom........4000G
11mm Vulcan...........1800G
15mm Machine Gun......1980G
LI Peanut.............1800G
Fiveless 5............2300G
Wozniak 11............2000G

On-Board Tool Shop

-----------------80-Plate Pack..........120G
Dog System.............350G
First-Aid System.......200G

Ammo Dealer
----------Blast Shell.......25G
Piercing Shell....30G
Cold Shell........50G
Rocket Shell......99G


Tank Rentals
-----------Renter #1 Sp 245
Renter #2 Sp 225
Renter #3 Sp 550
NOTE: Don't bother buying the Sonic Boom weapon as it is a drop from Sonic
Cobras which are in plentiful supply in the nearby Beach Cave area
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Floor 4: Freezer Bottle in left fridge
Nitro Beer in right sink
Fire Extinguisher in the stove.
Floor 3: Siberian wooden box
Dried Cells, Frozen Meat, and Chilly Cells are in fridges.
Floor 1: Spasibo 11 is in the wooden box.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------The only way to get into Freeza is to slide. If you go too far to one side or
another you will find yourself back on the world map. There are no enemies in
the Freeza area, except, of course, on the world map.
The scale of this map is not perfect, but the directions to get into the
buildings are accurate. You cannot see all of the area at once, which is why I
thought a diagram might help.





On foot only
Transfer Centre
Tools and Equipment Store

direction to Inn.
direction to Transfer Centre
direction to Tools Shop
direction to Refill and Ammo Store (Beetla and Brass Banshee posters)
> ^ follow these directions to Freeza Main Town building.

| T.C |
-----------------| //
| ////
----| FREEZA

| |
----------| INN | |
-- -- |X
------| REFILL |
--- ---|
| X 3
| 3<
1^ X X
----X X X
X X -----------------X X X //
3< X 5v|
| 5 <
------------------X X 5 >
5^ X X
.......... WORLD MAP.....
Before doing anything else slide left to the Tools Store, starting from Point
3, below the Refill Station. Buy the Metal Detector, which will allow you to
find tank parts. This can be used on the world map from anyone's inventory. I
would also recommend buying the SMG Grenade weapon as this has the useful
function of giving a double attack: the first is a group attack and then a
grenade attack. Buy protectors for all three party members, so you are
prepared for the Corona Building, where you have to fight on foot.
From just before where the grass starts to form steps above the trees at the
right, (Point 1) drive forwards to get inside the inn. Speak to the couple at
the back table, and they will tell you about Tumack and his wife. The man
inside a room will mention a tall building to the north east. This is the
Corona Building. There is a massage man should you need healing from
paralysis, and a Plum Room costs 10 gold per person. There are no items and,
for once, no mosquitoes.
Drive into the garage where there are two posters, of Beetla and Brass Banshee,
on the back wall. You can get your tanks refilled and buy some shells, so
check that you have some Piercing Shells.
Now starting from Point 5, (below the Refill station), slide left and then
down one space, and right to the two trees, and then up across the ice and
past the statue to enter the main town.
--------Main Town
--------Floor 5
You start on floor 5, as this is the ground floor. There is an elevator at the
far left, which will take you and your tanks to the other four floors. You
can walk up the stairs to the roof if you go all the way right and then up the
passage way on foot.

The Tank Tools and Parts stores are through the left opening near the lift.
The auto repair man and Rent-a Tank are in the centre area. The Memory Centre
and Hunter's Office are to the right, and you have to walk over to the Office,
where you will find details of Mammoth Tank and Beetla.
Floor 4
The bar is found on this floor and you can speak to the men to find out more
about Tumack and the monster underneath the town. Buy the girl a drink to
learn about selling monster drops to the barman, not that you need that
information by now, but it is a good habit to buy drinks from girls in
bars...perhaps. (In fact, if you remember to do this in another town, you
will gain another title.) Walk through the left opening to the back room with
two fridges and find Freezer Bottle in the left one. Nitro Beer is in the
right sink and Fire Extinguisher in the stove.
The "Hotel" is at the back of the area to the right, and costs 5G for the Plum
Room, and there is another massage man.
Floor 3
Open the wooden box near the elevator, which contains Ventilation System, a
useful tool for tanks. Speak to the guy if you want and go across the ice to
get the wooden box in the top left corner of the room. This contains Siberian
There are eight fridges in here, and you could try to open them all, but I
have no idea if this is possible. So far I have managed only three of them.
The back fridge to the right contains Dried Cells. The next one contains
Frozen Meat, and Chilly Cells is in the far left back fridge. I am fairly
certain that the lower four cannot be opened, but logic would suggest that the
one second from the left CAN be opened, if only I could work out the route.

= Wooden Box

// = Tanks have to stop here

|| = No access
=== = Fridge
... = safe ground, (the floor with the freezers is ice.)
=== | UP
^ ===
^ ...|
|------|.F1..> >
^ ===
| TANK |..
| LIFT |
|------------- ------------- -------------------------|

// Entrance
Entrance || ===
| X
| ICE ROOM (no access) |

Floor 2
You can take a look at the computer screen if you walk across to the centre
area, but all it tells you is the temperature of the Fridge Controller, and you
cannot alter this. (Freeza remains frozen and there is not a thing you can do
to change this, and this is probably just as well, considering the number of
frozen chickens on this floor.)
Drive through the opening to the rows of chickens, and turn right through the
gap that is second to the last one on the right, and slide along to the right
hand wall. Then drive down and right to the end of the unfrozen floor and line
up with the door. This will open as soon as you hit it. Slide forwards and
then go right one tank width and then up to the end wall, and you can now drive
down the ramp. This takes you to the lowest floor where you will find Mammoth
Floor 1
You can reach this floor from the Tank Elevator at the left but there is
nothing to find and no access to the Mammoth Tank from the left side of the
floor. Instead, after following the route described for Floor 2, drive down
the ramp and follow this route to reach the Mammoth Tank:
Drive down to the edge of the broken ice, and slide left acroos the room. Then
slide down and one tank width right to stop against the ice wall. Then slide
up the room and right again and you will stop on the broken ice. Move two
tank's width right, again stopping at the ice wall and then face down the room
and you will land up facing the Mammoth.
Speak to it and it isn't a tank, but IS the Mammoth Tank Outlaw.
| W A N T E D | *W5 M A M M O T H T A N K
Reward: 10,00G |
| Attacks with "amazing force" (all)
| Freezing gas
| Armour piercing shells through its trunk. (one)
| Experience | 3000
| Drops
| 1 gold (may drop Mammoth Tusk, or you can find this)
Just use piercing shells and Main guns against the Mammoth. You could have one
tank with the ambush system in place which may prevent some damage. Aux guns
won't do much damage at all, so make sure you have ample ammo for your main
guns and additional shells.
I defeated him using the weaker tanks: the Van, Buggy and Mosquito with Hunter
in the Van equipped with the Long Tom Main Gun. I had the best C-Unit equipped

to the Van to ensure the guns hit. The generalised attack from the Mammoth
inflicted about 7 SP damaage each time to all tanks, and the armour piercing
single attack hurt for about 70 SP. My party were at level 17, 16 and 15, and
at this level he was able to do two attacks every turn. By the way, don't use
the SE gun Fiveless as its beams may bounce off the Mammoth and damage one of
your tanks. Obviously if you have been able to buy the Abrams already, then
this fight will be easy.
Although he didn't drop the Tusk, despite fighting him a few times, I did find
one buried where he had stood: just use the "Check" command to pick this up.
Spasibo 11 is in the box next to the Mammoth Tank. You can only get this
after you have defeated the monster by moving to where he was, and then
turning to pick it up. Just use the Dog System to teleport out rather than
bother with all the ice sliding again.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------i. Beach Cave./Supply Shed
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: Drive north from Freeza and over the bridge, and head through the
islands and sand to the east.
Enemies: Mine Mole, Acid Ant, Missile Frog, Laser Larva, Syringe Kiwi, hard
Cannon, Sonic Cobra

Wozniak 11, 80 Plate Tile Pack, V24 Hulk, Tiger Tank, Hard Hat.
(Only found using the Metal Detector)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Drive north from Freeza and over the bridge, and head through the islands in
between the sand to the east and up a slope to a hut. This is a Supply Shed
and if you talk to the man inside you can get a little more information about
the Corona Building, your next destination.
Vending Machines
---------------Shells Prize: Flowered Seat Cover

Plate Prize: Polka Dot Seat Cover

Spare Shell x 1 10G

Spare Shell x 8 80G
Blast Shell x 1 25G
Exploding Shell x 1 40G
Hypno-Gas Shell x 1 30G
Poison Gas Shell x 1 30G

40-Plate Pack x 1 60G

40-Plate Pack x 2 120G
80-Plate Pack x 1 120
80-Plate Pack x 2 240
L-Plate Pack x 1 200
L-Plate Pack x 2 400

Tools Prize: Baddie Promo (Beetla)
Healing Drink x 1 20G
Healing Drink x 2 40G
Healing Drink x 4 80G
Neutralising Cream x 1 20G
Para-Non x 130G
Nitro Beer x 1 60G

Tools Prize: Baddie Promo

(Brass Banshee)
Healing Capsule x 1 10G
Healing Capsule x 2 20G
Healing Capsule x 4 40G
Repair kit x1 80G
Hand Grenade x 1 20G
Smokescreen x 1 50G

Tools Store
----------Healing Drink........20G
Neutralising Cream...20G
Repair Kit...........80G
Nitro Beer...........60G
Alkali Wax...........60G
Make sure you have some Alkali Wax if you plan to go on into the Beach Cave as
there are many Acid Ants there.
---------------Caveman's Hollow
---------------This is just north of the supply shed and inside a cave.
You have to walk over the rocks and then speak to the two people. The man
will tell you that there is a rumour of a tank buried in a cave by the beach.
The old person in bed will tell you what to do...though I guess you already
have that figured out.
---------Beach Cave
---------Drive all the way right from the supply shed, and down a narrow stretch of
sand to a cave. There are a lot of acid ants down here. I didn't bother to
keep waxing. Wax on, wax off...
This is slightly awkward as the tank you will find has nothing equipped to it.
However, you CAN find an engine, C-Unit and tile packs in the cave, and these
can be used on this new tank. The awkward bit is that if you find them before
getting the tank, you will may exceed the load of your tanks, and have to
fiddle around removing armour tiles. The best way is to find the tank first
and then get the other parts. However, I only realised this in retrospect.
Drive up then turn down the next passage to the empty cave next to where
you entered. Use the Metal Detector to find the Wozniak 11. This is a C-Unit.
Then either leave and sort out the equipment or carry on down the left ramp.
From here go down and all the way left along the narrow path and then up and
right to get to the next ramp down. Continue down the next ramp. This time
head down and right, and keep going until you have to stop. Use the Metal
Detector and HEY. The Tiger Tank! There is also an 80 Plate Tile Pack.
Transfer the C-Unit to it if you have already found that, and tow the tank
after claiming and naming.
| T A N K | *T5 TIGER |
If you check the info for the Tiger you'll find that its default equipment does
not include an engine or C-Unit, and there is only one Main gun, the 95mm

Cannon. If you have already found the V24 Hulk engine in the cave you can
equip this and the Wozniak 11, or whichever C-Unit you want. If not, then tow
the tank until you get the necessary parts for it.
Drive up a short distance from the Tank place and there are some rocks
blocking the route to the right. Oddly you can walk over these, so do this
and use the Metal Detector in the area between the rocks to find a Hard Hat.
If you go back towards the ramp and then turn left you can find an engine for
the tank. The V24 Hulk is buried in the top left of the cave where the north
wall is flat just above some grass.
Slots for the Tiger
After finding everything in the cave hop over to Rocco and get two more slots
for the Tiger. You can have three slots in total. Then buy some guns, but be
careful not to leave the Tiger too low in armour plates. Go for the lighter
Finally check all the tanks' equipment and drop one of them off back in the
garage at Leorad, unless you want to keep one in tow. That is always useful as
it means you have a spare in case of emergencies, and can give it any tank
parts you might find, so avoiding overloading your operational tanks.
Finding Beetla
The Beetla can be found in these sand dunes. It's appearance is random, but
it is here and you will be attacked by it eventually. You need Piercing
Shells to disable its attacks.
| W A N T E D | *W6 B E E T L A
Reward: 12,000 G |
| Headlight emit blinding light (all)
| Launches missile (one)
| Launching missiles wildly (all)
| Attacks with its fang
| Experience | 2750
| Drops
| 9 gold, (may drop Beatle Engine)
Fighting Beetla
If you don't have any Piercing Shells then you may find that your attacks are
ineffective, and Beetla can continue to attack with impunity. Use the
Piercing Shells and eventually its parts will stop working and it won't be
able to hurt you as much. Then use Main Guns to inflict as much damage as
I thought I'd try this fight with my
that had 250 - 300 power. Using the
17/16 it took a few rounds to defeat
around 30 - 40 HP damage per attack.

weakest tanks and just using Main guns

the Tiger, Mosquito and Buggy and at level
it as the main guns were only managing
Aux Guns won't have much of an effect on

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ii. Corona Building

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: Drive east from Freeza and north across the short bridge. Then drive
down the ramp to the sandy area and then head north until you see
another ramp up onto a small hill. Then drive west across a bridge
and keep going until you find the building which blocks your way.
Enemies: Killer Closet, Poison Potato Cannon, Syringe Kiwi, Burner Hopper,
Sleeping Grass, Golden Ant

1495 gold, Gold Bar, Gas Mask, Bulletproof Wig, Booney Hat.


Killer Closet drops Iron Girdle a very useful protector.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------There will be an earthquake when you arrive. You cannot get inside with your
tanks, so leave them at the entrance. After all the events inside the
Building have been completed you can get in your tanks and drive west.
NOTE: Make sure you find all the items, because the building will be
destroyed, and so you cannot go back inside.
-----------------------Getting the Lift to Work
-----------------------There are no enemies on the first four floors.
If you go through the door to the back of the first room and right, there is a
lift that is not working, so just walk up the stairs at the right of the
entrance, to the next floor. Wind around the tables and stools and as you go
through the door to the corridor the girl will run off. Don't bother checking
the empty boxes, as there is nothing in them. Walk right past the lift,
keeping to the bottom of the corridor...I know it is obvious, but it looks as
if there is no way through.
There is nothing to find down the stair so just go up to the next floor. The
girl will be there and run away again. This is a bit odd as the screen changes
view at this point and you are looking out through a broken wall. Go left and
you can then see the stairs up to the next floor. Climb these stairs.
On the next floor you can walk left and explore the floor, though there is
nothing to find. Instead go through the door at the bottom of the screen and
walk left to find the girl. It doesn't matter what answer you give.
When she leaves (heh) walk forwards and check the manhole cover. Climb down
and speak to Molina, Tumack's daughter. Check the computer and select "ON".
This will make the lift work. Now go right and enter the lift. You are on
floor 3 and there are 20 floors! You can use the lift to return to the bottom
floor and the exit if you want.
--------------------Finding all the Items

Unfortunately you still cannot bring your tanks inside, so you have to explore
on foot. Just use the lift to access all floors. Only a few have any items.
All the bookcases will show the same message.
X = door
| LIFT |
---------| B |
| < >>>|
---------------------------There is a wooden box in room A on floor 6. It contains 1495 gold.
There is a wooden box in room B on floor 13. It contains Gold Bar.
There is a wooden box in room A on floor 19. It contains Gas Mask.
Floor 20 has a number of desks and lockers. There is a Bulletproof Wig in the
right-hand desk drawer. There is a Booney Hat in the first cardboard box.
The rest of the floors have nothing.
Floor 8 has nothing, although the floor is arranged slightly differently.
The next two floors have nothing and floor 11 has a different arrangement of
rooms. Floor 12 has nothing and another variation of rooms. There is nothing
on floors 14, 15 and 16. Floor 17 has a different arrangement but no items.
Nothing on floor 18.
-------------------Top Floor and Tumack
-------------------Walk around the holes in the floor to the right and speak to Tumack. Follow
him back around the holes in the floor to the lift. Once the lift stops catch
up with him and speak to him again. He will explain his plan. Tell him you
are ready (Or say no, to hear his reply). You can speak to Molina again if
you like, but all you have to do is to exit the building by the entrance.
(I thought we might have been on a higher floor and have to rush all the way
down against the clock whist fighting as we went....I guess that was another
All you have to do is move the tanks back out into the world map, then return
on foot and speak to him again, and answer YES. While he does what he wants
you cannot move, and then there is a lovely scene of the tower falling. The
way is clear!

You can still drive into the Corona Building area but the way inside is blocked
with rubble. Drive a little way left on the sand and the Brass Banshee will
appear. Now you have tanks you can fight it.
--------------------Finding Brass Banshee
--------------------Brass Banshee can appear on any floor. I first encountered him on Floor 6 and
after running away, he was there again on floor 7, and again on Floor 13. If
you choose to fight him after the Building has fallen, then it might take a
few battles before he appears, or it might be the first battle you fight. He
can be found in the area between the fallen building and Il Migra.
Fighting Brass Banshee
You can fight him on foot, inside the Corona Building, but the easiest option
is to wait until you have your tanks. Fighting on foot, the Brass Banshee's
single tentacle attack did nearly 300 HP damage with no protectors. Some of my
attacks hit and others caused no damage. My party were at level 17, and so
then I decided to use the Signal Transmitter on him, and run away before he
could do too much damage. However, once outside there was no signal so that
seemed a bit pointless.
| W A N T E D | *W7 B R A S S B A N S H E E
Reward: 15,00G |
| Attacks: sounded the large horn (one)
| Thrusts out its tentacles (one)
| Sounded the small horn: effect confused (all)
| Experience | 3510
| Drops
| 250 gold (may drop a Bugle)
Fighting him in tanks and outide the battle took only one round, with two
piercing shells and one main cannon shot. My tanks were Tiger, Mosquito and
Van, with the party at level 17 and 18. However this may have been a matter
of luck.
There is a theory that the HP of this monster varies, in the same way that the
price of the Abrams tank is a matter of luck. Some people have found it hard
to defeat this Wanted enemy despite having good tank weapons, although I found
it very easy. There is also a theory that he may lose some HP when the Corona
Building collapses, but again, I really have no evidence to support this. I
guess, if you have access to codes you might be able to find out exactly how
much HP he has at different locations.
Another day, another battle, and
esactly how much his HP was, but
or less at the same level. This
definitely a random factor here.
your guess is as good as mine.

he was harder to defeat, though I cannot say

I used the same tanks and my party were more
battle took a lot longer, so there is
However, just what it is, I am afraid that

You can get access to Il Migra before fighting Brass Banshee, and so you could
upgrade and modify your tank equipment there if you are having difficulties

defeating him, and you can buy Earplugs which guard against those noise based

7. I L M I G R A


You can only reach this town after completing the events in the Corona
Building. When the way is clear, drive west over a couple of islands
connected by a road, and Il Migra is the first place once you reach the
Missile Robot, Roaming Plating, Laser Larva, Sonic Cobra, Kamikaze Bomb
Brass Banshee 15200G,
Zeppelin. 19950G
Iron Den: All Tank Modding is available here.
-------Equipment Store
Tools Store
Parts Store
On-Board Tool Shop
Ammo Dealer
Tank Rentals
Memory Centre
Hunter Office
Refill Station
Parts Modification
Chassis Modification
Auto Repair
Transfer Center
Equipment Store
--------------SMG Grenade...........3060G (Group)
Sonic Boom............5500G
Hand Vulcan...........7300G (Group)

Tools Store
----------Healing Drink...........20G
Hand Grenade............20G

Football Helmet........650G
Heavy Metal Gloves.....680G

Nitro Beer..............60G
(Protects against noise attacks)
Repair Kit..............80G
Alkali Wax..............60G

Parts Store
----------125mm Cannon..........5500G
125mm Long Tom........6000G
Beam Blaster..........2480G
RD Napalm.............2600G
Giga Bull.............3150G

On-Board Tool Shop

-----------------40-Plate Pack.......... .60G
80-Plate Pack...........120G
Electromagnetic Barrier.400G

Aux (1)
S-E (group)

Ammo Dealer
----------Hypno-Gas Shell.......30G
Cold Shell............50G
Napalm Shell..........50G
Spare Shell...........10G
Tank Rentals
-----------Renter #2 Sp 225
Renter #3 Sp 550
Renter #4 Sp 1515
Now that you have the chance, buy Earplugs for everyone. There are some pesky
enemies that will use noise attacks in later areas, and these can be very
disabling to your party. You also need the Earplugs when you fight an Outlaw
later on, (he sings, badly), so I think it's worth while buying these while you
remember. If you plan to use them while driving then just select them from
your tools menu at the start of every round, and you can continue to fight as
normal in your tanks. The Electromagnetic Barrier might be a good idea for your
tanks, and this will also help protect against later enemies who use disabling
electrical attacks.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Walkthrough
Left Hut:

Sauna Leotard in wardrobe.

Panic Bottle in sink,
Sleep Bottle in stove
Centre Hut: Leather Overalls in left hand wardrobe,
Repair Kit in stove:
Right Hut: Fire Extinguisher in stove,
Fire Fighter Uniform in wardrobe:
Pine Soap in right chest, in left room of inn.
Pine Towel in left chest, in left room of inn.

As soon as you arrive speak to the guard on the right and you will hear the
news about the "hoodlums". As you might guess, you will soon be meeting them.
The Rental garage is to the right and the Tank Tools and Parts garage is to the
left. The Ammo Dealer is here too, and you will be told about the Iron Den by
the man in here. This is good news, and Il Migra is the best place for some
serious tank modification. You can buy the better Emmy C-Unit and and Impulse
engine here. (If you equip the Emmy to a towed tank and the ATM Missile S-E
weapon, then you can use the ambush system on the Emmy C-Unit.)
The Hunter's Office is in the large garage. This is a good time to upgrade
your tank equipment after getting the bounty for the Brass Banshee. Talk to
the man behind the counter to the right, in a white cap, and say you don't
know about modding and he will explain all the possibilities for customising.
| Chassis |
| Weapons |
| C-Unit |
| Engine |
The man in green tells you about opening slots for different guns. The left
mechanic will tune-up your chassis. The right mechanic will modify tank
parts. That includes the Engine, C-Unit, and all guns. There are different
options for the different parts. See the next section for more details about
Leave your tanks inside and walk up to chat to the people in the town for more
information about Red Wolf and the bad guys.
The Bar and Nana
Then go to the bar. You can talk to some of the men, but all they will talk
about is the dancers and as soon as you reach the centre of the four tables the
show will begin. The dancers will come on stage and you cannot go up there.
After they have finished go onto the stage and into the dressing room, to
talk to them both. Nana will tell you to return after the next show, and to go
through the door to the dressing room if you want to find out more about the
gang. Take the Sauna Leotard from the wardrobe. Then leave the bar and go
back in for another show, (it has different music). You can, in fact walk
onto the stage if you stay to the left of the tables, without prompting a
After leaving the bar and returning the man still would not let me through to
the back room, however, after speaking to him immediately after talking to
Nana, she then told him to let the party through. She will tell you about
Walgelyo's flunkies, and that Walgelyo is working for someone else even more
powerful. She tells you not to bother with the riff-raff, but to go after
Now this is all credit to kiryen who emailed me with the solution and posted
the details on the MMR board at GameFAQs. Metal Saga taunted me with the B2

Manta Ray and now MMR has done the same with the Lipstick, but as with any half
decent Bounty Hunter, I will always get my man! (Well, not man exactly, a huge
Manta Ray and a Lipstick...)
Condition for getting the Lipstick
You can do this as soon as you first arrive at Il Migra and MUST do it before
defeating Walgelyo, or else Nana cannot give you the information. So long as
he hasn't been defeated you can obtain the Lipstick whenever you like.
----------------------Ten Steps to Strawberry!
----------------------1. Go into the bar and head past the tables keeping to the left, to the
dressing room. (If you walk to the right you will trigger the dancing, and
you can't do anything while this is in progress. If you mess up then just
leave and re-enter the bar.)
2. Speak to Nana, the girl at the left, and answer YES to her question.
3. Return to the main floor and walk down between the tables and this will
trigger the dance, so just wait and watch the show.
4. Then walk to the left of the counter and speak to the man guarding the
passage who will refuse to let you through. However, Nana will speak to him
and tell him to let you pass.
5. Head up the passage and speak to Nana again. This time she will give you
the information about Walgelyo.
6. Leave the bar and re-enter. (You have to trigger the dancing again and this
is the only way to do it.)
7. Talk to the guard again as soon as you go back inside, and once more Nana
will tell him to let you pass.
8. Go up the passage again into the dressing room and walk to the right and
close to the centre tables to trigger another dance show. (You can talk to
Nana again if you wish, but it's not necessary.) Or, just walk up to the
tables to get the show to start, but make sure the guard has moved.
9. While the girls are dancing walk back around past the guard (who is still
standing to the side and does not block the passage) into the dressing room.
10. You can see the Lipstick on the table behind where Nana was standing. Pick
it up and it's yours!
Actually it doesn't seem to do anything, although you can Use it for anyone in
battle as well as in the field and see the description.
Finding Items
There are three wooden huts behind the bar. The left one has a Panic Bottle in
the sink, and Sleep Bottle in the stove. The centre one has Leather Overalls
in the left hand wardrobe, and Repair Kit in the stove. The third hut on the
right has Fire Extinguisher in the stove and Fire Fighter Uniform in the
wardrobe. Get all this stuff before deciding if you need to buy any new

Go inside the inn and the left hand room has Pine Soap in the right chest and
Pine Towel in the left. If you talk to the people in here you get more
information about the situation, and directions to Yuga from the man in the
back room. There is a massage man and you have a choice of three rooms: Plum,
at 5 gold per person, Bamboo at 15 gold and the Pine Suite costs 50 gold a
night per person. Not worth it when you can nick the items without paying a
penny. Both Plum and Bamboo Rooms have a mosquito.
The transfer place is behind the Inn. If it hasn't already occurred to you to
do so, take a quick trip back to Leorad and use the Lock Hacker on the locked
door. Speak to the old man and he will refer to the TransferTron and let you
pass. After this, you can use the Leorad transfer centre at will.
The Equipment Store has a vending machine. Try to win the Bible, and once you
have, make sure to read it more than once.
Vending Machine
--------------Tools Prize: Bible
Healing Capsule x 1 10G
Healing Capsule x 2 20G
Para-Non x 130G
Repair Kit x 1 80G
Nitro Beer x 1 60G
Neutralising Cream x 1 20G
Smokescreen x 1 50
After modding and upgrading your tank and fighting equipment, leave the twon
and drive south to Yuge.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------i. Tank Modification at the Iron Den
------------------------------------------------------------------------------All modifications can be done and undone, although you won't get your money
back if you decide to undo a previous modification. This lowering or
decreasing of stats is offered so that you can decrease the weight that a tank
is carrying. This might be an issue if you have a lot of heavy weapons that
you find useful, and want to maximise the load, and minimise the overall
weight. Most increases will add to the tank's weight. There is a limit to the
number of times you can increase or decrease anything, although you don't have
to worry about this, as the mechanic will tell you if you can or can't do a
particular mod.
These are your options:
| Add a Slot
Done with Mods
| Alter Slot Type
Remove a Slot
| Raise Magazine Size Lower Magazine Size |
| Raise Defense
Lower Defense

You will find that some tanks, such as the Van, can have a range of slot
alterations, whereas others, such as the Tiger, can only have one. The
magazine refers to the number of Shells that a tank can carry, and increasing
this will add to the tank's weight, though only by 0.01 tons for every increase
of 5 shells.
| Raise Attack
Lower Attack |
| Raise Ammo Cap Lower Ammo Cap |
| Raise Defense
Lower Defense |
| Done
The most useful modification is for the S-E guns. The ones that have very
little ammunition can have the cap increased.
| Increase Accuracy
Decrease Accuracy |
| Increase Evasion
Decrease Evasion |
| Increase Defense
Decrease Defense |
| Done
You can increase the accuracy of the C-Unit and this will help your guns hit
the target. If you find that your tanks are getting badly damaged then
consider increasing evasion and defense.
| Raise Load Cap
Lower Load Cap |
| Raise Defense
Lower Defense |
| Done
Raising the Load Cap is the most useful modification, because you want your
tank to be able to carry the maximum load possible.

8. Y U G E


Directly south from Il Migra.
Missile Robot, Kamikaze Bomb, Roaming Plating, Black Carpet, Vulcan Shark,
Hungry Hippo Gun,

No Hunter's Office.
-------Equipment Store
Tools Store
Parts Store
On-Board Tool Shop
Memory Centre
Equipment Store
--------------Hand Vulcan...........7300G (Group)
Dragon Spray..........9900G S (All)
Football Helmet........650G
Fire Fighter Uniform..1620G
Shield Cloak..........2800G

Tools Store
----------Healing Drink...........20G
Repair Kit..............80G
Alkali Wax..............60G

Parts Store
----------125 Long Tom..........6000G
135 Cannon............5000G
Scan Laser............3800G
MC Striker............3100G
Ion Craft.............4000G
V24 Hulk.............12800G

On-Board Tool Shop

-----------------40-Plate Pack...........40G

Upgrade everything you can afford here. Buy one new engine and mod it to
increase it's load. You will already have a V24 Hulk from the Beach Cave, and
there is another even better engine to be found south of the ferry.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------As soon as you enter the village the man at the Equipment store will disappear
inside. Every store will attempt to block your entrance until they realise you
are not here to rob them. (Little do they know.)
The garage to the right will allow you in, after you speak to the man who is
blocking the entrance. The Tools Store only sells 40-Plate Packs, but the
Parts Store has a better engine than the one they sold in Il Migra.
The large garage at the south of the place will be empty if you visit here
without first talking to everyone in Il Migra, but there is a vending
machine. However, after exploring that place thoroughly, there will be

people here. (I am not certain precisely what the trigger is for this, except
that you do not have to speak to Nana to get the extra information in order to
get the thugs to appear.)
Vending Machine
--------------Shells Prize: Horn-Z
Spare Shell x 1 10G
Spare Shell x 7 70G
Blast Shell x 1 25G
Piercing Shell x 1 30G
Poison Gas Shell x 1 30G
Napalm Shell x 1 50G
There will be two
to them both. If
title as a reward
convinced of just
anything, so yes,

hoodlums standing near the Vending Machine and you can talk
you stay in your tank despite their insults, you gain another
for your cowardice. Talk to everyone in here, to be
how nasty these guys can be. They won't repair, sell or save
they deserve to die!

Check out the bar where there are three videogames. The left and right ones
are Crossfire, and the centre one is a Frog Race . Speak to the girl and buy
her a drink for information about Lead Mushrooms. Yeah...but nothing about
what to do about them or where the tank wash might be found. She will not be
here if you visit while the thugs are around. Instead you can talk to the
The hut at the far left has nothing except a love sick fan of Nana's. You can
get Pine Towel and Pine Soap for free in the left and right chests of drawers
in the right hand room at the inn. The Memory Centre is also in the Inn and
there is your local helpful massage man too. The man standing in front of the
chest outside the left room does not leave this position even if you return
after defeating the hoodlums.
(If you return here after defeating Walgelyo there will be some new chat.)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------i. Tank Ferry North
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: Situated just to the right of Yuge
Enemies: Missile Robot, Roaming Plating, Hungry Hippo Gun (world map)

Napalm Bomber S-E (group) 350 ATT, 50 DEF, 4 AMMO, 6.96t

(found in the field, using the metal detector, by the trees to the
right of the Ferry, east of Yuge)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is the blue roofed single building to the right of Yuge.

Use the Metal Detector before driving in here, and there will be three signals.
In fact they are mines, so use the Mine Detector to de-activate them first, and
then you can pick up the S-E weapon, Napalm Bomber.

Before entering the Ferry make sure your tanks are in good condition and have
decent weapons.
Drive inside to meet three thugs who block your way.
three, before the middle one moves, and they attack.
with the collective name of Walgelyo's Flunkies, the
doesn't fight you, but will speak after the fight is

You have to speak to all

There are two of them
third one of the group,

| Walgelyo's Flunkies x 2
| Drops
| 128 gold, Baddie Promo: Walgelyo's Flunkies
| Experience | 420
| Attacks
| Swung a sword (attacks one). Injected something into one |
| arm. Whistling lightly (effect: sleep)
You can fight them from inside your tanks, or on foot, and obviously it is
much easier to use your tanks, but you can win either way.
Their sword attacks hardly hurt at all, but they manage to dodge some attacks.
The Flame Gun was effective. The sword attack hit for around 10/15 Sp when
the tanks defended, and 30 when they did not. A piercing shell will destroy
their protection. The only thing to watch out for is the sleep attack. You
could avoid this if you had bought the earplugs at Il Migra and fight on foot,
but the effects will probably only last for one round, and the fight is likely
to be over before they have a chance to do much damage to your tanks.
Now you have access to the Vending Machines, if you don't approach the Flunky
that is left until you are ready. You can also check your tanks and weapons
and you must fight the battle with your tanks so make sure they are in good
order, and replenish any armour tiles or shells if you need to.
Vending Machines
---------------Shells Prize: Cute Bunny

Plate Prize: Teddy Bear

Spare Shell x 1 10G

Spare Shell x 7 70G
Blast Shell x 1 25G
Blast Shell x 4 100G
Hypno-Gas Shell x 1 30G
Poison Gas Shell x 1 30G

40-Plate Pack x 2 120G

40-Plate Pack x 5 300
80-Plate Pack x 1 120
80-Plate Pack x 2 240
L-Plate Pack x 1 200G
L-Plate Pack x 2 400G

Move towards the thug and he will back off, and then announce that Boss
Walgelyo has arrived. Although he is not on the Wanted list he drives a
lovely tank. (I wanted that tank!)
| Walgelyo's Tank
Yuge Ferry |
| Drops
| 1564 gold
| Experience | 2210
| Attacks
| Attacks (one gun attack on one tank), let one henchman go |

This battle is with one "Walgelyo's Flunkies" and one Pink Tank! If you kill
the Flunky, then the tank will "let one go" and in effect, release another
Flunky to replace the one you just killed. You could just destroy the tank
first, and forget about the Flunky, but the other alternative is to attack the
tank with a piercing shell and this damages its parts so it can't summon
another Flunky. After that, just use Main Guns and more shells.
After the battle, speak to the henchman and he will tell you where to find the
boss Gomez, at his base near a huge waterfall. Drive onto the ferry and it
will automatically take you to the southern ferry location.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ii. Tank Ferry South/Two Trader Camps
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: This is situated on the Sol side of the river that separates Yuge
from the area west of Sol.
Enemies: Metal Jabber, Gun Tower, Pickaxe Bird, Mobile Sonic Wave Gun.
Missile Robot, Injection Bird, Hungry Hippo Gun, Vulcan Shark,
Kamakaze Bomb

South of the ferry there is a patch of five trees and one rock. Use
the Metal Detector to find the V48 Kong Engine. 52.00t LOAD,
115 DEF, 0.80t. (This is the best engine in the game after you
modify it to increase its load.)


Mr Kamikaze

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tank Ferry Destination

---------------------Walk over the rubble and reassure the man and he will tell you more about
Gomez, and you can check out the vending machine. Then exit to the world map.
----------Trader Camp
----------Head south to find a trader camp in the usual three tree area. This is at the
south west corner of the map just before the cracked ground.
On-Board Tools
-------------LL-Plate Pack.........300G
Dog System............350G
Mirror Coat...........1000G
(Use this to become laser proof)

--------------------Riverside Trader Camp

Tools Store
----------Energy Capsule..........50G
Repair Kit..............80G

--------------------If you drive to the east and follow the line of the river, there is a bridge
crossing to the north. Then follow the narrow grass track up this side of
the river and there is another trader camp. This is north of Sol across the
railway track bridge.
Equipment Store
--------------Lawless Bow...........4400G H & S
Remote Wrench.........9000G M
Freeze Gun............6000G
Trigger Arm...........1800G
Reflecting Suit.......2300G
Tank Parts
---------155mm Spark.............8750G
22mm Vulcan.............3650G
von Neumann Cyclotron..12020G


-------------------Finding Mr. Kamikaze

-------------------This outlaw is very elusive, but various sightings confirm that he can be
found close to the large crack in the earth, due south of the ferry
destination. It took me a long time, fighting random battles ranging up and
down the east side of the crack, before he finally decided to appear. As a
result, this was near the end of the game and so my party were at high levels.
There is a good chance that he will escape before you can even make an attack,
and he can often surprise you with a sneak attack which means he will go first
and there is not much you can do. The best way to prevent this is to keep
your tanks with low SP and have one person on foot, which theoretically should
give you more speed.
| W A N T E D | *W9 M R. K A M I K A Z E
Reward: 22,000G |
| Attacks:
| Tries to Provoke you
| Escapes
| Experience | 10,000
| Drops
| 500 gold, "Peace" headband (rare)
Unfortunately, even once you manage to track down this elusive enemy, he can
continue to dodge your attacks!. For the first round he avoided all my Main
and SE gun attacks. If you have double SE guns equipped then you stand a
better chance of defeating him on one round of firing, or you run the risk of
selecting attacks for the next round, and before you can do a thing, he will
run off! Another time I managed to throw the Signal Transmitter and he dodged
it...and avoided all shells. He has over 500 HP so you need strong weapons to
damage him quickly, or hope that the Signal Transmittter hits him, and then you
will be able to track him if he runs away.

I was using the Tiger, Abrams and Red Wolf and my party were all at level 29,
so it wasn't a matter of low levels.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------iii. Secret Waterfall Base
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: Drive due south from the South Ferry and keep going for a long way,
past the big crack and down between some mountains until you reach
the waterfall.

Missile Carrier, Cannon, Gasoline Cayman, AT Elephant, Sonic Cobra,

Roaming Plating, Crabgun, Radar Flower (world map)


Panic Bottle, Puppy Gourmet, Concentrated Methyl, Metallic Suit,

Clad Boots, Gold Bar, Overstuffed Wallet.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------You can get to this place before visiting Sol or Eden. Indeed, you could
continue all the way down south, past the waterfall and back up north, on the
other side of the river to find Santa Poco, and avoid the battle with Gomez for
now, if you are not yet strong enough.
Going South
Drive down
There is a
tree, next
it. It is

and keep going along the narrow track between water and mountains.
trader camp where the bare square of sand appears in front of one
to the water. There will be an earthquake just before you get to
just north of the waterfall at the edge of the river.

-----------Trader Camp
----------On Board Tank Tool Store
-----------------------LL-Plate Pack..........300G
Dog System.............350G
Stealth Coat..........1500G

Tool Store
---------Energy Capsule..........50G
Repair Kit..............80G
Sleep Bottle...........100G

Gomez's Hideout
Keep going and drive past the waterfall and then left into the building. You
will find that Red Wolf has killed most of Gomez's is left
alive to tell the tale.
You don't have to speak to anyone, and if you go into the second building you
will find Gomez and Red Wolf squaring up to a fight! But Gomez has a dastardly
trick up his sleeve...Nina, Red Wolf's girl, is his prisoner...or is she?
This is nice as you get to see Gomez's power and judge his attacks before
fighting him. In fact, you can watch the scene and leave, OR go forwards and
agree to beat him. My group were level 23 and had the Van, Tiger and Abrams

Fighting Gomez
There are in fact two battles to fight. The first is with Gomez's Tank and
then you fight Gomez, who is, in fact even larger and more fearsome than his
| Gomez's Tank
Secret Waterfall Base |
| Drops
| None
| Experience | None
| Attacks
| Machine gun attacks.(all) Fires a beam. Launches a |
| bombardment (one), launches missiles wildly (all )
Just use your best guns, but don't run out of ammo, as you will need it for
Gomez. Use piercing shells as well.
After the tank is destroyed then you still have to beat Gomez!! But now he is
one foot and you are in tanks. However I must admit that the sight of him
brandishing a huge weapon was more intimidating than the tank.
| W A N T E D | *W11 G O M E Z
Reward: 50,000G |
| Attacks: Swings a hammer.
| Launches a missile.
| Experience | 9000
| Drops
| 20 gold
Strangely the Hollow Charge Shells, did 700HP damage to him! He must have some
special vulnerability to hollowness.
After the Battle
After the battle speak to Red Wolf and he will give you his tank. This is a
great tank and you will use it all the time. It also comes well equipped.
| T A N K | *T7 RED WOLF |
While you are here you might as well raid the place. You have to be on foot.
Walk left to find Panic Bottle inside the stove, Puppy Gourmet in the sink and
Concentrated Methyl in the fridge.
Go up to the bedroom and find Metallic Suit in the wardrobe to the right of the
girl, and Clad Boots in the next. Gold Bar is in the first wooden box, and

Overstuffed Wallet in the next.

9. S O L


Drive east from the South Ferry, and Sol is just to the south of the broken
railway tracks.
Metal Jabber, Pickaxe Bird, Injection Bird, Gunbird.
Zeppelin 19,950G
Rodriguez 100,000G (poster in the bar)
Gomez 50,000G ( poster in the bar)
Use the Metal Detector just above the town to find 48mm Machine Gun close to
the right of the road. 48mm Machine Gun(1) 300 ATT, 42 DEF, 99 AMMO, 1.05t
Renter VIP Club
-------Equipment Store
Tools Store
Parts Store (cannot access at first)
On-Board Tool Shop (cannot access at first)
Ammo Dealer (cannot access at first)
Tank Rentals (cannot access at first)
Others (...lists all the other services in the town on the next screen)
Memory Centre
Bar (cannot access at first)
Refill Station
Auto Repair
Transfer Center
Equipment Store
--------------Neutron Gun..........10600G H & S
Racer's Gloves........1410G
Shield Cloak..........2800G
Bulletproof Vest.......550G

Tools Store
----------Healing Drink...........20G
Nitro Beer..............60G
DD Pineapple............30G
Fire Extinguisher......120G

Repair Kit..............80G
Alkali Wax..............60G
Parts Store
----------140mm Spark..........6300G
155 Cannon ..........6750G
18mm Machine Gun.....2000G
Thunder Blast........2000G
Maniac Chef..........5000G
DD Hysteric..........5500G

S-E (group)

On-Board Tool Shop

-----------------80 Plate Pack..........120G
L-Plate Pack...........200G
Dog System.............350G
First-Aid System.......200G

Ammo Dealer
----------Blast Shell.....25G
Cold Shell......50G
Napalm Shell....50G
Panic Shell.....35G
Rent A Tank
----------Renter #3 Sp 550
Renter #4 Sp 1515
Renter #5 Sp 710
Make sure to rent out these tanks, and some more from elsewhere, and use them
so that you earn the Rental place some cash. You will receive another title
for your generosity, AND access to renting new tanks from anywhere on the
world map without having to call in at a Rental shop.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Hut: Fire Extinguisher in the stove
Freeze Bottle in the fridge
Oyholo Capsule in the chest of drawers.
Inn: Alkali Spray in the chest of drawers, Bamboo Room
Stunt Suit in wooden box, "secret" room at Inn
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------When you first arrive it appears as if there is nowhere for your tanks to go,
but in fact just go up and turn left into the building with the red arrow
pointing left. This is the garage where you can park while you explore. I had
already got bird crap on one tank and was taking no chances of getting more The
Sol Tower is to the right, and up the roadway to the left of the parked tank.
You cannot get inside with your tanks, and in fact you have to find another way
to progress any further in the Tower, actually named Devil's Tower. .
If you climb the ladder in bottom left corner of the garage the old man will
tell you where the entrance to the sewers can be found. A woman in the small
hut at the entrance will tell you about the entrance to an old subway south of
town. (Which is where you go to get access to the Tower.) You can find Fire

Extinguisher in the stove and Freeze Bottle in the fridge. These will be
useful items for the sewers. There is also Oyholo Capsule in the chest of
Stay in the Bamboo room for 30 gold, and you can find Alkali Spray in the chest
of drawers. You can see a wooden box in the adjoining room but you can't get
to it. Go up the stairs and into the first room and fall off the edge going
straight forwards and you will land in the area with the chest. This contains
Stunt Suit. I equipped this to the one person that did not have a Firefighters
Suit. Fall down from the edge to find yourself back at the entrance to the
inn. There is nothing to find in the other room on the top floor.
The Bulletproof Vest sold at the equipment shop is a strong protector so buy
these too. You cannot get access to the bar and other garage at first, until
you have moved the tank out of the way, and the only way to do that is do
defeat the Crocodile in the sewers.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------i. Sewers
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: In Sol town, behind the first garage.
Enemies: Methyl Amazon, Drill Worm, Empty Tank, Wandering Polytank

Metal Shin Guards, Glasses Lens.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------The entrance to the sewers is behind the garage and you can only access this
on foot. Use "CHECK" on the manhole cover to open it, and then go down.
Make sure your party are equipped with Firefighter uniforms, or even stronger
armour than that. Actually the fire uniforms did not help at all to protect
against the flames, so the stronger armour, such as the Shield Cloak would be
better. You will need protectors as well as buying the Freeze Gun from the
Trader Camp north east of Sol, and equipping it on Soldier. Have a supply of
healing items as well as extra protectors and plenty of Fire Extinguishers.
You will need them. (I had Hunter with SMG Grenade gun which is very useful
against groups of enemies) I reckon you need your party to be at around level
20 to even think about attempting to beat Croc. I tried it at lower levels and
it was tough.
Finding Croc
When you are ready, go left behind the garage and open the manhole cover
into the sewers.
Walk down the tunnel and then right. A fierce enemy swims past! Continue
along the path as it turns down the screen, and then go right along a narrow
path to speak to the old man who tells you what you will have guessed already.
From here return to the main passage and go down and left. (The right fork
leads to a dead end.) Then follow the path around and up and turn the valve.
Then go down the ladder into the now accessible sewer, and keep going down the

narrow passage. This turns right and will lead to the monster. You will see
him before you fight him, so check your health and protectors first.
If you get attacked by too many Methyl Amazons they may well destroy your
protectors, so you really need some extras. Even if you try and flee from
most battles they can still attack.
Before fighting Croc you can backtrack towards the entrance, and go down the
ladder to the now empty sewer and open the wooden box to find Glasses Lens
It took me more than one trip, as I kept getting my protectors broken by those
horrid Amazons despite having spares. And Croc is no pushover.
| Mutant Crocodile
Sol Sewers
| Drops
| 200 gold, Crocodile Knee-Highs
| Experience | 4000
| Attacks
| Breathes Flames (all) Thrashes tail (one) |
Fighting Croc
His "Breathes Flames" attack hurts everyone and he may use this twice in one
round. So use Freeze Bottle to slow him down, or the freeze gun. Thrashing
its tail damages one person. Soldier's knife attack seemed to work best. Give
Fire Extinguishers to Mechanic so he can heal the others and have Soldier with
the strongest weapons. I used her on the Freeze gun and then swopped to the
knife. (I like that Red Peony's knife and used it a lot to good effect, even
though it is not so powerful as other weapons.)
Croc reflected one of the Freeze Gun's ice attacks and killed my Mechanic, so
I concluded that it is not a good idea to use ice attacks on it when it is
already frozen!
Getting out of the Sewers
I had bought Soldier the Metallic Suit from Eden and her protector stayed
intact. Not so the other two, and by the end of the battle I had run out of
everything. Then you have to go up and right and up two ladders to get out,
and Hunter died on the way as there are still battles with those pesky Methyl
enemies. Make sure you pick up Metal Shin Guards from the wooden box before
climbing the first ladder. (Though if you are desperate to get out of here you
can return for it.) You will emerge on the other side of the town just near
the tank.
Croc is not a Wanted monster, so you don't get any reward for killing
him...except, of course, you DO get another tank! Now all you have to do is
walk over to the area where the tank is standing and claim it.
| T A N K | *T4 LAV

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ii. East-West Subway Ruins

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: South of Sol, down a hole in the ground.
Enemies: Metal Eater, Acid Ant, Laser Larva, Drill Worm, Security Camera,
Enormous Ant, Laser Beetle, Sonic Cobra, DNA Blob.

ID Card (p)

Comment: This hole leads to a kind of crossroads, and you can reach Devil's
Tower in Sol, the Freeza area, and Hell's Gate via the subway.
Metel Detector Item: 180 Burst Cannon, SMG Grenade
----------------------------------------------------------------------------There is a hole just to the south of Sol. From here you can gain access to
the Devil's Tower in Sol, and also to the far west, and Hell's Keep West, and
all the way east back to the Freeza area. The start of the route is the same
for all paths, and here you can find the ID CARD (p)

1. To Ramp A and ID CARD (p)

|--------------------------------| Ramp A (down) >>>
| Brown path
----------| ----------|
| |
|---------| |
| |
| ID Card |
HOLE ----| |-------------------------Ramp>>>
| Dead End

First drive right and stop at the rubble. Get out of your tanks, and walk up
and left onto the platform where you can see a bookshelf. Check this out and
receive ID Card (p). Get back in your tanks and drive up, through the broken
wall just to the right of the ramp at the entrance. Follow this path to the
right and then drive down Ramp A.
2. Finding Hell's Keep West: Ramp B
Go left along the tracks. This route is in darkness and you just continue to
the next screen, and then the next two, until you emerge into a lighted area.
= New screen
V.M. = Vending Machine
>>> Ramp D (down)

>>>Ramp A
| Platform V.M.|
-----------------------------------------------------------| \
\ Tracks \
To Green Room >
--------| |--------------------------------------|
|----------------| >>>Ramp B (up)
>>> Ramp C (down)
-----------------------If you carry on you will come to a dead end. Instead, continue past the brown
pile of rubble on the tracks, and then turn down the screen and up Ramp B to
the right. After this, go up through another bit of broken wall and there is a
ladder in the left corner of the paved area.
Go down this ladder and left along the platform, and there is a small switch at
the far left edge of the platform. Flip it up, and it turns on the lights.
Walk all the way right and flip a second switch up and it turns on the lights
to the right. Now the darkened tunnel is lit. Return to your tanks.
Drive forwards and left through another broken wall and up the ramp. You are
outside again. Look on the BSCon and you can see that you are somewhere due
west of Sol at the far side of the river.
If you want to find the final town on the BSCon, simply drive west following
the northern edge of the land. First you will come to Hell's Gate, which is
not a town, but the access point to the Northern Desert. (Run away from
battles if you want to be sure of reaching the town.) Continue further weat
following the edge of the desert and water. Once you reach the town of Hell's
Gate West, you can return any time you like using the Dog System. This also
gives you a faster route to the rest of the towns in the game, and a chance to
pick up hidden weapons and buy much stronger equipment, at least, if you can
afford it.
3. Finding The Auto-Escape BSCon Program and Freeza
Ignore the other routes and head right, driving along the tracks. Continue for
three screens and you will stop at a green tented light. Walk into this
opening and OPEN the Net Hacking Controller computer. Then Select LOAD and it
will upload a program to the BS-Controller.
/// = New screens

---|BC | Burst Cannon!

X = Doorway
| |
|-------------| |
| Leads to >>>
| ----------| |
-------------- | |
---->>> Ramp A |
| | ^ | -------------------------------------------|
|---| |--| Train Carriage /// |
/ Tracks / /
Green Room
/ --X-----------------X-------------------------------------------------------------------- / / >>>Ramp
| <<< Ramp |
|-------------SMG Grenade| Dead End |
-----------You can walk to the right of this opening and up through a broken wall, then
down a ramp to the right, which takes you onto tracks going north-south. Go in
either direction, but you quickly come to a dead end.

In fact you can DRIVE up to the dead end and if you head up the tracks to the
beginnings of a platform you can search using the Metal Detector and find the
180mm Burst Cannon. The location of this is all credit to hergman who posted
this information on the MMR board at GameFAQs. I know I would never have had
the patience to search every part of those tunnels even if I had known
something could be found there!
Drive down the lower ramp and turn up the screen into the right edge of the
tunnel and search for the SMG Grenade. (This was found by MAV.)
You can also walk further along the tracks to the right. After one screen you
will come to an open door in a train carriage, and another ramp down. (This
just leads to another dead end.) The train is full of Meteor Snails. After
walking right through a few carriages there is an open door leading down. Head
right a couple of screens and you reach a station platform area. There is a
ramp to the right going up. Then head up the screen through another broken
wall and find a ladder down to the platform you just passed. (Nothing
to find, so don't bother with this.) Instead continue up the screen over the
paved area and there is a ramp to the left. This brings you out at the hole
due south of Freeza. There is not much point in using this route, as you can
easily get back to the Freeza area using the Dog System.
4. Finding Devil's Tower
From the entrance drive up through the gap in the wall and head right to the
ramp. (As in 1.) First stop at the edge of the platform and walk up the
couple of steps and then right, to find the Vending Machine. The small switch
on the track wall is just for for lights, so leave it alone.
Vending Machine
--------------Tool Prize: Fake Tattoo
Healing Capsule x 1 10G
Healing Capsule x 2 20G
Healing Capsule x 4 40G
Healing Capsule x 6 60G
Neutralising Cream x 1 20G
Para-Non x 130G
V.M. = Vending Machine
.... = down or up one level
----------| >>> Ramp F (up) to Devil's Tower B1
| ------| |
-- -|
|......----------| Ramp E (up)<<<
--------..... ---|
| T |
| R |

-----------------------.... | A |
>>> Ramp D (down) >>>
|----------------..... | C |
>>>Ramp A
| Platform V.M.
---------------------------------| K |
< To Hell's Gate
To Green Room >
|-----------------.... | S |
>>> Ramp C (down) >>>
------------------------.... |
------Then head up behind the platform and down Ramp D.
Drive up the tracks after crossing to the right, since the direct route up is
blocked with rubble, and then back to the left until you reach the end. There
is another ramp (Ramp E), leading up at the top left. This leads to a paved
area. Drive up through the broken wall and onto the brown path, and then up
Ramp E to the right, and you have arrived at the base of Devil's Tower, Floor
If you drive down Ramp C this leads to the same tracks and you just drive all
the way up to the top keeping to the right wall, and then head left across the
tracks at the far end, and up the left ramp.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------iii. Devil's Tower
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: Walk up to the entrance, heading up and right from the entrance to
Sol, for on foot access. Use the subway for tanks.
Enemies: Gunbird, Pickaxe Bird, Wandering Polytank, Army Zombie, Syringe
Spider, Metal Jabber, Injection Bird, Anit-Theft, Surveillance
Camera, Security Camera, Virus Bat, Floating Hyena

Detailed for each section of floors.


Bring the Lock Hacker and ID Card (p)


It appears that the various healing items you can find are
distributed randomly, so you might find that the ones I have listed
are not in the same places. All the equipment and special items are
in set locations.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------THIS PLACE IS HUGE!

---------------------------Preparation and Introduction
---------------------------Although there are some Vending Machines selling Para-Non and HP healing items,
you might want to have some with you to begin with. Also any weapon that
attacks all enemies or at least groups, with save a lot of hassle. There are
a lot of battles, and a lot of Injection Birds. You could do with the
Grounding Chain Tank Tool which protects against electrical attacks, and the
Tool, Grounding Tail if you plan to fight Zeppelin on foot.

You need the Lock Hacker and, of course, the ID CARD (p) that you found in
the subway ruins.
The main thing to get your head around in here, is that the lifts open on
different floors. If you are at a floor that a particular lift bypasses, then
there won't be a door to the lift/elevator.
The arrangement of rooms and furniture varies from floor to floor and I know
you won't expect me to map out 32 floors. (Shudders.) However, there are only
items on a few of them, and the lift arrangement is a constant, so I hope this
single diagram will help a bit.
Many floors have a sink and fridge at the right (SF). Also, just a minor
thing, but you can walk underneath under the staircases.
After you reach floor 16, the two sides of the floors are separated and you can
only access one half at a time. The right hand side has no working lift, as
the Tank Lift stops at Floor 15, and the other two will never work, so any
more exploration on this side of the Tower, has to be done using the stairs.
X = door to elevator/lift
<<>> = stairs
SF = Stove and Fridge
--- ----------------------- -------- ----------------------- --|<<>> | 1,10 | 1, |
| Out of
| B1-15 |<<>> |
--| 20-32| 10-32| 1-15 |
| Order
---- |
|SF |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Getting Out and Re-Entering
Once you have switched off the security system on Floor 6, the doors on Floor 1
will all be open and you can come and go as you please, though only on foot.
To exit with your tanks, simply use the Dog System. There is no need to
back-track through the subway.
Finding and Fighting Zeppelin
Zeppelin will appear randomly, and I found him on Floors 9, 10 and 11. He
will probably run away, and if you are not in your tanks, you can run as well.
You CAN defeat him on foot, but it is easier if you are in your tanks. The
best floor to fight him is Floor 9, as this is the only place where you can
drive your tanks into the computer room near the lift where he will appear.
| W A N T E D | *W8 Z E P P E L I N
Reward: 19,950G |

| Attacks: charging up,

| Discharges an electric shock (one or all)
| Lightly floating (does nothing)
| Experience | 5890
| Drops
| 132
Just use main and SE guns on him, and with the Grounding Chain you should be
safe enough from his Electric Shock attack, although it might damage a tank
part. Even without the chain, he is unlikely to give you many problems if you
fight him in your tanks. I was Level 22 and using the Van, Tiger and Abrams.
The first time I fought him I was on foot and that was a lot harder,
especially when he used his "attack all" shock attack. You will need plenty
of healing items and protectors for this battle if you do it the hard way!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Arrival from the Subway Ruins: Basement (B1)
The Basement only has the right hand set of lifts and only the tank one
works. If you enter here, you will emerge at the right side of the subsequent
floors. You can only access up to Floor 15 using tanks.
Vending Machine
--------------B1 Plate Prize: Horn-a
80-Plate Pack x 1
80-Plate Pack x 2
80-Plate Pack x 4
80-Plate Pack x 6
L-Plate Pack x 1
L-Plate Pack x 2


When you first arrive in your tanks, you will see some stairs just to the
right of the ramp. Drive right to find the Vending Machine, and two
elevators/lifts. Just to the right of the lifts are some more stairs. The
left lift does not work, and the right one goes all the way up to floor 15,
and can be used by your tanks.
You cannot drive your tanks past the rubble that blocks access for tanks, but
you can use them to take you to each floor, up to floor 15, in relative
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------FLOORS 1-15
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Items: Floor 5: Top-Off Drink, Floor 7: 9999 gold, Floor 8: Bulletproof Wig,
Alkali Spray, Floor 9: Omega Blaster, Floor 10: Alkaki Spray, Floor 11:
Oyholo Capsule, Floor 15: Grillwalker, Acid Gun Floor 14..

IMPORTANT FLOORS: 6, 9 and 11.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Floor 1
This is where you can enter from Sol on foot, but only after opening the doors
using the computer screens on Floor 6. There are no items.
Floor 2
The left side and small central room have some screens that are projecting
nothing, and the right just has some seating.
Floor 3
Walk left from the left set of lifts to find a Vending Machine in the top left
Vending Machine
--------------Tool Prize: Speed Tab
Healing Drink x 1 20G
Healing Drink x 2 40G
Healing Drink x 4 80G
Healing Drink x 6 120G
Neutralising Cream x 1 20G
Para-Non x 1 30G
You can take a look in the room here, to find a television studio and two
computer screens telling you that the data in the memory bank has been
entirely destroyed... There are also shelves with the usual "really thick
books." There is nothing to find in the fridge and sink.
Floor 4
This floor has a courtroom, and if you walk in the area between the elevators
there will be the sound of an alarm, and you are attacked by a two Anti-Thefts
and a Surveillance Camera.
Floor 5
The central room has a Top-Off Drink in the left drawer of the desk at the far
right lower corner. There are also pictures on the wall and a bookcase, and
some furniture.
Floor 6
There are two desks with nothing and two computer screens that are damaged.
The right hand area is badly damaged and you cannot get inside from the main
floor. You can get to this area from the stairs or lift at the right, but
apart from a picture incorporating the slogan "A bright city with a bright
future!" there is nothing of interest.
Walk left from the lift and use the Lock Hacker on the door near the broken
floor. There will be a security alert attack from a couple of Laser Eyes and
Anti-Theft. Beware of sleep attacks and prepare using the Gas Mask and
Sister's Towel. Also, if you have the bugle, you can wake up anyone who is

asleep. There are two sets of three computer screens to the right so select
OPEN on all four screens that have this option. This will open all four doors
on Floor 1 so you can leave and return by the front exit any time you like,
though not, of course, using your tanks.
Floor 7
This floor also has too much damage for you to get to the rooms at the right.
There is a vault, in the bottom room at the far right top corner. If you use
the Lock Hacker you will get 9999 gold! The computer screens in here are also
You can get to the right side rooms from the right lift or stairs, but there
is nothing to find except some beds and no items.
Floor 8
There are various items of furniture on this floor including desks and
wardrobes. There is another vault to the right of three wardrobes. Again, use
the Lock Hacker to find Bulletproof Wig. The wardrobes and desk drawers all
contain nothing. The top right of the four grey cabinets contains Alkali
Spray. There is nothing in the kitchen appliances, but there is a Vending
Machine nearby. From here you can go down to Floor 7 and 6 to check the rooms
you could not get to from the left lifts, though there is nothing to find.
Vending Machine
--------------Tool Prize: Oyholo Capsule
Healing Drink x 1
Healing Drink x 2
Healing Drink x 4
Healing Drink x 6
Para-Non x 2 60G
Para-Non x 4 120G


Floor 9
There are many computer screens here. Each computer screen has some
information, but none of them can be used. In the desk drawer at the bottom
right of the main computer room, you can find the useful weapon Omega Blaster.
Zeppelin is likely to appear on this floor and this is the best place to fight
him, as you can drive your tanks into the room close to the tank lift.
Walk left close to the lower wall, to find an electronic lock that requires
ID Card (p). There is also a computer screen to the left that controls the
security system and also needs ID Card (p). If you switch this on and go throw
the doorway you just opened you will be attacked by a Laser Eye and two Sonic
Stunners. In fact you will be attacked at nearly step by groups of these
enemies. Best to leave well alone.
Floor 10
There is a room down from the tank lift, with bookcases and desks. Zeppelin
turned up here as soon as I entered the desk area and left my tanks, but ran
away before I could do anything at all. The left desk drawer has Alkali Spray.
Floor 11

You can't get access to the fridge unless

lifts, or go up the stairs from Floor 10.
here. The left three can be switched ON.
lifts. The door to the upper room can be
there is not much point since the wall is

you walk around the back of the

There are five computer screens
This operates the left set of
opened using the ID Card (p) though
broken anyway.

The left room desk drawer has Oyholo Capsule. Zeppelin turned up here as well.
Floor 12.
The central room has desks and wardrobes all of which are empty. The upper
room has a computer that doesn't work.
Floor 13
There is a Vending Machine at the far left bottom corner. You can only get to
this machine from the left hand stairs or by walking around the back of the
lifts. You can only gain access to the left room from the left hand lifts,
which means arriving from another floor. However there is nothing to find.
Vending Machine
--------------Tool Prize: Doping Tab
Healing Drink x 2 40G
Healing Drink x 4 80G
Healing Drink x 6 120G
Neutralising Cream x 2 40G
Para-Non x 2 60G
Nitro Beer x 2 120G
Floor 14
The left rooms have lots of desks but the drawers are all empty. There are
more empty desks and a computer to the right. There is an Acid Gun in the
rightmost desk (hangid..???)
Floor 15
This is the final floor that can be accessed from the right hand set of
elevators. Close to the tank lift is another Vending Machine with stronger
healing items. This area was once a cafeteria and.has one room with kitchen
appliances. The left stove has Grillwalker, which is strong body armour.
Vending Machine
--------------Tool Prize: Concentrated Methyl

Wax x 1
Kit x 1

x 1
x 2
x 4
x 6




-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Items: Floor 17: Hockey Mask, Floor 18: Bloodstained Notebook.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Floor 16 (Right)
If you walk up the right hand stairs to this floor there is a Vending Machine
just to the right. So far as I know this is only Vending Machine that sells
Top-Off Drinks. That makes this a good place to shop, and maybe win a few Old
Coins! Just make sure you have enough inventory space left after all the
Vending Machine
--------------Tool Prize: Old Coin
Healing Capsule x 5 50G
healing Capsule x 7 70G
Healing Drink x 2 40G
Healing Drink x 4 80G
Energy Capsule x 1 50G
Top-Off Drink x 1 100G
There are more desk drawers and wardrobes on this floor, but sadly, all empty.
You cannot get access to the left side of this floor unless you go up the left
lift or stairs from Floor 15. There are no more lifts operating on the right
side of the floor so from now on you have to use the stairs.
Floor 17 (Right)
Hockey Mask is in the wardrobe to the far left of the right side of this floor.
Floor 18 (Right)
There isn't much of this floor left, but if you search the drawer in the desk
at the far left of the area, you can find Bloodstained Notebook. USE this, to
read it for vital information about Noah and the Global Relief Centre!
The stairs are broken and you cannot go further up.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------LEFT HAND SIDE OF FLOORS 16-31

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Items: Floor 20: Aramid Cover, Floor 23: Fibreglass Helmet, Floor 26: Tiny
Armoured Leotard
------------------------------------------------------------------------------You must use the centre lift on the left side of floor 15 to get to floor 16,
or the stairs at the left. Basically, just visit the floors with the items and
then zoom up to the top floor, 32, but since I checked them all I thought I
might as well include the details, in the interests of completionism (I don't
think that is a word, but you know what I mean), and I suppose there is always
the chance I might have overlooked something. Oh, and if you want a rest, stop

off at Floor 19.

Floor 16
The wardrobes and desks in the rooms here have nothing. Not even the sink has
some compensation for all this effort.
Floor 17
Nothing except for some pictures of "some geezer".
Floor 18
Nothing again, just computer Data Banks with damaged memory and empty
wardrobes, and a small fire, that is still burning.
Floor 19
YAY! There is a tent in front of the elevator, and you can stay in the Plum,
Bamboo or Pine Suite. Plum is 5 gold, Bamboo 15 gold and a mosquito, and Pine
is 50 gold with different music, no mosquito and in fact on floor 18.
Floor 20
Saw my first Floating Hyena on this floor, otherwise just the usual Army
Zombies. But the wardrobe at the far right has Aramid Cover, body armour.
Floor 21
More computers and empty desk drawers. Although you cannot get around to
search the left hand sink, there is nothing in it... Just to make things a
little more awkward you cannot walk behind the lifts to the stairs.
Floor 22
(By this time, you might be losing the will to live, and consider throwing
yourself off the nearest broken ledge, but fear not, only another 10 floors to
go, and besides, even if you do that, you can't die in this game!) Anyway, if
you arrive at this floor in the lift you cannot get access to any of the rooms.
However, there is nothing to find. Also, battles seemed to stop once you
reach these living quarters, at least for a while.
Floor 23
Go into the far right room and open the wardrobe to find Fibreglass Helmet.
Floor 24
Despite the fact that this floor has tempting furniture and even a fridge,
there is nothing to find, and one desk drawer remains tantalisingly out of
Floor 25
Access to the rooms from the lifts is blocked so the only way to get here is by
walking up the stairs from Floor 24, but, in fact, don't bother as again there
is nothing to find.
Floor 26

The wardrobe in the right side room has Tiny Armoured Leotard. You can only
reach this area by using the stairs from floor 25 and then walking down past
the sink and then all the way right. Walk back down the stairs to Floor 24 and
catch the lift again to Floor 27. (The desk drawer that you can get to from
the lift on floor 26 has nothing.)
Floors 27-31 (There is nothing to find on these next five floors.)
Floor 27 (Battles started again)
Nothing to find.
Floor 28
Lots of desks with no drawers and nothing to find.
Floor 29
More desks and no drawers or items.
Floor 30
The stairs to this floor have a chain around them. There are two large
structures that might be solar panels, but there is nothing to find.
Floor 31
There are just some seats and nothing else.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Floor 32: CODE FLOOR
------------------------------------------------------------------------------There is a map on the floor which is broken, and three bulletin boards.
There is a code written on the left board: "261241"
This is the code for the computer at Hell's Gate, which gives you access to
the Northern Desert and the Global Relief Centre.

10. E D.E.N.


To find Eden from Sol,
cannot cross this. At
there is a narrow path
bridge, and continue a
broken roads.

continue south going past the cracked ground. You

a point on your BSCon map directly due south from Yuge
leading towards the south east. Cross a short road
little way south east to find EDEN nestling amongst the

Sleeping Grass, Hungry Hippo Gun, Black Carpet, Trader Killer, Acid Ant,
Enormous Ant, Golden Ant, Syringe Kiwi, Laser Beetle.
Mr Kamikaze: reward 22,00G
Mukadelon: reward 32,00G

You can buy the extremely useful Excalibur S-E weapon here.
-------Equipment Store
Tools Store
Parts Store
On-Board Tool Shop
Ammo Dealer
Tank Rentals
Others (...lists all the other services in the town on the next screen)
Memory Centre
Hunter Office
Refill Station
Auto Repair
Transfer Center
Equipment Store
--------------Neutron Gun..........10600G H & S
Pitching Machine.....16600G
Ultrasonic Wave Gun..24538G (Group)
Metallic Suit.........5200G S
Bulletproof Vest.......550G

Tools Store
----------Healing Drink........20G
DD Pineapple.........30G
Fire Extinguisher...120G
Repair Kit...........80G
Grounding Tail......980G
Alkali Wax...........60G

Parts Store
----------160mm Amorphe.........8780G
20mm Vulcan...........2300G
V48 Hulk.............22000G

On-Board Tool Shop

-----------------40-Plate Pack........60G
80 Plate Pack.......120G
L-Plate Pack........200G

Ammo Dealer
----------Par-Gas Shell.........35G
Hypno-Gas Shell.......30G
Panic Shell...........35G
Hollow Charge.........50G
Tank Rentals
-----------Renter #4 Sp 1515
Renter #5 Sp 710
Renter #6 Sp 1535

Aux (group)

This is where you can buy the extremely useful Excalibur SE gun and I would
suggest buying at least one of these, if not more. The gun is cheap,
light-weight and can be used on a towed tank if you have the Ambush System
switched on using the Emmy C-unit. If you plan to fight the Zeppelin Wanted
enemy in Devil's tower on foot, then buy the Grounding Tail which protects
from electrical shocks if you use it during a battle.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Carriage behind Bar:

Healing Drink in fridge

Fire Extinguisher in stove
Carriage next to fence: Chilly Cells in fridge
Nitro Beer in stove
Acid Gun in chest of drawers
Top-Off Drink in fridge
------------------------------------------------------------------------------This place confused me at first as I drove all the way through looking for
shops and the inn and found myself back on the world map! In fact, of course,
the main town is based in the railway carriages behind the tank garages. Even
though you can get here early on, the equipment is very expensive. However, it
might be worth while buying the better protectors from the equipment store, if
nothing else, and there are some very useful pieces of equipment to find.
The first garage has the memory centre, auto repair place, ammo dealer, refill
station and tool and tank parts stores as well as one Vending Machine. The
Rental Garage contains the Hunter's Office and a man who will advise you
about towing tanks as well as two more Vending Machines.
Vending Machines
--------------Tools Prize: Confusion-Hi
Healing Capsule x 1 10G
Repair Kit x 1 80G
Nitro Beer x 1 60G
Neutralising Cream, x 1 20G
Smokescreen x 1 50G
Rental Garage
Shells Prize: Deoderizor

Plate Prize: Good-Luck Charm

Spare Shell x 1 10G

Spare Shell x 8 80G
Blast Shell x 1 25G
Piercing Shell x 1 30
Poison Gas Shell x 1 30G
Napalm Shell x 1 50G

80-Plate Pack x 1 120

80-Plate Pack x 2 240
80-Plate Pack x 5 600
L-Plate Pack x 1 200G
L-Plate Pack x 2 400G
L-Plate Pack x 5 1000G

Leave your tanks and walk behind the garages to find the rest of the town.
The left carriage has the item and equipment store, and more vending machines.

Vending Machines
---------------Item Store
Tools Prize: Baddie Promo

Equipment Store
Tool Prize: Baddie Promo (Mr. Kamikaze)

Healing Capsule x 1 10G

Healing Capsule x 2 20G
Repair Kit x 1 80G
Nitro Beer x 1 60G
Neutralising Cream x 1 20G
Smokescreen x 1 50G

Healing Capsule x 1 10G

Healing Capsule x 2 20G
Healing Capsule x 4 40G
Repair Kit x 1 80G
Hand Grenade x 1 20G
Smokescreen x 1 50G

The inn is inside the right hand carriage and the Plum room only costs 5 gold
per person per night but there is a mosquito! Nothing else to find as you just
sleep inside the carriage.
Finding Items and Information
There is another carriage behind these two where you will find the bar. The
girl will tell you about "Wolfie" if you buy her a drink, (and you will get a
reward for your generosity: a new title, and a man will mention a building to
the south called the Broadcast Tower. The old men will mention someone called
Seamus...or Tseng.
Behind the bar is another carriage, where you can find Healing Drink in the
fridge and Fire Extinguisher in the stove. The woman will mention Red Wolf if
you speak to her.
Keep crossing the tracks
the back in front of the
close to town by talking
fridge and Nitro Beer in

and going up the screen to find another carriage at

border fence. Here you can find out about a cave
to the man at the sink. Chilly Cells are in the
the stove

Go left (with care so you don't leave Eden before you are ready...) and there
is a tent by a small beach. Here you will find Seamus and he will mention
finding the viewing platform when you get to Broadcast Tower. Rifle through
his drawers to find ACID GUN!! This is a powerful weapon and it's free.
Top-Off Drink is in the fridge and this is a useful healing item as it restores
all HP.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------i. North-South Subway Ruins: Route to Broadcast Tower.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: South of Eden, following the rail tracks, and it is at a dead end.
Enemies: Acid Ant, Golden Ant, Poison Potato Cannon, Black Carpet (world map)
Sonic Cobra, DNA Blob, Laser Beetle, Golden Ant, Security Camera

ID Card (m), Giga Bull.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Drive south from Eden, following the rail tracks and then follow the narrow
path between the mountains heading south east until you reach the hole in the
ground. There are no enemies in here for a while.

After driving down the ramp you arrive at an area where there is an escalator
moving up and some stairs. Go down the screen and at the far left is a golden
box. Check this and a man will tell you that you might find a way through the
blocked wall.
Now ride up the elevator, (on foot). Check the ticket machines on the left and
you will find an important item: ID CARD (m). Descend the stairs to your
waiting tanks. There are still no enemies in this area. I found something
odd, though, the Lav wouldn't move by the time I returned from the chatting and
finding, and it had acquired a Lead Mushroom in my absence! I had to remove 10
armour tiles.
More weight then, as, if you go right, just down screen, at the top of more
blocked stairs, is a wooden box with the Giga Bull Engine. This time there
will be 30 armour plates to remove if you are at full load and don't have a
tank in tow.
Drive down the ramp to the right and turn left
down a little and head left. Then you can get
the few steps and up to the top where there is
Bugle, and you can blow it in battle to make a

onto the main tracks. Drive

out of your tanks and walk up
a Vending Machine. Win the
nice noise.

Vending Machine
--------------Tools Prize: Bugle
Healing Capsule x 2 20G
Healing Drink x 2 40
Neutralising Cream x 1 20
Para-Non x 1 30
Alkali Wax x 1 60
Repair Kit x 1 80
Stock up if you need to, especially with Alkali Wax, as there are acid causing
enemies down here. Once back in the tanks continue down, and cross back to the
right, then follow the brown path right, and down to the next level.
Follow the brown path up, and then through the hole to find a man. He will
tell you that you can destroy the wall, and then he runs out of the way. Check
the wall for the crack and you are given the option to shell it! Drive left
and battles will start at this point. The first one is likely to be with
Mukadelon, but if he doesn't appear, just keep following the path until he
Fighting Mukedelon
You need ventilation for the tanks and the Extinguisher Tool, and you can
buy the Extinguisher and Ventilation On-Board Tools at Audrey if you don't
already have them. Having a tank in tow with the support and ambush system
does not help in this battle.
| W A N T E D | *W10 M U K A D E L O N
Reward: 32,00G |
| Attacks: Hypnotic Gas (effect: sleeping gas, all)

| Thrashes its tail vigourously (attacks all)

| Fires Napalm (effect: burn, all)
| Fires a Cement Shell (effect: cement, all)
| Tries to bite you (one)
| Experience | 3800
| Drops
| 1 gold, MC Striker!
This enemy uses a wide range of attacks and some of them are a real nuisance.
Not knowing what to expect, you can easily find yourself fighting this battle
with one hand tied behind your back, or, as in my case, with your best fighter
fast asleep for the whole thing. The problem with the sleep attack is that
they can wake up, and then the gas inside the tank will make them fall asleep
again. There are two ways to deal with this. Make sure all your tanks have
the Ventilation System equipped and switched on, and use piercing shells to
disable Mukadelon's attacks.
You will need strong Main Guns to damage this enemy, although it may dodge some
attacks. Make sure all your tanks have their guns at maximum ammo and all
their armour tiles, as the thrashing attack can damage your tank parts,
especially since it has two attacks every round.
Finding the Tower
After the wall has been destroyed just drive left, and then up through the hole
in the wall. Then follow the brown path up the left ramp, and around to the
right until you get to the tracks. Stay on the left side of the tracks and
drive down until you can go no further and then cross to the right, at the
point just before the end. Edge to the right to get past the hole and continue
down and then cross to the left tracks to find a hole in the left wall. Follow
the brown path up a ramp, and then right and up another ramp to the outside.
Go up the first ramp you see, and follow the raised path around to the left,
and then up through a not very obvious exit at the top of the screen. The
tower will be ahead of you.

11. B R O A D C A S T



Only accessible for the first time by travelling along the Subway Ruins from
Frogman, Slugger, Hard Cannon, Magnetor, Roaming Plating, Singing Parabola,
Gasoline Cayman, Misslie Robot
Use the Metal Detector to search the area to the right of the hole where you
emerge at the Tower. You will find 177mm Amorphe, a powerful Main Gun that has
30 shells. 177mm Amorphe(1) 640 ATT, 65 DEF, 30 AMMO, 7.39t

Although this is a place to which you can teleport with your tanks, there are
no shops, and it is not really a town at all.
Make sure you have ID (m).
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Enemies: None

Heavy Metal Gloves, Bulletproof Vest.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Leave your tanks at the entrance and go inside Broadcast Tower. There are no
enemies in the main tower. There is a lift, but the controls are stuck at the
fourth floor.
----------------1. Minigames Room
----------------When you arrive you can take a look at the mini-games at the right on the
ground floor. Speak to the blue robot and you can have a go on the games
machine. It costs 500G a go, and basically it is a version of Whack-a-Mole.
If you fail you will still get a prize, a Baddie Promo.
The prizes are:

Baddie Promo
Leather-Covered Seat
Ceramic Pad

Vending Machine (Ground Floor)

--------------Tools Prize: Baddie Promo (Mukadelon)
Healing Capsule x 1 10G
Healing Capsule x 2 20G
Healing Capsule x 4 40G
Healing Capsule x 6 60G
Rocket Firework x 1 5G
Blaze Bottle x 1 10G
To get to the next floor take the stairs to the right of the lift or in the
bottom right corner.
------------2. Wax Museum
------------Play with the waxworks by selecting ON on the green computer screens. There

is a wooden box with Heavy Metal Gloves in the top left corner of the room.
You can simply solve the puzzle with the dolls, if you like, but first go up
the stairs to the right of the lift, and to the next floor to get another item.
----------3. Aquarium
----------Walk left and speak to the man about Marilyn and agree to help him. Left from
here is another wooden box with Bulletproof Vest.
If you go up to the next floor you cannot progress any further from either side
of the lift as there are holes in the floor. The only way forwards is to
rescue Marilyn from the monsters!
Go down the stairs to the right of the man and keep going down until you reach
the sewers. Actually you don't really need to do this, since it is easy
enough to solve the small puzzle on the second floor which lets you access the
ladder up to the next floor.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------i. Broadcast Tower Sewers and Fifth Floor
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: Go down the ladders at the top left of the building to find the
sewers. Go up the ladder on the waxworks floor to get to the lift
for the fifth floor.
Enemies: Methyl Amazon


Comment: Make sure to bring ID CARD (m)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Yep, more of those annoying Amazons. I discovered here that the Ultrasonic
Wave Gun can put enemies to sleep which is very nice.
and she

Marilyn is easy though, just go left and down the screen and then right
is in plain view. She will become part of your party, at least, she
you. All he tells you, in return, is how to use one doll to block the
I had already figured that one out on my own... Ah well.

Waxworks Puzzle
Anyhow go back down to the waxworks floor. Move in to the opening left of the
doll with the pink frock, and the Dracula doll will move to block you. Then
back out and stand behind the pink doll and push her forwards. Then go around
to the right and walk left towards the pink doll, and the Dracula doll will not
be able to block you. Then walk down and climb up the ladder to the next
floor. Go up two floors and you will be back at the fourth floor only this
time in the centre. Walk up and right and up to find the lift (there is
nothing to be found on this floor), and you can use it to reach the fifth

Fifth Floor
Talk to the old guys for information. There are no items here, the poor things
only have a broken fridge and stove. Upload information to the BS controller
from the left computer. Press LOAD. This will give you the Tank Guide System.
The machine to the right requires an ID Card. This is the one you found in
the subway tunnels: ID Card (m). Select the card from your inventory and then
choose "USE" and it will be inserted into the slot. Then press OPEN, and then
LOAD. This will make the programme upload to your BSController. You now have
the Laser Satellite Strike! (The old man calls it the "Bi-Ess Laiser".)
Don't worry if you haven't brought the card with you, as you can now use the
lift to return to the ground floor. However if you want to return here you
have to move the dolls again in order to get to the lift on the fourth floor.
No big deal.

12. S A N T A P O C O


To reach Santa Poco, drive all the way down the narrow track, past the
Waterfall and then all the way up, going north and then east when you reach
the desert, and the field opens out again.
Hell Rescue, Singing Parabola, Gun Tower, ATM Shark, Syringe Spider
Gomez: 50,000G
Dust Franken: 81500G
Found in the field: due north of town at the top of a tyre track where another
leads to the east, find 205 Red Peony, an EXTEMELY heavy Main Gun.
205 Red Peony 700 ATT, 180 DEF, 25 AMMO, 15t!
Solomon 2 (C-Unit) 8%
(Found in the field due north of Santa Poco, just before reaching Hell's Gate,
in the middle of an area where there are no markings except for sand dunes to
the west and south east)
This is a useful town to find as it has the only Tank Wash in the game. It is
also handy if you want to visit a Hunter's Office without having to get out of
your tanks. There is a secret shop here, (found by UltimateCalibur) which
sells equipment not found anywhere else. It will only open when there is a BIG
SALE! on in town.
-------Equipment Store

Tools Store
Parts Store
On-Board Tool Shop
Ammo Dealer
Tank Rentals
Others (...lists all the other services in the town on the next screen)
Memory Centre
Hunter Office
Refill Station
Auto Repair
Car Wash
Transfer Center
Equipment Store
--------------SMG Grenade...........3060G (Group)
Lightsaber..........22,000G H & S
Metallic Suit........52,00G S
Clad Boots............2200G
Bulletproof Vest.......550G

Secret (Big Sale!) Trader Shop

-----------------------------Nitro Shower.........16000G S (All)
Beam Blizzard........20000G (Group)
Sniper Helmet........ 2800G
Battle Knuckles.......3800G
Squat Power...........2800G S

Tools Store
----------Healing Drink...........20G
DD Pineapple............30G
Hydro Pot..............150G
Alkali Spray..........1000G
Repair Kit..............80G
Alkali Wax..............60G
Parts Store
----------160mm Amorphe.........8780G
165mm Long Tom........9900G
25mm Machine Gun......2480G
Burner Dragon........12600G
Nitro Sweeper.........8210G
Ammo Dealer
----------Acid Shell........30G
Cement Shell......35G
Hollow Charge.....50G
Exploding Shell...40G
Tank Rentals

S-E (Group)
S-E (All)

On-Board Tool Shop

-----------------L-Plate Pack...........200G
LL-Plate Pack..........300G
Camouflage Shield.....4600G

Renter #6
Renter #7
Renter #8

Sp 1535
Sp 445
Sp 985


Turban in wardrobe
Fire Extinguisher in stove
House left of tent: Neutralising Cream in the chest of drawers
Liquid M-Toll in stove
Puppy Gourmet in the sink
Iron Brassiere is in the wardrobe
M-Toll x 2 in first floor bedroom chests of drawers.
Pine Robe in top bedroom wardrobe,
Pine Slippers in chest in top bedroom
Pine Robe in the other chest in top bedroom
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------At last, the Car Wash! 250 gold for each tank. My tanks badly needed a good
wash, and it felt great to have all the Lead Mushrooms and Bird Crap cleaned
off. You get a free waxing as well. This facility is in the large right hand
garage. Walk through to the large building that looks like a garage and you
can drink from the well and heal for free.
---------------------------BIG SALE! SECRET TRADER CAMP
---------------------------This only opens during a Big Sale! It is in the tent at the back of the town
to the left of the Inn. Also note that because the shop is only open when there
is a sale on, the prices you pay will be less than the value shown for them in
the BSCon.
Go inside the tent to be told about an oasis to the north west. (This is where
you can find Rodriguez.) Turban is in the wardrobe. Stove is in the Fire, other way around. Go inside the house to the left of the
tent for a lesson in couple-dom! Neutralising Cream is in the chest of
drawers, Liquid M-Toll in the stove, Puppy Gourmet in the sink (despite the
fact they want a cat), and Iron Brassiere is in the wardrobe.
Leave the house and walk left past the dog and up the side of the house to a
manhole cover. This is the Transporter. I used this to go to Hell's Gate West,
thinking it was a bit strange that I could access it, since I had not yet
visited Hell's Gate West, and got the malfunction! This worked every time, so
I think this is the way to the Yoshida Life Sciences Research Facility if you
need to return for another Revivification Capsule. (See the next section for
details about this place.)
You can feed the dog with Puppy Gourmet, if you have it in Hunter's item
inventory and select "USE" when facing the dog.
The Inn has M-Toll in the first floor bedroom both chests of drawers.
There is Pine Robe in the top bedroom wardrobe, Pine Slippers, and another Pine
Robe in the other two chests.
The bar has Frog Racing and Cross Fire, the massage man and a jukebox. You
can get information about the location of Canabelle, using the Ambush system

with an S-E weapon, (from the girl), and about finding ancient weapons buried
in the desert.
Vending Machines
---------------Left Garage
----------In fact these two machines are sold out, so no prizes!
Acid Shell x 1 30G
Para-Gas Shell x 1 35G
Cement Shell x 1 35G
Hypno -Gas Shell x 1 30G
Napalm Shell x 150G
Cold Shell x 1 50G

Spare Shell x 1 10G

Spare Shell x 8 80G
Piercing Shell x 1 30G
Hollow Charge x 1 50G
Panic Shell x 1 35G
Exploding Shell x 1 40G

Middle Garage
------------Shells Prize: Stealth Coat

Plate Prize: Mirror Coat

Spare Shell x 1 10G

Spare Shell x 8 80G
Blast Shell x 2 50G
Napalm Shell x 2 100
Cold Shell x 2 100G
Par-Gas Shell x 2

L-Plate Pack x 1 200G

L-Plate Pack x 2 400G
L-Plate Pack x 5 1000G
LL-Plate Pack x 1 300G
LL-Plate Pack x 2 600G
LL-Plate Pack x 5 1500G

Equipment Store
--------------Prize: Baddie Promo (Gomez)
Healing Capsule x 1 10G
Healing Drink x 1 20G
Para-Non x 1 30G
Repair Kit x 1 80G
DD Pineapple x 1 30G
Smokescreen. x 1 50G
------------------------------------------------------------------------------i. Life Sciences Laboratory/Revivification Capsule
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: Acessed when the Transporter malfunctions. Use the one in Santa
Poco for guaranteed results.

Revivification Capsule

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Inside this building there is a computer indicating "Chemical Simulator"

whatever that means...and various bookshelves.
Leave the door and check the sign by the door, which reads: Yoshida Life
Sciences Research Facility. This is the building that you might have visited
before and could not get access, though you could drive all the way around it.

Go back inside the select "Open" on the computer at the other door. Then go
down the two sets of ladders. Here you find a larger computer called the
ZigZag Liner Organiser.
Press ON and prototype creation is now in process. The room starts to shake
and...something appears on the conveyer belt. Start the conveyor belt by
pressing ON at the small computer to the right, and the Revivification Capsule
will appear on the table. Just use the Check command to pick it up.
You can only have one at a time, so all that is left to do is to return using
the transfer machine.
If you need another Capsule, you can return here from the transfer machine in
Santa Poco. This is the only place where you can get the item.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ii. Organic Waste Landfill
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: North east of Santa Poco, there is a building surrounded by trees.
Enemies: Golden Ant, Enormous Ants, Smoke Flower

ID Card (u), Concentrated Methyl, Barrier Seal, Hand Vulcan.


Just north of the trees there are three rocks and three trees. Use
the Metal Detector to find the SE Gun, ATM Red Peony in between the
trees and rocks. ATM Red Peony 768 ATT, 30 DEF, 4 AMMO 2.20t

Comment: Make sure to bring the Lock Hacker.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------To reach this place drive north east from Santa Poco, towards the large crack
in the ground. There is a small building surrounded by trees, west of the
crack and next to the water's edge. Park the tanks at the eastern edge of the
wooded area where the trees are small, and you have to go through the trees on
foot to reach the building.
There are no enemies to begin with. Once inside there is no access to
anywhere, as the door is locked. Although it doesn't seem as if you can go
forwards, in fact the brown table looking things at either side of the stopped
conveyor belt can be walked on. There is a computer terminal at the left one
where you must insert a card. To get the card simply unlock the door using
your trusty Lock Hacker (which, of course, you always take with you everywhere,
(just in case.) The ID Card (u) is in the left of the three cabinets.
(You can go through to the back of this room and use the ladders to explore
the whole building and pick up the items, but I think you need to get to the
bottom floor by using the trash dump, if you want Dust Franken to appear.
You can pick up the items on the way back, after killing him.)
Now leave this room and go up to the green terminal at the central area. Open
your item inventory and select the ID Card (u). Then press OPEN. Step on the
conveyor belt, and stay on it until you are dumped onto the bottom floor where
you can find Dust Franken, lots of trash and ants.
Finding Dust Franken

It took me about an hour of wandering around killing ants for him to appear.
Eventually he emerged from the trash at the bottom left of the area, just to
the right of the four grates in the floor, and even then I was lucky to kill
him before my three were killed. Don't bother wandering around, as I can
confirm that he appears in this precise area. You should be able to see the
small room with the ladder leading up, just to your right if you are in the
correct area. It is also down the screen from where you first enter the room
after being dumped.
| W A N T E D | *W12 D U S T F R A N K E N
Reward: 81,500G |
| Attacks: delivers a punch (did between 1000-12000 damage to one)
| Delivers a panic wave (all) (effect confused )
| Experience | 4800
| Drops
| 500 gold
Fighting Dust Franken
You need spare protectors, and the Gas Mask and Towels might help prevent
confusion as well as Top-Off Drinks for healing HP, and the best armour and
weapons to defeat him without someone dying. Without the extra protection one
punch can do an awful lot of damage. At level 29, and despite having very good
equipment, though his protector was broken, my mechanic bit the dust after one
swipe by Dust Franken did around 1200 damage. It took about 5 or 6 rounds to
defeat him and I had to use a Top-Off drink every round for one or other of the
party. The Rocket Punch weapon is very effective if used by the Soldier.
Getting out of the Trash
To get out just walk right around the central rubbish heap and then left at the
bottom wall to find the door and ladders up. You emerge into a room out of a
manhole and then can take the ladder up that is ahead. First walk left to the
room that has some beds, and open the wooden box in the far left bottom corner
to get Concentrated Methyl. Continue up the next ladder, and then head left
to find another ladder in the upper left corner of the corridor. In the next
area, you can take the ladder to the right.
(If you want the items that you can see in the room below
corridor and then take the ladder down to the room below,
boxes that contain Barrier Seal and Hand Vulcan. Then go
and up the corridor and climb the ladder in the top right


go down the
There are two
up the ladder

Walk down the passage and switch on the conveyor belt. Walk up onto the brown
steps and onto the conveyor belt which will take you left. You will drop down
onto another belt, which is the one going right that leads to the basement.
This time walk off it and go left and then up to find yet another ladder. Keep
going up the next ladder and then through the door into the first room where
you found the ID Card. Leave the building, and pick up your tanks. (I thought
they would have been covered in bird crap by now but they were okay).
By the way, if you get fed up waiting for Dust Franken and decide to leave

before killing him, there will be some enemies to fight at the entrance to the
building. These were Laser Eye x 2 and Sonic Stunner. Once he is defeated
you can leave without any more battles.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------iii. Run-Down Oasis
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: North west from Santa Poco, at the top edge of the mountains. Also
due south from Hell's Keep West, and then west a short distance.
Enemies: AT Elephant, AT Armadillo, Gun Tower, Bio Bazuzu, Floating Hyena
(world map)

Big Baddie Promo


Wanted enemy Rodriguez.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Find the Oasis from Santa Poco by driving west and following the edge
of the mountains heading north west. At the northern most point, you will find
a small pond and a small village that is visible on the map. (Somehow I
expected it to be hidden and spent ages using the metal detector, in the
desert, trying to find it!)
There are two Vending Machines close to the entrance, but you might want to
leave these alone when you see what the prizes are if you are lucky...or
Vending Machines
---------------Plate Prize: Lead Mushroom

Shells Prize: Lead Mushroom

40-Plate Pack x 2 120G

40-Plate Pack x 5 330G
80 Plate Pack x 1 120G
80 Plate Pack x 2 240G
L-Plate Pack x 1 200G
LL-Plate Pack x 1 300G

Spare Shell x 5 50G

Spare Shell x 15 150G
Hollow Charge x 5 250G
Blast Shell x 8 200G
Exploding Shell x 8 320G
Rocket Shell x 2 198G

Leave your tanks and go inside on foot. There is a poster of Bad Valdez on
the wall if you haven't seen one yet and another Vending Machine in the top
right corner of the room near the ladder.
Tools Prize: Baddie Promo (Bad Valdez)
Healing Drink x 1 20G
Neutralising Cream x 1 20G
Para-Non x 1 30G
Repair Kit x 1 80G
DD Pineapple x 1 30G
Smokescreen. x 1 50G
As soon as you go up the ladder and move to the left a few steps, there will be

a scene with a man with a guitar. Answer yes, you came to hear him, and he will
play a long song. After that you will be facing the ladder, and all you can do
is to go down it. You cannot get into the first room on the landing. Turn
around and he will repeat the same question. Say no and you can then say yes
once more to "hear" another song, though you only see the words.
Say no to this song and he will fight, but it has to be one on one!
(And you will still get another song...)
You can avoid all the songs if you want, if you just answer no. When he
finally accepts the fight, you can still say no and although he will insult
you, this means you can check out your equipment before fighting him, although
the whole scene will have to be played out again.
You have a choice for this epic battle. I choose Soldier, after all she is the
best fighter and has the highest HP. Ensure that she has at least two
protectors and three Top-off Drinks, and the very best equipment you can find,
steal or buy: the Rocket Punch weapon sold at Canabelle is a good one for this
fight. I first attempted this battle at Level 22, and his missile attack wiped
her out. At level 27 I managed to defeat him, so I think you need the
additional levels to make sure that your soldier has high enough HP to survive
two of Rodriguez's Strange Missile attacks, unless you are lucky.
| W A N T E D | *W14 R O D R I G U E Z
Reward: 100,000G |
| Attacks with his guitar gun
| Plays his guitar violently
| Sings mysterious lullaby (effect: confused)
| Strange missile (effect: around 600-800 HP damage)
| Experience | 7200
| Drops
| Big Brother's Promo
Fighting Rodriguez
Although his lullaby had the effect of confused, it did not seem to make any
difference, as my Soldier just carried on as normal. If you are worried about
this, you can use the Tool, Earplugs to prevent her from hearing anything. (You
can buy this at Il Migra.) Strange missile did over 600 HP damage despite her
good armour and if he uses that attack for a second time in a row, and you have
no protector you are screwed. However, even if one person falls, another can
rise to take their place!
You can choose to continue to fight him using another person. Although he has
another protector that must be broken before you can do any serious damage, I
found that using the Bazooka with Hunter, did nearly 300 HP damage to Rod.
Hunter also was not effected by the music despite Rod using that attack twice.
It seemed that he was easier to defeat the second time.
After the Fight
Go back up the ladder and check the chest in the first bedroom to find Iron
Girdle. The second chest in the other room has another Big Brother's Promo in
case you didn't get the drop at the end of the fight.

13. C A N A B E L L E


Drive north west from Santa Poco following the line of the west mountains, and
from the Run- Down Oasis (before going further north into the desert) turn
south and drive straight down the other side of the mountains. Keep going and
the desert gives way to grass. Continue going south and then turn west and the
town is on a small island connected to land. It is in fact due west of Leorad,
though it cannot be reached from there.
AT Grizzly, Sleeping Grass, Bomb Runner, Mine Mole, Acid Ant, Murderous Amoeba
Missile Trailer (Some of these are close to the Ghost Base, to the north)
Salmonella Clan
Salmonella HQ (no info) Reward 99899G
Thunderblast Autogun 245 ATT, 40 DEF, OO AMMO, 2.50t
(found in the field by the three trees next to the rock wall just before
entering Canabelle from the east.)
Return here after the Ghost Base and visiting Dr. Optica and speak to people
to be told about the fire.
-------Equipment Store
Tools Store
Parts Store
On-Board Tool Shop
Ammo Dealer
Tank Rentals
Others (...lists all the other services in the town on the next screen)
Memory Centre
Hunter Office
Refill Station
Auto Repair
Transfer Center

Equipment Store

Tools Store

Rocket Punch........50,000G H & S
Face Guard............1150G
Bulletproof Vest.......550G

----------Healing Drink...........20G
Top-Off Drink..........100G
Alkali Spray..........1000G

Parts Store
----------175mm Cannon.........12200G
Burner Dragon........12600G
Rain Cylon...........15500G
OHC Carmen...........39800G

On-Board Tool Shop

-----------------L-Plate Pack...........200G
LL-Plate Pack..........300G
Camouflage Shield.....4600G


Ammo Dealer
----------Panic Shell.......35G
Hollow Charge.....50G
Exploding Shell...40G
Spare Shell.......10G
Tank Rentals
-----------Renter #9 Sp 1365
Renter 10 Sp 530
Buy the OHC Carmen if you can afford it!.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Blue-roofed house left of Tools Store:
Red Peony's Wrap in chest of drawers
Fire Extinguisher in stove
M-Toll in sink
Potatoey Cells in the fridge.
Heavy Leather in wardrobe in the bedroom.

Two Pine Robes, Pine Slippers, Pine Soap, Pine Towel,

all in Pine Room
Concentrated Methyl in fridge in Pine Room

House behind Inn:

Fire Extinguisher in stove of Henry's parents' house.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------The first garage has two Vending Machines

Shells Prize: Alkaline Coat

Tools Prize: Baddie Promo (Bionic Pooch)

Spare Shell x 1 10G

Spare Shell x 8 80G
Blast Shell x 2 50G
Napalm Shell x 2 100G

Healing Capsule x 1 10G

Healing Drink x 1 20G
Para-Non x 1 30G
Repair Kit x 1 80G

Cold Shell x 2 100G

Acid Shell x 2 60G

DD Pineapple x 1 30G
Smokescreen x 1 50G

Leave your tanks and enter the town. The girl in the bar will give advice
about the "First-Aid System" on tanks, which can heal acid and paralysis for a
party member. The two guys will tell you how to get to the Base and that there
is a tank there. There are the usual Jukebox and Crossfire game.
You will be told about Henry. You can find him if you go right around the
trees to the right of the Bar.
The rest of the buildings are to the left of the river. The best weapon, the
Rocket Punch is 50,000g, so wait until there is a sale on if you want to buy
it. This weapon is essential for your soldier, if you want to beat Rodriguez.
You can buy the all-heal Top-Off drink at the item store. These are also
essential for that battle.
The house next door has Red Peony's Wrap in the chest of drawers, Fire
Extinguisher in the stove, M-Toll in the sink and Potatoey Cells in the fridge.
Heavy Leather is in the wardrobe in the bedroom.
There is nothing in any of the open rooms at the Inn but you can get more chat
about Henry...well advice actually, and stay in the VIP room, the Pine Suite
for 100G each. Make sure you have sufficient room in your inventory for the
two Pine Robes, Pine Slippers, Pine Soap, and Pine Towel that can be found in
the furniture. Concentrated Methyl is in the fridge.
The small house at the back of this area contains Henry's mum and dad...
Fire Extinguisher is in the stove. There is a ladder to a cellar in the small
right hand room, but there are only empty boxes down there. (I thought I'd
have a little chat with Henry once more to see if I could persuade him to mend
his ways, but he just repeated the same things...)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------i. Ghost Base/Dr. Optica
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: Due north of Canabelle inside the first building.
Enemies: Army Zombie, Mimic Box, GI Skeleton, Laser Eye, Security Camera,
Killer Closet, Snake Hole

Tomato Typhoon, Bulletproof Vest, ID Card (e), Saratoga Suit, CVC

Suit, Plasma Strom, Howling Gun,
(Chilly Cells at Dr. Optica's place - optional)


WhiteMuu Tank, Dr Optica.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------The Ghost Base is situated north of Canabelle. Drive past the town and head up
the marked track to the north. You can only access the first building to the
left, at first. This place is a nightmare. No joking.
You MUST bring lots of Para-Nons and Top-Off Drinks, and spare protectors.

Even with good armour and at level 27 this was tough going. Make sure your
party are kept in good health because you never know when you might be involved
in a sneak attack by four GI Skeleton enemies and they can take you out fast.
There are still battles even on the conveyor belt. There is nowhere to heal
or rest, and most of the time you will be fighting on foot.
Route to the Tank
Go inside the first building and follow the passage all the way down and left.
Stop at the first broken wall you see, and go through here on foot. Walk up
the first area keeping to the right, and then through the open doorway ahead.
If you go up to the top left hand corner of this area and select "CHECK", you
will open a manhole cover. Don't bother with this, as there is just a blue
robot doing quality checking of lots of empty wooden boxes! (You might end up
here yourself if you are not careful.) Instead make your way up the stairs.
Then keep going up the central stairs, to the top floor, until you reach a
room with green things. They are all fast asleep and they will stay asleep.
There is a Bulletproof Vest in the room to the left. Check the desk to find
ID Card (e).
A nice trick which is all credit to richtie's FAQ, as I doubt I would have
thought of this myself, is that by shutting an open wardrobe and then opening
it again, you can find an item! Do this with the left hand wardrobe on the top
floor to find Plasma Storm, and use the same trick with the right hand wardrobe
in the second floor room with all the beds and furniture, and you get Saratoga
Suit! The left one has CVC Suit. These are very useful pieces of body armour.
There is nothing in any of the chests of drawers.
Back on the ground floor, leave the stairs area by heading down the screen, and
then go left and up to where you can see two computer terminals. Before
reaching the terminals head up the screen between the wall and the computers
and you will find two wardrobes. Ahit and open the right hand one to receive
the Howling Gun. Then walk down and left and use the ID Card (e) on the left
computer. Press OPEN. The right one can just be switched on, but you might be
better just leaving it off.
Go back to your tanks by retracing your steps, heading right to the far right
wall and then down. Now drive left and this time go all the way left and up,
and at the top left corner drive down one ramp. Drive past the second ramp on
this floor heading down the screen in a garage type area. (If you go down the
second ramp it just leads to a conveyor belt and you cannot go any further.)
Park the tanks and head right, over the broken rocks and then up through the
open entrance. Then go right, keeping close to the bottom wall. At the far
wall go up to find a ladder in the corner. Climb up, and you can walk along
the stopped conveyor belt that is the one in the very first area you were in.
Don't be tempted by the wooden box (Gulp), as this is the one that contains the
tank weapon. (And if you jump down you will have to go all the way back around
Follow the stopped conveyor belt left and up and right, and up, and left and so
on, and try not to fall off...or yes, you've guessed have to find your
way back down to the bottom again. You have no idea the relief I felt when I
finally fell into that black hole at the end! Only it was short lived.
NOTE: If you have switched the conveyor on, using the right hand computer
screen then it might be easier to ride it to the hole, but then again, you may
find that you have difficulties negotiating the right angled turns.

Now, more problems. If you stay on the moving belt that you land on, you will
be back at the very bottom area with the blue robot...and that means...yes, all
the way back up the ladder in the top left corner of the room which brings you
out in the area with the central stairs. Head down the screen to emerge back
in the large conveyor room and head right and then down to exit at the bottom
broken wall. Then, once again go left and up and ...if you have messed up as
many times as I did, you will know the route by now.
Ok, so you have fallen through the hole and managed to walk left against the
conveyor belt which is moving to the right. Now you have to turn down the
screen to continue on the conveyor belt path. Judge this badly and you will
simply end up on the floor and...not quite so bad this time as at least you are
on the lower floor. In fact walk down the screen with the wall on the left and
you will see your tanks patiently gathering lead mushrooms on the other side of
the wall.
Negotiate your way along the belt down and then right and you will end up
falling into another large room with many empty boxes. There are STILL
enemies to fight.
Finding Dr. Optica (Optional)
Anyhow head right and keep going and you will find a couple of ramps going up.
then suddenly you are outside! What a relief! Go right and there is a narrow
doorway. In here is a friendly robot called Saturday, and you can open the
gate to the outside at the computer screen next to him. Here you can meet Dr.
Optica. Answer yes and he will make you something if you have three lenses.
You can return here again once you have found the last lens, and Dr, Optica
will assemble the best hand held weapon in the game.
If you go through the upper exit into the area with a yellow floor you will be
in a battle with three Dummy Shelters. This is a weapon testing range, and
just for fun. You get 1 experience and 1 gold for each of them. Now you can
go left in the bedroom and get Chilly Cells from the fridge. (Scant rewards )
Finally...The TANK!
Return through the opening to the main factory and back down the two ramps from
Dr. Optica's, and hug the wall heading down and then left. OR don't bother
with Dr. Optica at this point and just walk down the room and left to find the
the door to the last tank.
The locked door requires an ID Card. If you haven't got the card with you,
you can catch a tantalising glimpse of a silver tank to the left. You need ID
Card (o) that you found at Peerless Hospital all that time ago. Use the ID
Card (o) on the green Electronic Lock on the wall to the right of the doors and
then press OPEN. The doors will do just that so rush in and claim your new
tank! (Still battles, and their frequency seemed even more down here.)
| T A N K | *T8 WHITEMUU |

The good news is that you can leave the building easily. The control panel for
the gate is situated to the right of Saturday. Open it to leave the fenced off
enclosure. The bad news is that your tanks are still parked inside the Ghost
Optional Extra: Not recommended
If you head left from the tank you will find that you are at the far side of
the conveyor belt on the lowest floor of the building.
Look left and you will see a ladder in the top corner of the wall. Get out of
your tanks and head up two ladders and walk down the screen and you are
outside. This is not such a great idea as you cannot go back inside except by
the original entrance, or via Dr. Optica's building entrance providing you
have unlocked it.
Getting the Tomato Typhoon
All you need to do is to drive all the way along the entrance passageway
towards the ramp and just before it, turn right and enter the large area. I
thought you could not get inside here because of the broken rubble on the
floor, but in fact if you drive close to the south wall of the broken gap you
can then continue all the way down the room and along the bottom wall to reach
the wooden box that contains the tank weapon. All credit to IdiotFool for
explaining this.
Getting the Laser Bazooka
Once you have found all four lenses, return to Dr. Optica and choose where to
place them on a diagram of the weapon. You can check out the placement and
how it effects the gun by practising against the Dummy Shelter enemies in his
practice room. If you don't like the result you can change them around
until you are satisfied with the weapon.
Note: the location of the Howling Gun and Plasma Storm are thanks to hergman.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ii. Scorched Factory
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: Due east from Canabelle. Only accessible after the fire.
Enemies: Injection Bird, Pickaxe Bird, Gunbird, UFO Scout, Beam Sceptres,
Virus Bat, Army Zombie, Dummy Shelter

Beam Blaster, ID Card (t), 175 mm Cannon, 195mm Cannon, 165mm Ghost,
Camera Lens.


Salmonella Gang is inside. There is a Tank Weapon close by.

220mm Gaia: 800 ATT, 86 DEF, 10 AMMO, 10.00t
(found by the rock wall, just north of the Scorched Factory)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Return to Canabelle and there are three guys standing looking to the east, they

all say there is a forest fire. Henry will say that he didn't do it. (Yeah
right...) Speak to his parents and they are worried.
Make sure you have one Hyrdo Pot in your item inventory. If you don't, just
use the Dog System to hop over to Santa Poco and buy one from the Tool Store
Drive all the way east from Canabelle, heading in the direction of Leorad,
until you have to stop because of the burning forest. Drive up to it and
select Party and then a character and Item, and then select Hydro Pot and Use.
It starts to rain, putting out the fires.
Simply drive over the burned out trees to the Scorched Factory. Check the
entrance gate and it is locked. Do what you always do with a locked door and
use the Lock Hacker.
Inside Scorched Factory
NOTE: Since there are so many tank weapons in here, it would make sense to
explore with a tank in tow. Then you can simply load it with anything that is
excess weight, without needing to dump armour tiles or leave before you are
ready. You also need Para-Non for the Virus Bats and the First Aid System
on your tanks is helpful in case of paralysis. (Though when I used one for
the first time it broke!)
Ground Floor
Once inside drive up the large main room, keeping close to the left wall, and
then left and through the narrow opening. Continue going up and then right to
find a ramp down. (You can explore going left, but you may end up leaving the
place by accident.)
Go down the ramp. Turn left and there will be an ALERT. Continue and two Beam
Sceptres will appear. They are easy to defeat with Autoguns. If you head past
the broken computer you have to leave the tanks to progress. There is a Card
Machine on the wall. But you don't yet have a Card for this machine so leave
it for now, and drive right to find the ramp down to the next floor.
Before going down this ramp you can go down the passage at the far right,and
unlock the door. This is an area with stopped conveyor belts. Go left past the
top of the conveyors and then head down the screen to the bottom wall and you
can go down another ramp. If you then drive left it does not lead anywhere.
Instead, go right (just a short distance) and there is a wooden box containing
Beam Blaster, a tank weapon. This is an Autogun Power 200, attacks one.
By the way, you can walk down the stopped conveyor belts and fall into the
hole, but after falling down the next one as well, this just leads to B3 where
you can walk up a couple of ramps to get out the building, so there is no point
doing this.
Return up the ramp and straight ahead and then right past the conveyors to the
far right wall and then up to find the first ramp, that you ignored before.
This takes you to B2. (There is nothing to find if you cross the broken rocks
heading left on foot, just an empty room.) Drive down to the wall and then

left to find a wooden box which contains ID Card (t). This is the one you need
for the machine on the first floor, past the broken computer. If you drive
left where the next ramp is going down there is a room that you can only access
on foot, but there is nothing there.
This room with the wooden box is also where you are likely to find Salmonella
| W A N T E D | *W12 S A L M O N E L L A H Q
Reward: 99,800G |
| Attacks: squeezed the nozzle and fired (attacks one)
| Cranked the fuel nozzle and fired his gun (attacks all)
| Experience | 25,000
| Drops
| 3 gold, Superhuman Gloves (thanks to hergman)
I used Sleeping Gas Shell on him to good effect. At least he slept for one
round. Also a Hollow Shell destroyed his protection. His gun attack was only
doing around 18-20 Sp damage to each tank. Hollow charge did 700 HP damage to
him as did main guns. Eventually one of his cranked nozzle attacks caused
intense shock on a couple of tanks parts, but that is only because I prolonged
the fight to see what he might do! The Thunder Blast Autogun was very
effective against him. This is an easy fight, given that you have your tanks
against a soft target.
The next ramp leads to B3. There are Dummy Shelters down here inside the small
rooms off the corridor, and at the far left end of the corridor is a wooden box
with a 175 mm Cannon, 2.90t, 10/10, 700 Power. From the ramp head down the
screen and then left to find another wooden box, containing a 195mm Cannon.
3.00t 15/15, 720 Power. The next small bay to the left has 165mm Ghost.
Fortunately this is also a light weight gun.
However, on this first visit I had still not found the Outlaw boss, and my
tanks could not carry any more parts. I checked their status to be sure and
they all had the full complement of 8 different parts, including Engine and
C-unit as well as guns. Time to dog out and take a trip back home to sort out
all this new tank equipment.
If you continue down from that last tank part there is a ramp going up and
then another one. These just lead you back to the ground floor, but at the
far left of the building.where you can drive drive out to the world map.
Finding the Camera Lens
In fact it is just as easy to return to the computer screen from the entrance,
and down the first ramp. Use the ID Card (t) from your Tools inventory and
then press OPEN. Walk down the through the now open door behind you. Keep
going through the next door which will open to let you pass, and then go left
past the room with lots of computers. You can read these if you like, but
there is nothing to find or do in this room. Walk up to the ladder at the end
of the left section of this area and climb down to C2. There is one useful
wooden box here, in a small room with other empty boxes, containing a Camera

Now head back up to re-join your tanks. Apart from finding the enemy
Salmonella HQ who is rumoured to be in this place, that is it! (Of course,
he is there, on B2, just a little elusive.)
Found in the Field
One more thing, use the Metal Detector in the curve in the rocks behind the
Scorched Factory and you can find the Weapon 220mm Gala, a powerful Main Gun.
Return Visit
You can return to Canabelle and find Henry in the basement of his parents'
house. Poor Henry.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------iii. Shopping!
After returning to Leorad through the gap that the fire made, a new Trader
Camp will appear. Where there were three lifeless trees situated to the right
of the Northern Cave, now there are six healthy green trees arranged in pairs
around a small sandy square. This only means one thing: a Trader Camp.
-----------------Leorad Trader Camp
-----------------On-Board Tool Store
------------------Grounding Chain...........2550G
Alkaline Coat..............500G
Stealth Coat..............1500G
Mirror Coat...............1000G
Radar Scope..............15500G
Tank Parts Store
---------------195mm Burst..............25000G
Buster Flute............. 9980G
Dallos 1000..............17500G
V66 Kong.................55000G


Best stuff in the game and you can only get it now!!! I love this. Just a
nice little extra for all that effort, and hiding right around the corner from
home. Now you can really get those tanks in tip top shape. By the way, the
Burst weapon will fire twice and is a very powerful and useful gun, although
you can find the 180mm Burst in the East-West Subway Tunnels, which will give
you nearly as much power for free!

14. H E L L' S



This town is due north across the desert from Santa Poco, and then west. If
you want to avoid the desert, drive west and follow the edge of the mountains
going north. Keep going past the Run-Down Oasis still heading north and it is
at the north western edge of the desert, next to the sea.
From the Subway Ruins hole it is due west following the northern edge of the
Radio Blossom, ATM Shark, Golden Ant, AT Elephant, Bio Bazuzu, Gun Balloon,
Slow Walker, UFO Scout, Gun Tower, Glamour Tiger.
Rommel Ghost: 160,000 gold.
Rodriguez 100,000 gold
225mm Hydra
(found in the field by the last rock to the east of Hells Gate West)
Noah System No.R
(Found in the field due south of Hell's Gate West. At the first tree look
left and it is in the area surrounded by three rocks and one tree to the west)
-------Equipment Store
Tools Store
Parts Store
On-Board Tool Shop
Ammo Dealer
Others (...lists all the other services in the town on the next screen)
Hunter Office
Refill Station
Parts Modification
Auto Repair
Equipment Store

Tools Store

TNT Paranoia.........29800G S
Battle Knuckles.......3800G

Healing Capsule.........20G
Top-Off Drink..........100G
DD Pineapple............30G
Repair Kit..............80G
Mechanic's Kit........2000G
Alkali Wax..............60G

Parts Store
----------x180mm Spark.........12800G
205mm Cannon.........17900G
DD Hysteric...........5500G

On-Board Tool Shop

-----------------L-Plate Pack...........200G
LL-Plate Pack..........300G
Dog System.............350G
First-Aid System.......200G
Camouflage Shield.....4600G
Extinguisher System....980G

Ammo Dealer
----------Cold Shell........50G
Napalm Shell......50G
Hollow Charge.....40G
Exploding Shell...40G
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Walk behind the right hand garage and there is someone there with blue hair, or
a cap. Speak to them and they will tell you that the Gate Password is located
| AREA X:09 Y:05 |
| 32-F
| *beep!*
So that is a lot of help...but don't worry, you will find it. (In fact, you
probably will have done so already: what building has 32 floors?)
Visit the bar and a man sitting at the table near the jukebox, will tell you
that if you want to meet the Rommel Ghost you must find a large bird in the
desert. (This means on the ground!) There is a jukebox and frog racing
machine in the right corner. The other man tells you that Valdez, the slimiest
of slimy fugitives, has gone behind Hell's Gate. The girl won't help much, but
has an original pick-up line.
The inn has no items, but there is a Vending Machine, a picture of Rodriguez
and a massage man.

Vending Machine
--------------Tools Prize: Baddie Promo (Rommel Ghost)
Rocket Firework x
Blaze Bottle x 1
Hand Grenade x 1
Smokescreen x 1
Nitro Beer x 1
DD Pineapple x 1

1 5G

The Hunter's Office is in the equipment shop, and be sure to ask for details of
Rodriguez. (Giggle) Also, buy the Mechanic's Kit from here, as this is better
than the Repair Kit, since it won't break and can be used as many times as you
like. You can find the TNT Paranoia weapon in the Global Relief Centre, so
unless you want two of them, I wouldn't bother buying this, especially since
your Soldier is the only one who can equip it.
Fugitive: Rommel Ghost
This enemy is a random encounter in the middle of the desert south east of
Hell's Gate West. It is fairly easy to find, and in fact, if you just drive
directly south from Hell's Gate West, there is a good chance that it will
| W A N T E D | *W15 R O M M E L G H O S T
Reward: 160,000G |
| Attacks: Launches a bombardment, armour-piercing ammunition
| Attacks with a machine gun, transfers a shell.
| Attacks with a laser (one tank)
| Experience | 1100
| Drops
| 50 gold, Noah System No.R C-Unit (rare drop)
I encountered this, one time when I was towing the Buggy equipped with the Emmy
and the support system in place. It gave me back up in this battle which meant
that the Rommel Ghost's attacks missed my tanks. This is a good strategy to
use since it means you won't receive any damage.
Use Piercing Shells to disable its armour piercing attack, and with the
additional support of the back up tank you can defeat this enemy at low levels.
I used the Abrams, Tiger and Van. The main problem was that my guns were not
very powerful and it took a while to defeat it, as I ran out of everything, and
was reduced to using aux cannon. It was almost a stalemate, since it couldn't
hurt my tanks, (with the Buggy in support) but then my tanks weren't doing much
damage to it either. With better tanks and equipment this monster is
relatively straightforward to defeat at around level 24.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------i. Hell's Gate West Trader Camp

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: At the furthest western edge of the desert south of Hell's Keep
West, on the way to Canabelle.
Enemies: Glamour Tiger, Metal Eater, Dripping Kiwi, AT Elephant, Floating
Hyena, Slow Walker


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trader Camp
----------At the far western edge of the desert is a group of three trees, In fact they
are in pairs and where the desert meets the green near the western mountains.
It is the far side of the ridge to the west of Santa Poco
On Board Tool Store
------------------LL-Plate Pack......300G
Dog System.........350G
Grounding Chain...2550G
Tools Store
----------Energy Capsule......50G
Repair Kit..........80G
Freeze Bottle.......80G
Mr Game..........49800G

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ii. Hell's Gate

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: Due north of Canabelle, at the edge of the river and a short way to
the west of the hole that leads to the East-West Subway Ruins.
Enemies: Robo Police


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------You can drive inside Hell's Gate and park at the two vending machines.
Vending Machines
---------------Plate Prize: Driver Training Sticker

Shells Prize: Really, You First!

L-Plate Pack x 1 200G

L-Plate Pack x 2 400G
L-Plate Pack x 5 1000G
LL-Plate Pack x 1 300G
LL-Plate Pack x 2 600G

Spare Shell x 5 50G

Spare Shell x 15 50G
Blast Shell x 2 50G
Exploding Shell x 2 50G
Hollow Charge x 2 100G

LL-Plate Pack x 5 1500G

Napalm Shell x 2 100G

As soon as you enter the next room you will be attacked by the Robo-Police.
You have to defeat this enemy and then use the correct code on the green
computer screen to the right. If you get the password wrong then more robot
police will appear.
| Robo-Police
Hells Gate |
| Drops
| 1900 gold. Riot Police Helmet
| Experience | 1200
| Attacks
| Attacks (all), or one. Sounds an alarm
Without Protectors you are vulnerable to their single person attack which can
do around 400 HP damage. Their normal machine gun attack can do around 50 HP
damage, although obviously this depends on your equipment. If you can't defeat
the first enemy quickly he may call for help and there will be two Robot
Police to fight.
This can be a good thing as it means you can just keep fighting and getting
more cash and experience. Each enemy you defeat will give the full reward so
this is one of the best places to level up. You can also deliberately input
the incorrect code and just keep spawning them, and you can do this even after
opening the Gate. There is a handy Vending Machine nearby, selling Energy
Capsules (which heal 450 HP) and Healing Drinks (which heal 200 HP).
Vending Machine
--------------Tools Prize: Baddie Promo (Rodriguez)
Healing Drink x 1
Energy Capsule x 1
Para-Non x 1
Repair Kit x 1
DD Pineapple x 1
Smokescreen. x 1


The Password is "261241". After putting in the numbers you must press OPEN,
and anything else will get you into another cop shoot out.
Leave the area and drive back to the world map and now the gate is open.
Simply drive through. There will be an earthquake as you drive onto the sand,
but this is nothing to worry about.

15. B E Y O N D H E L L' S G A T E

Once you have defeated the robots and inputted the correct code at the gate,
it will open, and you can drive into this new and large area. There are no
more towns.
AT Gigantus, ATM Shark, Bubble Crabgun, Desert Monroe, Gun Balloon, Hell's
Stove, Medusa, Plasma Beetle, Roaming Plating, Slow Walker, Speedy Turtle,
Slow Walker.
Bad Valdez
Sunburn-XX (All) ATT 580 DEF 60 AMMO 2 WGT 9.00t
(found in the field by left pylon close to Global Relief Centre)
Thunder Cannon ATT 615 DEF 90 AMMO 10 WGT6.00t
(south of Hound Cavern, as far as the grass and trees near the mountains, and
then east to two rocks close to the grass)
ATT 400 DEF 45 AMMO OO WGT 3.00t
(found in the field to the east of the Global Relief Centre where there are
narrow white lines on the tarmac just to the west of a large sand crater.
Search in the rocks to the north)
This is a huge area with no shops, but with some new enemies.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------i. Hound Cavern
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: At the furthest north west corner of the desert.
Enemies: Bazooka Dog

Bad Valdez

Comment: Take the Lock Hacker so you can open the gates. (Not essential)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Far to the north of the desert. Drive up, hugging the western edge and when
you can go no further north there is an open cave in the rock wall ahead.
From the entrance go up the passageway and immediately someone will run and
attack you. In fact, it is not a someone exactly, but a Bazooka Dog. After
defeating it, continue into an open cave and another dog will run up from the
left. After defeating it, stay in your tanks and head left and up to meet
another dog. There are no other enemies on the first floor, but many gated
areas that you can only access using the Lock Hacker
The dogs are not hard to defeat and will take a couple of main gun attacks:
one to destroy their protection, and the second to kill them. They will be
able to get in one bazooka attack.
Drive down the ramp in the upper left room to the next floor, and head down the
screen going right past two more gates. When you reach the wide metal steps

get out of your tanks and walk up. Valdez is here and will speak to you, and
he recognises the red tank that was Red Wolf's. After a short scene, when it
doesn't matter what answers you give to his questions, he will attack you.
| W A N T E D | *W16 B A D V A L D E Z
Reward: 200,000G
| Recoilless missile. (One)
| Launching missiles wildly (attacks all)
| Machine gun (attacks all)
| Experience | 8000
| Reward
| 1 gold
After winning the battle you will be outside the cave, but without your tanks.
When the scene has finished walk back inside and down the ramp to pick up the
tanks. You can also unlock the gates using the Lock Hacker, and talk to the
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ii. Global Relief Centre
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Location: In the centre right of the desert.
Enemies: (world map)

The Sunburn SE weapon is found using the Metal Detector.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------This is situated in the centre of the desert and can be reached from the
south. Drive straight up the desert until you come to a small green tree, and
then go right a little and then up ahead again. This will lead directly to the
Global Relief Centre building.
As you get close there will be lots of explosions. You cannot gain access
through the barrier, so drive around to the right following the edge of the
building until you reach the far side. You can enter the door here, but only
on foot, after parking your vehicles.
Found in the Field
Where there are three stones next to the left pylon close to the GRC, you can
search for the Sunburn-XX, which is an SE weapon that attacks all.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Part 1. Ground Floor
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Enemies: None

Solar Lens

------------------------------------------------------------------------------There are no enemies on the ground floor, Floor 1, and none on the top floor,
Floor 6. It is worth while heading up to floor 6 though, especially if you
have more to do in the game and intend to leave and return here. There are
guns on tracks on the roof and if you push the guns off the roof then they will
stop firing at you when you are close to the GRC. (Thanks to MAV for this tip.)
The stairs on the right go to every floor. Once you have unlocked the front
entrance you can use the side lifts with your tanks and check the floors for
any missed items, and get one tank part and L-Plates that you could not collect
when on foot.
TANK LIFT TO |--------Back Entrance
On Foot only
Park Tanks here
----------| Door
| | |-----------|
| 3 |
| 1 |
| | >> Stairs << |
------------------------- ------------| LIFT
| Box
| 1,2,4,6 |
| (Lens) |
| 1,3,5,6 |
| |
----------| |
-------- |
| |-------------|
| 4 |----LOCKED DOOR----| 2 |
(Barrier until disabled)

Return to this section when you have collected the ID Card and passwords which
are found on the upper floors. Search for these on your own, for more fun, or
check the walkthrough for each floor if you get stuck.
Each of the password numbers will deactivate one of the four flashing lights on
the locked door on the ground floor. You have to use the ID Card (r) on all
four of the computers surrounding the doors and then input the correct password
for each one. Then press OFF. Now the problem I have with this, is that I
could not work out the logic behind each one. Each one is colour coded with
flashing lights next to the locked doors and when you switch off, one by one
these will turn off, but I really don't know how you are supposed to know
which is which except through trial and error, or by following the
instructions given in a FAQ. (Thank you ritchie!)
Anyhow, once the doors are opened, go through and open the wooden box in the

central machine area to receive Solar Lens. You can switch ON the lift
controller on the screen to the right of the box. Then turn to your right and
switch OFF the barrier controller, and at the left screen OPEN the garage
OK, now all is open and running for your tanks, head back right and out of
the back door. (If you go up the room and through the doors with an R on
them, following the arrow on the floor that says B-16, you will head down the
lift a very long way.) Best to get your tanks first!
Drive the tanks up or left, and you will be at the front of the Centre. Drive
forwards and you can now go straight through the front door and directly
through the double doors you just unlocked and continue into the lift to the
First, though, you should take the right lift and return to floors 3 and 5 to
pick up the tank parts you had to leave.
Floor 3 has L-Plates Pack in the first room at the bottom of the screen, after
leaving the lift, and floor 5 has the Turbo Carmen (an engine) in a box next to
the lift.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Part 2. Finding the Passwords and ID Card: Floors 2,3,4,5,
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Enemies: Berzerker, Beam Sceptre, Destroid, DNA Blob, Meteor Snail,
Murderous Amoeba, Poison Potato Cannon, Security Camera, Sonic
Stunner, SuperconductivityX.
Floor 2: Healing Drink, Top-Off Drink, Alkali Spray, Neutralising Cream,
Bazooka, DD Pineapple.
Floor 3: L-Plate Pack, Energy Capsule, .44 Magnum, Healing Drink.
Floor 4: ID CARD (r), Medical Suit, Para-Non, Metallic Suit, SMG Uzi
Floor 5: Turbo Carmen, TNT Paranoia, Dragon Spray, Password Memo
You need Para-Non items here, though if you get paralysed and run out of
items, you can always get back to your tanks and use the recovery tank tool to
heal. This is the First-Aid System, so make sure you have this available on
at least one tank. You will also need the best protectors, armour and weapons
for some of these enemies.
Your task is to find four passwords and an ID Card. There are also various
items. Use the lifts and stairs to reach the different floors. All the floors
have the same basic layout with a lift at one or other end of a central
hallway, and doors leading into rooms to the north and south of this hall.
The stairs to all floors are in the top right hand corner of each floor.
Let's start at the top and work down.

Floor 5
------Floor 5: Turbo Carmen, TNT Paranoia, Dragon Spray, Password Memo
Take the lift next to the back door, where you entered the building, and go up
to floor 5.
Open the first wooden box at the left of the lift to find Turbo Carmen, but
this is for tanks so you can't take it now. The first room at the south of the
corridor has an out of order Vending Machine. The opposite room has computer
screens about the Synthesis Simulator. Walk left past lots of swirling globes
and you can check the screens of some more computers. At the far end of the
main hallway you can find one unopened box containing TNT Paranoia. I gave
this to Soldier and swopped the Rocket Punch over to Hunter.
The room at the south with the red carpet has a computer titled: Noah user
5F-0, and a large desk. Check this out to find nothing... But in the lobby
room the other desk has Password Memo in the right drawer. You can read this
by selecting it from the Tools list and then the command USE.
| Password Memo
| "542397" is written here... |

Bottom right (2)

The centre room has more Noah User 5F numbers on the computer screens. (No
idea what that all means.)
Dragon Spray is also found in a wooden box on this floor.
------Floor 4
------Floor 4: ID CARD (r), Medical Suit, Para-Non, Metallic Suit, SMG Uzi
I just went back down in the lift and walked left again to get the lift up to
the fourth floor, but you could simply walk down the stairs and then work your
way along starting from the right side of the floor, in which case just reverse
the directions.
From the lift head down the hall and into the lower middle room where there
are a lot of beds. Open the wooden box in here to get ID CARD (r)
The opposite room has a water system and plants growing. There are water
wheels that you can turn if you want, in the upper rooms. The next lower room
has computers with Noah User 4F-1, 2, and 3, and the one at the far right has a
| Noah User 4F-4
| Emergency Code for
| accessing Master Noah |
| 195874...

Bottom left (4)

This is for the bottom left computer so I guess that is number 4.
Go into the next room (heading right) and there are three wardrobes at the
bottom. The left one contains Medical Suit. Para-Non is in the desk drawer
Head all the way to the far right and in the top room to find two wooden boxes
at the back of the room with Metallic Suit and SMG Uzi. Walk down the stairs
to floor 3.
------Floor 3
------Floor 3: L-Plate Pack, Energy Capsule, .44 Magnum, Healing Drink, Research
Go left from the lift and into the first small room down the screen, to find
three wooden boxes, two with items: L-Plate Pack and Energy Capsule. You
cannot take the Plate Pack without a tank. Head left down the central hall and
there is a Vending Machine, only it is out of order. The bookcases in the top
right room say something about Project Noah. There is a computer screen near
the right wall in this room that reads Noah User 3F-2. User Access to Master
You can see a ladder in the central upper room that you cannot reach. Head
into the room to the left of this, and then take the ladder up to floor 4, and
you will find a computer screen titled Airlock Room. You need an ID Card to
open the room.
USE the card ID CARD (r). You now get a message saying
Indoor Pollution Level 0
Condition Green.
Press open, and although it does not seem to do anything, in fact it has just
opened the computer room. So go down the ladder and enter this room. (You are
now back on floor 3) You can read a few of the computer screens if you like.
(When I have more time I might list all the details of all these computer
messages, as basically they give you the story and background to the game)
For now check the top left one above the empty box and you you will get another
| Noah OS Target
| Emergency Code for
| accessing Master Noah |
| 519982...

Top right (1)

Return to Floor 4 and then back down the ladder to floor 3. (You are now at

the left of the big computer room you just left)

Continue to the next room where there are empty boxes and go through the door
and into the next room at the top to find .44 Magnum. Left from that room is
one box that is not open containing Healing Drink. The room with the red
carpet has more "Project Noah" books and a large central desk where you can
find Research Notes in the left hand drawer.
To reach floor 2 you must either go down the stairs or down to floor 1 in the
lift and then walk to the lift at the far left of the ground floor and then
work your way right along the hallway picking up the items as you go. (I
opted for this method because it meant fewer battles.)
------Floor 2
------Floor 2: Healing Drink, Top-Off Drink, Alkali Spray, Neutralising Cream,
Bazooka, DD Pineapple.
Get out of the lift at Floor 2 and there is a wooden box just to the right of
the lift. This contains Healing Drink. The first upper room has two vending
machines but they are both out of order. The desk drawer through the door to
the right of the machines has Top-Off Drink. Go past the large conference
room, and the red carpeted room to the right has Alkali Spray in the desk
In the first lower room nearest the lift, there is Neutralising Cream in the
desk to the right of the door. Go down the room and take a look at the
computer screen at the desk on its own near the bottom wall. (You have to keep
close to the wall to get past the chair.)
| Noah User 2F-1
| Emergency Code for
| accessing Master Noah |
| 793266...

Top left (3)

You can take a look at the computer screens in the room through the doors at
the bottom right of the area, but there is nothing to find, beyond another
Noah User 2F-3 user access to Master Noah ...Break. (I wondered if this 3
number refers to the third screen on the ground floor, since this password is
for that one if you number them from the top down...Don't really know.)
Head all the way to the far right of
One has the Bazooka and the other DD
down to the ground floor. From here
the four boxed areas and type in the
to activate the screens.

this area to find some more wooden boxes.

Pineapple. Then take the stairs back
walk left to to four computer screens in
various passwords using the ID Card (r)

....Check back to Part 1 for the details on this.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Part 3. Basement (with tanks)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Enemies: Acid Ants, Army Zombie, Berzerker, Code Golem, Destroid, Gold Carpet,
Manlion, Snake Hole, Sonic Stunner and SuperconductivityX (both
damage tank parts with electricity)

1067 gold, L-Plate Pack, V100 Kong Engine, 5177 gold, Assault
Armour, Guard Knuckles, Battle Knuckles, Rain Cyclon, 1046 gold,
220mm Gaia.

Make sure you have repair kits since some of the enemies will target your
chassis or other tank parts and destroy them completely. The On-Board Tool:
Electromagnetic Barrier will help prevent electrical damage, and the ambush
preventing tool and SE combination is useful. Maybe tow a tank as well so you
can make best use of the stuff you find. Keep a good supply of LL-Plate packs
too. If you want to get out of here, all you have to do is use the Dog System
and you will be outside the building on the world map.
The enemies did such damage to the chassis of my Abrams the first time in the
basement, (without the Electromagnetic Barrier) that it ejected its driver and
returned to town all by itself! First time this happened in the game! Oddly
it went to Canabelle, and was waiting for me just outside the town, at least I
knew where it was, all thanks to the BSCon, auto-escape system, and tank guide
If you fall down one of the whirlpools you end up falling to the floor below,
and can just drive to the ramp in the centre of the area and back up the
passage to the lift. You also have to fight a Manlion enemy.
V = fall to lower floor



1067 gold
L-Plate Pack
the V100 Kong Engine!
5177 gold

--------| LIFT |
|---BOX 4 V
| V

|--WHIRLPOOL -------------|
| BOX 2 V
Head to the right and down and there is a wooden box just in front of a sand
whirlpool. Then go left and down through two broken gates and edge around the
whirlpool to the right to open the wooden box and get L-Plate Pack. Continue
right and up to open another wooden box on the south side of the whirlpool.
This has the V100 Kong Engine.
Fall down the whirlpool by Box 4 and use the Metal Detector on the four
stones nearby and there is something there. Walk to the stone on foot and get
Assault Armour for Soldier. Drive right, past the central ramp and there is a
collection of seven stones. Use the Metal Detector here and walk to find the
Guard Knuckles arm armour for Soldier only. (If you fall down the whirlpool
by Box 1 you will land near these stones..
Retrace your steps (or tracks), and head further left and then up and get the
contents of the fourth box. Continue up the passage into a grey area where
there are two Guardian enemies. They are easy to destroy, and in fact, if you
have the Thunderstorm Autogun you can probably do so without even using Main
| Guardian
Basement GRC |
| Drops
| 700 gold
| Experience | 8000
| Attacks
| Fires a blaster one), fires a heat beam (all)
After defeating the two Guardians, head left down the ramp. There are still
battles down here. Follow the passage past two locked doors until your tanks
have to stop. Get out and go right over the rubble.and down the ladder. Walk
left to find a green plate on the wall, and switch the power ON. This opens
both sets of doors. Return to your tanks and first drive through the left
door, and open four wooden boxes to receive:
Battle Knuckles, Rain Cyclon: a tank weapon, 1046 gold, 220mm Gaia, another
tank weapon.
(By this stage it might be sensible to leave, as with all this additional stuff
now would be a good time to consider a different tank and character equipment
set-up for the final stages of the game. Also, if you haven't already done
so, you could get the Laser Bazooka weapon by giving all four lenses to Dr.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part 4. Finding and Fighting Noah
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Then go through the second door and CHECK the lift and enter. You are
currently on B17, so now go to B18. There are no more enemies to fight until
you meet Noah. This is the point of no return, and after meeting Noah you
cannot leave until you have defeated him.

Drive left and up to meet Noah, who politely introduces himself. It doesn't
appear to matter what answer you give, as he will attack you whatever you say.
Fighting Noah
This is just a few notes on fighting Noah. I went through it twice to see if
the answers made any difference, but they don't. All three characters were at
level 32 and they were driving the WhiteMuu, Red Wolf and Van, for reasons
best left unexplained, on one run, and the Abrams, WhiteMuu and Red Wolf for
the other. All tanks had two SE guns equipped. The Excalibur is possibly
the most useful S-E gun against Noah, at least I found it so, and Hollow
Shells may be essential. (You can buy the Excalibur in Eden.)
Since many of my attacks completely missed the first form of Noah I would
suggest that you equip your best tanks with C-Units that have the highest Hit
percentage. This would be the Noah System for the WhiteMuu, since it has a Hit
percentage of 15%, despite the low evasion. High defense for your tanks parts
will be more useful than high SP for this fight, since your SP is going to get
wiped out pretty quickly. Also, make sure you have as many weapons equipped as
you can carry for each tank. Every weapon you have, represents more defense
for your essential tank parts and you don't want a tank destroyed forcing
someone to fight on foot.
| Cyber Wall |
This enemy comes in three stages, and all of them are easy.
1. Only took about 400-500 HP damage to destroy the first part so it didn't
get much of a chance to attack. Attacks: gunfire at one tank
2. Attacks: sounded the psycho tweeter ox...effect confused.
Emits freezing gas (again one round will finish it off)
3. Attacks with a machine gun that hurts them all, or a one tank attack.
Slightly harder to defeat as some weaker attacks missed.
1 experience point and 1 gold is all you get for defeating it!
Another question from Noah, after a bit of declaiming.
| Guardian Golems x 3 |
Attacks with a laser, fires a plasma shell (shock to tank)
Just one round using SE guns and they were all destroyed.
You don't get any experience for winning this fight and will just move on to
| N O A H |

Part One
Noah:attacked from his eye doing around 400 damage to my WhiteMuu. He targeted
this tank the whole battle. At first I didn't know if this was because it
contained Hunter, or if it was because I answered no. However, since exactly
the same thing happened when I answered yes, I guess it may just be the way of
it. One attack targeted all, for around 50 each, and a single tank attack of
electricity damages one tank.
This first form is very well defended and many of my attacks simply bounced off
him. This is where the higher rate Hit % on the C-Units would come in handy.
Hollow Shells were most effective against this form of Noah, inflicting a
variable 300/800 damage, but none of the SE guns or Main Guns had much effect
except from time to time. I should have had some piercing shells!
Defeated after around...5/8 rounds or so and WhiteMuu was in a mess with no
armour tiles left at all and on my second attempt, with badly damaged Main and
S-E Guns
Part Two
Now Noah will attack twice in a row doing 800 SP damage to all tanks on each
attack. However after two rounds of whatever I had left, Main and SE weapons,
it was destroyed, despite another powerful attack, though my tanks were left
in a sorry state. Then something went wrong with my game and it froze...
Honestly, well, that is what I first thought. But, eventually it unfroze.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------iii. End Game
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------After the battle you will be back at the area underneath the Big Cannon. This
is The Secret Cave. Your tanks are there too. Just walk to the right to pick
them up, or take the short route along the handy conveyor belt. Drive right
and up the ramps to the world map, or just use the Dog System to zoom directly
back to Leorad. (You can do this even if your tanks can't move on their own
because of damaged parts.) There are still enemies on the world map, despite
the end of Noah.
Back in Leorad, speak to Dad and tell him you want to come home. Seriously,
you do, (at least, you do if you want to see the end of the game,) so keep
saying so until a new scene begins.
After the credits, wait, do nothing, and then there is another scene...
If you speak to Dad after defeating Noah and offer him money you can get a
range of responses. This is another find by UltimateCalbur. Try these
amounts for different reactions.
0G 1-10G - (Money lost)
11-100G - (Money lost)

101+G - (No money lost)





Tanks and Modification

Best Tank Parts
Tools (Items)
Arms (Equipment)
Tank Equipment
Metal/Mine Detector
Mini-Games and Bars
The Fast Track

1. T A N K S A N D M O D I F I C A T I O N


------------------Which Tanks to use?
------------------There are only eight tanks in the game and you will find that you have access
to five of them before getting past the Corona Building to Il Migra in the
west. It makes sense that the better tanks are reserved for the later stages
of the game. However, you can find the Abrams in Port Slum, fairly early on,
and this is a good tank, if you can afford to pay the price.
Of the first four tanks, the Buggy and Mosquito are the least well defended and
have the fewest slots for weapons, however, the Buggy has the additional
helpful feature in that a fighter can use arms weapons while fighting from the
protection of a tank. The Van has a surprising versatility, as you can opt to
change all its weapons' slots for SE guns, which means you could use 4 of them!
The Tiger has the best defense as you might expect, but because you found it
buried in a cave it has four Lead Mushrooms which take up half its Tools space
as well as adding to its weight. You can't get rid of the Lead Mushrooms until
you get to Santa Poco in the far western desert, and this is where you can find
the only car wash in the game. Using the tank wash is the ONLY way to remove
the Mushrooms.
Besides this, the Tiger cannot change it spots...I mean...slots! And, in
keeping with its real life reputation, it is a very heavy tank. Just as in
warfare, the Tiger is good for defense but slow and cumbersome and lacking
versatility. So, although it doesn't sound very macho to use a van, in fact I
think it is a good option for the first half of the game.
Once you have the Abrams then you have a really good tank, and this is one I
used a lot once I managed to get it for a reasonable price. However you
cannot alter the slots and there are better tanks than this.

The last three tanks are the Lav, Red Wolf and WhiteMuu. The WhiteMuu is the
strongest and has the most slots, so this is the tank to use for Hunter for the
rest of the game. The Red Wolf is the next best tank and I give this to my
girl, and then it's a matter of choice for the third tank. Again, surprisingly
the Lav is quite versatile although it does not have as well defended a chassis
as the Abrams or Tiger, but this is where modification can help, as you could
increase the defense of the chassis, if you wanted to use this tank.
--------------What to Modify?
--------------Given that the game is relatively easy to complete, you could probably manage
without doing any modification at all, but then, if that's the case, what's
the point of playing a tank game? Modification is half the fun!
The most useful things to modify are the engines. If you increase the load of
an engine, this means that your tank can carry a heavier load. I like to
maximise the load as soon as I can afford it for the best engines that are
available at the time. But you could wait until near the end of the game
before paying to modify an engine. The V48 Engine is the best engine in the
game, and although you can find one of them (south of the south ferry), you
cannot buy any until after you return to Leorad through the burned out forest.
Then a new trader camp opens up selling these engines.
I modded the C-Units for a while, increasing their Hit and Evade, but it is
hard to tell the difference this makes, so I stopped bothering with this.
I increased the number of shells that my favourite tanks could carry, as I used
these quite a bit, and this can be done at a chassis mod shop, and it is
cheap. It does add a small amount of weight to the tank for each increase.
Ammo for Guns
The main benefit of modification is to increase the ammo for the SE guns.
This isn't cheap, (the cost varies according to the weapon), but it is well
worth it, especially if you like using the SE guns. You could also increase
the ammo on some of the Main guns if you use ones that have good power but low
ammo. In fact you can increase the ammo for some of the SE guns up to three
times so they can carry anything up to 50 shells.
You might want to decrease the defense on some of the heavier SE guns, but
I didn't bother with this, as it is expensive and better to juggle lighter guns
with the heavier weapons to balance things up. Increasing defense on some
parts might be helpful though, and I would recommend doing this for the
chassis on every tank that you use. If you don't, then you risk being ejected
from a tank if the other parts have been badly damaged, and then chassis is
broken as a result of enemy attacks.
--------------Modifying Slots
--------------I decided to add a little more here after receiving some very useful
information from MAV concerning the possibilites for effective Slot

He suggests that you change both SE slots on the Van to autoguns, and equip it
with a beam weapon and a Vulcan gun. That lets you shoot down both beams and
missiles, instead of just one or the other. The Van is the only tank that can
do that and if you're using the Beam Blaster, it allows ambush to be active
too because an SE slot still permits the use of ambush, even though it is
equipped with an autogun.
"So a Van can have a maxed Emmy [C Unit] with all programs active, get loaded
with beam blaster + 22mm vulcan (in SE -> autogun slot), + any cannon you want,
+ any SE you want (aux -> SE slot, just for the hell of it). Then load it down
with plate packs, First-Aid Systems, etc." MAV's advice!
--------MOD SHOPS
--------You cannot start any modification until after defeating the Big Cannon and
reaching Audrey. Different mod shops will allow different kinds of
modification. The Mod Guy is always dressed in white and wears a white cap,
except for the one in Rocco, who appears inside a trader tent at the entrance
to the town.
AUDREY: Tank Parts Modification
Raises/Lowers Load and Defense on engines
Increases/decreases accuracy/evasion/defense on C-Units
Guns: Raises/lowers attack/ammo cap and defense.
ROCCO: Chassis Modification
Adds and alters Slots
Raises/lowers Magazine Size (increases Special shells capacity)
Raises/lowers Defense
IL MIGRA: Parts and Chassis Modification
HELL'S GATE WEST: Parts Modification

2. B E S T T A N K P A R T S


This is an attempt to summarise the best tank equipment.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------V48 Kong
47,000G (find)
V66 Kong
55,000G (modded)
V100 Kong
65,500G (modded)

The modded V48 Kong, the V100 Kong, can be bought at Leorad Trading Camp after
returning to the Leorad area through the burned forest to the east of
Canabelle. This is the only place that sells it.
You can find a V48 engine, after leaving the Ferry, south of Yuge. It is due
south of the Ferry where there are 5 trees and a rock. Use the Metal Detector.
Evade Defense Weight
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Solomon 2
Ambush System
Noah System No.R
Obliteration 27820G





(Escape) System
Ambush System
Support System

The Solomon 2 is the best C-Unit and it is a lot lighter than the Noah System,
as well as having better defense and evasion, and it can be modded to improve
Hit, Evasion and Defense. It can be found in the field due north of Santa
Poco, just before reaching Hell's Gate. It is in the middle of an area where
there are no markings except for sand dunes to the west and south east.
The Noah system cannot be modified to improve its poor evasion, and it lacks
any support programs except for the ominous sounding Obliteration System.
This C-Unit also has to be discovered rather than bought. It is found in the
field due south of Hell's Gate West. At the first tree look left and it is in
the area surrounded by three rocks and one tree to the west.
(This is a drop from Rommel Ghost: confirmed by hergman and lanator. Thank
Personally I found the Emmy more than good enough for most of the game. It
has a good range of programmes, and can be bought at Il Migra for a
reasonable price.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Main Guns
Defense Ammo
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Things are more complicated when it comes to the best Main Guns. Some of the
most powerful can only be found, and not purchased. Some of them have 99 ammo,
which makes them useful, though those guns have less power, and yet others are
lighter, but may have less power and defense than the heavier guns.
--------------------| Most Powerful Gun |
220mm Gaia






This is a good all-rounder, with decent defense, heavy, but not the heaviest,
and at least more than the minimal ammo. However, you cannot find this gun
until you have access to the final area just before the final boss, inside the
final dungeon (the Global Relief Centre basement). A bit of a final fling

----------------------------------------| Easy to Buy, Lightweight, Low Defense |
205mm Cannon






This is a useful, lightweight main gun, with good power, but poor defense.
however, it can be purchased, (from Hell's Gate West) which makes it a good
gun to choose.
-------------------------| Good Defense, Low Ammo |
225mm Hydra





A very powerful gun, but you would want to increase it's ammo and this is
expensive, as well as adding to the weight. It is found in the field by the
rocks to the east of Hells Gate West.
-----------------------------------| Very Heavy, Good Ammo and Defense |
205 Red Peony






This is the heaviest gun in the game. Despite its high defense and ammo, it's
not a gun I would use as a rule, however, for the final battles when SP is soon
going to be nothing, then the better defense might be worth considering. But
since you don't need that amount of shells to defeat any enemy I still don't
think it's worth it. It is found in the field north of Santa Poco, where two
tyre tracks meet in the desert.
-------------------------------------| Very Light Weight, Cannot be Bought |
165mm Ghost





My favourite gun in this game and in Metal Saga, is the Ghost. Excellent for
it's feather light weight, though it needs the ammo boosting, which adds a bit
to the weight. It is found in the Scorched Factory on B3 in a wooden box.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------S-E Guns
Power Defense
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------This is also complex, for the same reasons as the Main Guns, and many of the
SE guns can only be found. Also to consider is the fact that you need to
boost their ammo and this is expensive and adds to the weight. Then there is
the way you plan to use them: in pairs, for example, or on a towed tank with
the ambush and support system. You might prefer SE guns that target a group
of enemies or even all of them. The Excalibur is probably the best all round
SE gun, and you can buy this at Eden. The Red Peony can be found just north
of the Organic Waste Landfill location north of Santa Poco and both of these
are lightweight and and be used with the C-Unit ambush programme.
Just an additional note here: the S Tornado can only have its ammo increased
once, to 15 shells, whereas the Excalibur can be boosted to 50, and the Red
Peony to 29.

-----------------------| Most Powerful SE Gun |

S Tornado (group)




(default Red Wolf)




7000G (Eden)



----------------------------| Most Useful, Light Weight |

ATM Red Peony(1)


-------------------------| Best Attack-All SE Gun |

Rain Cylon (All)



This weapon can only be found in the final area of the Global Defense Centre,
so it is not exactly going to be useful until the final stages of the game.

3. T I T L E S


These lists of all the titles are all thanks to lianaleslie. (Love your work!)
The extra details are also all credit to lianaleslie who posted translations
of the title requirements obtained from Metal Maniax, a Japanese Metal Max
site. I have corrected some of my guesses based on this new information.
However there are some discrepancies and some are still unknown, so this is by
no means a definitive list.
There is an odd thing about the medals as the ones that you obtained before
recruiting either Mechanic or Soldier will not count to their total. This
means that if you want to get their titles for all medals, you must not defeat
any of the Wanted enemies until they have both been recruited.
I have only numbered
medals ones for them
one, for Soldier and
the other two or one
behind me.

the ones I have actually seen, and somehow I missed the 8

all, but I assume this was obtained. The Crimson Devil
Mechanic, I have been unable to get despite killing off
and riding around in the Red Wolf tank dragging coffins


Disowned Son (default title)

Flower Lover (talk to the men in front of the buggy after getting it)
Hitman Hunter (level 15, defeated 4 outlaws)
Cowardly Hunter (Say no to the flunkies in the garage in Yuge or talk to
them when in your tank)
Crimson Devil (level 23) Drive the Red Wolf tank while Hunter is alive)
Strongest Ever (after defeating Valdez)
Friend of Optica (say yes or no while Hunter is alive)
Rental King after renting more than Walgelyo. Hunter's name is on the
computer in Sol
Renowned Hunter (after donating more than 1000G to the school in

Pobre Obre)
10. Salmonella Buster (defeat Salmonella Clan and Salmonella HQ)
11. Generous ((Buy rounds more than ten times: can be at one bar only)
12. Hunter of Love (Drink with the girls in the bar at Rocco: go to the bar as
if to buy a drink and then say no, and they will ask you to have a drink.)
13. Man with No Rivals (obtained for defeating all outlaws and having all
God of Death ((Collect 8 medals)
Human Tank ((reach level 60)
Item Collector (Gather all human items: TOOLS)

Tank Lover (default title)

Wrench User (Lv 6 in my game/ MM sire says level 8)
Friend to Mechanics (reach level 13)
Sniper Mechanic (get four medals, for defeating 4 Wanted)
Tank Doctor (Level 19/20)
Strategy Commander ((Gather 8 medals)
Tank Craftsman (Repair Level 48)
Iron Magician (Repair level 60)
Friend of Optica (Say "Yes" to Dr. Optica while Hunter is dead)

Battle Computer (Gather all medals)

Repair Master (Reach level 34)
Miracle Handyman (Reach level 44)
Crimson Devil (Drive Red Wolf tank while Hunter is dead???)

Bomb Girl (default title)

Bazooka Gal (level 8)
Missile Lady (level 15)
One Hit Killer (4 medals))
Wolf Groupie (talk to woman inside one of the carriages in Eden)
Quick Draw Soldier (Level 21)
Queen of Destruction (8 Medals)
Red Peony's Blood Sister (May be level related: Level 27?)
Friend of Optica (Say "Yes" to Dr. Optica while Hunter is dead)

Goddess of Battle (Gather all medals)

Invulnerable Woman (Reach level 34)
Weapon Master (Reach level 41)
Ultimate Weapon (Reach level 48)
Crimson Devil (Drive Red Wolf tank while other two are dead: there seems to be
no title if you do this during normal play)

4. W E E K L Y T A R G E T S


How it Works

Speak to the person at any Hunter's Office, and they will give you the name of
the weekly target enemy. If you defeat one or more of these monsters and
return to ANY Hunter's Office, you can claim the reward. The targets are
random, so there is no point in listing them, but I have included the rewards
in the monster list. Every Hunter's Office will offer the same weekly target
depending on how far you have progressed with these, so there is no point in
trying to reach a later town and hope to get a better selection.
At the start of the game the enemies on the target list for your first few
levels will be from around the Leorad area. By the time you reach level 6,
they will be from further afield, and if you want to claim the reward you will
have to explore to find the enemies you need. You could, for example, have the
Golden Ant, or Trader Killer as a weekly target by level 6 or 7, and these can
be found near Pobre Obre. Until you defeat the Big Cannon, no matter how many
levels you might increase for Hunter, the targets will remain based on enemies
from the Pobre Obre and Negi regions.
The problem with chasing after the target enemies is that the target
automatically changes as soon as you level up. It works like this: kill some
targets and remain at the same level for Hunter and you can collect the
rewards, and the target will remain the same. Level up, and call in at a
Hunter's Office to be told that the target has changed, and you won't get
anything for the kills you might have made. If you haven't killed any of the
target enemy, then the target will stay the same, no matter how many levels you
might get. You could, in theory, be near the end of the game, and at level 30
or so, and still have a target such as the Enormous Ant or Cannon Hopper.
Until you kill ONE of the target, and report back to a Hunters' Office, it
will not change.
Although sometimes the target may be a harder_to_defeat enemy with a good
amount of gold for the reward, the next one might be a less powerful enemy,
with smaller rewards. However, in general, the progression seems to be based
on location. Even if you have reached the far western towns, and are at level
20 or more, if you have not been keeping up with the changing target, the
target enemies might be from around Freeza. You would need to kill those ones
and then ones from around Yuge and Sol, before the target might change to
include enemies that are only found near Canabelle or Hell's Gate West.
I got stuck on the Frogman, and couldn't find any to kill despite trying for
ages, it seemed. Hence the frustration with keeping up with the targets. Also
the higher your level the longer it takes to get the necessary experience to
get to the next level. Certain enemies are more elusive than others and if you
want to make the most of the extra gold on offer, it might be best to save
before reporting in to the Hunter's Office, so you can reload and get a more
accessible or more lucrative weekly target. (Or just not bother...)
There is a limit to the possible target enemies for a particular
location/level. I did some research on this with some disappointing results.
With Hunter at level 7, the enemies could be found around Negi and Pobre Obre.
Octopus Tank...........94
Pickaxe Bird...........40
Trader Killer..........90
One -Hit Wonder.......100


After a few reloads there were no more options so it's a fair assumption that
you can expect to choose from around six options for each new weekly target.
And then at level 8:
Octopus Tank...........94
Sniper Dog ...........106
Pickaxe Bird...........40
Patrol Punishmmnet.....28

Level 17/8


Freeza area
Acid Ant
Syring Kiwi 70 gold
Poison Potato Cannon 80 gold

With Hunter at level 27 the target enemies were from around the Yuge/Sol
area. (I had not been keeping pace with the targets.)
Hungry Hippo Gun......600
Kamikaze Bomb.........140
Vulcan Shark..........308
Laser Larva...........258
Roaming Plating.......110
Sonic Cobra...........306


The next set were as follows:

Metal Jabber...........190
Sleeping Grass.........174
Beehive Tank...........340
Mobile Sonic Wave Gun..600
Gun Tower..............600


This lot gives more options for the higher rewards although there are still
some enemies, such as the Beehive Tank, from the Freeza area. Then at level
29, the next set were
Metal Jabber...........190
Mobile Sonic Wave Gun..600
Beehive Tank...........340
Sleeping Grass.........174
Hard Cannon............456


Since I had chosen Cannon for the previous set, this also confirms that the
new set is not based on which one you might have chosen the last time. Like
I say, it was a bit disappointing to find that the range of rewards had not
increased. As you can see, all the target enemies can be found on the world
map. You may also notice, since I didn't until the helpful hergman pointed
this out to me, that the rewards for each target enemy are exactly double the
gold received after defeating one of them in a noraml battle.
Making the Most of the Targets
Finally, you can abuse the system if you are so inclined! (If you have access

to save states, it makes the whole thing even easier.) Check the experience
needed for the next level with Hunter, by going to the BSCon, and looking at
screen: Hunted. Then use the directional button on the left of the BSCon
screen, to scroll right to the next screen where you will see the level listed.
(You have to download this extra programme from the bottom of the ladder in the
garage at Leorad.)
Make sure you have killed ONE of the current target enemy, but don't bother to
collect the reward. As soon as Hunter levels up, save your game and then call
in at a Hunter's Office. They will tell you that the weekly target has changed
and give you the new one. If it is a hard to find enemy, or one that doesn't
give much gold as a reward, simply re-load and try again until you get one that
you want.
Happy Hunting!

5. S H O P L I S T S



Equipment Stores
Tools Stores
Tank Parts Shops
On-Board (Tank) Tools Shops
Ammo Dealers (Shell Shops)
Interiors' Shops
Vending Machines
Trader Camps

-----Pingpong Shot...........30G
Bow Gun ................80G
Shotgun ...............180G
Army Greaves ...........10G
Denim Overalls .........40G
Work Clogs .............15G

.44 Magnum.............400G
Baseball Cap............10G
Camouflage Fatigues.....80G

TRADER CAMP (South east of Negi)

-----------------Pingpong Shot...........30G
Bow Gun ................80G
Geronimo's Axe.........350G
Army Gloves.............10G
Work Clogs..............15G

---------.44 Magnum.............400G
Boomerang Wrench.......570G
Red Peony's Dagger.....740G
Camouflage Beret....... 60G
Leather Gloves..........60G
Camouflage Fatigues.. ..80G
London Boots............80G

---------Boomerang Wrench.......570G
Red Peony's Dagger.....740G
SMG Uzi...............1100G
Camouflage Beret........60G
Goggle Cap.............180g
Leather Gloves..........60G
Barrier Seal...........160G

----Exploding Saw.........1150G
Flame Gun.............1500G
Laser Rifle...........2980G
Mechanic's Gloves......150G
Heavy Leather..........600G
Rivet Cleats...........260G
Barrier Seal...........160G

TRADER CAMP (South West of Rocco)

---------Lawn Burner............600G
Brass Knuckles.........300G

-----SMG Grenade...........3060G
Jet Saber.............4000G
Sonic Boom............5500G
Hard Hat...............380G
Heavy Metal Gloves.....680G
Fire Fighter Uniform..1620G
Red Peony's Wrap.......320G

-------SMG Grenade...........3060G
Sonic Boom............5500G
Hand Vulcan...........7300G
Football Helmet........650G
Heavy Metal Gloves.....680G

---Hand Vulcan...........7300G
Dragon Spray..........9900G
Football Helmet........650G
Fire Fighter Uniform..1620G
Shield Cloak..........2800G


--------------------Lawless Bow...........4400G
Remote Wrench.........9000G
Freeze Gun............6000G
Trigger Arm...........1800G
Reflecting Suit.......2300G
Camouflage Fatigues.. ..80G

--Neutron Gun..........10600G
Racer's Gloves...... .1410G
Shield Cloak........ .2800G
Bulletproof Vest... ..550G

---Neutron Gun..........10600G
Pitching Machine.....16600G
Ultrasonic Wave Gun..24538G
Metallic Suit.........5200G
Bulletproof Vest.......550G

Metallic Suit........52,00G
Clad Boots............2200G
Bulletproof Vest.......550G

Rocket Punch........50,000G
Face Guard............1150G
Bulletproof Vest.......550G


---------------Bazooka........... 35000G
TNT Paranoia.........29800G
Battle Knuckles.......3800G


-----Healing Capsule.........10G
Rocket Firework..........5G
Blaze Bottle............10G
Repair Kit..............80G

---Healing Capsule.........10G
Blaze Bottle............10G
Pencil Missile..........20G
Neutralizing Cream......20G
Repair Kit..............80G

TRADER CAMP (South east of Negi)

----------Healing Capsule.........10G
Rocket Firework..........5G
Red Bandana.............20G
Repair Kit..............80G
Liquid M-Toll...........50G

---------Healing Capsule.........10G
Blaze Bottle............10G
Pencil Missile..........20G
Neutralising Cream......20G
Repair Kit..............80G
Alkali Wax..............60G

-------------80-Plate Pack..........120G
Dog System.............350G
Alkaline System........500G

----------Healing Capsule.........10G
Pencil Missile..........20G
Hand Grenade............20G
Neutralising Cream......20G
Gas Mask...............110G
Mine Detector..........150G
Alkali Wax..............60G

--------Healing Capsule.........10G
Healing Drink...........20G
Doping Tab.............398G
Speed Tab...............80G

----Healing Capsule.........10G
Hand Grenade............20G
Nitro Beer..............60G
Neutralising Cream......20G
Gas Mask...............110G
Repair Kit..............80G
Delicious Water........200G

-----Healing Capsule.........10G
Hand Grenade............20G
Nitro Beer..............60G
Metal Detector.........450G
Neutralising Cream......20G
Repair Kit..............80G

----------Healing Drink...........20G
Neutralising Cream......20G
Repair Kit..............80G
Nitro Beer..............60G
Alkali Wax..............60G

------Healing Drink...........20G

---Healing Drink...........20G

Hand Grenade............20G
Nitro Beer..............60G
Repair Kit..............80G
Alkali Wax..............60G

Repair Kit..............80G
Alkali Wax..............60G

TRADER CAMP (West of Sol)

---------Energy Capsule..........50G
Repair Kit..............80G
Sleep Bottle...........100G

--Healing Drink...........20G
Nitro Beer..............60G
DD Pineapple............30G
Fire Extinguisher......120G
Repair Kit..............80G
Alkali Wax..............60G

---Healing Drink...........20G
DD Pineapple............30G
Fire Extinguisher......120G
Repair Kit..............80G
Grounding Tail.........980G
Alkali Wax..............60G

---------Healing Drink...........20G
DD Pineapple............30G
Hydro Pot..............150G
Alkali Spray..........1000G
Repair Kit..............80G
Alkali Wax..............60G

--------Healing Drink...........20G
Top-Off Drink..........100G
Alkali Spray..........1000G


---------------Healing Capsule.........10G
Top-Off Drink..........100G
DD Pineapple............30G
Repair Kit..............80G
Mechanic's Kit........2000G
Alkali Wax..............60G

TRADER CAMP (West of Run-Down Oasis)

----------Energy Capsule..........50G
Repair Kit..............80G
Freeze Bottle...........80G
Mr Game..............49800G

---------45mm Gun..................440G
55mm Gun..................540G
7mm Machine Gun...........200G
9mm Machine Gun...........380G




-------------9mm Vulcan...............1075G
Flame Thrower............1000G

Aux (group)

----------75mm Gun..................860G
80mm Spark...............1780G
95mm Gun.................2600G
Gatling Gun...............550G
ATM Missile...............800G

Aux (group)

----95mm Gun..................2600G
105mm Cannon..............3200G
9mm Vulcan................1075G
11mm Machine Gun..........1210G
Flame Thrower.............1000G
TNT Grenade...............1500G
Wozniak II................2000G

Aux (group)

-----115mm Long Tom............4000G
11mm Vulcan...............1800G
15mm Machine Gun..........1980G
LI Peanut.................1800G
Fiveless 5................2300G
Wozniak 11................2000G


---------92mm Spark................4870G
13mm Machine Gun..........1520G
Smash Horn................3200G
Legendary 99..............3600G

S-E (All)

-------125mm Cannon..............5500G Main
125mm Long Tom............6000G Main
Beam Blaster..............2480G Aux

RD Napalm.................2600G
Giga Bull.................3150G


---125mm Long Tom............6000G
135mm Cannon..............5000G
Scan Laser................3800G
MC Striker................3100G
Ion Craft.................4000G
V24 Hulk.................12800G



---------------155mm Spark...............8750G
22mm Vulcan...............3650G
von Neumann Cyclotron....12020G


--140mm Spark...............6300G
155mm Cannon .............6750G
18mm Machine Gun..........2000G
Thunder Blast.............2000G
Maniac Chef...............5000G
DD Hysteric...............5500G

S-E (group)

---160mm Amorphe.............8780G
20mm Vulcan...............2300G
V48 Hulk.................22000G


---------160mm Amorphe.............8780G
165mm Long Tom............9900G
25mm Machine Gun..........2480G
Burner Dragon............12600G
Nitro Sweeper.............8210G


--------175mm Cannon.............12200G
Burner Dragon............12600G
Rain Cylon...............15500G
OHC Carmen...............39800G

S-E (group)
S-E (All)


---------------180mm Spark..............12800G
205mm Cannon.............17900G
DD Hysteric...............5500G

S-E (group)


-------------------195mm Burst..............25000G
Buster Flute............. 9980G
Dallos 1000..............17500G
V66 Kong.................55000G


---------40-Plate Pack............... 60G
Dog System..................350G
Extinguisher System.........980G

----------40-Plate Pack................60G
Dog System..................350G
Extinguisher System.........980G
Electromagnetic Barrier....4000G
Ventilation System.........1075G

---40-Plate Pack................60G
Dog System..................350G
Electromagnetic Barrier....4000G
Ventilation System.........1075G

-----80-Plate Pack...............120G
Dog System..................350G
First-Aid System............200G

-------40-Plate Pack............... 60G
80-Plate Pack...............120G
Electromagnetic Barrier.....400G

---------LL-Plate Pack.............. 300G
Dog System................. 350G
Mirror Coat............... 1000G

---40-Plate Pack................40G


--80 Plate Pack...............120G
L-Plate Pack................200G
Dog System..................350G

---40-Plate Pack................60G
80 Plate Pack...............120G
L-Plate Pack................200G

LL-Plate System.............300G
Dog System..................350G
Stealth Coat...............1500G

First-Aid System............200G


---------L-Plate Pack................200G
LL-Plate Pack...............300G
Camouflage Shield..........4600G

--------L-Plate Pack................200G
LL-Plate Pack...............300G
Camouflage Shield..........4600G


---------------L-Plate Pack................200G
LL-Plate Pack...............300G
Dog System..................350G
First-Aid System............200G
Camouflage Shield..........4600G
Extinguisher System.........980G

----------LL-Plate Pack...............300G
Dog System..................350G
Grounding Chain............2550G


---------Grounding Chain............2550G
Alkaline Coat...............500G
Stealth Coat...............1500G
Mirror Coat................1000G
Radar Scope...............15500G

---------Blast Shell.......25G
Piercing Shell....30G

----------Blast Shell.......25G
Hypno-Gas Shell...30G
Poison Gas Shell..30G
Piercing Shell....30G

-----Blast Shell.......25G
Piercing Shell....30G
Cold Shell........50G
Rocket Shell......99G

-------Hypno-Gas Shell...30G
Cold Shell........50G
Napalm Shell......50G
Spare Shell.......10G

--Blast Shell.......25G
Cold Shell........50G
Napalm Shell......50G
Panic Shell.......35G

---Par-Gas Shell.....35G
Hypno-Gas Shell...30G
Panic Shell.......35G
Hollow Charge.....50G

---------Acid Shell........30G
Cement Shell......35G
Hollow Charge.....50G
Exploding Shell...40G

--------Panic Shell.......35G
Hollow Charge.....50G
Exploding Shell...40G
Spare Shell.......10G


---------------Cold Shell........50G
Napalm Shell......50G
Hollow Charge.....40G
Exploding Shell...40G

You are only permitted to buy one of each of these items. After buying all
items from Isaac's Spring there will be a statue of Hunter at Leorad. Open
the fridge once it has been installed in the kitchen, (you don't have to wait
as all things you buy are immediately delivered) and you will find Top-Off
Drink. You can find Sister's Apron in the left chest of drawers in Hunter's
room after buying the bureau.
Pobre Obre
----------Picasso's Masterpiece...3500G
Dali's Masterpiece......3000G
Motivational Poster.....2500G
Ornamental Plant........6000G
---English Bureau..........4000G
Stylish Table...........8000G
-------------Persian Carpet..........8500G
Gold-Eating Insect......1000G
Froggy Tactics..........7500G
Boom! Boom! Tanks.......7000G
Bronze Statue...........9000G
----------------------------------------------Additional Interior Shop Item From lianaleslie
----------------------------------------------Jukebox<END>: I don't know anything about this item or where to find it.

Use the vending machines to play roulette and you might get a prize. These are
set for each dispenser and you can save a fair amount of money if you win items
instead of having to pay for them. You will receive the same prize from any
item at each machine. However, be careful when trying to win as it is easy to
fill up your inventory with stuff and you could lose the prize if there is no
space either in the tools or tank tools inventory. If you find that you cannot
operate a vending machine, then the reason will be the same: that there is no
room for another item. You can switch to another party member if Hunter has no
space left.
This list includes all the prizes and is all thanks to IdiotFool, who posted
the full list on the GameFAQs message board, after careful testing and
research. (Many thanks for this.)
-----LEORAD (Hunter's Office)
-----Tools Prize: Baddie Promo (Salmonella Clan)
Healing Capsule
Healing Capsule
Healing Capsule
Healing Capsule
Rocket Firework
Blaze Bottle




-----------------BEACH SUPPLY DEPOT

-----------------Plate Prize: Driver Training Sticker
Shells Prize: 80-Plate Pack
Tools Prize: Baddie Promo (Dr. Rafflesia)





Healing Capsule x 1 10G

Healing Capsule x 2 20G
Healing Capsule x 4 40G
Repair Kit x 1 80G
Pencil Missile x 1 20G
Smokescreen x 1 50G
---------POBRE OBRE
---------Shells Prize: 40-Plate Pack

Spare Shell x 1 10G

Spare Shell x 7 70G
Blast Shell x 1 25G
Exploding Shell x 1 40G
Hypno-Gas Shell x 1 30G
Acid Shell x 1 30G

Plate Prize: Alkaline Coat

Spare Shell x 1 10G
Spare Shell x 7 70G
Blast Shell x 1 25G
Blast Shell x 7 175G
Hypno-Gas Shell x 1 30G
Acid Shell x 1 30G






----------------SHORESIDE FACTORY
----------------Plate Prize: Leather-Covered Seat
Shells Prize: Extinguisher System





Spare Shell x 1
Spare Shell x 2
Spare Shell x 5
Blast Shell x 1
Hypno-Gas Shell
Par-Gas Shell x

x 1 30G
1 35G

-------------ISAAC'S SPRING
-------------Plate Prize: Really, You First!
Shells Prize: Polka-Dot Seat Cover
Tools Prize: Baddie Promo (Trader Killer)





Healing Capsule x 1 10G

Healing Capsule x 2 20G
Healing Capsule x 4 40G
Healing Capsule x 6 60G
Rocket Firework x 1 5G
Blaze Bottle x 1 10G
-----Shells Prize: 80-Plate Pack
Spare Shell x 1 10G
Spare Shell x 7 70G
Blast Shell x 1 25G
Blast Shell x 4 100G
Hypno-Gas Shell x 1 30G
Poison Gas Shell x 1 30G

Spare Shell x 1 10G

Spare Shell x 7 70G
Blast Shell x 1 25G
Rocket Shell x 1 99G
Hypno-Gas Shell x 1 30G
Cement Shell x 1 35G

----Shells Prize: 80-Plate Pack
Tools Prize: Baddie Promo (Dos Piranhas)
Spare Shell x 1 10G
Spare Shell x 7 70G
Blast Shell x 1 25G
Blast Shell x 4 100G
Hypno-Gas Shell x 1 30G
Poison Gas Shell x 1 30G

Healing Capsule x 1 10G

Healing Capsule x 2 20G
Healing Capsule x 4 40G
Repair Kit x 1 80G
Hand Grenade x 1 20G
Smokescreen x 1 50G

-----------SUPPLY DEPOT (Jizo's Passageway)

-----------Plate Prize: Good Luck Charm
Shells Prize: Flowered Seat Cover
Tools (Left): Baddie Promo (Mad Muscle)
Tools (Middle): Baddie Promo (Mammoth Tank)
Tools (Right): Overstuffed Wallet





Spare Shell x 1 10G

Spare Shell x 7 70G
Blast Shell x 1 25G
Panic Shell x 1 35G
Piercing Shell x 1 30G
Acid Shell x 1 30G




Healing Drink x 1 20G

Healing Drink x 2 40G
Para-Non x 130G
Alkali Spray x 1 1000G
Repair Kit x 1 80G
Alkali Wax x 1 60G


Rocket Firework x 1 5G
Pencil Missile x 1 20G
Hand Grenade x 1 20G
DD Pineapple x 1 30G
Blaze Bottle x 1 10G
Smokescreen x 1 50G
----------SUPPLY SHED (Freeza area, Beach)
----------Shells Prize: Flowered Seat Cover
Plate Prize: Polka Dot Seat Cover
Tools Prize: Baddie Promo (Beetla)
Tools Prize: Baddie Promo (Brass Banshee)
Spare Shell x 1 10G
Spare Shell x 8 80G
Blast Shell x 1 25G
Exploding Shell x 1 40G
Hypno-Gas Shell x 1 30G
Poison Gas Shell x 1 30G

40-Plate Pack x 1 60G

40-Plate Pack x 2 120G
80-Plate Pack x 1 120
80-Plate Pack x 2 240
L-Plate Pack x 1 200
L-Plate Pack x 2 400

Healing Drink x 1 20G
Healing Drink x 2 40G
Healing Drink x 4 80G
Neutralising Cream x 1 20G
Para-Non x 130G
Nitro Beer x 1 60G

Healing Capsule x 1 10G

Healing Capsule x 2 20G
Healing Capsule x 4 40G
Repair kit x1 80G
Hand Grenade x 1 20G
Smokescreen x 1 50G

-------II MIGRA
-------Tools Prize: Bible
Healing Capsule x 1 10G
Healing Capsule x 2 20G
Para-Non x 130G
Repair Kit x 1 80G
Nitro Beer x 1 60G
Neutralising Cream x 1 20G
Smokescreen x 1 50
---Shells Prize: Horn-Z
Spare Shell x 1 10G
Spare Shell x 7 70G
Blast Shell x 1 25G
Piercing Shell x 1 30G
Poison Gas Shell x 1 30G
Napalm Shell x 1 50G
-----------TANK FERRY N. (Yuge)
-----------Shells Prize: Cute Bunny
Plate Prize: Teddy Bear
Spare Shell x 1 10G
Spare Shell x 7 70G
Blast Shell x 1 25G
Blast Shell x 4 100G
Hypno-Gas Shell x 1 30G
Poison Gas Shell x 1 30G
-----------TANK FERRY S. (destination)
-----------Tools Prize: Baddie Promo Poster
Healing Drink x 1 20G
Healing Drink x 2 40G
Para-Non x 130G
Alkali Wax x 1 60G

40-Plate Pack x 2 120G

40-Plate Pack x 5 300
80-Plate Pack x 1 120
80-Plate Pack x 2 240
L-Plate Pack x 1 200G
L-Plate Pack x 2 400G

Repair Kit x 1 80G

Nitro Beer x 1 60G
---------------------Tool Prize: Fake Tattoo
Healing Capsule x 1 10G
Healing Capsule x 2 20G
Healing Capsule x 4 40G
Healing Capsule x 6 60G
Neutralising Cream x 1 20G
Para-Non x 130G
------------------Floor B1 Plate Prize: Horn-a

Floor 3 Tool Prize: Speed Tab

80-Plate Pack x 1
80-Plate Pack x 2
80-Plate Pack x 4
80-Plate Pack x 6
L-Plate Pack x 1
L-Plate Pack x 2

Healing Drink x 1 20G

Healing Drink x 2 40G
Healing Drink x 4 80G
Healing Drink x 6 120G
Neutralising Cream x 1 20G
Para-Non x 1 30G


Floor 8 Tool Prize: Oyholo Capsule

Floor 13 Tool Prize: Doping Tab

Healing Drink x 1
Healing Drink x 2
Healing Drink x 4
Healing Drink x 6
Para-Non x 2 60G
Para-Non x 4 120G

Healing Drink x 2 40G

Healing Drink x 4 80G
Healing Drink x 6 120G
Neutralising Cream x 2 40G
Para-Non x 2 60G
Nitro Beer x 2 120G


Floor 15 Tool Prize:

Concentrated Methyl

Floor 16R Tool Prize: Old Coin


Healing Capsule x 5 50G

Healing Capsule x 7 70G
Healing Drink x 2 40G
Healing Drink x 4 80G
Energy Capsule x 1 50G
Top-Off Drink x 1 100G

Wax x 1
Kit x 1

x 1
x 2
x 4
x 6


---Shells Prize: Deoderizor
Plate Prize: Good-Luck Charm
Tools Prize (Left) Baddie Promo (Zeppelin)
Tool Prize (Right): Baddie Promo (Mr. Kamikaze)

Tools Prize (Garage): Confusion-Hi

Rental Garage
Spare Shell x 1 10G
Spare Shell x 8 80G
Blast Shell x 1 25G
Piercing Shell x 1 30
Poison Gas Shell x 1 30G
Napalm Shell x 1 50G

80-Plate Pack x 1 120

80-Plate Pack x 2 240
80-Plate Pack x 5 600
L-Plate Pack x 1 200G
L-Plate Pack x 2 400G
L-Plate Pack x 5 1000G

Item Store

Equipment Store

Healing Capsule x 1 10G

Healing Capsule x 2 20G
Repair Kit x 1 80G
Nitro Beer x 1 60G
Neutralising Cream x 1 20G
Smokescreen x 1 50G

Healing Capsule x 1 10G

Healing Capsule x 2 20G
Healing Capsule x 4 40G
Repair Kit x 1 80G
Hand Grenade x 1 20G
Smokescreen x 1 50G

Healing Capsule x 1 10G
Repair Kit x 1 80G
Nitro Beer x 1 60G
Neutralising Cream, x 1 20G
Smokescreen x 1 50G
------------------------NORTH-SOUTH SUBWAY (EDEN)
------------------------Tools Prize: Bugle
Healing Capsule x 2 20G
Healing Drink x 2 40
Netralising Cream x 1 20
Para-Non x 1 30
Alkali Wax x 1 60
Repair Kit x 1 80
--------------BROADCAST TOWER (Ground Floor)
--------------Tools Prize: Baddie Promo (Mukadelon)
Healing Capsule x 1 10G
Healing Capsule x 2 20G
Healing Capsule x 4 40G
Healing Capsule x 6 60G
Rocket Firework x 1 5G
Blaze Bottle x 1 10G
---------SANTA POCO

Shells Prize: Stealth Coat

Plate Prize: Mirror Coat
Tools Prize: Baddie Promo (Gomez)
Left Garage: in fact these two are sold out!
Acid Shell x 1 30G
Para-Gas Shell x 1 35G
Cement Shell x 1 35G
Hypno -Gas Shell x 1 30G
Napalm Shell x 150G
Cold Shell x 1 50G

Spare Shell x 1 10G

Spare Shell x 8 80G
Piercing Shell x 1 30G
Hollow Charge x 1 50G
Panic Shell x 1 35G
Exploding Shell x 1 40G

Middle Garage
Spare Shell x 1 10G
Spare Shell x 8 80G
Blast Shell x 2 50G
Napalm Shell x 2 100
Cold Shell x 2 100G
Par-Gas Shell x 2

L-Plate Pack x 1 200G

L-Plate Pack x 2 400G
L-Plate Pack x 5 1000G
LL-Plate Pack x 1 300G
LL-Plate Pack x 2 600G
LL-Plate Pack x 5 1500G

Equipment Store
Healing Capsule x 1 10G
Healing Drink x 1 20G
Para-Non x 1 30G
Repair Kit x 1 80G
DD Pineapple x 1 30G
Smokescreen. x 1 50G
---------------RUN - DOWN OASIS
---------------Plate Prize: Lead Mushroom
Shells Prize: Lead Mushroom
Tools Prize: Baddie Promo (Bad Valdez)
40-Plate Pack x 2 120G
40-Plate Pack x 5 330G
80 Plate Pack x 1 120G
80 Plate Pack x 2 240G
L-Plate Pack x 1 200G
LL-Plate Pack x 1 300G
Healing Drink x 1 20G
Neutralising Cream x 1 20G
Para-Non x 1 30G
Repair Kit x 1 80G
DD Pineapple x 1 30G
Smokescreen. x 1 50G

Spare Shell x 5 50G

Spare Shell x 15 150G
Hollow Charge x 5 250G
Blast Shell x 8 200G
Exploding Shell x 8 320G
Rocket Shell x 2 198G

--------Shells Prize: Alkaline Coat

Healing Prize: Baddie Promo (Bionic Pooch)
Spare Shell x 1 10G
Spare Shell x 8 80G
Blast Shell x 2 50G
Napalm Shell x 2 100G
Cold Shell x 2 100G
Acid Shell x 2 60G

Healing Capsule x 1 10G

Healing Drink x 1 20G
Para-Non x 1 30G
Repair Kit x 1 80G
DD Pineapple x 1 30G
Smokescreen x 1 50G

----------HELL"S GATE
----------Plate Prize: Driver Training Sticker
Shells Prize: Really, You First!
Tools Prize: Baddie Promo (Rodriguez)
L-Plate Pack x 1 200G
L-Plate Pack x 2 400G
L-Plate Pack x 5 1000G
LL-Plate Pack x 1 300G
LL-Plate Pack x 2 600G
LL-Plate Pack x 5 1500G

Spare Shell x 5 50G

Spare Shell x 15 50G
Blast Shell x 2 50G
Exploding Shell x 2 50G
Hollow Charge x 2 100G
Napalm Shell x 2 100G

Healing Drink x 1 20G

Energy Capsule x 1 50G
Para-Non x 1 30G
Repair Kit x 1 80G
DD Pineapple x 1 30G
Smokescreen. x 1 50G
--------------HELLS GATE WEST
--------------Tools Prize: Baddie Promo (Rommel Ghost)
Rocket Firework x
Blaze Bottle x 1
Hand Grenade x 1
Smokescreen x 1
Nitro Beer x 1
DD Pineapple x 1

1 5G

Although these have been included in the relevant lists for Tank Parts and
Tools, I think a detailed listing of the precise locations of all these camps
might be useful, especially as I completely missed a shop from one of these
camps the first time around. I have just named them based on the location.
--------------------------------1. Beach Supply Depot Trader Camp

--------------------------------This is situated close to the beach in the south eastern corner of the wolrd
map, and opposite the Beach Supply Depot. If you drive east from the Northern
Barrier that leads out from Leorad, and then keep going south until you can go
no further, then look to the right and there is a small building. Directly to
the west and at the far side of the beach you will find a group of four sets of
two trees circling a bare patch of earth. Get out of your tanks and walk
through the trees. There are two traders and two tents.
Equipment Store
--------------Pingpong Shot.......30G
Bow Gun.............80G
Geronimo's Axe.....350G
Army Gloves.........10G
Work Clogs..........15G
Tools Store
----------Healing Capsule.....10G
Rocket Firework......5G
Red Bandana.........20G
Repair Kit..........80G
Liquid M-Toll.......50G
----------------------------2. Isaac's Spring Trader Camp
----------------------------This is the small hut near the broken road to the south west of Audrey Town.
It is the home base of all traders. You cannot get past the welcoming
committee when you first visit here after defeating the Big Cannon, but you can
return here later... not sure when it first opens, but it may be after you
first visit Audrey. The Interior Shop is inside the Inn building.
Tool Store
---------80-Plate Pack........120G
Dog System...........350G
Alkaline System......500G
Vehicle Parts
------------9mm Vulcan...........1075G
Flame Thrower........1000G
Interior Shop
------------Persian Carpet.......8500G
Gold-Eating Insect...1000G
Froggy Tactics.......7500G
Boom! Boom! Tanks!...7000G
Bronze Statue........9000G

Aux (group)

-------------------3. Rocco Trader Camp

-------------------This is situated to the west of Rocco and slightly south. close to the western
edge of the world map and near the water's edge to the south. You will
recognise the typical three x two trees and a patch of sand.
Tank Parts
---------92mm Spark............4870G
13mm Machine Gun......1520G
Smash Horn............3200G
Legendary 99..........3600G

S-E (All)

--------Lawn Burner............600G
Brass Knuckles.........300G
--------------------4. Freeza Trader Camp
--------------------Travel north from the exit of Jizo's Passageway, following the sandy ground and
at the point where you see a double row of four trees head west and follow the
line of mountains going north west. Keep going west and you will see a small
group of three trees. Stop here and it is a Trader Camp. It is west of Freeza
and directly west from the railway track south of Freeza.
Tank Tools
-------LL-Plate Pack..........300G
Dog System.............350G
Alkaline Coat..........500G
Tools Store
---------Energy Capsule..........50G (recovers 45 HP)
Repair Kit..............80G
Panic Bottle...........150G
-------------------------5. South Ferry Trader Camp
-------------------------Head south from the South Ferry and keep to the western edge of the world map,
to find a trader camp in the usual three tree area. This is at the south west
corner of the map just before the cracked ground.
On-Board Tools
------------LL-Plate Pack..........300G
Dog System.............350G
Mirror Coat...........1000G (use this to become laser proof)

---Energy Capsule..........50G
Repair Kit..............80G
-----------------------------6. Riverside Trader Camp (Sol)
-----------------------------From Sol, drive north and across the railway track bridge. Then follow the
edge of the river heading north west to find this camp.
Tank Parts
---------155mm Spark............8750G
22mm Vulcan............3650G
von Neumann Cyclotron.12020G
Equipment Store
--------------Lawless Bow............4400G
Remote Wrench..........9000G
Freeze Gun.............6000G
Trigger Arm............1800G
Reflecting Suit........2300G


(Hunter and Soldier only)

(Mechanic only)
(body armour)

-----------------------7. Waterfall Trader Camp

-----------------------This is north of the waterfall on
driving down from the South Ferry
a bare square of sand in front of
an earthquake just before you get

the east side, and you pass by it on when

to reach the Secret Waterfall Base. There is
one tree, next to the water. There will be
to it the first time.

Tank Tool Store

--------------LL-Plate Pack..........300G
Dog System.............350G
Stealth Coat..........1500G
Tool Store
--------Energy Capsule..........50G
Repair Kit..............80G
Sleep Bottle...........100G
------------------------8. Santa Poco Trader Camp
------------------------This only opens during a Big Sale! It is in the tent at the back of the town
to the left of the Inn.
Nitro Shower........ .12000G Soldier 175

Beam Blizzard....... .15000G

Sniper Helmet...... ...2100G
Battle Knuckles...... .2850G
Squat Power.......... .2100G Soldier


------------------------------9. Hell's Gate West Trader Camp

------------------------------Drive south from Hell's Gate West and keep close to the western mountains.
The exact location of the camp can be seen if you look at the BSCon world map
and find Santa Poco. Then trace an imaginary line straight across to the west.
On the ground there is a group of three trees arranged in pairs at the western
edge of the desert.
Tool Store
---------LL-Plate Pack.......300G
Dog System..........350G
Grounding Chain....2550G
Energy Capsule.......50G
Repair Kit...........80G
Freeze Bottle........80G
Mr Game...........49800G
---------------------10. Leorad Trader Camp
---------------------This trader camp does not appear until AFTER the forest that lies to the east
of Canabelle has been torched and the flames extinguished. Then you can drive
back to Leorad using this route. Go north and east to the area near the
Northern Cave, where you defeated the Salmonella Gang at the start of the game.
There are now six trees arranged in pairs around a small sandy square.
On-Board Tool Store
------------------Grounding Chain....2550G
Alkaline Coat.......500G
Stealth Coat.......1500G
Mirror Coat........1000G
Radar Scope.......15500G
Tank Parts Store
---------------195mm Burst.......25000G
Buster Flute.......9980G
Dallos 1000.......17500G
V66 Kong..........55000G

6. T O O L S (ITEMS)



These are all listed on the BSCon once you find or buy them, although the
order in which they appear is different. I have grouped them according to
their use and in alphabetical order. They have all been accounted for now, so
if you collected them all in one game then you would be rewarded with another
title for Hunter.
Where you see "??" for Value, this is as it is in the game. Some items have no
set value and cannot be sold.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------HP Recovery Tools
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Energy Capsule
Drinking this recovers 450 HP. No effect on corpses. 50G
Healing Capsule
Recover 50 HP. It has no effect on corpses.
Healing Drink
Drinking this recovers 200 HP. No effect on corpses
This can revive a dead companion.
Cannot be used during battle
Top-Off Drink
Drinking this recovers ALL HP. No effect on corpses 100G
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Status Recovery Tools
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alkali Spray
A spray that neutralises acid. Many uses
Alkali Wax
A car wax that neutralises acid. Once only use
Mechanic's Kit
A tool used to repair tank parts. No matter how
many times you use it, it won't break.
Neutralising Cream A skin cream to neutralise acid. Once only use.
A medicine that heals paralysed people
Repair Kit
A tool used to repair tank parts. It breaks easily
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Battle Tools for Protection and Boosts
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Doping Tab
Drink it and your body will gain power temporarily
Help block some noises during battle
Fire Extinguisher Use during battle to extinguish flames
Gas Mask
Wear during battle and you won't inhale any gas
Grounding Tail
Wear during battle to receive less electric shocks
Pine Towel
Cover your mouth during battle to avoid inhaling gas 50G
Red Bandana
Cover your mouth during battle to avoid inhaling gas 20G
Sister's Towel
Cover your mouth during battle to avoid inhaling gas ??G
Use this to get you out of a battle in a jiffy
Speed Tab
Drink it and your body will become lighter (temp)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Battle Tools for Throwing
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Blaze Bottle
Oil. Throw and it can cause flames in an area

Concentrated Methyl
DD Pineapple
Freeze Bottle
Hand Grenade
Hydro Pot
Liquid M-Toll

Acid to pour on a foe. It can be used more than once

May confuse a monster if thrown
Pull the pin and throw at a group, and it explodes
Freezing gas. Throw and it may freeze a monster
Pull the pin and throw and it explodes
Launch this vessel to cause an artificial rainstorm
Eradicates mosquitos and can damage some monsters
(Can be used many times.)
Eradicates mosquitos and can damage some monsters
Nitro Beer
Oil. Throw and it can cause flames in an area
Overstuffed Wallet Throw at a monster to damage it from all the money
Panic Bottle
Confusion gas. Throw and a monster may get confused
Pencil Missile
A small missile that can be thrown
Rocket Firework
Can be used as a weapon against monsters
Signal Transmitter Attach it a monster and you can track it using the
signal receiver on the BS-Controller
Sleep Bottle
Sleeping gas. Throw and a monster may fall asleep


------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other Useful Things

------------------------------------------------------------------------------BS Controller
Copper Bar
Delicious Water
Fake Tattoo
Gold Bar
Large Rock
Metal Detector
Mine Detector
Old Coin
Oyholo Capsule
Password Memo
Puppy Gourmet
Research Notes
Silver Bar
Small Rock

The mark of a monster hunter. Hunter had to pay a lot 500G

A book containing the knowledge of many monster
A notebook you found at the Scorched Factory
NOTE: not true. In fact at Devil's Tower, Floor 18R
When blown, this makes a majestic sound.
(Use to wake up anyone who is asleep)
Like the name says, this is a bar made of copper
Yummy water. Only sold in Freeza
Put this somewhere on you body to gain some power
Like the name says, this is a bar made of gold
Just a rock you picked up
A device that finds and removes buried things.
A device that finds and removes buried land mines
Flip it, and it can tell your fortune
Take to relieve pain, though you'll still take damage 100G
A memo written by a researcher left at the Global
Relief Centre
Food for dogs that makes their tails wag
Some notes written by a researcher left at the GRC
Like the name says, this is a bar made of silver
Just a rock you picked up

Strawberry Lipstick
A sweet and sour lipstick with a strawberry flavor. Value 70G.

Camera Lens
Glasses Lens
Ruby Lens
Solar Lens

A lense you got at the Ghost Base

(in fact Scorched Factory)
A lense you got in the sewers of Sol
A lense you got in Negi Village
A lense you got in Global Relief Centre


(Take these to Dr. Optica and he will make the Laser Bazooka)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Things you Swiped
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dad's Shirt
Pine Soap
Pine Robe
Pine Slippers
Sister's Apron

A shirt you took from your dad's drawer

A bar of soap you swiped from a hotel's Pine Suite
A robe you swiped from a hotel's Pine Suite
A pair of slippers you swiped from a hotel's PS
An apron you took from your sister's drawer.
(This only appeared in the chest of drawers in Hunter's
room after buying six items from the interior shops)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baddie Promo
------------------------------------------------------------------------------There are a lot of these....simply called Baddie Promo, and all showing
different monsters and Wanted enemies. You can win these as prizes from the
Vending Machines: mostly from the Tools Vending Machines. Others are obtained
as prizes from the Whack-a-Mole game.
They all say: "A picture of....[name of monster]" and have a value of 100G
Salmonella Clan: Leorad
Dr Rafflesia: Beach Supply Depot
Trader Killer: Isaaac's Spring
Dos Piranhas: Rocco
Mad Muscle: Supply Depot/Jizo's Passageway
Mammoth Tank: Supply Depot/Jizo's Passageway
Beetla: Beach Cave/Supply Shed
Brass Banshee: Beach Cave/Supply Shed
Zeppelin: Eden Tools Store Vending Machine
Mr Kamikaze: Eden Equipment Store Vending Machine
Mukadelon: Broadcast Tower
Gomez: Santa Poco Equipment Store Vending Machine
Bionic Pooch: Canabelle
Rommel Ghost: Hells' Gate West
Rodriguez: Hell's Gate
Bad Valdez:: Run Down Oasis
Big Brother Promo: from fighting Rodriguez or found in the chest upstairs.
Baddie Romo Poster: Walgelyo's Flunkies (drop from battle in North Ferry)
(A Walgelyo Gang recruitment poster. Value 10G)
Whack-a Mole Prizes
Dripping Kiwi
Big Cannon

Mutant Crocodile

Glamour Tiger

Dust Dranken
Salmonella HQ,
Gomez Tank
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ID Cards
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ID Card (c)

This card operates an important computer.

You got it at Leorad's Northern Barrier


ID Card (o)

This card operates an important computer.

You got it at the Supply Depot (Peerless Hospital)


ID Card (m)

This card operates an important computer.

You got it at Broadcast Tower
(North/South Subway Ruins)


ID Card (p)

This card operates an important computer.

You got it in the sewers of Sol
(East/WestSubway Ruins)


ID Card (u)

This card operates an important computer.

You got it at the Unrivalled (Peerless) Hospital
(Organic Waste Landfill)


ID Card (t)

This card operates an important computer.

You got it at the Ghost Base (Scorched Factory)


ID Card (e)

This card operates an important computer.

You got it at the Global Relief Centre
(Ghost Base)


ID Card (r)

This card operates an important computer.

You got it at the Global Relief Centre


COMMENT: these descriptions are taken directly from the BSCon, but they are not
all accurate. The names of some of the locations are different from the names
that are given in the actual game. The ID Card (o), for example, is
actually found at the Peerless Hospital. I have included the actual locations
in brackets for now. In fact only the details for (c) and (r) are correct so
far as I can tell. Sorry if this is confusing.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Special Use Items
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Apartment Key
A key you got from Yazoo in Port Slum
Lock Hacker
A key found in Port Slum that can open any door
Wedding Ring
A ring you found in the potato field in Negi Village
An earring from a member of the Delinquents.
Silver Earring
(Try putting this on during a battle!)
Mr. Game
Flip the switch and you can play Great Operation
Geko-Geko! (in other words: Frog Race)


Flip the switch and you can play Bam Bam Tank!
(this is the cross-fire game)


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Bar Items: Sell these monster drops at any bar.

Sell Drop/Found
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Acid Liver.........85G Drop from Methyl Amazon
Ant Nectar..........4G Drop from Enormous Ant and Metal Eater
Ant Intestine......18G Drop from Acid Ant
Bee Honey..........50G Drop from Bio Bazuzu
Bio-Sprouts.........3G Found in Pobre Obre
Bird Steak.........22G Drop from Injection Bird
Bubble Crab Stew..150G Drop from Bubble Crabgun
Chilly Cells.......35G Found in fridges in various towns
Dried Cells........28G Found in Freeza fridge
Fillet of .........58G Drop from Frogman (confirmed by hergman)
Frog-Men Leg
Frozen Meat.......135G Found in Freeza fridge
Meteor Cells.......19G Drop from Meteor Snail
Monkey Nail Dirt...25G Drop from Pyro Monkey (confirmed by hergman)
Mushy Fruit.........7G Drop from Radio Blossom, found in plants
Nectar..............4G (Same as Ant Nectar?)
Octopus Wart.......26G Drops from Hard Cannon, Octopus Tank and Snake Hole
Potatoey Cells.....24G Drops from Potato Vulcan, found in a couple of fridges
Snail Cells........10G Drops from Meteor Snail
Slippery Cells .....8G Drops from Murderous Amoeba
Syrupy Cells.......37G Drops from DNA Blob
Wobbly Seed.........5G Drops from Smoke Flower
X-Cells............99G Drops from SuperconductivityX
-----------------lianaleslie's list of ones I have not yet found.
-----------------White Crocodile Meat (This is a rare drop from the Gasoline Caiman enemy)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Additional Information
------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Bible
Each time you select to USE the Bible you can read a different piece of advice.
At this point I don't know exactly how many bits of advice there are, but it
may be just the three.
Bible: "If it won't run, try forcing the engine to run."
"If it won't run, tow it until it can."
"If it won't run, strip it down to nothing."
Bloodstained Notebook
"...What's going on? Can the security system be rebelling? Is the Global
Relief Center's master computer "Noah" the source of this disaster? Can a

computer acquire consciousness? I can only find out by entering the passwords
in the four terminals on the first floor...But if the security robots spot
me...I'm as good as dead!
Research Notes
" order to keep the constant pollution and destruction of the environment
in check, we present a creation that possesses data processing capability
heretofore unknown...We present a supercomputer! It's an asynchronously
parallel neurocomputer incorporating von Neumann's automata, organic
high=polymer elements and three-dimensional computation!
And it also includes our prayer that the human race may be spared from the
destruction that draws continually nearer...So we have named this computer...
Digging Fields
You can dig the fields in Negi, Pobre Obre and the Hidden Cottage. When a
message comes up saying that something is glittering you can pick it up. The
location and items are random. These are ones I found with just a few minutes
Healing Capsule, Large Rock, 1 gold, Army Gloves, Small Rock, Boomerang
Wrench, Red Peony's Dagger.
Pobre Obre
Healing Capsule, Small Rock, 1 gold, Protector Scrap.
Hidden Cottage
Large Rock, 1 gold, Army Gloves
You can also randomly find things on the world map such as 1 gold, Small Rock,
Army Gloves, Large Rock

7. A R M S (E Q U I P M E N T )



Head Armour
Hand Armour
Foot Armour
Body Armour

Most equipment can be bought, but there are some things can only be found using
the Metal Detector, or in dungeons, and some are dropped from enemies: though
the drops are by no means guaranteed for every fight. Some items that can be
bought are also received as drops. There are a few items which can be won as
prizes from playing the "Whack-a Mole game in Broadcast Tower, although these
are also rare drops. Thanks to hergman for details of the Electric Whip

Gomez's Hammer, Peace Headband, Bunny Cap, Superhuman Gloves and Ceramic Pad,
and Saikyo Mog for the Evildoer Machete and Flight Suit.
The original lists are from lianaleslie, which is how I know about all items
equipment even when there have been things I have not been able to find.
Many thanks for these and more!
| Pingpong Shot
| 5 | One | ALL |
30G |
| Bow Gun
| 15 | One | All |
80G |
| Shotgun
| 22 | One | All | 180G |
| Geronimo's Axe
| 26 | One | All | 250G |
| .44 Magnum
| 35 | One | All | 400G |
| Rivet Gun
| 38 | One | All | 280G | FIND in house in Negi |
| Boomerang Wrench
| 40 | One | Mech | 570G |
| Red Peony's Dagger | 48 | One | H & S | 740G |
| SMG Uzi
| 48 | Group | All | 1100G |
| W-Chainsaw
| 48 | One | H & S | 430G | FIND in field near Negi|
| Lawn Burner
| 57 | Group | All | 600G |
| Exploding Saw
| 58 | One | Soldr | 1150G |
| Flame Gun
| 70 | One | All | 1500G |
| SMG Grenade
| 78 | Group | All | 3060G |
| Laser Rifle
| 86 | One | All | 2980G |
| Electric Whip
| 89 | One | All | 2500G | Prize from Whack-a-Mole|
| Jet Saber
| 95 | One | H & S | 4000G |
| Sonic Boom
| 110 | One | All | 500G |
| Hand Vulcan
| 115 | Group | All | 7300G |
| Dragon Spray
| 115 | All | Soldr | 9900G | Find in GRC, floor 5 |
| Acid Gun
| 115 | One | All | 3800G |
| Lawless Bow
| 125 | One | H & S | 4400G |
| Gomez's Hammer
| 130 | One | All | 5000G | Drop - Gomez, WaM prize|
| Freeze Gun
| 133 | One | All | 6000G |
| Neutron Gun
| 135 | One | H & S | 10600G |
| Remote Wrench
| 145 | One | Mech | 9000G |
| Pitching Machine
| 160 | One | All | 16600G |
| Evildoer Machete
| 160 | One | H & S | 8800G | Prize from Whack-a-Mole|
| Nitro Shower
| 175 | All | Soldr | 12000G | Buy from "Big Sale" TC |
| TNT Paranoia
| 180 | One | Soldr | 29800G | Find in GRC, floor 5 |
| Ultrasonic Wave Gun | 190 | Group | All | 24538G |
| Beam Blizzard
| 195 | Group | All | 15000G | Buy "Big Sale" TC
| Lightsaber
| 205 | One | H & S | 22000G |
| Suicide Sword
| 210 | One | H & S | 30000G | Drop - Army Zombie
| Scissorhand
| 211 | One | M & S | 18000G | (dropped in GRC)
| Bazooka
| 220 | One | All | 35000G |
| Howling Gun
| 235 | One | All | 25000G |
| Plasma Storm
| 240 | One | H & S | 27000G | Found in Ghost Base
| Rocket Punch
| 250 | One | H & S | 50000G |
| Omega Blaster
| 250 | One | All | 29800G | Found in Devil's Tower |
| Laser Bazooka (3) | 300 | All | All | Not
| Depends on placement |
| 320 | Group |
| for
| of three lenses
| 350 | One |
| sale! |
| Laser Bazooka (4) | 330 | All |
| Depends on placement |

| 380 | Group | "
| of four lenses
| 400 | One |
| 420 | All | "
| 500 | One | "
Laser Bazooka with Three Lenses
Combinations thanks to UltimateCalibur.
Note that you can combine the first three lenses you find, before you have the
Solar Lens, which is found in the Global Defense Center beyond Hell's Gate.
300/All combinations:
Camera+ Ruby+Glasses
320/Group combinations:
All other 3 lens combinations result in 350/Single.
Laser Bazooka with Four Lenses
There are more combinations, but these will give you all possible effects.
Glasses+Camera+Ruby+Solar = 330 attack all (white blobs attack each enemy)
Ruby+Glasses+Camera+Solar = 420 attack all (Multicoloured beam)
Glasses+Ruby+Camera+Solar = 420 attack all ditto
Ruby+Solar+Glasses+Camera = 380 attack group (fire hits group)
Glasses+Ruby+Solar+Camera = 380 ditto
Ruby+Solar+Glasses+Camera = 380 ditto
Camera+Glasses+Ruby+Solar = 400 attack one (blue blast hits one)
Ruby+Solar+Camera+Glasses = 500 attack one (blue/red power hits one)

| Baseball Cap
| 2 | All | 10G |
| Tiger-Striped Hat | 2 | All | 100G |
| Camouflage Beret | 8 | All | 60G |
| "Peace" Headband | 9 | All | 180G | Drop - Mr.Kamikaze
| Prize for Whack-a-Mole
| Goggle Cap
| 15 | All | 180G |

| Turban
| 16 | All | 280G |
| Bulletproof Wig
| 20 | All | 400G |
| Booney Hat
| 22 | All | 780G |
| Hockey Mask
| 24 | All | 780G | Found in Devil's Tower Floor 17R |
| Hard Hat
| 24 | All | 380G |
| Riot Police Helmet | 30 | All | 920G | Drop - Robo Police
| Fiberglass Helmet | 35 | All | 2100G | Found in Devil's Tower Floor 23L |
| Football Helmet
| 36 | All | 650G |
| Bunny Cap
| 39 | All | 1500G | Drop - Gasoline Caiman
| Face Guard
| 45 | All | 1150G |
| Sniper Helmet
| 35 | All | 2100G | "Big Sale TC in Santa Poco

| Army Gloves
| 2 | All | 10G |
| Leather Gloves
| 6 | All | 60G |
| Mechanic's Gloves | 11 | All | 150G |
| Brass Knuckles
| 12 | All | 300G |
| Heavy Metal Gloves | 22 | All | 680G |
| Racer's Gloves
| 24 | All | 1410G |
| Superhuman Gloves | 28 | Hunt | 1450G | Drop from Salmonella HQ
| Trigger Arm
| 32 | All | 1800G |
| Battle Knuckles
| 35 | All | 3800G | Buy at "Big Sale" TC Santa Poco |
| Guard Knuckles
| 38 | Soldr | 2050G |

| Work Clogs
| 3 | All | 15G |
| London Boots
| 8 | All | 80G |
| Rivet Cleats
| 16 | All | 16G |
| Hard Boots
| 22 | All | 710G |
| Metal Shin Guards
| 31 | S & H | 850G |
| Crocodile Knee-Highs | 32 | All | 1780G | Drop - Gas Caiman, Mutant Croc |
| Prize from Whack-a-Mole
| Army Grebe
| 38 | All | 2200G | Drop - GI Skeleton
| Clad Boots
| 40 | All | 2200G |
| Battle Cleats
| 16 | All | 220G | Prize from Whack-a-Mole
| Squat Power
| 35 | Soldr | 2100G | "Big Sale TC" in Santa Poco

| Denim Overalls
| 6 | All |
40G |
| Camouflage Fatigues
| 12 | All |
90G |
| Leather Overalls
| 28 | All | 240G |
| True Blue
| 30 | All | 200G |
| Siberian Coat
| 38 | All | 600G |
| Heavy Leather
| 40 | All | 600G |
| Flight Suit
| 44 | All | 900G | Drop - UFO Scout
| Coveralls
| 52 | All | 850G |
| Sauna Leotard
| 53 | All | 1010G |
| Fire Fighter Uniform
| 65 | All | 1620G |
| Reflecting Suit
| 72 | All | 2300G |
| Shield Cloak
| 75 | All | 2800G |
| Aramid Cover
| 78 | All | 1400G | Devil's Tower, Floor 20L |
| Tiny Armored Leotard | 80 | All | 2120G | Devil's Tower, Floor 26L |
| Stunt Suit
| 88 | All | 4000G |
| Kevlar Cheongsam
| 96 | All | 4980G | Drop - Killer Closet
| Metallic Suit
| 99 | Soldr | 5200G |
| Iron Brassiere
| 99 | All | 340G |
| Hi-Polymer
| 110 | All | 12500G |
| Grillwalker
| 118 | All | 8000G | Devil's Tower, Floor 15
| CVC Suit
| 125 | All | 9900G |
| Medical Suit
| 128 | All | 15500G |
| Saratoga Suit
| 140 | All | 12000G |
| Assault Armor
| 175 | Soldr | 8000G |

Keep the broken protectors and sell them for scrap at 10G each at Port Slum.
You will also be given better protectors in return, based on how many you sell
at one time. It doesn't matter if they are still equipped in order to sell
them, but you will not get an extra protector if you only sell 5 or less. If
you wanted to buy the best protector this would mean un-equipping and storing
everything else and then filling your arms inventories with the scrap.
If you put these in storage at Leorad they appear to be stored as a collection,
but you have to withdraw them one at a time, which is very time consuming! I
had 45 and wanted to trade them in. They only appeared as one item in the
Trunk Room and after withdrawing one, I had to scroll down the whole lot of
stuff I had stored, every time I wanted to take just one of them. My advice
is, don't store too many at once.
| Protector Scrap | 0 | All | | 10G |

| Barrier Seal
| 10 | All | | 160G |
| Red Peony's Wrap | 20 | All | | 320G |
| Bulletproof Vest | 40 | All | | 550G |
| Silicon Pad
| 50 | All | 6/10
| 1000G |
| Body Fender
| 60 | ALL | 11/14
| 1200G |
| Iron Girdle
| 80 | All |
| 740G | Found, Drop |
| Killer Closet
| Ceramic Pad
| 85 | All |
| 980G | Prize for WaMole |
| Sonic Hold
| 92 | All | 16
| 1450G |
| Trance Shield
| 95 | All | 18/19/20
| 1600G |
| Prism Shaver
| 97 | All | 22
| 1950G |
| Absorb Shell
| 150 | All | 24
| 2500G |
NOTES: Ceramic Pad is the prize for Hard Level of Whack-a-Mole in Broadcast
Tower credit hergman. Iron Girdle is a drop from Killer Closet.

8. T A N K




Main Guns
Auto Guns
S-E Guns
On-Board Tools

Some of this equipment can be found using the Metal Detector and some things
are obtained from enemy drops. Most of it can be bought at the various shops.
The engine determines have much load the tank can carry. You can equip any
engine to any tank, and the better the engine, the more weight the tank can
take, and that, in turn, means that you can equip the more powerful and
heavier weapons. With a greater load you can have more protection for the
tank by increasing the amount of armour tiles, although by how much, is
dependent on the overall weight of everything else that has been equipped.
This list includes all the engines in the game, and many thanks to Shotgunnova
who kindly reformatted the whole thing.
DEF = Defence, WGT = Weight in tons, MOD = has been modded to increase load
| Beatle
| 8.00 | 24 | 0.10 | 200 | --- |
| Beatle-T
| 9.00 | 24 | 0.10 | 340 | Yes | Pobre Obre
| Beatle TI
| 10.00 | 24 | 0.10 | 520 | Yes | Audrey

| Chonov
| 12.00 | 30 | 0.20 | 720 | --- | Pobre Obre and Audrey |
| Chonov T
| 15.00 | 30 | 0.20 | 1210 | Yes |
| Chonov-TS
| 18.00 | 30 | 0.20 | 1600 | Yes |
| Bull
| 20.00 | 40 | 0.30 | 2480 | --- | Freeza
| GigaBull
| 23.00 | 40 | 0.30 | 3150 | Yes | Il Migra
| Omega Bull
| 26.00 | 40 | 0.30 | 3800 | Yes |
| Impulse
| 27.00 | 58 | 0.40 | 4750 | --- | Yuge and Il Migra
| Impulse T
| 29.00 | 58 | 0.40 | 6300 | Yes |
| Impulse TT
| 31.00 | 58 | 0.40 | 6300 | Yes | Sol
| Cooley
| 25.00 | 80 | 0.70 | 5800 | --- | Sol Trader Camp
| Strong Cooley | 28.00 | 80 | 0.70 | 7780 | Yes |
| Supreme Cooley | 32.00 | 80 | 0.70 | 9966 | Yes |
| V24 Hulk
| 32.00 | 83 | 0.50 | 12800 | --- | Yuge. Beach Cave FIND |
| V32 Hulk
| 35.00 | 83 | 0.50 | 17900 | Yes |
| V48 Hulk
| 38.00 | 83 | 0.50 | 22000 | Yes | Eden
| Silpheed
| 40.00 | 90 | 0.60 | 28000 | --- |
| Silpheed-T
| 42.00 | 90 | 0.60 | 28000 | Yes | Santa Poco
| Silpheed-TS
| 44.00 | 90 | 0.60 | 28000 | Yes |
| OHC Carmen
| 45.00 | 100 | 0.70 | 39800 | --- | Canabelle
| Turbo Carmen | 48.00 | 100 | 0.70 | 44000 | Yes |
| Rocket Carmen | 51.00 | 100 | 0.70 | 44000 | Yes |
| V48 Kong
| 52.00 | 115 | 0.80 | 47000 | --- | South of Ferry FIND
| V66 Kong
| 55.00 | 115 | 0.80 | 55000 | Yes |
| V100 Kong
| 58.00 | 115 | 0.80 | 65500 | Yes | Leorad Trader Camp

The C-Unit is the control centre of the tank. Any C-Unit can be equipped to
any tank. Most of the C-Units have special programs attached which give the
tank extra capabilities. Different C-Units effect the overall balance of the
tank, and change the defence, evasion and hit ratios.
EV = Evasion, DEF = Defence, WGT = weight in tons.
| HAL900
| 1% | 1% | 30 | 0.80 | None
| 800G |
| Spasibo II
| 1% | 1% | 30 | 0.90 | Ambush
| 700G |
| Wozniak II
| 2% | 2% | 40 | 0.20 | Escape
| 2000G | Beach Cave |
| Wozniak SI
| 3% | 3% | 60 | 0.20 | Escape
| 2000G | S of Rocco |
| Ambush
| Rackter
| 2% | 2% | 110 | 1.20 | Escape
| 5500G | Drop |
| Support
| Cannon
| Legendary 99 | 4% | 4% | 140 | 3.50 | Support
| 3600G |
| Dallos 1000 | 4% | 4% | 170 | 1.50 | Collection | 17500G |
| Ambush, Support
| Emmy
| 5% | 5% | 100 | 3.00 | Escape
| 4000G |
| Ambush. Support
| von Neuman
| 6% | 6% | 90 | 0.60 | Collection | 12020G |
| Cyclotron
| Solomon 2
| 8% | 8% | 190 | 2.00 | Collection | 32000G | N of S.Poco |
| Ambush
| Noah System | 15% | 1% | 98 | 4.90 | Obliteration| 27820G | S of HGW
| No.R

------------------Program Maintenance
-------------------Select the C-Unit from the tank's menu and then "Program Maintenance". The new
screen will give information about the C-Unit. Different ones have different
Systems that have to be turned on or off.
The Ambush System
This program can only be used with specific SE weapons. If this is switched
on, and you are driving the tank, you cannot use the SE weapon as a normal gun,
and it does not always come into operation. However you can also enable this
system for a towed tank, and this is the best way to use it.
The ATM Missile, MC Striker, Excalibur, and ATM Red Peony all work. No gun
that targets groups or all enemies at once can be used to ambush, and in fact
ONLY these four SE guns will work. You can check this yourself on the BSCon,
if you scroll to the right when looking at a particular gun.
The Support System
This only works on a towed tank, but is very effective at preventing some
attacks. For example, when fighting the Speedy Turtle, it may try to use a
potentially awkward paralysis attack, or fire napalm or a rocket. With the
support system enabled on a towed tank, it will back you up and effectively
block these attacks. This means that your tanks avoid any damage.
The support system uses nearly any Main Gun, so long as it is equipped, and
although you use ammunition for a defensive back up, it is well worth the
small expense.
The Escape System
If this is enabled, it means that if a tank becomes completely disabled during
a battle, it will simply remove itself and park outside the nearest town.
This means that the driver is left without a vehicle, and you have to go and
pick it up.
The Obliteration System
Once you switch this on, you cannot switch it off, so beware! It seems to
have the effect of preventing your tank from making some attacks, but I guess
it also has some other benefit, which I have not yet observed first hand.

Main guns only target one enemy, and they can be used with the support system
on a C-Unit if equipped to a towed tank. Although you will use up ammo when

you fire these guns, replacements only cost 5G per shell.

POW = Power, DEF = Defence, AM = Ammo, WGT = Weight in Tons, VALUE = to sell
| 35mm Machine Gun | 45 | 42 | 99 | 0.85 | 415G | Cannot shoot shells |
| 48mm Machine Gun | 70 | 42 | 99 | 1.05 | 650G | FIND
| 88mm Machine Gun | 110 | 42 | 99 | 1.95 | ?
| Drop - Gunhole
| 37mm Gun
| 75 | 39 | 25 | 1.00 | 365G | Short range gun
| Default Mosquito
| 45mm Gun
| 80 | 48 | 10 | 1.20 | 440G |
| 55mm Gun
| 120 | 48 | 10 | 1.60 | 540G |
| 75mm Gun
| 160 | 48 | 10 | 1.80 | 860G |
| 95mm Gun
| 230 | 48 | 10 | 2.20 | 2600G |
| 80mm Spark
| 200 | 60 | 25 | 4.00 | 1780G | Shoots rocket shells |
| 92mm Spark
| 340 | 60 | 25 | 4.20 | 4870G |
| 140mm Spark
| 520 | 60 | 25 | 4.80 | 6300G |
| 155mm Spark
| 545 | 60 | 30 | 5.30 | 8750G |
| 180mm Spark
| 710 | 60 | 25 | 10.00 | 12800G |
| 105mm Cannon
| 300 | 50 | 10 | 2.50 | 3200G | Long-range gun with |
| 125mm Cannon
| 400 | 50 | 10 | 2.60 | 5500G | flash suppressor
| 135mm Cannon
| 470 | 50 | 10 | 2.70 | 5000G |
| 155mm Cannon
| 540 | 50 | 10 | 2.80 | 6750G |
| 175mm Cannon
| 700 | 50 | 10 | 2.90 | 9150G |
| 195mm Cannon
| 720 | 50 | 15 | 3.00 | 12800G |
| 205mm Cannon
| 780 | 50 | 10 | 3.10 | 17900G |
| 115mm Long Tom
| 350 | 58 | 15 | 2.80 | 4000G | Gun with a T-shaped |
| 125mm Long Tom
| 420 | 58 | 15 | 3.20 | 6000G | flash suppressor
| 165mm Long Tom
| 620 | 58 | 15 | 3.60 | 9900G |
| 165mm Ghost
| 650 | 70 | 5 | 1.00 | 10600G | A reduced weight
| 165mm Long Tom
| 160mm Amorphe
| 570 | 65 | 20 | 5.60 | 8789G | Cannot shoot
| rocket shells
| 177mm Amorphe
| 640 | 65 | 30 | 7.60 | 10500G | FIND
| 180mm Burst
| 610 | 100 | 10 | 8.50 | 19000G | FIND Fires twice in |
| 195mm Burst
| 680 | 120 | 10 | 10.00 | 25000G | rapid succession
| 205 Red Peony
| 700 | 130 | 25 | 15.00 | 60000G | Large-calibre cannon |
| 225 Hydra
| 720 | 140 | 5 | 7.50 | 50000G | Large-calibre cannon |
| with flash suppressor|
| 220mm Gaia
| 800 | 86 | 10 | 10.00 | 65000G | Large-calibre cannon |
| increased weight
| Thunder Cannon
| 615 | 90 | 10 | 6.00 | 23000G | Large-calibre cannon |


iv. AUTOGUNS (Auxiliary Guns)

These autoguns (also called Auxiliary Guns) cannot be used to ambush or for the
support programme on a C Unit. They all have infinite ammunition and so they
cost nothing to fire. They are weaker in power than the other guns, but the
fact of the zero cost and their low weight makes them very useful for many
battles. Although most of them attack a single target, quite a number of them
will target groups of enemies
POW = Power, DEF = Defence, TAR = PARGET, WGT = Weight in tons
| 7 mm Machine Gun | 40 | 28 | One | 0.80 | 200G | Anti-tank gun
| 7.7mm Machine Gun | 43 | 28 | One | 0.82 | 250G | FIND
| 9mm Machine Gun | 60 | 28 | One | 0.90 | 380G |
| 11mm Machine Gun | 100 | 28 | One | 1.00 | 1210G |
| 13mm Machine Gun | 145 | 28 | One | 1.05 | 1520G |
| 15mm Machine Gun | 160 | 28 | One | 1.10 | 1980G |
| 18mm Machine Gun | 240 | 28 | One | 1.20 | 2000G |
| 25mm Machine Gun | 350 | 28 | One | 1.30 | 2480G |
| Flamethrower
| 180 | 20 | One | 2.40 | 1000G | Oil-burning
| Beam Blaster
| 200 | 40 | One | 2.00 | 2480G | Fires lasers
| Thunder Blast
| 245 | 40 | One | 2.50 | 2000G | Fires lasers. FIND |
| Smash Horn
| 270 | 50 | One | 2.80 | 3200G | Fires surge bullets |
| Buster Flute
| 295 | 50 | GRP | 2.60 | 9980G | Fires surge bullets |
| Gatling Gun
| 75 | 30 | GRP | 1.20 | ?
| See *NOTE
| 9mm Vulcan
| 80 | 32 | GRP | 1.40 | 1075G | Machine gun with
| 11mm Vulcan
| 130 | 32 | GRP | 1.80 | 1800G | multiple barrels
| 15mm Vulcan
| 158 | 32 | GRP | 1.95 | 2125G | Drop - Gun Tower
| 20mm Vulcan
| 280 | 32 | GRP | 2.20 | 2300G |
| 22mm Vulcan
| 310 | 32 | GRP | 2.50 | 3650G |
| Red Peony Vulcan | 340 | 95 | GRP | 0.10 | 50000G | Drop - AT Grizzly
| Scan Laser
| 210 | 45 | GRP | 2.00 | 3800G | Fires tracking lasers|
| Drop - Snake Hole
| Thunderstorm
| 400 | 45 | GRP | 3.00 | 3000G | Fires electromagnetic|
| bullets. FIND
*NOTE: The Gatling Gun is an old-fashioned machine gun with multiple barrels.
Default Buggy and Abrams
iv. S-E GUNS (Special Guns)
These specialist guns are the most expensive to use, and have the least
ammunition but there is a wide range and they are both versatile and very
powerful. A few of these guns can be used with the C-Unit ambush programme.
You can increase the ammunition for any SE gun at a mod shop although this can
be expensive as well as adding to the weight of the gun. The cost of modding
and refilling the ammo varies with each SE gun, but in general the more
powerful the gun, the more you can expect to pay!. Some of them can be modded
to carry up to 50 shells, and despite the cost, this might be a good option.
*NOTE: All SE guns are "Launchers" unless otherwise stated.

| TARGET ONE | AMB = Ambush (Can be used with the C Unit ambush system)
| ATM Missile | 320 | 25 | 10 | 2.00 | 800G | Yes | Fires anti-tank
| Fiveless 5
| 410 | 28 | 3 | 3.60 | 2300G | No | missiles
| MC Striker
| 540 | 36 | 7 | 4.40 | 3100G | Yes |
| Ion Craft
| 620 | 70 | 5 | 6.00 | 4000G | No | Surge launcher
| DD Hysteric | 650 | 82 | 15 | 5.60 | 5500G | No | Electromagnetic gun |
| Excalibur
| 710 | 72 | 5 | 2.40 | 7000G | Yes | Fires anti-tank
| ATM Red Peony | 768 | 30 | 4 | 2.20 | 65000G | Yes | missiles FIND
| TNT Grenade | 440 | 28 | 3 | 1.80 | 1500G | No | Shoots huge napalm |
| bullets
| RD Napalm
| 340 | 40 | 6 | 5.20 | 2600G | Multiple cannons that
| Napalm Bomber | 350 | 50 | 4 | 6.96 | 6100G | shoot tiny shells FIND |
| LI Peanut
| 380 | 20 | 2 | 4.00 | 1800G |
| S Tornado
| 860 | 120 | 5 | 11.00 | 35000G |
| Maniac Chef | 420 | 58 | 4 | 7.00 | 5000G | Fires blazing shots
| Burner Dragon | 655 | 45 | 3 | 3.50 | 12600G |
| Interceptor | 800 | 100 | 5 | 8.40 | 23000G | Fires surge bullets
| Tapdancer
| 279 | 30 | 4 | 2.40 | 5500G | Shoots diffused photon
| shells.
| Tomato Typhoon| 420 | 80 | 4 | 11.00 | 6000G | Fires exploding shells. |
| Nitro Sweeper | 540 | 84 | 3 | 9.00 | 8210G | Fires countless small
| nitro bullets.
| Sunburn-XX
| 580 | 60 | 2 | 9.00 | 35000G | Blaster gun that fires
| laser heat rays FIND
| Rain Cylon
| 600 | 96 | 3 | 12.00 | 15500G | Shoots large
| electromagnetic shells. |
Different tanks have a different capacity for carrying these additional very
useful shells. They are selected from the battle menu screen and fired one at
a time. You can increase the number a tank can carry, by asking a chassis mod
mechanic to increase the Magazine size. Each increase will add another 5
spaces for shells, and add 0.01 tons to the tank's weight. The cost varies
according to the power of the tank, but it is not a lot, ranging from 38 gold

for the Mosquito to 209 gold for the WhitMuu.

You can see how many shells each tank has by looking at the BSCon tanks menu,
and selecting Sp.Shells from the tanks menu screen. You can also see exactly
which shells a currently used tank has, by selecting TANKS, the name of the
tank, and then STATUS from the small menu, and selecting CHASSIS INFO, and
finally pressing the action button to go to the Sp.Shells screen.
You can buy Shells from the Ammo Dealer in most garages or from Vending
Machines and they cost the same in all locations. (They are not included in
any sales.)
There is no detailed description of the effects of these shells on the BSCon,
but you can soon see what happens when you use them. The most useful ones are
the Piercing Shells and Hollow Charge. Always keep a supply of shells as you
never know when they might be useful. (Making a boss enemy fall asleep is
always satisfying.)
| Acid Shell
| 30G | Santa Poco
| Blast Shell
|.25G | Pobre Obre, Audrey, Feeza, Sol
| Cement Shell
| 35G | Santa Poco
| Cold Shell
| 50G | Freeza, Il Migra, Sol, Hell's Gate West
| Exploding Shell | 40G | Santa Poco, Canabelle, Hell's Gate West
| Hollow Charge
| 50G | Eden, Santa Poco, Canabelle, Hell's Gate West |
| Hypno-Gas Shell | 30G | Audrey, Il Migra, Eden
| Napalm Shell
| 50G | Il Migra, Sol, Hell's Gate West
| Panic Shell
| 35G | Sol, Eden, Canabelle
| Par-Gas Shell
| 35G | Eden
| Piercing Shell
| 30G | Pobre Obre, Audrey, Freeza
| Poison Gas Shell | 30G | Audrey
| Rocket Shell
| 99G | Freeza
| Spare Shell
| 10G | Il Migra, Eden
| Unexploded Shell | 5G | Port Slum
lianaleslie's list has slightly different names for some of the shells, in
case this makes a difference to anyone.
Armor Piercing Shell (Piercing Shell)
Dud (Unexploded Shell)
Hypnotic Gas Shell (Hypno-Gas Shell)
Paralysis Gas Shell (Par-Gas Shell)
High Explosive Shell may be Exploding Shell
I have grouped these according to their use. Be aware that each tank can carry
up to 8 On-Board Tools, but that might include Bird Crap or Lead Mushrooms.
The Tiger, for example, is found with FOUR Lead Mushrooms, which not only add
to its weight, but take up four spaces that could be used for tools.
Also beware of spending too much money on tools that can be washed off.
There is only one tank wash in the game, at Santa Poco, and you won't be able
to get there until you have taken the ferry south from Yuge, (or used the

Subway Ruins south of Freeza and reached there early on in the game.)
Some tools have to be switched on for them to work, some are automatic, and
others have to be selected when you need, or want to use them. Most of them
can be bought at the various garage Tools Stores, but some can only be
obtained as prizes from specific vending machines or as prizes from the
Whack-a-Mole game at Broadcast Tower.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------On-Board Tools
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Use Out of Battle
----------------Dog System
-------------------Use in/out of Battle
-------------------Extinguisher System
First -Aid System
------------Armour Plates
------------40-Plate Pack
80-Plate Pack
L-Plate Pack
LL-Plate Pack

Return to a town or exit a dungeon

Extinguishes any fire around a vehicle

Used to treat injuries and paralysis
Used as a horn
An intimidating horn
(Wakes up sleeping people!)

40 armour tiles, ready to be attached

80 armour tiles, ready to be attached
150 armour tiles, ready to be attached
300 armour tiles, ready to be attached


Abrams default


--------------------Flip the Switch Tools

Flip the switch to automatically regulate the
ventilation and temperature of your vehicle
Camouflage Shield
Flip the switch to turn on a shield making it
hard for enemies to notice your vehicle
Flip the switch to cool your vehicle
Something used to remove unpleasant odors
from a vehicle
Flip the switch to raise an electric barrier
Grounding Chain
Load on a vehicle to decrease the number of
electric shocks received
Flip the switch to warm your vehicle
Radar Scope
Flip the switch to increase accuracy of any
equipped C-Unit
Ventilation System
Flip the switch to ventilate the tank
(Guards against prolonged sleep)
----------------Can be washed off
----------------Alkaline Coat
Bird Crap

Makes the chassis acid-resistant (until washed) 500G

Crap that's hard to get off once it dries on.

Lead Mushroom
Mirror Coat
Stealth Coat
---------Cute Bunny
Flowered Seat Cover
Leather-Covered Seat
Polka-Dot Seat Cover
Good-Luck Charm
Really, You First!
Teddy Bear
Mammoth Tusk

Can only be removed by a car wash.

Grows on metal. Each one increase weight
by 0.1t. Removed in a car wash.
Makes the chassis beam-resistant (until washed) 1000G
Raises evasion of chassis (until washed)

Hang it in the cockpit

If your seat looks desolate, try this
If you get sick of that cold, hard iron try this 500G
If your seat looks desolate, try this
Hang it in the cockpit
If you consider yourself to be laid-back, stick 10G
this on the window.
If you get lonely driving all alone, put this
in the back seat
A tusk from the Mammoth Tank

---------------------------------------Additional Items from lianaleslie's list (extra info provided by IdiotFool)

---------------------------------------Most of these can be obtained as prizes from Vending Machines
Cute Bunny (TANK FERRY N. (Yuge) Shells Prize)
Deodorizer (EDEN, Garage, Shells Prize)
Driver Training Sticker (HELL"S GATE, Plate Prize)
Good-Luck Charm (EDEN, Garage, Plate Prize, SUPPLY DEPOT, Plate Prize)
Horn-Z (YUGE, Shells Prize)
Mammoth Tusk (drop from Mammoth Tank Wanted monster)
Really, You First! (ISAAC'S SPRING, Plate Prize)
Teddy Bear (TANK FERRY N. (Yuge) Plate Prize)

9. M E T A L / M I N E D E T E C T O R


The Metal and Mine Detector work in exactly the same way, and allow you to
search for items on the world map and in buildings or caves. The only
difference between them is that the Metal Detector has a greater range, and so
it is easier to find things with it.
In fact you can find everything without using the Detector at all, IF you know
exactly where to look. Thanks to MAV for pointing this out. You can also use
the detector in battle, from your Tools inventory when fighting on foot. It
has the effect of calling another enemy to the fight. If you are fighting
enemies that go underground, such as the Mine Mole, then it will bring them
back to the surface. (Credit to UltimateCalibur for discovering this.)
You can first buy the Mine Detector from the Tools Store in Audrey. The store
is situated in the left of the three buildings and you must walk around to get
to the far side of the counter, where you will be served by the person who

wears a blue cap. The Metal Detector can be bought in Freeza from the Tools
Store that is situated to the far left of the grassy entrance before you
actually slide over the ice into the main town.
To use the Detector, either when on foot or in tanks, go to the Tools menu of
the person that carries it, and select to USE. Then a bleep will sound and the
area is scanned. If there is an item it will flash in red. Sometimes the item
may simply be a mine, and this will cause a small explosion. If it is
something of use, then stand on top of the flashing area and press CHECK, to
pick it up. The flashing only lasts for a few seconds, so just use the
detector again if you need to pinpoint the exact spot. Since most items are,
in fact, tank parts, you will need spare capacity to pick up the item, and
this is why it makes sense to travel with a tank in tow, to avoid having to
remove armour tiles if the new part overloads an opertional tank.
I decided to improve the listings of all the items that you can find in this
way, and this means that if any are missing it will be easy to add them, and
you can check for them all in one place. The details of each one's precise
location is given in the main walkthrough, and details of their stats can also
be found in the listings for equipment and tank parts. So far as I know, this
is everything, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were more things to find!
---------------------------------------------------------Metal/Mine Detector Items..........Location in Walkthrough
---------------------------------------------------------177mm Amorphe Main Gun
180mm Burst
2010 gold
205 Red Peony Main Gun
220mm Gaia Main Gun
225mm Hydra Main Gun
35mm Machine Gun (A)
35mm Machine Gun (B)
48mm Machine Gun
80 Plate Tile Pack
Assault Armour
ATM Red Peony SE
Guard Knuckles
Hard Hat
Napalm Bomber SE
Noah System No.R C Unit
Rivet Gun
SMG Grenade
SMG Uzi (A)
SMG Uzi (B)
Solomon 2 C-Unit
Sunburn-XX SE
Thunder Cannon Main Gun
Thunderblast Autogun
Thunderstorm Autogun
Tiger tank
V24 Hulk Engine
V48 Kong Engine
Wozniak 11 C-Unit
Wozniak SI C-Unit

Broadcast Tower
Sol, East-West Subway Ruins
Santa Poco
Canabelle, Scorched Factory
Hell's Gate West
Pobre Obre, Big Cannon
Pobre Obre, Big Cannon
Freeza, Beach Cave
Global Relief Centre
Santa Poco, Organic Waste Landfill
Global Relief Centre
Freeza, Beach Cave
Yuge, Tank Ferry North
Hell's Gate West
Sol, East-West Subway Ruins
Pobre Obre, Hidden Cottage
Pobre Obre, Hidden Cottage
Santa Poco
Beyond Hell's Gate
Beyond Hell's Gate
Beyond Hell's Gate
Freeza, Beach Cave
Freeza, Beach Cave
Yuge, Tank Ferry South
Freeza, Beach Cave

10. M I N I - G A M E S A N D B A R S


1. Food and Drink
2. Mini-Games
3. Jukeboxes and Music
1. Food and Drink
Nearly every bar has a girl that you can buy a drink for, and she will give you
additional, sometimes helpful, sometimes not, information. She sells snacks as
well. You can also treat any member of the party to a drink, (they are not
expensive), and they will have different reactions. If you are feeling
generous then treat the whole bar to drinks. (This IS expensive in the bars
where there are a lot of people because Hunter has to pay for the most
expensive drinks for everyone.)
If you buy enough rounds (10 times, and it can be at just one bar) Hunter will
get a new title, and he can also get a title by buying a drink for the girl in
the bar at Eden. Another title will be obtained if you ask to buy a drink at
the bar in Rocco and then say no. The bar girls will ask you to join them and
then you must agree to pay for the drinks. You can also choose to give a drink
to any of your team
These lists of food and drink items are from lianaleslie. Thanks to you!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------A Mouth Full of Cold
Sol, Eden, Santa Poco, Canabelle
Jellyfish Sashimi
Sol, Canabelle
Jellyfish Stick
Pobre Obre, Yuge, Canabelle, HGWest
Roast Amoeba
Pobre Obre, Freeza, Eden, HGWest
Skewered Terror Cells
Sol, Canabelle
Slimy Pickles
Freeza, Yuge, Eden, Santa Poco
Smoked Terror Cells
Yuge, Sol, Eden
Spicy Sea Cucumber
Pobre Obre, Freeza, Sol, Santa Poco
Leorad, Pobre Obre, Freeza, Canabelle
Coffin Shake
Eden, Canabelle
Cross Counter
Pobre Obre, Rocco Inn
Energy Soda
Leorad, Pobre Obre, Freeza, Il Migra
Rocco Inn, Freeza, Sol
Audrey, Il Migra
Kastoli Vodka
Santa Poco
Monkey Spin
Pobre Obre, Audrey
Neck Snapper
Santa Poco, Hell's Gate West
Paradise Punch
Rocco Inn, Freeza, Hell's Gate West
Yuge, Santa Poco
Red Viper

Rocket Ping
Il Migra, Yuge, Eden, HG West
Romero Special
Audrey, Sol
Steroid Sour
Yuge, Eden
Il Migra, Sol
2. Mimi-Games
Most bars have a jukebox where you can listen to the game music, and many have
a mini-game or three. These games can also be found in various other
locations, for example in Mad Muscle's room at Peerless Hospital, and in the
Mechanic's bedroom upstairs at the Mansion. The best place for mini-games is
Broadcast Tower, which has a whole floor dedicated to just that.
------------"Whack-a Mole" This game is only found at Broadcast Tower.
------------The details of how to play the game and the prizes are credit to hergman and
Ultimate Calibur who both gave me permission to use their information about
the game and prizes. Thank you both.
There are a range of prizes for completing this game, and some of them are
things that cannot be found in any other way. Fortunately, even if you fail to
achieve a perfect round the robot will still give you a prize for trying. Talk
to the robot to view the prizes awarded for completing the corresponding
difficulty and then pay 500 gold to start.
Playing might be simple enough but winning is the hard part. You need to get a
perfect score (100 points) to win, BUT there are only enough moles to get 100
points exactly, no more, no less. So this mean that you must hit all of them to
win. It is easier to play with an emulator because you can pause the game and
prepare to push the corresponding button before unpausing, or slow down the
action. It's all about hitting the correct mole and dodging the Robot Moles.
There are three differents moles in the game :
o Normal mole (brown) gives 1 point
o Super mole (flashing yellow) gives 5 point
o Earthquake mole (robotic looking) lowers the score by 9 points
Whack-a-Mole Prizes
o Easy
0-9 points:
10-49 points:
50-99 points:
100 points:

o Medium
0-9 points:
10-49 points:
50-99 points:
100 points:

Baddie Promo - Dripping Kiwi

Baddie Promo - Tansugon
Baddie Promo - Big Cannon
(Perfect) Baddie Promo - Dust Franken, Salmonella HQ, Gomez
Tank; Bible; Driver's Training Sticker; Fake Tattoo;
Really, You First!
Baddie Promo - Delinquents
Baddie Promo - Mutant Crocodile
Glittering Silver Earring
(Perfect) Teddy Bear, Cute Bunny, Good-Luck Charm, Horn-Alpha,
Horn-Z, Leather-Covered Seat, Flowered Seat Cover, Polka-dot
Seat Cover

o Hard
0-9 points:
10-49 points:
50-99 points:
100 points:

Old Coin
Baddie Promo - Glamour Tiger
(Perfect) Battle Cleats, Crocodile Knee-Highs, Electric Whip,
Evildoer Machete, Gomez's Hammer, Strongman Gloves, Peace"
Headband and Ceramic Pad

------------------------Crossfire and Frog Racing

------------------------Crossfire and Frog Racing can be played directly from your inventory in the
BSCon when you buy the two items: ArcaDon and Mr Game. Select them from your
Tools inventory to USE and the game will load. You can also buy these from
the Interiors Shop at Isaac's Spring, and they will deliver the machines to
the garage at home in Leorad.
The machines in the bars cost different amounts. Bascially the further on
into the game you are, the higher the bet you can place and the shells are
more expensive in Crossfire, although the rewards are higher as well.
-------------Froggy Tactics
-------------This is the frog racing game that is found in most bars, and you can have your
very own games machine at home when you buy this from the Interior Shop for
7500G. The drawback to this is that you can only bet a maximum of 20 gold on
your home machine.
You bet on a frog to win a race. You can place a bet on one frog out of a
selection of four named frogs. The amount that you can bet varies from place to
place and the payout varies depending on the number shown against the name of
each frog. The higher the payout the less chance there is of the frog winning.
The odds will show as a range from 2x up to 15x. You have no influence over
the race, so it is purely a matter of luck. At the end the whole thing
re-sets and you have to place the bet again.
----------------Boom! Boom! Tanks
----------------In other words: Crossfire, as this is exactly the same game except that you
can buy a machine to play in the comfort of your home. It costs 7000G from the
Interior Shop at Isaac's Spring.
Shoot-em-up firing at tanks, and missing ambulances and people. If you hit
them you lose money and if you hit a tank or helicopter you win money.
Missiles cost gold for each one you use and you can only have one on screen at
The game is simple as all you do is fire at tanks crossing the screen. Your
tank can move from side to side using the directional buttons and the Fire
button is in the centre.

Feeding Euro
-----------I suppose you could also call the money eating Euro a kind of mimi-game.
Unfortunately that is all he does. Eat money. I gave him half a million gold
and he still didn't get large enough to break out of his cage, which I am told
he can do if you give him enough. You can also buy more "insects" at the
Interior Shop in Isaac's Spring. When you go back home the insect will be in
a cage on the table by the flowers on the upstairs landing of the garage.
You can change their names, make them move (press any button to see then wink
and lift their legs or make the hair on their heads move. (Yes, really!)
UltimateCalibur has subjected this mini-game to rigorous testing and these are
the results, showing how much you must feed each "insect" to make it break out
of the cage. It will then wander around as a Bird like creature, and speak
when you talk to it! After one has broken out of its cage you can head back
to Isaac's Spring and buy another one, and so on until you have a flock of
Euro is found at Dr. Mince's place, if you go to the right and out into the
------.------------.--------.---------------------------------.---------------Name | Feed
| Colour | Money origin
| Bird's Comment
------+------------+--------+---------------------------------+---------------Lira | 100,001
| Red
| Former monetary unit of Italy | Pui! Pui!
Mark | 320,001
| Blue | Former monetary unit of Germany | Kyu! Kyu!
Dram | 1,040,001 | Yellow | Monetary unit of Armenia
| Myu! Myu!
Yen | 3,000,001 | Green | Monetary unit of Japan
| Cash! Cash!
Peso | 5,000,001 | Pink | Monetary unit of Mexico
| Fumyu! Fumyu!
Euro | 10,000,000 | Gray | Monetary unit of Europe
| Gya! Gya!
Although jukeboxes can be found in most bars, you can have your own if you buy
one from the Isaac's Spring Trader Camp Interior Shop. The titles with "Home"
refer to this personal Jukebox which will be place outside Hunter's bedroom
upstairs in the garage at Leorad. This is the only Jukebox that plays all the
Song Titles (Courtesy of lianaleslie)
7mm Cannon of Tears
Animal Parade
Caterpillar Village
Deep Hunting
Drained Pobre Obre
Dungeon Dance
Howl (To A Lingering Past)
Metallic Shaker
MM Series "Theme of Love"
My Feet Tread The Earth!
Pastoral, Nomadic...
Rock On Crisis
Reaching for My Own Potential!

Leorad Bar, Sol Bar, Eden Bar, Santa Poco

Canabelle, Hell's Gate West, Home
Santa Poco Bar, Home
Broadcast Tower, Ground Floor, Home
Sol Bar, Broadcast Tower, Home
Leorad Bar, Audrey Bar, Eden Bar, Santa
Pcoc, Canabelle, Hell's Gate West, Home
Sol Bar, Home
Eden Bar, Home
Hell's Gate West, Home

Tank Vodka
Time To Visit Dr. Mince!
Turn Me Onto Tanks...
Victory! Vendors! Vehiculation!
Wanderer's Song
Who Created Such A Tank

Broadcast Tower, Home

Sol Bar, Home
Audrey Bar, Home
Broadcast Tower, Home
Audrey Bar, Canabelle Bar, Home
Audrey Bar, Home

11. M O N S T E R L I S T


These are listed alphabetically so you can find them more easily. Many of them
appear in more than one place, but I have noted either where I first found
them, or the places on the world map, and sometimes dungeons, where they seem
to be most common.
The drops, such as weapons and armour are rare, and some enemies will only drop
an item if you fight them for at least four turns. You will always receive the
gold. Many thanks to Idiot Fool, Unknownthing, Saikyo Mog and hergman and
UltimateCalibur for additional information on enemy drops.
I have included information about the reward for some of the weekly targets.
Only enemies found on the world map will be targets, and the amount received
is double the usual gold dropped. You will receive this gold for each enemy
you defeat IF it is the weekly target and IF you claim the cash before your
level increases. Once that occurs, the target will change.
All monsters are listed, including those on the Wanted list, and all thanks to
lianaleslie who supplied me with the complete list.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Acid Ant
| 24 Gold, Ant Intestine
Experience | 34
| Spits out some liquid (effect: acid)
| 48 gold
Factory, Devil's Tower
| ? gold
Experience | 30
| Shockwave, Hypnotic Waves causes sleep
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Army Zombie
Devil's Tower, Ghost Base
| 90 gold. Suicide Sword (only after fighting for four rounds)
Experience | 108
| Fires a Bazooka

------------------------------------------------------------------------------AT Armadillo
Hell's Gate, Canabelle
| 179 gold (may drop HAL 900 after 4 turns)
Experience | 135
| Fires multilauncher, launches a body blow
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AT Elephant
Hell's Gate
| 94 gold (may drop MC Striker after 4 turns)
Experience | 1,400
| Attacks with a machine gun (all), launches a bombardment (1)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AT Giganteus
Beyond Hell's Gate
| 188 gold, (180mm Burst Cannon after 4 turns: very rare)
Experience | 300
| Attacks with a laser (one), launches a bombardment, attacks with
| a machine gun (all)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AT Grizzly
| 66 gold, Red Peony's Vulcan (after fighting for 4 rounds)
Experience | 190
| Launches a missile (all), attacks with a laser(one), launched a
| bombardment (one)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ATM Shark
Desert, North of Gate
| 109 gold, ATM Missile after 4 rounds
Experience | 180
| Launches a missile
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bat System
| 10 gold
Experience | 23
| Calls Security force (Cannon Hopper)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bad Valdez
Hound Cavern
| 1 gold
Experience | 8000
| Recoilless missile (one), launching missiles wildly (all),
| Machine gun (attacks all)

Bazooka Dog
Hound Cavern
| 79 gold
Experience | 5000
| Fires a bazooka
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Beam Sceptre
Scorched Factory, Global Relief Centre
| 16 gold
Experience | 46
| Strafes with Laser Fire (all)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Beehive Tank
| 170 gold
Experience | 67
| Shoots at random
| 340 gold
| 9 gold
Experience | 2750
| Headlight emit blinding light (all), Launches missile (one)
| Launching missiles wildly (all)
Global Relief Centre
| 700 gold
Experience | 1500
| Attacks with a machine gun, fires a beam, fires a cement shell
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Big Cannon
North of Negi
| 1 gold
Experience | 1000
| Attacks with a gun (no specified description)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bio Bazuzu
Run-Down Oasis, West of crack
| 70 gold, Bee Honey
Experience | 700
| Fires a beam, ultrsonic waves: effect paralysed
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bionic Pooch
Southern Cave

| 32 gold (may drop Puppy Gourmet if you last 4 rounds)
Experience | 20
| Launches a Launcher Shell.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Black Carpet
Yuge, Eden, N. Desert
| 80 gold, Silver Bar
Experience | 600
| Bites everyone
| 160 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bomb Runner
Canabelle, Hell's Gate
| 90 gold, DD Pineapple
Experience | 115
| Running around
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bomb Turtle
Northern Cave, Bridge
| 15 gold, Hand Grenade
Experience | 8
| Launches a Body blow, is holding still, calls comrades (another
| Bomb Turtle), blows itself up.
| 30 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brass Banshee
Corona Building
| 250 gold, Bugle
Experience | 3510
| Sounds the large horn (one), Thrusts out its tentacles (one)
| Sounds the small horn: effect confused (all)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bubble Crabgun
Hell's Gate, North Desert
| 80 gold, Bubble Crab Stew
Experience | 100
| Launches a missile, Spouts a huge bubble (effect: acid)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Burner Hopper
| 58 Gold, Nitro Beer (after 4 turns)
Experience | 31
| Attacks (effect: flames)
| 116 gold

| 253 gold, Rackter, Copper Bar (after 4 turns)
Experience | 222
| Launches a bombardment
| 506 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cannon Hopper
Leorad, Factory, Southern Cave
| 8 gold
Experience | 5
| Hopping
| 16 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Code Golem
Global Relief Centre
| 200 gold, (may drop Grounding Chain)
Experience | 800
| 88 gold (may drop Pencil Missile after 4 turns)
Experience | 74
| Launches missile
| 176 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cyber Wall
Global Relief Centre
| 1 gold
Experience | 1
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Defense Shelter
Outside Ghost Base
| 20 gold, 40 Plate Pack (after 4 turns)
Experience | 17
| Attacks (gun, one), lights a searchlight
Bar, Audrey
| 4 gold, Glittering Silver Earring
Experience | 4
| Try to provoke. Wag a finger at you. Escape.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Desert Monroe
North Desert

| 200 gold, 80-Plate Pack
Experience | 240
| Launches a bombardment, launches a missle, attacks with a
| machine gun (all)
Global Relief Centre
| 1500 gold, Scissorhand (after 4 turns)
Experience | 147
| Brandishes a knife, rained down lightning (paralyses), attacks
| with a machine gun, attacks with freezing shells
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DNA Blob
Port Slum
| 20 gold, Syrupy Cells
Experience | 50
| Breaks up (makes another one), escapes, spits out some liquid
| (effect: acid)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dos Piranhas
Bridge to Factory, Pobre Obre
| 160 gold (may drop Fillet of Frogman Leg)
Experience | 245
| Attacks with a gun.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dr. Rafflesia
| 122 gold, Confusion-Hi (possible)
Experience | 56
| Snaps a tentacle (all), spreads pollen (sleeping gas), swings a
| scalpel, uses its drill.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Drill Worm
Pobre Obre
| 7 gold, Repair Kit
Experience | 10
| Attacks (gun, one)
| 14 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dripping Kiwi
West of Crack
| 125 gold
Experience | 74
|"is doing nothing", may heal other monsters
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dummy Shelter
Dr. Optica, Scorched Factory

| 1 gold
Experience | 1
| Does nothing
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dust Franken
Organic Waste Landfill
| 500 gold, Rocket Punch
Experience | 4800
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Empty Tank
Bridge to Factory
| 21 gold, Blaze Bottle (after 4 turns)
Experience | 8
| Breathes Fire, Out of Fuel, blows itself up
| 42 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enormous Ant
Leorad, Various
| 2 gold, Ant Nectar
Experience | 1
| Attacks
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Floating Hyena
West of Desert, West of Crack
| 27 gold
Experience | 80
| Takes a crap, calls comrades, escapes
Port Slum, Broadcast Tower
| 28 gold, Fillet of Frogman Leg
Experience | 40
| Attacks (one)
| 56 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gasoline Caiman
Broadcast Tower, Outside Ghost Base
| 1200 gold, (may drop White Crocodile Meat, Bunny Cap: very rare)
Experience | 160
| Breathes flames (all), tries to bite
| 2400G
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GI Skeleton
Ghost Base

| 300 gold, Army Grebe (after 4 turns)
Experience | 70
| Fires a bazooka
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Glamour Tiger
Hell's Gate
| 100 gold, Tiger-Striped Hat
Experience | 250
| Launches a bombardment, attacks with machine gun (all)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gold Carpet
Hell's Gate West
| 5000 gold, (may drop Gold Bar)
Experience | 180
| Bites everyone, escapes
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Golden Ant
Pobre Obre, Audrey, Jizo's Tunnel (far side)
| 210 gold
Experience | 5
| Breathes Fire
| 420 gold
Secret Waterfall Base
| 20 gold, (may drop Gomez's Hammer)
Experience | 9000
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gomez's Tank
Secret Waterfall Base
| None
Experience | None
Global Relief Centre
| 700 gold
Experience | 8000
| Fires a blaster, fires a heat beam (all)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guardian Golem
Global Relief Centre
| 0 gold, Electromagnetic Barrier (after 4 turns)
Experience | None
| Attacks with a laser, Fires a plasma shell (shock to tank)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gun Balloon
North Desert, West of Crack, near Organic Waste Landfill
| 43 gold, (may drop Electromagnetic Barrier)
Experience | 2,800
| Attacks with a laser, drops a screw bomb
Various, Negi, Sol
| 18 gold
Experience | 15
| Escapes, Attacks (one)
| 36 gold
Audrey, Rocco
| 48 gold
Experience | 39
| Attacks: machine gun (all)
| 96 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gun Hole
North Desert
| 65 gold, (may drop 88mm Machine Gun)
Experience | 45
| Shines a light brightly, attacks (gun/all)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gun Tower
S. Ferry, Santa Poco
| 300 gold, 15mm Vulcan,
Experience | 197
| Laucnhes bombardment, launches a missile, machine gun attacks all
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hard Cannon
Jizo's Passageway, Il Migra
| 228 gold, Octopus Wart
Experience | 83
| Hypnotic Gas (Sleeping Gas), leans over (steals a bullet!)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hell Rescue
Western Desert
| 50 gold, Oyholo Capsule (may drop Alkaline Spray after 4 turns)
Experience | 143
| Fires a beam, escapes, injects comrades

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hell's Stove
Hell's Gate West, West of Crack
| 98 gold, 80-Plate Pack
Experience | 120
| Cooling Down, fires a heat beam (all)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Highway Tank
Rocco (West)
| 125 gold, 40 Plate Pack
Experience | 90
| Attacks
| 250 gold
| 38 gold, Protector Scrap
Experience | 45
| Attacks (one)
| 76 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hungry Hippo Gun
| 300 gold, Silver Bar
Experience | 152
| Attacks (fires a gun)
| 600 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Injection Bird
Port Slum, Freeza, Sol
| 30 gold, Bird Steak
Experience | 20
| Launches a body blow
| 60 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Iron Claw
Outside Ghost Base
| 40 gold, 40 Plate Pack (after 4 turns)
Experience | 77
| Attacks with the crane, lifts with the crane
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kamikaze Bomb
Yuge, East of Crack, Western Desert
| 70 gold, Confusion Hi
Experience | 48
| Blown by the wind (blows itself up on tanks)
| 140 gold

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Killer Closet
Corona Building
| 100 gold, Iron Girdle, may drop Kevlar Cheongsam?
Experience | 22
| Exhales (one, effect paralysis), or posion all
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Laser Beetle
Freeza, Sol
| 200 gold, Beatle-T
Experience | 97
| Body blow, Laser
| 400 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Laser Eye
Ghost Base
| 10 gold
Experience | 40
| Observing intruder, fires a beam
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Laser Larva
Freeza Cave
| 129 gold, Grounding Tail
Experience | 38
| Fires beam
| 258 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mad Muscle
Peerless Hospital
| 17 gold (may drop Oyholo Capsule after 4 rounds)
Experience | 1200
| Poses and flexes his muscles. May retreat into his Muscle Car.
Rocco, Broadcast Tower
| 41 gold, Hard Hat
Experience | 54
| Attacks with a crane, lifts with the crane
| 82 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mammoth Tank
| 1 gold, (may drop Mammoth Tusk or leave one behind)
Experience | 100

Global Relief Centre
| 400 gold, Firefighter Uniform after 4 turns
Experience | 2000
| Sprays gas (sleeping), tries to bite you
N. Desert
| 500 gold, 155mm Cannon
Experience | 1000
| Launches a bombardment, fires a beam, attacks with a machine gun
| Is preparing the next attack (does nothing)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Metal Eater
Various, Freeza
| 1 gold, Ant Nectar
Experience | 210
| Tries to bite you, calls some comrades (more metal eaters)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Metal Jabber
| 95 gold
Experience | 113
| Violently jostling
| 190 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meteor Snail (green)
| 10 gold, Snail Cells
Experience | 4
| Breathe sand, retreats into shell,
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meteor Snail (red)
| 15 gold, Meteor Cells
Experience | 29
| Breathe sand, retreats into shell, spits out a meteor,
| comes out of its shell, is secluded in its shell
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Methyl Amazon
Sol Sewers, N. Desert
| 65 gold, Acid Liver
Experience | 110
| Exhales (poison gas)

Mimic Box
Ghost Base
| 1400 gold, Iron Gridle (after 4 turns)
Experience | 200
| Throws contents of the box (fire/cold air), lashes out
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mine Mole
| 120 gold
Experience | 28
| Dives underground
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Missile Carrier
Sol, Hell's Keep West
| 300 gold, (may drop ATM Missile after 4 turns)
Experience | 300
| Emits a detection wave, launches a missile
| 600 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Missile Frog
| 76 gold, Pencil Missile
Experience | 45
| Croaks, spouts missiles
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Missile Robot
Yuge, Broadcast Tower
| 230 gold, ATM Missile
Experience | 125
| Launches a missile, (one)
| 460 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Missile Trailer
Outside Ghost Base
| 35 gold, Camouflage Fatigues
Experience | 94
| Launching missiles wildly (all), transfers a shell
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------85mm Mobile Artillery
| 60 gold (40 Tile Pack after 4 turns)
Experience | 48
| Launches a bombardment, Machine gun attack (all)
| 120 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mobile Sonic Wave Gun
S. Ferry

| 300 gold
Experience | 123
| Emits a shock wave
| 600 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Kamikaze
S. Ferry, East Crack
| 500 gold, (may drop "Peace" headband)
Experience | 10,000
| Tries to provoke you, escapes.
North-South Subway Ruins
| 1 gold, MC Striker!
Experience | 3800
| Hypnotic Gas (effect: sleeping gas, all), thrashes its tail
| vigourously (all), fires Napalm (effect: burn, all), fires a
| Cement Shell (effect: cement, all), tries to bite you (one)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Murderous Amoeba
| 3 gold, Slippery Cells
Experience | 2
| Attacks
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Muscle Car
Peerless Hospital
| 100 gold (drops Energy Capsule after 4 rounds)
Experience | 2100
| This car may be used in battle by Mad Muscle. If you defeat it
| then that will be the end of the battle. (Thanks to MAV)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mutant Crocodile
Sol Sewers
| 200 gold, Crocodile Knee-Highs (after 4 turns)
Experience | 4000
| Breathes Flames (all) Thrashes tail (one)
Global Relief Centre
| Nothing
Experience | Nothing
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Octopus Tank
Bridge to Shoreside Factory

| 46 gold, Octopus Wart
Experience | 21
| Attacks (one)
| 94 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One Hit Wonder
Pobre Orbe
| 50 gold, HAL900
Experience | 14
| Bombardment, is out of ammo,
| 100 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Patrol Punishment
| 14 gold, Bee Honey
Experience | 24
| Calls to comrades (Hippogun)
| 28 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickaxe Bird
| 20 gold
Experience | 18
| Jostles
| 40 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Plasma Beetle
N. Desert
| 70 gold, (may drop Beatle-TI)
Experience | 124
| Body blow, discharges electricity
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Plasma Tank
Hell's Gate, N. Desert
| 72 gold, 80 Plate Pack after 4 turns
Experience | 140
| Attacks with a laser, launches a missile, attacks with a machine
| gun (all), discharges an electric shock
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Poison Potato Cannon
Port Slum, Canabelle
| 40 gold
Experience | 30
| Attacks with Poison Gas
| 80 gold

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Potato Vulcan
Southern Cave
| 6 gold, Potatoey Cells
Experience | 3
| Attacks
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pyro Monkey
Northern Cave
| 10 gold, Monkey Nail Dirt, Rocket Firework
Experience | 5
| Pulls the trigger on the blowtorch (effect: fire, one), is
| feeling great, (does nothing)
| 20 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Radar Flower
Santa Poco
| 80 gold, (may drop RadarScope after 4 turns)
Experience | 20
| Emits Panic wave, (confuses) emits hypnotic waves (causes sleep)
| Shockwave, receives a signal from the skies
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Radio Blossom
Santa Poco
| 180 gold, Mushy Fruit
Experience | 1000
| Blows seeds, launches fireworks (causes confusion)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Roaming Plating
| 55 gold, 80-Plate Pack
Experience | 10
| Clings to comrades, holding still
| 110 gold
Hells Gate
| 1900 gold, Riot Police Helmet
Experience | 1200
| Attacks (all)
Run-Down Oasis
| ? gold, Big Brother's Promo
Experience | 7200
| Attacks with his guitar gun, plays his guitar violently, sings
| mysterious lullaby (effect: confused), strange missile (effect:
| around 600-800 HP damage). All attacks are against one.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rommel Ghost
Hells Gate Desert
| 50 gold, Noah System No. R (rare drop)
Experience | 1100
| Launches a bombardment, armour-piercing ammunition, attacks with
| a machine gun, transfers a shell, attacks with a laser (one).
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Salmonella Clan
Northern Cave
| 220 gold (if only two) (may drop Monkey Nail Dirt)
Experience | 90 (for two)
| "Help me, big sister!", "Help me, big brother!" (calls another
| gang member), lashes out... Pulls the trigger on the blowtorch
| (effect: burn)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Salmonella HQ
Scorched Factory
| 3 gold, Superhuman Gloves
Experience | 25,000
| Squeezes the nozzle and fires (one), cranks the fuel nozzle and
| fires his gun (all)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Security Camera
East-West Subway
| 1 gold
Experience | 2 experience
| Observing intruder
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Singing Parabola
Santa Poco, Broadcast Tower
| 600 gold
Experience | 242
| Panic Wave, (causes confusion), switches output, ultrasonic waves
| can paralyse and can wipe the party out by removing you from
| tanks!
| 1200G
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sleeping Grass
Freeza, Canabelle
| 87 gold, Wobbly Seed
Experience | 14
| Sleeping Gas and sprays seeds
| 174 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Slow Walker
Desert, Waterfall, North of Gate

| 15000 gold, (may drop L-Plate Pack)
Experience | 13000
| Leaves quietly, inhales slowly, spits out energy bullets
| (Tends to appear at the edges of the desert)
Port Slum, Rocco, Broadcast Tower
| 67 gold, Hard Hat
Experience | 67
| Spins crane, attacks with a crane
| 134 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Smoke Flower
Bridge, Negi
| 15 gold, Wobbly Seed
Experience | 7
| Sprays seeds, Sprays Gas (poison)
| 30 gold
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Snake Hole
Ghost Base
| 23 gold, Octopus Wart, Scan Laser
Experience | 80
| Fires a beam (all)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sniper Dog
Audrey, Factory area
| 53 gold
Experience | 32
| Aiming
| 106 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sonar Snake
Hell's Gate, Santa Poco
| 50 gold, Mine Detector
Experience | 90
| Attacks with paralysis gas, emits a detection wave
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sonic Cobra
East-West Subway, Freeza
| 153 gold
Experience | 107
| Shockwave, attacks with Paralysis Gas (all)
| 306 gold

Sonic Stunner
Various Buildings
| 26 gold (40-Plate Pack?)
Experience | 60
| Emits a shockwave (all)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Speedy Turtle
Beyond Hell's Gate
| 197 gold, Hal900, 40-Plate Pack
Experience | 210
| Fires a rocket, attacks with paralysis gas
Global Relief Centre
| 210 gold, X-Cells
Experience | 1100
| Discharges electric shock (paralyses)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Surveillance Camera
| 1 gold
Experience | 3 experience
| Observing, attacks with a weak laser
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Syringe Kiwi
| 35 gold, Healing Capsule
Experience | 15
| Inflates a recovery bubble, strikes with its beak
| 79 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Syringe Spider
Santa Poco
| 78 gold
Experience | 40
| Hopping, hops away, spits out some liquid (effects all)
Port Slum
| 1000 gold (Drops different Pine items depending on whether it is
| open or closed)
Experience | 500
| Exhales..sleeping gas, bites, shuts itself in a cupboard
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trader Killer
Pobre Obre, Canabelle

| 45 gold
Experience | 28
| (Just fires a gun, no description as such)
| 90 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UFO Scout
| 170 gold, Flight Suit
Experience | 400
| Flies away, holds still, calls out to some comrades (Hippogun)
| 340 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Virus Bat
Devil's Tower
| 400 gold, Grounding Tail
Experience | 800
| Flutters about, calls comrades, hovers (causes paralysis)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vulcan Shark
Santa Poco, Yuge
| 154 gold, 9mm Vulcan
Experience | 95
| Attacks (gun, either one or all)
| 308 gold
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Walgelyo's Flunkies x 2
Yuge Ferry
| 128 gold (Baddie Promo Poster: 4 turns)
Experience | 420
| Swung a sword (attacks one). Injected something into one
| arm. Whistling lightly (effect: sleep)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Walgelyo's Tank
Yuge Ferry
| 1564 gold
Experience | 2210
| Attacks (one gun attack on one tank), let one henchman go
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wandering Polytank
Leorad area
| 4 gold, Army Gloves
Experience | 2
| Moping around, breathes fire
Devil's Tower

| 132 gold
Experience | 5980
| Charging up, discharges electricity (all), lightly floating
| (does nothing).

12. T H E



Metal Max Returns is more or less non-linear in that you have freedom to roam,
and there is no set order in which you have to do anything. However, there are
various barriers to the next area of the world map which will prevent you from
going too far, too fast. You can find ways around some of these, so you could
find the best weapons and tank parts much sooner than you might expect.
1. Northern Barrier.
This is just to the north of Leorad and is simple to cross, as all you need to
do is visit the building and talk to the person sitting at the table to
receive an ID Card.
2. The Big Cannon
There are two large cannon that are visible north of Negi Village. There is no
other option except to destroy them, as this is the only route to Audrey Town.
3. Jizo's Passageway
This is situated to the north east of Rocco and the entrance to the passageway
is sometimes cut off by the tide. You may need to kill Mad Muscle and get the
Van tank in order to make the water subside. Or at least, stay the night in
Rocco. This is the only route through to the Freeza area.
4. East-West Subway Ruins
South of Freeza is a hole that leads to the East-West Subway Ruins. This place
is the secret passage to everywhere! Travel west on foot and you can reach
Sol, and bypass the Corona Building and Yuge Ferry, which otherwise block your
access to the west.
There is even a short-cut to Hells Gate, travelling further west underground
from Sol, using the East-West Subway Ruins. The easiest way is to leave the
the subway at Sol, and then use the transporter to collect your tanks, and then
return to Sol. Once you have your tanks the rest of the trip west can be
completed using the tanks. Battles are easy enough in the subway and there is
no boss to defeat: once on the western side, you can get to all the other
western towns.

5. Hell's Gate
You need a password to get through Hell's Gate, as without it you cannot get
to the northern desert. However, this can be found on the top floor of the
Devil's Tower in Sol, so theoretically you could get to this area early on in
the game, providing you are strong enough to defeat the Robot Police who guard
the Gate.



---------------1. Draft Details
---------------First Draft: All BSCon towns visited. This is just the bare-bones outline
November 28th for a full walkthrough, mostly giving shop lists and place
locations for now.

Corrected some errors from the first draft and added a detailed
walkthrough for Leorad up to getting the first tank.

Second Draft: Included details and search code for finding all eight tanks.
December 3rd Negi, Pobre Obre, Audrey, Rocco, Sol, Eden, Scorched Factory and
Big Cannon walkthroughs.
Third Draft: Added search code for the Wanted monsters, though not all their
December 9th battles yet. Walkthrough for Global Relief Centre, Organic Waste
Landfill, Hell's Gate West, and Canabelle added, plus various
additions to the lists, including prizes for Vending Machines.
Fourth Draft: All town walkthroughs completed. Included Corona Building,
December 17th Devil's Tower and all Subway Ruins. Added a section on the Fast
Track. (There are still various details missing, especially on
the lists, and some sections not started. Probably won't be
another draft until the New Year now... )
Fifth Draft: Completed the main walkthrough and added and changed some
January 21st sections, as well as altering some of the formatting.
I have included a separate list of things I still need to find,
and I would be grateful for help with this, and any other extra
Sixth Draft: Added a separate section for all the Metal Detector items.
January 29th Amended an error concerning the Buggy. Improved the game
basics and tanks parts sections.
Seventh Draft Added diagram for fridges in Freeza, and location of Burst
February 28th Cannon and a few other items. Now all Metal Detector items
have been found!
Eighth Draft: Version 0.99. Improved formatting adding tables.
March 13th:

Ninth Draft: Major update to include more maps, Strawberry Lipstick, more on
June 4th
Mini-Games and all things not found now found!
UPDATE: October 13th 2010
Added a request for donations at the end of the FAQ.
----------------------------------------------------2. THINGS NOT FOUND: ALL FOUND! Update May 21st 2008
----------------------------------------------------I originally made this list because there were still things I had not found,
but thanks to the efforts of hergman, Ultimate Calibur, and kiryen everything
has been tracked down.
Thanks to hergman's careful efforts in tracking down monster drops.
Thanks to UltimateCalibur for finding the Secret Trader Camp and Copper Bar.
Thanks to kiryen for desribing the strategy for getting the Lipstick.
That fridge in Freeza that I couldn't get to...the general conclusion is that
it is impossible. Thanks to Sash: if he says it ain't possible, then it ain't!
Tuberous Vulcan: no sign of this enemy, and I have concluded it is probably an
alternatice translation for the Potato Vulcan.
Sniper Helmet......"Big Sale" Secret Trader Camp, Santa Pocco.
Beam Blizzard......"Big Sale" Secret Trader Camp, Santa Poco
Nitro Shower......."Big Sale" Secret Trader Camp, Santa Poco
Super Ultrasonic....may be the same as the Ultrasonic Wave Gun
Wave Gun
Copper Bar..........4 turn drop from Cannon enemy.
Strawberry Lipstick: a tool which is found in Il Migra on Nana's dressing
table. You have to get this before beating Wagelyo.

------------------------------3. Credits and Acknowledgements

------------------------------This FAQ is dedicated to Saikyo Mog, without whom I would never have known
about Metal Max Returns, or been able to play it, nor indeed, ever considered
writing this walkthrough. In fact it was a year ago that he came up with the
idea of writing a Survival Guide for Metal Saga, which led to my first FAQ,
and he has been claiming the credit for everything ever since.:p
But the truth is, I wouldn't have done any of it without him. So, all credit
to you Saikyo. Thank you, my one and only fuse.
And thanks for creating Persephone.

Thank you to GameFAQs for accepting and hosting my far, and for the
message boards where old games like MMR can be discussed.

Many thanks to lianaleslie, who has patiently answered my questions on the

MMR board at GameGFAQs, and generously given me permission to use lots of
lists of information about all the items in the game.
Thank you to lianaleslie and Aeon Genesis for the fantastic translation, and
making it possible for people like me, with no knowledge of Japanese, to be
able to play and appreciate such a wonderful game and hilarious script.
Thanks to ritchie, for the MMR FAQ at GameFAQs. It has been helpful in
guiding me through the game for the first time.
Thank you to IdiotFool for giving me details of all the prizes for all the
Vending Machines, and for information about tank parts and enemy drops.
Thank you to Unknownthing for contributions on the GameFAQs MMR message board
which have been very informative and helpful.
Thanks to red_ice9 who gave me the directions for finding the hidden Cottage
and for finding some Metal Detector arms as well as information about some
monster drops.
Thanks to Shadow who gave me the directions for finding the Research Notes.
Many thanks to hergman for responding to my call for help in tracking down the
a number things: in particular the location of the 180 Burst Cannon, prizes for
the Whack-a Mole mini-game, and information on many monster drops and
Many thanks to UltimateCalibur who researched monster drops and the Whack-a
Mole game as well as finding the elusive Copper Bar AND the secret Big Sale
trader shop in Santa Poco, details about Euro and many more things.
Special thanks to MAV who gave me permission to use his maps, more information
about the Metal Detector, soldier recruit levels, another Metal Detector find
of the SMG Grenade and a neat slot modifcation for the Van as well as many
other contribtions that are too many to list in full.
Thank you to kiryen who translated instructions for getting the Lipstick which
has resulted this update.
Also thanks to all the people who post questions and answers on the MMR
message board.
Thank you to Shotgunnova for the ASCII template.
Thanks to Sashanan, who solved my problems with formatting for that first FAQ,
and is playing MMR despite his backlog.
And thank you to DarkLazarus for noticing pink tanks and appreciating back
Further Information
Just a note to say that if you can read Japanese or have access to a decent
translator you could take a look at the Metal Maniax website which is a mine
of information about all the Metal Max/Saga games.

4. Legal Bit
-----------This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site other than or otherwise distributed publicly. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.
This FAQ is copyrighted by threetimes on 27th May 2008. Updated: October 2010.
---------5. Contact
---------Any errors or omissions are all my fault, so if you can help correct them or
add anything extra that might be useful please let me know. Emails must be
titled METAL MAX RETURNS FAQ and can be sent to me at:
threetimes.ajh (use the abbreviation @)
------------6. Donations
------------o--------------------------------- DONATIONS ---------------------------------o
| This was a request for donations to the Saikyo Mog cancer fund. Saikyo is a |
| long time friend and contributor to GameFAQs and last year he underwent
| emergency treatment for colon cancer, followed by 6 months of chemotherapy, |
| resulting in a huge medical bill.
| Fortunately, Saikyo's chemotherapy has ended. He is recovering and no longer|
| needs donations so badly after a community care programme paid the largest |
| his bills. Many thanks to those who donated money, which helped towards
| paying for his emergency treatment, and he was most grateful for your kind |
| messages of support and concern during this difficult time.
| * Donate by Paypal to this account:-

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