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PHED 239/639

PST Worksheet

NAME: Arianna Flagg

DATE: 12/15/16

STANDARD 1: Curriculum, Planning and Assessment standard

INDICATOR (a): Knows the subject matter well, has a good grasp of child development
and how students learn, and designs effective and rigorous standards-based units of
instruction consisting of well-structured lessons with measurable outcomes.

1. Student assessment from lesson #4.
Traditional assessment that quizzes the students on the content they have learned.

2. LP from lesson #3
Lesson plan includes developmentally appropriate activities that can measure student
DISCUSSION: (justify how each piece of evidence supported the standard)
1. The traditional assessment assessed the students on what skills they
learned throughout the entire class time. This assessment was in form of a quiz,
so their answers were cognitive based. This is important so the students know
how to apply the different skills learned when they are actually playing and further
develop their basketball IQ.
2. LP #3 provided good clear instruction and fun activities that got the students engaged.
There were activities that measured student success because they had to hit a certain
target on the ping pong table, so it was measureable whether they hit the spot or not.
PHED 239/639
PST Worksheet

NAME: Arianna Flagg

DATE: 12/15/16

STANDARD 2: Teaching All Students standard

INDICATOR (b): Learning Environment indicator: Creates and maintains a safe and
collaborative learning environment that values diversity and motivates students to take
academic risks, challenge themselves, and claim ownership of their learning.

1. Student survey from lesson #4
Survey includes student's thoughts on whether the teacher (me) provided a safe learning
environment for the students.

2. Video evidence from lesson #3

This video provides an example of the teacher addressing safety in the classroom and providing
a positive and safe learning atmosphere for all students.
DISCUSSION: (justify how each piece of evidence supported the standard)
1. This survey is very practical in identifying whether the students thought
the teacher provided a safe learning environment. This survey provided reliable
feedback on the students thoughts about the teachers presence and how they did
their job in the classroom.

2. The video of the teaching shows evidence of the teacher going over the safety in the
gymnasium and providing a safe learning environment for all students. There was limited
equipment in a small space but everything worked out and the students were on task and
engaged safely for the majority of the class.

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