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Anaya M.

Baker su HubPages
Love at First Sight in Medieval Romance4 years ago
Examines the role of the "look" or the "gaze in medieval romance. Discusses concepts within these
texts including love at first sight, madness of love, love as divine providence, and love as an elite...
Common Features of the Pre-Battle Speech: From Twelfth Century King Arthur to Mel Gibson in
Braveheart4 years ago
Examines common elements of the pre-battle speech, as well as discussing one of the earliest battle
speeches in literature, from Geoffrey of Monmouth in the 12th century. This speech was supposedly
spoken by King...
The Women of Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach5 years ago
Overview and plot summary of Wolfram von Eschenbach's medieval text Parzival. Also examines the
roles and significance of two of the strongest female characters in the work, Belacane and
Metafiction or the Self-Conscious Narrative4 months ago
Metafiction is a narrative technique in which the author self-consciously calls attention to the work
as a fiction through various devices. Article includes explanation of metafiction techniques, wellknown works, and...
Canterbury Tales as an Estates Satire4 months ago
Discusses the element of estates satire in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Provides information and
examples for each of the three estates.
Alliterative Verse in English Literature5 years ago
Explanation of the form, usage, and conventions of alliterative verse, commonly found in Old English
Symbolism of the Pentangle in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight2 months ago
Explores the symbolism of the pentangle in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, including discussion of
the chivalric code and religious aspects of the Arthurian legend.
The Dream of the Rood: Incorporating Heroic Elements in Old English Christian Poetry2 months ago
Analysis of the Old English poem "The Dream of the Rood," which examines the pre-Christian
German Heroic elements present in the poem, as well as providing a speculative hypothesis as to the
intended purpose...
Overview of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe5 years ago

An overview of Christopher Marlowe's play the Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, in which Faustus
sells his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge, wealth and power. Examines the events leading
to the demise of...
Wall Street Journal College Rankings: The Full List and Rating Criteria5 years ago
Complete list of the Wall Street Journal's Top 50 Feeder Colleges, including ranking criteria and
The Omniscient Narrator in Bel Canto by Ann Patchett5 years ago
Explores the relationship between the contrasting theme of alienation and human connection in
contemporary fiction through a discussion of Ann Patchett's novel Bel Canto.
First Person Narration in White Noise by Don DeLillo5 years ago
Analysis of Don DeLillo's apocalyptic novel White Noise, which tackles a world in which the constant
drone of technology, media, and consumerism have taken over. Discusses the use of first person
narration in navigating...
The Omnicient Narrator in Beloved by Toni Morrison4 weeks ago
Discusses how Toni Morrison uses point of view to address the complexities of alienation and
madness in the novel Beloved.
Alienation in Modern Fiction: Introduction to the Theme and Relevance of POV5 years ago
The theme of alienation has become increasingly popular in modern fiction, but tackling the subject
can pose challenges to the writer.
Biography of Chilean "Anti-Poet" Nicanor Parra5 years ago
Biography of the Chilean poet and physicist Nicanor Parra. Parra is often compared to the American
beat poets, and sought to make poetry accessible to a wider population.
The Role of Women in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight5 years ago
Explores the role of women in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, a classic Arthurian epic poem from
the Middle Ages. Compares the depiction of women to earlier Old English epic poetry, using the
classic text Beowulf as an...
Christian and Heroic Elements of the Old English Poem "The Wanderer"5 years ago
Scholars often debate whether The Old English poem "The Wanderer" is a Christian text or an
example of pre-Christian Germanic Heroism. Some critics believe that the poem was based on an
earlier, secular...
Worst Love Poem You Ever Read5 years ago
The worst love poem I could manage to come up with. Feel free to share your own most terrible love

Alfred the Great's Preface to Pastoral Care5 years ago

Alfred the Great translated Pastoral Care three centuries after it was written by Pope Gregory I. He
added a preface to the translation, which ha come to be regarded as more important to scholarship
than the actual...
Common Features of Old English Literature5 years ago
Overview and explanation of some specific features of Old English literature that are not generally
found in later works.

Poetry of the Holocaust: Writing After Auschwitz5 years ago

Examines common themes and motifs in poetry addressing the horrors of the Holocaust. Addresses
the changing role of poetry in the wake of massive genocide, and the question of how the artist can
continue to create.
Poetry Analysis: "Punishments" by Rafael Alberti5 years ago
Analysis of the poem "Punishments" by Spanish civil war poet Rafael Alberti. Close reading and
explication of word usage and imagery, as well as discussion of major themes such as temporal
dislocation, trauma,...
Analysis of "Early Noon" by Ingeborg Bachmann5 years ago
Analysis of Ingeborg Bachman's post-war poem "Early Noon." Bachmann was an Austrian poet who
used her work to criticize the events of the war and the Nazi regime. Themes in this work include
the possibility of...
The Generation of '27: A Revolution of Poets5 years ago
Article about the Generation of '27, a group of poets who gathered in Spain in the era before the
Spanish Civil War. The poets were interested in avante garde poetry and contributed heavily to a
growing cultural...
Understanding the Poem Cycle "Requiem" by Anna Akhmatova7 months ago
Explanation and analysis of Anna Akhmatova's poem cycle "Requiem," including overviews of the
major groupings, trends, and overall themes.
Symbiotic Love in "The Hitchhiking Game" by Milan Kundera2 weeks ago
Article applies Erich Fromm's theory of immature love to the characters and events in Milan
Kundera's short story The Hitchhiking Game, in which a young couple play a psychologically
dangerous game in which each become...
Literary Analysis: Love Medicine by Louise Erdrich5 years ago
Louise Erdrich's novel Love Medicine is a contemporary tale of fictional Native Americans living on

the Ojibwa reservation. While the story is a compelling read in terms of entertainment value, Erdrich
manages to...
Social Issues in Modern Reservation Life: Analysis of Sherman Alexie's "The Lone Ranger and
Tonto..." - Part One5 years ago
Two part series analyzing Sherman Alexie's short story collection "Tonto and the Lone Ranger
Fistfight in Heaven." This installment focuses on Alexie's depiction of issues within contemporary
reservation life.
The Importance of Story: Alexie's The Lone Ranger and Tonto... - Part Two5 years ago
Two part series analyzing Sherman Alexie's short story collection "Tonto and the Lone Ranger
Fistfight in Heaven." This installment focuses on Alexie's exploration of the role of the storyteller
and the debate...
The Anti-hero in 3:10 to Yuma and Unforgiven: Even Bad Men Can Love5 years ago
If there's one thing that movie-goers seem to love more than a good hero, it's a great anti-hero. What
is it about these tortured, conflicted, and often morally bankrupt good/bad guys that we love so
muchh Tackles the...
The Gettier Problem: Disproving Plato's Theory of Knowledge5 years ago
n ancient times, Plato developed a theory on knowledge which claimed that knowledge is made up of
justified true belief. Plato's argument was generally accepted by the philosophic community until
1963, when Edmund...
Plato on Knowledge: Understanding Justified True Belief5 years ago
Explains Plato's Theory of Knowledge, where knowledge equals justified true belief. Uses a unique
and examples to illustrate the concept in an easy to understand manner.
Why Real Men Wear Aprons: Defining Gender Roles in the 21st Century5 years ago
One writer's reflections on how gender roles have changed in the 21st century-- or have they, reallyh
Identity in Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf5 years ago
Article analyzing Virginia Woolf's novel Mrs. Dalloway, specifically her exploration of the themes of
identity, understanding the nature of self, and whether it is every really possible to know another
Love or Compatibility - What's More Important to a Marriageh5 weeks ago
Musings on the age old question, what's more important for a good relationship, love or
Variations on "Beauty and the Beast" From Around the World4 months ago
Explores variations on the popular fairy tale Beauty and the Beast. Explores the origins of the classic

story most people are familiar with, as well as version found in Greek mythology, cultures such as
Scandinavia, and...
Literary Analysis: Great Falls by Richard Ford (Short Story)7 months ago
Analysis of the short story Great Falls by Richard Ford. Discusses major metaphors of light and dark,
as well as Ford's exploration themes such as rites of passage, the loss of innocence, and the
discovery of self.
Simple But Sensational Thanksgiving Cocktails and Mixed Drinks5 years ago
Spectacular Thanksgiving cocktail and punch recipes that are easy to make and don't require a lot of
expensive and hard-to-find ingredients.
My Fascination With Exile Literature6 years ago
Some thoughts on why the theme of exile seems to hold a universal fascination for both authors and
readers alike. Exile as a part of the human experience, and as a universal theme.
Knowledge as Vice and Virtue in Everyman and Doctor Faustus5 years ago
Comparison of the ways the concept of knowledge is presented in Marlowe's Dr. Faustus compared
with the morality play Everyman. Explores the treatment of good and evil, greed, sin, and the
possibility for redemption in...
Quotes About Being In Exile5 years ago
List of great quotes on exile, by exiles, and about why exile is an inherent part of the human
Top 10 Sexiest Women of CBS's Survivor (With Pictures)8 months ago
Top ten sexiest women of CBS reality show Survivor, includes photos, show history, and brief bios.
Understanding "Notebook of a Return to the Native Land" by Aime Cesaire5 months ago
Overview and discussion of themes in Aime Cesaire's best-known poem Notebook of a Return to the
Native Land. Also includes background information on the author himself, as well as the concept of
The True Story Behind The Movie District 94 weeks ago
Many viewers will be surprised to know that Peter Jackman and Neill Blomkamp's sci-fi hit District 9
is actually based on real events. The movie is a mock documentary following the relocation process
of a group of...
Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)7 months ago
Article focuses on easy ways to treat or relieve urinary tract infection at home. Includes signs and
symptoms of bladder infections as well as advice on when to see the doctor.

Erich Fromm's Theory of Mature Love2 months ago

An overview of Erich Fromm's philosophies on love and relationships. Fromm distinguishes between
mature love, and immature, or symbiotic relationships, in which the individual person becomes lost
to the needs of the...
Ubi-Sunt Poetic Verse in Beowulf and The Wanderer5 years ago
Examines and explains the ubi sunt form of poetic verse in Old English poetry using the Lament of
the Last Survivor from Beowulf and The Wanderer. Analyzes the form and function of this verse
form, as well as its...
Home Remedies for Sinus Infections5 years ago
Relieve the pain and discomfort of a sinus headache or sinus infection with these simple home
Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey: A Difficult Man In a Beautiful Wilderness5 years ago
Edward Abbey's "Desert Solitaire" is a controversial work of environmental writing. Abbey details
his time spent in solitude in Arches National Park, all the while complaining bitterly of the tourism
Analysis of "The Flea" by John Donne: The Raciest 17th Century Poem You'll Ever Read5 years ago
John Donne's poem "The Flea" is probably sexiest 17th century poem you will ever read. It could be
considered the first poetic instance of a young man using a ridiculous argument to try to convince
The Role of Science in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley2 months ago
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein examines the pursuit of knowledge within the industrial age, shining a
spotlight on the ethical, moral, and religious implications of science. Did the scientist go too far in
Characteristics of Magical Realism: One Hundred Years of Solitude and Spirits in the House5 years
Magical realism is a genre best described as a blend of realism and fantasy. Unlike works of pure
fantasy, in magical realism the supernatural exists side by side with a very realistic world.

What Readers of Wide Sargasso Sea Should Know About Jane Eyre5 years ago
While readers of Wide Sargasso Sea need not have read Bronte's classic to enjoy the novel, a bit of
background knowledge on Jane Eyre can be useful in il sito fully understanding and appreciating the
context and themes at work...
Major Themes in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley4 years ago
Frankenstein is often considered a horror story due to its representation in film, yet the novel
written by Mary Shelley is more tragic than horrific, and filled with philosophic, cultural, and
Dehumanization Themes in Fools Crow by James Welch (Review)4 years ago
Fools Crow, by James Welch, excels in its honest and realistic portrayal of Native American life and
culture during the period of initial westward expansion. Native Americans play a prominent role in
the literature of...

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