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Cub Run ES Practicum 4, 5, and 6

Mrs. Sager was obligated to attend an appointment and there was a sub the entire day. I
came in unknowing of these plans and had an interesting experience observing/leading
with the substitute.
First, classroom procedures/habits are critical in establishing a productive environment
and maintaining order (especially when it is a Friday with early release). Kindergarteners
were THRILLED to have us there, but unwilling to open up and sing (the males, mostly).
There was little to do besides a dress rehearsal of their upcoming concert comprised of
a piece I did not know and movements to traditional holiday jingles I also did not know.
Gathering student leaders to demonstrate was tough in the kindergarten class, and
especially not having a clear grasp on the concert or desired outcomes was a challenge.
To help the substitute, I stayed for the next two classes. The experience in front of a large
number of students was a confidence-builder, and the age group really changed my
perspective of my strengths/weaknesses. The 3rd graders were extraordinary. Our first
student leader was exceptional, motivated, and did a great job exemplifying the pieces in
voice and gesture. I was more able to relate to their experiences, and knew we had the
time/ability to perfect something, do another repetition for a more delicate section, etc. I
was most surprised by their lack of awareness for concert/performance etiquette. There
were a lot of variables that happened today which could have caused these odd
behaviors, but even after I questioned them about what behaviors they have seen or done
at concerts they were underwhelmed.
Finally, the 1st grade class was an even mix between kindergarten and 3rd grade students,
but was more comfortable as I had already been around and interacting with the students
and space for two classes now. I noticed a lot of errant behavior and realized that my
desire to call out those behaving poorly upsets the positive cadence of the lesson, and
does not influence student behavior. I learned to be patient, set forth more guidelines for
how to interact, and reinforce those who are obliging while not dragging them or the
lesson down with a more poorly behaved student. To counteract distracting behavior, I
chose those students to lead the class (when questioned they also volunteered) in song or
This elementary practicum has helped me understand how far I have come since I was
new to even learning. I have greater appreciation for the need for experiences, patience,
and intensely scrutinized lesson plans that revolve around student meaning, behavior, and
life-long interaction.

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