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Our team has selected and attending political events related to the minutes of the
meeting on the establishment in the village of SRS and KRT Meranek. On 22/11/2011 we had
attended a meeting of the SRS (Skim Rondaan Sukarelawan) which is located in the Village
Centre Building Rukun Meranek Kota Samarahan. We came to carry out political tasks in a
well-received by residents of Kampung Meranek. This meeting begins at 8 pm until 12 pm, it
involves all the volunteers in the village Meranek members. Greetings from leader of
Commission Meeting, the En.Aziz b Hj Mohammad. He would like to thanks our group and
also in applying its meeting of members involved for wanting to attend the meeting. He
explains a bit about the village Meranek SRS and SRS date of the establishment that exists in
the village Meranek, SRS at village of Meranek was established in two years that began in
The purpose of this SRS is to help set up police work to reduce crime in the village
this Meranek. Establishment of SRS is the encouragement and a suggestion of the police to
help his side to reduce the crime rate is more widespread in the Samarahan. What we find
here, that the police play an important role in the establishment of this SRS.
According to what I learned in political science, politics is the process and how to
make the decision to a group. Although it is commonly used to refer to the government,
political behavior can also be found in corporate, academic, religious, and other institutions.
This can be seen through the division of powers conferred by En.aziz to its members.
Authority is authority confirmed that the power has an absolute right. En.Aziz legitimate
authorized by the consent of the villagers and he was appointed as Neighbourhood Meraneks
leader this village. What can be presented here in this meeting, leader can tasks to its
members fairly and equally.

Objective of the meeting was to;

1. Update info on the activities of the committee members SRS (Neighbourhood Scheme)
during the month of October 2011.
2. Allocation of duties to members of the SRS committee (Volunteer Patrol Scheme)
3. The discussion of the problems that occurred in the Samarahan
4. Report of the periodic table is divided into groups among the committee members SRS
5. Discusses how to reduce crime in the village and district Meranek Samarahan
6. To provide opportunities for members and villagers to give suggestions and problems faced
in the village Meranek during the meeting.
7. Discuss the different agendas that are not highlighted.
8. Hope Mr Aziz as Chief Village Neighbourhood Meranek the SRS committee members to
help the police to reduce crime problem is more widespread in the Samarahan so as not to
spread in the village Meranek.


First of all, the meeting start with SRS committee chairman suggest about the
information receive from police office about the crime rate around Kota Samarahan. First
action, the committee chairman ordered the member of the committee to set up operation
room immediately to curb the problem. The chairman distribute roster to committee members
for performing their duties with ease. However, there are several members did not satisfied
with the roster. The roster does not fit their daily routines. However, the chairman decision is
final. This is because, the chairman has absolute power and all committee members should
comply with the decision. This situation shows the definition of power. The capacity of an
individual, or group of individuals, to modify the conduct of other individuals or groups in
the manner in which he (the power holder) desires.
Others than that, the chairman ask the secretary to present annual report for year
2010. The core of this report presentation is from the early establishment of the SRS
committee, the village situation I not very peaceful because of many social problems occurs.
However, after the establishment of the SRS committee, the social problems decrease to a
secured level. There are only 20 percent social problem occurs in the village. Besides that, the
used of programmed book effect to the members behaviors and the patrol group which lead
by the Tn. Hj Kipriwi b. Mahadi achieve the best attendance that is 90 percent.
Another issues discussed is about the SRS committee plan for year 2011. Firstly, the
plan is about organization of a course about the exposure on light, heavy and narcotic crime
and about the drug abuse and current crimes. According to the chairman, the organization of
the course is to educate the villagers about the crimes and how to avoid it. Another plan
introduced is to increase the laws enforcement. Every member must attend to complete their

duty according to schedule and the members will be punished if they fail to complete their
duty. However, there are exceptions from punishment if they can come up with good reasons.
This situation shows coercive power. Coercion is the use of threat of severe sanctions by
some people against others whose will the power-holders seek to control. The object must
obey or else something bad will happen to him or her. Other than that, operation room will be
moved to the KRT hall. This is to accommodate the management. Bigger space needed for
better management. The equipment for patrolling also will be provided and added from time
to time.
During the meeting, the chairman also asks some opinions and comments from
committee members for improvements. This situation resembles that this meeting have the
element of democracy. Every member has their right to voice out opinions and thoughts.
Here, our group can see that the club lead a democratic ideology and all the group member
voices is heard because they have the freedom to express their standpoint on what to agree on
and what to disagree. Firstly, Tn. Hj. Taha b. Seman suggests to the committee members to
determine the target such as those who are engaged in drunkenness and fighting. Next, En.
Kassim b. Hj Saini suggests focusing more on the young peoples that are starting to get stuck
in a social problem. According En.Kassim, they need to be taken seriously because they
contribute high percentage in domestic crime. Lastly, the chairman asks the members to
record any event of fight in SRS record book. The record must include the date and time, the
name of fighters, and the weapons used.

The team stressed that the council meeting, political event because there are elements
associated with politics as the use of 'power'. 'Power' is a the capacity of an individual, a
group of individuasl, to modify the conduct of other individuals or groups in the manner in
which he (the power holder) desire. In the meeting, use the "power" obvious from the method
used by Mr Aziz to conduct his own power as the Village Neighbourhood Meranek and gives
the instructions in the meeting. For example, Mr. Aziz used the power he possessed in the
committee to direct all members to comply with all instructions to execute the task on



Based on the event, we can reflect that the following events as a political event. This
is because, the event is meant to be associated with "power" and there was a division to
ensure all decisions made by the agreed public discussion. The word 'politics' is derived from
the Greek word,' Polis'yang means city. According to the dictionary Bahasa Dictionary
(1993), which defines politics as the science that deals with all forms of organization, design,
and administration of the country or part of the rules that connect with other states.
In fact, the 'Power' is considered as an advantage or the ability of an individual or a
group of individuals to change the actions and behavior of other individuals in any way
desired. Individuals who had the 'power' in the event were Mr. Aziz, who is the Head of
Village and Neighbourhood chief in the village Meranek. Mr. Aziz to use the powers
available to him to direct a number of Committee members of the Volunteer Patrol Scheme
(SRS) to gather in a group to help oversee the organization as required by him, such as
patrolling, patrolling the area designated to control and protect the village. Mr. Aziz to ensure
that members involved in the Volunteer Patrol Scheme is compliant and obedient to every
command and the assignment. Seem a large number of members involved agreed to
directions given by Mr Aziz. This is important because each member of the SRS should play
the role assigned to the fullest extent possible so that all plans and activities can be carried
out smoothly in a strong cooperation.

Form of legitimacy can also be seen through organizational bureaus are under the
implementation of events. 'Legitimacy' is a legislative body that cannot be questioned
because it has the power under the law. Some of the activities contained in the
Neighbourhood Implementation bureau certified by the laws of the SRS member involved
may impose restrictions in the vicinity of roads in the village. It is intended to control and
observe every movement of a car or motorcycle in and out of the village in a controlled and
periodic Meranek. SRS Committee members have the power to do the interrogation, such as
imposing restrictions and ordered an individual for questioning questionnaire.
The credibility of each member of the SRS has been filtered and execute each activity
referred to the District Police Office. In fact, the close relationship between the SRS is
supported by the authorities screening as REAL, Islamic Religious Department, Social
Welfare Department has further strengthened this Implementation in a more systematic and
orderly manner.


After attending a meeting of the integrated operation of the division of the labor by Mr Aziz
as Chief Rukun Tetangga Meranek Village we think that the meeting went well and the
objectives of the SRS in the allocation of duties to patrol the village can be achieved with the
cooperation of the SRS committee members. This is because the result of the influence of
leader belongs to Mr. Aziz bin Mohammad in which orders are complied with by members
of other SRS.

However, while attending the meeting, we found that there are some problems that occurred
during the meeting by members of the committee. During the meeting in progress, there are
several members who do not focus on the meeting. They were seen talking about their
personal matters while others pay attention to the meeting. This shows us that not all
members to give full attention to the meeting.
There is also a member present only remain silent and not to respond or response, and less
active during the last meeting. We say that the member is less active because he had kept
silent and not directly in decision making that night. They just come and listen to find out the
duties to be received.

There is also a member of a joke that seems give less attention at the meeting. We conclude
that they are less disciplined than other members. Although not a formal meeting, they should
show respect to superiors and work together for the good ideas of their village as well.

In addition, there are also members cooperate fully in the meeting and praised by our attitude.
Members are not bashful to share opinions and to receive input from others. Each task is well
received by all members without objection.

In conclusion, the meeting went well, achieving its objectives, and results of a consensus can
be given. However, there is room to be upgrade in conducting the meeting.


Our conclusion that can be described through the SRS meeting in the Meranek Village
headed by Mr Aziz bin Mohammad as the leader of Rukun Tetangga on 22 November 2011
is an issue related to the assignment of our group as a political event. Referring to the meeting
held on the night on the distribution of integrated operational tasks to members of the SRS
committee, it is clear that the meetings cover a variety of political concepts we've learned as
Power, Authority and Legitimacy, and many more . From the results of the meeting we can
conclude that the use of power by Mr Aziz as head of the meeting that night is required to run
the entire program is required by all parties, particularly among members of the SRS and the
Meranek villagers to make a decision about distribution of operational tasks integrated into
the SRS committee members. This can be within the scope of politics as the politics of power
connector, for example, Mr. Aziz obtained the power of the SRS committee. Power relations
are important to solve the problem if there is disagreement among the committee members.
Accordingly, the decision made by Mr Aziz, who has lawful authority to influence the SRS
committee members to do their jobs not only for self but also for the benefit of the villagers
Meranek. With the integrated operating division of tasks carried out by Mr Aziz in the village
Meranek closely with the District Police Office Samarahan, RELA, the Department of
Islamic and Social Welfare Department can reduce the frequency of occurrence of crime in
the village environment.


Mohd Faisal Syam B Abdol Hazis, 2010. Lecture Notes, SSF 1053, Introduction To
Political Event. University Malaysia Sarawak, unpublished.
Bahagian Pembangunan Komuniti, Jabatan Perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional
Kementerian Perpaduan, Kebudayaan, Kesenian & Warisan. Buku Panduan Skim
Rondaan Sukarela.

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