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Comments on improving how the website looks:

1. Group items of the list on the left

a. Make each category of items larger
b. Each category of items will lead to a page or list of sub-items
2. Put a calendar on the main page showing important deadlines
a. Or put a list of upcoming events/deadlines
3. Collect all forms and place them in one page under different
categories, e.g. General forms, graduate records, graduate admission,
requirements and policies, etc.
a. We can also put them in a table with columns: code, title,
description, due date, where to submit.
b. For example:

The University of New Mexico

Missing information that might be helpful to

1. No journal requirement for dissertation
a. Which journals are preferable to the university
b. Which journals are blacklisted?
2. No outcomes of defense specified
a. What happens after the defense?
b. What are the possible outcomes?

c. What are the consequences of the outcomes? (in terms of time

for instance)
3. Maybe make a guide booklet? Something the student can always go
back and refer to, in order to know more about a step/process.
a. A Thesis/Dissertation Handbook and a Masters Project Handbook

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