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Hodeed Ahamed ch We. Geen THON E 42. ep Bi Bese E- Circuits. 320~ A pure inductonce ot Lz o-olh pesses QO corcent 2 Seog Joool - Whet (6 The voltege AcrosK The element: selz i. SS Le salh a 5 eek Poot Sy = t V2 © Sifar = ood yt Sesh Gasol 0 oy = oe eS x Deseo % - 5" 2oooT - — loo sin Jooo = jew cod: Cost a4é) Ans . Saks A pure Copecitence ot C = dept pases Vt Dein Yooo!w - Find the voltoye a Cutcent acess rhe element. gol Cz Bouts! F t= 12 sin Poook Net 4 fiat a = 12_ (0s) 2ooo lk Box § its = —2ooces Zeoot ~ . oe Seeet =. Se) BD: On a Series creevit OF RSH ow Lob Vhe volTeqe across the irduckence fis NL> \S sin 2ook - Find Polal voltages Curcent, The omale by which a Leas Np ond meognitude of the impedonce. sl Qe Sa Lz o-06h Ni > §> qin Zoot L di = 15 sin 200k at Atl ee oe Bok = 2oe es See Jr 0:06 XT 2-239 cos Zook 2 oo = = 27s: cee Joot vot bes ern (rect - 9°) i te seme For KR os Fa dias etal erates eieowl « Maz tr 2 Sx 425 = Asin Jol cos} + Acos Zoot sin ¢2 Caw secbns: ens OQ eke ot ', Aces & =1S A sin b= - 62S nz asy+lersy = 16-25 fod = Oee St. Ree 1s —- gg = 22.619" ne Wee si C20at - 22.6") g = tee = (6+ (2eone = 763 New > 13 2 a alin Ans =—— BIB An some Serses circuit &S Pb 3:22. The NsWeae across The fecistonce IS Noe 1S gin Pook - Find Neo the coccents ona le vt Baas Na end meanitude of Impedence. by which gels Vaz \S din 2oot Rise qq 27 st db =t et eo hg Te be See Sy Se Sant ie s Yost = sot J Cas 2o Fy L = = 8 im ° dt (se Fa a ee = 66 ¢as ook No Me 4M, = -)5 ¢in Zoo¥ *# BE cos Book — A sin (Boss §) = Aaa Look coe o 2 A cos oot svn Asin d = 36 A co ® IS = 3 = Bete ron = BE = ? 267-4" nz \Gornesy = 39 tie 2 ok Tas Crook + 67-38") = Naw s oy = 1a Z =~ Han /s ol eS 32b6- A secses Circuit cf two pevre Rlewents following applied No We ge ond Nog & elements Comps ising resulting Whe ciccuil: Np 2 BSS in (Boel +45°) oT ellen IC seok sn) Nqge 253 590 Seest 4 ue") = gs ain CBeet = BS eee, we see thet cutcenh laos as -\ = Sor vl\Taye \ Pa Hum ete cuscenh. Find oe ¥ Yhe “ay = Mm - : = 7 255 = $o =f) Iam a-s Zz N peru} Also, ze faa ee . Ven&es oe z= 115472 @ Som oO | Q Zo = 1-154 R = Es a5-493 3 764 asta oS Fee (26) -195- ol = tS oul = oe 05 fh Zoo fae. pe AU ae pur ella eels: liipelt alee] =slisee coce Connected in Series WITH on epplied vol¥ege Nz los cos (2eoot 20°): Pte geome Ywo @lewents ore then Connected im porate) ith vhe Same eppked NolTeae . Find Volto) Current Lox each Commection - slr R= 2M c= BS ave” F Ns jes cas C2oseft “ge ¥ Sor secies aia 5 = Wes Cae = ya-444% Ao #2 de Iw 19-448 = le Im Im: 9-005 Amp- Rees Yeo Q= oy! = Js 2 Bike ta PAZ 2ooo | = 1-43 | => & 2 3509" : 2 Ses Yeos fay Geo), = 6-665 co (Zeck Be? for peratiel Combination ; i. 6 ve a Mic Tew (OHS Creoe f - 20°) & 7 ee ' : = 8-33 cos C2reoot aae ft = & &4/at = als x ios \oox Beant — gin (2oeel-24) = 6-26 sin Creooct - 20°) _b-2.sin(docot-24), ae oo iu F eee “Ug = 2B ess (tees Ts 2e?)eos & - Asin Crosat -2°) sinh A. sin = 626 » A cos f= 5 roe c Ce = 6 Pe 235 f= 56.92 a= NGe269 +835) = po 42 Uys [o-h2 Coo Cecot - 2% 36 42°) = 10-42 cos Crecet 416-42») est, BISe A series circuit OF Two gore elewents has Yhe Following o-pplied wolTane ond rese\ting coxcenl. Find elewents Comp rising Pre circuib. Sel Na = \op cat CBee - Sar y i vz 4.48 goat tasks SS" ) Corccent Boas vo\Pase oy 26-6 ee ifs on ete ciecail. ron, oe wl /e ben 2” a wh /R whe: oSF oO a pes Coty z eee 1 18ak& —Q) Also Z2= Wm = 1S 0 as 2y-48 Ae =e 4-48 ewe Q) od @ 4 ALeae BS 33-48 = Re #1 44 S don wr 2 es a2 ss bL: oS Ce) = 0 :0t48H. Zoo Ze B24: A resistor Of Be 2FSH ord ao Cepacitor of © ab6- tp ere in series: Phe copaciter Neltage —'S Ne to 688 oot. Fink the tetel Neo lKoqe Np 5 The ene by which Whe current Beods The voltage, od impedence qneqritude. rol Q-24-Sun es, gi Tule ¥ No 259 css \Seot 2 & gf. ctttun' = = cae Sool oe at i, 6 - © six Mee Aves Nez t& = ae) oe Woot) & yer SER re leeet Ny = Se cet Seok = 167-568 sin Nook Ne 2 A eS Cisoolt + ) coe a oot sin b a w= oh a = — 1S She A cosh >S$ 0 ben fh = (SF-S568 . 2.46 a 8 b = Fo-026 A= Nengpcu¥ses = aT “lp = Jhb-S? ees Cent + Fo-028 ) ten b= ae a nT ies eh Tate x 29S = 0368S => - = 19.944 = Ye /Tyn oe a et B2B> A vesister of R2SuU ord on Umbro Copeciter Ore tn Secies Phe volFage oc (oss \he resistor Wy Ng t 25 Gin Crovet +30) IF the Corcent Neots tke cpplied velbeqe by Geo whet fs the Urknewn Copecs tence Cr =S vt Na = 2S sin (2ccet ane) o° B29 A series Circuit of Lz 0-0Sh ord on untyrenn Copecibonce hos following ceptred Noltage ond resetting Cuccent. Find copeci tence icy ele =o. et ale L=o005 kh eat Nm zlos sin Soool i ° m2 2 61n CS oool t Jo ) CuccenY Lerdn Volbone mo ve Ocet Soool - ty OS hr 220% Soooh -Soo sin Sooo F Net ae be ar et Src0s Saoot AY e a. Late” Ary Gewe © Se c 4, ¢ Sip > Me hale’ Bir Soot = lee cit Som + Soo. sir aoe = a Lic oe = c= 0-667 ale" F c fe. Bor An RIC senes ciceuit hes & Cutcent cawch egy applied No \Toae by Be”, Vo lege CEOS the indectonce hon & mon: velue which We Yusice he mons Nolue of - a Neo\Yege across ee att a ie ta determine Nelue og L&C? gle noe Nu 2 2Ne Sf 2 be ie \oook - S sin(rooot 4 (8°) D=2or bz c = %, i eek ¢ = +. dr oo gin loool) = Lffcre gi toot) ar| ang a cos leootk = i % Bei= Jt ren Go 2 >= wi 7 Vise R _osiCees er) o-SF935 C wee | = Uf ae xtece) 20 + fame & = Sool Le wicca spre = += oo C2 Ac = oe L © 1823 a 86-A6 xo a 334: A series ciceuit Consisting ef Rs Sa BySt Leww2h Cr DepF hers a veorieble frequency Gimvsidel voltage cpplied. Find volves ft x) Soc which cuccent cy wild Le vo Woe by 45° bybe tm phase ()Leq by 45°. QS L=oe2k 6 Bo pt 3 Ss & joer —_- & wee ee w Sw tee we dee oe 2 25 + (0? wt al anh = -o t 3z-olb eo teG w 2 695 redfrec. (b) od a : oo ee oe rm Oo = we a * he = Von e ot ay ti = ue 5 d hus o Lereyins Tom hs ~ = wl 7 we R Ss = [PSs + pee uw a OL gate Gea = WeGoe =? we AES nod [nee y., = B-3B2> The two brench perelel ciccuid with ome bron ch of Re Sou od a Single unknown element in other bronch hor following coplied \sltage ond Yolral curcent. Eind onknoun ekment. molt Vz loo cos CS ost 145°) ee & 12 pin €)Seut #135") 7 Rg Son fae te os Cisool + ee ag ts = 2 G05 ¢ Goel 7 “7 Sot wen t ote eke OP other rs also resistor. ase Cigan t 749 a ae gs 0 = 1 oss Cio 445°) Vs Te + Thy Tepe le ceo Cisook HES) : : co S Cait loo z= = los cos (ise t + 4S") ie, =jo #2 _o BeBe Find Yotel corcentd Te the of perellel circuit LeaoSh of Cz -667p— vith om opptied velboqe N = loo sin Sooo t obs L<2-oS-h a 6 6ee et ye Jee 4 Sooo te : o ate 4 - il (w d+} +6 22 L iin fies gin Sooot dk 40-667 xle 69S = oF wae oe bem ee eet bb Peto & Doe ~ 9S Sooo 25000 (ess S8) saueh £05 Goosl + 9+ 3335 es5 Soss F va 1 so OOS ces Scool ois GES ofa (S000 t - 90) Aes Bdhy A vesisvor of Relon ord om of La o-reSh ove im due sve Inductor in Patealiel The cuccenl ty breach 0S £26 6m Closet Ls") tie BEE ee ied Qo] ented Fee eee Suds Gia |G at = o sae die NU ie dt zo-00s ap Soin Etech = 1a) = orooS *»S x 2000 xee9 C2ooe t - ae") = Gs cos (aanel - hee) Ye Nie = So Css Crocet -45°) le S & 6.6 Cicwa F -48 3 Uy 72 tle a giuldoost'- hg" 32S co® Caescat - 45°) Ym > A sin Ctevet = Go” + ) = A sin (2ove & -45°)eos & =~ A ceS (2oool - 4g *)sin p =v Asugprs, b Aes 25 ten G tt a F 245° A= J sretsy = le ¢ 7-oF4 see PTH ia Cont 48g, LZ. Bw A Pacalle\ circuit with one bronch oF B= 54 ond o& Single element tm evher bronch hans fallosing opplred volfege ond ‘bo Vel Cuccent, Find The umbyeun element. Unbrewn Sole pes te le co Cet FO SE S-8%Ces CSeh- 8-23") ae by 68 pre Up > Cec cent \aqs The volFaqe usbwens 2lenénk 8. tadeeton: pan G2 Va ben b= tft 2 bon 69.23% Mow Ws Ws | os oe Es 003% h. fav > Pa i BBR> Two pure e@lemnts Prlou naw eee \ve £ as a ae Connechivn have on Ved Volk Nz 150 C08 CSooot — 3°). Find Fobel are ~ Sle RBalon & = |copF W2lSo con CSooe 6-3") te & tg + ee oy Flenxle 6 ex fpo0(-sinGat-3) = 1S8 cos CSeoek le Lie bo samp 2 \— 7 © etl Meas Gs 5 = A cos Seoot - Bo + b) 4 ip coal Souk - ao Osher “she => Asin $275 : Aicos b 21S Ped) ome Pols 23 (Sooot -38 isin 4 A- Vestosy = 7648S re 2 7648S cos CS veel phe 485°) Ar — Sat A pure Copacifor ef Cu=SSpy. ts i* with — enother Single ciccuit element. resulting total cuccenl perallel ond tp = Nes Sin (Bock +72°4) of cpplied voltage ond V2 Ie sin Bove F ore respectively » Find other — @lement. nel: ce Seu & wae [Se Stn Bean F tp 2 [6S sin Cioool +724) curccent % Aeobing by 32-6 fe vo \Youe te RC circa: PAUSE lca I aa ton F2-4 — a> wel Re Ete -6 Zvooo z4E xle 2B An LC pecetlel Circuit hes on opplied Se cos CRovot + HS*) ond a Fotel NolVenye Nee curren t, = Bees (Qcook BUS"). Ob ig AYS0 that cuccent in SL lorench is S Fimes the | C breach, hnown areater Vhon the Current in Find OL one aa rT Sole We So cog Chovot $4” ) SWS sy— e ~ Z cos Cirsot - 45 “9 te = S te > t= + (ss cos CRooot $45 -Nar =. gmlbe. +, te tee TAGS”) L ta Cf. Se sae ( tneek SOY oF asi 2 dfonn Cain (teak +43 ) tin 2 fo ole é _ | eee C|sin Gorot 445°) i = oe Feeom aD on SS) idttes. - (Sane = oj — = ©) po EEE, L We ere given 2 Sue SS eee cK o + ol6bé he. be porting in Q S x \Geoos> -AS eee ¢ = 2 C 2B heed isi F o -oll6b = Sx IS vo00 *'3° 22 da ‘ Hodeed Ir

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