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Crystal McField

International College of the Cayman Islands

Courtship and Marriage

Homework Assignment #2
LECTURER: Tania Johnson
Date: October 23, 2016

The four family structures that I will identify, describe and explain are:Nuclear Family A nuclear family consist husband, wife their children or child. There
children can consist of biological off springs or adopted children which can also be called the
traditional family. This particular family structure offers emotional support, economic upbringing
and consumption as well as an affectionate atmosphere to raise children (Cox, 2014).
Extended family the extended family consists of at least two adults from dissimilar to
eras of a family, who share a family unit or household. It comprises of more than parents or
guardians and children; it can be a family that incorporates foster children, cousins, aunties,
uncles, and grandparents (Cox, 2014).
Single parent family this type of family structure consist of one parent and child more
commonly a mother and her child or children. There are instances of father and child or children
but it is not common (Cox, 2014).
Consensual family (cohabitation) consists of a man, woman, and children living
together and but are not legally married. This type of family structure can include a mother and
her partner living with her child or children or a man living with his partner (female) and
children (Cox, 2014).


Cox, F. D., & Demmitt, K. (2014). Human Intimacy Marriage, the family and it's meaning.
Cengage Learning.

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