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CrtaracTEr Pray | cst |RNG|Zon| sus |opT Rabid Animal OP - vy « ‘Target enemy model suffers [-4"/-4"] MOV and the poison condition. @ VILEswaRM CHARACTER TRAITS Noxious Death [ 3” Pulse ] When this model suffers the taken-out condition during the Activation Phase, all othermodels within the pulse suffer [3] DMG and the poison condition. Vindictive { Human} This model pays [1] less Influence to Charge when targeting an enemy model with the named Character Type. MOV | TAC |KICK| DEF |ARM | INF 678"| 4 |3/8"| 4+ | 0 | 2/4 CrtaracTEr Pray | cst |RNG|Zon| sus |opT Meditation OSS nya This model may reroll one or more dice during its next Kick during its activation. Unexpected Arrival @@ S rie x Enemy models within the pulse suffer a [4”] Push directly away from this model. CO OC Cx) C2) @ BonEsaw CHARACTER TRAITS Slippery During a Parting Blow that targets this model, this model gains (+1) DEF. Offensive Defense The first time this model scores a goal, this model gains [+1] DEF for the remainder of the game. Football Dervish When a friendly model receives a successful Pass from this model, the friendly model may immediately spend (1] MP to make a Pass that targets this model instead of making a Teamwork action. HERro!e Play Swift Wind When this model performs an Advance it may pass over other model's bases. lt cannot end its movement overlapping another model’s base. This model ignores the movement penalty while moving through rough-ground. Piert, Human, Male, @ CaskEer CHARACTER TRAITS Tough Hide Enemy Plays that cause damage to, or Playbook damage results that hit this model are reduced by [-1] DMG. Foul Odour { 3” Aura] Other models within the aura treat open-ground as rough-ground, Reanimate Once per turn when this model is reduced to [0] HP, before suffering the taken-out condition, recover [3] HP and remove all conditions. LEGENDARY PLAY Casket Time ‘The next time this model inflicts the taken-out condition on an enemy [Human] model, the friendly team scores an additional [+2] VPs. In addition, the model which suffered the taken-out condition may not return to the Pitch in the next Maintenance Phase. CrtaracTEr Pray | csr |RNG|Zon| sus |opT Ghostly Visage 1 4° AOE ye ye An enemy model suffers [-0"/-4"] MOV when it targets a friendly model within this ongoing- effect AOE with a Charge. The enemy model also suffers [-2] TAC for the duration of the Charge. Heavy Burden wee - VY¥ ‘Target enemy model suffers [-4"/-4"] MOV and [-2] to their dice-pool on Character Plays. Piert, Human, Male, Centre Back MOV | TAC |KICK| DEF |ARM | INF 719"| 4 |2/6"| 4+ | 0 | 2/2 CrtaracTEr Pray | cst |RNG|Zon| sus |opT Lure er8 3 x nya ‘Target enemy model immediately makes a Jog directly towards this model. The target enemy model is a friendly model during this action. Screeching Banshee @@ P - ¥ x ‘Target enemy model suffers [-1] DEF and [2] DMG. CC EC @CossEr CHARACTER TRAITS Crazy Once per turn during its activation, this model may suffer [3] DMG toigain [+3] TAC for the remainder of the turn. Furious This model may Charge without spending Influence. Assist [ Dirge ] When making an Attack against an enemy model engaged by the named model, this model gains [+1] TAC and [+1] DMG to Playbook damage results, Female, MOV) TAC | KICK] DEF |ARM| 1 8710) 2 | 1/4" | 5+ CrtaracTEr Pray | cst |RNG|Zon| sus |oPpT Singled Out @r-vyx Friendly models gain [+2] TAC against target enemy model. @ Dirce CHARACTER TRAITS Dark Doubts Ifthis model suffers the taken-out condition as a result of an enemy Attack or Play, the enemy. team suffers [-2] MP after resolving the Attack or Play, Follow Up When an enemy model ends an Advance that caused it to leave this model's melee zone, this model may immediately make a Jog directly towards that model. Flying When this model moves it ignores other models bases, terrain and ground, It cannot end its movement overlapping another base or barrier terrain. Skaldic, Animal, oe we Size 30mm MOV) TAC |KICK| DEF |ARM | INF 477"| 6 |1/6"| 3+ CrtaracTEr Pray | cst |RNG|Zon| sus |opT ‘The Unmasking 1S Pier ye All other models within the pulse suffer [4"] Push. directly away from this model and [3] DMG. @Gnuasr CHARACTER TRAITS Rising Anger The first time this model is damaged by an enemy model each turnythe friendly team gains [2] MP. Fear The first time each turn an enemy model spends Influence on an Attack, Charge or Character Play that targets this model, the cost of the Attack, Charge or Character Play is increased by [1] Influence. @ Graves CHARACTER TRAITS Damaged Target When this model declares a Charge against a damaged enemy model it gains [+0"/2"] MOV for the duration of the Charge. Crucial Artery When damaged by this model enemy models suffer the bleed condition. CrtaracTERr Pray | cst |RNG|Zon| sus |opT Scything Blow @P?P- xs x All models within this model's melee zone suffer [3] DMG. Tooled Up T 2 eS ee ‘Target friendly Guild model gains [+1] DMG to Character Plays that cause damage and Playbook damage results, Raed, Human, Male, Winger OsULUS Melee Zone 2” @ OsuLus CHARACTER TRAITS Shadow Like At the start of this model's activation it may make a [2"] Dodge. MOV) TAC |KICK| DEF 476" 2/6" | 4+ | 1 | 5/7 Unpredictable Movement Once per turn when an enemy model ends an/Advance in thismodel’s melee zone, this model may immediately make a [2"] Dodge. CHARACTER PLay | cst |RNG|ZoN| sus |oPT Confidence 1? Vy x ‘Target friendly model can reroll one or more dice during its next Attack or Character Play during its activation. Misdirection 2-78" > 3 ‘Target enemy model with at east [1] Influence loses [1] Influence. Immediately allocate [1] Influence to an other friendly Guild model within [4"] ofthis model. Puppet Master 28" Mace 7 ‘Target model immediately makes a Jog, Pass or Attack without spending Influence. Ifthe target model is an enemy model, it isa friendly model during this action, LEGENDaRY PLay Rigor Mortis: ‘The enemy team lose all current MP. The friendly team gains MP equal to the MP loss‘caused by this action. This Legendary Play does not last until the end of the tum. Figeon, Human, Male, Defensive Midfielder, © ® Captain Size 30mm @ScaLreL CHARACTER TRAITS Anatomical Precision During an Attack from this model enemy models suffer [-1] ARM. MOV) TAC |KICK| DEF 7719” 3/6" Slippery During a Parting Blow that targets this model, this model gains [+1] DEF. (CHARACTER PLaY | csT|RNG|ZON| sus |oPpT Tormented Agony @Pp-x x ‘Target enemy model with at least [1] Influence loses (1] Influence. Choose an enemy model within [10°] ofthis ‘model that has not yet activated this turn, that model is allocated (1] Influence. Second Wind 1, 4 ay, When target friendly model next ends an activation it may make a Jog. Wake the Dead eS 2 ‘Target friendly model gains Reanimate (Once per turn when this models reduced to (0) HP, before suffering the taken-out condition recover [3] HP and remove all conditions). Herotc Play Unnatural Stamina The next time this model uses Second Wind this turn it does so without spending Influence. LEGENDaRY PLay Voodoo Strings [ 8” Pulse } Enemy models within the pulse immediately suffer a {3"] Push directly towards this model. i OOO Captain @ SILENCE CHARACTER TRAITS Kick Support [ Dirge ] While within [4”] of the named friendly model this model gains [+1/#1"] KICK. HerotIc PLay Creation [ Dirge] Ifthe named friendly model is suffering the taken-out CHaracrer PLay |cst |Rnc|z0n| sus opr condition, remove the taken-out condition from the 7), |e aqanet named friendly model and place it in base contact with Tucked te ea Ys Ava this model with full HP. The named friendly model can IF target enemy model has not activated this turn, it HeGUMe as diana must be the next model the enemy team activates. Shutout 198) e& 7 oa Iftarget enemy model has not activated this turn, itmustbe the last model the enemy team activates. Fire Blast 2B ACES x All models hit suffer [2] DMG and the burning condition. Models entering or ending their activation in this ongoing-effect AOE suffer the burning condition. 000000000 Indar, Human, Mal eo Central Midfielder @ Graves CHARACTER TRAITS HeEro!c Play Packmaster [ Vileswarm ] Target friendly named model within [4") gains [+1] DMG to Playbook damage results, HeErorc PLay Creation [ Vileswarm } If the named friendly model is suffering the taken-out condition, remove the taken-out condition from the named friendly model and place it in base contact with this model with full HP. The named friendly model can_ activate as normal, CrtaracTEr Pray | cst |RNG|Zon| sus |opT Blood @r-x «x ‘Target enemy model suffers the bleed condition. Gravedigger 706 - Vv If target enemy model suffers the taken-out condition this turn, the friendly team gains an additional [+1] VP. Raed, Human, Male, Defensive Midfielder, Veteran

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