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The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific

Qadisiyah UniversityCollege of EngineeringDepartment of Chemical Engineering
4th stageLaboratoryOil Refining

Density &API

Abd Alameer

API gravity :

The American Petroleum

Institute gravity, or API gravity, is a
measure of how heavy or light
a petroleum liquid is compared to water: if
its API gravity is greater than 10, it is
lighter and floats on water; if less than 10,
.it is heavier and sinks
API gravity is thus an inverse measure of
a petroleum liquid's density relative to that
of water (also known as specific gravity). It
is used to compare densities of petroleum
liquids. For example, if one petroleum
liquid is less dense than another, it has a
a dimensionless quantity, see the formula
below, it is referred to as being in

'degrees'. API gravity is graduated in

degrees on a hydrometer instrument. API
gravity values of most petroleum liquids
.fall between 10 and 70 degrees


The density,
precisely, the volumetric mass density,
of a substance is its mass per unit volume.
The symbol most often used for density
is (the lower case Greek letter rho),
although the Latin letter D can also be
used. Mathematically, density is defined
.as mass divided by volume
Determining Density Using the Pycnometer
The pycnometer (from the Greek
puknos, meaning "density", also
called pyknometer or specific
gravity bottle), is a flask with a
close-fitting ground glass stopper

with a fine hole through it, so that a

given volume can be accurately
obtained. This enables the density of
a fluid to be measured accurately, by
reference to an appropriate working
fluid such as water or mercury, using
an analytical balance.

The Aim :
Determination of Specific Gravity,
and API Gravity for petroleum

-senstive balance

At first we took the emptied pyconmeter and
weigh it (M1). Then we filled the pyconmeter
with the sample that we wanted and weigh it
again (M2). (To yield the weight of the sample
we subtract M2 from M1.) The volume of the

pyconmeter that we used for kerosene was

5.305 ml and for diesel was 4.928ml.
After those steps we measure the the density
of fluid and API gravity and Specific
Gravity according to what we did in the lab.
API gravity = 141.5/S.G(at 15.6 C) 131.5
1 API gravity > 40 paraffinic (or light) based
crude oil
2 API gravity = 33-40 mixed (or intermediate)
based crude oil
API gravity < 33 napthenic ( asphaltic or 3
heavy)based crude

Wight of empty pycnometer= 20 g

Wight of fully pycnometer=64.272 g

W fully W empty =44.272 g
Volume of pycnometer= 50 cm^3
P= m/v = 44.272/50 = 0.885 g/cm^3
Sp.gv = pmat/pwater =0.885/1 = 0.885
API gravity = (141.5/ sp.gv ) 131.5
28.28 =

Wight of empty pycnometer= 20 g
Wight of fully pycnometer=68 g
W fully W empty =48 g
Volume of pycnometer= 50 cm^3
P= m/v = 48/50 = 0.96 g/cm^3
Sp.gv = pmat/pwater =0.96/1 = 0.96
API gravity = (141.5/ sp.gv ) 131.5
15.89 =

-API gravity value of crude oil is more
expensive and more effectual because its
contain more gasoline and it is the most
wanted product at the whole
World . The other advantage of API gravity
value that we can determine the sulphur
contain in crude oil , the higher value if API
gravity means the less contain of
sulfur , the high levels of sulfur contains can
be toxic and dangerous and can cause
. breathing hazards
the measurement before and after theaddition of crude oil in order to know the
wight of the crude oil
Molecule density of heat and pressure are affected, when stretched objects by
heat lose its power of attraction between
molecules and thus get bigger distances
between them and the frequent movement
of internal molecular expantion and when

it is compressed and shrink objects by

pressing gain strength attraction between
molecules (strong internal molecular)
(observed it in gases in particular), the
volumetric mass increases, so recorded
density is usually when the temperature

.and pressure measuring indices

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