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SCOLA, 21557 270th Street, McClelland, IA USA Email: Phone: (712) 566.2202 Fax: (7
12) 566.2502
SCOLA Insta-Class Arabic (Al-Jazeera) Page 2 of
5SCOLA Insta-Class Arabic (Al-Jazeera) Page 2 of
DATE: MAY 3, 2010
DATE: MAY 4, 2010
Greetings! The convention to revise the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was lau
nched today in New York. This session is being held
with hints of amending the treaty, which the Arabs have reservations about. The
observers questioned the success of this session, which
is being held after signing a new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (SART II) and
the Nuclear Security Summit that the White House hosted
last month.
"Put an end to the nuclear arms now." For the sake of this message those people
went out in New York streets on the eve of the city
hosting a convention to revise the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, with the pa
rticipation of representatives from one hundred and eighty-
nine countries. The convention will be in session until the end of the month. Bu
t the protesters' demands seem radical concerning the
agenda of the convention. It is held at regular intervals, every five years, to
discuss and review the progress the treaty has accomplished.
Although eradication of the nuclear arms is one of the convention goals, reality
dictates it to be an unattainable dream. What will transpire
is, Iran and its unclear dossier will be in the headlines of the events, in part
icular, because of the presence of Mahmud Ahmadinijad, the
only participating president in the convention. The Iranian President stated tha
t he came carrying Iranian suggestions to reform the treaty.
He stressed before his departure, Iran rejection of nuclear arms. "The greatest
danger that threatens the world security is the production
and stockpiling of nuclear arms. Unfortunately nothing was done to prevent the p
roliferation, however, some countries were refused the
right to possess the nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. Thus we will pres
ent suggestions to protect the world safety." But it seems
that the visit does not please the American Secretary of State. She considered i
t an attempt from Teheran to confound, as she called it, its
violation of the treaty. "I don't know what is he showing up for. Because the pu
rpose of the convention is to revise the Nuclear Non-
Proliferation Treaty and confirm the commitment of the international community t
o carry out the three goals; disarmament, nonproliferation,
peaceful use of the nuclear energy. I believe the Iranians came to draw away the
attention." Besides the Iranian nuclear
dossier, or rather seizing the opportunity, a new Arab attempt appeared to draw
the attention to Israel, which is immune on technicality,
since it did not sign from the start the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Egypt
presented a plan that is supported by the non-aligned states
to deem the Middle East a nuclear free zone. To include Iran and Israel. In addi
tion the Egyptian Ambassador at the United Nations
stressed that the reviewing session must deal with the two nuclear dossiers, the
Iranian and the Israeli at the same time."
Dr. Bashar Ja'afari, Permanent Delegate of Syria at the United Nations, joins us
from New York. Dr. Bashar, what are the Arab
reservations and remarks regarding the amendment suggested to the Nuclear Non-Pr
oliferation Treaty?
Good morning. Truthfully the Arab remarks relate mainly to preventing some nucle
ar states from interpreting some articles of the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty, in particular those related to Article Four that state
s the right of the states to use the nuclear energy for peaceful
purposes, and Article Ten that states withdrawing from the treaty if one of the
member-states found, it is in his interest as a political
strategy to do so. There is also the desire of some to replace the International
Atomic Energy Agency, which is essentially the one
concerned in executing the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, by the Security Cou
ncil. In other word[s], involve the Security Council in
matters of nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament, as an alternative
to the International Atomic Energy Agency. Also the
matter of adding or imposing an additional compulsory protocol as an alternative
to the agreement of comprehensive conventions of the
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The Arab block and the non-aligned states bloc
k took a strong position concerning all these very
sensitive questions since the 1995 convention.
Do these fears have any connection to the so-called Russian-American document th
at was presented to the Arab League as a condition of
a comprehensive disarmament of weapons of mass destruction on behalf of Israel,
against a comprehensive peace on behalf of the
SCOLA, 21557 270th Street, McClelland, IA USA Email: Phone: (712) 566.2202 Fax: (7
12) 566.2502
SCOLA Insta-Class Arabic (Al-Jazeera) Page 3 of
5SCOLA Insta-Class Arabic (Al-Jazeera) Page 3 of
Arabs? As well as other conditions?
SCOLA, 21557 270th Street, McClelland, IA USA Email: Phone: (712) 566.2202 Fax: (7
12) 566.2502
SCOLA Insta-Class Arabic (Al-Jazeera) Page 4 of
5SCOLA Insta-Class Arabic (Al-Jazeera) Page 4 of
:...... .. ........ ....... .... :Q1
?What are the reasons for holding a convention in New York ........ .. ....... .
..... ..... .. ..
....... ...... ...... ... ....... ....... ........ ...... .... .. .. :Q3?What is
the position of the Iranian President regarding the Nuclear Non-Proliferation T
...... ...... ...... ...... ....... .... :Q4.Discuss the use of nuclear energy f
or peaceful purposes
......... --- ....... --- ...... --- ... .... --- ......... --- . ........ ---
..... ... ... ---..... .. --- ..... ...... --- ...."
.--- ....... --- ...... .. --- .. ..... ... --- .... .--- .... --- ... .. --- ..
. .--- ...... --- .--- ... --- ....... --- ....
SCOLA, 21557 270th Street, McClelland, IA USA Email: Phone: (712) 566.2202 Fax: (7
12) 566.2502
SCOLA Insta-Class Arabic (Al-Jazeera) Page 5 of
5SCOLA Insta-Class Arabic (Al-Jazeera) Page 5 of
2 ....... ... ..................Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
3...... .... ...Unattainable dream
4....... .....The world safety
7.... .. ..... ... ....Some countries were refused the
8...... ...Disarmament
9........ ...Non-proliferation
10....... ...... ...... .........The peaceful use of the nuclear
SCOLA, 21557 270th Street, McClelland, IA USA Email: Phone: (712) 566.2202 Fax: (7
12) 566.2502

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