(Arh) - Architectural Design - Residences For The Elderly PDF

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28 38 48 58 74 94 EPRCREAAAR Bee INTRODUCTION MAHLER, GUNSTER, FUCHS Housing for the Elderly in the Black Forest Klaus KADA (Old people's home in Leibniz Soisick CLERET Maison pour personnes agées dependants NICKL & PARTNER Architekten Hospital and Od people's center HENTRICH, PETSCHNIGG & PARTNER (04d people's home in Wesel Franco MORO & Paolo MORO Centro per Anziani a Russo Patrick MAGENDIE, Frangois FAUCONNET et Karin LEOPOLD Long Sejour La Roseraie. Hospital de Maison Blanche Thierry NABERES & Jacques FOURCADE Maison pour personnes agées BRENAC & GONZALEZ La Chocolaterie Toyo ITO id people's home in Yatsushiro ARCHITECTURE STUDIO Retirement Residence Wiel ARETS Housing fr elderly in Tilburg - Housing for eldery in Maastricht 124 170 178 188 8 216 228 Es ir us ee Ignacio VICENS y Jose Antonio RAMOS {slo de ancianos en Alcézar de San Juan Van HERK a de KLEIN Residence for elderly EGM Architecten Humanitas -Bergweg Shoei YOH & Architects Sundial Welfare fact for senoirs Lionel DUNET Residence in Montoir de Bretagne Wilhelm HUBER & Erich KESSLER Housing forthe elderly Cees DAM & PARTNERS (Overduin complex Koen van SY NGHEL. 19 Service flats for pensioners MECANOO architecten House for elderly in Venserbrug CLAUS en KAAN Architecten Landsteinerlaan housing DEBULOIS, GUERVILLY # DUNET Centre de long séjour a keramour. Foyer intercommunal ‘Le Gavel” MVRDV 100 Wozoco's INTRODUCTION En el fin del siglo XX, ts longevidad de! hombre moderno la falta de tiempo de la poblaciin mis joven para ocuparse de los mis mayores, obligan a un andlsis profundo de los nuevos entornos y de un hibitat adecuado para la poblacién anciana. La arquitectura y las nuevas tecnologias constructivas ofrecen todo un repertorio de soluciones especfcas que contribuyen a mejorar las condiciones de vida en fa vejez. Sin embargo, se trata de un problema socal sin resolver en las comunidades occidentale, donde se plante- an cuestiones de tipo econémico qué inversién estata hace falta, cuintaatencién real se destna a esta ‘ausa, qué apoyo gubernamental reiben ls instituciones privadas dedicadas a fa voje, etcétera- y en as ‘que se hace necesaro reflexionar y analizar, desde un punto de vista médico, los deseos de las personas ‘mayoresy los entornos que les hacen sentir mejor en el dkimo tramo de sus biografias. ‘Un estudio minucioso de la respuesta a estas cuestiones confirma cémo, en la mayor parte de ls paises, se trata de inerrogantes que se encuentran lejos de haber encontrado una solucién. Desde la exeasez de infra ‘estructuras en los centros en funcionamiento a la incapacidad de satsfacer toda la demanda existente por {atta de nuevos asos, el problema de la tercera edad constituye un tema de orden prioritario, y no slo desde el punto de vista arquitectonico que nos ocupa, sino, sobre todo, como asunto de orden social Con objeto de servir como fuente de inspracion a nuevas inclatvas en este terreno, el presente volumen recopila varios modelos de arquitectura para la tercera edad, exponiendo en detalle proyectos de residen- cas geristrias, centros de acogia y vokimenes de vivienda especialmente proyectados para los mayores. La seleccin se ha realizado teniendo en cuenta varios factores. El primero de ellos ofrecer un variopinto _muestrario de respuestas formales a las legslaciones de cada pais en torno a este asunto, lo que da como resultado espacios de distinea naturaleza segin procedan de un lugar 0 de otro. Por otro lado, se ha tenido ‘en cuenta la capacidad para adaptar la arquitectura a un entorno dif la adecuacién de ls técnieas y len- _uajes constructivos a las nuevas demandas, analiando cémo se favorece el bienestar de las personas rmayores en estos entomnos a través de medios técnicos concretos como sanitaios especiales, rampas, ascensores, etcétera, y de recursos estéticos como jardinesinteriores, mobilario confortable, dafanidad ‘espacial y un deliado empleo de los acabados. [Al mismo tiempo, se observa cémo cada proyectista demuestra una acticud diversa para establecer un equ librado reparto entre el respeto por la intimidad de los residentes, ol fomento de las actividades sociales y el encuentro entre los inquiins de los centros. Por otra parte, en el caso de las areas para enfermos, resulta interesante comprobar cOmo todos Ios autores ponen especial cuidado en disefar la habitaciones con la mayor cantidad de entradas de luz posible, con colores que dulcifquen el ambiente, con estudios de alturas de las camas y de las vistas hacia l exterior desde la posicion del cuerpo en reposo. ‘Adems de estos puntales de orden funcional que unen las propuestas en el objetivo comin de hacer sis agradable la vida a Jos ancianos, en el repertorio aqui mostrado se produce un desphiegue de f6r- mmulas arquitecténicas que van de los expléndidos yliricos espacios de la residencia de ancianos en Alcs. zar de San juan, proyectada por el estudio espaol de Ignacio Vicens y Jose Antonio Ramos, a la cilia solucion triparita del equipo alemin Mahler, Gunster y Fuchs en Neuemburg, pasando por la eficaciay rigor de las propuestas galas, entre las que se encuentran obras de Lionel Dunet, Soisick Cleret, ‘Thierry Naberes & Jacques Fourcade. At the end of the 20th century the longevity of modern man and the younger population's lack of the time to take care of he eldery are leading to a profound analysis of new environments and the search for an appropriate habit forthe older population. Architecture and new constuction technologies offer large range of specific solutons that help 10 improve the conditions of life in ld ‘age. However, this is an unsolved social problem in Weston communities. Answers must be found to ‘questions of an economic ype: how much slate invesiment is necessary, how much real aeiion is devoted to this cause, what government support do private insttusions forthe elderly receive, bc ‘And from a medical point of view one must also consider the requirements of the edly and create ‘environments thot make them feel beter nthe last period of their lives. ‘A meticulous stidy ofthese questions confirms that in most counties they are fr fiom having been answered. From the shortage of infrastuctures in existing centes 1o the inability to satisfy demand due to the lack of new asylum, the problem of he elderly isa major problam for sociely 05 well as presenting «a simulating challenge to architects. With the aim of serving 0s a source of inspitation for new initaves inthis field, the present volume presents diverse architectural models for the elderly, wih detailed sudies of schemes for geriaic homes, reception centres and specially designed residential schemes fr the okey Several factors were taken ino account inthe selection. The fist was the desite o offer a wide range of formal soitions adapled tothe legislation of each county, which resis in spaces ofa diferent nate depending on where they are located. Other factors taken inlo account were the capacity to adapt the architecture 10 « difficult environment, the adaptation ofthe lechniques and constuction languages to the new demands, and how the wellbeing of the grownups is Favoured in these environments through specific echnical facilities such os special sanitary appliances, romps, its, etc. Finally, we considered the oeshetic resources such as interior gardens, diaphanous spaces and chromatic finishes, We can alo see how each designer shows 0 different approach to establishing a balance between respect forthe privacy of residents and the fostering of social activites and encounter. In the areas for the sick, i is ineresting 1 note how all he authors place special core in designing rooms with o large ‘amount of natural lighting, finishes thot soften the almosphere, and bed heighls collated to offer views cf the exterior fom the position of he body at est. Besides these functional props thal unite the proposals in the common objective of making life more pleasant forthe elderly, this selection shows architectural formulas ronging hom the splendid and heal spaces ofthe residence in Alsézar de San juan, designed by the fim of Ignacio Vicens ard José Anko ‘io Ramos in Spain, o the worm hpartle soltion by the German team Male, Gunster and Fuchs in Nevemburg, though the elfectiveness and rigour of the French proposals, which include works by lionel Dune, Soisck Cleret, Thierry Naberes & Jacques Fourcade. Residence in the Black Forest Neuenbiirg, Germany Photographs: Christian Richters Situated on the banks ofthe River Enz, this complex of 28 dwelings is articulated into four almost identical blocks that reflect the scale ofthe urban environment. Set out neatly in a row they are rectangular in plan and have ther short ends parallel to the river The order allows them +0 pick up some ofthe grain ofthe vilage, where houses have tradtionaly turned their gables towards the bank to allow as many people as posse acess tothe water-The new tal hin fourstorey buildings covered from ground to eaves in shiplap timber boarding, have the workmanlike neatness and directness of the Functional Tradtion. Their large external sing shutters add to the impression and they appear from a dstance to be perhaps bars of some sort cor mypterious and rather old-ashioned warehouses for country goods (Coser inspection reveals that they do infact contain fats, and detailed ‘examination shows that this is housing forthe elder 20 ofthe duelings ae for one-person occupancy and the others for ‘wo peopl; areas range from 4m’ for single fats to 53m’ for double. “The basic block arrangement is very simple: fats are arranged in pairs on each floor: upper levels are reached from elegant timber access talleries on the long north-east sides which are served by If and stars on the opposite side, enerous balconies open to the sun. Indiv dal fats are simple and quite small they have a ving area asthe cen: tre of activity off this are the kitchen recess and the sleping alcove (in ‘many units there are separate bedrooms). ‘As a model energy concept for the town, a solar energy system was, incorporated into the scheme. It provides hot water and also supports the heating. order to integrate the collectors into the south-west facing roof slopes, the roof were covered with corrugated perspex sheet The transparency ofthe external skin aso allows the geometry ofthe timber structure to be seen even in the root The attic space tel is unheated and accommodates services and storage areas ‘Stuado en a ria lo nz, este compl de 28 apartamentos para la tere dad se arcu en enter de cvtobogues casi into espe {uosos cn a escala del entomo ubano. Colocadas en sbria ier, los cuatovotimenes se desaroan a pat de una planta rectangular y mana io desde una de sus fachadastransver- sales Esta ubicacin permite recoger amps vss del publ, una queta localdad al norte de la Selva Negra, donde ls hasta de as viviendas iran hacia i. Los cut volimenes, abies itegramente de madera néuca laminada, desarolan un lenge eset y funciona, que hace relerenca aad iin local. Las enorme contavertanas coreeras dan fa imagen ena ds tancia, dos potones de un gran amacén agricola. Una vez core, revean cue lo queen eadadcontione son apartamentos, yun examen més prc- {undo demvesta que se ata de habtacones para ancans. De a totalidad de las ends, von estin dsotadas para una persona y rest (son en ota 28) para dos, los més varan de 4 md os apartamentos indviuaes alos 53m de os de ocupacin dbl. La stows tisica dl logue os muy seca: s apartamentos se oe rizan de dos on ds en cada piso; aos rvlessupoiores se accede a través de unas elegant galas de made bicadas en is fachades lar 925 al noreste, qu se comurican mente ascensres yescaleras; en el Jado conari, grandes balcones se aben al ol. Los apartamentos indi ‘uals son sencilos y batant pequtos:enen un sla de estar como espacio central y ademés poseen una pequeia cocina y un dre de dorm tot (en algunos de los méduls, sean creado domorosseparads). ‘Como modelo de ahoroenergtio ant l eto dea ciudad, sha incr ‘orado un sistema de eregia scar que prov acento de agua caliente y caltacin. Con bjt de integra los cletres de est mecarismo en as ezas de action que dan al surest, os tacos han sito revestios en ‘toad con parchas de perspex corgado. Ecard ransparerte dela pie exterior ademés revel la geomet dea cesructra de madera a waves de aqula Elespacio dlc os un dea sn calelacin, que se vilza come dea e servicio y almacengi. The residential complex is articulated by means of the alignment of four identical rectangulor blocks oriented s0 that on the shortest side they are parallel to the river Enz The openings are protected from the strong sun- light by large sliding shutters. As can be seen on the following page, to reduce the energy consumption of the dwellings, the south-west slope of the roof hos been clad with solar panels of transparent corrugated perspex. East elevation aif eu! 4 TW The buildings have a reinforced concrete structure and have been dad with untreated pine so that their colour turns gray with the passing of time. los edificios, cuya es hrormigén armado, ppor una piel Upper level floor plan / Planta nivel syperior a Geriatric home Leibnitz, Austria Photographs: Angelo Kaunat This small nursing home with 19 single rooms is composed of two separate elements set 2 degrees out of parallel to each other: ‘The approximately square building contains the administration, kitchen, ‘communal area and the entrance to the lving section on the ground: floor: On the upper for there are dierent treatment facies and pri vate rooms with balcries.The visitor's entrance is clearly characterised by a suspended canopy that protrudes far from the wall the entrance for staf and suppliers is stuated atthe side towards the rear. The porch and the administration and sanitary rooms form the northern lend of the bulling facing the forecourt. A multifunctional lounge ‘occupying most ofthe ground floor opens to the south and is only bounded to the west by the kitchen. The ground floor is structured by the topslit main staircase standing next to the fit. ‘The smal chapel which is open atthe top, has a red wall wth timber lading and is designed inthe form of a parabola This element consciously places an accent of colour in an otherwise very reserved space. Special attention was paid to the interior ongan sation and circulation the Imited radus of movement of ld people is ‘made more varied by the generous use of gas surfaces and siding ements providing views to the exterior The treatment rooms and lving units on the upper floor are reached bby gallery overlooking the ground floor. A short bridge leads to the common room which has fullheight glazing The rooms have generous balconies (or terraces on the ground floor) that are protected against the western sun by the overhanging roof. The east entrance to the individual rooms isa cantilevered walkway with steps atthe ends It does not quite reach the frameless glass facade rising two floors with ts own load-bearing structure of slender steo pillars The construction system consists of reinforced concrete pilars and plates to avoid grders and beams and provide Mlexibilty and the impression of lightness, This impression is further emphasised by the glass and timber cladding, which forms a nonloadbearing membrane, and by the high window that makes the sight inward-soping roof appear to float. 18 Esta pequefa residencia de ancianos se compene de dos elementos sepa- rados que componen una planta cuadanguar, que alberga oicnas do administracén, cocina, dreas comunes y la enrada alas habitaciones en la planta baja. El nivel superior anja las salas de tratamiento y las estancias ptvadas con baleones, El acceso de vistantes se ealiza desde una entrada con un argo dose suspendido; mientras que el de personaly proveedores se siti en un lado hacia a parte posterior. El porch, la adinistracin yo recinto sanitario forma el extrem norte {el ecco orietado hacia el antepatio. Un sain multfuncional ue ocupa 1a mayor parte dela planta baja, se abr al sury se ita a oeste por la cocina. La planta baja esta estructurada po a escalera pincipal con iui- ‘nacién cenital que se ccloca junto al ascensor, La pequefia capita abort en a pare superior ene una pared de color rojo on revestmiento de madera y esta ciseftada on forma de parabola. Este elemento agrega color aun espacio por lo demas bastante aust. proyecto también concentra especial atencin especial a la oganizaciin interior y las Greulaciones: el radio ita de movimiento de os ancianos ‘se hace més variado medianle el uso de supertcies de vicioy elementos correderos que proporcionan vistas del exterior. Las salas de tratamiento y las unidades reidencales enol nivel superior se alcanzan mestante una galeria sobre la planta baja. Un paquet puente ‘conde ala sala comin, que tiene ventanas gran ata. Las habtacones tienen grandes balcones 0 terazas ena plata baja, pro- 1egjdos contra el sl por el veo de a cuenta. Enel lado este, las habitaciones incviduales enen el acceso desde una pasarelaen voladizo con escaleras en [os extemos. El sistoma de a construceién empleado consiste en pares y paneles de horigdn armado para evtar las vigas, dar mayor flexiidad y aumentar a cantidad de entradas de uz natural. Esta impresion se reuerza mediante e revestmiento de vidio y madera que forma una membrana no portant, ora ventana ata que dota de gran igereza ala cubieta ligeramenteinck- nada hacia interior. First floor plan Ground floor plan 2b Basement floor plan 20 The rooms on the upper floor ‘ore reached by @ projecting walkway that also protects them from the strong sunlight. On the exterior, the lorge sus- pended canopy shows the visi tors the access point to the building, maximum views of the exte- rior. The use of gloss walls provides lo | The small chapel, defined by o cured red wall, receives natu- ral light through an opening in the roof. SOISICK CLEFEL recs-ruir romeioes M an Esta residencia coresponde ala pologa conocida en Francia como MAPAD, maison pou personnes agées dependants (casa para personas mayores dependents) This project. designed by the architect Sosick Cleret, is built in the vic rity ofthe town of Vitry-sunSeine. I has a simple distrbution comp: sing several pavlions of double height. organised in a comb for around a common ais of circulation and collective faites. From the exterior the bulking is seen as a work of great plasticity in which Cle ret has sli almost le a tailor used the warmth and expressive ness that zine and wood give to the externa fabric of the pavilions. Againet the orthogonal rature of the general layout ofthe ground plan one element stands out in the aval volume of circulation: a stone wal that runs from the Ine ofthe west facade, pointing out the main access A large lobby area, which is transparent and very bright i filed with natural ght coming through glazed operings in the roof Ths area is conceived as a place of encounter among the residents. It is furnis hed with seats, tables and armchairs and is also the place from wich two staircases lead the residents to the 72 rooms ofthe centre. The programme has been designed so as to allow the senior citizens to erjoy ahh degree of independence and intimacy in their bedrooms all are fitted wth a smal tchen- and to offer them splendid views of the garden and ofthe surrounding rural landscape. 28 pour personnes agées NCS. vitry-sur-Seine, France sta rsdonciacoresponde al tpolaga conocia on Francia como \MAPAD, mason pour porscrnesagSes dependants asa par prsoras -mayores dependientes). volun, poyctao por a arqutect Sick Cle, eleva en os aeddores doa ocala de Vitysu-Sie, Stata. do una constsn con una seca stibcinabase de vars pabellnes de dole alta, rgarzads en foma de pin aedeor de un ee comin de creacones equpamionios sectios. Desde el extro 0alza como una piza de gran plastids, na que Clee a utzadosbiamente, casi como un sas, a caldezy oxpesiviad que on y la madera proporcionan alto ete do os teres pabelones, Enlaotogonaidad que ge a isposcén general da planta, esac un elemento qe stress ena aided del volumen de crus clones y qv corespnde a un muro de pera que Se extend dst linea de a tachada ese, sean ol aceso principal Traspasado ol unbral de etada, se desaroa wn ampli ea de vesibul, dla y my ines, que recive un abundant bat de uz ata a través do aberurasactaldaspractcadas ena uaa Esta zona se conve com lugar de encuento ene ls resdertes,anveblada on sles, ress y btcas, yes ambi gar desde ol que tos acooden, a pari odo cjas de eszalera, alas 72 haitatenes con que cent lento. programa se a sed de manera qu ls ancanos duane un ato yao de dependence tiridad en sus domitrios todos van equipados con una pout cecina,y para que dst de unas esl vits dentin y del paiaje ral del ertomo The ground plan of the residence is divided into pavilions of two floors each in a comb-shaped layout with a central pavilion housing the collective facilities. Site plan The access area located in the central port receives @ great amount of natural light through glazed ope- rings in the roof. The dwellings are accessed by two staircases that rise from this large space. Longitudinal section through the rooms / Seccién longi SEER EEE EEE ECE EEE SE EEE rina 8 The structuring and organisation of the rooms ee foes facilitates the autonomy of th All of a + them face the garden. tye El modo en que han sido estucturadas y organi fas habitaciones, facilita la autonomia de identes. Todas ellas se encuentran orienta fas hacia el jardin, Plan of a type room / Planta de una habitacién tipo 36 Nick! & Partner architekten Hospital Designed as a model project. this complex comprises a hospital an old people's home, a nursing home forthe elderly. as wel as old people's and staff dvelings all united in a single building “The development is situated in a dominant urban position not far from ‘the old, walled town centre The ensemble consists of a newly refurbished classics bulding that had undergone major alterations in the 1960's and a new structure of The two sections are set at an angle to each other This layout allowed large top light and by windows atthe side. This space is located immediately the creation of a generous central staircase space lt by 3 ‘nex to the main entrance and provides access to all areas. The coloration ofthe exposed concrete softs around the light well ‘openings ranges from a bold blue through light red to bright yellow, Colours aso play an important role inthe face design The sty set-back main entrance forms the junction between the old and new sections ofthe building I functions asa wind lobby in a glass and metal facade. The entrance canopy consists of aterante areas of transparent dass and opaque yelow fibre-cement slabs, resting in a gradual dminu- tion of brightness from outside to inside. Only the rainwater gutter fixed directly to the actual entrance facade. 38 and Old People's Beilngries, Germany Photographs: Dieter Leistner/Architekion Centre ‘seta come un proyecto ejompa, este compo comprende un hospital, aslo para ancanos, un_ceno de asistencia saitaria ara la trcera oda ¥ viens del persoral, odo ello urido en un nico edi. proyecto se siti en una posi urbana dominanle, cerca dl asco histio, amuraiado, dea cudad £conjuno consist on un exiico casita, recertomenterestaurade, qu2 habia sudo mporartesateraconesen los aos 60 y una nueva estructura de amato smi, Los dos cuerpo se sian fomando un ngdo cnr si lo que permte la creacén de un genereso espace de escalera ental iuinadocenitamente ya través de vertanes as lds. Este dmbito se encuentra una vez raspasada la entrada principal y proporiona aceso a toes ls reas. colorido do los techs de hormiga visto, on tomo a las apertuas dl ato, va de zu al aio pesendo por un nierso oo. Los colores am én juegan un papel importante en el sero dela fachada. Lacerta pia, igeramenterranquead,enaza las secconesviejas Y nuevas del efi, al empo que urcona come una ciara de prec cién contra el vero en ura fachada de vir y meta Eporeho de la erttada conse en dreasaternas do vdro wanspaen y tables de Rbrecemertoamarilasy opacas, ue producen una dsminuion vacua de a huminosidad desde tera hasta dento. Solos desagues de la la estn drectamente aos a a ach dela zona de ngreso. 1.Lobby / V 2.Physiotherapy / F 3 Recreation rea 4.Medical department 5.Chapel / ¢ 6.Lift to park / Ascensor 3 7.Dining room / Comec B.lnfirmory 9.Bedrooms 10.Theropy station Ti Lounge 12.Nursing ward / 4 Site plan / Plano de sivoc tet bid oe PEPEIPHS paced plan First floor plon Second floor Ground floor plan / Panis boj Section AA / Seccién AA {Sant m0) Bara de cro {hen et Be (FE 10)! Part“ de cro pando {as ted ey ss, Br recone set wh coed maint congo th cs / Vibrio rad ese de tenon de rocemento de 8 im otoreads, nu os crs renee ap {Govan tt te 70 me} Tb de acer panne | orate gsr ot nature are /Puerscrredert con erate de sherio 10 Gane el pang / Rela de seer aranands ante sab Ta de grant 12 Seen sne sts / Parmer 1 bse de pms recansres de pra West elevation / Alzado costo l= 2 | fo Ea al ee u Ei = BS i Bw El = Of) w 43 The project consists in restoring the existing building and building a similar structure that allows the ser- vices of the complex to be extended. At the point ‘where these two bodies converge, beth in L-shape, ‘ wide nucleus of vertical communication is located. Itis located near the main entrance, thus facilitating ‘eccess to ony area of the centre, and it is toplit through © large skylight. 45 The interior walls of exposed concrete have @ varnished finish in different tones that range from bright blue to bri- lliant yellow to luminous red. Detal fhe stacase/ Detalle de la escalera 1. Beech handal / Pasamano de haya 2 Seal od (10 mm 0) / Barra de acero 8 Steal T secton /PerflT" metaico 4 Sione paving /Pavimento péereo hewn, — Parner ple's home in Wesel oO aid. This home forthe elderly ies a the edge of the small town Wesel, in the rural lower Rhine area. Laid out inthe form of two L-shape tracts the development turns its back on the fourlane highway that cus the se off rom the edge of the town. (On the other face, the buildings open out on to a garden and enjoy a view of the River Rhine. The outer street face, roughly 100 metres long creates a shield against the noise of the road and makes a deiberate reference tothe regional buiding tradition through the choice of materials It consists of long wall slabs in red engineering bricks raised above ground floor level. The areas of brickwork are interrupted by glazed staircase strips and the transparent entrance hal The formal anguage of the angular areas ofthe facade, in contrast is something new and independent in tis urban content ‘The ground floor which houses communal functions. is entirely glazed, thereby creating the impression that the two upper floors of dwelings hover above the ground, They are supported by slender concrete columns in contrast tothe street front. the garden faces are artcdated into areas of rendered waling and oriel windows ln compliance with local building laws, all dwellings have bay windows that allow even persons ving in bed an unrestricted view out Sinly ori pais these oriels form transitional elements between the 'ndoor and outdoor reams. EO ple Hanisch 48 Este hogar para la tercera edad se ubica en la pequofia localidadalomana de Wesel, una zona rural en tomo al Rin leaiicio se desarola apart de dos volimenes en forma de L, que dan ‘su fachada posterior hacia la autopsta de cuatro cares que cota el solar elite dela cudad. Enel aro lado, ol eifcio se atee hacia un arin y goza de esplendidas vistas sobre eo, El lado exterior de la calle, de aproximadamentecien metros de largo, crea un escudo protector contra el ido dela careteray $8 converte en una relerenca explicta del rain constructva local a través de los materale empleacos en su construccién. Estos se basan en Lun largo muro de mamposteria de lailoy un hale vidio transparete. E lenguale formal de algunos angus dela fachada contrastan por su estética nueva y su carter independiente en el contexto urbano en e que 50 inteta. La planta baja, que acoge salas comunes, est totamento reves de vidrio, de modo que cra laimpresién de que las dos plantas superiores de apartamentos estin suspendidas sobre el terreno. Estas se sustentan mediante ligoras columnas de hormigén. En contraste con la fachada plana que mira ala calle, lado del jardin se aticula mediante el juego retranqueado del mur y una secuencia de miradores acristalados. De acverdo con la legislaién local, todos ls apar- tamentos tenon miradores que pein als residents tener vistas al paisa desde su cama. De modo individual o pareados, estos miradores forman elementos de transcin entre el interior y exterior. eemer STITT] mn eT] | rere eo2 89 969 "ee ee) 8 Sp 0056 6 a @ LX ¢ . Fi sald I aan toh IG he =. va ae at Croos section Together with the stuccoed walls painted in different colours that divide the facade into areas, another of the main compositional elements is the glass bay located in each room. 54 The transparency of the bays allows the residents to be in permanent contact with the ‘external landscape. Centro per anziani a Russo Locarno, Switzerland protographs Fippo Simonees This rest home blends perfectly with its natural sit in the Onsemone valley ~t almost seems the logcal completion ofthe south-facing ‘escarpment but tis also an extremely important urban feature that is intimately related to the existing vilage. This dual integration was a deliberate attempt by the architects to establish or maintain relations between the old people and the local population as far as possible without foregoing optimum climatic conditions -maximum sunshine and complete wind protection. and the opportunty to create a woodland garden. On the vilage side, the arcaded courtyard directly linked to the square leads inside to the upper-foor structure housing, the communal amenities wth two sloping roofs broken by an shaped skight which folows the access corridor inside. (On the valley side, the bedrooms and treatment area on the lower floors are part of a masonry structure that empties and lightens Upwards into individual loggias and galleries. a dear reference to the local seventeenth and eighteenth century vernacular 58 Esta casa de reposo para ancianos se funde con el paisa de vale do ‘Onsernone suzo en el que se enclava ~casi se cra que o eco cons- tye un remate natural de entrno escarpado hacia el sur- pero también un elemento urbano importante, itimamente relacionado con el usb exstnte sta interact dual fv delberadamente definia por los arqultectos para establocor rlaciones entre la poblactn anciana yel resto de habtantes de a localdad, aprovectando ls estupendas condiciones cimatcas del ugar ~siempre soleado y totalmente prctegido del viento la oportunidad de tear un jardin densamente arbolado En el ado del pueblo, un patio rodeado de arqueras irectamentecomun- ado con a plaza, conde ala estructura en el nivel superior. En este area se concentran los servicios comunes, con dos cubes incl- rnadasfragmentadas por un lucemario conforma de L, que discure por ‘encima del corredor principal nel ado de vale, las habtaiones y las salas do tratamiento ubicadas en Planta baja son parte de una estructura de mamposteria que vaciay se i mina a través de foggasy galeris, como una referencia deca aa aqu- {ectura cil local dels sigs XVI y XVI South elevation / Alzado sur East elevotion / Alzado eto The access is on the upper level, which communicates with the square by means of a porticoed area. The rooms located on the lower floors I look directly onto the land- scope. Ground floor plan First basement plan Fourth basement plan 63 = The balconies on the south focade occentuate the indivi dual choracter of the rooms both on the outside and the inside Construction details of the balcony Patrick Magendie Francois Fauconnet & Karin Leopold Hospital de Maison Blanche Neuilly-sur/Marne, France Photographs: Vgneron c a residence wit programa consstia en hacer una resiencia para ancianos con a forme u 120 camas reconviendo tres edificios de una antigua unidad de psiquatia pita fh order to p jronmment f jumto a un hospital Para mantener un ambiente adecuaco a personas the architects started fror ‘mayores, ls arqutectos parteron de res ideas: considear als residents boarders rather than patie : ‘como pensionitas, en lugar de pacientes mayores; crear un edi coy able of pr a c 7 una insttucin médica capaz de proporionar el cuidado de salud necesato e boarders could r fering privat ¥ dotar de un espacio que los pensionsias puieran hacer propo, oecen- nd and do privacidad y contacto, calma y actividad ee ofthe paviions were com c proyecto transforma tes de los pabollones para cece a cada indica ‘su propio tritoro, conservando las prtconesexistentes, lo que resuta en i : T , habitaciones de grandes dimensiones. 1 antguo comedor se ha reemplaza place tran = do con un espacio de transicdn que invita movimiento ene os espacis xh th ccomunes yprvados. Cada habitacion se experiment, de este modo, como mn an observe the m h ‘una casa desde la que se puede observar los movimienios dels oes {The cent eis teat 7 ‘ensionistas y do personal concentrates all th Ind movernents genera Elespacio de acceso conta se trata como un ugar pico y concenta . up 2 4 todo los jos y movimientos generados por la instucié: auomovies, 1ew buldng 1 south creat Vistas, paseos, actividades de grupo... Es una prolongacién natural del the three paw revo edifico haca el suty crea un nexo entre ls tres pabellones. o the dire f La forma del nuevo exificio es el resuitado de la necesidad funcional de to reduce t ween t a reduc en lo posible a distancia entre ls pabellones y se conibe como rated 25 an interior ple bu a una cll ine. Se trata, por razones de economia, de un edi simple y asonry wal ligero, con una pared de a mamposteria al not y una pared vidrada al su 0 memunal spaces tothe south and service Esta dividdo en espacio comune al sury servicios al note La fachada the north The south facade can be ex toa r sur puede extenderse hacia una trraza para polongar as actividades ine- log the interior activites (summer dining are ‘res (comedor de verano, et), En ls dos etremos de a cale se encuen yermanent areas, th tran las reas permanentes, los medio téricos estén aloes, yas serv te ties to th nd the services inking os que se reacionan con la logistic del hospital al este. Le pared exterior ha desaparecdo, lo que permite el crecimiento dela civ 25 dsappe dad en e bord de la parcel, que pondra la residencia en contacto ; a the ‘mas into con su entomo, The central access volume has been treated os an interior street in which all the routes ore concentrated, creating a point of union among the three pavilions. This volume houses the meeting areas and General floor plan Thierry Naberes & Jacqu Maison pour Montréal du Gers, France The programme of a residence for the elderly recui ticulaton of tuo dimensions the ndependence of the elderly persons, with all the elements of their personal history, familar objects and habits that this ental, and thei insertion ina group that can provide a spatial and socal emironment suitable situations of increasing dependence. The architect Thierry Nabéres. in association with Jacques Fourcade, has skifly incorporated these opposing considerations into his design for 29 units of sheltered housing and attendant communal spaces (ing room rma, sting room. etc) The project. completed in 1995, executed within the framework of tal innovative Pan et Construction’s SEPIA programme (experin housing forthe elderly), had as its starting point an old country house Con the banks of the Bastde. This was acquired by the municipality because of ts proximity to medical services and leisure activites The new construction conjugates, rather than extends the old house. The later dictates the outine of the new building inspices the Usshaped plan around a courtyard that semi-open to the street. and prom the tiled rooting overhangs and logos Some rare architectural elements (the facade, a stone wall in a staica se) provide a tactile demension witha the plain universe of funciona lm. The soping land inspired the idea of diagonal screens that estab: bes the relationship ofthe house with its context. Porches, stars, ramps and galleries folow the slope ofthe land. and organise the house on 3 levels around an entrance courtyard and a more private garden. The 29 fatlts are grouped in dusters of 6 to 12 under an idetitabe roof An interior passageway inks these dusters (balcony log gallery) and forms a shared, uid space that ves deity to these hard elements ofthe programme. Fourcatie : personnes agées El programa de una residencia para ancianos require la acuacn de dos dimensiones: a independencia de las personas mayores, con todos fs + ‘mentos desu historia personal, cbetos famiares y habtos que esto trae ‘consga, su insercién en un grupo que puede mantener un ambiente espe- ial socal adecuado para las siuaciones de dependenciacrecint. El arqutecto Thiery Nabéres, en asocacion con Jacques Fourcade, ha Incorporado habilmente estas consideraiones cotrarias en su dis para 29 unidades de viiendas protegides y ls espacios comunes comrespondiantes (comer, erfermeria, sain, etter). El proyecto, completado en 1985, ejcutado dentro dl marco del Plan SEPIA de Plan ef Construction (vviendas experimentaes, imovadoras para 1 anciano), tenia como punto de pada una antigua casa rural, ails del Baste. Este tue adqutid por la municipaldad debid a su proximidad a los senicios médicos y actidades de aco ‘Lane construccién conjuga a antigua casa, en ugar de amp, Esta ) ©) ac Ground floor plan / Plants boja The location of the residence was chosen by the municipality dye to its proximity to the medical and leisure facilities of the town. lo vb e x Noth elevation Repeating the layout of the existing building, the floor plan of the new building is organized in a U shape oround an inner courtyard that is partially openio the street. Most of the communal spaces are open onto the inner courtyard South elevation The architects toke advantage of the natural slope to organize the building on three diffe- rent levels, each of which is accessed directly rom the st Brenac-Gonzalez Maison de Retraite Noisel, France La Photographs: Hervé Abbadie | The new Noise! retirement home is inserted in the park ofthe old residence constructed in the 19th century for workers of the Meunier chocolate factory It's composed of 6 independent and autonomous living units of 20 beds that are grouped around a common living area the large lounge and the dining room These two rooms the real heart of the composition enjoy a warm tmosphere thanks to the prevence of a wooden facing on the walls, 2 on the floor The residence is equipped with a chimney that occupies @ central position and a veranda that opens d the magnicent park through a protected terrace Each unit is organised into smaler living units whose residential scales take their inspiration from convents Each courtyard opening onto the view has been positioned and constructed around the enistng groves and trees These wings are differentiated by the search for versity in the treatment ofthe landscape and by a sutable chromatic study Each unit has a lounge, a cooking space and independent care The ground floor rooms have direct access to the garden through large french windows The rooms on the fest floor open onto the ga