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The Effect of the Catalase Enzyme.

The Enzyme is a protein that speeds up reaction like synthesis and digestion. The
PH and temp can change the shape of the Enzyme. In our lab we were able to see
how it would affect the shape of the enzyme. In our first lab the PH was 6.5 and in
our second lab the ph was 4. Using these reaction graph we were able to capture
the reaction of the enzyme.
1. _____all_____Check that you have all the equipment below.
Computer with Internet access and Vernier LoggerPro software
LabQuest Mini
Vernier Gas Pressure Sensor
Two-hole black rubber stopper (top)
Plastic tubing with Luer-lock connectors
20-200 L micropippetor set to 100 L
micropipette tips
50mL graduated cylinder
125 mL or 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask
Magnetic stirrer
Stirring bar

Metal clamp stand
At the central table:
Hydrogen peroxide
Catalase enzyme suspension
2. ____all______Check that every person is wearing apron and goggles.
3. ____all______Check that everyone who will touch the enzyme or liquids is
wearing thick latex gloves (blue and yellow gloves)
On the blank lines, write the initials of the teammate who completed the task:
4. __________Open your laptop and open Logger Pro .
5. __________Click File Open and open the folder in Biology by
Vernier. Then choose 06 Enzyme (Pressure).
6. __________Connect the LabQuest Mini to the computer using the USB
cable, and connect the Gas Pressure Sensor to CH 1 of the LabQuest Mini.
Set up the laboratory apparatus as seen in the picture:
7. __________Measure out 50mL of 1.5% H2O2
and pour into an Erlenmeyer flask.

8. __________Carefully place a magnetic stir bar in

the flask.
9. __________Place the flask on a magnetic stir
plate. Use a clamp to fasten the flask to the ring
stand as shown. Position the flask at the center
of the magnetic stirrer.
10. __________Test the stirrer at 100 rpm.
11. __________Stop the stirrer.
12. __________Use the plastic tubing with two Luerlock connectors to connect the two-hole rubber
stopper assembly to the Gas Pressure Sensor as shown in the image. The
valve connected to the stopper should stay closed during this investigation.
Its closed when its flat, parallel to the floor
Complete all the steps below quickly to complete your test reaction.
13. __________Start data collection: click green Collect button on Logger Pro.
14. __________Using a micropipette, add 100 L of enzyme suspension to the

contents of the flask.

15. __________IMMEDIATELY tightly seal the flask by placing the stopper in
HOLDING it in carefully.
16. __________IMMEDIATELY Turn the stir plate on to 100.
NOTE: If the pressure exceeds 130 kPa, the pressure inside the flask will be
too great and the rubber stopper will likely pop off. HOLD DOWN the
stopper or be ready to have uncovered chemicals on your desk
WAIT 200 seconds (3.3 minutes) while data is
collecting- Do NOT click STOP. Data collection will automatically stop
after 200 seconds.
17. __________Turn off the stir plate.
18. __________Carefully remove the stopper from the flask to relieve the
19. __________Use a thermometer to test and record the temperature of the
liquid in your lab packet
20. __________Pour all chemical waste into a RED bucket.

21. __________Remove the magnetic bar.

22. __________ Dispose of your used micropipette tip.
23. ___all_______Take off your safety gear and place it neatly away.
24. Observe the graph generated using LoggerPro software (example shown
The overall result we can see how our original hypothesis was wrong
because their was barely any pop. At 37 second there was a pressure increase at
107.7(kPa) in the graph but than it constantly stood the same. The enzyme works
really fast that when their is high temperature it won't work like it suppose to and
at a good temperature the enzyme would work good.
Follow all the directions and don't skip any of the steps because then you
would mess up the lab and will take you more time because you might have
to start all over. You also have to make sure that you have all the safety
equipment on.

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