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With a playful smile, senior Alex Amata works on his mixed media piece which involves

photography, digital drawing, and painting. Amata was in AP portfolio during his senior year.
Amata said, I really love AP art. Its a great way to explore new mediums and make some
unique pieces of art, all while having a good time.

In deep concentration, senior Charlie Moyse works on his art piece in portfolio preparation using
oil pastels. Moyse was in his third year of taking art classes, with having taken a variety of
different classes throughout his high school career.

With eyes to the screen, junior Neal McFarlane researches ideas for computer graphics.
Mcfarlane researched images of planets for his project and had to think of new ideas for each
project during the year.

While working with senior Jacob Moore, art teacher Jill Eisert observes her students work in
AP portfolio preparation. Moore took portfolio preparation to earn his spot in the AP class in his
senior year and was in portfolio preparation his junior year.

While explaining her box boy project, junior Jillian Morrison sketches the start of her project.
Morrison took portfolio preparation during her junior year and took design, illustration, painting
and computer graphics in her previous years of high school.

With a steady hand, junior Riley Kirkpatrick sculpts her octopus pot in her ceramics class.
Kirkpatrick took the class for the first time during her junior year and hoped to continue to take it
her senior year. Kirkpatrick said, I really like the class because I like to work with my hands.

Introducing her portfolio preparation journal, sophomore Marguerite Augier smiles with
excitement about her future projects. Augier took drawing 1 and 2 during her freshman year and
decided to take portfolio preparation for the first time in her sophomore year.

While explaining the concepts of his work, junior Peter Volpe discusses his stencil of classmate
Kaeden Kalinyak. Volpe took his second year of portfolio preparation in his high school career.
Volpe said,I enjoy being creative with my work and using my ideas to make my art.

In deep discussion, juniors Catie Beg and Kaeden Kalinyak explain their art work in portfolio
preparation. Beg was in her third year of taking portfolio preparation while Kalinyak was in his
first. Kalinyak said, I really like the class because we use spray paint.

Proudly explaining her work, sophomore Emily Owens illustrates her enjoyment of working on
her digital piece in portfolio preparation. Owens took her first year of portfolio preparation and
hoped to have success with her work in the class.

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