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Lesson Plan

-Apply particular
senses to identify
and describe
objects or
materials provided
and to describe
living things and
Students meeting
this expectation
will be able to
such as colour,
shape, size,
texture, smell and


Unit: Sense

(2-3, clear, and measurable)

Lesson Duration: 45 minutes-1

-Recognize that the sense of touch is diverse.

Formative & Summative

you know they met learning
(Observations, Key

-Identify different textures that objects have.


Students will:

-Class discussion


* Bags, sugar, socks, paper clips, canvas bags
* groups
Introduction (10 min.):
Attention Grabber: all the supplies that I will have ready will grab their attention.
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: the students know that we have the sense of touch but like hearing
there are details that the students need to know. There are a lot of different things we can sense through
touching, heat, texture, pain, shape, etc. We will be focusing on texture today. I will ask the students
what texture is, I assuming the students know what texture is but have never heard of the word before.
After they give a couple of guesses if they do not know I will tell them that texture the feel of an
object. I will then tell them that texture can be broken into four main groups. I again will ask if anyone
has any ideas, again I assume I will get actual examples but if they do not get I will give one the
categories like soft and then see if get it from there. If they do not I will then tell them the four
categories are: rough and bumpy, grainy, smooth, and soft. I will then ask for examples of each which I
am sure they will be able to give me some especially for smooth and soft. Once we have made up our
list I will show them the concept map I have made. We will quickly go through it to make sure the
students have a good understanding on each of the textures.
Connection to Curriculum: students need to have understood what their senses do on a specific and

detailed level.
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: engaged, I will have to lay down all the ground rules with
the actual activity, rules like not peaking in the bags only feeling.
Advance Organizer/Agenda: introduce the topic, brainstorm/make a chart, show them my chart,
explain the activity, show worksheet and explain what they will be doing on it, have them do the
activity, collect worksheets and wrap up the assignment.
Transition to Body: Once I have talked about my concept map I will start to explain the activity.
Body (30-45 min.):
Learning Activity #1: I will divide the class into three groups of six (if all students are presents). Each
table will get four bags. In each of the bags there will be a different object. Students will reach into the
bag and use their sense of touch they will determine the texture and predict what the object is. The
prediction is irrelevant the most important part of the worksheet is the students identifying the correct
texture of each object. I will explain this on the smartboard and show them how to do their worksheet.
I will also explain that this activity is to test their sense of TOUCH that means that cannot peak into the
bag. Once everyone has reached into each bag and made their predictions we will look inside the bag
and identify each of the objects and their texture. As we pull out the objects I will complete the
worksheet on the smartboard.
Table 1:
Table 2:
Table 3:
Formative & Summative Assessments: worksheets, observations as they do the activity, and the
Specific Learner Considerations: the main purpose of the worksheet is for students to identify texture;
I have typed out each of the categories so all students have to circle the right answer. This means
regardless of their literary skills they can show me they understand the sense of touch and texture. Also
as always I will print a sheet on a green paper so the student can see better.
Transition to Closure: Once the worksheets are done I will ask the students feel two different types of
textures at one.
Closure (5 min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: asking students to feel two textures at once will allow them to
compare and contrast the details that separate groups.
Feedback From Students: formative assessment and the worksheets
Feedback To Students: constant feedback throughout the lesson, during the discussion, working
through the activity, and after they are done the activity.
Transition To Next Lesson: I will tell them that we will be working on taste next.

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