Social Studies Icebreaker Lesson 1

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ED 3601


KR 2011

Lesson Plan
-Students will value
self and others as
unique individuals in
relation to their
world: appreciate how
belonging to groups
and communities
enriches an
individuals identity.

One/Social Studies

Unit: 1

(2-3, clear, and measurable)
Students will:

- Develop a flag that shows one of their

unique interests or hobbies.
- Identify their classroom as a community
they belong in.

Lesson Duration: 30
Formative & Summative
you know they met learning
(Observations, Key
- Discussion

- Value their classmates interests and hobbies

and how they are a part of the community.

-Students will value

the groups and
communities to which
they belong.
Resource #1: and
Resource #2:
* Individual flags, Large flag
* Markers, pencils, etc.
Introduction (2 min.):
Attention Grabber: I will start the lesson reminding students that I am going to be with them for the
next five weeks. I will then state that I want to get to know them because I know that each and every
one them is unique.
Connection to Curriculum: this assignment takes a students hobby or interested and puts it on every
other student. This allows them to visually see how their individuality fits in with the overall
community of the classroom (SLO 1.1.1 and 1.1.2).
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: conversation and sharing will mostly be happening during
the working phase. Students usually get pretty excited when they get do to a project that showcases
what they love.
Advance Organizer/Agenda: Introduction, explain the assignment including my example, students

ED 3601


KR 2011

work on their flags, students give their flags to me to glue onto the big flag, students praise another
students flag.
Transition to Body: After explaining how I want to get to know everyone I will say we are going to be
doing an activity called the Fabulous Flag
Body (24 min.):
Learning Activity #1: I will explain to the students what the fabulous flag activity is. I will explain that
we are all a part of the classroom and all of our special attributes combine to make it. Because of this I
want every student to think of one hobby or interest that is special to them. I will model and use myself
to explain. I will tell students that I am a scientist and that I do research/work in the field of chemistry.
I will then explain that I have to draw a picture of my interest. On the board I will draw a picture of me
doing an experiment. I will then explain that after the students have made their picture they can colour
it. When their flag is completed they bring it to me. They have to tell me what it is their picture is. I
will then glue it onto the large flag. I was thinking of doing a brainstorming session to help students
think about what they could put down; however, I know that if I do that the pictures will be similar.
Instead I will circulate while they are working, I want to try and talk to every student to make sure that
they are doing an appropriate picture. Also, having the students explain their flag to me is a great way
to get to know them and start to build relationships. Once everyone has completed their flag and spoke
with me I will invite all the students to the carpet. I will explain how everyones individual flag makes
up the large flag.
Sponge Activity: students who finish early can go pick out a book and read silently. I will tell them this
after they present their flag to me.
Formative & Summative Assessments: Formative, discussions with students, observations while
circulating the class.
Transition to Closure: I will talk about how awesome everyones flag looks.
Closure (6 min.): * Connect your closure with learning objectives*
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: I will ask students to pick one flag that is not their own and say
something positive about it. I also want students to acknowledge how that students individuality adds
to the classroom.
Feedback From Students: The discussion at the end and the flag itself.
Feedback To Students: I will be giving feedback to each student as the present their flag to me.

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