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Springfield College Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Evan Moore

Date: 12/2/16
Time: 9:00
School: East Longmeadow High School
Lesson #: 2
Facilities: East Longmeadow High School
Class Size: 30
Grade: 9
Unit/Theme: Table Tennis
Generic Level:
Equipment: 7 Tables, 30 Paddles, 30 Ping pong balls
Focus of Lesson: Top Spin
Student Performance Objectives (SPO): (National #
; MA CF #
Task/Activity #
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

(P) Demonstrate and be able to use the techniques for top spin that they learned to be
successful during the lesson (S1.H1.L2)
(C) Know the techniques used for using top spin and be able to explain how to use
them after the lesson. (S2.H1.L1)
(A) Have fun during the lesson, and also work well and be respectful towards others
during the whole lesson. (S4.H3.L1)
Check each objective is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally
Teacher Performance Objectives During the lesson the teacher will:
-Be enthusiastic and excited during the lesson 100 percent of the time so that the
students can be in a positive learning environment
- Motivate the students by giving them motivational objectives during all of the activities
in the lesson
Special Considerations What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the
students in this class?
When using the ping pong balls, there will be no wild behavior with smashing the balls
extremely hard. There must be control with this because any smashing of ping pong
balls could result in someone being hit in the eye. Also, no sitting, leaning, or diving on
the tables.

References: National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education

Purpose of Lesson: Students will understand

T= Teacher




how to properly use top spin in ping pong.

Warm-Up: Students will get into 6 lines with
5 students in each line. They will be
completing a series of dynamic stretches that
will take 2-3 minutes. These stretches include
butt-kicks, high knees, kareokes, lateral
lunges, toy soldiers, and carioca with kneeovers.
Introduction: Teacher will introduce himself
to the class and review safety, and stop and go
signals. The teacher will have his whistle at
all times. Teacher will review the lesson focus
(Ping-pong, Top spin). Teacher will go over
the technique for top spin and break down the
skill. Teacher will explain and demonstrate
activity one.
Safety: Students need to stay in their own
personal space and be aware of their
surroundings especially when near tables.
This means that head and eyes are up to
prevent from colliding with the tables and
getting hit with a ping pong ball.
Activity 1: Diagonal Drop, Hit, Catch
There will be 4 students at each table. Two
balls will be given to each student on one of
the sides. When the teacher says go the
students with the balls will drop them on the
table once, and then hit them to the student
diagonal to them using the forehand and top
spin. The second half of this activity the
students will be using the backhand and top
spin. If there are any extra students, they will
go behind someone else and switch off with
them after 2 hits. Students will do this for 1015 minutes.
Key Points:
-Paddle angle is slightly tilted forward
-Pouring out the cup of coffee
-Arm slightly moves in upward direction
Extend Up: Students will be instructed to

S= Student





eliminate the bounce and see how many

volleys they can get in a row.
Extend down: Students will still be allowed
to bounce the ball on the table before hitting
Demonstration: Teacher and students will
demonstrate activity before started.
Transition: Students freeze and move to
meeting place until further instruction.
Activity 2: Around the world ping pong
There will be 6 students at each table, and 3
on each side. Students will start volleying
back and forth a couple times attempting to
use top spin. The students will alternate who
hits the shot each time and attempt to hit the
ball to different people. Students will keep
doing this until the teacher blows the whistle.
The idea is to count out how many volleys
your group can get in a row, and to
communicate as to who is going to be the one
hitting the ball. This activity will go on for
about 15-20 minutes.
Demonstration: Teacher and students will
demonstrate activity before it begins.
Key Points:
-Attempt to use top spin
-Students furthest on the ride are the ones that
rotate to the other side
-Forehands and backhands are allowed
Extend Up: Students will only be allowed to
use their backhand shot.
Extend Down: Students will be able to use
backhands and forehands, and can use top
spin when they feel as though they can.
Transition: Students will put the equipment
down and freeze until further instruction.
Activity 4: King of the court
Students will be able to choose a partner.
Students will be assigned which table they
will be starting off at shortly after the partners



are picked. The students will be playing

traditional doubles Ping-Pong rules and must
rotate who serves every time. Games will be
played to 11.
Demonstration: Teacher will explain game
and which direction to go in if you win or
Extend up: A team will be rewarded an extra
point if they score a point with top spin.
Extend down: On a serve, the ball does not
have to bounce twice on the table.
Transition: When asked, students will collect
the equipment, and meet to discuss the lesson.
-What are the techniques for using top spin in
ping pong?
-Can someone demonstrate these techniques?
-Were there any activities that students
enjoyed more than the others? Did anyone
have a favorite part of the lesson? Why?
Great job today boys and girls! Everyone did
a good job today working on top spin. Top
spin is important in Table tennis because it
can be tough for the player(s) on the other
team to return. Next class we will be working
on defensive rebounding in basketball. Have a
good day and I will see you guys next class!



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