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  January 23, 2010

  is a form of small entrepreneurship. Pakistan is passing through a

serious economic crisis. So it is very important how to start a business in Pakistan and

make it successful. In this situation small business plans also become more important.

So we also start a small business in forwarding aspect. We deliver customers luggage

to not in Pakistan but all over world. Our main focus is organizations so we have a

competitive edge that we have no need of so much publicity on media but our good

will is so important in organizations. Our main focus is quality so we work on

skimming pricing strategy. For distribution we use road, rail and ship. Promotion for

our service we mostly use internet not television because in all over world it is used

and accessible. Our services are away from only one call and email because we offer

one window operation for facility of our customers. We are also aware the importance

of people inside the organization who deal with customers. We hire and recruit people

who are highly expert in their professional and have good reputation ethically and in

organizations. Physical evidence is also important now a days it is a proof for your

entity. Overall our business expense is seven lacks Pakistani rupees. We have three

hundred lacks for contingency plan. We have membership of many societies like

LCCI, FYATA and PIFFA which helpful for our reputation.

We expect our business will be succeed in market and help other people to inspire

and start businesses with new and innovative plans.

m  m
  January 23, 2010


  is an organization, which is basically a freight forwarding company. It

works on logistics. Logistics is basically a wide term in which some time packaging and

labeling, arranging, supply, shifting, etc are included.

We are providing services according to our customer requirements wants and needs. Our

main customer is organizations, which mean our business mostly depended on   .

we are offering logistic service. We are providing forwarding through three ways

1. ðy road

2. ðy train

3. ðy ship

We are two type of forwarding

1. In our own country

2. In other country

Firstly mean we are providing facilities within the boundaries of our country

ðut in second we are also providing facilities in outside the country. (Import, Export)

When, we are going for providing facilities outside the boundaries of country, so we have

to take three different type of membership. Without that membership we are not able to

doing this business.




m  m
  January 23, 2010

Secondly one more important point which should be discussed that we cant start this

business in our home. ðecause, Our main customers are our organizations. If we are

starting this business so we have to arrange one office in commercial area. So we so we

selected Lahore main business area that is Firdous Market Gulberg Lahore.

Our office address is

Suite no. 05 3rd Floor, Saman Arcad, Firdous Market Gulberg 3 Lahore Pakistan.

Cell no:

+ 92-346-4645546


Our website:

m  m
  January 23, 2010








To be the recognized industry leader, through total commitment to customer service, by

maintaining our uncompromising integrity, in the support and development of our

People, Communications and Systems in sustained growth and profitability.


As a non-asset based company, we are able to give our clients several options for freight

management. Our investments are made in people and systems. Through organic growth,

not acquisition, we give our clients and employee¶s peace of mind knowing their day to

day business won't be disrupted by merger pains; our systems integrity is kept intact, not

disrupted by companies whose business was founded on a different platform. Our

customers are most interested in the quality and consistency of service we provide

regardless of the country in which we're doing business.

m  m
  January 23, 2010


Our supply chain is value delivery network depends upon only to two entities.

Our organization SW Pakistan and second the organization for which we work. So our

performance is so good because we work on direct dealing.


As it is discussed before we are targeting on organization and our almost 70%

customers are big organizations, so it is easy for us to segment our market and we do it

properly. We focus on organizations by motivating them that how easily they work with

us and they can get their work free of tensions.


Positioning is basically image of your product in the customer mind. So our

business is basically services and it is more important for us to make a better image of

our self for our customer and we do it by providing them convenience and simple method

to access us.

Our competitors are now stronger and well reputed as compare to us but we shall beat

them because we have excellence quality and simple, say and flexible way of work

according to customer requirement.

m  m
  January 23, 2010


We are offering services so here we discuss 7 P¶s of marketing mix

Which are given by following:

() Product

m) Price

„) Place

G) Promotion

¢) People

^) Procedure

) Physical Evidence


Product should be frequent, easily available and it should have some features and

qualities. It also includes style and design. Which attract the new customer, which differ

it from its competitors.

V &

First thing is for a product importance is its brand. In which its logo style design, name is

included that identify the product or service of an organization from those of its

competitor. It also includes packaging, labeling, and appearance of product. In services it

appearance is its performance.

m  m
  January 23, 2010


Price is basically the amount of money charged for a product or service or a sum of the

values that consumer exchange for the benefit for having and using the product and


We can say it is the most important factor of demand of your product because this is 21st

centuries. Everyone first of all looks its resources then he goes to market. He always have

a mind for purchasing a product so the price of a product should be of a such type which

gives customer not mind satisfaction quality but also he agrees to pay the price which you

demand for your product.

Our organization is working on this issue very seriously as you known our main focus is

organization not persons so for an organization resources are more than persons and they

mostly want flexibility, easy and formal way. They don¶t think on cost mostly but on

quality, flexibility and convenience. So organizations must pay what you demand on

these terms and conditions.

a. Skimming price strategy

b.Penetration price strategy

a. ##

In skimming price strategy we focus on high prices initially and then we gradually

go down and cover all the segmentation of marketing by giving them price according

to their choice.

m  m
  January 23, 2010

*) !#

The strategy in which an organization initially cover middle and lower class and

by getting the profit from these classes organization improve its quality and then go to

cover upper class by increasing the product price this strategy is usually used for FCG`s

(fast consuming goods).

So we use skimming price strategy because our services are for organizations and we

have no capability to work on low prices so we work on skimming price strategy.

Pricing is basically of two types

Î !*+# this is for customers who prefer cost upon value

Î $"*&+# it is for the customers who prefer value upon cost.

Our customer are organizations who mostly prefer value so we also improve our quality

so that in our customer mind our value is better then our competitor in value base pricing

we work on value add pricing in which we support our services not by adding features

but also charging high prices.


The way by which you promote and motivate not only new customers to buy your

product but also increase satisfaction level of your old and loyal customers is called


There are different ways which are uses for promotion. The specific ways for promotion

is advertising, sales promotion, public relation, personal selling and direct marketing.

&#any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas goods

or services by an identified sponsor.

m  m
  January 23, 2010

"+!!!is shot term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or


*""!is building good relation with the companies varies publics by obtaining

publicity, building up good image and handling unfavorable rumors.

!" ""# is the firmµs sale force for the purpose of making sales and building

customer relationship.

 # is carefully targeted individual customers by making strong and

cultivates relationships; the use of direct mail, the telephone, the internet and other tools

for communication.

  is mostly working on direct marketing, personal selling because for

direct marketing we launch our website, email address, and cell number


For personal selling we have hired two persons who have experience in freight business

and have a good will in organizations, so that they make strong relationship of

organizations with us.


Place or distribution is method by through which an organization delivers its

product to end customer. The way through this product is gotten final customer is called

channel (distribution channel / marketing channel). The relationship between supplier,

company and distributor is called "&"%!)

m  m
  January 23, 2010

is working on direct contact with its customers, so there is no channel and

any supplier and distributor involves. So our channel level is  #

-") ðy using this method we also save from conflicts.

Our business is basically freight business so 


In services there are additional 3 P¶s in which one is people. An essential

ingredient to any service provision is the use of appropriate staff and people. Recruiting

the right staff and training them appropriately in the delivery of their service is essential

if the organization wants to obtain a form of competitive advantage. Consumers make

judgments and deliver perceptions of the service based on the employees they interact

with. Staff should have the appropriate interpersonal skills, attitude, and service

knowledge to provide the service that consumers are paying for. Many ðritish

organizations aim to apply for the Investors in People accreditation, which tells

consumers that staff is taken care of by the company and they are trained to certain


ðecause there is no tangible product in services so people become more important.

People are basically employees of organization or the people who deal the customers

because there is no product or good available so only good will work here which comes

through people. So it is necessary for a services base organization to hire, recruit ethically

and technically good staff and management. ðecause almost all business depends on

dealing and this deal is done by organizational staff and management.

m  m
  January 23, 2010

has worked on this p also seriously. Werecruit those people who are not

expert but also know how to work in pressure and who motivate new customer. Our staff

is most focusing on behavior also and has programs to train and retrain our staff.


Refers to the systems used to assist the organization in delivering the

service. When their customers old one has expired again require an efficient process to

identify expiry dates and renewal. An efficient service that replaces old will foster

consumer loyalty and confidence in the company. How easily a customer excess the

service of a company services offer he will be contented and his mind will satisfy, he will

become up till this degree your loyal customer. So mostly organizations work on !

%&!%!+! means the process is so easy and convent.

also works on one window operation. We are away from our customer just

one call or an email. After call and email our organization works itself and there is

no burden upon customer.


Where is the service being delivered? Physical Evidence is the

element of the service mix which allows the consumer again to make judgments on the

organization. Physical evidence is an essential ingredient of the service mix; consumers

will make perceptions based on their sight of the service provision which will have an

impact on the organizations perceptual plan of the service.

  is working on physical by providing evidence totally documents of our

process and our delivery, both to receiver and deliver easily and in connivance way.

m  m
  January 23, 2010

To summarize service marketing looks at:

The Characteristics of a service that are:

(1) Lack of ownership

(2) Intangibility

(3) Inseparability

(4) Perish ability

(5) Heterogeneity.

The Service marketing mix involves analyzing the 7¶p of marketing involving,

Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Physical Evidence, Process and People.

To certain extent managing services are more complicated then managing

products, products can be standardized, to standardize a service is far more

difficult as there are more input factors i.e. people, physical evidence, process

to manage then with a product.


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