Learning Target Feedback Color

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Focus: Learning Targets


Expectations: These items should be observable at any

time during the class period
Learning Target is clearly posted

Time: Hour

Engaging with the Target: These may not occur while the
observer is in the room, so please self-reect as to
whether or not they were part of the lesson if they are not

Learning Target is not an agenda item or activity

The learning target is referenced by the teacher

(this should be happening throughout the


Learning Target is written in student friendly

language; except for domain-specic terms

Success criteria are clear and shared with the

Activities and assessments are aligned to the

students (how they reach the target)


The teacher engaged the students in the target

For Additional Reection:

through one or more of the following:

Has a space been clearly designated for learning

Is the learning target crafted from a national or state

exemplars, modeling, a rubric, creating

criteria w/ students, formative assessment

Is the learning target part of a planned learning

trajectory rather than being selected in isolation?

Student Understanding of Learning: A student(s) was

asked, What are you learning today? Please reect on
the response given below.

Is a new learning target posted each day?


The elements of components 1c are:
Value, sequence, and alignment
Outcomes represent significant learning in the discipline reflecting, where appropriate, the Common Core State
Outcomes must refer to what students will learn, not what they will do, and must permit viable methods of
Outcomes should reflect different types of learning, such as knowledge, conceptual understanding, and thinking
Suitability for diverse students
Outcomes must be appropriate for all students in the class.
Danielson Rubric Indicators include:
Outcomes of a challenging cognitive level
Statements of student learning, not student activity
Outcomes central to the discipline and related to those in other disciplines
Outcomes permitting assessment of student attainment

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