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PET Rephrasing: verb tenses

1. Your house is near Buckingham Palace.
Your house .. from Buckingham Palace.
2. I havent visited Lake District before.
This is ..that I have visited Lake District.
3. My brother visited it last year.
My brother hasnt a year.
4. This museum opened as a gallery in September in 2000.
This museum has been open as
5. This is the first time Ive been to this sports centre.
I .. been to this sports centre before.
6. There are three levels of galleries in this museum.
This museum of galleries.
7. There isnt any time to pack the bags now.
We dont ............................................. to pack the bags now.
8. There are three screens at that cinema.
That cinema .............................................three screens.
9. The sports centre doesnt have a swimming pool.
The sports centre has a swimming pool.
10. They are still building the squash courts.
They .. finished building the squash courts yet.
11. My friend started work here three weeks ago.
My friend . here for three weeks.
12. Climbers are able to enjoy a beautiful view from the top of the mountain.
Climbers.............................................a beautiful view from the top of the mountain.
13. You must turn off your phones during the performance.
You are not ............................................. to have your phones turned on during the
14. When they were small, the twins spoke a strange language.
When they were small, the twins . a strange

PET Rephrasing:comparison
1. My flat is bigger than yours.
Your mine.
2. This product isnt as good as the old one.
The old product is............................................. the new one .
3. Radio Roquetas is my favourite radio station
Radio Roquetas is ............................................. than the other radio stations.
4. Climbing equipment is more expensive in Wales than in England.
Climbing equipment is .............................................. than in Wales.
5. That caf has better food than any other caf in the area.
That caf in the area.
6. Other radio stations have fewer listeners than Radio Roquetas.
Radio Roquetas has ........................................ listeners than other radio stations.
7. Dj Mac is funnier than all the other disc jockeys.
Dj Mac is the .................................................disc jokey.
8. I find the sports programmes interesting.
I ...................................................... in the sports programmes.
9. The music programmes are less popular than the news programmes.
The music programmes arent ................................................... the news
10. I entered a competition but Im unlikely to win.
I entered a competition but I ................................... likely to win.

PET REPHRASING: revision 5

1. On Friday, the main meal is usually cooked by my mother.
On Friday, my mother
2. My mother told me not to burn the rice.
My mother said :`the rice.
3. Mary suggested having pizza.
Mary said Lets .
4.In the restaurant, Sue asked for burger with chips.
In the restaurant, Sue said Can .
5.He went shopping because he wanted rice.
He went shopping to
6.He prefers using the car to walking.
He would rather...........................................than walk.
7. Whose is this mobile phone?
Who does ..............................................................................
8. Technology confuses some people.
Some people ...............................................................................
9. I came here a year ago.
I have been here ....................................................................................
10.The film was called 'Twilight'
The name...................................................................................................

REPHRASING :revision 4
1. I borrowed some money from my sister to buy this jumper.
My brother . some money to buy this jumper.
2. Id never been to that neighbourhood before.
It was .. I went to that neighbourhood.
3. We couldnt afford to buy much at the shopping centre.
We didnt . to buy much at the shopping centre.
4. My father thought we should go on a sailing trip.
My father wanted .. go on a sailing trip.
5. Ive never met such a pretty girl.
She is . Ive ever met.
6. John started working at the bank two years ago.
John at the bank for two years.
7. Marys father wrote the novel, It was my Fault.
The novel, It was my Fault, . Marys father.
8. Sarah will come out with us tomorrow unless she has to work late.
Sarah will come out with us tomorrow, if she .. to work late.
9. Are these shoes Sams?
Do these shoes .. Sam?
10. You mustnt smoke in the cinema.
Smoking . in the cinema.

1. Cinema tickets are more expensive than last year .
Last year, cinema tickets . than they are now.
2. The office telephone is often engaged.
It is often .. phone the booking office.
3. I hope your brother returns the novel to me soon.
I hope your brother .. back the novel soon.
4. Driving in heavy snow isnt easy.
Heavy snow makes it .. drive.
5. El Ejido isnt as big as Almera.
Almera is . El Ejido.
6. Roquertas has got some good shops.
In Roquetas .. good shops.
7. The towns mayor opened the new stadium last year.
The new stadium the towns mayor last year.
8. Shall we visit the Alhambra this weekend?
Why . visit the Alhambra this weekend?
9. I havent been to London for three years.
I Middletown three years ago.
10. It was so hot that we didnt do much sightseeing.
It was too hot .. much sightseeing.

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