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Sounds Interesting
Directions: Read the instructions and all the items in each test type carefully. Use black or blue pen
ink only. Avoid any form of erasure, alteration, and superimposition on the final answer.
1. Ms. Sarmiento loaned 9,500 from October 29, 2013 to March 18, 2014 with
10% simple interest. Solve for the interest, using the four (4) previously
discussed terms and duration. (4 items x 3 points)
a. Ordinary Interest (Actual Time)
b. Ordinary Interest (Approximate Time)
c. Exact Interest (Actual Time)
d. Exact Interest (Approximate Time)

2. Using the four previously discussed terms and duration, find how much interest
an account will earn from January 1 to August 20 if its principal amount is
25,000 and the interest rate is 11.25%. (4 items x 3 points)
a. Ordinary Interest (Actual Time)
b. Ordinary Interest (Approximate Time)
c. Exact Interest (Actual Time)
d. Exact Interest (Approximate Time)

Sounds Interesting

*Property of STI
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