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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 66 (2016) 499516

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

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Smart grid technologies and applications

art ic l e i nf o
Smart grid
Self-sufcient systems
Structure of the smart grid
Energy efciency

a b s t r a c t
Smart grid technologies can be dened as self-sufcient systems that can nd solutions to problems
quickly in an available system that reduces the workforce and targets sustainable, reliable, safe and
quality electricity to all consumers. In this respect, different technological applications can be seen from
the perspective of researchers and investors. Even though these technological application studies constitute an initial step for the structure of the smart grid, they have not been fully completed in many
Associations of initial studies for the next step in smart grid applications will provide an economic
benet for the authorities in the long term, and will help to establish standards to be compatible with
every application so that all smart grid applications can be coordinated under the control of the same
authorities. In this study, a review has been made of technological methods of data transmission and the
energy efciency in smart grids as well as smart grid applications. Therefore, this study is expected to be
an important guiding source for researchers and engineers studying the smart grid. It also helps transmission and distribution system operators to follow the right path as they are transforming their classical
grids to smart grids.
& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Traditional electrical distribution systems have been used to
transport electrical energy generated at a central power plant by
increasing voltage levels and then delivering it to the end users by
reducing voltage levels gradually. However, smart power grids are
needed in the electricity market nowadays. Since, smart power grids
offer the opportunities for monitoring the distributed energy generation by means of remote reading facilitates and for load shedding
in an emergency case [1]. In addition, the demand prediction is made
by utilizing historical energy generation and consumption data and
the balance between energy supply and load demand is ensured
accurately demand response management [2,3]. Particularly, remote
control and reading are quite widespread in the smart grid applications. As a result, the data density has increased steadily and this
increase has brought in different data transmission methods. In this
regard, data rate, data transmission range, cost and reliability have
been taken into account in the preference of different data transmission methods by users. The usage areas of data transmission
methods can be summarized as the remote monitoring of electrical
measurements and the periodic controls of automation-made devices, machines and systems [48].
In addition to the data transmission methods, the communication technologies and the security issues have been investigated for different perspectives in the smart grid environment
[914]. It is obvious that any network problems can be solved with
smart metering [15,16]. Smart metering and data management
along with bidirectional communication provide a number of facilitates in the generation, transmission and distribution of energy
[1719]. For instance, power outages can be avoided by applying
1364-0321/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

the consumer threshold for energy usage in case of the lack of

energy and it can be possible to prevent subscribers being without
power by reducing downtime caused by overload [2023]. Apart
from these, energy storage is another form of network balance by
regulating energy supply and load demand in each hierarchical
frequency control in micro-grid networks [24]. With the storage of
renewable energy, DC power is considered as an energy supplement to make the network stable in AC power interruptions
[25,26]. The energy storage applications have also been conducted
for different smart grid purposes by electric vehicles, renewable
generation systems, electricity markets, energy policy and power
system management [2743]. In addition, intelligent transformers
can be operated in an effective manner in order to provide efcient energy protection and the algorithms can be improved for
the detection of cyber-attacks that cause to the power outages in
the smart grid environment [4447].
On the other hand, caution mechanisms should be improved
against cyber-attacks in order to provide a secure environment for
smart grid users [48,49]. Information encryption and decryption
techniques should be implemented between manufacturers and
consumers in smart grids [50]. For instances, a private collection
protocol based on cryptographic methods was implemented for
supporting both spatial and temporal aggregation of the electricity
usage in the smart grid [51]. Many system parameters such as the
comparison of system clocks and the replacement of data points
can be involved in the security applications [52,53]. Apart from
these research areas, there have been many smart energy management strategies for different countries in the literature [5461].
Unlike the studies in the literature, in this study, a compilation
of smart grid activities regarding data transfer methods, network


R. Bayindir et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 66 (2016) 499516

infrastructure, energy supply and load demand, energy efciency,

load ow, power quality and intelligent network applications have
been reviewed in a comprehensive manner and the importance of
smart grids has been highlighted for the purpose of giving directions for researchers, engineers and power system operators as
well as policy makers, consumers and prosumers.

2. Data transmission methods

Data transmission methods are mainly used in mobile computers,
mobile phones, additional hardware of computers, remote monitoring and periodic measuring. They are used in many elds such as
vehicle tracking and the remote control of automated devices, machines or systems (smart home applications). The data transmission
intensity increases through the use of data transmission methods at
home or at work. This process refers to new research on secure, efcient, and reliable communications issues [6264]. Broadband over
Powerline (BPL) technology can be considered as one of the data
transmission methods for AMR (Automated Meter Reading) in terms
of data rate and data transfer distance [65]. With the spread of the
Internet network, connection of WiFi-based WSN (wireless sensor
networks) and the AMR system in smart grid to the Internet has
many advantages [66]. However, the measurement via radio signals
to read the values in real-time was found to be closer to the real
value. As an example, the design of next-generation AMR's network
architecture based on WiFi WSN facing the Smart Grid in an intelligent community is shown in Fig. 1 [67].
Understanding the importance of remote data reading is making the advantages of automatic meter reading methods increasingly common. With the reduction of the cost of data transmission
methods in the future using the different transmission methods in
intelligent networks given in Fig. 2 [68] that presents the possible
benets procured by intensive telecommunication infrastructure
usage for:

 Automated Meter Management and Distribution Management

for the regulated market (monopoly)

 Management of energy consumption and innovation and new

business for commercial companies.

Meter reading made by the vehicle where there is limitation of

data transfer is illustrated in Fig. 3. The methods used for meter
reading are not conducive to application areas as they limit the
remote control and monitoring system. Only the use of different
communication methods for AMR meter-reading process can be
used in natural gas, water meters and electricity meters in addition to detecting the faults [69].
As reading with a vehicle limits many applications, remotemonitoring systems should be used. In the event of extending the
eld of application, the bandwidth and data transmission rate is
100 Mbps in a medium network to address data transmission
density as power generation and distribution in the future will be
established on detecting the mains with sensors and communication of sensed data [70]. Therefore, it will also contribute to
how communication technologies play a role in the implementation of intelligent networks and how transmission and distribution
of energy production can be managed from a single center [71].
The measuring of different physical sizes in such a case will cause a
high concentration in the data stream.
In order to eliminate data density in the smart grid, the basic
OFDMA multi-channel communication line may be needed. While
providing multiple accesses, communication between multiple
networks can be established [72] or planning can be done to
manage the data trafc in the smart network. One of the recommended methods for making monitoring and control operations in intelligent networks can be the split of data trafc density
estimation into zones [73]. In this case, the network management
issues only performed in local regions that can be seen from a
central location will facilitate the operation. On the other hand, the
intelligent network of the future will have many functions with
the coordinated operation of the local regions. Different application standards are formed considering the characteristics of local
regions [74].
When assessing communication between devices, the speed,
the distance of data transmission, the power consumption and the
cost are analyzed [75]. In terms of performance, usage according to
constantly evolving technology and the advantages and the disadvantages of wired and wireless communication methods are
taken into consideration as shown in Fig. 4 [76]. As seen in Fig. 4,
generation domain shares information with the regional system

Fig. 1. Architecture of AMR system based WiFi WSN [66].

R. Bayindir et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 66 (2016) 499516


Fig. 2. Telecom benet on four axes [68].

Fig. 3. Drive-by meter reading [69].

operator, the power market and the control center. In case of lack
of generation or generator failure, immediate actions need to be
taken by the regional system operator and the power market.
Transmission domain is typically regulated by the regional system

operator with the help of information exchange with the control

Several of these communication methods have short distance
data transmission with the use of wireless sensors at different voltage levels [77]. Due to purchase of the electricity network by all
subscribers, the PLC, which uses power cables for data transmission
at the same time as energy transmission, is a cheaper system [78]. In
the long term, PLC will be a cheap and convenient method for
communication in OG-AG networks [79]. Today, the most common
GPRS modems are the most preferred method in the market with
high data transfer rates from long distances. It will be convenient to
use communication methods at different speeds for different applications with the classication of smart grid applications in order to
use a method at an optimum level when evaluated in terms of the
data speed, the distance and the price [80].
During studies for the improvement of smart grid data transmission methods, the parameters to be considered must be expressed clearly [81]. A standard can be achieved by specifying the
limits of the application form by regulations and protocols. A

Fig. 4. Smart grid framework [76].


R. Bayindir et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 66 (2016) 499516

Fig. 5. Smart grid architecture increases the capacity and exibility of the network and provides advanced modern communications technologies through sensing and
control [84].

design can be made within the framework of IPv6 Routing Protocol

for the Advanced Metering Infrastructure application, which is one
of the protocols for smart grid applications [82]. In order to diminish a problem in reading data transmission methods, the smart
meter reading process should be a condential and reliable system
[83]. By conducting the risk analysis, it should be considered that
additional software can be made to recycle the data perfectly from
the sensors and then these procedures implement methods of data
transmission standards [84]. Fig. 5 shows smart infrastructure
included sensors, communication and computing capabilities.
Each components of system are linked to provide interoperability
distribution, transmission and consumers such as residential,
commercial and industrial sites [85]. Methods used for communication have a wide application eld intensity according to the
distance and data transmission intensity. These methods are
shown in Table 1.
In order to nd opportunities in real life applications of the
designed model, a module must be determined for data transmission to be carried out smoothly in the smart grid [86]. While
the use of PLC data concentrators necessitates the installation of
the concentrator at the LV transformer, at higher voltage that may
not be desired or necessary. Consider the scenario in Fig. 6. Smart
Grid appliances in the LV network generate, conservatively, 1 kbps
of data on average throughout the day. If there are 100 homes on
the LV transformer, this represents 100 kbps on the PLC channel. If
the MV substation is serving 10 LV substations, the throughput to
the MV concentrator is 1 Mbps. While it is easy to achieve 100
kbps on LV PLC, megabit communication on higher voltages is
often problematic.

3. Intelligent network infrastructure

Smart grid infrastructure covers the following; the management, the protection, the information and communication systems, the energy efciency, the emissions, the power quality and
the security of supply. Although there is a wide range of topics,
network automation should be managed well to be aware of
changes at each point in the network made by the parties. Different data can be achieved by the same hardware though the data
obtained from the network may be different. Or data can be
evaluated in different units by developing common equipment to
obtain data. While the billing department is reading the index, the
failure team constantly monitors the mains voltage. Two different
units can obtain these values from the counter. Partnering a study
by determining the intended application to be conducted in the
network application will reduce investment costs and making all
hardware work in coordination with the rest provides long-term
Although the concept of the smart grid is well understood by
the parties, today the necessary equipment and infrastructure for
implementation is not available [87].
Fig. 7 illustrates a ow diagram for transmission application. In
this ow diagram, denition of actors are required for application.
And also this diagram shows relationships across a main part of
infrastructure. Each use case application descriptions, information
on the denition and application of the actors needed for the
application are determined using this ow diagram [88]. Thus,
although there are different approaches to nding solutions to
topical applications, in the long run it is important for the

Table 1
Smart Grid Communication Technologies [84].
Technology Spectrum

Data Rate

Coverage Range




Up to 14.4 Kpbs
Up to 170 Kpbs
384 Kpbs-2
Up to 75 Mpbs

110 km
110 km
110 km

AMI, Demand Response, HAN Low data rates

AMI, Demand Response, HAN Low data rates
AMI, Demand Response, HAN Costly spectrum fees


9001800 MHz
9001800 MHz
1.921.98 GHz 2.112.17 GHz
2.5 GHz, 3.5 GHz, 5.8 GHz

AMI, Demand Response

Not widespread


130 MHz

23 Mpbs

1050 km (LOS) 15 km
13 km

AMI, Fraud Detection


2.4 GHz-868915 MHz

250 Kpbs

3050 m


Harsh, noisy channel

Low data rates, short range

R. Bayindir et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 66 (2016) 499516

Fig. 6. Zero-conguration VPN with two clients and NAT traversal by mediation server [86].

Fig. 7. Example of information ow diagram transmission application use cases for one utility roadmap development [87].



R. Bayindir et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 66 (2016) 499516

Fig. 8. Illustration of intelligrid methodology used to develop requirements and specications for the smart grid infrastructure [89].

operation of the system that microstructures support the macrostructure. A vision of integrated communications and information
management methodology can be called the smart grid development approach [87]. Dening the requirements of advanced power
system applications and technologies was improved with the Intelligent Grid program at the Electric Power Research Institute
(EPRI). The methodology is improved as an IEC Publicly Available
Specication (PAS) given in Fig. 8. The requirements for the technologies and systems supporting the application is dened to help
the development of use cases for critical applications [89].
In addition to the advantages of smart grid applications to the
users, encountered problems and challenges should also be mentioned [90]. When assessing different studies as part of a whole,
although each study contributed to another, they also gave new
ideas and experiences. The hardware needed and the problems
that may arise while operating this equipment as a whole must be
considered. Also, in addition to this hardware a remote switching
system should be used to maneuver. It denes the smart grid
communications architecture framework with its key segments
and constituent elements. Fig. 9 shows the building blocks of an

end-to-end smart grid communications system, including the

terminologies used to dene the multiple network segments and
boundaries for proper interoperability. It also shows SLA (Service
Level Agreement) performance metrics compliance at the interface
boundaries [91].
In practice, the delivery of energy quality criteria to be followed
can be limited to the current, the voltage, the frequency and the
harmonics. As other physical quantities are derivatives thereof we
can limit the structure of the sensor. Besides, location of a contact
or temperature of a point may also be required. Although there are
various applications, the sensor structure used to measure the
physical size should be designed with reference to the analysis
tools of the distribution system [92]. Sensor applications have a
wide range of applications, but more will be addressed by the
bridge conductor also used for the monitoring of vibration occurring in the current situation with intelligent sensors [93]. In this
case, power lines and poles can be converted to an application
using the smart grid. At the same time this can give an idea about
the buildings. Any machine can be monitored in real time with the
wireless sensor and the received data can be used to reduce

Fig. 9. End-to-end smart grid communications architecture [91].

R. Bayindir et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 66 (2016) 499516

energy consumption and cost. Changes to be made on the machine

when done within a program, and benets of the products produced will be in a standard manner [94]. Besides the application of
bi-directional ow of energy production, the transmission and the
distribution continuity, and being cheap, how-to data management responses were measured on the basis of micro-grid network primarily in the formation of a structure that can heal itself.
Systems working in coordination will consider many factors [95].
A key enabler of the smart grid is the two-way communications
throughout the power system, based on which an advanced information system can make optimal decisions on power system
operation [96,97].
When designing a network, what needs to be done to make the
network design with self-renewing reliability and energy management should be observed [98,99]. This operation is gradually
received while scheduling is performed with parameters [100].
The benets provided: proximity to the source of production of
the consumer and intelligent control centers to prioritize the resources with less logic, converting the smart transmission networks into smart grids and smart transformer and a different vision bringing high quality and cheap energy supply [101]. Fig. 10
shows the vision of a smart transmission grid. The transmission
grid existed is important stressed from different toughness and
demand of the environment, customers, and the market, as well as
existing infrastructure issues. These requirements will be more
important and crucial than ever and expand the existing transmission network and quickly take to improve their function to
apply emerging technologies with smart features. Therefore,


digitalization, exibility, intelligence, resilience, sustainability and

customization are provided as a roadmap for research and development using the smart features of the transmission network. In
addition, power system simulators, communication network simulators, and combined power and communication simulators
have also important place in smart grid area [102104].
In addition, all application data is saved in the data cloud.
Stored data are read as needed. It is important to store the data
obtained by zones to reduce the complexity of the applications
and data trafc information [105].
Microgrids generates electricity from small distributed sources
such as wind parks and solar farms near consumer in order to prevent transmission and distribution losses. Fig. 11(a) illustrates the
distributed co-generation and the distributed wind farms in Denmark [7], which made up 52.6 per cent of the gross electricity generation in 2000. Fig. 11(b) shows the project vision of DESERTEC,
which will connect the large renewable energy sources throughout
Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Large-scale integration of
renewable and distributed energy sources is an increasing challenge
to any market model worldwide. In the long-term, renewable energy
sources will replace fossil fuel energy production. At the same time,
the trend of energy production is high-voltage direct current transmission lines, or so-called super grids. Fig. 11(c) shows the concept of
a SuperSmart grid. The SuperSmart grid concept emphasizes the
need of grid ICT interconnections of resources than solely in the
distribution system. [106].
Fig. 12 shows data and information ow separated from the
control ow. The rationale behind this separation is that the

Fig. 10. Vision of a smart transmission grid [101].


R. Bayindir et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 66 (2016) 499516

Fig. 11. a) Distributed Generation in Denmark b) Large-Scale Distributed Generation DEERTEC. c) The Concept of Super Smart Grid [105].

legitimate parties in events will trigger actuators. The emphasis is

on the specic characteristics of cloud computing, which result in
an Internet-scale platform and can facilitate the data intensive
needs of the smart grid use cases detailed in Section II. Fig. 13
depicts the model of ubiquitous data storage and data access for
the Smart Grid Data Cloud.
Information may be needed for identication of many of the
problems in the distribution network so it is important to work in
coordination with each other to obtain the necessary information
from the network devices that are used [107] (Figs. 14 and 15).
The technical integration activities includes two main challenges and requirements. First one of them is hardware such as
real-time notications, control and process integration [103]. The
other one is data such as bulk and transaction based data exchange
amongst different applications. Network monitoring can be done
in ve steps [108].

Distributed Generation
Energy storage
Power electronics

Microelectronics (Grid Friendly Appliance) to produce higher

power densities, greater reliability and power quality, enhanced
electrical efciency that produces major environmental gains and
improved real-time diagnostics. Table 2 summarizes such devices
in ve groups. New methods and algorithms monitor power

system components enabling rapid diagnosis and timely, appropriate response to any event. It consists of devices and algorithms
that will analyze, diagnose and predict conditions and determine
and take appropriate corrective actions to prevent faults. Fig. 16
shows this control component present in all parts of grid.

4. Supply and demand in the smart grid

Supply-demand balance is a parameter to be considered to
ensure the protection of frequency standards. While the frequency
is important in terms of the manufacturer for the provision of
energy demand, for distribution companies the voltage parameter
will be monitored for detecting the remaining subscribers. Manufacturer of frequency control for past consumption can be consumed with the day ahead forecasts made with energy estimates
of past consumption records must be kept under control. Supplydemand balance towards concern for the sustainability of the
energy and ensuring increasingly complex systems work in coordination with each other can be resolved by the intervention in a
hierarchical order with an analytical framework [109]. Integration
of all types of energy storage and other resources such as plug-in
electric vehicles (PEVs) to counter the variability of renewable
resources (e.g., wind, Fig. 17) are important for sustainability of
When energy production is considered, transmission and distribution as a whole, studies conducted in many universities are
expected to capture stability in distribution networks and supply-

Fig. 12. Data and information ow separated from the control ow. Sensors and other data sources can be managed by a service provider [105].

R. Bayindir et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 66 (2016) 499516


Fig. 13. The model of ubiquitous data storage and data access for the smart grid data cloud [105].

energy production and consumption in the smart grid [112].

Storing energy with photovoltaic cells and PV power units offers a
wide range of opportunities in the network control in the provision of supply-demand balance in the micro-grid network [113].
The status of materials that are used in power generation and
distribution of transmission is important for continuity of electrical energy. Also, energy can be used efciently by coordinating
production, transmission, distribution and storage [114].

5. The efcient use of energy with smart grid

Fig. 14. Smart Grid Solution [107].

demand balance by giving direction to the smart grid [110]. While

doing frequency control with power plants of 100 MW installed
capacity, frequency oscillations will be minimized with the
emergence of different solutions of developing technology. The
main characteristic is to possess a self-healing feature while relying on more renewable energy based generations systems such
as wind and solar. Also, the smart grid has to operate in a highly
efcient manner, with high reliability and enhanced power quality.
This key feature offers a lot of advantages and future perspectives
in the power energy domain. Customers will have better control
and responsibility toward their power consumption. Due to its
self-healing action, long outages will not occur. Smart Grids will be
more efcient and economical than the existing power system
because they will facilitate more renewable energy source integration [111]. Fig. 18 is an overview of smart grid key functions.
Monitoring and forecast of the supply-demand balance can be
done in order to maintain the balance of supply and demand in

Providing security of supply in the network raises the issue of

energy efciency. The customer also has great responsibility
alongside energy efciency starting from subscriptions until delivery to the subscriber in an optimized way. Subscriber will
contribute to this process by the selection of equipment and using
it at convenient times. Keeping in mind the balance of the entire
system constructed by the network structure will reveal itself.
Consumers would support more longevity of the network and the
effective protection minimizing technical losses by changing habits and drawing energy from the network over time.
Average energy consumption from the mains supply and demand of energy taken under the energy efcient use of resources
can be done with smart grid management [115]. Fig. 19 schematically shows the traditional utility environment in terms of the
ow of power and information. Power ow is almost unidirectional from centralized supply sources (power plants) to demand,
and information ow is from lower voltages to higher operational
When this structure is discussed in terms of power generation
transmission distribution, energy- efciency is available with the
smart grid giving priority to renewable energy sources [116]. In the
case of the production of renewable energy more efciently, the
use of energy storage is an alternative idea. A crucial application
area for ICT in distribution grids is the fostering of demand-side
management (DSM) and demand response programs. It is of vital


R. Bayindir et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 66 (2016) 499516

Fig. 15. Smart Grid Conceptual Diagram [107].

Table 2
Modern Hardware for Smart Grids [108].
Group No. Group Name

Power Electronics


Distributed Generation

Distributed Storage

Composite Conductors


Unied Power Flow Controller (UPFC)

Static Voltage Regulator (SVR)
Static VAR Compensator (SVC)
Solid State Transfer Switch
Dynamic Brake
AC/DC inverter
First Generation Wire
HTS Cable
Second Generation Wire
Micro turbine
Fuel cell
Wind Turbine
Nas Battery
Vanadium Redox Battery (VRB)
Ultra Capacitors
Superconducting Magnetics Energy
Storage (SMES)
Aluminum Conductor Composite Core
Cable (ACCC Cable)
Aluminum Conductor Composite Reinforced Cable (ACCR Cable)
Annealed aluminum, steel supported

interest to distribution grid operators to know about the actual

grid load and to reshape it if it imperils grid stability. Various
price- and incentive-based demand response programs have been
developed in the past. Fig. 20 gives an overview of program designs ordered by the time frame of their application. A widespread
cable-based technology in Germany is the European Installation
Bus (EIB/KNX). Introduced in 2007, it is the only worldwide-acknowledged technology platform for building services engineering
[48]. KNX is capable of linking all sensors and actors with uniform
standards and interfaces and sending control commands for these
components. Fig. 21 illustrates the possibilities provided by KNX
Giving priority to renewable energy sources will reduce carbon
emissions. The balance of supply and demand in the network can

be met by storing the energy while providing priority to renewable energy sources. The grid will gain a dynamic structure by
providing a controlled ow of power in distribution networks
It allows applications in terms of distribution, transmission and
management and also to give priority to renewable energy sources
for continuity of the energy [118]. Producers and consumers
working together will provide exibility to the structure of supply
and demand. A study has been conducted in methods of communication and smart home consumers of renewable energy
sources for environmental work [119]. In Fig. 22, each power
generator is interconnected with an adapted power supplier,
which has the proper capability of interpreting the real-time price
signal received from the energy web infrastructure [55]. In order
to match the consumption and generation, the participant strategy
is adapted. In the power market model, each electricity user has
the option to become a power generator. The electricity price is
generated in real-time and sent to every participant by utility
operators using the smart grid communication infrastructure from
the electricity market. The electricity ows generated by the participants are monitored in real-time mode by utility operators who
also operate the real-time metering infrastructures such as automatic meter reading (AMR) or AMI for establishing the energy
demand and supply balance. The historical records of both power
consumption and generation with their corresponding price are
periodically sent to the related ofces of the participants for nancial settlement.
Consumer prole may also change in the near future. The
electric vehicles expected to be in everyday life will be a huge
burden on the network. Electric vehicle must be charged, energy
must be efciently used in coordination with the network and
energy demand must be planned [120]. The overload in the network will occur. The resources will be used more efciently by
creating a standard between resources and buyers for the smart
grid [121]. In addition to providing the energy supply-demand
balance, market parameters created by consumers in the free
market affect the smart grid [122]. Energy trading can be done by
using cheaper energy for autonomous consumers in the free
market, using or storing energy for this purpose when it is inexpensive and planning to sell when expensive [123]. Through
different pricing demands made on the one hand while balancing

R. Bayindir et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 66 (2016) 499516


Fig. 16. Control center in all parts of the grid [108].

Fig. 17. Example-variability of wind resource output [109].

Fig. 19. Power and information ow under the smart grid [115].

Fig. 18. Key functions of smart grid [110].

the load on the other hand, the behavior of customers within the
smart grid is determined [124]. Load demand balancing will
minimize the losses occurring in the network [125]. The advantages can be seen in several simulations. The losses in line
trumping will occur and we will see the benets of more efcient
use of energy [126]. Figs. 23 and 24 show residential load curves
for a typical weekday in a summer and a winter month,


R. Bayindir et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 66 (2016) 499516

Fig. 20. Role of demand response in electric system planning and operations [116].

Fig. 21. Integration of applications in buildings through KNX [116].

6. Load ow in smart grid

Load ow in the network increases the capacity of the line in
addition to easing the work of peak hours. In addition, the more
stable current drawn from the line, the fewer technical losses
occur in the line. Avoiding uctuations from sudden changes of
load will contribute to the quality of energy. Otherwise, sudden
overloading or unloading of the grid cause technical losses to increase and sudden changes in voltage damage the structure of
materials. In this case, life of equipment used in the grid will decrease. Smart grids provide a stable structure by considering all
these issues mentioned for the grid. In addition, using the demand
for load in a balanced manner with applications of intelligent
network can reduce system overload [127129]. Awareness of
smart grids increases the use of energy systematically in an efcient way [130]. Measures can be taken in addition to the

protection method of conductors consisting of fault mitigation and

protection and monitoring of load ow control [131]. The wireless
communication distance between concentrator and UGPSSM is
relatively short because concentrators can be deployed at strategically placed locations along the distribution system as illustrated
in Fig. 25. For this reason time latencies introduced by the communication system will be very short and they will not deteriorate
the performance of the system. Also, unlike traditional analog
transmission via wires, digital transmission is immune to data
The effect of attracting customers from the network load in the
future should also be considered. Charging of electric vehicles will
engage distribution networks as it will draw a higher rate of load
from the grid in the future [66].
Peak hour load should be taken under control by making
changes in energy tariffs to prevent the overload condition of the
grid in peak hours. In addition, there should be different applications in the grid to provide maximum power in balance [132,133].
Distribution of power in balance increases the power capacity of
the grid. To control the power ow in the grid, some simulations
should be done before applying some experiments. At the equilibrium point, the demand distribution over time slots of all users is
shown in Fig. 26. Notice that the demand concentrates in the time
slots preferred by the user, i.e. those with higher natural consumption. This can be expected,
If it is necessary to monitor the power used in peak time, a
remote meter reading application at specied time periods could
be a solution [134,135]. Likewise, failure analysis, advanced control
systems and automation systems can be done with the line [136].
Common behaviors of defective regions can be simulated in MATLAB and then standards for common problems can be achieved.

7. Power quality criteria

One of the most important outcomes targeted in Smart Grid is
to transfer high-quality energy to the consumers. Electric power
parameters are desired within the specied limits. It will contribute in a positive way to identify and to eliminate the source of
the effects observed in the network and will offer many opportunities to examine problems and their effects. The new solutions
with regional characteristics will emerge when smart grid structure is reduced to micro grid structure considering buyers and
producers in the network. Through different network structures,

R. Bayindir et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 66 (2016) 499516


Fig. 22. Web infrastructure energy [119].

of agents such as telecommunication, sensing, control, and optimization shown in Fig. 27 have been identied to achieve adaptive
interaction, adaptability, self-healing, efciency and reliability of
the electrical grid.
A solution can be found to determine the location of the
measurements made on the network by giving an IP number to
each device on the network [139]. The provision of energy quality
criteria can be controlled by monitoring the network [140]. The
standard issue of security has been developed in North America by
regarding the system that increases the efciency of the distribution network and prevents power outages as a whole [141].

8. Smart grid network applications

Fig. 23. Load curve by type of feed for one of 780 homes (summer) [124].

Fig. 24. Load curve by type of 780 homes for one feeder (winter) [124].

the provision of energy is possible with smart grid design minimizing loss of quality with no power interruption. The smart grid
in the energy production distribution can be achieved by designing all applications made on its behalf [138]. Advance interactions

There are many different smart grid applications in the world.

Authors established a small size smart grid application at Gazi
University in Ankara, Turkey with solar, wind, battery storage
system and diesel powered micro grid generation connected to the
grid. Authors also visited a large size smart grids application center
that was set up on Jeju Island in South Korea. There are also
continuous studies to build a smart building at JRC in Petten, the
Netherlands that consists of solar panels, diesel generators, battery
storage system, remote monitoring, smart communications, smart
metering and energy saving systems.
Real smart grid applications are available in the USA [142]. The
legal arrangements have been done to make changes in power
distribution in India. Studies towards the establishment of an
electricity distribution network fullling all expectations from the
target area of the smart grid of energy quality, continuity of supply
and customer satisfaction are underway [143]. It is worth considering being exible by calculating the point to reach while
many stakeholders in the design of networks carry different
thoughts and make expensive investments. A risk analysis should
be done at some point by developing exibility roadmaps, effective planning and creating consensus [144]. IEC61850 and
IEC61970 have been presented as two basic standards of power


R. Bayindir et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 66 (2016) 499516

Fig. 25. WiFi based WSN architecture of the AMR system [130].

Fig. 26. Demand of each user with the proposed demand management scheme,
over the 24 one-hour time slots [131].

grid automation, but a joint study has not been made with different standards. Communication and protection have been discussed with existing standards [145]. The Chinese government
supports smart grid applications. There are some pilot applications
for energy saving and continuity of energy ow. However, nal

smart grid applications in China will start in 2020 after dening

the difculties faced [146]. Energy security and sustainability applications for smart grid applications to be done under the brand
micro converting, allow an algorithm to be generalized to networks of practice [147]. Software has been developed and standardized after obtaining real time values of automatic distribution
system in South Korea and then real results were obtained by
applying the present studies to the local region. The current system has been tested by detecting the problems encountered in the
application [148].
Visualization techniques in the smart grid allow an opportunity
to observe the behavior of the system [149]. There are available
simulation programs developed for smart grid communications
[150]. Some applications are dened in a detailed manner to become a standard for smart grid applications [151]. Smart grid
power quality expected from self-controlling to ensure the balance
of supply and demand is expressed in ve steps in the practice
[152]. Southern California Edison (SCE) is now investigating
methods to assist its customers in managing their energy usage
and taking full advantage of all the Smart Grid has to offer customers. Edison's goal is to enable customers to be active participants and make the best decisions for reducing their energy use
and lowering their power bills (Fig. 28).

Fig. 27. Smart Grid intelligent automation functions [138].

R. Bayindir et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 66 (2016) 499516


are increasing day-by-day, functionality of metering should be

extended as an analyzer in the grid as a part of the smart grid
application [160].

9. Conclusion

Fig. 28. Home area network [152].

Efcient use of energy can give priority to renewable energy

sources, or RES. The contribution of RES to the network is recorded
with a smart meter [153]. During the day, existing energy sources
will be used at an optimum level by prioritizing forms of energy
that cannot be stored or do not harm the environment. For example, if one uses solar energy during the daytime, the energy
available from the sun cannot be used.
Meter reading information, by looking at the energy consumption and efcient use of energy controlled power ow routing tree, helps to create the next strategy. The consumption is
under control by likening the distribution network to a tree.
Transmission and distribution of energy generation in the intelligent network in a house is the next coordination with determination of the load characteristic controlled [154]. At each
point of measurement techniques, by making smart grid voltage
drop and losses claimed from the customer, the line charge status
can be assessed by looking at the records. The stable load ow will
contribute to minimum levels of technical losses in the network.
Load ow occurrences will be monitored regularly with the load
prole of smart meters. The losses that occur in the network are
avoidable [155]. Cheap energy supply tariff prices can be generated
by looking at the counters in the counter data to make real-time
assessment of prices and tariffs. Prices need to be kept under simultaneous recording. When determining the price for the residential subscriber distribution companies, the price offered free
to consumers looking for the cheapest possible energy is created.
Thus, by taking advantage of special tariffs customers with changing consumption habits will be able to get energy cheaper. Acting
on this point at a time when energy is cheap is set out in the offer,
hence the chance to make savings [156]. Network storage applications in supply-demand balance in the running time of peak
loads and the use of renewable energy efciently create many
advantages. Although there are differences in practices, there are
some applications to establish the infrastructure of a smart grid in
Sweden, such as use of smart metering, storage servers and simultaneous remote reading meters [157]. Benchmarking relates to
losses that occur in the network. When losses are classied,
technical losses refer to the requirement of grid maintenance.
To reduce the technical losses occurring in line and to prevent
the unlawful use of energy, besides smart meters, it is necessary to
look at the social and cultural behavior of customers. [158]. Traditional structures of society will also help to reduce losses. Smart
metering system is able to read all required data from the grid.
Remote smart metering system can also act as a sensor. Use of
smart metering in smart grids gives large application opportunities. The application eld of smart metering can be extended
such as by using smart meters in the grid as sensors to detect
problems and variations. [159]. Although smart metering systems

This study presents an overview of existing research about smart

grid technologies and applications of the smart grid on going researches. Many applications in the grid such as the data received
from any point on the network, the losses occurring by remotely
accessed networks, the failures, the charge density, the disorder in
power quality criteria (phase unbalanced, voltage drop, voltage rise,
harmonics, power outage), the billing, analysis of the line in terms of
technical aspects and then the balance between supply and demand
have been introduced and highlighted in this paper in order to solve
the problems occurring in power systems easily. However, only these
kinds of applications will start the infrastructure of smart grid applications in the future and then provide opportunities for companies
to make investments in the right direction.
The key focus of the papers in the literature is to provide secure, energy efcient, and cost effective power supply to consumers by utilizing the renewable energy sources and distributed
generation integrating on-site generation strategies. Especially,
several topics have signicantly highlighted of the smart grid in
the literature such as real time communication, demand side
management, dynamic pricing, distributed generation, and demand management. As a result of these additional request, electricity networks are at an increased risk of cyber-attacks. So, some
papers have been researched cyber security and information security to obtain sustainability and quality of electricity supply
while increasingly distributed and renewable energy sources are
connected to the grid. The resulting evolvement of so-called smart
grids strongly depend on the availability of sensitive and reliable
measurement data for monitoring and control of these grids. So,
the papers given in the literature has been focused on these requirements that include a signicant communication infrastructure, which is used to collect usage data and monitor the
operational status of the grid.
This literature review have also provided a comprehensive information for future smart grid going on research works on energy
management, information management, and security. In the literature, smart meters are important topic in smart grid to collect
real time data and execute the instructions from control center via
sensors such as current, voltage to get user friendly network.
As it is understood, the automation and the analysis of data
obtained from the smart grid will provide a road map to establish
the smart grid codes. To create a systematic in the smart grid
system, different units should be formed to monitor the voltage,
the frequency, the harmonics, the current limits specied in energy and the power cuts made in the form of monitoring. Nevertheless, this study has been intended to be an important directing
reference for researchers, engineers, and transmission and distribution system operators to move in the right direction as they
change their classical grids to smart grids.

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R. Bayindir
Gazi University, Turkey
E-mail address: bayindir@gazi.edu.tr
I. Colak n
Istanbul Gelisim University, Turkey
E-mail address: icolak@gelisim.edu.tr
G. Fulli
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Italy
E-mail address: gianluca.fulli@ec.europa.eu
K. Demirtas
Turkish Electricity Distribution Company, Turkey
E-mail address: kenandemirtas@tedas.gov.tr
Received 10 January 2016
7 June 2016
3 August 2016
Available online 24 August 2016

Corresponding author.

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