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Become a Success
Statistics show that highly successful people are: 1) self-confident; 2) impatient and
excessive about their personal and professional pursuits; 3) committed to their work to
the degree of being workaholics; 4) people who want, need and demand to be in control;
5) people who have strong likes and dislikes; 6) introverted as opposed to extroverted; 7)
more concerned with being respected than being liked; 8) find the process of attaining
their goals much more joyful than the actual accomplishment; 9) predictable and reliable
high achievers who always act to secure the future; and 10) people who need to learn to
delegate. If you dont fulfill all these profile points, that doesnt mean you cant learn to
become successful. YOU CAN!
To most people, learning how to become successful means developing a particular
skill, or launching a hot idea. But the truth is, thats only a small part of successa
necessary part to be sure, but 90 percent of success results from four factors: energy,
enthusiasm, self-image and discipline.
Success obviously means different things to different people, and although most of
the following tips could be applied to any aspect of success, this chapter will focus
primarily on monetary success.

1. Develop clarity of intent.

First and foremost you must develop clarity of intent, clearly defining what success
means to you. If you dont know exactly what you want, how can you expect to attain it?
Whether you are just beginning or are already well into the race, be sure you have this
clarity. You need a clearly defined goal or at least a strong general direction.
In recent polls, 50 percent of those polled indicated that they did not know what
they wanted to do that would make them ultra-successful. But you must know what you
want if you expect to get it. Start by pretending you have come across a magical genie
who has promised to grant three wishes. No logical restrictions. What would you wish
to be, if you could have any wish you wanted?
What do you want out of life? Not what should you want, or what someone else
thinks you should want. What do you want? Maybe you think your real wants are
greedy, so you disguise them. Or you feel your wants are irresponsible or unrealistic, so
you wont admit to them, even to yourself. Dont put excuses between you and doing it.
Dont allow your excuses to stop you from forming clarity of intent. Without it, you
have no direction, and nowhere to begin.

2. Learn the four factors that are crucial

to any success: energy, enthusiasm,
self-image and discipline.
Energy: you must have the mental and physical energy to do what you need to do to
succeed. Mental energy is necessary to learn your skills, calculate and remember.

Physical energy is the basis of all energy and is the key ingredient of renewal. How do
you attain the energy you require? In a nutshell, it will come from your lifestyle. A
lifestyle incorporating physical exercise and a proper diet, plus a balance of work and
play, and a minimum of stress almost assures an excess of physical energy.
Enthusiasm combined with action will hasten success. Enthusiasm is the
psychological adrenaline that drives you to victory against the odds. It usually results
from doing what you love to do. Before embarking upon the quest of a goal, be sure you
have the enthusiasm to see it through. The more you believe in your goal the more
enthusiasm youll have. Then attain the knowledge you need which will generate even
more enthusiasm.
Self-image: perceiving yourself as a winner is probably the most powerful success
factor of all. Self-image results from what you do. The more you do what makes you
proud of yourself, the better your self-image becomes. So, stop doing anything that
lowers your self-image in any way. And start doing everything you can to generate
positive esteem.
It is critically important to realize that you will never allow yourself to have what
you dont feel worthy of. Do you feel worthy of your goals? If not you must begin
immediately to program your conscious and subconscious mind to support your
worthiness. Chapter Three Increase Your Self-Esteem offers a blueprint for building
your self-image.
Self-discipline isnt about self-denial or self-restrictions. In the context of success it
means self-determination. It is perseverance in action, and the very basis of success,
because it is how you direct your time, energy and resources to manifest your desires.
Self-discipline is the one ingredient common to all self-made, successful people. And it
certainly isnt difficult to rise above the level of self-discipline of the masses because they
are so accustomed to being disciplined by others, they cant discipline themselves. They
accept being told what to do, and how and when to do it, by their parents, friends, mate,
employer, religion and government.
Self-discipline simply means that you do what you need to do, and stop doing what
you know doesnt work. It is you and you alone who controls your mind, body and
actions. It starts with positive thoughts. If you cant control your thoughts, you cant
control your actions. Obviously, your current life is a result of your thoughts, which
created your feelings, which causes your actions. Begin immediately to monitor your
thoughts and when you catch yourself thinking negative, say to yourself, Success
Opportunity. Then quickly imagine the same situation with a positive outcome. This
little technique blocks negative subconscious programming and promotes positive

3. Spend time constructively.

The greatest resource you have is time! You either spend time or you waste it.
Spending time means using it constructively, profitably, and ideally in a way that is
fulfilling to you. Spending time might be working toward your success, a dinner with
good friends, or sitting and doing nothing. Wasted time is exactly thatany time spent
with people you dont enjoy is wasted. Time spent doing busy work without benefit is

We all have the same 1,440 minutes per daywhich is forever lostunless you
invest it in your future success, acquiring knowledge, learning skills, making business
contacts or enhancing your personal life. If you have trouble planning, organizing your
life and setting priorities you need to study time management. There are many excellent
titles on time management at your local bookstore.

4. Never limit your vision.

You will never succeed beyond the size of your vision. Your goals and vision are two
different things. You may have a goal of owning a Taco Bell franchise, or maybe three
Taco Bell franchises. But is that the full scope of your vision? Maybe your vision is to be
one of the most respected, successful restaurateurs in Phoenix, Arizona. Maybe you
envision a nationwide chain of restaurants. It is critical in the early stages of your career
to spend time thinking about the size of your vision.

5. Realize that you need an emotional purpose.

For a large vision, realize that you need an emotional purpose; an emotional
purpose will keep driving you forward. The desire to send all your kids to Harvard is an
emotional purpose. To prove your success potential to all the people who used to laugh
at you is an emotional purpose. To rebuild your grandfathers lost fortune is an
emotional purpose. To enjoy the ego satisfaction of rising above all your peers is an
emotional purpose. On the other hand, to succeed so you can pay the mortgage without
such a struggle is a practical purpose.
The greater the emotional desire, the sooner you will begin to set change into
motion. Without an emotional purpose, instead of accomplishing practical goals, people
tend to reduce the breadth of their vision. Having an emotional purpose allows you to
dream bigger and to think bigger.

6. Act now.
Dont wait for the ideal time to put your success plans into action. Chances are there
will never be a perfect time. Success comes to those who are bold enough to risk.
Courage is the willingness to be afraid and to act anyway.

7. Stop worrying about what other people think.

Stop worrying about what other people think in regard to what you want to do.
Chances are they dont really want you to succeed anyway. Your success will make
them appear to be failures. If you need the approval of others, at least seek out a
successful person you really admire.
If you want to be successful, surround yourself with successful people. Birds of a
feather flock together. If you want to make money and accumulate wealth, associate
only with those who are comfortable with abundance. Avoid negative people, losers,
socialites, and time wasters.

8. Balance your hard work with play.

If you are a high achiever, doing something you love to do, its often hard to break
away to spend time in other wayssuch as exercising, sharing with your family,

spending quality time with your child, enjoying a hobby, or even attending to your
spiritual needs. But this balance is critical to your overall well being. Maintaining your
equilibrium needs to become a central priority.
If you allow yourself to get out of balance, things will start to go wrong in the area
you are not attending to. If your ignoring your relationship for your career, you can
count on relationship problems which will then indirectly effect your work career. If you
arent eating and exercising properly, youll probably get sick, which will again
indirectly affect your success career.

9. Examine your beliefs about success.

There are very few facts in your life. Most of what you have accepted to be your
reality is the result of your beliefs. And when I say your reality, Im speaking of all
aspects of your life.
In regard to your quest for financial success you need to examine your attitudes
about success and those who are already successful. If someone pulls up beside you at a
stoplight, driving a Rolls Royce, what do you think?
If you think the driver is a snob, or you resent him, you are blocking your success,
because you cant become what you resent. Also you will always live up to your selfimage, and if deep down in your subconscious you feel snobbery accompanies riches,
you will block getting rich. If any of this relates to you it is time to examine your beliefs
about success. A quick way to do this is to instantly complete some sentences. Dont
even think about your answersbut from your heart immediately finish these
I think rich people are ...
My potential for success is ...
My basic belief about becoming wealthy is ...

If any of your answers were negative, you have a problem with beliefs that must be
solved by finding the cause of the belief, or through reprogramming. There are many
ways to process the cause of the belief: metaphysical counseling, past-life regression, self
hypnosis, psychiatric therapy, etc. You will have to find what works best for you.

10. Project confidence.

Project confidence, even if you dont feel it. Speak with authority and act confidently.
Remember this life-changing fact: you dont have to change how you feel about
something to affect it, if you are willing to change what you are doing. In other words,
even if you dont feel confident, if you will just act confident, soon your feelings will
follow your new behavior and you will become confident.

11. Apply the 80/20 Plan.

There are many variations of this idea which basically says that 80 percent of
everything of value is owned, achieved or created by 20 percent of the people. The idea
is to be one of the 20 percent. But the aspect of the 80/20 plan I most like to share is
based upon research that proves that you get 80 percent of your results in life from 20

percent of your efforts. The idea is to increase your efforts in the area that is paying off
and delegate to others the busy work that isnt generating the high-percentage return.

12. Assume the role of a leader.

This tip is about leadership. There are few kinds of success that dont require
leadership, so you must be ready to assume it. This means you need to become a leader,
to set examples, to speak up and delegate. Delegation is often one of the most difficult
things for successful people to do, but until you are willing to delegate, you will severely
limit your success potential. Spend your time doing that which you do best, and that
which generates the best resultsand delegate the rest.

13. Dont give up.

The longer the lead time you invest in your success, the greater the payoff. All the
extra energy and effort you put into what you are doing will pay off down the line, if for
no other reason than there is much less competition. Most people are oriented to an
immediate payoff. They cant financially afford to wait, or they arent emotionally
capable of waiting. It is estimated that only ten people in a hundred will put effort into
something unless it will pay off in a years time. And it follows that only one of the ten is
emotionally capable of investing time, energy, money or sacrifice into something that
wont remain profitable for five years.

14. Spend each moment doing the

most productive thing you can.
A simple reminder that you may want to write out and put up on the mirror in your
bathroom, on the dashboard of your car and on your desk: I will spend each moment doing
the most productive thing I can. Think about that. Its a statement from you to yourself. Let
it become your affirmation for success. I will spend each moment doing the most productive
thing I can. I will spend each moment doing the most productive thing I can. And then do it.

15. Uncover any blocks.

Uncover any blocks that could be keeping you from success. Everything we feel,
everything we experience goes back to a cause. If you are doing everything to succeed
but only attaining a limited level of success, you may have a subconscious blocka
negative payoff that is keeping you from becoming all you are capable of being. It could
go back to a childhood incident, or a forgotten causal event in your adult life.
If you cant find the cause on your own, you might want to consider a session with a
regressive hypnotist. A hypnotist directed a talented young woman back to the cause of
her success block. She saw her own father in her mind and realized if she succeeded
beyond the level of her fathers success, it would hurt him. She loved him so much she
was unwilling to outdo him. Love was actually the block. Often, just knowing about the
block is enough to allow you to transcend it. And even if it isnt, you can use the
awareness as the basis of new subconscious programming.

16. Accept that what is, is.

It is your resistance to what is that causes your suffering. When people and things
arent the way you want them to be, you get upset. But it is your viewpoint and you can
choose to react positively or negatively to outside circumstances. The success oriented
idea is to choose a detached, positive viewpoint. You can view your setbacks and
frustrations as problems or as opportunities. Its always up to you.

17. Choose a role model.

Role models are critical to your success. Who is most successful at doing what you
want to do? Your role model proves that it can be done, which makes it easier for you to
do it too. Even the role model superstars keep their own heroes, long after becoming role
models themselves.
The idea is to learn everything you can about your role model. How does he work?
How did he get where he is today? What motivates him? Who is his role model? What
are his future dreams? Decide if his techniques are applicable to your personality. Then,
plan your own version of his strategy, compete with him and attempt to outdo him.
As you move forward in your career, meeting new challenges and accomplishing
your goals, you will replace your role model with new ones. Emulating people you
admire is an ideal way to measure yourself and to stimulate achievement.

18. Think positive.

You are creating your own reality with everything you think. In accepting this you
understand that your real power lies in your ability to control your thoughts. The
majority of the population appears to focus their attention on lack and limitation,
instead of abundance and success. If you are not forming your life with positive
thoughts about yourself and your future, your subconscious mind is creating your
reality based upon past programming, and that could be very undesirable.

19. Align your values and your goal.

First, be realistic about your goal. By that I mean choose a goal that offers economic
viability, and in an area you can master. You can create any reality you desire if youve
chosen a realistic goal and you are willing to pay the price. Calculate the price to make
sure you are willing to pay it before you begin. The price will always be counted in time,
effort, money or sacrifice, or any combination of these factors. Make sure that values and
goals align. If your primary value is your family and homelife, but your main goal is to
conduct seminars all over the world, it will mean youll be away from home, living in
hotels most of the time. The goal and value dont align.
The final chapter explains how to use the following affirmations as self-talk and how
to include them in a self-hypnosis format for daily mind programming.

20. Use self-hypnosis.

Daily use of self-hypnosis mind programming will support your goal of becoming a
success. The final chapter tells you how.

Become a Success Summary

1. Develop clarity of intent.
2. Learn the four factors that are crucial to any success:
energy, enthusiasm, self-image and discipline.
3. Spend time constructively.
4. Never limit your vision.
5. Realize that you need an emotional purpose.
6. Act now.
7. Stop worrying about what other people think.
8. Balance your hard work with play.
9. Examine your beliefs about success.
10. Project confidence.
11. Apply the 80/20 plan.
12. Assume the role of a leader.
13. Dont give up.
14. Spend each moment doing the most productive thing you can.
15. Uncover any blocks.
16. Accept that what is, is.
17. Choose a role model.
18. Think positive.
19. Align your values and your goal.


The final chapter explains how to use the following affirmations as self-talk and how
to include them in a self-hypnosis format for daily mind programming.
I take control of my life and create unlimited monetary abundance.
Every day in every way I become more and more successful.
My creative thinking now opens the doors to abundance.
I now focus my attention on making great amounts of money.
I am totally confident of my success.
I am clear on my intent to become successful.
I am willing to do what I need to do to succeed.
I live a lifestyle that generates high energy.
I am worthy and deserving of wealth and success.
I surround myself with happy and successful people.

I am self-disciplined and I do what I need to do to succeed.

I spend my time constructively, profitably and in ways that fulfill me.
I enthusiastically accept a leadership position.
I will spend each moment doing the most productive thing I can.

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