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No 4 Sale

At this time I would like to take this opportunity to thank a reader of this site for the question:
What does No 4 Sale? Well, It's over. That's what it means, basically. But, lets get into it a bit
deeper. May this not depress you, but inspire you towards righteousness, as I pray that the Holy Spirit
guide your path.
It, this crap that we are living in, should have never began. The fallen angels that decided to betray
creation are the most undescribeable losers. No 4 Sale means that no matter what you think you own or
no matter what wealth you think you have, you own nothing. EVERYTHING belongs to the creator.
The fallen spirits whom are entangled with the deeds of misleading mankind have a purpose within the
kingdom and that is to attract like spirits.
No 4 Sale is the opposite of For Sale or merchandising. It separates the Physical from the spiritual.
In this, there does not exist material prosperity or sale in the spiritual as opposed to the physical.
Within the physical creation of material we have time.
Therefore time is made material and therefore can be a commodity for sale. One can see this in the
term human resources, or capital resources. This allows for the sale of man. It is not exclusive to
the workforce or labor, it is consistent with slavery, which is not labor, but rather oppression.
Oppression is against the Will of Creation. It is not an element of creation but destruction.
Furthermore, time represents destruction. Time is meant to capture the souls of man. It is only a
method of separating the souls that love The Almighty from those that do not love The Almighty. It is
time which captured the fallen spirits, as they chose to exist in the physical as opposed to the spiritual.
Deterioration occurs in the physical and not the spiritual, it requires time. This is why when the fallen
came from the spiritual to reside with man, they cause the rot of creation to began.
Without deterioration, which is a byproduct of time, there is no death, only that which exists. Time
is limited, physical versus that which is eternal or spiritual. The Image of the Almighty Creator is
eternal as the Almighty creator is eternal. Eternity is absent time, or physical commodity and
merchandizing. This is why Enoch was able to commune with the Watchers, the earth had not yet
been overtaken.
Time is Not of the creation of those fallen spirits, and we know this because you cannot buy time.
Nor does time speed up as is said. Time is finite and has a beginning and an end. What actually occurs
is that the sins compounded upon the earth by man on behalf of those fallen evil spirits restrict the
natural growth process.
In the case of Adam, Enoch, Methusalah, Noah, the years given to man was in the hundreds. Now
that mankind has chosen to attempt and buy time and destroy creation, mankind has been given tens in
place of the hundreds. Man could have eluded time if not for sin. Within sin is money. Money was
created to defraud man. Adam was absent of time or age until he traded wisdom for knowledge.
Wisdom is knowing ignorance is bliss, for within ignorance time is avoided. There is no time if you
are not aware it exist, and therefore no deterioration or destruction. Ignorance is the closest to the
spiritual one was able to be in the day of Adam.
The earth , as a system is designed to support man as it was created. Man was created to pro
create, no different than the animals. The current state of the world with monetary affects is not the
creation as the sabbath is the seventh day and heaven for those that believe is the eighth day. Therefore
we are in time and in that segment of time which is the night before the 8th day. BASICALLY,
Thank you for your question.

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