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An Unwanted Fate

Author bluepills_0820
Jiyeon Hyomin Eunjung Soyeon Qri Hwayoung Myungsoo

Park Jiyeon is a beautiful and innocent girl. After her parents died in the incident a long years
ago, she just lives with her one and only sister, Hyomin. She has a boyfriend named Kim
Myungsoo, they have been dated almost three years. Jiyeon loves Myungsoo so much, so does
Myungsoo. But, Myungso doesn't know Jiyeon hides a secret from him, A BIG SECRET.

The Secret

-JIYEON POVoppa! Oppa! I called Myungsoo oppa for many times but he kept ignoring me and just playing
with his food.
OPPA! I called him again or exactly yelled at him in order to get his attention.
oh, ne yeonnie. Whats wrong? thank god finally he back from his daydreaming.
there is nothing wrong with me, but you I pouted. oppa, is there something bothering you? I
asked him curiously. I dont know why, but since this morning he jus kept quiet and didnt talk
too much as usual. And now, when we are in our lunch time he just played with his food, not
even bothered to touch it.
eh, whats wrong with me? Im just fine he replied with a slightly smile.

I know he is lying now. We have been dating about three years, and its enough for me to know
him well. I know whether he is happy, sad, or whether there is something bothering him like this
time. are you sure youre alright? I asked him again jus to make sure he is really fine.
yah you dont believe me? Im fine jiyeon ah, so dont be worried about me, okay! he said
while pinching my cheeks.
YAH! Apayo. I whined.
Kekeke. I saw he was chuckling. I dont know what is going on with you oppa, but I hope you
are right, I hope there is nothing bad happens to you.
- AN UNWANTED FATE Finally the school time was over. I quickly run out of my class and walked toward Myungsoo
oppas class, since he is my senior so we are in different class. Today, we will have a date
*yeay*. It had been a while since we have our last date. Myungsoo oppa was busy with his final
project and I was busy with my job. Yes I have a job, but I never told him what is my job and
actually, I dont want he know about it.
I quickened my paces since I feel really excited with our date and I dont want to make
Myungsoo oppa waiting for me too long. But, suddenly my phone rang. It was from Hyomin
yeoboseyo! I greeted my sister
where are you now? she questioned
Im at school, wae? I asked her back
go home now, we have a job tonight!
Mwo? Again? But unnie...
no but! Just palli go home! I got cut off before I could finish my words. Then I heard she
already hang up the phone.
AISH! I sighed heavily. I thought I would have a nice date with Myungsoo oppa today. But...
Arrrggh that fucking job is always ruinning my plan. Feeling frustrated I texted Myungsoo oppa,

telling him that we can have a date today. I also said sorry for breaking our plan. And luckily he
said it was fine. Oh.. I feel so luck because I have him as my boyfriend. He is so kind to me and
the most important is, he always understands me.
I snapped out from my daydreaming as I heard Eunjung unnies voice yelling at me.
what are you thinking about, huh? she asked me with her curious face
I shook my head. ani, I didnt think anything I lied. Actually just now, I was thinking about
Myungsoo oppa, about his weird action in this whole day. I dont know why, but I think he has
something that he hides from me.
are you sure, youre not thinking about anything? or you were just thinking about your failed
date, huh? Hyomin unnie teased me.
Yah! Dont talk about it, you know how piss I am because of it I yelled angrily. It make me get
piss everytime I think about my failed date.
I saw everyone was laughing yah whats so funny?
you know, your face is turned red because you get angry explained Boram unnie between her
laugh. AISH jeongmal, theyre really annoying
you guys stop teasing her, we are arrive already luckily Soyeon unnie saved me before these
annoying unnies keep teasing on me.
Boram, Qri, Soyeon, Eunjung, Hyomin, Hwayoung and I came out from our van. Now, here we
are, standing in front of a beautiful mansion.
daebak! Thats so damn big! commented Hwayoung amazed seeing the huge building in front
of us
yah close your mouth or you want insects get into it said Soyeon unnie made Hwayoung
quickly closed her mouth. Hahaha thats so funny seeing her action.

are you ready? Asked Boram unnie, the eldest unnie among us.
Ne we replied in unison
Then, we walked colser to that mansion. We can see some guys are standing behind the gate of
that mansion. From their appearances we believe that they are the bodyguard of that place. For
you who dont know why we are here, it because we have a job. We have to kill the owner of that
mansion. Yup, we are assassin. If you see our appearance, I bet you are unable to believe it. But
that what we are. We have done this job since two years ago. Many people in the world of crime
known us as T-ARA because we always leave a crown symbol on the body of our victims. If you
think we are cute and innocent, you have to think twice because we are not. We are the scariest
assassins that you have ever known. We never let our targets escape and we always kill them
without mercy. You can call us an expert because we never lost our targets
The voices of gunshot broke the silence of that place. Following the voices, three men fell down
with a hole in their head
Hyomin ah you are too excited commented Qri unnie as she saw Hyomin unnie just shot three
people without even bothered to give them a chance to defend themselve.
I just dont want to waste my time unnie said Hyomin unnie calmly. There was no regret in her
face after klling three people. Hyomin unie is the most heartless girl among us. She can kill
everyone who interfere her way in killing her targets. She is a cold-blooded killer an she always
kills her targets right in their head. She looks so terrible when she kills people and sometimes, it
makes me scare of her.
Not waiting too long, a bunch of guys came out from that mansion as they heard the gonshots
who came from Hyomin unnies gun just now. We could see the look of surprise on their faces
when they saw their friends lying on the ground, lifeless. They were more shocked when they
saw seven girls standing in front them and holding a gun.
Regardless of their shocks, we already shot them and one by one of them falling to the ground
and their blood splashed in everywhere.
they are coming again! informed Eunjung unnie when another bunch of guys ran out from that
Aish jinjja! why are they so many? complained Hwayoung fustrated. I know she want to finish
this mission as soon as possible since she has a date with her boyfriend tonight.

Yah ryong ryongie just forget your date! I bet you wont have a chance to do it, just like me I
teased her
Yah park jjirong, shut up! or you wanna get beaten, huh? she shouted at me. I know she feels
so irritated now. Kekeke I love teasing people.
yah maknae, be serious please! Eunjung unnie interrupted us before we start fighting
We continued shot that poor guys in front of us.
you guys handle this useless guys here! Ill handle our target. Hyomin unnie told us while she
walking to entering that mansion
- AN UNWANTED FATE -NO ONE POVHyomin walked calmly entering the mansion. Her footsteps echoed to the entire rooms of that
huge building. Damn! This place is fucking big. She exclaimed. where should I look for that
fucking jerk? she thought while looking around that mansion. Then, she saw a room with the
door half opened. She was curious whats in that room, she decided to enter into it.
Meanwhile, in a room in that mansion, an old man was hiding in a big wardrobe. His body was
shivering violently. He closed his eyes and hoping there is no one can find him. Unfortunately,
God is not to be on his side tonight. He could hear footsteps approaching him. The sound of
footsteps getting closer and closer. Then, he heard the door opened. As soon as he opened his
eyes, he saw a beautiful girl standing in front of him.
are you that scared? asked Hyomin to the old guy in front of her
w-who who are you? A-and what .. what will you do to me? asked that poor guy haltingly
because his body couldnt stop shaking.
Hyomin gave him her smile, her terrifying smile. Then she leaned her body toward him. I want
to kill you she whispered softly yet sounded scary, made the poor guy gulped
w-why? Why do you want to k-kill me? What did I-I do to you? he asked her between his

Hyomin gave him another smile. you did nothing to me. I want to kill you because they told me
to do it. She explained calmly.
please... p-please let me go! I will give you more than what they gave to you. B-but please latlet me alive he pleaded tearfully.
Hyomin smirked such a pathetic guy she said coldly while pointing the gun to the mans head.
No need to thinking too long, she already pulled the trigger. A bullet ran thourgh the mans head,
made his head shattered and the pieces of flesh from that guys head scattered all over the
Hyomin just standing quietly and staring to the dead body in front of her. mission is complete
she said emotionlessly.
unnie, you already killed him? asked Jiyeon, came out of nowhere.
Hyomin smiled at her ne, the mission has done she answered her dongsaeng happily like there
was nothing happened just now.
Jiyeon took a look a dead body in front of her sister. She felt soory for him. Suddenly, a feelling
of regret stabbed her chest. Another people was killed, I hope I can stop doing this job, she
kajja! I wanna have a good sleep tonight. Hyomin pulled Jiyeon to leave that place.

- AN UNWANTED FATE Myungsoo was in his class, reading a letter in his hand. He has read that letter for many times but
he cant believe what he was written on it. ani, its impossible. She never do this. She cant do
this! he shook his head in disbelief. Arrrghhh its so irritating! he screamed, feling frustrated.
oppa, what is this? suddenly Jiyeon came, out of nowhere and immadiately grabbed the letter
from Myungsoos hand.
Myungsoo surprised with her presence. He even more surprised knowing Jiyeon has the letter.
yah yeonnie give it back to me! command Myungsoo.

Instead of giving the letter back to Myungsoo, Jiyeon ran away from him. Myungsoo tried to
chase her but its too late, she has disappeared. Myungsoo looked for her in every rooms in her
school but he couldnt find her, Jiyeon ran like a flash.
Aish where is she? Why I cant find her everywhere? What if she read that letter? Myungsoo
talked himself. He looked so worried
While, it was on the rooftop of her school, Jiyeon was sitting alone. In her hand, there is a letter
that she stole from Myungsoo just now. She started reading what is written on that letter
Jiyeons eyes widen as she read the letter. She cant believe what just she read. Her tears slowly
rolling down from her beautiful eyes. How it could be like this? Why must Myungsoo know
about this? Now he has known who I really am. What if he hate me? What can I do now? That
question started popping in her mind.


Jiyeons eyes widen as she read the letter. She cant believe what just she read. Her tears slowly
rolling down from her beautiful eyes. How it could be like this? Why must Myungsoo oppa
know about this? Now he has known who I really am. What if he hate me? What can I do now?
That question started popping in her mind.
Jiyeon ah, gwenchana? she heard a familiar voice asking to her. She lift her head and saw
Myungsoo standing in front of her. He startled seeing Jiyeon cries. he bent down his body in
order to see Jiyeons face clearly why are you crying? he asked her, worried.
Jiyeon remains silent, and just looked into his eyes. oppa, do you believe it? Do you believe
what is written in that letter? finally she spoke.

Myungsoo shook his head weakly. ani, I-I dont believe it he anwered hesitantly
Jiyeon can see a doubt in his eyes. but, why do you act weird in these recent days? Its because
of this letter, right? she questioned him
Myungsoo was just silent, he didnt know what to do. He wanted to trust her, but in other hand
he couldnt escape his mind from that letter. Actually it was not the first time he got the kind of
that letter . He got it almost every day in this whole week. At first he thought that it was just a
prank, but he knew its not just a prank anymore after he got that letter with a picture of Jiyeon
yesterday. That picture showed Jiyeon was with some girls and he could recognize one of them
as Hyomin, Jiyeons sister. But, for his surpise, in that picture he saw Jiyeon was standing in font
of a guy and she was pointing a gun on his head.
He didnt want Jiyeon know about it, so he just kept it as secret. He knew it would be like this if
she knew about it. He doesnt want to see Jiyeon cries and he cant stand to see it.
so you believe it oppa? she said weakly and helpless because Myungsoo just kept silent. Tears
kept rolling on her cheeks even more.
Then, she saw Myungsoo was smiling slightly. I told you I dont believe it. I dont know
whether it is true or not. But even tough it is true, as long as it doesnt come from your mouth I
wont trust it. Because I just trust you yeonnie, no matter what. He explained her gently, trying
his best to assure her.
Jiyeon can see a sincerity in his eyes. you are not lying oppa?
Myungsoo smiled gently . He placed her hands on Jiyeons cheeks, he then wiped the tears on
her cheeks. Im not. So stop crying, I cant stand seeing you crying. He said softly yet full of
Jiyeon could do nothing but burst into his hug and she hugged him tightly. gomawo oppa,
gomawo for trusting me she said thankful between her sobs. She was happy yet guilty in the
same time. She was happy because Myungsoo trusts her but guilty because she must lie to him.

Jiyeon walked slowly on one of a busy streets in Seoul. Her gaze fixed on the road in front of her
but her mind was in elsewhere. The thing that happened between her and Myungsoo this
afternoon kept popping in her mind. Altought Myungsoo said he trusts her, but it cant help her
to not thinking about the letter. She knew that one day Myungsoo will know her truly self, but
she couldnt expect it happens now, in this kind of way. If he has to know about the fact of her,
she wanted he know it from her mouth not from that fucking letter.
Suddenly an image of losing Myungsoo came to her mind. Her afraid was getting bigger and
bigger everytime it came to her. She know she is selfish, she wants Myungsoo trust her but she
keeps lying on him. But she just doesnt want to lose Myungsoo, she doesnt want Myungsoo
hate her if he knew her real identity. She cant imagine how would her life become if she lost
him. She already lost her parents in the incident a long years ago. After her parents died in that
incident, she only has Hyomin, T-Ara and him in this world. She loves him with all of her heart.
jiyeon slapped out from her daydreaming as she heard a loud voice from the street. She saw
many people ran and made a crowd. She felt curious what was happening and walked to the
crowd. She saw a young girl was lying on the ground and blood flowing from her head. Sitting
next to her, a little girl was crying badly and shaking the body of that unconscious girl.
help me, please help my unnie! begged that little girl to the people in the crowd. But there was
any respond from everyone in that place. They just kept silent and just staring to the little girl and
her unconscious sister. Jiyeon couldnt stand it anymore and immadiately walked toward them.
YAH! What are you doing? Hurry call the ambulance! she yelled at one of the guy in that
crowd and gave him a death glare.
That guy seemed scare and immadiately pressed some buttons on his phone, calling the
ambulance. Not waiting too long, an ambulance came and took that unconscious girl to the
hospital. Jiyeon and that little girl followed them as well.
- AN UNWANTED FATE Jiyeon is sitting on a bench in front of an emergency room, next to her a little girl was crying
badly. Jiyeon couldnt stand seing her cries, she then embraced her into her hug. sstt,

gwenchana! your unnie will be fine she said while patting her back. She tried her best to assure
that little girl.
I scare unnie, I dont want Jia unnie die. I dont have anyone else in this world except Jia
unnie. Explained the little girl between her sobs
Then they heard the emergency rooms door opened. A man came out while taking off his mask.
He walked weakly toward them. Jiyeon could see a sadness in his expression. Im sorry, we lost
her that one sentence broke all the hopes of the little girl. Her cies was getting worse and worse
as she heard her sister died
Jiyeon couldnt do anything, she felt sorry for her. She knows how is her feeling right now.
Losing the one that you love and you only have is the worst thing in this world. Suddenly, she
remembered back to that time, the most terrible time in her life, the time when she almost lost
Hyomin forever.
-FLASHBACKJiyeon was busy doing her homework when suddenly the doors bell rang. She quickly rushed to
the living room in her home.
HYOMIN UNNIE! She screamed shockingly as she saw Hyomins bodybleeding so bad..
what happens with unnie?she asked frightened
Jiyeon ah, let us get in first. Eunjung said while helping Hyomin to stand properly. Hyomin
was half unconscious and she looked like shes endure an extreme pain from her stomach.
Eunjung placed Hyomins hand around her neck, and on the other side, Qri did the same thing.
Jiyeon followed Eunjungs command and moved aside from the door. Qri and Eunjung bring
Hyomin went in, Jiyeon and the rest T-ara members followed them from behind. Eunjung and
Qri helped Hyomin lying on the sofa in the living room. Boram rushed to the kitchen looking for
the first aid box. A few minutes later, she came and quikcly helped Hyomin to stoop the blood
that kept flowing from her stomach. Hyomin screamed violently when Boram took out a bullet
from her stomach. She looked suffering so much
Jiyeon couldnt stand seeing her unnie llike that. whats exactly happens to her? she asked
between her sobs. She felt sad, worry, and scare in the same time.

Hwayoung walked closer to her and patted her shoulder. its okay. She can handle this she said,
tried to embrace her.
Finally Hyomin calmed down after Boram finished handle her wound. A moment ago
Boram thought that they would lose her forever. Hyomin got shot when their were doing their
job. Fortunately they could finish their job and hurry brought her back to home. They couldnt
bring her to the hospital because there will be a big risk if they did it.
Jiyeon stepped closer to Hyomin who was lying on the sofa. Now, shes really unconscious.
Jiyeon held her hand nd stroke her hair softly. Hyomin looked so weak but its better than a few
minutes ago.
unnie.. please tell me whats really happen to Hyomin unnie! she pleaded to T-ara members
who was in that room.
T-Ara didnt respond her question, they just stared to each other. Then, Soyeon sighed heavily.
Ill tell you everything she said hesitantly. Then she started telling Jiyeon everything about
them, from A to Z
Jiyeon couldnt say anything but frozen after she heard what just Soyeon told her. She couldnt
believe her words. How it could be like this? How can Soyoen said they are assassins? Jiyeon
shook her head in disbelief. She was unable to believe what just she heard. Soyeon then told her
their reason being assassin. She also told her the reason why Hyomin joined with them and
became one of them.
After she heard Soyeons story, Jiyeon could do nothing but cried. She didnt ever know what
Hyomin had gone through in these whole time. He didnt even know how much Hyomin
suffered, and sacrifice her life in that kind of job just for the sake of her. In those whole
time, Jiyeon just knew that Hyomin works in a coffee shop as a waitress with the rest of T-ara
members. She couldnt imagine that Hyomin has another job like being assassin.
Since their parents passed away, were killed by some robbers who came to their house a long
years ago, Hyomin took a responsibility to take care of her one and only dongsaeng, Jiyeon.
Hyomin did many kind of works in order to earn money for their life. She did everything she
can. She worked from dawn until late, but it still couldnt help her to fill their needs. At that time,
Jiyeon was still five and she couldnt do anything. But Hyomin never gave up, he kept working
hard for she herself and for Jiyeon. She doesnt want to see Jiyeon get more suffer after all the
thing that they have gone through. Until one day, Hyomin met a group of assassins name T-ara,
she decided to join with them and become one of them. At first, she felt doubt with her decision,
but she didnt has any choice, its just the only way to her to get more money in that
time. And finally, she was convinced by her decision to join with T-ara to be an assassin even

though, the risk is very dangerous. To cover up their true identity, they work in a coofee
shop and pretend to be a waitress there.
After Jiyeon knew the reality of her unnie, she kept asking Hyomin to give up from her job as an
assassin because, it is too dangerous for her. Jiyeon doesnt want something bad will happen to
her, if she keeps doing her job. But Hyomin kept rejecting her request and they always ended up
quarelling and fighting.
Jiyeon knew she couldnt make Hyomin gave up, and she will never be. So, she decided to
follow Hyomin, joined with T-ara girls and become an assassin as well. So that, she cant protect
Hyomin with her own way. From the day she became assassin, she didnt know how many
people she has killed and how much sins she has made. But, as long as she can protect Hyomin,
she never regret it.
-END OF FLASHBACKJiyeon cannot imagine what life would be like, if she lost Hyomin. Instead of losing her, she will
choose to sacrifice her life to save her.
- AN UNWANTED FATE AISSSHHH!!!! Whats happen with the two of you? Why are you so quiet? yelled Eunjung,
unable to take the situation any longer. Since the way heading the palce to do their job, Hyomin
and Jiyeon just kept silent. They never be like this before. Usually, they will play and tease each
other everytime they are together. But now, they arent even bothered seeing Boram and Soyeon
who is playing around and fighting like a kid.
are you two fighting? added Qri who also curious with their action
ani, were fine. Dont worry about us and just mind your business! answered Hyomin coldly
and glaring at Jiyeon who just bowing her head. She doesnt want to see Hyomin right now.
I dont know what is exactly happen to the two of you, but you know we have a mission
tonight, and this time is harder than another mission that we had done before. So, I hope
whatever is it, it wont distrurb your focus in this mission Boram gave her advice to the two
yah you heard that park ji? Just make sure you follow what granny just said. Eunjung said
jokingly while hitting Jiyeons hand playfully. Jiyeon just gave her a weak smile as her respond

okay guys, here we are! Hwayoung who served as the driver tonight informed them happily as
they reached their destination.
-JIYEON POVSo, here we are, standing in front of an old warehouse who is located on the outskirt of Seoul. I
felt relived as we reached this place. Honestly, since on the way heading this place, I felt
uncomfortable being in the same car with Hyomin unnie. After we have a fight this afternoon
we become awkward to each other. I know Hyomin unnie also felt uncomfortable and awkward
since this is the first time we have a serious fight after we did it two years ago.
T-ARA and I walked toward the old building in front of us. Tonight, in that place, there will be a
drugs transaction between the two of the biggest gang of mafia in Korea. One of that mafia asked
us to killl their rival after the transaction is over.
We hid in the one of palce in front of the warehouse. The thing that we can do now is, only watch
and wait until they finish their business, so that, we can do our job to kill our targets. As soon as
the transaction was over and our masters has left the building, we immadiately ran into the
warehouse. Hwayoung, Soyeon, Hyomin, Boram and Qri unnie went in first, Eunjung unnie
wanted to follow them from behind, but I quickly grabbed her wrist.
whats wrong park ji? she asked me with her confuse expression.
I looked into her eyes. unnie, can you do me a favor? I asked her hestitantly
wae? What is it, all of sudden?
unnie, will you promise me something? I said, ignoring her question. will you take care of
Hyomin unnie and never let her get hurt? I continued my words
Eunjung unnie gave me a confuse look. whats wrong with you jiyeon ah. Why do you ask me
the kind of stupid thing like that? she asked me, has no idea with my action.
just promise me unnie! I begged her. I wonder why am I being like this. But, I have a bad
feeling tonight, and Im so afraid of it.

Finally she nodded. of course Ill take care all of you and never let you get hurt. So, no need to
ask me that request okay. She said and smiled at me
I smiled back. gomawo unnie I said sincerely. kajja! They need us now I pulled her into the
As soon as we were in it, it looked so horrible. Many of dead bodies were lying everywhere and
the smell of blood spreaded over the room.
I saw Boram unnie was trying to escape from a bullet that coming to her. As soon as she has a
chance, she quickly shot the man that tried to shoot her just now, made that man falling to the
floor, lifeless.
yah! Whats taking you so long? Why are you just coming now? Boram unnie yelled to me and
Eunjung unnie .
kekekeke mianhae unnie, we just finished doing our business. I replied jokingly.
On the other side, I saw Soyoeon, Qri and Hyomin unnie were wying witheach other to be the
one who can kill people the most.
ASA! Ive killed three of that idiots, guys! Yah minnie ah, Ill beat you Soyeon unnie
exclaimed proudly since she already killed three people.
dont be so full of yourself unnie, I already killed five replied Hyomin unnie calmly, made
soyeon unnie frown.
YAH! leave me some! protested Qri unnie frustrated since she only could kill one people.
Kekeke, I just could chuckle seeing their action. Both I and Eunjung unnie already killed one
people. And now, just one people left.
GOTCHA! shouted Hwayoung happily because she succeed kill the last person.

YIPPIE!!!! The rest T-Ara members yelled cheerfully because we have completed our mission.
But, I feel something weird, there is something wrong here. I counted the dead bodies in that
Only seventeen? Should they be eighteen? I asked myself. Im sure they should be eighteen since
I counted them before. But why are they just seventeen? where is the rest?
I tried to look around that place. I know he is here, somewhere in this place. After several times
searching, finally I found him. He was standing behind a stack of wooden boxes. But what is he
doing? Is he getting ready to shoot one of us? I tried to see who is his target, and to my surprise,
it was Hyomin unnie. On her place, Hyomin unnie was joking around with the rest of T-Ara. She
didnt notice a danger whos coming to her.
The guy was already pulled the trigger of his gun. I became panic seeing a bullet coming closer
and closer to Hyomin unnie.
I screamed panicky HYOMIN UNNIE WACTH OUT!!!
A loud sound of the gunshot spread over the building. Hyomin stand still in her position. The
blood already splashed over her face and her outfit.

A Letter For Him


A loud sound of the gunshot spread over the building. Hyomin stand still in her position. The
blood already splashed over her face and her outfit.


Eunjng screamed as she saw a bullet ran through Jiyeons chest. She spontaneously shot the man
who just shot Jiyeon. The bullets came out from her gun and ran through his body without
mercy. A few second later, he fell down, died.
T-ARA just stayed silent in their positions. They have no idea what has just happened. It
happened so fast. The only thing they knew, Jiyeons body was covered by blood.
Hyomin was still frozen. A few second ago, she thought she will be died, but it didnt happen
because Jiyeon ran toward her and used her body to protect her. She let the bullet came through
her chest and her blood splashed over Hyomins face and outfit.
Hyomin snapped out from her frozen as she saw Jiyeons body collapsed to the floor. She
immadiately caught her before her body reached the floor.
Hyomin placed Jiyeons body on her lap. Blood kept flowing from her body and she started
breathing so hard.
Jiyeon stared at Hyomins face weakly. Then, a smile curved on her beautiful face. un..nie.. I..I
am sorry.. I am so..sorry for always being a bur...den to you.. she said between her pain. a..and
go.. gomawo.. for being... the best unnie.. in my.. life. She kept breathing hardly.
Hyomin shook her head, her could no longer bear to not cried. no, what the heck are you talking
about. You wont die, I never let you die. She said between her sobs. YAH WHAT ARE YOU

DOING, CALL THE AMBULANCE NOW!! she shouted at T-ARA members who were in that
unnie.. Jiyeon called her. Hyomin gave her gaze back to Jiyeon and she held her arm. ne
Im.. Im fine.. ne.. I wont die... I .. I wont.. I wont leave you a..lone. Jiyeon said, her voice
became weaker and weaker. un..nie. she held Hyomins hand tightly. sa..saranghae,nomu..
nome.. saranghae then she closed her eyes
no, no, NO! Hyomin screamed as she saw Jiyeon already closed her eyes.
- AN UNWANTED FATE T-ARA minus Jiyeon were standing in front of an emergency room. When they knew Jiyeons
heart is still beating, they immadiately brought Jiyeon to the hospital. In the emergency room
Jiyeons struggling so much.
Hyomin sat on the floor and leaned her body againts the wall. Her tears couldnt stop flowing
since they were in the warehouse. She feels so scare now. She scares Jiyeon cant be saved and
she will lose her. Jiyeon is the only reason for her to live in this cruel world. She also the only
reason why she can deal with all the hardest time in her life. But if Jiyeon died, her life would
mean nothing. Then, she remembered about the fight that happened with them this afternoon.
-FLASHBACKunnie, can we just stop all of this now? asked Jiyeon to Hyomin who was busy preparing her
gun for tonights mission.
Hyomin stared her confusingly. what are you talking about?
Jiyeon bowed her head, not wanting to see Hyomin directly. I.. Im sick of this job unnie. I
dont want to kill people anymore. She said, kept bowing her head.

Hyomins gaze became fierce as she heard what Jiyeon just said so this is about that again?
Weve talked about this for many times, Jiyeon. And I think, you already knew my answer she
replied coldly.
unnie.. did you ever think about the people whom we killed? did you ever think that maybe,
they have a family, and how their familys feeling if they see the one they love died. It hurts
unnie, its very hurt. We knew how hurt is that since we had felt it, didnt we? Jiyeon tried to
persuade Hyomin, and now, she has lift her head to see Hyomins reaction.
Hyomin got mad. Yah park jiyeon! Do you think they cared about our feeling when they killed
our parents in front of our eyes? No Jiyeon, they didnt! So WHY MUST I CARE ABOUT THE
FEELING OF THAT STUPID PEOPLE OUT THERE! she raised her voice unable to stand her
Jiyeon sighed heavily. She knew this thing would happen every time she asked Hyomin to stop
being a murderer. But still, she just wants a better life for them. She wants to live normally, life
without killing people and making so much sins, and life without lying to Myungsoo.
you know unnie? Today, I just saw a little girl losing her sister, the only one family she has in
this world. Just like her, I dont have anyone else in this world except you. Seeing that little girl
made me realized that maybe someday, I can lose you. Maybe someday, you will die because that
fucking job. But.. have you ever think about that? Have you ever think how scare I am? Just
thinking about that makes me want to die unnie said Jiyeon, she couldnt hold her tears to not
rolling on her cheeks. Finally she did it, she said the thing that she wanted to say. The thing that
always makes her scare, the thing that always haunts her even in her dream.
Hyomin became silent. She never knew Jiyeon felt that thing. Now she knows how much her
love toward her. But, giving up for this job is not an easy thing, it is imppossible. mianhae
Jiyeon ah, but you already knew we cant give up from this job she said softly and walking
away from that room, leaving jiyeon who was crying alone.
-END OF FLASHBACKthis is my fault, its all my fault! If I filled her request, she would be like this. Im the worst
unnie for her Hyomin started blaming herself for what happened to Jiyeon, then she hit her fist
againts the floor roughly.

Eunjung who saw what she was doing became worry. She walked to her and tried to stop her.
YAH Hyomin! What are you doing? she yelled at her. But Hyomin ignored her and kept hitting
her fist to the floor. I said STOP IT! Eunjung shouted again while slapping Hyomins face.
Finally Hyomin stopped her silly action. She bowed her head and covered her face with her
palm. She couldnt stop crying. Eunjung who couldnt bear seeing her cries, then lead Hyomin
into her hug. its okay hyomin, she can make it. Jiyeon is strong girl, she wont die she tried to
embrace her, when in reality, she was frightened to death.
Then, they saw a doctor came out fom the emergency room. He walked to them slowly, his face
looked so gloomy. are you her relative? asked the doctor to T-ara members in that room.
ne Soyeon replied quickly
we are sorry, but she lost so much blood, and we cant save her he explained them helpless
Hyomin shook hear head. no.. youre lying! Jiyeon not dead, she cant die, I wont let her die!
shouted Hyomin and pushed the doctor roughly. Her cries became worse.
- AN UNWATED FATE Hyomin walked toward Jiyeons body who was lying on a bed. She stared at her face, it looked
so pale. Then, she grabbed her hand and held it tigthly. She then, touched her cheek and then
stroke her hair softly.
Yah babo, wake up! Open your eyes! You said that you wont leave me alone, you should keep
your promise. But why you leave me now said Hyomin to the lifeless body of Jiyeon. Her tears
started rolling again from her puffy eyes. why you had to do that? Why you saved me? You
should let that bullet killed me, youre stupid she kept talking like Jiyeon was listening her.
Hyomin started to shout while shaking jiyeon body. Her cries was uncontrolled. She looked like
a crazy girl
The other T-ARA members only could cry seeing Hyomin who began like a crazy. They felt
sorry for her. They never saw Hyomin became like this. They know how sad Hyomin this time
and how desperate she is. Jiyeon is everything in her life.

Eunjung stared at Jiyeon face, then she rembered about her request in front of the warehouse.
unnie, will you promise me something? Jiyeon said to Eunjung with a serious expression.
will you take care of Hyomin unnie and never let her get hurt? she begged to Eunjung
At that time, Eunjung thought that Jiyeon was just out of her mind, and she didn't have a bad
feeling of it. but now she knows what the meaning of her request that time.
I promise you Jiyeon, Ill take care of your sister and never let her get hurt. Just like what you
have done all these times she talked in her heart

On the other place, Myungsoo was waiting for Jiyeon in their favorite cafe. Tonight, they will
celebrate their third anniversary. Myungsoo has made his decision. He wont think about that
letter and about the picture anymore. He decides to forget it. He just wants to love Jiyeon just the
way she is. He doesnt care who is Jiyeon and what is her profession. Because he believe her
with all of his heart.
He was waiting about four hours but Jiyeon still hadnt come yet. He stared to the anniversary
cake in front of him. He had called her but her phone wasnt active. where are you yeonnie?
Why do I have a bad feeling of you, like I will lose you forever he mubled to himself.
Myungsoo waited for all night, but Jiyeon didnt came.
- AN UNWANTED FATE Dear Myungsooo oppa,
Mianhae oppa, because all these times, I had been lied to you. Oppa, about what was written in
that letter, thats all true. Im not Park Jiyeon, your nice and innocent girl. But I m park jiyeon,
the assassin. the worst assassin that you could never imagine.

You know oppa? It hurts me so much everytime I see your face and I have to lie to you. I know
Im just a selfish girl, because I just want you to trust to me, but I never be honest to you. But I
did it because I dont want to lose you oppa, and I dont want you to hate me. Im afraid if I told
you the truth, you will leave me and hate me forever. because I know, there is no one in this
world can accept an evil girl like me.
There was a time where I wanted to give up from this job and become a normal girl, but I cant
do that. As long as Hyomin unnie do not give up, I just can follow her to do the same. Because,
its my only way to protect her. I dont know why I have do deal with this kind of fate, the fate that
I never want in my life. The fate that always makes me suffer and the fate that makes me becomes
a worst girlfriend to you. But I cant do anything, I cant blame my fate since God has written it
for me.
Oppa, after you read this letter, I hope you dont hate me. I know I can ask you to not leave me,
and I have no right for that. But, I dont want you to hate me, because I love you so much, I love
you more than anything in this world.
Thank you for everything, for loving me and for always trusting me.
Your lover,
Tears flowed from Myungsoos eyes after he read Jiyeons letter. Hyomin gave the letter to him
this morning. She also told him everything about Jiyeon and why Jiyeon didnt come to the cafe
that night. Myungsoo couldnt believe what Hyomin told him, and he couldnt believe the fact
that Jiyeon has gone, she has left him forever.
Actually, Jiyeon wrote the letter in the day she planned to have a dinner with Myungsoo. Jiyeon
knew she can tell the truth directly to Myungsoo, so she decided to write a letter for him. She
didnt care what Myungsoo will do after he read that letter. She just want to be honest to him.
She was sick for always lie to him. She knew it will hurt her so much if Myungsoo decided to
leave her, but she hopes Myungso wont hate her. She planned to give that letter personally to
Myungsoo when they met in the cafe. But she couldnt do that and she would never able to do
that, because God already took her to be on His side, forever.
Myungsoo was standing in front of a picture of a beautiful girl. In that picture he saw that girls
smilling. She looked so happy. youre not an evil girl Jiyeon ah. You are a nice girl, my nice

innocent girl. I dont hate you for whatever you had done to me. Because the same as you, I love
you more than anything in this world. He talked to Jiyeons grave.

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