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Camera for You (Author Angelblues)

[3rd Yr. 2nd Semester: Student Ranking Released]

Qri: Congrats Ji, youre on top again, *pats jiyeons shoulder*
Jiyeon: Thanks! But its nothing; its useless coz dad wont mind it. *give a weak smile*
Qri: Yaah! Why youre so pessimistic, maybe your dad is odd towards you but I think hes still
proud of you.
Jiyeon: I hope so. Lets go to our class *cling her hands on qris arms*
Qri: Ne, arasso! * gave a sigh while being pulled*
Jiyeon: You got a higher spot on the overall standing this time, congratulations! *pinch cheeks*
Qri: I cant make it if it wasnt because of you and your patience on teaching me.
Jiyeon: You better treat me for that huh?
Qri: Fine, Ill treat you later.
The two walk at the corridor happily chatting towards their room, while at the room
HY: Hey! Ham Eunjung she topped again
EJ: Im not on the mood to talk about that *ignored HwaYoung *
HY: Wae, Cant accept that she has beaten you again and that youre always behind her? *teasing
EJ: What did you say? *Gave a cold glare*
HY: Im just kidding jungie! Keke *awkwardly* dont take my joke seriously *Speak nervously*
EJ: Min, cant you say anything? Youre holding again that old camera.
HM: Dont mind me, *smile to eunjung then steal a glance on the back seat*
The best friends enter the room and sit on their respected seats located at the back.
HY: *noticed the two enter the room* Jiyeon-ah, Congratulations you topped again.
JY: Thanks *replied w/ a confused look*
HY: Its just your luck, our jungie will beat you on the upcoming finals.
HM: Youngie! *she exclaimed as she saw the other girl frowned her forehead*
HY: What? I didnt do anything *whines and tries to avoid hyomins glare*
Qri: Are you alright? *concerned*
JY: Yup, dont worry *smiles then steal a glance at Hyomins seat w/c was noticed by Qri but just
ignored it*
The classes are dismissed, all students are excited to leave because its Friday and tomorrow is
weekend; time to go home, time to go shopping, others go to relax and have fun. Eunjung,
Hwayoung and Hyomin stay a bit more at their favorite place the kiosk wherein they spend their
time chatting, studyinig and making fun of others.
HY: jungie! Look shes so ugly *laughs*
EJ: Youre so mean!

HY: but its true!

EJ: just focus on your assignment Ok!
HY: Fine! *whines*
EJ: Min, I wonder whats with that camera of yours; you wont let us touch it! *pouts*
HY: Min, Jungie is rights, Im also curious
HM: Its nothing *hold the camera tight*
EJ: I know its special *winks to Hwayoung*
HM: Just mind my other camera, not this ok! *she exclaimed*
HY: Alright, Im fine w/ this than that, its kinda old you know!
HM: Haha, funny *irritated*
EJ: *grabs the camera from behind* Yaaah, I got it youngie! *runs*
HM: Jungie give it back! *shouts then chase Eunjung*
EJ: Just let me see whats on it! *hyomin is about to reach her but she manage to throw it to
hwayoung* Good Catch!
On the other side, Qri and Jiyeon are walking to attend the orchestra practice.
Qri: Its so nice, Ill be able to play violin again after studying hard for in the finals. *stretching*
JY: Oh, me too. I missed performing.
Qri: Seniors are lucky, we are the ones going to perform on their graduation what do you think?
*look at jiyeon*
JY: Ahaha maybe your right, lets walk fast, I dont wanna be late at the rehearsals *run
Qri: Yaah, dont run, you said just walk fast *walk fast after jiyeon*
----HM: Youngie! Give it back *stopped to gasp for air*
HY: Ill just peak on one picture *runs while looking at the cameras gallery*
HM: YOUNGIE! *hyomin shouts when she saw someone is approaching*
HY: Hey! I got the gallery!
HM: Look Out!!
----JY: Ri! Make it fast *smiles*
Qri: JI! Look out! *shouts*
B-U-U-G-G-G-G-S-S-S-S! Jiyeon bumps to hwayoung who fell on the ground and losses her
grip to the camera. K-R-I-I-I-I-C-K a sound of something broken heard by the two and Jiyeon
who accidentally stepped on Hyomins camera also fell on the ground.
HY: Ouch, that hurts! Aishh next time you better look at yo.. *widened her eyes when
she saw the camera was broken* Omo !!!
HM: Hey are you*runs immediately to hwayoung widened her eyes in shock*
HY: Min, Im not the one held responsible for it, she bumped on me and she stepped on it
*she explained* Yaahh! You, you break Mins cam, *blames jiyeon*

JY: Im so sorry Minnie! Aaah Hyomin *stutters and immediately rephrased her word, pick
up the camera and lend it to the owner*
HM: *smiles when she heard Jiyeon stutter* Its ok Jiyeon *reach for the camera but
unable to hold it coz eunjung slap jiyeons face*
EJ: ou, troublesome, did you know how important that camera for min. *shouts while
hyomin in shocked state*
JY: Yeah I know how important it is *shout in her own*
Qri: Hey! You dont have to do that, she already apologized *help jiyeon stand up*
EJ: Sorry isnt enough. Yaaaah PARK JIYEON, it isnt enough *shouts and point her
HM: Jungie stop it! Its fine with me
EJ: Hyomin it isnt enough! *she reprimand, look at jiyeon* You Pabo! You have to pay for
it and it caused thousands.
Qri: Why do you have to let my best friend pay for it? *She answered back, noticed
hyomin looking at jiyeon whose tight fisting and trying to hold her anger*
EJ: If you dont want her to pay for it or either replace it. Maybe you can? *smirked*
HY: Jungie is right, you replace it *fixing her clothes*
HM: I said its ok. She doesnt have to.*jiyeon cut her word*
JY: Stop it! Ill replace it *she stated while looking at eunjung fiercely*
EJ: Ooooh! Thats good. Ill give you three weeks to replace it.
Qri: Are you out of your mind? *look at jiyeon8 Ji *jiyeon cut her thoughts also*
JY: Deal *look at hyomin w/ a guilty look*
Qri: Are you really crazy?
HM: Jiyeon, I said you dont have to pay for it *worries*
EJ: Min, she already agreed. 3 weeks is enough *smirk then grab hyomins hand and walk
Qri: Ji, 3 weeks, are you crazy? In 3 weeks we are having our finals and whats more crazy
is where will you find money to replace it *She explained but jiyeon seemed not to listen,
she noticed her best friend biting her lips while hands fisted looking intently to eunjung
holding hyomins hands* JIYEON!!! *snapping her fingers infront of the other girls face*
JY: Oh Ri, Mianhe MIanhe!
Qri: Whats with you and Hyomin? *curious*
JY: Ill tell you next time Ri, Lets go, were already late.
Qri: Arasso! Are you hurt?
JY: Yes errr No! *got confused*
Qri: I got you there, your heart aches but your body is fine, Am I right?
JY: You really know me!

Qri: Of course! Even if you I dont know whats between you and that camera girl. I
assumed that you are deeply attached to her. And whos Minnie by the way?
JY: *blushing then her head away* Thanks for your concern, well Minnie is Hyomin!
Qri: Whaaaaat? *jaw drops*
The three are walking and hyomin is struggling to release her hand from eunjungs grip.
HM: Jungie, release me now *angry*
EJ: Min! *release hyomins hand and face her*
HM: Why do you have to do that to her?
EJ: Why are you angry? I just defended you!
HM: Huh? She didnt do anything to me *arguing*
HY: She did min, she broke your camera.
HM: Shut up youngie!
EJ: Min, why are you trying to defend her?
HM: because what you did isnt right!
EJ: I just taught her a lesson.
HY: Jungie is right! *shut her mouth when she hyomin glare to her*
EJ: Isnt that camera precious for you? I just want*hyomin cut her words*
HM: Jungie, you dont have the rights to decide for me and to think 3 weeks, in three
weeks our final exams is coming, did you do it on purpose? Do you want to take advantage
of her? You know thats shes financially incapable *pissed off*
EJ: So what are you trying to say? *holding back her anger* I did that because I love you!
*nodded when she realized what she have said*
HM: What did you say?
EJ: What you hear is true. *eunjung held her hands* Im so sorry, I know Im wrong.
HM: Just take it back, that deal you made with her *walks out*
EJ: But Min!!!
Weekend was over and students are back to school. The class is about to start, all are in
except jiyeon. Hyomin keeps on glancing at the back where jiyeon used to seat while qri is
checking her phone few times but she didnt get any message. Jiyeon is absent for that day.
Hyomin approached Qri when dismissal came.
HM: Lee Qri!
Qri: Park Hyomin *smiles*
HM: Can I ask *cut hyomin*
Qri: Jiyeon?
HM: well, yes *nodded*
Qri: She didnt contact me, its unusual for her not to text me. Ill come over to her house to
check her. Ill just inform you once I see her.

HM: Thanks! *qri leave her with a smile, that made her confused* Why isnt she rude? She
should be coz of what had happened last week *confused*

----- Qri is on her way home and text jiyeon

Qri: Ji, Ill come over to your couch. Im worried about you, are you sick? *send her
message but jiyeon took so long to reply*
JY: Ri, Im not at home, dont come by Ok. Dont worry Im not sick or anything I just
have some business to do1
Qri: Business?
JY: Dont worry, Its not illegal kekeke!
Qri: Arasso! But you need to come to school tomorrow alright?
JY: Yes I will!
The next day, the first three subjects are over and in that whole process Jiyeon looks tired
and restless trying to fight her sleepiness. Qri on the other hand noticed her best friend
yawning few times and wonder what jiyeon has been doing although she knew that the girl
has a part time job after school but its unusual for her to see her sleepy on class while on
the front row there is hyomin keeps on worrying and stealing glances at the last row.
The next class, Jiyeon cant handle her sleepiness anymore. She fell asleep until the classes
are dismissed.
Qri: Ji! Wake up classes are over *shaking jiyeons shoulder*
JY: *gently rub her eyes and open it slowly* Oh Ri, where are they?
Qri: Class is over Ji, Lets go to your work.
JY: You just go home Ri,
Qri: Huh? You dont want me to go at your work? *pouts*
JY: Not really but I have something to after work so I might not able to walk with you
Days have past and it became a routine for jiyeon to arrive at school late, looking tired and
restless and often didnt listen to the lecturers rather she sleep in between classes to regain
her strength. She cant even had time to attend to the rehearsals and mostly she havent
much time for herself Eunjung approach her as the classes was over.
EJ: Can we talk *paused* .Outside?
JY: Why not say here? Im in hurry.
EJ: The deal.. *cut off her words by jiyeon*
JY: Oh I got only 4 days left right? Dont worry I didnt forget it. Ill promise to replace it.
*walks away leaving eunjung deep in her thoughts coz she felt guilty about what she did,
she also noticed jiyeon this past few days like Qri, Hyomin, and other professors who are
worried and expressing their concern towards her.

-----Qri waiting at the corridor

Qri: Ji! *call jiyeons attention when the girl walked out of the room*
JY: Ri, you arent off to your couch yet?
Qri: Lets talk! *serious*
JY: Ri, Im sorry but Im really in hurry. *continue to walk but qri grab her arms*
Qri: I said lets talk!
JY: Arasso!
Qri: What you have you been doing this past 2 weeks huh?
JY: Im working!
Qri: Where?
JY: At the caf of course!! *lying*
Qri: Liar, You arent. Ive checked you few times but they said you always leave early. So
are you still going to lie?
JY: Its none of your business anymore!
Qri: *shocked* Im your best friend but you choose to keep secrets on me. *tearing up*
JY: ri!
Qri: Why do you always come to school late, sleeping at classes, looking restless and very
tired? Is that what your job at the caf does to you? I guess not!
JY: Ri, dont cry. Please dont!
Qri: tell me Jiyeon, be honest, Im really worried about you.
JY: Ill tell you soon. I promise, Im just working to earn money to replace the camera
Qri: What kind of work do you have and where it is?
JY: Ill tell you soon please trust me.
Qri: Are you still going to work there? How much do you earn now? I can lend you some
of my money for you to buy it.
JY: No you dont have to. I can make money on my own.
Qri: If your dad didnt punish you. You will be able to pay that camera right away.
JY: Dad hasnt anything to do with this Ri, He punished me, confiscated all of my stuffs
and money but its alright. He just wanted me to learn and view what reality is. So now I
wont come to him and beg for luxury to return to me rather face this thing on my own. I
able to stand it because you are there for me and..
Qri: and because of your love for hyomin? *she continued jiyeons thoughts and the other
girl blushed*
JY: Ri!!! *whines*
Qri: Youre so cute! Youre like a red tomato now, and that girl really worries about you
JY: Really *replies w/ a weak tone*

Qri: yes she is, always ask me about you. Oh before I forgot Heres my notes *taking bunch
of papers outside the bag* I photo copied it already. Finals is on Thursday this will help.
Dont push yourself too mush ok.
JY: Thanks! Ill take care of myself.
Qri let Jiyeon go to her work even if she worries a lot for her but she could only trust her
and support her all the time.
------at jiyeons work
Its already 3:30 am when jiyeon finished performing at the night club. She stands outside
the club waiting for a cab when someone approached her.
Man: Ms. Are you the clubs performer *jiyeon didnt mind him and make a distance
between them.* Dont worry I wont hurt you *jiyeon look at him as if the man is being
scanned from head to tow then she allowed the man to talk to her after seeing the man
looks decent and not drunk*
JY: What do you want Mr.?
Man: Ill go straight to the point since I think you are tired after a lot of performances.
JY: Just tell me what you want.
Man: Ive been eyeing for you this fast 2 weeks and I find you fantastic. Youre the clubs
newest attraction also.
JY: So?
Man: I want to ask you if you can perform for me on Wednesday night. Its a big event.
JY: No I cant! Im sorry
Man: I know youre a student and a student shouldnt be working in this kind of place.
Students like you, I know force yourself to work in here to earn money and that money is
meant for something am I right? *jiyeon was astonished with the man*
JY: So what are you implying for? *curious*
Man: I can give you the exact amount that you need for that special thing but you have to
perform on Wednesday. That big event I organized for an assembly. *looks at jiyeon whos
giving in already*
JY: How can I ensure my safety?
Man: Dont worry that event isnt like this club. You just have to perform in front of those
businessmen. Show off your excellent skills in playing that violin of your so please agree
with me! *pleading*
JY: Arasso, I will but you promise me.
Man: Ill pay you the exact amount that you wanted. Thank you! *smiles*
JY: Your welcome sir I just agree coz I need it too. What am I going to wear anyway?

Man: Just wear dress that looks decent and respectable. Heres my card and heres the
location be there before 8 pm tell them that youre the one who is going to perform by the
way Im Mr. Lee. Take care.
JY: How long will It take me to perform and what piece will I perform?
ML: As long as the gathering isnt done you have to perform but of course dont worry I
wont kill you on performing, you can take a rest when they were discussing something and
play if they request you to do so. For the piece its up to you. Perform what you know.
JY: hank you sir, I dont have further questions. *bowed to the man then the car starts*
In the morning, Wednesday, its still the same. Jiyeon arrive late and sleeps at the class, Qri
and Hyomin worry for her while Eunjung and Hwayoung still felt guilty over what they
did. After the class was dismissed Jiyeon bid goodbye to her bestfriend and go home to get
ready for the event later on. She wear a cocktail dress which made her look so elegant and
ML: You look stunning Jiyeon, Good luck Hwaiting *give encouragement*
JY: Thank you Mr.Lee, Hwaiting *show off her bubbly side then step on the stage and play
her violin gracefully.*
BM: Mr. Joon, where did you get her? Shes awesome and she looks very familiar. Maybe
she can play again next time? *the businessman whispers to his ears*
ML: Sir, I found her performing on stage.. Shes good
BM: You did a good Job!
ML: Thank you sir. Its my pleasure. *nodded*
At hyomins house, the girl heard a knock on her door. She walks toward the door and
opened it. She was surprised at what she saw.
HM: Qri-ah? So youve come?
Qri: Yes I do, would you mind to let me enter first on your couch?
HM: oh Im so sorry I thought you wont come.
Qri: I will because I want to learn, and youve promised me that you will teach me once a
do ththe favor. I just do this coz my best friend is busy working for you.
HM: Im so sorry. Lets start. Ok you sit there at the sofa Ill just get some snacks to eat so
you wont be bored. *point at the sofa*
Qri: Arasso! *agreed*
HM: Did you give my notes to her? *asked while holding a plate with a pancake and a
pitcher on her other hand*
Qri: Yes, Luckily she didnt notice that it isnt my handwriting. *felt relieved*

HM: Thank you, I thought you wont give it to her

Qri: Huh? Of course Ill give it to her as much as I like to give mine but my notes arent
clear as yours.
The two spend their time together, studying and chatting until they finished their lectures
and sleep at the sala past 1 oclock am. While Jiyeon just finished performing at the
gathering. She just waited for a while because Mr. Lee is busy accompanying his boss and
other businessmen home.
ML: Jiyeon-shi, Im sorry if I take too long, Youve done well. As promised heres the
money you earn from your performance, its doubled the price that you wanted. *lend the
envelope w/ money on it*
JY: No need sir, I just need what we have talked about. *refuse to take the cash*
ML: Hell fire me if you dont accept it.
JY: Who your boss? Ok Ill take it, coz I dont wanna be the reason why you got fired.
*gave an eyesmile*
ML: Here it is, Use it well
JY: Thank you sir.

The day of the examination Jiyeon fell asleep while taking the exams luckily she was able
to finish answering the test papers before the papers need to be collected.
---after exams

Qri: Hey! *taps jiyeons shoulder* Ji, have you been able to answer your papers? I saw you
fell asleep
JY: Yes I deed,, just in hurry *joke around* Dont worry that much
Qri: Aishhhh this girl *sighs*
JY: Ri, can you accompany me to the mall later?
Qri: Ok then Ill meet you at the mall. I got to go home first *winks to jiyeon*
JY: Whats with the wink? *wondering*

Qri: Oh I guess someone wants to talk to you *pointing her lips towards hyomin* Good
Luck! *tease then leave jiyeon who doesnt know what to do*
JY: Ri!!! *shouted*

Jiyeon cant do anything but to watch her best friend walking away from her while hyomin
is there nodding her head and unable to look at jiyeons eyes.
HM: Can we talk? *nodding her head*
JY: Minnie ah Hyomin.
HM: You still call me that way. *fluttered*
JY: oh the camera..*hyomin cut her*
HM: You dont have to pay for it or either replaces it.
JY: No Im not like that, even though you said so Ill still replace it.
HM: You Pabo !! I SAID NO NEED TO! *shouts*
JY: Why you have to shout on me *frowns*
HM: Because Im worried about you *teary eyes*
JY: You still do? *asked in a soft voice*
HM: Of course I do, ever since I leave you back then, I find it hard to forget you *hitting
jiyeons shoulder few times*
JY: Yaaaah! Stop it, stop it, stop it, and stop hitting me *hold the crying girls hand to stop
her from hitting her and pulls the girl for a hug.*
HM: Im so sorry for leaving you behind. I know youve been grounded for almost three
years because of me *regretting*

Jiyeon felt her shoulder is being wet because of hyomins tears. She can feel how guilty
hyomin is from leaving her behind.

JY: You dont have to blame yourself on what had happened to me. Its my entire fault. Ive
been such a stupid girl who is so deeply in love with you and now Im being all stupid
again because of the same reason. *tighten her hug and try her best not to cry*
HM: Jiyeonnie!, I still feel comfortable with your arms around me. *stop crying and hug
jiyeon back*
JY: *Blushing then release hyomin from the hug and stare at hyomins eyes*
HM: Will you be mine again? *asked without hesitations*
Before jiyeon could answer, Qri, who is hiding at the big post felt weak and try to walk away
without disturbing the two
Qri: I guess the will be back together *in deep thoughts, bumps into someonewho look
lifeless as her* OUCH!

EJ: Sorry! *then walk again*

Qri: Whats with her? *then proceed to walk again*

EJ: Is that why she cant accept my love for her, is that why she try to defend her? Park
Jiyeon, why iim always behind you. *deep in her thoughts and doesnt care to those people
she passed by.

----- back to JiMin

JY: Minnie I.I.i dont know, aaaah can you give me time to think about it?
HM: JIyeonnie, Mianhe I just cant let you go *cant believe jiyeons response* Ill give
you time to think Jiyeonnie *give a peck to jiyeons lips then walk away*
JY: Minnie mianhe, Its not the right time *in her thoughts*
At the mall, Jiyeon arrive so early so she walks around first while waiting for her best friend to
arrive. She enters to a shop which caught her attention because of so many colorful decorations

wherein she found a cute purse. She wanted to surprise her best friend so she brought the purse
and another one for her so they could have the same purse that symbolizes their friendship. K-RI-I-I-I-I-N-G K-R-I-I-I-I-N-G her phone vibrates and she immediately answer it
JY: Yeoboseyo?
Qri: Yaaaah, Ji where are you? Ive been waiting for you here at the caf where you want to
meet me *yells at the phone*
JY: Mianhe Ri, Just wait Im on my way *walks in hurry*
Qri: Aigooo, this girl *sighing*
JY: Ri-ah *call her best friend* Im sorry for keeping you waitinig *make an aegyo*
Qri: You do window shopping again?
JY: Just Stroll.
QRi: Its still the same *frowns*
JY: Ri look there *point to nothing*
Qri: Where? *turn her head to where Jiyeon is pointing*
JY: Here!
Qri: Where? *turn her head back to Jiyeon*
JY: TAAAADAAAAA! *show the purse that bought*
Qri: Ji is that for me? *surprised*
JY: I bought this for you, and guess what?
Qri: Curious*
JY: I also have one, same as yours *put the gift to Qris hand*
Qri: Ji, thank you very much but what for? Its not my birthday either
JY: Do I have to wait until your birthday to give you a gift? Thats for our friendship youre
always been there for me in good times and in bad times. You never leave me alone, never
regret being my friend always there to lift me up and give me courage. Thank you very
much! *stare to Qris eyes*

Qri: You pabo! *hug jiyeon*

JY: Im sorry for making you worry for this past few weeks and days also. *whisper to
Qris ears while hearing her friend sobbing lightly*
Qri: *still sobbing*
JY: hey dont make my clothes wet *joking around*
Qri: Im not, Im just touch. *release jiyeon from her hug then gave a smile*
JY: So are you ok now? No drama anymore!
Qri: Lets go!
JY: where?
Qri: Of course for the reason why we came here, the camera
JY: aaah haha I almost forgot.
After 2 hours of searching and looking theyve finally brought the camera jiyeon is longing for to
give to hyomin.
JY: Finally I have it already *happy*
Qri: After giving that whats next? *anticipating*
JY: I want her back!
Qri: Didnt you just got back with her this afternoon? *confused*
JY: You where there? You heard everything?
Qri: Sorry Ji but I did
JY: Aissshhhhh Ri!
Qri: But I leave both of you when she asked you to be with her again.
JY: Is that so? *give her friend a glare*
Qri: You still love her dont you?
JY: I dont know. *Refuse to answer the question*

Qri: If you still love her oh no of course you still do, you wont agree to the deal if you
didnt right. Just be with her again.
JY: I dont know what to say or do *afraid*
Qri: Just say whats on your heart. I know it will turn out well *being supportive*
JY: Ill try, lets eat Im really hungry my stomach is nagging me already! *rubbing her
tummy* MY treat!
Qri: Treat me? You still have money to treat me?, yaaah where did you get the money?
*change mood*
JY: Lets find place first then Ill tell you everything OK?
-----At the restaurant:
JY: Now ask me everything and Ill try to answer it well *eating*
Qri: Where have you been working, how did you earn such money in just 3 weeks and are
you still.*paused and look at jiyeon*
JY: still what?
Qri: *look at jiyeon*
JY: what?
Qri: ahhhh *rolled her eyes*
JY: Lee Qri-aahhh! *shouts*
Qri: still a virgin?
JY: What? Of course I am, gosh is that what you think of me? *gulp water*
Qri: You cant just erase my assumptions, see yourself always walk in the room late
looking tires and lifeless *explains*
JY: Oh come on! *sighs * I think I have a lot of things to clear up! First of all Im working
in a club!
Qri: *shock* CLUB?

JY: Aissshhh. Let me finish first. I work there after working at the caf but since I dont
have much time left to earn a big money, I asked manager if I can take a half day for this
week, thats why you didnt saw me last time.
Qri: I see but, whats your work there? *curious* dont tell me youre treating drunk guys?
JY: Ri, I think you really have to wash your brain, its so green *hits qris head*
Qri: Whats that for? *pouting*
JY: *smiles* I work there as a violinist, I play some pieces that they request to me.
Qri: But its not enough, how could you make such money in a short period of time *not
contented yet*
JY: Im losing hope because I only have half of the amount last Tuesday but someone
approached me to perform and play violin on a big gathering.
Qri: and the consequence?
JY: If I perform, he will pay me in the amount that I need, actually they doubled the prize
coz the boss liked my performance.
Qri: *clapping* Woaah youre really good.
JY: Thanks
Qri: Are you still going back to the club?
JY: Nope but I will have my last performance tomorrow.
Qri: Thats good I wont worry much about you anymore *whines*
JY: *smirk*
Qri: Why is that camera so important for you and who really hyomin to you?
JY: Shes my girlfriend way back in high school; I dated her for almost three years until
when we are in our senior year. We are about to celebrate our 3rd anniversary but she broke
up with me
Qri: Wae?
JY: She only said that she isnt good for me and after that even if we attend on a same
university with the same course but we never talked even if we see each other daily.

Qri: Then how is it related to you being punished by your dad?

JY: Because Im deeply in love w/ her, I stole money to my dad and able to buy the camera
she wanted. Then soon after I bought it and surprised her. My dad found out about it then
the consequence is
Qri: being grounded *she cut her*
JY: *nodded*
Qri: Youre a Pabo!!!
JY: Its just Im really head over heels to her?
Qri: Aigoo young love. Did she ask you to buy that?
JY: No! She never did, we were on a date that time, and we are strolling when she stopped
in front of the gadget shop then told me that she dream of having a camera. That time all I
wanted is to get that camera for her.
Qri: *cant say anything*
The next morning the students gather in front of the bulletin board where the results of the finals
are posted. Hwayoung in the middle of those students struggling to moved out.
HY: Shes on top again *sighing* on your second
EJ: She must be really smart *serious*
HM: *sigh in relief*
EJ: Min, are you going to see her?
HM: Huh? Who? *confused*
EJ: Jiyeon-shi?
HY: What Jungie? Did I missed something here?
EJ: None, its nothing! I just asked her.

Hyomin choose not to answer eunjunh anymore then just proceed to walk towards their room.
Ahe doesnt know what to say coz she doesnt know whats on jiyeons mind. Just then when the

three of them are about to enter the room, someone called hyomins name and the three turn their
heads to where the voice came from then found out that Jiyeon standing not to far from them.
HY: What do you want? *stand in front then blocks hyomins sight*
JY: Can I talk to hyomin *Reply calmly*
HY: You Ca. *cut by eunjung*
EJ: Youngie just let them be! *pats the taller girls head then bowed to Jiyeon and Hyomin
and pull Hwayoung in*
HY: What is that?
EJ: Let them talk youngie *weak tone*
HY: Whats wrong jungie? The two of you are hiding something from me.
EJ: None!, Hyomin is for Jiyeon and same as to Jiyeon.
HY: *confused*
EJ: Remember when Min told us that she is guilty over someone she leaves because she
was forced too.
HY: Yes why did she already told you who that perso.n *paused and think* Wait is that
EJ: Yes so let them be ok!
HY: But how about you, you in love her right?
EJ: Youngie, I cant do anything about it. Ill just wait for her as long as I can *nods*
HY: Aiggggooooo Jungie! Sorry.
EJ: Thats fine *smiles weakly*
At the hallway Hyomin look at Eunjung and Hwayoung as they enter the room and sit on there
seats the look back to Jiyeon who is staring at her waiting.
HM: So what now? *trying to avoid jiyeons eyes*
JY: Come with me *grab Hyomins hand and pull her*
HM: Where are we going the class is about to start?

JY: Just come with me.

At the school roof top. Jiyeon drags Hyomin in then face the girl w/o releasing the other girls
hand. The two stare with each other and Hyomin find Jiyeons eyes sparkling
JY: Minnie, before I answer your question yesterday please be honest to me *holds
Hyomins hand more tightly* what was really the reason why you leave me?
HM: Jiyeon Im sorry but I cant tell it.
JY: Why? Is it too personal? Minnie please tell me!
HM: No I cant!
JY: Why you cant? Cant you trust me? *release the girls hand*
HM: Im sorry!
JY: Aishhhhh, this thing! You know is meant for nothing! *tears fall down in her eyes* a
simple question but you cant answer me *shouts the walk outs* but then before the girl
could leave the roof top, Hyomin hugs Jiyeons waist tight enough to stop her from walking
JY: Release me Hyomin. *demanded*
HM: Jiyeon no! I cant!
JY: Stop it. *trying to escape from Hyomins arms
HM: I care about you and your feelings.
JY: No you just care about yourself!
HM: Your dad asks me to leave you *she spills her tongue*
JY: What did you say? *motionless*
HM: I dont want to tell you coz you might get hurt if you found out the truth
JY: You leave me because He told you so? *tears fell down on her cheeks*
HM: Yes! But I regret it; I shouldnt leave you from the very start. I regret it please Jiyeon
forgive me *sobbing*
Hyomin release Jiyeon from her tight grip and cover her face with her palms. The other girl turn
to face her and try to removed her hands. Now Jiyeon holding Hyomins hands while she is still

crying when she felt strange sensation on her body, she opened her eyes and find Jiyeon pressing
her lips against her after seconds of kissing the other girl parted her lips to glance at her face for
a few seconds then kiss her again, wrap her arms around the surprise girl. Jiyeon is releasing her
slowly when she the other girl seemed not to respond, shes parting her lips and Hyomin wrap
her arms around Jiyeons neck and replied back, It started so soft and becomes more passionate.
Both parted as they run out air and smiles with each other hugging.
JY: Do you like it? *whisper to hyomins ears w/ her husky voice w/c sends the other girl
into chills*
HM: Dont whisper to me like that it tickles *honestly replied and giggles*
Both sit on a bench under the improvised arc made of bamboo being wrapped by flowering
vines around it.
HM: Am I forgiven?
JY: I dont know *turn her head away*
HM: After stealing kisses on me?
JY: Do you call that stealing kisses?
HM: I dont know what to do on you. *replied w/ disappointed look and stand up from her
JY: Hey Im just kidding *hold hyomins hand* you know I never really got angry at you so
why should I forgive you in the first place.
HM: You never got angry? Even if I leave you and hide what your father did? *look down
to jiyeon*
JY: I never been angry at you, I admit I got hurt when you leave me but I just cant keep
hatred feelings towards you. Those past years being near but away from you where all I can
do is to steal glances on you I feel contented to that. In such way I am able to keep my love
for you and you know what makes me keep holding on? Its when you steal glances to me
too and secretly worries, that gives me hope that you still love me *made an eye smile*

about my dad, Ive already knew that he asked you to stay away from me. I just confirm it.
Im kinda upset with you and my dad for doing that.
HM: Im sorry *nods*
JY: Why? You did nothing; its my fault after all. I shouldnt steal money to my dad just to
give you what you want. *stands up and face hyomin* are you guilty over something?
HM: Yes I am, because of that stupid dream of having that camera you did a shameful thing
and Im the one to be blame for that.
JY: Aishhhh stop blaming yourself, anyhow its already on the past so forget it. Ive learn
from it already and now Im standing in front of you *became serious, kneel down in front
of her lover and take a box under the bench look up to now crying Hyomin*
HM: Jiyeonnie *surprised*
JY: Finally you call me in that way, I love it. Park Hyomin, will you be mine again? *open
the box*
HM: OMO!!! *cover her mouth* A camera *she totally forgot about the jiyeon who is
kneeling down on the floor and try to get the camera but the other pull it away* what?
JY: Park Hyomin, you want this over me? *frowns*
HM: Sorry, Of Course I want to be with you, Im forever yours *pull jiyeon into hug and
gave a peck on her lovers lips*
JY: Heres the camera, now you dont have any reasons to leave me again and I work hard
for that
HM: Jiyeonnie, Ill never gonna leave you anymore. Ill stay with you as long as I can.
JY: Then lets go, lets have a date coz I miss dating my Minnie *pinch cheeks*

HM: Are you crazy? Arent we going to attend class?

JY: Err not really finals are finished so theres nothing important to attend class *grab
hyomin downstairs*

The two cut their class and decided to go to the theme park and cherish every moment after
getting tired they rest beside the seashore and enjoy the fresh air. They talked about what the
have done when they arent together in the past years. As the sun sets Jiyeon take hyomins
HM: What are you going to do with that?
JY: Well lets take a picture. *evil smile, wrap her arms aroung hyomin and click the
HM: Im not ready yet! *pouts*
JY: Hey this looks cute, were great together *laughs and shows what she captures to her
HM: Lets take another one please *do an aegyo*
JY: Ok come here lets pose. *As jiyeon was about to click the button Hyomin hold her
chin and gave her a sweet kiss, the light flashed and the kiss was captured.
HM: *feels great when she was able to make her lover pay for their first pic where jiyeon
grab her waist and give a peck on her cheek* Youre blushing Jiyeonnie! *tease*
JY: let me delete this! *she stated*
HM: No! no! no! Give me that *tries to grab the camera from jiyeons hand*

JY: Minnie! OK, Ok Im not going to delete this. Give me a copy of that huh? * lend the
cam to her girlfriend* Now lets go!
HM: HuH? Where are you going to grab me again? *unwillingly go w/ jiyeon.*

----- In front of the club where Jiyeon work

JY: we are here!
HM: what are we doing here?
JY: lets go.
HM: no I wont enter to that place. *cling her hand aroung jiyeons arms*
JY: dont worry Minnie; I just want to show you where I work to earn money
HM: *widened her eyes* you work here, are you insane?
JY: I dont know how to get more money coz my salary at the caf isnt enough to cover
the amount of the camera.
HM: But you treat drunken guys? *worried*
JY: No Im not, lets go inside so you will know, dont be afraid they wont hurt us. *hold

As they enter the club, both of them passed at so many guys, some are drunk. Some are not.
Jiyeon looks around looking for someone.

HM: Are you looking for someone?

JY: Yep, ooh there he is!
HM: ne *only agrees*
JY: Manager Kim *shouts and waved her hands*
MK: Oh Jiyeon-ah your back *surprised*
JY; Yes, and this is my.
MK: Hyomin right? *cut jiyeons words*
HM: *confused look*
JY: ahh yes *blushing*
MK; as well as how you described her, she is indeed beautiful
JY: Manager Kim can I perform tonight?
MK: Of course you can, a lot of people are looking for you this last two days. *looks at
hyomin* Shes popular in here!
HM: *look at jiyeon being furious*
JY: Minnie, dont stare to me like that. I work here as a violinist and not as you think
*cleared her throat*
MK: Since youre here already, you gotta own the stage now.

JY: *smiles and bows* Thank you Manager, Minnie sit in front and watch me ok, and take
a picture ok. I want to cherish this one.

Jiyeon leaves her girlfriend at the front seat. She went to the back stage and takes the violin w/
her. She steps on the stage and sit at the chair where the place became dim and a spot light focus
on her. She holds a mic and started to talk.
JY: Anneong! Did you miss me? *asked the crowd*
Crowd: Yesss * shouts in unison*
JY: Well I missed all of you too. This past two days has been so tough now Im giving you
a chance to talk with me again since this will be my farewell *sighs heard from the crowd
and hyomin is surprised on how the crowd responded*
Man1: *raised his hands*
JY: Ajhussi, you have something to ask?
Man1: Im so sad that youre gonna leave, cant you just perform here every night? I love
the way you play that violin.
JY: Ahjussi, you know I dont want to leave but as I said to all of you before, I wont work
here permanently that Ill just be working here for a limited time *explaines calmly*
*another one raised hand*
Man2: Will you perform again for us? We love seeing you in that stage.
JY: Ahjussi, of course Ill visit here sometimes if I got a free time so better patronize this
club ok!
Man2: Of course I will. *laughs*

Man3: I was here when you start working here, you said you work here because you want
to earn money and buy a camera for the one you love.

JY: * turn her head away when Hyomin gave her a big smile*

HM: *giggled when she saw Jiyeons reaction*

Man3: did you already bought the camera *before jiyeon could answer another man

Man4: I was here too when you said that words. Did you already get her back? *curious*
Crowd: *Curious*

Jiyeons cheeks turn into a red tomato all of a sudden when the questions are thrown to her, she
became shy because her lover is listening to them and that her lover will definitely know that she
was the topic of the conversation.
JY: *nervous and stuttering * aaah.. I, I do, dont know tha, that you sti, still re,
remember that...
Man4: so you got her back?
JY: ahjussi, actually I already bought the camera and gave it to her and in fact *paused then
look at hyomin, lock their eyes with each other* She is here with me *gave a wink and
point her finger to her girlfriend*

As she pointed her finger, all eyes turned to hyomin and the girl bows and felt shy as she doesnt
know what to do.
JY: Shes mine again *proudly stated*

Crowd: *goes wild and tease the two while the two blushing so hard*
Man5: Theyre blushing *yells*
Man6: why dont we ask them to kiss *the man yelled and the crowd cheers*
JY: Ajhussi, stop teasing us
Man7: We will if you kiss
JY: Alright! *smiles then walk down from the stage and walks towards hyomin* Minnie-ah
*as if asking if its ok*
HM: *Smiled back then initiates for a kiss*
Crowd: WOOOH, WOOOH, WOOOH! *cheer in unison and gave the two a roung of
applause as they parted their lips. Hyomin sit comfortably on her seat and Jiyeon go back
to the stage.
JY: All of you, Im really happy that I can make all of you happy. From working here Ive
experienced a lot of things. Well now Im gonna perform my farewell piece but first I
would like to dedicate this one for my Minnie. Dont be sad that Im leaving this club I
hope this wont be my last time Ill be performing here. *teary eyes*
Man7: You are always welcome here. You can visit whenever you fell you want to perform
in here *tears falling on jiyeons cheek and she wiped it out by her hands and gave a sweet
smile to the crowd*
JY: Thank you! *touched* Now let me play two of my favorite piece. I dedicate this first
piece to my Minnie *look at her lover* and the last is for all of you who supported me all
the way *put the chin rest on her neck then started to play the Violin w/ the bow. *
All are mesmerized on how Jiyeon play the violin gracefully including her lover who cant take
her eyes of her and listen to the music intently. As she finished her dedicated piece for her lover
she then pauses for a while and talks:
JY: Did you like it??
Crowd: YESSS!!! *gave a round of applause
HM: *smiles*

JY: Well this next piece entitled Canon D by Johan Pachelbel and this song is dedicated for
all of you.
Hyomin captures a lot of picture of her lover performing. As soon as Jiyeon finished performing
and bid her goodbyes to those men. The crowd gave her another round of applause and express
themselves that they will miss her. The two leaved the club almost midnight and stayed at
hyomins couch. The two fell asleep soundly. In the morning Hyomin wake up first and turn her
head to her lovers where the sunlight gleamed on her lovers face.
HM: How beautiful you are my jiyeonnie, Im very lucky to have you *stroking jiyeons
JY: *slowly opened her eyes*
HM: Did I wake you up? Just sleep there Ill cook breakfast *sat up and swang her legs to
the floor*
JY: *pull her lover to the bed and hug her tight* Minnie lets sleep more; I want you here
with me.
HM: *Turn her head to look at the lying Jiyeon and agreed to what her lover says*
The two kiss passionately then cuddle each other back to sleep.
---The End ---

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