When Fate Comes in Between (One Shot)

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When Fate Comes In Between

Somehow, love has binded us.
Someday, fate will separate us.
I know Im not supposed to be with him. I know Im not meant to be with him.
But when everyone made me feel like I was nothing, he made me feel like I was his
He made me feel human.
I love him, even though Im not supposed to.

Yah, Park Jiyeon.

What? I think that color looks good on you,
Kim Myungsoo frowned as he looked at himself in the mirror. For his 27th birthday, I gave
him a navy blue shirt. I know that he hates clothes which arent black, but when I saw the
blue shirt at the store, I found it fitting for him.
It doesnt look good on me. You know that I only wear black,
Thats the reason why you dont have friends. I said teasingly. People are scared of you
because you always wear black. You should wear colorful clothes for a change,
Theyre scared because Im a cop, not because I wear black all the time.
I made Myungsoo turn in order to face me. I pinched his cheek upon noticing that hes still
wearing a disgruntled look on his face. Theyre scared because you keep wearing that face.
Next time, wear a more friendly and approachable one, okay?

Myungsoo forced out a smile, which ended up looking creepy. When I started laughing, he
frowned again. See? It would never work.
You just need more practice, I said after supressing my laughter. Look at me. Before, I
didnt know how to smile and laugh. Now, Im living life as if Im the happiest and luckiest
girl on earth.
Myungsoos frown finally turned into a smile. Well, thats probably because of me.
Its definitely because of you.
Kim Myungsoo changed my life two years ago. He found me in an empty alley, unconscious
and drunk. When I woke up the next day, I just found myself in an unfamiliar room. I saw
him sitting beside the bed where I was lying. I could never forget the look on his face when I
first saw him. It was the first time that a person looked at me with such gentleness.
Maybe that was the reason why I obeyed when he asked me not to leave. Even though I
showed some indifference towards him, he still treated me with outmost care. I never
responded to any of his questions, nor did I show any signs of interest to his babbles. Stoic as
I was, he still did his best to make me open myself up to him. His awkwardness made it clear
to me that he wasnt the sociable and talkative type. Despite that, he tried hard in order to
make me feel comfortable.
After a while, I just found myself opening up to him. I told him about the depression that I
felt, which led me to my drunken state. I didnt tell him in details, but he still showed interest.
Before I knew it, I was already the one talking, and he was the one listening.

From then on, I visited Myungsoos house everyday. I would listen to his stories, and he
would listen to mine. I once thought I would never find a reason to smile, but he became the
reason. I looked forward to my everyday because of him. So when he asked me to be with
him, I agreed.
I agreed no matter how much they opposed to it.
All of my life, Ive been controlled by them like a puppet. I had no choice. My fate has been
decided even before I was born. I was destined to work under them.
This is the only thing that I havent shared with Myungsoo. I dont want him to know.
-Happy birthday!
Myungsoo took the cake from my hand and kissed my forehead. Thank you,
Every year, we make sure to take the birthday cake out at 11PM. Then when its almost
midnight, we make a countdown and blow the candles. Its our habit to celebrate our
birthdays one hour before its end.
Whats your wish? I asked after spreading some icing on his nose.
He wiped the icing off using his finger then licked it. Hmm. I hope that you wont put icing
on my nose next year. Youve been doing it for the past two years.
Sure! Next year, Ill put the icing on your chin. I said teasingly while wearing an innocent
Myungsoo laughed as he placed the cake down the table. Afterwards, he took my hand and
spun me around. Before we knew it, we were already dancing to Savage Gardens Truly,
Madly, Deeply. We have this habit of playing foreign and cheesy songs during our birthday
celebrations. The two of us used to hate doing romantic things. We even talked about how it

irritated the hell out of us. But eversince we formed a relationship, the romantic stuff came in
Jiyeon-ah, whats your birthday wish for me?
Hmmlet me think, I rested my head on Myungsoos chest as we continued to dance
around the room. I closed my eyes and listened to his heartbeat. I hope youll wear colorful
clothes from now on. Oh, and wear a friendly face.
Myungsoo grunted at first, but soon after, he sighed in resignation. Okay. Aside from that?
Please give me a more meaningful wish,
After much thought, I opened my eyes, looked up at Myungsoo, and caressed his face
No matter what happens, I hope that you wont resent me.
We suddenly stopped dancing. Myungsoo held me by the shoulders and looked at me
questioningly. What do you mean by that?
Nothing, I said with a smile. Lets eat the cake!
I was about to walk towards the table when Myungsoo suddenly grabbed my hand. Its not
nothing. Theres something going on. Tell me,
Thats when I began to shake in fear. All along, I knew Myungsoo had a feeling that I was
hiding something from him. Theresnothing.
Jiyeon-ah, His voice was full of pain and anguish, and it made me want to break down and
cry. If only I could tell him. Weve been together for two years, yet it feels like theres still a
wall between us. Sometimes, youre distant from me. Theres something youre not telling
I cant tell him because its hard. Because its painful. Im afraid that once I tell him, hell
look at me in a different way. Things wouldnt be the same again.
We are not meant to be together.

We are meant to kill each other.

No matter how much we love each other, it won't change the fact that the courses of our lives
are different. We shouldn't have fallen in-love with each other in the first place. It wasn't
supposed to happen.
I'm the one to blame. I'm the one who's fully-aware of our situation, yet I ignored it.
I'm the one who went against fate.

The Silver Phantom

-Youre late.
I didnt say anything and just sat down in front of Kim Kwangsoo. He immediately gave out
a smirk after seeing the displeased look on my face.
Had trouble sneaking out of Myungsoos house again, Jiyeon-ah? He asked as he smoked
his tobacco. Oh, right. Its his birthday today. So, how was the party? What did you give
I looked down and kept my mouth shut. I dont want to engage in a conversation with the
Well, I bet the best birthday present that you could give him is the truth. He deserves to
know the truth since he has been a good boyfriend to you. Youre not doing your part as the
girlfriend since you continue to hide things from him. He continued to sneer. But I
understand. Just think about the pain that he would feel once he finds out about your true
Stop it.
His job is to protect this society from evil, but his girlfriend is actually one of the greatest
evils lurking around the city.

I said stop.
Which means hes protecting this city from the likes of you! Haha! How sad and tragic is
Kim Kwangsoo.
And the best part is, he doesnt know anything about it!
Kwangsoo grinned as he wiped the blood off his mouth. I didnt even feel any pain after
punching him hard on the face. The punch wasnt enough. I want the bastard to suffer.
When I was still ten, my parents gave me away to Kwangsoo in order to serve as the payment
for all of their debts. Even though they didnt shed any tears or showed signs of sadness while
giving me away, I wasnt surprised. They never loved me anyway. For the past ten years that
Ive spent with them, not once did they treat me as their child. Its as if they were just waiting
for the right time to give me away.
I knew that they were going to give me away. They told me about it when I was still seven.
They said that my fate has been decided even before my birth.
They made me compensate for their debts. I was reduced to a mere, faceless object. I had a
name, but I had no identity as a person. I was only identified as Kwangsoos tool, and nothing
Jiyeon-ah, your life isnt yours anymore.
I know.
Youll have to work under me from now on. That is your only purpose.
Kwangsoo is the mayor of Gwangju. He has been governing the city for five years already.
His pretentious acts of goodness earned him the support of the people. He wants everyone to
believe that hes leading the city towards a prosperous and bright future. Truth is, he just

wants to gain more power in order for him to rule not only Gwangju, but South Korea as a
Even though Kwangsoo was good at hiding his true nature, there were still people who were
clever enough to see the real him behind all the pretense. Thats when I come in. Those who
managed to find out about his dirty secrets were never given the chance to speak up against
him. Kwangsoo makes me eliminate them before they could even get the chance.
I started working as an assassin five years ago. Thats when Kwangsoo won the election and
finally sat as the mayor of Gwangju. He had trained me for ten years. He taught me how to
use weapons. He taught me how to fight in close combats.
He taught me how to kill.
Good job, Jiyeon-ah. Mayor Kim is finally out of the way.
. . .
You made your first kill.
I know I wasnt doing the right thing. But somehow, Kwangsoo managed to make me believe
that my only purpose in life is to assassinate the people whom he wants me to assassinate.
Even though I do my job without any hesitations, there are times when it sickens me.
Whenever I see the blood of the person whom Ive just killed, I would sometimes ask myself
if he deserved to die. I would sometimes wonder about what his family and friends would
These thoughts tempted me to commit suicide several times before. I wanted to know if
someone would actually cry over my death, or if no one would actually care. I wonder of the
world would still revolve like nothing happened. It would most likely turn out that way.
That's what I thought. The world wouldn't cry for an assassin like me.
This life isnt mine anyway, so why bother living it? Thats another thought that crossed
through my mind. I got tired of livng, even though I wasn't actually living in the first place.

So I decided to just end the tiresome game. However, none of my attempts succeeded because
Kwangsoos men were always around to stop me from doing them. Since I knew that I wont
be able to succeed in killing myself, I decided to just drown myself in alcohol. I drank almost
every night. There was one, particular night wherein I was really drunk to the extent that I
lost consciousness.
That was when he found me. Then everything changed.
Have you finally calmed down?
I sighed heavily as I sat back on my seat while massaging my fist. Just tell me what you
Kwangsoo also sat back down. Theres someone whom I want you to eliminate.
I gulped as I clenched my fist. Its been almost a month since he asked me to kill someone.
Even though I want to object, I know that its pointless. He has warned me time and time
again that hell do something to Myungsoo once I decline. Whowho is it this time?
He took a picture from his wallet and handed it to me. Upon seeing the picture, my eyes
T-This is-
Kwangsoo nodded. Lee Sungyeol. Chief of Police.
Myungsoos bestfriend.
I-I cant. I wont do it.
Kwangsoo took the picture from me and grimaced. You have no choice.
I stood up and looked at him in horror. Why are you making me do this?!
Because its your job. He said while playing around with the picture using the tip of his
finger. You have to eliminate all the people who try to go against me.

He knows that I hide illegal drugs in my warehouse. Somehow, he managed to get some
evidence on paper. He plans to present it at a press conference, which will begin five hours
from now. I want you to kill him and burn the evidence before he could show it.
I bit my lip as I looked down. Sungyeol has been Myungsoos bestfriend for more than 20
years. Since theyre both orphans, they treated each other as family. Myungsoo once told me
that he has no one else but me and Sungyeol.
I bet this would motivate you, Jiyeon-ah. Kwangsoos lips suddenly formed into a smile.
If you succeed, Ill let you go. This is your last mission.
I stood up and gaped at him. Youllset me free? I wont work for you anymore?
Kwangsoo nodded. Yes. I consider Sungyeol as the biggest hindrance towards my quest for
power. Once hes eliminated, everything would be easy.
I looked away from him and took a deep breath. Then without saying anything, I left the
-Yah, Park Jiyeon. Where are you?
When I woke up this morning, you were already gone.
Are you ready, sir?
Yes. Ill put an end to Kim Kwangsoos lies once and for all.
Jiyeon-ah, I know that we had an argument last night, but I hope you didnt take it to heart.
Please text back. Please tell me that youre alright.
Did you bring the files with you?
Dont worry. I have them.
If you decide to come back home, I left the keys under the carpet.
Ive been called to guard the hall for Sungyeols press conference. Ill be back later tonight.
I hope to see you once I get back.

Forgive me, Myungsoo.

If ever I could finish this mission without any flaws, well probably see each other at home
But if it goes wrong, things would never be the same again.
If ever I get caught, I hope you wont be the one to catch me because if you do, youd find
Once you find out, youd resent me forever.
Five minutes, sir.
Sungyeol nodded at the cop who was tasked to guard him while hes waiting at the lobby.
There are five more cops outside. The hall where the press conference would be held is just
four rooms away. Hundreds of cops are guarding that hall, and one of them is Myungsoo.
Sir, its- WHOS THERE?!
After hiding for almost 30 minutes, I finally jumped out from the hole which I created on the
ceiling. I wasted no time and immediately shot the cop on his ankle, making him drop to the
ground. I swiftly kicked his gun away from his reach and turned to face Sungyeol who was
already at the corner of the room while clutching a folder. I figured that it contained the
evidence that he gathered against Kwangsoo.
The door suddenly swung open, revealing the five cops who were guarding the entrance of
the lobby. Within a matter of seconds, I took my gun and fired bullets straight to their ankles.
As they each dropped to the ground, I immediately pulled Sungyeol out of the room and
dragged him outside the lobby. I pulled us in towards an empty and spacious room and locked
the door.
Sungyeol eyed me terrifyingly as he took a few steps back. I-Its you. I know that you work
for Kim Kwangsoo,

For the past five years that Ive worked as an assassin, Ive always been at the top of the Most
Wanted list. The police have been hunting me down for years. The bounty placed on me even
went from 1,000,000 won to 50,000,000 won. Thats how desperate they are to track me
Jiyeon-ah, do you know that assassin who wears a silver helmet and a black suit as a
disguise? You know, the so-called SIlver Phantom?
Ohher. Why?
She killed the vice-mayor yesterday. Have you heard?
Yeahits all over the news.
I swear, Ill catch that killer someday. Ill make her pay for everything she has done.
What ifwhat if shes actually working for someone? What if she didnt want to do it after
all? What if she didnt have a choice but to do it?
Thats silly, Jiyeon-ah. Everyone has a choice.
I actually have a choice. I could choose not to kill Sungyeol, but then I would risk the chance
of finally having my freedom. I would risk the chance of finally being with Myungsoo
without any worries.
Butam I doing the right thing?
Sungyeol-sshi I slowly removed the helmet from my head, revealing my face to
Sungyeol. His eyes widened in shock upon recognizing me. I figured that before this ends,
Ill have to let you know.
Yes. The Silver Phantom. I revealed. And your speculations are right. I work under Kim

Sungyeol looked at me with a pair of uneasy eyes. Does Myungsoo know?

I shook my head. I kept it from him throughout these years.
Then I guessyoure here to kill me, right?
I didnt respond. Instead, I looked at the folder that he was holding. He immediately backed
away as he clutched it tighter.
Ill put an end to Kwangsoos lies, Jiyeon-sshi. I wont let you stop me.
All of a sudden, my hands moved on their own. They suddenly lifted themselves up and made
the gun point towards Sungyeol.
I wanted to tremble at the very least, but I couldnt. Its as if my blood-tainted hands are
already used to this kind of position. My hands have killed so many people in the past that
they dont show signs of fear anymore. Perhaps, they have gone numb. They feel nothing.
Why are you doing this, Jiyeon-sshi? Sungyeol asked in a calm tone. Why do you work
for someone like Kim Kwangsoo?
You dont have to know.
Well, you dont have to do this! I may not know how you ended up in this situation, but Im
sure that youre not a bad person! Its not too late to change things!
Thats what Im doing right now. Im trying to change things. Im trying to change my
Before, I didnt care about my freedom. I accepted everything. I accepted the fact that my
life isnt under my control. But then, I met Myungsoo. He made me realize that my life is
mine, and no one else could control it except for me. I said shakily while trying to hold back
the tears which are forming in my eyes. So now, Im desperate to get my freedom. I want to
live like a normal human being. I want to be happy and free with Myungsoo,
You can do that, but not this way.

Theres no other way.

I could help you. Myungsoo and I could help you. Sungyeol held out his right hand. Lets
stop Kwangsoo.
I looked at him, then I slowly lowered my hands. Sungyeol-sshi-
We were startled when the door suddenly banged open. Hundreds of police officers swarmed
in with their guns. Outside, I could hear the loud sirens of police cars. This could only mean
one thing.
The whole building is surrounded.
My heart automatically sank when I heard Myungsoos voice. I could tell that hes right
behind me. I could tell that hes preparing his gun as he waits for the Silver Phantom to reveal
Sungyeol-sshi, I muttered as I lifted my hands up and placed them behind my head.
Thank you. I hope youll be able to stop Kwangsoo.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Then with slow steps, I turned around and revealed
When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was the bewildered look on Myungsoos face. I
locked eyes with him for a moment. During that span of time, it felt as if time stopped. The
whole place suddenly turned quiet, as if theres no one else around but me and him.
The look of bewilderment suddenly turned into a look of pain and torment. At that instant, I
wished I had the power to read minds. I wanted to know what he was thinking of. Was he
sad? Angry? Disappointed?

Even though the distance between us was quite far, I still managed to hear him utter my
name. I wanted to walk towards him but I dont think I have the right to go near him
Right now, in front of Myungsoo, Im a criminal.
Jiyeon-sshi, I heard Sungyeol whisper. Hes still right behind me.
Its okay, Sungyeol-sshi. Dont mind about me. Please go and-
When I accidentally looked up, my attention was caught by some movement going around at
the second floor. I squinted my eyes and gasped as soon as I recognized that familiar
Kim Kwangsoo, that bastard. I cursed his name under my breath.
All of a sudden, he took out an assault rifle and positioned it towards our direction. My mind
panicked as I looked behind to glance at Sungyeol.
Sungyeol was startled when I suddenly screamed. What?
Just run away from here, Sungyeol-sshi!
I ignored the cops and continued to shout at Sungyeol. Get away from here, now!
When Sungyeol finally decided to obey, I turned back to look at Kwangsoos direction. When
I finally realized where hes really aiming the rifle, I froze.
Hes aiming for Myungsoo.
I looked at Myungsoo and he looked back with a distressed and confused face. Images began
popping inside my mind. Images of Myungsoo being shot. Images of him lying on the
ground, lifeless.

Id never let that happen.

Myungsoo, I suddenly placed my hands down, making the cops panic. All of them
positioned their guns and pointed them at me, except for Myungsoo.
As if not hearing anything, I bent down and took out the revolver which I hid on my boot.
With tears trickling down my face, I looked at Myungsoo and smiled. Im sorry, Myungsooah.
When I pulled the trigger of my revolver, the cops immediately showered bullets towards my
direction. Despite getting hit, I still stood and went on to fire three shots towards Kwangsoos
With my third and last bullet, Kwangsoos body finally dropped from the second floor and
into the ground, causing everyone in the room to turn. They were all perplexed at the sudden
turn of events. No one knew what to do.


After hearing Myungsoo shout out my name, I finally allowed my body to fall to the ground.
I was suddenly wrapped in the embrace of a pair of warm and gentle hands. I opened my eyes
and saw Myungsoo crying. I attempted to reach out for his face using my blood-stained
hands, but I stopped halfway.
Are youmad at meKim Myungsoo?

He shook his head as he took my hand and rubbed it against his face. I could never be mad
at you,
Thatsgood to hear, I said with a smile. I tried toI tried to change my fate. But it
turns out thatits inevitable. It was meant to end like this
Jiyeon-ah I felt the warmth brought about by Myungsoos tears as they continued to
drop on my cheek.
Thank you for loving me, Kim Myungsoo.
-Yah, Park Jiyeon. Where are you?
When I woke up this morning, you were already gone.

Im sorry, Myungsoo-ah.
Theres something I must do.

How many days has it been?

Todays the 40th. I plan to pay her a visit later,
Sungyeol patted my back. Want some company?
Thanks, but I think Ill go alone.

Jiyeon-ah, I know that we had an argument last night, but I hope that you didnt take it to
Please text back. Please tell me that youre alright.

Its not about that at all.

Actually, theres something you need to know.

These flowers are beautiful,

Yes. 800 won,
Eh, ahjumma, please sell them to me for 600 won.
Aigoo, but thats-
Its for my girlfriend,
The old lady sighed as she finally gave in. Alright. 600 won it is.

If you decide to come back home, I left the keys under the carpet.
Ive been called to guard the hall for Sungyeols press conference. Ill be back later tonight.
I hope to see you once I get back.

Well actually see each other today. Not at home, but at the hall.
Im about to do something beyond my will, Myungsoo-ah.
Even though I'm afraid, I'm secretly hoping that you'd come and stop me.

When I finally arrived at my destination, I closed Jiyeons phone and placed it back on my
pocket. With flowers in my hands, I got off the bus and started walking towards the hill.
After a few minutes of walking, I finally reached the place. The place where I laid Jiyeon to
Yah, I began as I laid the flowers down her tomb. I finally had the guts to check your
phone today. It turns out that you didnt send your replies to my text messages. You just saved
them in your phone without sending them. Idiot,
I squatted down and inhaled the fresh air which was blowing peacefully against my face.
Afterwards, I took out a small box from my pocket and placed it beside the flowers.

If I knew this would happen, I would have kneeled down in front of you and asked for your
hand in marriage years ago. I guess I took things for granted,
I smiled as I gently traced the letters of Jiyeons name using my fingers. You should keep
the ring. I cant imagine myself giving it to any other woman, anyway. It was intended for
you in the first place,
With one last smile, I stood up and ironed my ruffled pants with my hands. Ill always love
you, Park Jiyeon.
Yes, we were separated by fate.
But someday, in another world, well be together again.

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