Case 1 Jaguar

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This case examines Teradynes implementation and use of new approaches to project
management and project teams in the development of a new product. Generation semi-conductor
Due to competitive pressure they needed to design a new generation semi-conductor tester.
The management team introduced project management tools to their development process to
ensure on-time within budget delivery, yet part of the project failed.
The case has you explore the links between product development, project management, and
potential behavioral biases causing unintended consequences in the use of project management
As graduate project managers, you are now equipped to see the flaws in failed projects. You are
a project manager consultant brought in to do the post-mortem. Analyze the case and answer the
questions below as the consummate professionals you are. Be sure to support your answers with
references- (APA format)

1. Compare and Contrast Teradynes traditional project management strategy to the approach it
used in the Jaguar Project. What was similar? What was different?

Goal and Scope

Traditional Project

Jaguar Project Execution

Goals and scopes were not

defined clearly up front. Since
the requirements were not clear
and not defined, the engineering
and other stakeholders added
many features during
development which increasing

Requirements & scope are very

clearly defined. Delivery date is
also finalized and adding scopes
during development was not

the delivery time & quality

Management tools

Teradynes culture was to

mandate the use of specific
tools, but if was left up to the
individual divisions and
managers to decide

Visibility to higher

There was very less visibility to Clear visibility and tracking was
higher management on the
project status and phase

Project Status

Progress tracking was highly

Usage of tools resulting in near
variable even within divisions,
accurate tracking of project
some were using phase gate
model, detailed project planning,
conduction after-action reviews
and others not

Test Strategy

platform for testing. There was
different test platform for each
market segment

Resource allocation Mostly over committed. Some

times to the extent of 300%

Formalized project management

tools like Work Breakdown
structure, 3-point estimation,
Critical Path analysis, Earned
value analysis are used

Embrace a flexible platform


Correct commitment was

provided, but sometimes forced
people into commitment which
was not possible in real world

2. Prior to Teradynes new direction in platform design management recognized that there
might be organizational and corporate culture issues.

Describe them. Explain how these issues affected the Jaguar Project.


Discuss the resistance that was experienced.


What role did this play in the Jaguar project?

d. Could Teradyne have mitigated the problems? If so, how? If not, why not?

What impact did the project management tools have on the Jaguar project?
Specifically, how did they change behavior? How did they influence performance?
Higher administration did not give careful consideration to the information
accommodated extend administration devices and they didn't get the comprehension of
the measurements
Most of the time in meeting were spend on finding the correct instrument, right approach
to report the information instead of consider the item arrangements
The Teradyne culture of individual commitment was abating dissolving and individuals
began to feel that they are not in charge of the venture conveyance courses of events
Hardware framework were to a great extent ready to continue track on courses of events,
however the product improvement rose as an issue
Software advancement division were under gigantic weight to keep the courses of events
The learning required for new programming stage like windows NT was influencing the
venture conveyance
The product challenge ended up being a greater than foreseen. Despite the fact that the
equipment units were on time because of programming postpones the push out was
deferred by 6 months for "Ultra Flex" frameworks

What were the unintended consequences of using project management tools? What

lessons should Teradyne take away from the Jaguar Project?

Unintended results of utilizing the project administration tools
Some of the metric were not comprehended by the administration groups and they utilize the
measurements which was less demanding and reasonable for them. This did not think about the
right venture status

More improvement asset were squandered because of the preparation, following and
announcement meeting
Employees and improvement groups did not feel that it is their obligation regarding venture
conveyance and anticipated that higher administration would administer.
The need to redesign status and keep up the venture administration devices made a preoccupation
for the advancement groups from the genuine issues
Lessons should Teradyne takewaay from the Jaguar Project
Value of the venture administration devices must be instructed to the venture director groups
The need to comprehend and report the most vital metric must prepare. Extend administration
development evaluation to distinguish qualities and shortcoming, and regions of change in the
associations extend administration rehearse
The utilization of venture administration instruments required a social change
There is a requirement for persistent checking of the venture advance
Process is not vital, but rather the skilled individuals must be there to execute these procedure
Information over-burden ought to be maintained a strategic distance from
Project administration devices can't be utilized for the improvement stuff where there is bunches
of instability.


Were the project management tools the problem in this case? Explain.

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