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MAID2CLEAN (SUFFOLK) LTD of 158 Nacton Road, Ipswich IP3 9JN (M2C)

i. M2C maintains a database of clients who require cleaning services (Clients).
ii. You are an independent contractor providing cleaning services and you wish to have access to M2Cs database of Clients and to
provide cleaning services to M2Cs Clients.
iii. These terms and conditions (the Terms) set out the terms on which M2C shall introduce you to Clients and on which you will provide
cleaning services to Clients in the Clients home, using the Clients equipment, products and sundries.
1. The Services You Will Provide Under This Agreement
a. You are responsible for agreeing with the Client when, how and in what order the cleaning services will be performed.
b. You will make your best effort to be present in the Clients home at the times you have agreed with the Client.
c. You are responsible for the quality of the cleaning service that you provide to the Client and you will ensure that all work is performed
with reasonable care.
2. Absences
If you are unable to be present in the Clients home at the times you have agreed with the Client you shall:
a. be responsible for informing the Client BEFORE the agreed start time that you will not be attending;
b. be are responsible for agreeing with the Client alternative date and time when you will carry out the cleaning services;
c. be responsible for contacting M2C to inform of any absence and the alternative arrangements you have made with the Client;
d. not send a substitute cleaner without prior permission of the Client and M2C.
3. How you will behave
You are contracted by M2C to provide cleaning services to M2C clients. You are not an employee of M2C but you represent M2C in the
eyes of the Client. To protect our brand image we, therefore, expect you to:
a. Always be courteous, honest and respectful to the Client, M2Cs employees and its representatives;
b. Respond promptly to all contact made with you by M2C (calls, texts, messages etc.);
c. Call M2C within 24 hours of your interview with the Client to notify M2C of the start date and the hours agreed;
d. Never take anyone else into a Clients home and observe and comply with the Clients instructions concerning security of the
e. Only use the cleaning products provided by the Client and never take your own products into the Clients home. The use of bleach is
at all times prohibited.
f. Respect the Clients privacy; never disclose any information about the Client to anyone outside M2C.
4. Key Management - You agree to:
a. Never label the Clients keys in any way that would allow someone else to identify which property the keys belong to.
b. Notify the Client immediately if you lose their keys, then, immediately thereafter notify M2C.
c. Return the keys to the Client within 24 hours of being asked to do so by the Client or M2C.
5. Your obligations under this Agreement
a. To work under your own direction to meet the Clients needs.
b. By providing cleaning services to Clients at no time makes any Client your client. At all times the Clients remain M2Cs clients unless
agreed in writing with M2C.
c. You may not work for any Client directly either as an employee or a contractor at any time during the life of this Agreement or for a
period of 6 months from the termination of this Agreement.
d. Should you wish to cease providing a service to M2C and/or any Client you are required to give two weeks notice in writing to M2C of
your intention to do so.
e. You will at all times be independent and will have and maintain the status of a self-employed person. You are responsible for your
own income tax and national insurance contributions payable in respect of all payments made to you by Clients. You shall indemnify
M2C and keep M2C indemnified from and against all actions, claims, demands, losses, costs and expenses and other liabilities which
M2C may suffer or incur as a result of your failure to pay income tax and/or national insurance contributions.
6. Payment
Payment of all sums due to you for the cleaning services which you provide shall be paid to you by the Client directly and you shall
provide either an invoice or a receipt to the Client for payments made if asked to do so.
7. General obligations and Acknowledgments
a. You acknowledge and agree that you are providing cleaning services as an independent contractor and nothing in these Terms shall
create or be deemed to create a contract of employment, a relationship of agency or partnership or a joint venture between M2C and
b. These Terms do not create any mutual obligations for either you or M2C to offer or accept any further engagements and no continuing
relationship is created or implied.
I confirm that I am legally eligible to work in this country, have read these Terms and I am not prevented by any previous employment terms
and conditions, or in any other way, from entering into this contract with M2C or from performing any of the duties referred to in these Terms.
I fully accept the Terms.
SIGNED by The Cleaner

SIGNED by ... M2C

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