Final Exam Summer 16

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Final Exam Web Design and User Experience Engineering

1) Variable names in JavaScript can ...

a. Start with a number.
b. Start with an underscore, $, or letter.
c. Include ampersands (&), percent signs (%), and other special characters.
d. Ignore case, since they are not case-sensitive.
2) The JavaScript conditional operators include all of the following except:
a ==
b >
c !*
d !=
3) Which mistake is shown in the following code block?
var myString = hello;

incorrect number of parentheses

case sensitivity
using a property as a method
missing + sign when concatenating

4) The Date object bases times on a 12-hour clock, with values for AM and PM.
T or F
5) Extracting information from the userAgent string is the preferred method for
checking browser support.
T or F
6) Properties of the select object include ...








7) Properties of the new window can include:



8) To access the original window from a new window, you need to use the original
property of the window object.
T or F
9) Methods for resizing and moving windows include all of the following except ...








10) Which of the following could be used as a separation parameter for the split()




All of the above

11) The difference between toLocaleTimeString() and toTimeString() is that in

addition to the local time as specified by the user on his/her computer,
toTimeString() returns:

UTC time


the time zone


the difference in minutes between local and UTC time


D if the time is Daylight Savings time

12) To change a cookie, you need to ...

a. delete the cookie and then create a new cookie with the desired changes
b. create a new cookie with the same name and a different value
c. change the expiration date to a date in the past
d. wait till it expires, since you cant change a cookie
13) The event object in modern non-IE browsers includes:
a. a global object called event
b. an attribute that is passed to an event handler when the event fires
c. an eventType property
d. a srcElement property
14) To ensure that DHTML code works in todays major browsers:
a. get the browsers to retrieve the event in a similar fashion

b. branch the code according to the browser that is displaying the page
c. use object detection techniques to determine the browser
d. all of the above
15) Ways to check to see if a plug-in is installed in Firefox include all of the following

Use the name property of the Plugin object in the plugins[] array
Loop through the plugins[] array and check each name for certain keywords
Use the classid property of the Plugin object in the plugins[] array
Loop through the mimeTypes[] array and check whether the browser
supports a specific type of media
16) readyState value of 3 indicates the following state of the request:
open() method called, but the request hasnt been sent
response has been received from the server
requested data has been received
request has been sent
17) The process of using a hidden frame technique for remote scripting includes:
a. a request is sent to the server
b. the page in the hidden frame contacts the visible frame when the request is
c. the server sends the response to the hidden frame
d. all of the above
18) Potential problems with remote scripting include:
Same origin policy
Differences in operating system support
Differences in Firefox versions
all of the above
19) Which jQuery method is used to perform an asynchronous HTTP request?
20) What is the correct jQuery code for making all div elements 100 pixels high?
21) Which jQuery function is used to prevent code from running, before the
document is finished loading?
22) Which jQuery method should be used to deal with name conflicts?
23) Look at the following selector: $("p#intro"). What does it select?
24) Which jQuery method returns the direct parent element of the selected
25) Bootstrap 3 is mobile-first? T/F
26) Which class is used to create a big box for calling extra attention?

27) The Bootstrap grid system works across multiple devices. T/F
28) How would you close an alert in bootstrap?

29) What class can add an animated effects to alert in bootstrap?

30) What class to use to create a responsive fixed width container in bootstrap?
31) What class is used to create a full width container in bootstrap?
32) What are bootstrap glyphicons? How can we include them and please
provide 5 examples?
33) Please write a code to include scrollspy for bootstrap.
34) How many columns bootstrap grid is based out of?
35) What are bootstrap wells and write code to show how we can use it?
36) Which class makes a responsive table in bootstrap?
37) In Angular controllers, model data is accessed via $scope object. T/F
38) In Angular, use novalidate with a form declaration to disable any browser
specific validation. T/F
39) Which of the following is true about AngularJS expressions?
A) - Expressions are used to bind application data to html.
B) - Expressions are written inside double braces like {{ expression}}.
C) - Expressions behave in same way as ng-bind directives.
D) - All of the above.
40) Which of the following is true about orderby filter?
A) orderby filter orders the array based on provided criteria.
B) orderby filter is used to filter the array to a subset of it based on
provided criteria.
C) Both of the above.

D) None of the above.

41) Using angular service method, we define a service and then assign method to it.
42) Which of the following is true about ng-app directive?
A) ng-app directive defines and links an AngularJS application to HTML.
B) ng-app directive indicates the start of the application.
C) Both of the above.
D) None of the above.
43) Write a simple code for angular which shows the use of model, view
and controller.
44)Whom does controller always belong to in Angular?
45) When is call back function executed in JQuery?
46) How can you remove conflict with other libraries when used with
47)Write how can you use .ajax method of jquery to make a call?
48) what does the following code do in jquery?

$( "div" ).css( "width", "300px" ).add( "p" ).css( "background-color",

"blue" );
49) Explain and contrast the usage of event.preventDefault() and
50) What is Jquery Chaining. Provide some examples.

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