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Document for PJ Enterprises

By Design Formation Performance
Team 3 / Module 6

December 4, 2016

Document Description
The purpose of this design document is to provide PJ Enterprises with a detailed description and outline for
a two-part course addressing call center telephone operators performance. The electronic product guide
course will be delivered January 13, 2017, and the customer service course will be delivered the week of
January 20, 2017.

Purpose of the Course

This two-part course is designed to increase telephone operators skills in product information and customer
service, both of which are critical to improving call center efficacy and customer satisfaction. The electronic
product guide course trains telephone operators in how to use the electronic product guide effectively. The
customer service course focuses on strengthening telephone operators phone etiquette and customer service
skills to meet customers needs more efficiently and politely. The result of implementing these courses will
be a more viable call center team and raised customer service standards, addressing PJ Enterprises needs
for growth expectations.

Audience Description
The participants for this training will include all telephone operators employed with PJ Enterprises. The
audience characteristics are comprised of the following:
Gender: female
Ages: ranges from 18-60 years
Education: high school, GED, with some having completed a few college level courses
Experience: Experience ranges from new hires who have no prior work experience to seasoned operators
employed either with PJ Enterprises or who come with similar work skills from another company. The
telephone operators are familiar with basic software and computer commands. The procedures of how to
use the electronic product guide as well as the new products presented during the training will be new
information. The telephone etiquette and customer service training will provide new guidelines, procedures,
and methods for interacting with customers. All have been informed that this is a new mandatory training.
DFP has worked with the call center customer service supervisors from all shifts to provide input in the
training materials and highly recommends they also participate in the training so that they are able to
reinforce, monitor, and encourage the skills that are learned in the day to day operations. In addition, this
Design Document for PJ Enterprises

Team 3/Module 6 Submitted 12_4_16

will help them to be able to evaluate telephone operator performance of course objectives on the job. PJ
Enterprises has a history of promoting customer service supervisors from working telephone operators, and
therefore supervisors have the same learner characteristics and background, except with a longer time in
service with PJ Enterprises.

Course Description
In the interests of time, the Electronic Product Guide Training will now be instructor led training (ILT)
rather than CBT. The first part of the course teaches telephone operators how to effectively use the
electronic product guide. Telephone operators should only need this training one time. Additional training
would only be necessary if PJ Enterprises decides to upgrade aspects of the system or performance features
of the guide in the future.
The second part of the course teaches telephone operators how to apply the principles of customer service,
sales, and use the electronic product guide effectively in order to efficiently carry out the different aspects
of their job. Daily duties that will improve as a result of this training include taking calls, using call scripts,
processing orders, answering customer questions, processing returns and exchanges, handling customer
complaints, and transferring calls to a supervisor when necessary. To make the information immediately
relevant and usable to participants, the instruction incorporates new concepts and procedures in the daily
tasks with which telephone operators are already familiar. Learning will be reinforced as needed with short
refresher training activities delivered by PJ Enterprises trainers during monthly employee meetings over the
six months following the initial course offering.

Course Seat Time

This course is nine hours in length. The first part, the electronic product guide training, will be one hour and
the second part, the customer service training, will be two 4 hour sessions.

Instructional Architecture/Strategy for Course

The program will be a blend of directive and guided discovery architecture. The facilitator will provide an
overview of the key components and uses, as well as feedback to participants during practice activities.
The electronic project guide training will be primarily directive, building from simple to complex hands-on
practice using the guide to locate critical product information.
The customer service training will take problems adapted from the actual work setting, and provide a
context within which participants will have flexibility to problem-solve with instructional support provided
by the facilitator.

Design Document for PJ Enterprises

Team 3/Module 6 Submitted 12_4_16

Major Course Objectives

Part 1: Electronic Product Guide Training

At the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Locate specific products and key product details quickly in the electronic product guide for a

Determine whether a product is a new release or no longer available as listed in the guide

Cross-sell and upsell products to customers using relevant product information from the guide

Assist customers in comparing product descriptions to select products that meet their needs using
the guide

Part 2: Customer Service Training

At the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Answer a call from a customer using appropriate greetings and introductions

Lead a customer through the logical stages of conversation flow based on the customers needs and
customer service policies and procedures

Modulate tone, pace, and volume on a call in the context of a variety of common customer

De-escalate a tense customer situation using CARP (Control-Acknowledge-Refocus-Problem

Solve) Conflict Resolution Model

Transfer a call to a supervisor only after having attempted as many techniques as possible to guide
the customer and defuse tension

Deliver a call closing that is personal, appropriate to the customers situation, and in line with
customer service policies and procedures

Take a customer order accurately over the phone, according to customer service policies and

Process a customer return accurately over the phone, according to customer service policies and

Assist a customer with a product exchange over the phone accurately, according to customer
service policies and procedures

Implement sales strategies including presenting featured products and special promotions, crossselling, and upselling using the electronic product guide

Learning Assessment for Course

The product guide training session provides activities that include independent practice exercises during the
training sessions. Participants practice new knowledge and tasks about the product guide search
functionality, thus serving as formative assessments in this part of the course. Opportunities to redo
exercises will be incorporated to ensure for mastery.
Design Document for PJ Enterprises

Team 3/Module 6 Submitted 12_4_16

As a summative assessment at the end of the customer service training, learners will participate in small
group role play exercises. The role play scenarios will reflect realistic customer call scenarios that the
telephone operators might encounter. They will require the participant playing the role of the telephone
operator to apply what they have learned in the lessons to respond to the customer service situation
appropriately. Each participants performance in the telephone operator role will be peer-scored and
supervisor-evaluated using a scoring rubric. Please see Appendix C for the role play instructions and rubric
to be used in the summative assessment activity.

Course Outlines
A. Course Outline for the Electronic Product Guide Training

1. Lesson One: Using the Electronic Product Guide to Search for Products
A. Lesson Introduction
B. Accessing the electronic product guide
C. Finding product information quickly in the electronic product guide using search options
D. Exercise: Finding products using different search criteria
E. Closing out of the electronic product guide
F. Lesson One review and summary
2. Lesson Two: Using the Electronic Product Guide to Identify Product Inventory Changes
A. Lesson Introduction
B. Accessing the electronic product guide
C. Identifying product inventory changes
D. Exercise: Identifying new and discontinued products using the search functions
E. Lesson Two review and summary
F. Closing out of the electronic product guide
G. Suggestions for further independent practice
B. Course Outline for the Customer Service Training

Session One: Telephone Etiquette Basics

1. Lesson One: Using appropriate greetings and introductions

A. Lesson Introduction
B. Overview of basic call greetings
C. Greeting and introduction composition
D. Exercise: Using appropriate greetings and introductions with given scenarios
E. Lesson One review and summary
Design Document for PJ Enterprises

Team 3/Module 6 Submitted 12_4_16

2. Lesson Two: Following basic conversation flow

A. Lesson Introduction
B. Overview of conversation flow principles
C. Critiquing examples for discussion
D. Exercise: Using order phrases in conversation flow
E. Exercise: Using conversation flow principles with given scenarios
F. Lesson Two review and summary
3. Lesson Three: Using tone, pace, and volume on a call
A. Lesson Introduction
B. Overview of the impact of non-verbal signals
C. Demonstrating examples and counterexamples
D. Critiquing audio examples for tone, pace, and volume
E. Exercise: Role-play with given scenarios, using non-verbal signals
F. Lesson Three review and summary
4. Lesson Four: Closing a call
A. Lesson Introduction
B. Overview of basic call features; call closings
C. Write a closing
D. Sharing with partner for feedback
E. Exercise: Practicing closings with given scenarios
F. Lesson Four Review and summary
G. Session One summary
Session Two: Customer Service Skills
5. Lesson Five: Taking orders
A. Lesson Introduction
B. Overview of customer service procedures relating to orders
C. Engaging efficiently with customers and handling their inquiries.
D. Exercise: handling orders
E. Lesson Five review and summary

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Team 3/Module 6 Submitted 12_4_16

6. Lesson Six: Diffusing upset customers

A. Lesson Introduction
B. Diffusion strategies (i.e., CARP control/acknowledge/refocus/problem solve)
C. Guidelines of when to transfer to a supervisor
D. Exercise: Developing practice scenarios and strategy plans
E. Exercise: Using strategies with given scenarios
F. Lesson Six review and summary
7. Lesson Seven: Using sales strategies
A. Lesson Introduction
B. Overview sales strategies
C. Exercise: Upselling or cross-selling
D. Discuss and review
E. Share real on-the-job experiences in question and answer segment
F. Lesson Seven review and summary
G. Session Two summary

Each part of the course will be instructor-led and will incorporate realistic customer interaction scenarios to
ease the transfer from learning environment to business environment.
The full course will incorporate use of photos of products; stock photos; screenshots of the order entry
system and the electronic product guide; audio of recorded phone conversations and customer feedback;
and possibly video where appropriate. Slides will be used throughout.

Development Tools
The following will be used to develop both parts of the ILT: Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint,
Microsoft Excel, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop. Additionally, audio/video
recording and editing software may be used to prepare clips of phone conversations and customer feedback.

Design Document for PJ Enterprises

Team 3/Module 6 Submitted 12_4_16

Development Time
The estimated total development time for the PJ Enterprises Customer Service Telephone Operator Training
project is between 575 790 hours.
These estimated hours include the development time for two training sessions and a revised electronic
product guide. The breakdown of the hours are listed below.
Customer Service Training: 400 480 hours
Electronic Product Guide: 125 250 hours
Electronic Product Guide Training: 50 60 hours hours
The hours include any hours already used in the initial assessment of the project.

Support requirements
To deliver the course, DFP requires the following support from PJ Enterprises:

Access to the catalog to develop the online product guide

Access to personnel acting as Subject Matter Experts to provide input and review training materials

Access to the call center during normal business hours to observe customer calls

Access to any customer calls that are on file

Use of conference room, projector, and participant and instructor computer equipment at PJ
Enterprises to conduct the training sessions

Scheduling the telephone operators and supervisors to attend the training sessions

PJ Enterprises staff attending the training may be asked to participate in role play acting as the
customer or a telephone operator during session

DFP will maintain all training documentation and materials developed for PJ Enterprises for one calendar
year after the initial training. After this time, PJ Enterprises will be responsible for maintaining the
documentation. Should PJ Enterprises wish for DFP to continue maintenance of the training documentation
and materials after one year, DFP will provide a proposal defining the scope and cost of services for
DFP will not be responsible for any aspect of maintaining the electronic product guide after May 1, 2017.

Project Sign-off
Please sign below indicating agreement with the proposed course plan and approving start-up of the
development phases.
Design Document for PJ Enterprises

Team 3/Module 6 Submitted 12_4_16

Instructional Designer
Rob Ellington


Project Manager/Sponsor
Jane Mackenzie


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Team 3/Module 6 Submitted 12_4_16

Appendix A: Job Task Analysis

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Team 3/Module 6 Submitted 12_4_16

Appendix B: Detailed Course Outline


Task / Topic / Key





Assessment Description

Visuals /
Media Support




of facts



PowerPoint Slides
with list of objectives



Find product
information in
electronic product guide
using keyword search

Given the
electronic product
guide, keywords,
and typical
participants will
retrieve product
details without

Demonstration of

Demonstration of
proficiency with
procedural steps

Participants will complete a

scavenger hunt. They will use
the keyword search function to
navigate the electronic product
guide and find specific product

Electronic Product
Guide on Instructors
computer projected
onto screen. Students
will follow along
using the electronic
product guide on their
own terminals.

Example: Participants will be

asked to find the price of the
Spring Infinity Scarf.
[Answer: $19.99] Participants
will find that answer by
searching Spring Infinity
Scarf or any combination of
those words in the search
function to find product
Assessment questions and
1) What are the dimensions of
the Clara Classic Womens
Tote Bag?
[17.5 x 13.5 x 4.5]
2) How many sheets of paper
are in the Willbury Foldover
Leather Notebook?
[60 sheets]

Design Document for PJ Enterprises

Team 3/Module 6 Submitted 12_4_16


Task / Topic / Key






Assessment Description

Visuals /
Media Support

3) From what material are the

Lush Virginia Grommet
curtains made?
[100% Polyester]
4) How many types of
bathroom mats are currently
available in our product guide?
5) If the customer is looking
for a beige, twin bedspread
(600 thread count), which two
products would you
recommend him/her?
[The Luxurious Collection
600 Thread-count Twin
Bedspread and the Dignitary
Dream 600 Thread count
Twin Bedspread]



Presentation of



PowerPoint Slides
with list of objectives



Handling a return

Given a request to
return an item,
participants will
handle return
while adhering to
customer service
principles without

Application of

application of

Participants will role-play

handling a return.

PowerPoint slides,
including principles of
handling a customer,
audio clips of recorded
customer interactions,
and customer

Customer interaction:

Open the call

customers in
conversation flow

necessary customer

Design Document for PJ Enterprises

Team 3/Module 6 Submitted 12_4_16

The instructor will observe

participants, rate the quality of
the applied customer service
principles using a provided
rubric, and note any
recommended improvements.

Graphics will include

stock images as well


Task / Topic / Key





Providing return
for equal value
options (listed

regarding return
labels and shipment

End the call

Assessment Description

Visuals /
Media Support

as product photos.

including reasons
for return (listed


Reasons for returns:

Incorrect Product
or Size Ordered

Product no longer

Product did not

match description
or did not meet



Return for equal value:

Store Credit

Original Payment

Design Document for PJ Enterprises

Team 3/Module 6 Submitted 12_4_16


Appendix C: Final Assessment

During the customer service training, participants will take part in small, group role-play scenarios that will
serve as a summative assessment for the course. The role-play scenarios will represent a variety of call
situations that the telephone operators will typically encounter in a normal day. Each role-play will require
the participants to assume the role of the telephone operator as well as the customer; apply the skills learned
in the course to respond to the scenario appropriately. Each participants performance in the telephone
operator role will be assessed using a detailed rubric that is first scored by peers (to allow for the
opportunity to make improvements) and then evaluated formally by a supervisor.

Role Play Activity

Step 1: Planning
1. Divide class into groups of three
2. Decide on roles: telephone operator, customer, and peer observer/supervisor
3. Roles will rotate so everyone will have the opportunity to play each role using a different scenario.
Description of roles:

Telephone operator: Receive the customer call as if you were getting an actual call during your
shift. Use the skills and guidelines from the training to provide efficient service and a positive
experience while resolving the customers request.

Customer: Use the information provided in the scenario to assume the role of the customer. Use
realistic dialogue to make your inquiry as well as with your reactions to the customer service
provided by the telephone operator.

Peer Observer/Supervisor: Observe the interaction between the telephone operator and customer
according to the criteria outlined in the rubric. Score and provide feedback in the comments section
of the rubric. In the case that the telephone operator selects to transfer the call to a supervisor, you
can either assume the role of a customer service supervisor or you can choose to end the role play.

4. Assign scenarios to role play

Step 2: Facilitated Training
See training material in Appendix B for topic and outline
Step 3: Role Play Exercises
1. Description and instructions
2. Have participants read the first scenario. Provide time to answer any questions regarding the scenario.
Next, explain the sections of the rubric so participants playing the telephone operators will understand
how they will be scored and the peer observer understands what to look and listen for during the
Design Document for PJ Enterprises

Team 3/Module 6 Submitted 12_4_16


3. Allow the participants playing the telephone operator up to 3 minutes to think about how they might
respond to the customer inquiry and to locate any course materials they think they might want to refer to
during the role play interaction.
4. Customer Service Supervisors and facilitators should move from group to group to observe and assist in
the case a group is struggling with their scenario and responses.
5. Take role assignments from Step 1 instructions
Step 4: Verbal evaluation discussion and review
1. Description with Learning outcomes questions
2. Prompt feedback from facilitator and trainers
3. Consider these questions when giving verbal feedback:

Did the operator introduce herself and greet the customer?

How did the operator build rapport with the customer?

What kind of aid did the operator use when talking to the customer, i.e. a script or the product

What kind of customer service procedures did the operator use when talking to the customer, such
as grievance handling procedures, or even suggestive or cross- selling techniques if applicable?

Did the operator transfer the call to the supervisor? If so, was it the appropriate decision?

What kind of language or approach worked well? What didn't work well?

Did the operator end the call successfully? Did the customer leave the call more satisfied than when
she called in?

Step 5: Repeat steps 2-4 with different scenarios

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Team 3/Module 6 Submitted 12_4_16


Assessment Rubric:
The rubric shown below can be customized to accommodate the skills assessed in each scenario. A description for each skill proficiency is provided to
help the observers and supervisors appropriately assign points. Space is provided for detailed comments of each skill for more individualized feedback.
Approximately 80% of the training course objectives will be assessed by each role-play exercise.
Points Possible

Points Earned

Target Skill

Proficiency Standard

Uses appropriate greetings and introductions.

Uses PJE standard customer greeting.

Builds a positive rapport with customer.

Uses conversation flow principles including

appropriate tone, pace, and volume.


Answers product questions with the electronic

product guide.

Identify the customers need(s) and answer questions

regarding product information in a timely manner
related to customer.inquiries.


Apply customer service skills to positively engage

with and handle customer inquiries (taking orders,
processing exchanges or returns).

Efficiently and positively processes orders,

exchanges, or returns while maintaining a positive
rapport with the customer.

Uses sales strategies (mentions promotional items,

takes advantage of upsell or cross sell opportunities).

Takes advantage of opportunities to recommend

related and featured products to customer.


Diffusing an upset customer or handling a customer


Applies customer service techniques such as CARP

to efficiently and positively resolve customer
complaints and issues.

Closing a call.

Selects an appropriate closing to end the call.

Transfer to a supervisor (if applicable).

Transfers call to a supervisor following the

guidelines and correct procedures.

Design Document for PJ Enterprises

Team 3/Module 6 Submitted 12_4_16



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