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Kindly select A for TRUE & B for FALSE 1 to 17
1. Z number refers to the number of protons in an atom.
2. Because protons make up the weight of an atom, all atoms of the same element always
weigh the same.
3. Atomic number and Z number both refer to the number of neutrons in the atom.
4. For an atom to be electrically neutral, it must have an equal number of protons and
5. When the numbers of neutrons in an atom change, it becomes a different element.
6. The different elements can be identified by the number of protons in each atom.
7. It is possible for an atom to lose a proton and still be the same type of element.
8. The basic unit of measuring the activity of radioactive material is the curie.
9. If the half life of Cobalt 60 was 5.3 years, the activity of a 100 curie source will be only
12.5 curies after 21.2 years.
10. Alpha and Beta particles are useful because of their high specific activity and penetrating
11. Excess neutrons in an atom will always cause an unstable condition which results in
disintegration and radioactivity.
12. An activity of one curie is the result of 37 billion disintegrations of an atom of radioactive
material in one second.
13. When an isotope has high activity, the result will always be high level of radiation.
14. Elements with common atomic numbers but different mass numbers are called isotopes.
15. Gamma rays are always given off during the decay of disintegration of an unstable isotope.
16. 1 Becquerel is equal to 0.27 x 10-10 Curie.
17. If 6 grams of Coblat-60 has an activity of 100 curies, then the specific activity would be 25
curies per gram.
Kindly select best possible answer for 18 to 19
18. What could be the strength of 40 curies Ir-192 source after 180 days?
(A) 9.374 Ci
(B) 7.494 Ci
(C) 6.549 Ci
(D) 5.437 Ci
19. What could be the strength of 40 curies Co-60 source after 180 days?
(A) 38.076 Ci
(B) 37.468 Ci
(C) 36.859 Ci
(D) 35.287 Ci


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