A Note On The Janakiharana.

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A Note on the Jdnakihara+a

C. E. (]orraxulrBurt.r

l'lre comolete text

the .f dnakiltarana, consisting of tw,enty
number..f. r,452 stanzas togetfier with 5og

carrtos crintaining a

stanzas t'hich:rre consiclered to be_interpolations, has be"en just printed.r

The following note is meant to place before scholars further cletaiis of
the history of this poenr, and the linou'ledge co'cerning Kum6.racLlsa,
in rnoder' times, particularly-in the_seconcl half of th"e rast century.
The present rvriter lvas not :rble to refer to sorne of the authorities and
articles he is now citing, sjnce when lie revised his es"ay on the "poem"Z
for tlre intr<"rduction of this editi.' of t]ne ./anartiharattc, he could not
trace the notes he had rnade at the carnbiidge university Librarir in
1941. A fer,r' citations, t\r-s,t rvith
readings, cc.llecterl at the
same time could not be made
He has been able to get at them
'seIlesicles, norv tha.t the fulitext accoronly after tlie book was printed!
ding tc the :rvailatrle MSS. has bee' pr-rblishecl, it is possibrc alsr, tq
pc;int to soire,quotaticins nhich have-been ascritred tb Kumaraclasa,
ancl ar few to tlie Jdnahihnranrz itseif, but are not founcl in the ltss.
so far a'ailabie, even among the stanzas n'hich are cleemed. to be



r,!52, Jame,. D'Alrvi.s,

in his introcluction to the Sidath San-

lrt)'.orr'rra ;rscr ibed tlrc autlror'shi1r oI tlre Janahr/tar,.rna to King I(umaradd.sar of [e1']611, basing his er-iclelce,,1 the stanza of the Fariik


thc stnry ef the tragic end of the kine and

his friencl. the poet Kalicllsa. D'Ah'vis lia-. arsl, rLclcled thc si"iiui"r*
lines popularlv corurecterl n-ith the event, v'ith an Iinglish translation
,,f the samr.
bas'irita"', and rel:rtecl here

Tlre act'al text of lht -[rinaktho.rana \\,a-< flr.st brougtrt to the

polilg qf s9_ho,111s by theoclcr. i\ufrecht, when in r85o, he erlited Ujjvaladatta's Lrniid,isfitrat'rttio and. priiiterl to a passageivith a quotiiion

T'lre lrrnnitiu,ratl,u of KultirracLrjsa, od. by S. I)ar;l'il'itan. a.cl C. E. Go<iakunrbura with indexes, notes, tables aud apper.Ldix b]' C. E. Gocla,hunrburil".

Cokrutbo, r967.

(jri Laiihrl Sihit.r.:r llanclalava,

Colonrbo 7, Cevlon).

Dharr.rna.pil:r, l,Ii,t,ata,

2. op.cit. iuttoriuctiou, (pp. xv-l;.

3. At r, 35 (li) atd ri, 74 (L).
J. .JAMES D'AI-\l'IS T-lte Sidath Su;tgarawa, Coloubo, rS5-l, pp. cliii-clvi.
5. See our introdLrctiou, p,1i.
(,. THITI,ODOR A.tlFRFlCHjl, Lljjuatad,alta's tommr:ntttr.\, on the (irtrltlisilh.as,.
Ronn, Adoiph NJrrrcus. r8.59, 1ip. xr-iii-xix.



l'ol. X l,

(A'ezr' .Srries), ro67

from tlre poem: n'lahisadhhsaritah saritas tata iti (XI, f4 Janakiharaqe yamakam. James D'Alwis described the poem inhis CatalogweT
in rB7o.


in an article on the Sarngadharoladdhaila which he

contributed to the ZDMG, XVII, tracedlrvo stanzas {rom Kumaraddsa which were latel traced to the Jt|nahiharana (I, zq, XI, 66).
In another article lvhich Aufrecht cor-rtributed to the next'number of
the same Journal,e he pointed out that there are citations from
Kumaraddsa and ttre Jdnakr,karana in comrnentaries on the Atnarakosa,
namely, the Padacandrika of Brhaspati ancl the ttka of Rdyamukutamali. 1'hree of these, two under the name c,f I(umiraddsa, and the
ot\1 qs from the Janahthararya, have now been traced. (IX, tzc-d)
and XI, 7,4, 96) respectively, bnt one w'hich is said to be frorn the
Jinakiharana has not yet been detected (see below).

. Ten years after the pubiication oI his Catalogue by D'Airvis the

existence of a Sinhalese Ms. of a translation of the Mahakavya in Cef ion
was again brought to the notice of international schoiars, by Th.
Zachariael0 in the sarne artictre r,vhere he said that a citation from the
J dnaki,har a1za appeared in Iiramadi Sr-ata's S amksi ptas ar a.The q:uotation
is the first hal{ oll, 85 of our ed,ition. Zachariae gar;e the full stanza as he
found it in Purusottama's Contnrcntarl, to Kdtantara, (ec1. Eggeling,
p. 2gr, n.z). This contains a rrariant reading u.hicir rve have not


abie to note in our edition: The l'.1. is shorvn belorv in itaiics:

jugupsata smainam aduq-tabhivanl

maivam bhavan darlita-sadku,-t,rttih,
itiva vdco nigrhitakalthaiI
pr.r4air arudhyanta maharsisuooh.

in rE8j, in a review of tr. Max-M:ullet''s Inclia,

can teailt as. discussed the date of Kumd"raddsa lvith reference to the quotations of KramadiSva.ra and Ujjvaladatta, and an
Indian version of the story of Kilidasa's coming to the court of the
Sinhalese I(ing Kumdra<ldsa. and his tragic death in Cevlon. Rhys
Davids adds that he does not knorv of an older tradition of this event
in Inclia tlran r.vhat is recorded in the Pciycikwntbiisirita.T2 Tn a
Rh;zs Davids,rl




note to a later number of ttre same journal,l'l Peter Peterson gave the
text of the verse of Raja3ekhara which mentions both the Janakrharan'a
and Krrmaradasa, as he found it in Jalhana's Suhtitu*tat'al,i:
Janakiharar.ram kartum ltaghuvamse sthite sati
kavih KumerradasaS ca Ravir.las ca yadi k-qamah'
In the same vear rvriting o n the Attcitl' alarihara of Kseluendla' lletersonla
to l(umirildlA-"a, and
discussed the folkru'ing rterse wliich irad been alreacllt tracerl b1t '\utreclrt
partlyr; and also in full bv B6htiingk.ta

extracted fiom tliis t"ext, as being attributed

ayi vi j ahihi drd hopagrihanam, tyaj a navasaqtgalu abhiru v ir ttbhar.n

airrrtaturo.lgama'esa vartate, varatanu sarn;t avatlanti l;ukkutih'
He also cited three rrerses of Kumdradasa, rvhich ire fottncl in the
Savti,sadlcarapaddhat'i, ancl the Subkapitaaalii. 'lhe latter are llumbers
I, zc1III . z and XI,6[r cf our edition of tine .[anahilmra4'a. llLe quatrain from I(se,nendra ascribed to Kumaradasa is not lound rn our
poem. Poterson's discu-ssion on the clate of Patafljali lvtrich rviis airpencled'
to this paper, provoked mucl'r discussion.lT

Peterson had pointed out that the quotation: r'aratantL sampravadanti kukkut'dh-appearing in Ksemenhta's Aucitydlailturtt is one
from Kumaradi.sa.lE a g1ili.io has disagreed with this vier,v. On z8th


Colombo, r87o, pp. r88-r85.

Th. AL:FRECHT, "Ueber die Paddhati I'on Ci,rfrgadhara" in Zeitschrift

der Deutschen X.[orgenldndischen. Gesellschaft, XVII, (r873?), pp. r-r20.
Al.lFR[]CHT "Zur Handschriftenkunde Komnrentare zun Amarakosha"
in ZDtrIG, Band XX\IIII , Zeipz, 1874, pp. ro3-a24.
A. BII.ZZENBERC;8.R, Beitrtige zuy hunde der Indogermattisclren Sprachen,
Fiirr{ter Band, Gottingen, r88o, article iry 1'h. Zachariae, pp. zz-63, "Citate

irn KramadiSvaras Samksiiiptasd,ra".

RHYS D'\\IIDS, Academy, \iol. XXIII, London, r883, pp. r35-r36.
See er1,so f.n. i.

1886, Peterson reacl a paper before the Bombay Blanc}. of thtr

Society "On thc Siztiintuktaaah of Jalinatra. a ncrv Sanskrit


Anthology".2o Here too tre cited the stanza attributed tti RdiaSekhara
r,vhiclr assigns the author-ship tif the JAnakr,horana to Km.niradasa.
In this paper he quotecl from'a contribition of Bdhtlingk entitlecl i'An
attempt to lay a literiiry contrnversv" and continued his arglllllents
on the relative dates of Patafrjali and I{um:rracl.asa. Peterson leferrecl
again to the Yamaka from tlie' .ltinaki,harana traced in r85tl by ,\u{recht
and he disagreed rvith the vierv that Ksemendrs's quotation is not ont-'

of Kumaradasa.


Academy, r885, p. 277. See H. 1'I. VIDY-{BH/IS1{AN, /.Jr..1 .'S. (Bengol)

Vol. XLII, pt. I (1893), p. zt5.
Ir. PETERSON, "On the Auchityi'Ier.r.nkira of Ksirenrendra, rvith a rl9l9_o-tl
the Date of Pataffjali" in ./n,4S, .Boitbay Branch, \iol. XVI, (No. XI-III)
1885, pp. r67-t\g. See p." r7o rvhere P-eterson cites Aufrecht and Bolrt-


,\s Jy.i l1;jihihi., BOHTLINGK in A. WEBER, Indisehe Studien,,8, .1r4 as


from Au{recht.
Varatann,, etc. AIiFRECHT, Coann. on. tJtl.ddi.siltras
:rlso as quoted b1, Nfiriyaqa on Kedirabhatla.

JANItrS D'ALWIS, A Descriptiue Catalogue of Sanshrit, Pali and Sinhalese

Liteya'yy trtr'orhs of Ceylon, \.o1.




(I, 8z), Jull


PETE RSON, " O t tine S d h t i ntu h ffi,a ati ot J alha+a, a new' Sanskrit Antholo gy",
.IRAS, Bombay Bru.nch, \rol. XVII. (No. XLVI), 1886, pp. ;7-7r. Cites
Rd,jaiekhara af p. 58; Bohtlingk at pp. 61-6t". For discussion on Kurnirrad6sa's date, see pp. 64-65.

r8. Ibid pp. 64-65.

!9. TELANG, trbid.
zo. See n- 176256-4



Vol. Xl, (Netu Set'ies), tg67

, Subhdrsitdvalnzl ol Vallabhadeva \\'as eclited by Peter Peterson

and Paf<lit Durg6.prasada in 1886. A number of verses attributed to
Mahdl<umaradasa and Kumd.radatta were found here. These verses
are iisted belorv u,ith the number according to the text ancl the leference
in our edition rvithin round bracket-q. These occur under the name of
I{unr'iira_{atta. r752-1753 (XI, 6z-63); 1754 (XI, 76); r755 (XI, 78);
r8re (XII, 9 ); 156O (r, rB); r75r (XI, g6). Under the name of Kumdradasa are given the stanzas earlier cited from tl'te Sdrtigadhara,paddhati
b1'Aufrecht (I, z9; XI, 66).



in the rer:iel2: t:f

Rwdral,a's Crnsdratilahd aird

Ru,yraha's Sahrd.ayatrla uitk an I ntroduct'ion'and. liotts'by Dr. R. pischei2:;

to Ksemendra's quotation; varatanu sampravadanti kukkut5[,

and the vcrse: .lanakrharana,m kartum....citcc1 bv Peterson earlicr..
In his editiorr of the Santg.arNhorctf.tadd,hatiza, Peterson has tracecl
a, iiumbcr of verses u'hich were atributed to Kumaraddsa .They are as

$, Zz);3356 (I, 2g):389? (\I, 6111.

Illil's Davicls in an article ivhich he ccntributeri to,/Rz{S2, in

follcrvs:- No.


rESS refers to the Ce5'lonese

tradition about Kumaradisa's unfortuna.te

in the Pciriikwmbdsirila and gives the Sinhalese rhymed

r.erscs n'tricir are popuiarly believecl to be iiires which make up the
encl recorrlecl

fd r an a u.ri tten b1' the f amous poe.t.

Interest in Iiun'raradasi:1. \\ras not rvanting in Ce1-lorr. (1. l3cnc1a11,i6 in
thc same journal, has called attention to trru pr.rbiiiations, a plav and a
poem, rvhicit \\,erc founded on the legencl. The trvo pultlicaiions2i are

u t n aslt d

(t). Iiiilidds ttrtjnpola b)' Simon de Silya Sener.iratle-F.




rfj87, pp. E7-s7.

J,r. ilacscler, Kiel, r Siltr. pp. 32, ro4, 8''.
PETE,R I'trTEIiSON. The_P_addhati of Sari.gadhura, .\ Sanskrit Arthoiogv,
Bombal' Sanskrit Series, XXXVII, (r88E).
Nerv Series \-o1. XX, i88li, pp. r48-r49.
C. IIENDT\LL, Ibid. p. 44o.
D. I'L De Z. \YICKliIil{i\SINGHll, Cata.lolue o,f Printtd. I}oo/ts at tlte
L.ibrary of the British. Museunt., Londcin, rgor.
\:oi. I, Leipzig, r89r.

atho lrabandtruS ca lthayairkare kartr



Press", Colombo 1887.

Iliintb:rt Serrrskrrt Series, XXXI.

Th. Z.\(-.HARIAIi, revierv rn Gr.ittingiscJie Gclcltyte .lnzeigen., I:lrstcr llancl,


We tlrus see that rvhen Dharmirama brought out ltis edition of

the Sinlralese Sanne of the .ld,rr,aklftara2ta, cantoi I-X\/,v. zz, with a
reconstrllcted text, the Sansi<ritists in }iurope as ivell as in India knew
of l(nmdladasa, and his l'Iahdkavya, the -f dnaltr,l'tara7za, ancl the gronncl
had been pleparcd for its r:cception.
An exhaustive rcvieiv of the Sinhaiese edition was made by E.
I-errrrann in I|/ZKMts, r8q3. A{ter a description of the etlitic,n the
revierver hils esanrineci the previous articles ivhich ruade mention of
Krtma.raciasa ancl the .f i,n'ahTltaranrr, and picks out rvhich of the quotations attributed to the poet anrl his rvcrli are available in the text ancl
t4rich arc rrot.
1'he history of the poem trom this time onu'ards has been given
as comDletelyas possible in ourintroduction. We mav erlscl r-efer to the
arguments of I(eith on the da.te of I(umaradd.sa, detlucecl from the then
a.tilable evidence. I(eith places our poet betu'een A.D. 7oo-75o. He
acknorvledges Wickremasinghe for inforrnation r'vith regard to the
Sinhalese sources. Geiger:il, however, accepted the traclitional authorship of tht'. Janah'thalo.na. 1'he <luotations citecl as from l{umaradasa
("datta) or astaken fr:om the Jatcalfi,h'arana rvhich were not traced by
I-eumann have not so far been traced. Since Aufrecht u'lote his note on
tlre commentaries to the ltnoarak,osa in 1874, the Tt/rii,sa,vtL45xr4:)2 las
been printed in lndia in rgr4 and following )rear-s. 1'hr: iollorving
rofcrences to the Jdnakti'karaTta are found in this editi,lli (Pt.I.:p.rro)
x'hich confirm thc finding earlier made from a manltscri])t.

Colcxnbci, 1887; (z) Kalidas calitq,a. llaaat KAli,dAsa-hiui'ltduge ha Kuniiradrlsa-niriitdwgA. da jiaita-kav1'a by H. J. A. l-ernaudo-"I-akminipahana
Fina115-, in r8gr, the same vear in rvhich the Sinhalese eclitior-r of
tlte JanahVhaya?.ra,-suxne (sec belo..l,) appearetl, Aufrecht in ht.s Catalogts Catalogoru,.rrl'26 mal<es the follou'ing notes cn Kumd.rrrclAsa and
the -f rlnak:ihol&na" p. rro: "Ktimitadasa, poet noted b1' Kshelnendra
in Aucityavicaracarca 24, Sp. p. r7, Skm., Sbhr,.,-Ravamukuta:
Janakiharana. Acadcm5 rS85, 277"p. z rrr ".linnkiharanr, kavr'l of
Iiumaradd.sa, Academy rE8s, 27.; quoterl bv llar,amukuta".


m aharl sadhir *usl aka rdm6ubhe -(ubhe

jinakihar-a,ne talavyorn'(uh.

. .isatpa4{u-s


rlhusarah, bahulakAn na satvam, tathe

mahisadhirsaritah saritas tatah


ui p arl d,vip ad, ii


The portion printed in italics in (ii) is a ?.1. we have not lleen able
to cite in our erlition at XI, 7l (b).Although the clrotatit)n No. r,
sorrnds like a passage frcm canto XVII of the .ldnahih,rwttna, it has not

ERNST LEIII\{ANN, "Zum Jd,nakiharana des Kurnirirdirsa" in Wienner

Zeitschriftfiir die Kunde Xlorgenlcindes, Vol. VIII, pp. z:6ff.
A. BERRIEDAI.E KEITH, "The Date of K61idasa". .[R'15, ryor,

3r. WILHELM GEIGER, Littertttuv und spraclte dev

Sitzhttlesetz, Strassburg,

rqoo, p. 3.

32. 'llne Nd,ntatihgd,nw,4d,sana of Amarasirnha with the commentary !ihd'-saruasua

of Vandyaghafiya-San'6,nanda, ed. by '.1. Galapati SEstri, Trivandrum
Sanskrit Series, No. XXXVIII. Pt. I, r9r4; Pt. II, r9r5; Pts. III-I\r, r9r7
(Texts referred to at Cambridge l,Tniversity Library in r944).
cna'ltao -{ufrecht,





(Neut Series) 1967

in any MS., not even arnong stanzas considered to be

interpolations. A quotation given by Aufrecht33, as from Kumdradasa:
ravah pragalbhahatabherisambhaval.r

beern found

prakd6aydm dsa samantatas tatahcB

IX, v. tz oI our edition- The other which

the same authority ascribes to the .ldnakl,haraq,a:

is tlie second half of canto

raver managdarSitar,dsarah


has the same diction as some of the stanzas

but is not found there.

of the eleventh


We shail be grateful if anv reader would l.re so good as to inform

us of other MSS. of the Jdnaknhara2z,a which have not been used for
our edition, and also of any furthersources such as anthoiogies or commentaries where the poet or his work has ltean citerl.

33. See above: f.n.

34. Ibid.


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