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automatic battery charger circuit

Home Battery & Charger Two Automatic battery charger circuit


Two Automatic battery charger circuit

Battery & Charger Mini Projects momename July 30, 2015 39


12V Battery Charger Circuits, Best Automatic Battery Chargers, Lead Acid Battery Chargers, SCR Controls


Tw eet


subm it

A lead-acid battery chargercircuitis most popular though it will very large size than others battery type. But
them have advantage are : cheap, easy to buy and long life if correctly uses.
The charging is best importance.
When I had 10 year old ago. My father bought it to me in rst time of my life. In 6volts size for that era
When power outage will charge at shop near the house. Which is quick charger with high current. While
charging will Air bubbles inside the battery and high temperature. Which technician tell me no problem it high
But can be application 2-3 time only it is failed.
Which as usually this battery type if correctly charges wil can use for 4-5 years
Battery do not like hot!
At all time do not use or store them in too heat area. OR If while use may short circuit or high current use
them will too hot.
An importance while charging do not quick charge with high current and high voltage.

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1 1. Simple Automatic battery charger circuit
2 Note:
3 2. Automatic OFF 12V Battery Charger by power SCR
4 We recommend:

1. Simple Automatic battery charger circuit

0-30V 3A Adjustable DC

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Principle working
This is anautomatic battery charger circuit, Which normally producer will tell at battery as follows:
Must charge with DC voltage only.
And neat voltage level not should more than 15-volts or 1.5 times of a battery voltage.
Most importance should use charger current 10 % of battery current for example 2.5Ah size use time for 1012 hour.
In my site we suggest many battery charger circuit. You will love it, because use simple circuit,cheap so easy
to build.

Simple High power LED


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simple aciti battery charger which I use idea from

First of all, I think WhenCharge? And When stop?
Normally we should charge battery when voltage lower than 12.4 volts and voltage maximum of most
battery is 14.4volts but someone guru tell me voltage saving of 13.8 or 13-volts approximately.
Secondly,Thus we need to use comparator circuit which in rst times I often use IC-op-amp such as
LM339,LM311,LM324,LM301 but sometimes we cannot buy them. And This our working is simple stye only.
When begin we learn basic principle of electronic parts, I like use Diode, Zener diode, which they are both
valves for electrical currents. The Current will ow one way. But the zener diode is connected backwards. It
then blocks current until the voltage exceeds a certain level.
I try to test them with the zener diode 12-volts the current will ow through it when voltage higher than 12V.
Therefore I use Zener diode for detects voltage over than 13V to control stop charger system.
Then, I use relay to control current to a battery. Because cheap and used easily.
Next, I use a SCR for uses as quick control switch.



automatic battery charger circuit

Most Post
As Figure 1 is perfect circuit diagram.
You can watch video below I test it. This projects will always cut off battery when voltage drop across it is
13.6V up. Then LED2 (yellow) glow brightly. While relay will pulls out from contact NC-C. Which no current to
battery and voltage lower down.

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Then you can charge again with pressing SW2 to reset, recharge them again.
Though This projects will easy technology but very useful for all.
Importance it cheaper! I love it.

If you want to read more: how it works,parts list and look full size circuit image.
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2. Automatic OFF 12V Battery Charger by power SCR

This stop current give battery, when Voltage of battery tall arrive at the level that load with full speed already
ahead for protect something charger too much poor distilled dry water. This circuit can is usable very wide
can use with battery many model. By choose diode and SCR at can durable the trend loads topmost follow to
want. Fining decorates while initial lead battery at charger until with full speed ahead already come to build
reach at a pole for charger. Fine R1 500Ohm until Amp Meter begin be down be O as a result fully be
usable already.

Note : above circuit is just basic ideal only we lets to see really uses below.
Auto dry battery charger using SCR
This projects is automatic dry battery charger that can use for many size such as 6V, 9V and 12V Depending



automatic battery charger circuit

This projects is automatic dry battery charger that can use for many size such as 6V, 9V and 12V Depending
on the changes, some devices only.
How this circuit works
As circuit below. To begin with an AC220V will ow to a transformer to transform to 15 volts, then ow to
bridge diode to recti er AC to DC is 15V. The LED1 is power indicator of the circuit.

Beginning SCR1 is working, because the 15V ow to R3, to limit the current to decrease, and ow through to
diode D5 to To prevent the reverse voltage, Before bias to lead G of SCR1.
While SCR1 conduct, to make the 15V ow from lead K will feed to the positive battery terminal. Ideally SCR1
will conduct current and stop current alternately very fast with frequency of 100 Hz.
Since the 15V voltage from the bridge diode is full wave recti er so output frequency of 50+50 Hz. The
feature of current will be continuous positive half sine wave.
Which will differ with the voltage from capacitor lter that is smooth as a straight line. So will see that SCR1
do not conduct current all time. When have positive voltage to bias at lead G. Since waveform of voltage Not
smooth enough in a straight line.
Theoretical of SCR, it will stop conducting current when disconnect the power supply output. Which in this
circuit is do not have positive side of the power supply range. And when have positive voltage waveform new
SCR1, it starts to currents again, this was reversed with a frequency 100 Hz.
Battery level monitoring
This circuit will get voltage from the battery positive through R2 to reduce current, and have C1 to lter
current to smoothly. Then will ow through VR1 to divide voltage to feed to a zener diode ZD1 before send to
bias lead G of SCR2.
A adjust level of VR1 will must make in full battery, adjust VR1 until voltage at negative of ZD1 have level
more than 6.8V or about 7.3V.
Which will cause ZD1 to saturation voltage collapse ow through to ZD1 to feed lead G of SCR2, cause SCR2
conducting current by R4 is helper to SCR2 extraordinary stable work. When SCR2 work will cause negative
ow to lead
K to A result to LED2 glow.
And the same timeAmpli
SCR1 ers
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Since lead G of SCR1 get negative voltage from SCR2 there. In the case of battery is lower voltage, cause
voltage at negative of ZD1 have lower than 6.8V, makes lead G of SCR2 not get positive voltage but can get
only negative voltage through R4 result SCR2 dont conduct current.
The parts list
Resistors W 5%
R1, R5_____________2K
R3_____________560 ohm
VR1_____________10K Potentiometer
C1_____________100uF 25V Electrolytic capacitor
ZD1_____________6.8V 1W
LED1, LED2________5M LED as you want
PCB,and other, etc.
How to make and setting
After preparation equipment is ready, then we soldered it successfully on PCB as Figure , next checked again.
For example The device has a positive negative. Are they correct polarity?



automatic battery charger circuit

The component layout of dry battery charger

Soldering point of dry battery charger

Complete assembly all parts on PCB



automatic battery charger circuit

Fully 12v battery 2.5Ah

To Safety, customization rst step, to nd full battery voltage t, be connected to the circuit to correct
polarity. Then apply AC220V , next adjust VR1 clockwise until LED2 go out. Then to rotate VR1 clockwise
slowly until LED2 light up, then stop immediately, do not too much spin is strictly prohibited. The principles,
LED2 will light when battery voltage until full. So the battery will be adapted for the rst circuit has to be
really full voltage.
Please watch video below to increase understand this projects.

Auto dry battery charger circuit using SCR

Circuit modi cation

This saving dry the battery circuit, can charge voltage 3 size are 6V, 9V, 12V. We can change each value parts
as neat charged battery.
For this circuit we use with 12V battery Look at the chassis battery is stated as 12V 20AH, mean, Battery
voltage 12V currents supply 20 amps per hour. When you know voltage at the battery is charged, Now I have
to choose the transformer to be used. currents transformers used can be selected from 3-5 A.
TD P { margin-bottom: 0in; }P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }

The table below shows the change in each device. To t the battery charger.
Battery Voltage

Transformers Voltage

Zener Diode voltage

R3 and R5

6 volts

9 volts

3.3 volts


9 volts

12 volts

4.7 volts


12 volts

15 volts

6.8 volts


We recommend:

Best 12V battery charger circuit using LM311



automatic battery charger circuit

6V or 12V lead acid battery charger using LM317


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About The Author


Older Comments
January 21, 2015 syuk

what a model the component SCR use?

January 22, 2015 momename

Hi syuk,
Thanks for your feedback.
The SCR is small size low current switching.

January 22, 2015 momename



January 22, 2015 momename

automatic battery charger circuit

Hi Colin Mitchell,
Thanks for your comment.

February 17, 2015 Nidhin

You are intelligent. But to effectively convey your ideas to others globally, you must de nitely
improve your English grammar.

March 2, 2015 john

de nitely nidhin must improve his knowledge of circuitry and de nitely must drop the smarty
pants style. Is that comment all he can de nitely post?

April 15, 2015 Zain

I have 12 Volt, 7 ah dry Battery, which charger would be best, can 12 volt 1.5 charge?, why AC
charger could not be used?, How can we know that our battery if charged fully

June 12, 2015 Roni

Hello sir,
I need to knows some thing from you.
I have a 18-0-18 transformer. I want to use it on
this ckt. How Can I do it (mens how can I convart
its voltage in 15 or 12 volt?
Best Regards,

July 31, 2015 umeshdhivar

12vto 10 amp

August 2, 2015 salman

Hello Sir,
Thanks for your circuit , I m loving it but Their is only one problem which dont know why SCR
cuts off the circuit and the green led glows but when I wany to recharge its not going back .
Also by pressing the button green led glows but not going back on charge mode . I connected
anode and kathode with button. What is the right connection please state .

August 26, 2015 dheepak

how could I get to know that the battery is fully charged?
please give suggestions to add an indicator

October 19, 2015 SUDIP


October 27, 2015 Femi Emmanuel

Please for those interested in the second charger: The Automatic cut-off 12V Battery Charger
using SCR:
Below is the detailed explanation of how it works.
When the recti ed input dc voltage to the charger circuit is supplied, the LED D1 glows.
After the voltage input is supplied, current ows through R3 and diode D3 to bias the gate
terminal (G) of SCR1. The SCR1 then conducts, allowing the outward voltage ow from its
cathode (K) to the positive terminal of the battery to be charged. SCR1 conducts and stops
current alternately with very fast frequency of about 100Hz. It will stop conducting current when
power supply is disconnected. The current from the positive terminal of the battery being
charged, then ows through R2 and get ltered by the capacitor C1. The variable resistor VR1
together with R2 divide the battery voltage for the zener diode ZD1. The current then ows to



automatic battery charger circuit

together with R2 divide the battery voltage for the zener diode ZD1. The current then ows to
bias the gate (G) of SCR2.
When the battery voltage is low (i.e. below 13.6v), the zener diode (ZD1) voltage is below 6.8V
(due to the voltage division), and because this voltage is below the zener breakdown voltage,
positive current (clock pulse) is applied at the gate of the SCR2 and it starts conduction in a
forward bias.
When the battery charge voltage is 13.6v and above, the SCR2 receives a negative pulse from
the zener diode (ZD1) and it will not conduct. The gate G of SCR1 also gets negative voltage
from SCR2 and will cease to conduct current to the battery being charged. Hence terminates the
charging process of the battery. When this happen, a negative voltage from SCR2 will complete
the circuit of LED2 and as a result, it glows.
The value of VR1 and the voltage value of the zener diode are used to determine the voltage
limit of the battery to be charged. When VR1 is adjusted until voltage at negative of ZD1 is 6.8V,
it means the battery to be charged will be cut off at 13.6v.
Important De nitions:
A Silicon-Controlled Recti er, or SCR, is essentially a Shockley diode with an extra terminal
added. This extra terminal is called the gate, and it is used to trigger the device into conduction
by the application of a small voltage.
A Zener diode is a diode which allows current to ow in the forward direction in the same
manner as an ideal diode, but also permits it to ow in the reverse direction when the voltage is
above a certain value known as the breakdown voltage

October 29, 2015 Rogue

Great site and a lot of good information, thank you
1. I am interested in how ef cient this charger is. I am looking for the lowest possible ef ciency
with the largest electron emission, into the surrounding environment, from the charging circuit
to the battery itself.
I would imagine a capacitor change would be part of this equation along with a long distance
wire from circuit to battery ?
Thank you
BtwI am certainly willing to help you with editing your text/grammar if you are interested, for
free of course

November 11, 2015 mohammad

hello. i am iranian. circuit charger battry lead asid to i emailed .

Thank you very mach

November 21, 2015 iyala

Thank you momename for you onsite on this topic

Im currently working on a project that requires charging a 48 volts battery made from 4 x (12
volts 7.5Ah/20HR) SLA batteries.
Which components of the part list do I need to change ?
Ill prefer you build it for me as I do not have all the requirements to make one myself. How
much will it cost ?

November 29, 2015 Adam

how long can a 12v 75ah battery take to be full charged. and how many batteries can be
changed at a go.

January 28, 2016 Manuel Camaro

Hi. I have a question about battery charger, Im wondering how they works specially this one,
CENTECH model 60431, this one has charging FLOAT and uses thermal overload protection
and automatic shut off, and i;m carious about this: if the cables did not connected to the
battery poles did not turn on. it has sensors or another circuit ? Is there any way I can have a
schematic diagram of this model?. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP.

April 7, 2016 Murali



automatic battery charger circuit

April 7, 2016 Murali

In the battery charger Using Auto dry battery charger using SCR circuit above, wanted to
clarify regarding the maximum current which would pass through SCR1. Assuming we are
connecting a discharged Lead Acid battery. Then when the circuit is powered ON, the peak AC
voltage at the anode of the SCR1 would be 21V (15V rms). This would forward bias the SCR1
since cathode is at zero voltage (as battery output is zero). The Gate of SCR1 is at higher
potential than Cathode and hence SCR1 would conduct. At this stage since the internal
resistance of a battery is in the range of 20-50 milli ohm. The current which would pass through
SCR and battery as per ohms law would be approx. 20V/20 milli ohm (assuming 1V drop
across SCR in conduction phase). This would be a very large current which could potentially
damage the SCR/battery. Is there something I am missing here?

April 10, 2016 mostafa

I tried this circuit but the battery was charged for a period and disconnect for a period about 5
7 sec . why?

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