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Note: -This is a model draft, may be customized according to requirements of

individual cases
Be it known to all by these presents on this day .. of
. That I, S/D/W/O
age yrs. Appoint, nominate and constitute
Sh./Smt. ...S/D/W/O
.. .R/o .as my true
and lawful attorney, to do the following acts, deeds and things on my behalf and in
my name.
Plot/Flat No. ., land measuring Sq.yds/sq.
mtrs. Out of khasra No.situated
at. and bounded as under:


North ...
South ..
Whereas the executant is absolute/actual owner of above said property acquired
from Sh.----------- vide sale deed/lease deed registered in the office of the
SubRegistrar, Sub-District
Registered at additional
book., Volume..pages
.to .. on

Whereas I have entered into an agreement to sell the said property,

vide agreement to sell dt.., and some formalities for
registration of sale deed are to be completed, I am therefore appointing
the said attorney to do the following acts, deeds and things, in my
name and on my behalf
To manage, control, look after and supervise the above said property
with all its rights, title and interests of the land under the said property
in any manner as my/said attorney deem fit and proper.
3. To appear before the officers of DO/MCD/DDA or any other
concerned authority, to make the correspondence, to give the
application, to file affidavit, undertaking, indemnity bond.
4. To deposit all fees, dues, demands, installments, taxes and other
charges to the concerned authorities on my/our behalf.

To construct, renovate or rebuild the said property as per sanctioned

plan issued by the authority concerned and to apply and obtain the
building plan sanctioned from the concerned authority.
To apply for and get electric, water, power and sewerage connection
and other services in the said property from the authority concerned.
7. To execute, sign, present and verify all such papers, documents, etc.
for me/us in my/our name and on my/our behalf pertaining to sale/
transfer of the aid property.
To sell, mortgage, transfer and to let out on lease the aforesaid
property to any one and to receive the consideration amount of earnest
money/part payment/full consideration/rent/premium, to execute the

proper deeds and transfer documents and present the same for
registration in the Office of the Sub. Registrar concerned and admit the
execution thereof.
To receive the compensation or alternative site in case the said
property is acquired by authority concerned.
To apply and get the cement/bricks and other building materials for the
construction or addition and alteration of the said property.
To pay all necessary dues and charges to the authority concerned on
To file suit, complaint, petition, revisions, written statement pertaining
to any matter of the said property and to proceed and conduct all the
proceedings filed in my name and against me in connection with the
said property.
To compromise; compound and withdraw the cases, to appoint
Arbitrator, to proceeds an arbitration proceedings, to engage lawyers
to execute decree to receive and recover the decreetable amount, to
issue receipt and take every necessary steps for the same.
To sign and submit the necessary forms for obtaining sale permission
of the said property from the office of the concerned authority.
To apply for mutation, changes, entries in official records in respect of
aforesaid property as my said attorney deem appropriate.
And generally to do all other acts, deeds and things which are
necessary and deemed fit by my said attorney in respect of the said
I do hereby agree to confirm and rectify all my acts, deeds and things
done by my said attorney shall be construed as acts, deeds and things
done by me personally as if I was present.




In witness whereof, I/ the executant have signed this power of attorney in the
presence of the following witnesses:Witnesses:1.

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