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The Masters Harvest

Kenny & Jenny Ingram


Loving The NeighborhoodTouching The Nations

Lead Story Headline

Located in Oak Cliff, Texas

Daniel 11:32b ...but the people who know their God will display strength and take action.

2016 End of Year Review

Thank you so much, our wonderful family and sweet friends, for taking time to read
and view some of the stories that made up the past twelve months for us as we
endeavor to follow Jesus on mission here in our culturally rich neighborhood.
We sure hope 2016 has been a good year for you. If you are like us, youve probably
had some really great times, and, some challenges when you really needed Jesus
to come nearquickly. We also hope you, as us, found Him always faithful.
He is EmmanuelGod with us.
Hope some of our stories illustrated here will demonstrate His faithfulness.

Kenny & Jenny

Work continues on the
CliffHouse. While
construction is going much
longer than we had hoped,
we have been able to use
various parts of the
building for KidzKlub,
Sunday evening Spanish
worship gathering, ESL,
after-school tutoring,
Summer Feeding/Reading,
and other special events.
We are certainly looking
forward to its completion
hopefully by years end.
Speaking of CliffHouse constructionwe are so thankful for many over the past several months
who have volunteered with various parts of the building process. Weve had out of town teams, as
well as groups from here in the Dallas area. If you would like to come volunteer for a day or a few
days, please contact us. We could use your help, especially if you are a skilled or semi-skilled
construction person. Our hope is to be legally in our facility by the end of this year.

A very challenging reality about the neighborhood we feel so deeply called to is the escalation in crime and violence.
Over this past year a number of people have been shot and several didnt survive. The incidents above are both just
outside our back gatethe main entrance to CliffHouse. During this past summer, there was some type of serious
incident almost every day. Some of the residents there ask us if we are sure we want to live in this kind of environment.
The fact is, the violence down on the border where we spent almost twenty years was as bad, if not worse. And, for
every bad person here, there are hundreds of really incredible people pouring in from south of our border. We really do
believe we are blessed to get to serve and share life here. It seems we learn and receive so much more than we teach
or give. But, we would be quick to ask you to pray for us, those who work with us, and the awesome families who live
here. Just up the street from CliffHouse a couple of blocks, three guys were shot (ambushed), with two not surviving.
This happened just as the large elementary school in front of us was letting kids out to go home in the afternoon. They
had to walk past covered bodies. No kid or parent should have to experience this. So, thanks for your prayers.

We have had some joy-filled

Sunday evenings with CliffHouse
Community en Espanol. So many
thanks to our friends from Open Door
MinistriesGrand Prairie, who came
and helped lead these gatherings in
Spanish. Both of these pics were
taken inside our unfinished building
during the cold season. Our only heat
was the small kerosene heater. So,
you can see why we so desperately
need our building to be finished.

Our youth were

so proud of the
bench they made.
The girls loved the
power tools. And,
yesthats Cristina
with the nail gun.
What WAS
I thinking? She did
okay though.

I wish we had the room to properly acknowledge and thank all the
wonderful volunteers who came to help work on CliffHouse and
love on the kids over this past year.. You guys were incredible.

A great question we get asked

often is How would you describe
the vision of CliffHouse? The
CliffHouse vision runs on two
interwoven tracks:
1) Providing a residential on site
24/7 environment for young
people to live and learn how to
follow Jesus on mission in a
culturally rich neighborhoodbeing
discipled by making disciples.
2) Loving, serving, and sharing life
with children and families of a
specific neighborhood, many of
A number of the youth in the neighborhood have come to faith in Jesus, so,
whom are immigrating to the US to
we went to Tractor Supply and bought a horse trough baptismal. Awesome!
find safety and opportunities to
provide for their families. We love
Jesus command to GoMake
disciples, Pauls command to make
disciple makers (2Tim 2:2), and
John 1:14The Word became flesh
and blood, and moved into the
neighborhood. (Message Bible)
If you are a young person who
would love to explore living crossculturally and missionally among
some of the most awesome kids
and families evercontact us about
several customized apprenticeship
type learning/serving/growing/going
opportunitiesfor a week, month,
summeror longer.

Guys basketball team and

L3 Mentors from Adamson
High School who help with
tutoring in the afternoons

CliffHouse Community life plays

out in the following efforts:

Weekly KidzKlub gatherings,

neighborhood gardens/nutrition
ESL classes weekly Spanish
worship gathering Summer
Reading and Feeding food
distribution youth leadership
equipping after-school tutoring,
vocation skills training Sharing

life with others while following Jesus

on His mission

CH youth stayed on mission

as they shared beans, rice,

and prayer in the neighborhoodmuch thanks to our
Waco friend Loren Kendig

Volunteer Opportunities
We can always use help with
construction and landscaping
projects After school tutoring
Summer Feeding/Reading (this is
a great opportunity for a church or
group to take a week during the
summer for this excellent event to
serve kids in the CH neighborhood)
Gardening Music
Vocational skills training
Contact us and get involved

As alwaysa huge thank you

to Cristina Roberson, seen
in several of these pics, who
is our partner in ministry and
the driving force in so much of
what we do. She is a blessing.

We have been so blessed by a wonderful

relationship between CliffHouse and our
neighborhood high-school where Cristina works.
These high-schoolers are making a huge
difference in the lives of kids from the elementary
and middle school also located near CliffHouse
Weve tried to help
our young people
keep a focus on
following Jesus on
mission into the
neighborhood by
exposing them to
some excellent folks
who are also on
mission. The three
pics on the left are
from Mission Waco,
Bonton Farms here
in Dallas, and World
Hunger Relief in
Waco. (If you know
Jimmy Dorrell from
Mission Waco you
probably know why
he has his finger
pointed as he talks
with these awesome
young people.) They
also got to try fried
alligator at Buzzard
Billys in Waco.

The ministry of Kenny & Jenny Ingram and The Masters Harvest is a team effort supported by people
like you who have a burden to see Good News proclaimed from the neighborhood to the nations. Part of this
team is the go-ers, while others are the prayerful senders. Would you pray about joining this team
effort? Your tax deductible gift to this ministry will go 100% as you designate. Undesignated gifts will be
used for TMH/CliffHouse operating expenses. Thank you for praying about being part of this Spirit-led
effort. Checks can be made payable to: The Masters Harvest with a note specifying the designated
ministry and mailed to the address below. We look forward to representing you in the harvest field.

Kenny & Jenny Ingram

The Masters Harvest
PO Box 4919
Dallas, TX 75208
(956) 655-4561
Email: (PayPal)

Denny, Piper, Davey, and Mars

are all growing up, even bringing
in cute friends (Jordan). We are
so thankful for our grandkids.

Thank you so much for sharing this overview of our year. We are so thankful to God for letting us be here, being able to love on the neighborhood
and the nations. Usually we include prayer requests howeverwe trust
that as you have read and viewed our stories God will have impressed on
you the things to pray for us, our family, and the ministry He has called us
to. And, our prayer for you is that in this coming year our Faithful God will
demonstrate His great love for you in every area of your life, family, work,
and relationships. Lets stay on mission with Jesus together, okay?

Kenny & Jenny

Address Service Requested

The Masters Harvest
PO Box 4919
Dallas, TX 75208

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