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Peter Banag
16 annapolis street,
Cubao, Quezon City

Dear Mr. Banag:

I regret that I could not grant your demand to pay you P20, 000.00 for injuries
that your daughter suffered on September 12 when she came to my house at 12
Annapolis Street, Cubao, Quezon City. I was not at fault. I was napping in my house
on the afternoon your daughter came to our gate. I was awakened when I heard
some commotion outside. I thought for a while that people were quarrelling. But I
heard someone shouting that my dog had attacked a child, I immediately got up
and ran out. As I did, I saw Fred Puzon, our neighbor, trying to stop my dog. Prancer,
from attacking your daughter, Mary, who lay on the ground just ouside the gate.
Other neighbors had started to come out to see what was happening.

To augment the income of my family, I engaged in the business of selling icecandies at my house beginning in March of last year. My sale had been brisk
especial during the summer days. I always sold my ice-candies at the gate when
people came to buy. That gate had an automatic closer. But at time, I left it
unlocked from the inside because my children often went in and out. I had a dog in
my house, Prancer, but my gate carried a written warning about the presence of
that dog until that afternoon of September 12, Prancer had not attacked any one.

I immediately stepped out into the street as soon as I can and sent Prancer
inside. I was really surprised that you had allowed your daughter to leave the house
without an escort. I myself took care that my young children did not go out alone.

At any rate, I called a tricycle and brought Mary to a medical clinic nearby for
treatment of her wounds and for an injection. Later, her mother followed us to the
clinic and she comforted her daughter. I paid the medical bill.

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