1 Samuel 1-10

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Saturday, December 17, y

1 Samuel 1-10

- A man named Elkanah had two wives - Perrinah and Hannah. Elkanah loved Hannah
more, but she was barren while Perrinah had plenty of children, and she would
torment Hannah.

- Hannah prayed to God that if he would give her a son, she would see that his life was
devoted to God.

- Hannah came to bear a son, whom she named Samuel.

- After he had been weaned, Hannah took him to God, where he would live in God's

- Samuel was in service of God under a priest named Eli.

- Eli's sons had little respect for God and would take part of the sacrifices made to God.
- Once, when Hannah visited with Elkanah to make a sacrifice, Eli blessed them,
praying she would have more children, and she had five more.

- Eli tried to get his sons to stop their wicked ways, but they simply ignored him.
- God curses Eli's house, the sons that do not respect HIm, and He tells them that he
will choose a successor to them who is faithful.

Saturday, December 17, y

- When Samuel is sleeping, God calls him. Believing it is Eli, he goes to him, but Eli
says he didn't call him. This happens once more.

- After the second time, Eli told Samuel to respond next time he heard the call to the
Lord instead of to Eli.

- God told him that he would fulfill his promise to curse the sons of Eli.
- Samuel became a prophet of God.

- In that time, the Philistines were attacking Israel. After being defeated once, the
Israelites decided to bring the ark to their camp to help them.

- Even then, they were defeated, with two of Eli's sons killed, the ark captured, and
thousands of soldiers dead.

- When Eli hears the news, he dies of a broken neck. His daughter-in-law gives birth to
a son she calls Ichabod.

- When the Philistines captured the ark, they placed it in their temple of Dagon.
However, the first morning, Dagon had fallen face down on the floor. The second
morning, the head and hands had broken

- The people of Ashdod decided to send the ark away.

- However, every time it would arrive in a new city, the citizens would become afflicted
with tumors.

Saturday, December 17, y

- After 7 months, they decide to return the ark.

- The Philistines followed the appropriate preparations to return the ark safely.
- When some of the people in Beth-shemesh didn't celebrate the return of the ark, 70 of
them were killed.

- Samuel tells them that if they repent and serve the Lord, he will deliver them from the

- When the Philistines gather to attack once more, the Israelites panic, but look to
Samuel, who makes sacrifices to gain God's favor.

- God was with them in the battle, helping them to defeat the Philistines.

- When Samuel's sons did not follow his path, the people asked for a king to be

- God tells Samuel to warn them what a king's rule will mean, and he does.
- However, the people refuse to listen. God tells Samuel to give them what they want.

- A man named Saul, the most handsome of all the Israelites, one day must go to find
his donkeys that had wandered off. After long periods of searching, he decides to go
consult a prophet, as they believe he could help.

Saturday, December 17, y

- God had told Samuel (the prophet) that he would send a man that would be the king.
This man was Saul, when he came looking for the donkeys.

- Samuel gives Saul a meal and a place to stay for the night.

- Samuel anoints Saul.

- Samuel tells Saul what the sign that God chose him will be - details about what his
return home would be like and what he would need to do afterward

- The signs come to pass.

- When he returns, he says nothing about his being chosen.
- Samuel announces the new king, who eventually comes out, as he had been hiding.

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