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Lets pay attention to the wide picture today. It will be a long
text, no fun at all so if you are looking for something to read at
your coffee break, youd better grab some magazine. We will not
discuss the quality of the day but rather the bottom stream
underneath that affects the upcoming events of this summer and
Pluto, Uranus and Saturn. Each of them on his own, and all
together over one toy they share: the Nodal axis.
We may as well start with Pluto since he is the biggest guy. But
also because he has been playing with the nodal axis for quite
some time already. Today (plus few months before and after)
Pluto stands at about 15th - 16th degree of Capricorn. And he has
been crushing those folks with personal planets between 13th 18th degree of all cardinal sings, i.e. Aries, Cancer, Libra, and
Capricorn. Using the method of steel quenching, Pluto focus on
these poor people and refines their lives. God be with you, and we
keep our fingers crossed for you! But Plutos influence can be
also felt by those with personal planets between 13th - 18th
degree of Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, and Scorpio. Those have been
blessed by Plutos so called 'favorable aspect' but we know
Plutos favor: fall flat on your face and do as I commend unless
you want to be dead!
Plutos power is immense. Therefore, every move he makes
reaches to the deepest levels of our personality structure.
Plutos reforms are definite and irreversible. We often sense

them as grossly undesirable because they change the roots - of

Just like if you live in a nice family house with a garden full of
rose bushes, and of course with your lovely family. And then one
day there is an excavator, a bulldozer, and a gully sucker driving
into your garden without warning! They claim that there has been
a major waste leakage discovered in the community sewerage
system. very dangerous! And unfortunately, the only access way
to the broken pipes is from your real estate. There is no way you
could refuse, the fix is in common interest. Which obviously
cannot be done without digging your garden up completely. And
yes, I did not want to be so explicit but it is necessary to
demolish your house, to burn your rose bushes, and to move your
happy family into the communal quarters where you can stay for
free as long as needed. Do not worry, it should not take longer
than two years.
In his actual position, Pluto holds both ends of the nodal axis by
trine and sextile. That means he really wishes the best for us!
With deep, slow maneuvers he sets our existence in motion, and
directs us to the core issues. No clinging, no sticking, no tricks,
no lies - do not play with Pluto! Crying I do not want to! brings
no good either. Resistance can only make the process more
painful. On the other hand, our willingness to follow his guidance
will make the passing through the birth channel much easier. The
process started in March 2016, had been increasing its intensity
ver since, and culminated at the beginning of June 2016. Now the
constriction is slowly loosening to be gone by November.
During this time, the affected areas of our lives have undergone
radical changes. The theme of the change is always defined by

the house where Pluto, or any of the nodes operate.

OK, lets have a look at Uranus. Pluto has been in charge, issuing
orders by rising his left eyebrow, keeping all power and absolute
control in his hands, enforcing the desired development seemingly
uninvolved, using pressure, manipulation and even violence, but
above all paying attention to keep his influence undercover.
Compared to this, Uranus is an unguided missile, an exploding
rage, an anarchist and a firebrand that destroys everything that
gets in his way. The two guys have lived through the past four
years tightly stuck with each other, trying the hold his position
of power (Pluto) and to destruct it (Uranus).
Uranus operates at about 24th 25th degree of Aries right now.
Just like Pluto, Uranus also touches the cardinal signs of Aries,
Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn with his electric earthshaking hand.
The winners of his attention are decimated. Why me? Why me
again? Yes, it may look like malevolence. But the general
intention of the brutal chaos is to bring change. Using the shock
therapy, that is. We should truly try our best to see the bright
side of the situation: the faster we go, the sooner it is all over.
Just iImagine, there are star signs that keep complaining about
Three days ago, Uranus turned around and started to march
backwards. The retrograde phase. Here are a few topics we may
deal with while Uranus is retrograde: break down the protective
mechanism of your mind, unblock yourself from fears and
prejudices, research all the forbidden ways, and pursue any
intellectual or psychological insights! Eureka effect every day!
But target your research inside, there is no need to continue

destroying blocks in the outer world while there are so many

waiting to be broken within! Motivated by the loss of all possible
security, and by the total collapse of our life space, we turn
inside to find out where there are the obstructions to be
To find the topics that are subject to the Uranus retrograde
revision you should review you past few months when the planet
was moving directly through the same section of the zodiac (the
shadow zone). The shadow zone can be found between 16th
24th degree of Aries. Converted to time measures this period
started on December 26th, 2015, and lasted till the end of July
The first passage of the planet through the shadow zone defines
the season when Uranus entered our lives with the reflexive color
spray can in his hand, and without any survey started to spray
signs on the walls to mark the future demolition area Yep,
here and here! Dont dawdle over it and put some elbow grease
into it so that we dont have to fiddle about with it later!.
Sounds like Uranus is an absolute asshole who does not care what
scene of devastation he leaves behind, rught? Right! He does not
care at all. However, he is not an asshole; he is an anarchist.
Uranus fights the rigidity, calcification, stiffness, and mental
lethargy. His goal is to revolt, to progress, to innovate. Uranus
opens new ways and new possibilities. He breaks through the
limits of what was considered impossible and unthinkable. But
before we can start a new project, first we need to pull down
everything old. Uranus is not here to construct. He is here to
make space.
Can you recall what changes you have encountered in the

specified period of time? My life has turned upside down,

completely. And now Uranus is turning backwards. His screams:
"Stop! Whatever has been torn into pieces in the first round
needs to be sorted out and crushed before we set out on the
Finally! You have not thought you could welcome Saturn, have
you? Of course! This is the promised stabilization. Pluto has
decided to show us who is actually in charge of our lives, and has
been turning it into the right direction. Uranus has shot into the
streets with the jackhammer. And when we are dropping from
exhaustion, and trying our best to keep sane, here comes the
calm, serious hero: Saturn! The systematic guarantor of
restraint, diligence and thoroughness. Saturn is retrograde in
Sagittarius, and weakly connected to both ends of the nodal axis.
Taking the toy over from Pluto. The takeover has not been
finished yet since Pluto does not like to give up his power, while
Saturn still moves backwards not quite sure he can have the toy
for himself. But! On August 13th, 2016 Saturn will turn direct
and his influence will start growing. It will be most significant in
the second half of September, and then dying down until
November. At that time Saturn will slow down or even stop the
flow of events. No, you are not going anywhere until you put
yourself together properly! No, the project is not finished
before the backlog is eliminated! No, we are not moving any
further before everything is perfectly stable. This will help us
to put both our feet back on the ground! And feel stable.
However, I suppose that no matter how much we need this
stabilization today, once it is here we will get the feeling of being
blocked and inhibited, complaining that Saturn does not let us go
on. Oh well, what an ingratitude!

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