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Keeping proper records is essential for quality control, and to protect KBR (the Company) and the client in the
event of disputes and litigation.
This system addresses the processing, coding and filing of all correspondence and other documents associated with
the Companys marketing activities. As bids are the principal activity in marketing, the term Bid File has been
adopted to cover all marketing files, including those for:
personal marketing
prospect marketing
bid preparation.
If marketing results in a successful bid, then the Bid File(s) become the first of the project files that are subsequently
created. This system also explains this transferral process.

The Proposal Leader is responsible for ensuring compliance with this system (except in the case of personal
marketing where the marketing executive assigned the role is responsible).

There are two types of Company bid: a letter to the prospective client, and a formal document. A letter bid may be
used for bids where the proposed gross fee is less than $20,000; in all other instances, a formal document (registered
with a document code) shall be issued.


Bid files
All Bid Files are coloured blue.
Correspondence and documents to be filed will, in general, include the following items, although the list is not
registrations of interest
written records of telephone calls
call reports
reports of trips
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minutes of meetings
forms prepared to comply with the Companys management system.
Bid Files are the official files for a bid and hence the source of the most current bid information. Their use promotes
overall efficiency, allowing all bid staff to have ready access to this information. Consequently, bid staff are expected
to use them to the maximum extent and to minimise their use of personal working files. Personal files shall not
contain originals of correspondence or other documents and their contents should be limited to information needed for
day-to-day work.


Figure 1 illustrates the processes involved in creating and closing Bid Files as well as identifying the responsibilities
of the Proposal Leader and the State Quality Coordinator in this regard.

or bid

Record this

Select bid



file option

bid to

Decide file




in register of

and index,



file(s) (see


file(s) to

bid file

and create


Fig. 5)










Send bid
file(s) to





Figure 1
Setting up files
Only one marketing number is to be allocated for a prospective bid, and this shall be the marketing number recorded
in IPACS. Although sub-numbers may be allocated if required, the filing system uses the parent marketing number.
Bid Files may be stored either in the office file compactus, in the Proposal Leaders office or near the Bid Secretarys
workstation. The location decided must be noted in the Register of Bid File Indexes maintained by the State Quality
Coordinator, in which all Bid Files created in the region are recorded.
File codes
The file code B is assigned to all Bid Files.
If only one file is to be used for a bid, only the file code B is required. If this file subsequently becomes full, new
parts may be added and numbered sequentially see below.
If it is decided that more than one file will be needed for a bid, a series of files shall be created. The codes assigned
to these sub-files will consist of B followed by a number allocated sequentially in the order in which these sub-files
are created (for example, B1, B2, B3).
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Where more than nine sub-files need to be created for a bid, these sub-file codes may be further subdivided by adding
another number (preceded by a dot) after the sub-file code (for example B1.1, B1.2). As above, these codes are
assigned sequentially in the order in which files are created.
File parts
If a file is full, a new part of the file shall be created. The new part is assigned the same Bid File number, followed
by the new part number in brackets. Part numbers are assigned sequentially as new parts of the file are created, with
the original file being Part 1.
Filing system options
Two types of filing system are available:
a preprinted system (using the Datafile proprietary system)
a purpose prepared system (using lever arch files).
These two options and the forms to be used with them are detailed below. These forms are issued by the State
Quality Coordinator with each Bid File. The preprinted system is more likely to be used for simple bids that are
expected to be completed in less than a few months, while long-term personal and prospect marketing and more
complex bids would probably require a purpose prepared system.
Preprinted filing system
The preprinted filing system requires the use of the following five forms, two of which are preprinted on the bid file:
Form M2-1, Bid File Index and Record: This form is printed on the front of the first Bid File.
Form M2-2, Bid Correspondence and Document Register: This form is printed on the inside front cover of the
first Bid File and on the front cover of subsequent Bid Files.
Form M2-3, File Completed/Bid Closed Record: This form is printed as a single sheet, and has two uses it is
placed at the front of all files that become full before a new part of the file is opened (with the same title and Bid
File number, but new part number); and it is also placed at the front of all current Bid Files once a bid is
Form M2-4, Bid Review Status Record: This form is printed as a single sheet, and is for internal use only. The
information on this form relating to the specific bids should be replicated on the relevant bid title page (see page 8
of this system).
Lever arch filing system
The lever arch filing system requires the use of the loose-leaf versions of the five forms described above (Forms M21, to M2-4), and file title stickers, colour coded blue, are to be attached to all lever arch files. These are placed on
the spine of blue coloured lever arch files (purchased off the shelf to predetermined specifications by the State
Quality Coordinator).
Separators should be used with lever arch files, as follows:
in the first file, to make separations between:
Form M2-1
Form M2-2
Correspondence and documents as these are entered
in all other files, to separate Form M2-2 at the front of the file from the remainder of the correspondence and
documents contained in the file.


Consistent with the responsibilities defined in Figure 1, the sequential steps detailed below should be followed when
operating Bid Files:

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Select the filing system option you require and fill in the appropriate sections of Form M2-1, Bid File Index and
Record. Also note on this form the storage location of the files. Send a copy of this form to the State Quality
Documentation placed on each Bid File must be registered on Form M2-2, Bid Correspondence and Document
Register. Once the space available on this form is filled, close the file and create a new file part, using the same
Bid File number (but a different part number). In no event should the depth of filed material extend above the
fold line scored into the spine of the file folder; the file is to be closed once this point is reached even if Form M22, Bid Correspondence and Document Register, is not full.
Place a completed Form M2-3, File Completed/Bid Closed Record, at the front of all closed files.
Once the marketing activity is complete or the bid has been awarded, the Bid Files shall be closed. The Proposal
Leader shall complete the relevant section on Form M2-1, Bid File Index and Record, and forward a copy of this
to the State Quality Coordinator, indicating that action is required.

Set out below are the processes to be followed for controlling both incoming and outgoing correspondence and
Form M2-2
Bid Correspondence and Document Register
Details of all incoming and outgoing project correspondence and documents shall be entered in Form M2-2, Bid
Correspondence and Document Register. The information to be recorded in this register includes:
the assigned register number (see below)
the date on which the correspondence or document is received or sent
the name of the sender or recipient
the reference number on incoming correspondence, where this is specified
the subject of the correspondence or document
an indication of whether the item is a response to a request or requires a reply. If an incoming item requires a
reply, leave the line in this section of the form under Date and Register no. blank until the reply is ready to be
sent, when it should then be filled in. If an incoming item is a reply to an earlier request, fill in the date of receipt
and the register number of the original request. If no reply or response is needed, place a dash in these two
the type of document, as per the legend on the register.
Register number
The following simple register system is to be used for all documentation received or sent for KBR bids:
For correspondence and documents received: The register number is denoted by the prefix R, followed by a
number assigned sequentially as documents are received (for example, R1, R2, etc.).
For correspondence and documents sent: The register number is denoted by the prefix S, followed by a
number assigned sequentially as documents are sent (for example, S1, S2, etc.).
Identifying correspondence and documents
Correspondence can be located within a filing system, using the following identifiers, which are typed or written on
to originals prepared by the Company, or on the stamp used to record incoming material:
job number
file code
register number (see above)
document type.
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For example, if Form M2-2 is used, 3R1000-B2-R22L indicates that the transmittal relates to marketing number
3R1000; that it is filed on the second Bid sub-file created; that it is the twenty-second item received for that file; and
that it is a letter.
These identifying details (listed above) are to be included on correspondence and documents as follows:
on incoming correspondence and documents: record all but the document type on the official Correspondence
and Document Received Stamp (see below), which is stamped in the top right-hand corner of the first page of
each item received
on outgoing correspondence: type or, where applicable, write in the relevant position specified on the item of
stationery. It should be noted that, except for letter bids, all bids must be identified by a document code (see
below) rather than by these details, although the covering letter for the bid document must comply with these
on Company stationery received or sent within the Company: type or write in the relevant position specified on
the item of stationery.
Outgoing documents are identified by a document code, which is described on page 7 of this system.
The person responsible for sending correspondence or documents shall provide the operator (wherever word
processing is required) with relevant identifying details.
Processing incoming correspondence and documents
Figure 2 illustrates the processes involved in dealing with incoming correspondence, and the responsibilities of the
Proposal Leader and the State Quality Coordinator in this regard.
The procedures and responsibilities indicated in Figure 2 are described in more detail below:

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If required, official
copy made to
circulate, with record
kept that it exists

and documents
received and

Proposal Leader

Nominate action
required, copies
needed, and the
appropriate official
file; register and file
the original

Other copies
(made for
only and have
no status)

State Quality Coordinator Responsibilities

Record all action on

the copy officially
circulated, which is
placed on the file
(above original) when
action is complete

Note: unregistered copies are

not official project records

Monitor until
action is

destroyed or
placed on
personal file

Proposal Leader Responsibilities

Figure 2
On receipt of incoming correspondence or documents, State Quality Coordinator personnel shall stamp each item
with the official Correspondence and Document Received Stamp in the top right-hand corner of the first page.
The correspondence or document is then forwarded to the Proposal Leader. The Proposal Leader shall check to
ensure any loose item of correspondence or documentation also carries the official stamp.
For each item of correspondence or document received, the Proposal Leader shall enter the marketing number, file
code and register number on the official stamp and fill out an entry in Form M2-2, Bid Correspondence and
Document Register. All accompanying documentation shall be assigned the same register number as that given to
the accompanying transmittal advice.
The Proposal Leader shall also enter the following information on the official stamp:
action required
person responsible for action
the initials of those who should see the officially circulated copy (under Circulate a copy to)
the initials of those people (or the file code of those files) who are to receive a separate copy for information
(beside Copy this to).
If it is necessary to circulate an item, use the following procedure
Up to three pages: Stamp the document, code it, make one copy and place the original on the file. Then
distribute the copy. Recipients of this copy should make any relevant notations on the copy.
More than three pages: Stamp the document, code it, and make two copies of the front page. Then place one
copy of the front page on top of the original item before circulating, and place the other copy on the file.
If people to whom the item is circulated wish to make any comments, these are to be written on the copy of the
front page (not the original front page underneath).

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Only one copy of any item of correspondence or documents shall be officially circulated, and when returned it
shall be placed on file in the correct chronological sequence. When the circulated item has been
returned notated if necessary, signed off, and dated by all those to whom it was forwarded it shall be placed on
file immediately above the original or the copy that was made of the front sheet of the circulated document. If
required, copies can also be placed on related files. If an item is a letter of transmittal (or similar) that has
accompanying attachments, all items shall be copied for circulation, unless the Sales Leader approves in writing
an alternative method that is consistent with the above requirements.
The person preparing copies shall indicate that an official copy has been made and issued by placing a tick
alongside the words Circulate a copy.
If copies are also to be distributed unofficially for information, a tick shall be placed beside each set of initials or
each file code entered under Copy this to. The number of copies made for information shall be kept to a
Staff receiving the officially circulated copy of correspondence or a document shall:
read and/or action the item(s) marked for their attention, and sign and date the official Company stamp
alongside their initials (listed under Circulate a copy to)
record on this copy any comments they wish to make
place the copy in their out-tray or personally pass it to the next person on the list.
If all people listed have signed and dated the stamp, the circulating copy is to be placed on file above the original.
Circulated copies of correspondence and documents shall be dealt with and passed on as quickly as possible. If
appropriate, the Proposal Leader shall specify dates by which action is required.
Processing outgoing correspondence and documents
All outgoing correspondence shall be signed by the Proposal Leader or, in his or her absence, a nominee appointed in
writing by the Proposal Leader for the period of absence. Details of the correspondence (and any attachments) shall
be entered on Form M2-2, Bid Correspondence and Document Register.
For ease of filing and retrieval, each item of correspondence should refer, as far as practicable, to only one subject.
The preparation of correspondence and documents is addressed in detail in MAN-AUST-MUL-COM-001, KBR style
guide, Australia.
Document code
All bids prepared and issued as a document shall be assigned a document code, which consists of:
marketing number
sequential number
revision code.
These three parts of the code are separated by hyphens as in the following example:
Marketing number

Sequential number

Revision code
Rev. 1

The marketing number is the relevant job number identified in IPACS.

For all bid documents prepared and officially distributed for comment up until final issue of the bid, a sequential
alphabetical system (A, B, C .etc.), prefixed with Rev., shall be used for the revision code. The revision code A
is assigned to the first issue of the document.
From the first issue of the bid to the client, a sequential numbering system (0, 1, 2, 3 etc.) shall be used for all
formal documents issued to the client with the revision code of the first issue of the bid to the client being numbered
zero (0).
The document code and the revision codes are to be shown on Form M2-4, Bid Review Status Record.
The title page on the bid document must show the revision code.

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All documents shall show the document code (which includes the revision code) as a footer in the bottom left-hand
corner of each page (including attachments and figures) with the exception of the title page of bids, where the
document code is shown in the top left-hand corner. The footer of all documents must also include the date of
Any drawings that are required to be prepared for inclusion in bids shall be prepared in accordance with WM-AUSTMUL-DM-003, Project documentation management, and WM-AUST-MUL-EN-006, DrawingsPreparing,
checking, approving and revising.
Bid title page format
All bids (with the exception of letter bids), must contain a title page signed by the Proposal Leader or authorised
Company officer. The following information shall be shown on the title page:
title of bid
clients name and address
the name Kellogg Brown & Root Pty Ltd, ACN, address, telephone and facsimile
signature of Proposal Leader or authorised Company officer
clients reference
the Companys document code
If there are any revisions made to the bid document following its first issue to the client, details of these revisions
must also be included on the title page to be used where only come of the document pages have been revised. Only
these pages should then be reissued with the revised title page. If most of the document has been changed, the
revision block on the title page should be changed to reflect this, as in the following example:
Revision 1
Full revision of document
22 October 1993
In these instances, the full document should be reissued with the title page.
Transmittal letter
A transmittal letter is to accompany the bid document sent to the prospective client either as a covering letter or
bound into the bid document (see System C1, Style manual, Chapter 12). Under no circumstances should this
transmittal letter attempt to provide a summary of the bid.
The usual points included in such a letter are:
a reference to the request to bid, or a statement that the bid is an unsolicited bid
an indication of whether or not the bid responds precisely to the request to bid
whether it is a single bid or one of several
a statement of any conditions governing the bid (a common condition is that the price and delivery date proposed
are contingent upon an award before a specified date).
a list of all attachments to the transmittal letter
an expiry date beyond which the bid will no longer be valid.
This transmittal letter may be signed by the Proposal Leader, although there may be some circumstances in which it
may be more appropriate to have someone else (such as the State General Manager) sign this letter.
Form M2-4, Bid Review Status Record
The Proposal Leader must complete and sign Form M2-4, Bid Review Status Record for both letter bids and
documents, and place this on the file. This form must be updated with each revision for both internal and external
formal issue. The Sales Lead, or other approved signatory, is also required to sign off each revision issue on Form
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The Proposal Leaders responsibility for a bid is not discharged until the Bid File(s) have been transferred.
At the end of the bidding activity, either upon the award or loss of a bid, the Proposal Leader is required to advise the
State Office Administration Coordinator formally that the Bid File(s) are ready for forwarding either to the Project
Supervisor (for use on the project) or to the State Quality Coordinator (for archiving). This formal advice is
provided by updating and forwarding a final copy of Form M2-1, Bid File Index and Record, to the State Quality
Successful bids
The transfer of the Bid File(s) for a successful bid must not take place until the formal contract has been finalised.
In some instances, the client may require the project to commence while the contract is being finalised, in which case
the General Managers written approval is required before proceeding.
The State Office Administration Coordinator, in consultation with the Project Supervisor, is responsible for placing
on the Bid File(s) the appropriate project number and the file code. If the preprinted filing system has been used for
the Bid File(s), the removal of the existing marketing numbers and file codes is first required. On lever arch files, the
project number is to be marked on the spine of the file in the space provided.
Unsuccessful bids
The Proposal Leaders responsibility for the file(s) is discharged upon the transfer of the Bid Files to the State
Quality Coordinator. The transferred file(s) are stored in the recently closed section of the offices central file area.
It is the State Office Administration Coordinators responsibility to transfer the files in the recently closed section to
archives in accordance with the date shown on Form M2-1, Bid File Index and Record.

Compliance with this system results in:
a filing system with a file index and file register with all correspondence coded and inserted in chronological order
in the files
properly archived files
a record of the bid review

All copies of this document (electronic, paper-based etc.) are UNCONTROLLED.

Please refer to the KBR Management System web site for the current version.

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