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Warhammer Armies

The Grand
of Cathay Versio 1.0

by Markus Vilander and Marko Vesa

This document is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.
No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

CONTENT......................................................2 Cathay's Finest
Common Magic Items..............................14
Magic Weapons.........................................15
Folk of Cathay.................................................4 Talisman....................................................16
Magic Armours.........................................17
Arcane Items.............................................18
Royal Officers..................................................5 Enchanted Items........................................19
Commander.....................................................6 Magic Standards.......................................19
Masters of Arcane Arts....................................6 Fireworks.......................................................20
Tao Magic - Powers of Oneself...........7
Cathayan Equipment ....................................21
Levied Infantry................................................9
CATHAYAN ARMY LIST............................22
Light and Medium Cavalry.............................9
Mobbing.............................................10 Lords.........................................................23
Fire Spear Launcher ......................................11 Heroes.......................................................24
Veteran Troops...............................................11
Firework Teams.............................................12 Core Units.................................................25
Heavy Cavalry...............................................12 Special Units.............................................26
Horse Masters ...............................................13 Rare Units.................................................27
Cathayan Cannons.........................................13

The Grand Kingdom of Cathay is largest and most powerful human kingdom ever known. Under
quidance of Immortal Emperor, land has long strong and lasting tradion in paths of medicine,
philosophy and science – not easy tast which has border with Chaos Wastes.

This book is made to bring life for country which have gone without real attention outside
sidenotes, yet even it is the final point where all those caravans are hoping to arrive once they have
left the Old World behind. Or just to be able to field all those great-looking converted armies.

Material in this book is not official and may have serious errors or imbalances. Any thoughts,
experiences, questions and feedback would be highly valuabled.

We wish happy gaming and enjoyable time with the Grand Kingdom of Cathay.

Folk of Cathay
While Cathay is single large nation, it is Many of the monks who have passed their
divined by multiple etnic groups. Common for initial training will leave their home-
all of them is that they serve Immortal monastery and seek masters to teach them.
Emperor and are part of his bureaucracy, even And while these monks are allowed only to
areas maybe very different from each others – defend themselves, countless bandits are lost
from blooming ricefields to merciless deserts. their life when though such monk as a easy
prey. Even without weapons they are deadly
It is said that early days of Cathay, avatar of woe.
Gods of Law gave Emperor nearly thirdteen
thousand dialects how people should live and Also, there are many areas populated nomadic
rule – something that every man or woman tribes. They are skilled raiders and proud
should known by heart if willingly to be warriors which make them both valuable allies
treated as a educated one. and baneful woes. They do not have unity
same way as many other etnic groups within
For making sure that all these rules would be Cathay and their friendly attitude towards
followed, Immortal Emperor upkeep large and Grand Kingdom varies from chief to chief.
heavy bureaucratic system including countless And when tensions between tribes are added to
scholars, judges and other learned ones. soup, it is better to prepare to their attacks and
wish that this time each tribe would be
While spot of bureaucrat is theorically open satisficed long enough to finish those
for anyone who can pass exams, most of the preparations.
posts are taken persons from families with
good repuation. Still, chance to improve sosial
status drives many study if chance is offered.
Majority of people still earn their living from
fields, trade or craft. And while military skills
are one part exams, there are few who are full-
time soldiers outside of cavalry, forts or few
honour regiments. Most of commoners have
more important things to do than train fighting.
As Cathay is large country with numerous
population, it is faster to muster forces there
were they are needed – especially when facing
ogres or nomads – than make standing forces
just running after invaders who easily may
avoid the pursuers. After all, any reasonable
man should be able to field weaponry while
following orders is said to be second nature for
However, not everyone follow common path
to live their lives. There are those who seek
enlightment through dicipline and hard
training of one of many temples and
monasteries of Cathay.

This section of the book details the forces Additionally, Forces of Grand Kingdom is
from the Grand Kingdom of Cathay. It affected by following special rule:
provides rules neccessery to use all elements
of the army in your games of Warhammer. Cathay have very strick laws - punishment
from treason is beheading. For this reason, all
Every regiment and character is descripted fleeing units are treated as a enemy until they
here. Any special rules that apply to a re-group.
particular model are given here.

Royal Officers
Royal officers are skilled individuals and Leader of Grand Army
masters in what they do. Some of them are If present, Royal Officer will always be army
inspiring warlords, legendary weapon masters general. If multiple officers are present, player
or skilled tacticians while some of them are is free to choose which one he uses regardless
mere bureaucrats or smiths. who have highest leadership value.

However, there is one thing common with all Bureaucrat

Royal Officers: they have gained some name One character may bought their magic items at
and privileges in eyes of Immortal Emperor. half price. If army general, one unit of
And one of these privileges is legal right to Cathayan Heavy Cavalry can be taken as a
lead Grand Army. core choise for each full thousand points.
Siege Engineer
While many will gladly accepts such request Gain three defensive objects. If army general,
with great honour, there are many who would great cannons can be taken as special choise as
refuse if such action wouldn't count as treason. well as rare choise.
And where more militant officers are gladly Smith
leading their forces from front, not everyone's Up to three infantry detachments may upgrade
skills fit there. It is said that each grand army their light armour to heavy armour by +1 point
looks like the royal officer who is leading per model. If army general, every infantry
them: even if bureaucrat have no skills to deal detachment may do so.
with enemy, he surely knowns how to deal
with keeper of armoury. Tactician
After all units are deployment, one unit or mob
M WS BS S T W I A Ld may make free march move before battle
Bureaucrat 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 9 begins. If army general, one mob for each full
Siege Engineer 4 3 5 4 4 3 3 2 9 thousand points may make such move.
Smith 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 2 8 Warlord
Tactician 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 2 10 He makes unit he joins stubborn. If army
Warlord 4 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 9 general, Levied Infantry gains +1 to WS.
Weapon Master 4 7 3 4 4 3 6 4 8
Weapon Master
Any two-handed weapon gives him killing
blow ability while wielding one-handed gives
opponent -1 to hit him.

Commander Masters of Arcane Arts

Commanders are next in hierarchy of Grand Cathay holds long traditions in medicine and
Armies, as they are responsible of one of many science but magic as well and magic do has
wings Grand Army is often divined. While many forms inside such grand kingdom.
there is no set number size of wing, single
commander generally have two to three Most common type of magic is elemental
hundred men under their command – including magic which is bound to one of five basic
men working with supplu lines. elements. Unlike teachings in Old World, in
Cathay wood is element on its own.
Rank of commander is gained through military
success, bravety and heroic deeds performed Yet not all magic is centered around elements.
on battlefield – sometimes even if not actually Practicers of necromancy and daemonology do
performed by oneself. However, many of exist, even it will cost life of caster if ever
commanders are still willing to risk their caugh by the law.
forces to daresome attacks even if situation
would require withdraw in hope of fame and Most mystic type of magic practiced in Cathay
promotions, making them respected but also is still Tao-magic. It is strange mixture of
feared by their men. powers that is somewhat similar to magic used
by elves.
While many of commanders are replaced in
swift motion after failure or two, few of them According Teclis – powerful elven archmage
manages to perform great victories time after and founder of Aldorf's College of Magic –
time and are forgiven loses that otherwise pure magic is too powerful and difficult to
would have counted as treason. And when time wield or understand by human mind. Yet those
goes on, some of them earn title of warlord. who know that and have still witnessed powers
of Tao-magic are left puzzled in disbelief.
Commander 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8 Cathayans themselves doesn't seems to have
such difficulties to understanding. For them,
users of Tao-magic aren't traditional wizards at

For them, Tao-users are just monks who have

unlocked secrets within their own soul – it is
said that shaking balance of forces of Tao is
hard yet if there is off-balance, Tao itself helps
to seek balance.

Magician 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7
Royal Magician 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 8

Cathayan Magicians may choose their spells

from any of the Lores of Magic that are
presented in the Warhammer Rulebook or Tao-
magic descripted later in this book.

Tao Magic - Powers of Oneself
Tao magic is formed wihin soul of caster and fuelled by surrounding off-balance instead just harnessing Winds of
Magic. This makes it difficult to wield but is powerful once mastered. Yet there is only few who can truly become
Masters of Oneself. To make it work in gameplay, it is treated as normal magic with following exceptions:

Unlike most spells, each Tao spell is worth of two spells. Each Tao spell have Ying-side, which is treated as Dark Magic
and Yan-side which is treated as High Magic. Tao spells cannot be stolen. However, if caster would normally lose a
spell because it is destroyed (result of Miscast, Seal of Destruction etc), Tao-caster suffers instead d3 wounds without
armour saves due spiritual shock.

Additionally, it is important for keep track of successful casts of any High or Dark magic spells (including Tao). If
number of successful casts aren't equal, Tao-caster reduces the difference from final result if to using magic type more
often used or add the difference to final result if he uses less used type.

All Tao-casters are Immune to Psychology as controlling own emotion is very basic of learning Tao powers.
Additionally, each odd wizard level is left without true spell as caster must to master both sides of the Tao spell to be
able to use it.

Each Tao-caster generate single Tao spell for each two wizard levels he has. To randomly generate a spell from Tao
Magic lore, roll a d6 and consult the chart below. If same spell is rolled twice, roll again. Tao-caster may always swamp
one of his spells for Valour of One

D6 Spell Difficulty D6 Spell Difficulty

1 Valour of One 8 4 Fate of War 12
2 Weight of Security 8 5 Incarnation of Slayers 14
3 Exchange of Vitality 9 6 Wrath of Rain Dragon 16

Valour of One Cast on 8+ Exchange of Vitality Cast on 9+

Standing foolishy brave or run like coward? Standing strong or bend to aid other?
Last one Turn, Range 18” Range 12”, Line of Sight required
Target must roll extra d6 when making any Ying: Caster steals d3 wounds from single
leadership test and... model without armour saves allowed.
Ying: discard the lowest. Yan: May gift up to 3 own wounds to single
Yan: discarding the highest. model.
Weight of Security Cast on 8+ Eate of War Cast on 12+
Hoping the best or waiting the worst? Will fate protect or will it forsake?
Last one Turn, Range 18” Last on Turn, Range 18”
Ying: Targeted unit may march and it must re- Ying: All failed To Hit and To Wound rolls
roll all successful armour saves they make. made against target may be re-rolled.
Yan: Target may always march and may re-roll Yan: All successful To Hit and To Wound rolls
all failed armour saves. made against target must be re-rolled.
Incarnation of Slayers Cast on 14+ Wrath of Rain Dragon Cast on 14+
Legendary warriors or merciless butchers? Heat or rain, why people always grumble?
Last on Turn, Range 18”, Line of Sight Remains in Play. Affect whole table.
Target gains following special rules: Ying: Watery terrain is open ground. Anyone
Ying: Frenzy, Skirmish and Unbreakable. in mundane heavy armour or heavier suffers -1
Target treat every one as enemy. to Weapon Skill, Strength and Initiative.
Yan: Immune to Psychology, Stubborn and Yan: All open terrain becomes Difficult.
Killing Blow. Weapons maximum ranges are halved. Black
powder weapons requires to roll 4+ to be used.


Anyone who seek enlightenment may become Styles

monk in lands of Cathay. Leaving previous life Styles are fighting techniques or methods to
behind, one has to offer their every moment improve oneself. Those who have mastered
for their training, and even basics may take styles have some edge in combat but as mere
years to complite. diciplines, warrior-monks cannot use more
than one technique at same turn. Changing
Methods between monasteries varies but in style is possible at start of own turn.
general to understand oneself is first step
forward and it requires meditation but also The Style of Sacred Touch
heavy physical exercises. And even commonly Monk gains following special qualities against
monks do not use or carry weapons, they non-living opponents: Magical, Poisonous and
rarely need those. Killing Blow.

Once monks have survived his novice years The Style of Inner Fire
within monastery, many of them will leave the Monk attacks are treated having Strenght 5
place to search out masters to teach them and flaming quality. Additionally, monk may
more. This is due masters living within cast Fireball from Lore of Fire with limited
monasteries will rarely have more than handful range of 12” as a bound spell with spell power
of disciples at given time and waiting for spot of 3.
could take years.
The Style of Mountain's Might
Additionally, traveling and helping those in Monk gains stubborn and regeneration special
need is perfect way to use learned skills for rules and +1 to his wounds and toughness
good. And even if no masters without dsciples
would be found, travel itself is teaching The Style of Painless Death
experience. Monk causes d3 wounds against living targets.

There is only few who dare to challange a The Style of Shattered Wind
monk. However, mistaking them as a lonely Monk gains Magic Resistance (3).
travellers is bough end for many bandit – even
monks are expected to endure when it is its The Style of Stunning Speed
time, they are allowed to defend themselves if Monk gains Always Strike First quality.
there is no reason why they should be Additionally, enemy hit by monk must pass
punished. toughness test for each successful hit or lose
their attack on that turn.
And even they are powerful individuals, they
are still mere whelps to compared those The Style of Ten Centuries
masters who have archived enlightement. Monk may trade all his normal attacks for
single special attack. If monk hits living target
M WS BS S T W I A Ld and then passes leadership test, opponent is
Warrior-Monk 4 5 3 4 4 2 6 3 8 instantly slain by old age unless victim pass
single ward save (if any). Slanns and dragons
Immune to Psychology are immune of this style as even they do age,
they never die because of it.

Levied Infantry Light and Medium Cavalry

Cathay is blessed with large territories and Not all dwellers within Cathay's borders are its
numerous population – even if not equally citizens. Large areas are ill-suitable for
divined. Even rulership covers multiple etnics cathayan stationary life-style but have been
groups, commoners are still the most common home for generations for nomadic tribes.
member no matter how people are counted.
These nomads have their own tribal cultures
Grand Kingdom have quite marginal standing and religions, often varies as much from
army to compared it size and number of neighbour tribes as from cathayan traditions,
population. However, for Immortal Emperor And even tribes themselves rarely stay
situation it is not a problem but a good unchanged more than few generations;
solution. sometimes new ways are declared once old
chieftan is passed away.
Upkeeping large army would be costly as it
would mean that large number of men would In other words, while one tribe may raid Grand
be away from fields but still expecting being Kingdom during spring, they may fight
fed! Additionally, even they could offer more alongside with Cathayans against rival tribe
skilled soldiers than levied troops, their for all summer, only to join great chieftain
effectiviness would be quite limited to near who attempt to conqure parts of Cathay at
area they are stationared. autumn.

Instead, Immortal Emperor has small but well And even they cause continuous troubles, any
fortified and geared bases through the country. attemps to root out them permanently have
When need arises, people around bases are proven ineffective. It is even assumed that
levied and armed from the base, forming Immortal Emperor doesn't even want nomads
quickly armed troops were needed.Once to be removed, as they are –strangely enough–
fighting is done, equipments are returned and reliable source of skilled horsemen when
people may start to return their daily basic. needed.

Even inexperience of commoners is saw as a It is also suggested that herd-like formation

good thing. It halts overpopulation which often was originally used by nomads and only after
leads rebellions – or attempts at least. And then adopted by Cathayan forces with great
even if rebellion would occur, they would turn success.
inexperienced enemies which are easy to deal.
True or not, nomad riders can truly take
However, it is not unheard that experienced benefit of fluent and natural movement of their
generals would train levied troops during long mounts, allowing them perform manouvers
campaigns, turning them from levied troops to and charges not possible for anyone else.
true soldiers.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Light Cavalier 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Levied Infantry 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Medium Cavalier 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5
Mobbing, Fast Cavalry

Cathayans have long history of war – often than not against fast but lightly armoured foes like
nomadic riders, hobgoblin khans, marauding ogres, beastmen herds... and thus they were forced to
adapt or die. So the way of warfare took different path than in Old World and instead phalanxes and
other solid formations, Cathayan formations are much less static, ever-changing mixture of
detachments working together – or sometimes just natural instinct trying to stay alive within crowd.

Any unit-type that have Mobbing special rule are affected following rules:

Loose Formation Forming and Separating Mobs

Any models in unit may move any direction If two or more friendly Cathayan units of same
during their movement phase as long as unit type (infantry or cavalry) are within 1” from
keeps 1” coherency and penalties from moving each other and not in combat, they are
in difficult and very difficult terrain is halved. automatically counted as a mobbed and treated
as single, large unit.
After moves are made, it is important to pivot
all troops in unit/mob to face same (freely As long as mobbed unit isn't fleeing or in base
chosen) direction to make sure unit's facing. contact with enemy, it may always split out by
However, unit lack the push and never gain simply moving more than 1” away from rest of
rank bonuses in combat. the mob. It is possible to even charge only part
of the mob or multiple different enemies.
Cathayan Unit Howerer, when separated, each part must have
Cathayan unit is common name for single minimum unit strength of 10.
detachment. Full-strength Cathayan unit has
unit strength of 10 meaning either ten infantry Sooner or later Mobs and even Cathayan units
or five mounted troops. Any Cathayan unit end up having mixed equipment. Once combat
with more than unit strength 10 is counted as begins, Cathayan player must declare using
mobbed, spears or hand weapon; If using spears, only
those without spears fights with hand
Deployment weapons, otherwise nobody in unit uses
When deployding any special or rare Cathayan spears.
unit, they can be immediatly split and mobbed
up with other Cathayan units that are already Unless hit by templates, models with most
deployed, as long as all models from splitted generic gear within unit is hit by ranged
unit are part of one of the mobs. attacks. If even, randomise the hits between
most common types.
This allow firework teams – who fill role of
standard bearers – and veteran troops or horse Disperse and Reform
masters – who do champion's job – to be there Mobbed units (but not lone Cathayan units)
were they are wanted instead spending whole have special charge reaction known as disperse
first turn or two just to mobbing and separeting and reform. If used, each model in unit is
to get wanted mix. allowed to move freely d3” in any direction, as
long as their loose formation doesn't break.

This can move mob outside of charge range, in

short charge range or even allow mob to split
if large enough. However, if unit is still drawn
to combat, opponent may re-roll any failed to
hit rolls.

Fire Spear Launcher Veteran Troops

With quick glanse, fire spear launcher is Veteran troops are those few combat units in
merely large crossbow or very light bolt- Cathayan forces that are actually professional
thrower. And that is correct, as much heavier members of standing armies.
weaponry would slow armies down too much.
While generally responsible for manning,
Yet it has power to rival those who have guarding and defending fortifications and
heavier build. When combared most of other other vital locations, they are also responsible
bolt-throwers, fire spear launcher also shoot delivering equipment for levied troops.
lighter projectiles made from bamboo instead
wood. For this reason, units of veteran troops are
present within any Cathayan army, even not
When armed with metal tip, it can cause as always take part to fights. And when they do,
much damage than any other giant bolt. they often spread out to bolster fighting skills
However, most devastating quality of the of levied troops.
launcher are 'fire spears' that have give name
for whole machina. Yet, if there is some specific objective during
the battle to archive, nothing can deal it better
These bolts lack metal tip but are filled with than strikeforce made from veteran troops.
black powder and long fuse, making sure that
it blows up only after spear is truly stop. M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Veteran Troop 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 7
Variation of bolts makes fire spear launcher
extremely useful against multiple different Mobbing
types of enemies and are rightfully feared by
enemies of Cathay – and sometimes friends Forefighters
alike. Veteran troops can issue and accept challanges
and they are placed in base contact with enemy
M WS BS S T W I A Ld if possible when engaged in combat.
Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Launcher - - - - 4 2 - - -
Fire Spear Misfire Table
Instead shooting normal bolt as presented in d6 Result
the Warhammer rulebook (p. 90), launcher
may be used to shoot fire spear instead. 1 One of fire spear is accidentally lit and it
manages to lit all other fire spears too...
Place 5” template centered on one of crew. That
Fire spear works like normal bolt but only has crew is automatically removed and anyone else
range of 24”, Strength 4 and count as Black under the template suffer 1 Sd6 hit on 4+.
Powder weapon. If fire spear fails to penetrate No more fire spears may be shot with launcher.
whole regiment, place large (5”) template 2 There goes the last fire spear and didn't even hit.
centered on top of the model where spear No more fire spears may be shot with launcher.
stopped. Anyone even only partially under 3 -5 Miss and dud. No effect at all.

template suffer Strength 2 hit on 4+.

6 Wind catch! Spear just vanishs... and boom!
Spear scatters 3d6” from original target. Place 3”
If natural 1 is rolled when rolling to Hit with template on spot were spear lands. Model directly
fire spear, consult Fire Spear Misfire table on under the hole suffer d3 S4 hits and any other
adjaced column (or just use fireworks misfire model touching template suffer single S3 hit.
table, these two are identical in effects). =>

Firework Teams Heavy Cavalry

In lands of Cathay fireworks holds important While most of cavalry is hired from nomad
part of within traditions. There is no festival or tribes – heavy cavalriers are professional
other major events without fireworks – and Cathayan soldiers armed to crush any enemy
war isn't exception. they would encounter.

One reason for popularity of fireworks is More often than not, they are left in the reserve
belief that they scare off evil spirits with loud if problem are can be deal with levied troops.
sound and flashes. No confirmation if such That way they make sure that enemy doesn't
belief is true but during combat such spectacle just change its face instead being defeated.
can send at least living enemies to run in fear.
Presence of heavy cavalry generally allows
However, true power of fireworks on battle veteran troops to collect lend war-gear back
field isn't their ability to scare enemies. Unless once fighting is done without serious troubles,
really cloudy, fireworks are used to send even in more unstable areas. Nobody wants to
signals between forces – pretty much same get in way of forces that are specialized to deal
way as swinging banners in spesific way are opponents exactly like them.
used to deliver orders – even between long
distances and over most of terrain that Unlike knights of Old World, actions and
normally would block line of sight. duties are not stated by the codes. Instead, they
are men who are trained to crush any rebellion
Cathayan fireworks are generally safe in that may arise against Immortal Emperor
hands of skilled users. However, careful usage without any compassion towards their enemy.
requires time that is rarely avaiable on battle
fields, posing serious risk for any handlers. They are keen of their own status as elite strike
force, treating any others as inferior. This
Another serious risk is lightly but tightly elitism is often reflected even on battle fields,
packed fireworks themselves. Even smallest where they are more willing to make their job
spark turn those fireworks in to single big ball done even if would mean friendly casaulties in
of colourful flame. hooves of their mounts.

And while often taking place in front lines, M WS BS S T W I A Ld

these men are firework specialits, not soldiers, Heavy Cavalier 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 8
making them extremely fragile on their own. Cavalier Captain 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 2 8
Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5
Fireworker 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Bringers of Justice
Heavy Cavalry uses all normal rules when
Mobbing fleeing instead Cathayan special rule.

Fire Sensitive Charge Through

If fireworker is hit with flaming attack and As long as able to see enemy, Heavy Cavalry
there is still fireworks left, roll immediatly can charge through any Cathayan infantry unit
Firework Misfire table, treating hit fireworker or mob. Such unit is treated as difficult terrain
as original target. and unit suffer d6 S3 hits + additional d6 hit
for eaeh full 2” move within the unit. If unit
was in combat, make room for cavalry and add
removed infantry to rear of their unit.

Horse Masters Cathayan Cannons

While every nomad is familiar with their Cathayans have been masters of gun powder
mounts, few can rival horse-master in art of for ages, and cannons that can challange those
riding. They are skilled, dangerous men and who are made in Nuln are more than common.
women who can turn their mounts into
weapons, trusting solely their skill to handle Howerer, heavy war machines do not fit well
their mount and riding to very heart of the in selection of Cathayan army, which rely
enemy formation. more on mobility than cheer firepower.
Drawbacks takes all benefits those would
Such feature is devasteting if enemy fails to generally bring.
react to it soon enough. And even it isn't very
reliable method to break readied enemy, it has However, while mobility has great deal of
benefit against skilled opponents; while battles, its importance reduces when it comes
parrying blade could be done easily, parrying to sieges. No matter who is attacking or
whole horse is another story. defending, cannons will bring their wrath on
those who dare to stand against them.
In general, horse-masters are quite direct
warriors, who often race who can get to enemy M WS BS S T W I A Ld
first and many times the winning path is most Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
direct, even it should have been impossible for Cathayan - - - - 7 3 - - -
horses to move on or so heavily blocked down Cannon
that even infantry would have hard time to
pass those obstacles. Cathayan Cannon follows all normal rules of
great cannon found on page 87 on the
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Warhammer rulebook.
Horse Master 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 8
Warhorse 8 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 5

Mobbing, Fast Cavalry

Horse masters can issue and accept challanges
and they are placed in base contact with enemy
if possible when engaged in combat.

Leap of Beast
Horse masters ignore difficult terrain and
defensive obstacles that are less than 2” high.
This benefit is negated if horse master loses
fast cavalry status.

On turn horse master charges enemy infantry,
he can trade his normal attacks to deal d3
Strength 3 impact hits. If fast cavalry status is
negated, he causes Strength 4 impact hits

Cathay's Finest
In this section the common magic items are listed first (see page 122 of the Warhammer rulebook
for a complete description).
‘Cathay only’ magic items are also listed and these can only be used by models from this book. Any
magic items chosen must be selected within the point limitations set by the army list section. All the
rules on magic items presented in Warhammer rulebook also apply to the ‘Cathay only’ magic

Common Magic Items

Sword of Striking:...……………..…… 30 pts Talisman of Protection:....…………… 15 pts
Weapon; +1 To Hit. Talisman; 6+ Ward save.

Sword of Battle:……...………..……… 25 pts Dispel Scroll:……………….………… 25 pts

Weapon; +1 Attack. Arcane; One Use Only; Automatically dispel
an enemy spell.
Sword of Might:…...………….……… 20 pts
Weapon; +1 Strength. Power Stone:………………..………… 25 pts
Arcane; One Use Only; +2 dice to cast a spell.
Biting Blade:..………………..……….. 10 pts
Weapon; -1 Armour save. Staff of Sorcery:………….…………... 50 pts
Arcane; +1 to dispel.
Enchanted Shield:…..……..…………. 10 pts
Armour; +5 Armour save. War Banner:..................……………… 25 pts
Banner; +1 Combat Resolution.

Magic Weapons
Wedding Blade 100 points Revenge of Blind One 40 points
This blade has been ordered to be crafted by Created by blind smith Kikomaru. It is said
Immortal Emperor himself to be dowry for that man was cheated and was demanding the
powerful nomad warlord. While potent righting the wrong. However local law-
weapon, it true power came for enchantment bringer - whose brother was made the crime –
that make wielder unquestinable loyal. ordered that issue would be settled in duel and
younger of course was the one who was
Long Jian. Each strike ignores armour and allowed to choose the guidelines: Open yard
causes 1d3 wounds instead one. More and no closer distance than twenty-five adult
importantly, character and unit he is with man’s steps at next dawn. To everyone’s
becomes Stubborn and Immune to Psychology. surprise, the young poor soul was literally
nailed to his spot before he was even able to
Monk’s Quarterstaff 50 points raise his crossbow to aim.
Character on foot.
Legends tell about old monk who barely Non-magical Repearting Crossbow. 2D6-2 x
managed to move without help of his trusted Multiple Shots. Each shot will hit 5+
quarterstaff. However, no bandits or robbers regardless modifiers or user's ballistic skill.
were ever able to lay hands on the monk, so
well he fought with his quarterstaff. And it is Hunter’s Spear 25 points
said monk's spirit was so bound to his staff Character on foot.
that he imbued himself to it so he could It is not uncommon that high-ranking officials
continue his travels after his death. take part of hunting trips even their quarry are
usually non-existential when compared to
Halberd. Gives extra attack, provides 5+ Ward those who hunt or fight as their profession.
save and magic resistance (1). Tenoki – wealthy merchant and noble in rank
– angered when he didn’t managed win the
Blade of Blessed Jade 45 points competition and ordered magistrate to make
It is said that jade have some special powers him hunting spear that would make sure that
over unholy and twisted. This weapon is not he would win next competition. In the end, he
unique as there are hundreds of these blades did win the competition at price of his life.
in Land of Cathay. However, these blades
seem to avoid each other and it is said that Spear. Gives Killing Blow against living Large
these blades will gathers to one place only Targets. If target is slain, character must pass
when great disaster is coming. Initiative test or suffer d3 wounds due falling
body of the slain beast.
Hand Weapon. Any model with Mark of
Chaos, Mutation, ability to cast Chaos spell or
is Daemon that is hit by blade must pass
toughness test or suffer automatic wound that
ignores Ward Saves. Any wound caused
towards Daemons that way are d6 instead 1.

Signet Ring of Command 100 points Ward of Oneself 35 points
Royal Officers Only (No kidding!) Tao-magic is something very powerful and yet
Such signet rings are sometimes given to gains all its strength from oneself. It is not
Royal Officers to gain full rights to fullfil their surprise that power is used also to protect
role in Grand Army even not promoted to lead against hostile effects of Winds of Magic.
the warhost in battle. However; for those who do not control their
inner Tao must rely items like this.
Character's profession's special benefit being
army general takes effect even if he actually This amulet gives Magic Resistance (2)
isn't one. against all but High and Dark magic.

Locket of Sealed One 50 points Fenghuang’s Tear 25 points

One Use Only This deep blue jewel is hanging in necklace
It is said that Cathay is also Kingdom of made from jade links. Legends tell that tears
Celestial Dragons. And some people are said of Fenghuang can heal even the most mortally
to have bounded spirits within them. Bounded wounded if pure in heart.
spirits that are sealed deep within person's
soul and are only released in merge of death. When losing last wound, character is allowed
to take leadership test. If succeed, he can
As soon as character is reduced to single continue battle with single wound left. Each
wound, character loses all his wizard levels additional use will give cumultive -1 penalty
and equipment excluding single hand weapon. on leadership test.
However, he gains d3 to every his statistics to
maximum of 10, Frenzy and 4+ ward save.

Magic Armours

Lóng Shân Wen Kai 45 points Headband of Valiant 15 points

Cherrie Mei was beautiful peasant girl that
This magnificent armour was made from
disguised and joined ranks of levied citizens to
strongest metals by best armour-smiths
avoid unwanted marriage. On very same day
millennia ago. At first glance it looks just fine
scouting troops were ambushed by marauding
armour made with mountain pattern armour
ogres and Mei was forced to hold narrow
with dragon mark on the chest. However, the
mountain pass alone until reinforced arrived.
Dragon Mark is made from scales of dragon,
And even joining army was forbidden act for
legends even tell tale that those scales were
female, she was treated as guardian spirit of
gifted by Celestial Dragons themselves. Truth
that pass instead as no other remains were
or not, no force can damage the armour.
found but this beautiful headband.
Lóng Shân Wen Kai is heavy armour that
Gives +1 to arrmour saves. Additionally,
offers 3+ armour save. Additionally strength of
character and unit is Immune to Fear as long
any attack – mundane or magical – is reduced
as they stay in combat.
by one.

Crimson Robe 50 points

These red robes are wearied by Monks of
Fenghuang. It is said that they are beasts to
beasts but merely men for men.

This robe isn't actually magical, it just

identifies Monk of Fenghuang. Style of
Fenghuang makes user Unbreakable and
Immune to Psycholoy, Killing Blow and
multiplied wounds (so no more than 1 wound
per hit). Character wearing Crimson Robe may
not have any other equipment than hand
weapon and may never be general or join unit.

Tarred One 25 points

These black suits were made after spreading
legend of Tarred Doll – it is said that beautiful
princess tricked her jealous and blood-thirsty
mother to attack tarred doll instead herself
and thus foiling mother’s deed and revealed
the one who was behind the series of
assassination attempts.

Light Armour. For each passed armour save in

duel, opponent is forced to make initiative test
or lose their weapon (mundane hand weapon
cannot be lost).

Arcane Items
Didong Yi 50 points Shroud of Mirage 20 points
This remarkable invention has allowed to Neither mists and mirages are unheard in
discern direction of tremors of ground. These lands of Cathay. Sometimes those can even
are often kept near areas prone such quakes to affect very same place on very same day.
be able to send help in right direction. Many elementalists are facinated by those and
However, too valuable to be lost, these things some have managed to capture its power to
are often secured by armed forces if enemies use it on their own.
are present.
Mob that character is joined do not suffer
At start of player's every magic phase, place normal drawbacks for using Disperse and
single marker anywhere on table top and then Regroup even if drawn combat. This benefits
roll d6. If number is same as current turn, all affects also any unit that were still part of mob
area within 3” from markers are treated as very before disperse move.
difficult terrain until next player's magic
phase. Jar of Capturing 30 points
One use Only
Unbalancer 25 points This jar is said to collect winds of magic.
These weird amulets with green glowing stone Once full, jar cannot be re-opened for single
is said to mess balance of Tao. And even it is month.
seen harmful and destructable, those stones
are hard to get rid and some alchemists belive If character is affected by spell, roll d6. On 4+
that those stones holds secret of transmutation spell has no effect and wizard may not cast
of elements thus not willingly give them up. Yet that spell again during the battle.
not willingly to cause unbalance either, they
have added jade shell to many these amulets
to negate any harmful effects they could cause.

Each time any spell that isn't High or Dark is

succesfully cast, imbalance between High and
Dark is increased by d3-2. If even in
beginning, even Unbalancer is powerless
against balanced Tao.

Enchanted Items

Jade Dragon 50 points Manual of Art of War 35 points

Even this jade statue is small enought to fit Thirdteen chapters of insight and wisdom.
inside man's palm, it said to hold blessing of
Celestial Dragons. Character gains +1 to his leadership to
maximum of 10.
No magic weapons work against character.

Magic Standards
Banner of Royal Battery 100 points Standard of Lost Duty 40 points
Under this banner serves best cannoneers of It is said that this banner bestow courage for
all Cathay. those respect it, yet drains it from those who
do not.
Once per shooting phase, each Cathayan
cannon within 8” from banner may re-roll If in combat with stubborn enemy, stubborn
artillery dice if first result isn't pleasing. affect unit carrying this standard instead
original unit.
Standard of First and Final 50 points
Banner of infamous heavy cavalry unit that Banner of Trampled Earth 15 points
becomed known for crushing rebellions in One use only
every direction of Cathay – even in areas that This banner were originally blanked of
weren't rebellions. northern princess' favourite horse. Her camp
was attacked by bandids and when she
Unit gains +1 to their Attack on turn they realizes that blanked were just throw to
charge. ground instead packed before quick escape,
she angered. Despite the possible pursuers,
Emperor's Blessed 50 points she directed back to camp just to retire cloth of
Garrier of banner is said to be blessed by her most trusted friend. Not sure what
Immortal Emperor himself. And might of his happened but she did return with blanked.
holiness is spread to anyone who follows the
banner. Unless caugh, unit automatically re-groups
immediatly after their flee move has made.
Unit gains +1 to their Strength on turn they

All fireworks are black powder weapons that Unlike most non-magical equipment, special
have move or shoot special rule. Unless noted fireworks carried by characters are One Use
otherwise, maximum guess range for fireworks Only. Character may still carry any number of
is 24”. After target chosen and range guessed, fireworks as long as he has paid the points and
roll scatter and artillery dices to see where he is always treated as one man's firework
firework truly lands. team.

Firework Misfire Table Dragon's Wrath

d6 Result Dragon Wrath is very showy firework used
generally mimic dragons or other mighty
1 One of fireworks is accidentally lit and it beast.
manages to lit all other fireworks too...
Place 5” template centered on one of user of
fireworks. He is removed and anyone else under Spot where fireworks lands is treated as
the template suffer 1 Sd6 hit on 4+. Terror-causing thing for everyone until
All fireworks are gone and no more may be shot. beginning player's next shooting phase.
2 Wet? How this is possible? You kept thes in rain?
No more fireworks may be shot. Burning Fate
3 -5
Dud, dud, dud.Gime me another! No effect at all. This heavy rocked is one of those rare
fireworks used solely in warfare. While very
6 Wind catch! Firework just vanishs... and boom!
Firework scatters 3d6” from guessed spot. Place powerul, it is difficult to control.
3” template on spot were it lands. Model directly
under the hole suffer d3 S4 hits and any other Instead guessing range, just select direction
model touching template suffer single S3 hit. and roll Artillery dice and two to four d6's.
Ignore any doubles (or triples etc) and count
Common Fireworks distance how far rocket managed to fly.
Fireworks are common part Cathayan life.
During wartime, spesific fireworke teams are If doubles (etc) are rolled, randomise direction
formed to carry signals over long distances. of flame template, otherwise it is placed away
from user. Anyone even partially under
Firework team may perform one of following template suffer single Strenght 6 flaming hit.
once per shooting phase as long fireworks left:
Crasshopper's Revenge
Scare the enemy: Unless misfired, any unit – This firework has double charged and long
firend or woe – under spot where where fuse. First charge will throw cluster of small
fireworks lands must take panic test. charges five, six feet in air, where it finally
OR explodes in flashy way. While generally used
Send command signal: Roll only artillery dice in festivals, this prove some additional
and unless misfired, any friendly unit within firepower if attached to common fireworks.
6” from firework team gains +1 to their
combat resolution. Bonuses from multiple Additionally to normal effects, it causes d6
signals do not stack and effects last until Strenght 1 hits on unit it lands.
beginning of players next shooting phase.

Additionally, if both members of firework

team is alive, they ignore normal limitation of
move or shoot.

Cathayan Equipment

Long Jian Laminated Umbrellas

Jian is general name for all straigth, double- Laminated umbrellas are popular in areas
edged swords in Cathay. Jians are seen as prone to sudden and heavy rains. They are
gentlemens of all weapon, and Long Jians – also nessessery for any force wishing to utilize
roughly transleted as Cathayan Longswords – fireworks or other gun powder weaponry in
are said to be best of their kind. territories of daily raining.

Hand weapon. Add +1 to user's Weapon Skill, Any model in base to base contact with models
Initiative and gives Armour Piercing special with laminated umbrellas may re-roll any
rule. check black powder weaponry requires to take
to be used in rain.
Sabres are weapons belonging family of Daos,
one-edged blades. However, larger and
heavier than normal daos, sabres are mainly
used cavalry unit that gain benefit of weapon's
weight for attacking enemies lower than they

Hand Weapon. If used against infantry, attacks

are made with +1 Strength.


This section is here to build your own army. Choosing Characters

As descripted in Warhammer rulebook, the
army list is divined into four sections: Characters are divined into two gategories:
Characters (Lords and Heroes), Core Units, Lords and Heroes. The maximum number of
Special Units and Rare Units. characters an army can include is shown on the
chart below. Of these, only certain number can
Army List Entries be lords.

Profiles: The characteristic profile for the Arny Point Max Total Max Max
model(s) in each unit are provided as a Value Character Lords Heroes
reminder. Where several profiles are included, Less than 2000 3 0 3
these are also given even if they are optional. 2000 or more 4 1 4
3000 or more 6 2 6
Unit Size: Each troop entry specifies the 4000 or more 8 3 8
minimum number size for each unit, which is Each +1000 .+2 .+1 .+2
smallest number of models needed to form that
unit. In some cases, this also includes the Cathayan army must always have one
maximum number of models. character to act as a general. Unless Royal
Officer is present, character with highest
Equipment:Each entry lists the standard leadership without Battle Standard is treated
armours and weapons for that type of unit. The general. If multiple characters with equal
cost of those items is included the base point leaderships, player is free to choose who is
value. Additional or optional equipment cost leading.
extra and are covered in the Options section of
the unit entry. Choosing Troops
Special Rules: Many troops have special rules The number of each type of unit allowed and
that are fully descripted earlier in this book. required depends on the army's point value
The names of these rules are listed as a
reminder. Arny Point Core Special Rare
Value Units Units Units
Options: Many entries list different armours, Less than 2000 .4+ 0-4 0-1
weapons and equipment options, along with 2000 or more .6+ 0-5 0-2
any additional point cost for giving then in the 3000 or more .8+ 0-6 0-3
unit. This includes magic items and other 4000 or more .10+ 0-7 0-4
upgrades for characters. It may also include Each +1000 .2+ +0-1 +0-1
the option to upgrade unit member to chaption,
musicant or standard bearer.


Royal Officer
Must have one of following: Bureaucrat (+60 points), Siege
60 points Engineer (+40 points), Smith (+25 points), Tactician (+70
points), Warlord (+60 points) or Weapon Master (+55 points).
Bureaucrat 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 9 All officers may have Long Jian (+10 points).
Siege Engineer 4 3 5 4 4 3 3 2 9
Smith 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 2 8 Excluding tactican and bureaucrat, all other officer may have
Tactician 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 2 10 great weapon (+6 points) and/or halberd (+6 points) or if
Warlord 4 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 9 mounted, sabre (+4 points) and/or lance (+6 points).
Weapon Master 4 7 3 4 4 3 6 4 8
Warhorse 4 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5 All officers except Weapon Master may have bow (+6 points),
crossbow (+10 points), repeating crossbow (+10 points) or
Equipment handgun (+10 points).
Hand Weapon and Light Armour.
Warlords, Tacticians and Siege Engineers may have heavy
Special Rules armour (+3 points).
Leader of Grand Army, Professions
Excluding weapon master, all officers may have shield (+3
points) and they can be mounted on warhorse (+15 points),
which may have barding (+6 points).

Unmounted officers may have any number of Dragon's Wraths

(+10 points per Wrath) and / or Burning Fates (+20 points per

May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from

Cathayan or Common magic items.

Royal Magician
175 points. Options
May be upgraded to for level 4 wizard for +35 points
Royal Magician 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 8 May have any number of Dragon's Wraths (+10 points per
Wrath) and / or Burning Fates (+20 points per Fate).
Royal Magician is level 3 wizard. May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from
Cathayan or Common magic items.
Hand Weapon

60 points Options:
May have Long Jian (+8 points)
Commander 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8 May have great weapon (+4 points) and/or halberd (+4 points)
or if mounted, sabre (+4 points) and/or lance (+6 points).
Hand Weapon and Light Armour May have bow (+6 points), crossbow (+10 points), repeating
crossbow (+10 points) or handgun (+10 points).

May have shield (+2 points) and / or heavy armour (+2 points)

May be mounted on warhorse (+10 points), which may have

barding (+4 points).

May have any number of Dragon's Wraths (+10 points per

Wrath) and / or Burning Fates (+20 points per Fate) if

One commander may be upgraded to army standard bearer

(+25 points) and he may have magic standard without point
limit instead normal magic items.

May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from

Cathayan or Common magic items.

65 points
M WS BS S T W I A Ld May be upgraded to for level 2 wizard for +35 points
Magician 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7
May have any number of Dragon's Wraths (+10 points per
Magic Wrath) and / or Burning Fates (+20 points per Fate).
Magician is level 1 wizard.
May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from
Cathayan or Common magic items.
Hand Weapon

55 points
Special Rules
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Immune to Psychology
Warrior-Monk 4 5 3 4 4 2 6 3 8
May have any number of Styles at +30 points per style.
Hand Weapon

Levied Infantry

40 points per Cathayan Unit Special Rules

Levied Infantry 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Options
Cathayan Unit may have spears at +10 points.
Unit Size Equipment
10 Hand Weapon Cathayan Unit may replace their shields with handguns at +40
Light Armour and Shield points, crossbows at +40 points or bows at +20 points.

Cathayan Unit may have laminated umbrellas at +10 points.

Light Cavalry

90 points per Cathayan Unit

Special Rules
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Mobbing, Fast Cavalry
Light Cavalier 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Warhorse 4 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5 Options
Unit Size Equipment
5 Long Bow and Sabre
Light Armour

Medium Cavalry

100 points per Cathayan Unit

Special Rules
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Mobbing, Fast Cavalry
Medium Cavalier 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Warhorse 4 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5 Options
Cathayan Unit may change light armour and long bow for
Unit Size Equipment heavy armour, lance and shield for +20 points. Howerer, if
5 Long Bow and Sabre doing so, they lose their fast cavalry status.
Light Armour


Veteran Troops

160 points per Cathayan Unit

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cathayan Unit may have spears at +20 points.
Veteran 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 7
Cathayan Unit may replace their shields with handguns at +40
Unit Size Equipment points, crossbows at +40 points or bows at +20 points.
10 Hand Weapon
Shield and Light Armour Cathayan Unit may have laminated umbrellas at +10 points.

Special Rules
Mobbing, Forefighters

Fire Spear Launcher

1-2 per single special choice and 75 points per Launcher. Unit Size Equipment
Two crew members Hand Weapon and Light Armour
FireSpear Launcher - - - - 4 2 - - - Options
Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 One additional crew member may be added for +15 points.
Unlike original crew, he also carry laminated umbrella.

Firework Teams

125 points per Cathayan Unit Special Rules

Mobbing, Fire Sensitive
Firework Team 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Options
Teams may carry laminated umprella for +25 points.
Unit Size Equipment
5 two men teams. Hand Weapon and Light Armour Teams may upgrade their Common Rireworks to
Crasshopper's Revenges for +25 points.

Heavy Cavalry

25 points per model

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Unit may upgrade their Sabres to Long Jian at +3 points per
Heavy Cavalier 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 8 model.
Cavalier Captain 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 2 8
Warhorse 4 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5 Unit may upgrade one Cavalier to Cavalier Captain at +16
Unit Size Equipment
5+ Sabre and Lance Unit may upgrade one Cavalier to Musician at +8 points.
Shield and Heavy Armour
Mounted on Barded Warhorse Unit may upgrade one Cavalier to Standard Bearer at +16
points, which may have magic standard worth up to 50 points.
Special Rules
Bringers of Justice, Charge Through

Horse Masters

145 points per Cathayan Unit

Special Rules
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Mobbing, Fast Cavalry, Forefighters, Leap of Beast, Trample.
Horse Master 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 8
Warhorse 4 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5 Options
Cathayan Unit may change light armour and long bow for
Unit Size Equipment heavy armour, lance and shield for +20 points. Howerer, if
5 Long Bow and Sabre doing so, they lose their fast cavalry and leap of beast special
Light Armour rules.

Cathayan Cannon

100 points Unit Size Equipment

Three crew members Hand Weapon and Light Armour
Cathayan Cannon - - - - 7 3 - - - Options
Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 One additional crew member may be added for +15 points.
Unlike original crew, he also carry laminated umbrella.

Lords M WS BS S T W I A Ld Special Rules
Bureaucrat 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 9 Leader of Grand Army, Bureaucrat
Siege Engineer 4 3 5 4 4 3 3 2 9 Leader of Grand Army, Siege Engineer
Smith 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 2 8 Leader of Grand Army, Smith
Tactician 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 2 10 Leader of Grand Army, Tactician
Warlord 4 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 9 Leader of Grand Army, Warlord
Weapon Master 4 7 3 4 4 3 6 4 8 Leader of Grand Army, Weapon Master
Royal Magician 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 8

Heroes M WS BS S T W I A Ld Special Rules

Commander 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8
Magician 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7
Warrior-Monk 4 5 3 4 4 2 6 3 8 Immune to Psychology, Styles

Troops M WS BS S T W I A Ld Special Rules

Levied Infantry 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Mobbing
Light Cavalier 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Mobbing, Fast Cavalry
Heavy Cavalier 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Mobbing, Fast Cavalry
Veteran 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 7 Mobbing, Forefighter
FireSpear Launcher - - - - 4 2 - - -
Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Firework Team 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Mobbing, Fire Sensitive
Heavy Cavalier 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 8 Bringers of Justice, Charge Throught
Cavalier Captain 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 2 8
Horse Master 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 8 Mobbing, Fast Cavalry, Forefighters, Trample,
Leap of Beast
Cathayan Cannon - - - - 7 3 - - -
Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Mounts M WS BS S T W I A Ld Special Rules

Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

Cathayan Equipment
Long Jian Laminated Umbrella
Hand Weapon. +1 to WS and Initiative; Models in base contact may re-roll failed
Armour Piercing. checks when trying to use black powder
weapon in rain.
Hand Weapon. +1 to Strength when attacking


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